• Published 11th Aug 2014
  • 10,162 Views, 374 Comments

Cafeteria Control - Justice3442

After the student body of Canterlot High is swayed by yet another surprise musical number during lunch, Sunset Shimmer muses the students are easily influenced by songs at this time. Pinkie quickly comes up with a song of her own.

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Chapter 4: Fluttershy’s Song

Cafeteria Controlling

Chapter 4: Fluttershy’s Song


Sunset Shimmer marched through the cafeteria with a tray in each hand. One held a hamburger, an apple, some fries and a juice box, while the other was simply covered in baked beans. She made her way to the table where her friends already sat, focusing on Fluttershy’s tray as she walked up with a determined look on her face. Sunset placed the tray full of baked beans on the table. She slid it in front of Fluttershy, pushing her tray of uneaten apples to the middle.

Fluttershy looked down at the beans then up at Sunset. “But I’m not hung--”


Fluttershy gulped and looked at the other girls at the table. “Uh… Girls?”

Rarity looked at the tray of beans, then down at her dress. “Sorry, dear. Looks like it might get messy if I try to stop Sunset.”

Applejack smiled. “And Sunset gave me two whole dollars this mornin’ to not get involved!”

“And I kinda wanna see Sunset sit on your lap!” Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

Pinkie giggled. “Hehe… Me too! It’ll just be like last week when I sat on Ol’ St. Giver’s lap!”

The girls looked at each other, then turned back to Pinkie.

“Pinkie,” Sunset said, “there is just so much wrong with what you just said, I’ll take it from the top. For starters… it’s March… so there’s no way you went to the mall or whatever to sit on St. Giver’s lap!”

“Well of course it wasn’t the mall, silly!” Pinkie said. “It was at the park…”

The girls exchanged another glance, this one a bit more concerned.

“Uh, Pinkie darling…” Rarity said. “Did St. Giver smell like… uh… what’s a polite way to say this?”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Malt liquor and a month’s worth of sweat?”

“Yes, that!” Rarity said as she pointed at Applejack

Pinkie nodded her head up and down vigorously. “Yep! He must have been working extra, super hard on his list of good and bad children! It looked like he hadn’t changed his clothes or showered in a looooong time!”

Uh Pinkie,” Rainbow Dash said. “I don’t think that guy was St. Giver…”

“It wasn’t?” Pinkie asked. She raised a hand up to her chin and rubbed it contemplatively as she stared off into space. “Then who was the bearded guy I fed beans to while sitting on his lap?”

The other girls went quiet and simply stared at Pinkie.

“Moving right along….” Sunset said. She tossed a glance at Fluttershy who simply pushed her beans back and forth across her tray with a spoon. “Fluttershy, eat your damn beans or its duct-tape and a funnel time!”

Fluttershy made a distressed “Meep…” and raised a spoonful to her mouth. She clamped her lips and teeth over it and held the contents in her mouth as she took the spoon out.

Well?!” Sunset cried.

Fluttershy swallowed and began to tear up. “Er… it’s… good…”

Sunset nodded. “Good! Keep eating, or I will force the contents of that tray down your throat.” Satisfied, Sunset walked to the other side of the table and sat between Rarity and Applejack, setting her tray down in front of her. “Anyhow now that that’s been addressed, it’s time to talk about one of my favorite topics… Utterly obliterating people I hate.” Sunset said, gritting her teeth on the word ‘hate’ as her voice dropped a couple octaves.

“Sunset, dear!” Rarity cried. “Whatever has gotten into you?!”

“What’s gotten into me?! What’s gotten into me?! I spent this morning being relentlessly ball-pounded!”

Fluttershy swallowed the food in her mouth and gave Sunset a frightful look. “Uh… phrase—”


Eeeep!” Fluttershy exclaimed before she quickly shoveled a couple more spoonfuls of beans into her mouth.

“Look,” Sunset said as she pushed her tray towards the center of the table. She interlaced her fingers together and rested her elbows on the table,.“I’ve spent every morning being assaulted because of Tweedle Dum, Tweedle Dumber, and Tweedle-needs-written-instructions-reminding-her-to-breathe and also stupid songs…” Sunset shot an angry glance at Applejack and then Rainbow Dash. “Two of which were barely songs, I might add!

Pinkie gasped. “Wait! So that means the mirror leads to Dunderland?!”

Sunset sighed and raised a hand up to her forehead. “Can someone give something to distract Pinkie so we can get through this conversation?”

