• Published 11th Aug 2014
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The Five: Into the Beyond - lyra_lover777

Five adventurers set out to the lands beyond Equestria to recover pieces of a lost artifact that is crucial to Equestria's survival against a new foe.

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Chapter 12: Princess Coral and Coraline

Amethyst Star looked at the cobwebbed walls as she and her friends delved deeper into the old temple. She shook away a large cobweb and ducked under a fallen pillar before hearing Coco scream.

She quickly became alert and found her friend screaming frantically as she swatted a dark shape with her lance. Amethyst took a step forward and reeled back. A giant spider was crawling over the web in front of them.

Spike was shaking as he stared, horrified, at the giant arachnid. It's blue star back gleamed in the light of Amethyst's horn. Amethyst had drawn her bow. She fired, the spider falling still as black blood seeped onto the floor.

Suddenly the walls lit up with hundreds of giant red eyes as over twenty spiders the size of full grown ponies scuttled out of the shadows, clacking their legs together as they crawled over their fallen brother.

One attacked Coco, who shoved her lance through it. Another one jumped onto the ceiling and crawled across it, landing on Dinky. She screamed as she swung her golden sword blindly.

Spike and Roseluck surged forward, Spike's twin blades and Roseluck's hoof axes slicing the spider's body to pieces. Spike hugged Dinky quickly before jumping at another advancing spider, chopping several of its legs off.

It took a minute for Dinky to recover. She then charged a spider, swinging her golden sword haphazardly, chopping a spider to bits.

Amethyst raised her bow, but in the enclosed hallway, she wouldn't be able to shoot without a high possibility of hitting one of her friends.

So she drew a small dagger in her armor and charged forward, digging it into the head of a nearby spider.

The skirmish lasted several more minutes as Coco put her lance through the last spider. They all took deep breaths as they surveyed the dark hallway that was now filled with dead arachnids.

Amethyst took the lead, her bow out and drawn, the others following single file behind her. She lifted up a large piece of rubble with her magic, allowing everypony else to trot under it.

After exploring the twisting and turning corridors for about a half hour, the group entered a large chamber.

The room was spacious, with light flooding in from several holes in the stone ceiling. Several tall, thin pillars held up the ceiling. Many of the pillars had toppled or cracked over the course of thousands of years.

In the center of the room a giant statue stood, water sprouting from its mouth and horn.

The figure was a dusty alicorn, painted in deep, rich blue hues. It's wings were flared and the water sprouting from its horn seemed to be like magic instead of water as the light hit it peacefully.

Written in twisting letters, the base of the statue read: Princess Coral.

Amethyst scrunched her brow a she stared, confused, at the statue.

But they weren't distracted for long as they saw a small statue of an earth pony. It's cutie mark was a bronze gear, akin to the other parts off the weapon.

Dinky surged forward and used her magic to pull the gear off the statue.

Suddenly all exits were blocked off as a siren sounded through the chamber.

The friends clustered together, making a small group, their weapons drawn as they waited for their new foe to appear. They were all scared, but ready to defend themselves.

So they were surprised when a simple pink female earth pony entered the chamber from the ceiling. Her mane was electric blue, and her cutie mark was a branch of coral.

She reached the floor and took a fighting stance, growling "Intruders."

Hundreds of giant spiders swarmed from the cracks along the walls and from the ceiling. The mare took out a golden spearr, pointing it at them before screaming"ATTACK!"

The Five scurried to the nearest exit, pounding on the barrier of stone.

Dinky powered up a spell to blast it away, but a giant spider came out of a crack and snatched her up, quickly climbing the ceiling and placing its prey in an intricate web.
Spike jumped onto a fallen pillar and began to work his way up to Dinky.

The remaining three charged the horde of spiders, yelling battle cries. They slashed and shot and swung, but the tide of spiders did not cease.

Soon the mare charged forward, into the midst of the spiders. She called out" Fight for me, Coraline. Fight for the fallen princess Princess Coral!"

The spiders' effort seemed to triple as the three friends were gradually being pushed back. Soon they had their rumps to the wall as they fought bravely. But they needed their other two friends to help them.

One of the spiders leaped on Roseluck's head. She screamed and spun around disappearing into the crowd of spiders.
Coco galloped onto a fallen pillar while Amethyst floated herself onto the pillar next to Coco. The two fought and could see Roseluck being carried towards Coraline. She was wrapped in webs and was out cold. Coraline raised her spear, about to puncture Roselucks heart...

Amethyst shot her bow, the arrow slicing through Coraline's neck neatly. The dead pony fell over, tumbling into the crowd of her minions.

Amethyst felt a void open up inside her as she watched the pony she had just killed fall into her minions, her blood splattering onto the stone around her. Amethyst would always remember that moment vividly, she would seek out mental help for that deed, she wouldn't be able to sleep for days.

But then the web Dinky had been brought into snapped and fell apart, the two young lovers and a dead spider toppling from it.

Dinky caught herself and her lover with her own magic. She set them down on the fallen pillar next to Coco and Amethyst's. Dinky gave Spike a soft kiss on the cheek before slashing her sword across the body of an advancing spider.

They fought for over an hour. Amethyst soon ran out of arrows and was forced to fight with her dagger only. It was hard and she would shy away a lot, trying not to get killed.
But finally they either killed or scared away all the spiders. They collapsed, tired, before galloping to the unconscious Roseluck.
They woke her and the Five headed back to their ship, a new piece of the weapon in their grasp. They had faced death twice today, and somehow had beat it.