• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 1,185 Views, 67 Comments

The Five: Into the Beyond - lyra_lover777

Five adventurers set out to the lands beyond Equestria to recover pieces of a lost artifact that is crucial to Equestria's survival against a new foe.

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Chapter 18: Hope and Haste

Debris had left several minutes ago to go to the royal armory and to recover their weapons and armor that had been imprisoned deep within its depths. Dinky rocked in a squeaky old chair, pristine blue leather covering it. Debris seemed high class, elite. Oh, and very rich, indeed, if the numerous gold and silver objects were any implication.

As soon as the guards had left, Debris had brewed tea for them(and hot chocolate for her and Spike.) He had pulled out a map of the hidden entrances and tunnels within the castle that he had received from his brother, General Quicksilver, who had led the party that had captured the quartet. But Debris had noted that the General was still entirely loyal to the two Elephantopian monarchs.

It was hard to believe the two mammoth creatures were even a little bit related. Quicksilver was sharp, harsh, and cruel, while Debris was the exact opposite. He was calm, kind, and cool.

Dinky got up from her chair, looking around.

Spike was passed out on a long, fluffy couch in one corner, snoring like a chainsaw. Roseluck was skimming through a few hundred page book, seeming to be searching for something interesting. Coco had found a needle and thread and some leather and had begun to make under armor for them. Basically they would wear it under their real metal armor.

And there were some spare gems and a sharp knife around. If Amethyst were here, she would probably be carving little jewel figurines for Dinky to play with. She was like a second mother to Dinky.

A small tear rolled down Dinky's cheek. She quickly dispersed it with a quick flick of her hoof, and went down a little hallway that led to what Debris had told them was his personal library.

She found the entrance easily. It was a set of giant white oak doors, figures made of pure emerald covering its surface. Large panels of glass in the middles of the doors let Dinky see in to a dust filled room with shelf upon shelf upon shelf. Spike would love it in there. It would remind him of home, at the library with Twilight-

But then she remembered that there was no more library, that it had been destroyed by Tirek's vicious attacks.

And then she remembered her mother, who must be out of her mind worrying for her.

She collapsed in a weeping heap, unable to hold back the wave of emotions.

Dinky had no idea how long she lay in that dark hallway, sobbing, her legs and mane splayed around her.

But then Debris came home, pushing open the door with a loud grunt.

Dinky wiped the tears from her eyes, hoping that her eyes weren't to terribly red.

Coco got to her hooves, casting the needle and thread aside for another time.

"What is it?" she inquired.

"We must make haste. They have detected you and my non allegiance to them. We must go. Now."

Coco, who was finishing up the last garment, quickly strung the thread through it and threw the armor at them. They slipped into it, then hoisting on their thick metal armor that Debris cascaded down upon them.

Dinky's heart leapt with joy when she saw her golden sword. She quickly took it up in her magic, cuddling it like a teddy bear.

But she gasped quietly when Debris held up Amethyst's armor and bow.

"Who's are these?" her inquired.

Dinky broke down once again, sobbing.

Debris frowned, and slid the extra supplies deep within a pack. He then retreated too the depths of his house.

"For my armor and weapon," he quickly explained.

He returned, dressed in his royal finery. Coco gasped, almost fainting.

His armor was pure, untarnished silver with millions of tiny branches of swirling gold covering it. His whole body was covered, even his stomach and tusks. The only holes were for his eyes and at the end of his trunk so he could breathe.

His trunk was wrapped around a giant spear. Its end sprouted over twenty bronze barbs that twisted this way and that. The elephant's armor seemed to be savage but more efficient than Equestria's weaponry.

"You seem ready to go to war, not to steal two royal crowns," Dinky muttered.

"Oh didn't I mention?" Debris inquired. "We are going to war. Now."


Amethyst was once again curled in a ball, suckling a hoof that had been badly bruised by the whip of Razor. Meanwhile, Razor had left several minutes ago to destroy more forest, beating her into submission until she agreed to stay put and not call for help like she had done several times before.

Loud hoofsteps could be heard nearby. The sounds were shaking the ground. It was Razor, now returning after having his fill of fun, destruction, and power.

But from the opposite end of the bushes, a shape tumbled out, its laughs echoing through the clearing.

It was young Archer, a pegasus filly Amethyst had seen more than once out and about around Ponyville. The adventurous filly loved and frequented the Everfree.

Then two words exploded across Amethyst's mind, shocking her.

Ponyville. Everfree.

She was in the Everfree Forest, just outside of Ponyville! No wonder Razor forced her to be so quiet, for they were so close to the little, yet rapidly growing, town.

Archer's countenance changed from one of delight to one of horror when she saw Amethyst laying there, her mane tangled, her body caked in blood and dirt.

"Run," she whispered.

Archer's eyes widened even further, and she skitted away, dashing through the undergrowth all the way home.

Suddenly Razor arrived, his whip drawn.

"Who was that?!" he asked, angry and snarling.

"Me, just little, petty me," Amethyst whispered, her voice coarse.

Razor roared and smacked his whip across Amethyst's cheek, eliciting a cry from his victim.

But this will be worth saving that little innocent filly. Amethyst thought as Razor struck again.