The other girls leaned down and began rummaging through their book bags.

Rarity held up a bright green button. “I have a button that doesn’t match anything.”

“Ah have a tiny ball of lint,” Applejack said.

Rainbow Dash held up a small white object with some faint red swirls on it. “I have an unwrapped and partially sucked on peppermint candy with a black hair stuck to it…” She frowned. “Wait… Who do I know with black hair?”

Fluttershy held up what looked like a tiny, mangled carrot. “I have a heavily chewed hamster toy.”

Pinkie exhaled as she looked over the items. “I will combine them into Mini-Mega-Garbage-Zord!

The four girls handed over their items to Pinkie, who began gleefully arranging them on her hand.

“Anyhow,” Sunset continued, “since I’ve accepted stupid almost-songs are inevitable, we need to do something about those three 80s escapees.”

“You still wanna kick their teeth in?” Rainbow Dash asked as she cracked her knuckles.

“Well… yeah,” Sunset said, “but I also figured out a way we could destroy them emotionally and mentally as well.”

Applejack frowned. “That’s all fine and good and all… but I kinda like the idea of destroying them physically.”

“Come on, A.J.!” Sunset said as she threw out her hands. “Think about high school! Think about all the crud we’ve had to deal with! These three have strolled in here and everybody just loves them? How is that fair?! All we need to do is get a few videos of them being stupid, or evil, or both, and I’ll make a video, then blamo!” Sunset threw her hands up into the air. “They’re hated and ridiculed by everyone at school!”

“Good heavens!” Rarity said. “You want to go back to your evil, backstabbing ways!”

Sunset folded her arms across her chest and placed her boots on the table, crossing her feet. She nodded. “Pretty much, yeah.”

A wicked grin began to spread from the center of Rarity’s face out to each end. “I’m in! Let’s utterly ruin the smug look on those three’s faces.”

“Me too!” Pinkie exclaimed as she looked up from her assortment of tiny items on her hand that were now arranged in a vaguely humanoid shape. “What did I just agree to?”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Eh, guess it would be nice for those three to get a dose of painful reality…”

“I’m in too!”

The group turned and collectively gave Fluttershy a surprised look.

“Whoa, really?” Rainbow Dash asked. “I’m kinda surprised you’d even agree to be in the same room as them, let alone hide and take a few embarrassing videos.”

Fluttershy stood up and slid her almost empty tray towards the center of the table. “Now that I’ve seen Sunset’s attitude and eaten something filling… I know what I must do!”

“Yes!” Sunset cried. “Way to go, Fluttershy!”

“I must conquer my stage fright!”

“Yea…” Sunset trailed off and was quiet for a beat. “… What?”

“Oh, I’m terribly frightened of performing in front of people!” Fluttershy said.

Sunset stared at Fluttershy with a blank expression. “But you’ve been practicing to be in a band! You… you performed a choreographed musical number in the cafeteria with Twilight and everyone else a few months ago!”

“Well those are different…” Fluttershy said. “Because… because reasons…”

“Okay…” Sunset said trailing off. “Well, what does that do with helping us spy on Adagio and cronies?”

“Adagio?!” Pinkie exclaimed. “I thought we were going after Twe…”

Sunset quickly pulled her straw out of her juice box and handed it to Pinkie. “Oh no! The evil straw-blorg is attacking Trash Town!”

Pinkie gasped. “Mini-Mega-Garbage-Zord assemble!” she declared as she took the straw and began ‘attacking’ the tiny human-shaped mass of garbage on her hand with it.

“Anyways,” Sunset said while looking at Fluttershy, “you were about to explain how your thing-that-made-no-sense pertained to our situation?”

“Well, if I can conquer my fear of performing in front of people, I’m sure I can sneak a few videos.”

“You know what?” Sunset said. “Fine! Do your thing! I’m just not going to question it! As long as we come up with some humiliating material for those three idiots, I don’t even care!”

Fluttershy smiled and gave a slight nod as she stood up from her chair and walked away.

Applejack sighed and shook her head.

“What’s the matter, A.J.?” Pinkie asked.

“Well I guess Ah jus’ don’t like the idea of sneaking around and spying on anyone… Seems dishonest, you know?”

Sunset cocked an eyebrow. “You seemed fine with confronting them with greater numbers and beating the snot out of them yesterday. Heck, I thought if anything you’d all be happy I came up with a non-violent solution.” Sunset paused as a dark smile crossed her face. “Well… at least a solution that doesn't require us to get violent.”

Applejack pulled her lips to the left side of her mouth. “Well shoot, that’s just like a good ol’ fashioned curb stomp!”

Sunset and Rarity lowered their eyelids slightly and exchanged glances then looked back at Applejack.

“A.J.,” Sunset began, “‘curb stomp’ is not a farm nor ‘country’ saying.”

Applejack put on a distressed look. “It’s… it’s not?”

Rarity shook her head. “In fact, it’s quite urban…”

“Oh no!” Applejack cried as she raised her hands to her face. “City life is finally starting to get to me!”

“‘Finally’?” Sunset said as she raised an eyebrow.

“Quick!” Applejack cried. “Someone reinforce my countryness!”

The other girls at the table all looked at each other and shrugged.

Sunset began, “The fact that you wear a cowboy hat all the time is weird, and you’re weird for making a hat a central part of your identity.”

Applejack breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks Sunset, that really…”

“That outfit is utterly garish,” Rarity commented. “And it colors are trying way too hard to be… Uh, Sunset, darling… What’s that fake word that sounds like America but made to sound more redneck like…?”


Rarity nodded. “Yes, that’s the one…” Rarity turned back towards Applejack. “‘Merica. ‘Merica with apples.”

Applejack smiles dropped slightly. “Uh… Thanks Rarity…”

Pinkie giggled. “And the way you shoehorn talking about farm work and apple picking into every conversation? I mean… d’uuuuh! We get it! You’re a hick!”

Applejack’s smile disappeared and she elected to stare out into open space. “Uh… Thanks Pinkie… Ah think…”

“Anytime, A.J.!” Pinkie said cheerfully. “Anytime!”

“Eat some apples, dearie,” Rarity said. “You’ll feel much better.”

Applejack gave a heavy sigh and reached for the red apple on her tray and took a bite.


Applejack chewed the bit of apple in her mouth and swallowed it. She smiled. “Hey, you’re right!”


The group turned as the cafeteria doors slowly opened and Fluttershy timidly stepped out, tambourine in hand. “Uh… Hel… Hello? I’m going to sing now… If that’s okay with all of you, that is…”

“Yeah!” Sunset exclaimed. “Go, Fluttershy!” she cried as she thrust a fist into the air.

“I’m surprised you’re taking this all in stride, dear,” Rarity said to Sunset.

Sunset smirked at her. “I figured something ridiculous like this was bound to happen, so why make a fuss about it?”

Fluttershy’s eyes darted nervously across the expanse of students in the cafeteria. She slowly raised her tambourine into place and hit it with the ball of her free hand. She followed this up by uttering a quick squeak before her eyes rolled back and her head and she collapsed to the floor.


There was a beat of silence.

Sunset stood up and thrust a fist into the air. “YEAH!”

The rest of Canterlot high also rose to their feet and began cheering wildly.


“Wait! You loved us!”

“Seriously! You idiots where all gaga over us before!”

“For realsies!

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all found themselves surrounded by the students of CHS. This had become a somewhat common occurrence, but the angry expressions on the students was new.

The three girls pressed themselves against the base of the large horse statue behind them as the students (a bizarre mix of pink clothes-wearing, apple and baked apple good-holding, sports gear-carrying and animal-accompanied high schoolers) surrounded them.

“They aren’t eating apples!” Snips cried.

“Yeah,” Snails agreed, “or wearing sports stuff!”

“THEY DIDN’T BRING AN ANIMAL!” someone shouted from the crowd.

Adagio looked over the mob in front of her with a panicked expression. “But… but you never cared about those things before!”

“Let’s… uh…” Snips trailed off as he looked over the assortment of items he was carrying including a leash that led to an excited tan Chihuahua. “LET’S GET THEM!

“Yeah! Get them!” Snails parroted as he waved about his pet snail threateningly.

The girls huddled together as the crowd descended upon them, smashing all manner of apples and apple products against their hair and clothing, prodding them with various sports equipment, and sicking all manner of beast on them.

After a about a minute of complete chaos, the crowd parted, leaving the three girls in a heap of messed up hair, clothing, and bruised and scratched bodies.

Aria groaned. “This place is simply the worst.”

“… For… for… realsies…” Sonata agreed woozily.

“I can’t believe that just happened!” Adagio cried.

“HA! Welcome to my world, jerks!”

As crowd continued to part, it revealed Sunset Shimmer standing amongst it and grinning madly as she watched the violence unfold on the three girls. She wore a magenta baseball cap with her cutie mark on the front and her pink shirt and skirt under her jacket, holding an apple in a hand that was covered with a baseball glove and carrying a small water-filled goblet that contained a yellow-and-red fish in her other hand. There was also a stalk of asparagus in one of her ears.

Adagio glared up at her. “You look ridiculous!”

Sunset grinned down at her. “Ridiculous, but unmarked by violence or food products this morning!”

“Why are you wearing a vegetable?” Sonata asked.

Sunset glanced up at the asparagus that was held in her ear. “I had no idea if Fluttershy squeak would mean vegetables or animals, so I decided to cover my bases.”

Adagio looked at Sunset in disbelief. “How did you know there was even anything to do?!”

“I spent the last three days being thrashed over these stupid song and dance routines! I just figured I better do something if I wanted to get through the morning without being assaulted.”

Aria pointed at the fishbowl. “What the heck is that in your hand, anyway?”

Sonata gasped. “Is that a betta fish?!”

Sunset face lit up as she held the fishbowl out. “It is!”

Sonata untangled herself from the girl pile and walked up to Sunset. She lowered her head to get a closer look at the fish, a yellow fish with red fins easily as big as the rest of it. “Neato-torpedo!”

Aria also stood up took a step forward and Sunset immediately cupped a hand over the small bowl and clutched it to her chest.


Aria flashed Sunset a dejected look. “Whoa… What’s got into you?!”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “You are the absolute last person… pony… uh… whatever I want near my little Sunny! I swear if you take one step closer I will shank you!”

Aria took a few cautious steps backwards.

“Whatever,” Adagio stood up and brushed herself off. “What I don’t get is how you were able to turn them all against us.”

The other two girls nodded in agreement.

“… You’re… you’re serious?” Sunset asked in disbelief.

“Even without magic, the students here should adore us!” Adagio insisted. “It’s only natural!”

“I…” Sunset sighed. “Alright, I’m not going to get into the nuances of how popularity works, so I’ll just list off some of the things you three did…” She turned towards Sonata. “Sonata, you lick everything! You put your mouth on water fountain nozzles! We even caught you breaking into the marching band room, opening up instrument cases, then licking everyone’s mouthpieces. From the hours of 3 pm to 6 pm, you did nothing but run around the school and lick all the doorknobs!”

Adagio and Aria’s eyes went wide and they turned towards Sonata and gave her a disgusted look.

Sonata lowered her head slightly and pushed out her lower lip as she looked between the two. “What…? I’m trying to create the ultimate viral infection! You know… Like Pandemic, except everyone gets sick for realsies!”

“Using your own body?!” Adagio cried.

“I’m making sacrifices in the name of science!” Sonata shot back.

Aria shook her head. “Well… It’s comforting to know you’re probably going to die soon of the world’s worst super-flu!”

Sonata rolled her eyes. “Oh, don’t be so melodramatic! I lick you girl’s faces every night when you fall asleep, too!”

Adagio’s and Aria’s faces went a few shades paler.

Sunset just blinked a few times. “Okay… just… what?”

“Well, d’uh! I’m not a moron!” Sonata said.

Sunset just trailed off. “Uh…”

Sonata continued, “The disease will spread much faster if there are three of us!”

Sunset merely continued to stare at Sonata. “I’m not sure whether to be disgusted here or laugh derisively at the revelation here.”

“I think I’m going to throw up…” Adagio said as she raised a hand to her mouth and puffed out her cheeks.

There was a beat before Aria said anything. Her cheeks began to flush. “I have conflicting feelings about this and it scares me!”

Speaking of your feelings,” Sunset said, “you don’t seem to have any conflicting feelings on puppies, kittens, petting zoos, children, the elderly, the handicapped (both mental and physical), rainbows, sunsets, the sun, the moon, the stars, the ocean, the color chartreuse... pie… You hate all of those things and spent most the day finding and kicking them or air-kicking them when they proved to be out of reach.”

Adagio and Sonata turned towards Aria and scrunched their brows up slightly as if asking ‘Really?’ with their faces.

“What?!” Aria protested. “I hate lots of things! Is expressing that hate a crime?”

Sunset nodded. “Considering you physically assaulted a number of people and animals as well as engaged in property destruction, yes… Most of what you did was, in fact, criminal…”

“… Oh…” Aria replied sheepishly.

“Well fine!” Adagio said. “So you caught those two morons doing moronic things the students here disapprove of! But there’s no way you got me doing anything.”

Sunset sighed and shook her head. “Adagio… You spent several hours just going into great detail about how much you hated every student here at CHS. And when I say every student, I mean you literally sat down with a list of all the students in school and went through it name by name. You actually had something specific to say about each one, too! It’s like you actually took the time to get to know everyone just so you had something to hate about them!”

Adagio’s eyes went wide and beads of sweat began to collect on her forehead.

Aria and Sonata exchanged glances then looked back at Sunset.

“Wait… when was this?” Aria asked.

“After school,” Sunset said. “She went into a diner alone and read the list to a reflection of herself in the napkin dispenser while she made kissy faces the entire time.”

Aria and Sonata turned and stared at Adagio.

Adagio slumped her shoulders and hung her head.

Aria and Sonata broke into hysterical fits of laughter as Adagio’s face went bright red.

Sunset shook her head. “Normally this is where I’d lord my victory over my victims, but you three made this so ridiculously easy that I feel slightly hollow from this whole experience… Heck… I barely had to edit the footage… I pretty much just did a voiceover at the beginning and posted it straight to Metube.” She frowned. “So… I guess in a way you won,” Sunset said. “You know… except in any way that really matters since it was you three who got beat up and not me this morning.”

Adagio suddenly looked up with rage-filled eyes. “This isn’t over!” she cried.

Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Seriously? You think you can recover from this? I mean… I did some downright awful things in addition to endangering the entire school… maybe planet, and I think I have a better shot of getting back in the student’s good graces than you three.”

Adagio pointed an index finger at Sunset as Aria and Sonata stood tall to either side of her. “We challenge you to a battle of the ba—”

“No,” Sunset answered.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata all exchanged a quick, confused glance.

“So when you say ‘no’…” Adagio began.

“I mean, ‘no’!” Sunset cried. “I beat you three and I’m sick to death of music at this point! Why would I go all in and bet every chip I have when I already won every chip on the table?! What could you three possibly offer me to get me to go along with a stupid battle of the bands?”

The other three girls looked at each other and then suddenly huddled up. They whispered amongst each other, each one occasionally peaking up to look at Sunset. Soon, they parted and looked at her once more.

Adagio gave Sunset a devious smile. “Well… How about joining us then! We know how the school treats you! Together we can—”

Sunset shook her head. “You three are pretty much the worst entities I have ever had the misfortune to run into. I will quite happily stick with my crazy friends and put up with trying to get the school to stop hating me rather than spend an hour alone with you three.”

Aria shot Sunset a frustrated look, Sonata puffed out her lower lip, and Adagio sighed.

Adagio looked up at Sunset again. “If we gave you some money right now—”

“NO!” Sunset snapped.

Aria scowled at Sunset, Sonata gave her a somewhat hurt looking expression, and Adagio sneered.

“Well… FINE!” Adagio cried. “But this isn’t over! It doesn’t matter if you want to battle or not. We still have one more lunch this week!”

Sunset sighed. “Yeah, I know…”

The three began to leave, keeping their eyes on Sunset as they walked away.

“You better be ready, bacon-hair!” Adagio said.

Sunset rolled her eyes “You called me that already.” She folded her arms across her chest. “And you look like if Ms. Frizzle from The Magic School Bus went through a rebellious teen phase.”

Adagio held up her hand as her mouth opened and she glared at Sunset, but no sound came out. Aria merely gave Sunset a confused look. Sonata looked at Adagio as if she had never seen her before and erupted in a fit of laughter before doubling over on herself and collapsing to the ground.


“STOP THAT!” Adagio ordered.

From the ground, Sonata continued to laugh. “… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…! OH MY GOSH! HAHAHAHAHAHA! CANNOT UNSEE! HAHAHAHAHAHA… ”

Adagio gave a heavy sigh. “Aria,”—she pointed at Sonata— “grab that, will you?”

Aria gave her own heavy sigh and bent down to pick up Sonata, heaving the cackling girl over her shoulder before she and Adagio parted.

Sunset smiled to herself as she watched the three drift away, Sonata’s laughter slowly getting quieter as she was hefted towards the school.

“One more lunch to go…”

Author's Note:

Thanks to howard035 for some comments that have influenced a few things here and there, and also MythrilMoth and Tired Old Man for their editing.