• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 5,162 Views, 270 Comments

Ah Must Be Kiddin' Myself - The Masked Mare

Holy Celestia, Ah've fallen in love with Discord. Luna help me.

  • ...

Chapter One

Chapter One

I felt everypony's eyes locked on me, as if I were the only darn thing to look at in all of Equestria. Their eyes were as curious as Apple Bloom's when she saw somethin' new. It was like lookin' inta seven pairs of the scorchin' hot, eye burnin' sun; like there was sixteen of 'em instead of one. My emotions were darn tangled up deep in my stomach; exactly how I felt every time I ate too much apple pie at the Apple Family Reunion.

"Er...what now?"

Now, Ah'm no Twilight, but I do know one thing: Truth or Dare will surely be the death of me. Gosh darrnit, it shouldn't be this dang difficult ta answer a stupid Truth question. I mean, usually, it is pretty hard, considerin' the fact that every single Truth question ever asked is deep, down, and downright personal. But seriously, it really shouldn't take me two darn minutes to even acknowledge the question after it was asked.

Ya know what? Slumber parties will sure-as-apples be the death of me, too.

Shoot... I should've declined Twilight's offer. I should've stood tall an' proud and told her outright that I had other things planned. But naw, I told her that I'd ask Granny Smith, like some school pony askin' a parent fer permission fer a field trip. Gosh darnet, of course Granny Smith said yes, and that I could do my chores some other day. And gosh darnet, of course I showed up on time at Twilight's palace, with my silly littl' saddlebags in order and my ribbons tied up nice and neat, just as everypony got there and settled down in the throne room ta play a good game of Truth or Dare.

Bein' the Princess of Friendship that she was, Twilight had to invite every single one of her friends: littl' ol' me, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Spike...and, ta my sweet, yet horrible surprise, the darn Master of Chaos himself...Discord. And o' course, Twilight had ta ask fer suggestions fer games ta pass the time before it got late enough fer a campfire (because after the sleepover with me an' Rarity, she took to wingin' it instead of goin' by the book, bein' the creative pony she was), and o' course Discord was the first draconequus (and only draconequus) ta raise his paw. And o' course Discord had to choose the most annoying slumber party game of all times, with that silly, attractive (oh Celestia, did I really just say that?) grin of his.

And, in case yer wonderin', o' course Twilight let him go first.

Oh, and guess which pony he asked?

Littl'. Ol'. Me.

So, bein' the idiot I was, I looked at him, thinkin' about those handsome, red eyes o' his (gosh darnet, I really need ta keep my emotions in check), ignored the munchin' caterpillars in my stomach, closed my eyes, and uttered, "Truth," before I could even think.

And o' course, I had fallen right inta his trap.

"Do you have a crush, Applejack?"

He had probably been plannin' this ever since Twilight came ta him with the invitation. Hmmm...I have an idea. Why don't I suggest Truth or Dare, then ask the Element of Honesty the very question she's been dodging for two years? That'll be chaos, alright. Darn him and his maniacal, yet amazin' mind.

Dangit Applejack, get yer head on yer shoulders! It ain't gonna happen!

So, here we all were: Rainbow Dash lookin' uninterested at the ground, daydreamin' 'bout becomin' a Wonderbolt; Fluttershy, shyly but honestly gaping at me; Rarity, raising her eyebrows, lookin' fer some juicy gossip; Pinkie Pie, about to explode into a million pieces; Twilight, lookin' at me like I was her long-lost Smarty Pants doll; Spike, his scales sittin' straight up; Discord, lookin' at me with a malicious grin on his handsome face; and me, frozen senseless, about ta answer a question that might as well destroy the darn planet.

"I said, do you have a crush, Applejack?" Discord repeated, his hypnotizin' voice weavin' itself around my ears like a snake, ready for a meal. He stretched across the floor like an oversized cat (since he didn't get a throne), curled around a steamin' hot mug o' cider, made by yours truly. I smiled weakly, lookin' around at the eight pairs of eyes, borin' inta my coat like the drills I used ta fix loose screws on the barn's roof last autumn.

"Er...can I pass?" I asked hopefully, smilin' and flattenin' my ears as if that would be good enough ta get me outta this pickle. O' course it wouldn't. I winced as I heard a loud, irritated groan from all five ponies, one dragon, and one (and only) draconequus. Here comes the humiliation. Gosh darnet, why did I have ta be honest? Why couldn't I be the Element of Dishonesty or somethin'?

"Now, now, Applejack, of course you can't pass. Friends are supposed to be honest with one another, yes?" Discord slithered across the floor, getting closer and closer to me until those red eyes were so close that I could reach out and touch one. My skin prickled with hot stabs of somethin' I reckon was a lot different then hatred as Discord curled himself around my throne, those eyes swirlin' and reality becomin' a blur. "After all, honesty is your best policy, isn't it, Applejack?"

I gulped, my throat becomin' more dry than a desert. I couldn't lie. No, it wasn't because of the fact that Ah'm the Element of Honesty...it was because of the fact that Ah've never told a huge lie in my entire life. I've always found it hard ta tell lies, and Ah don't think I've ever actually uttered a single untrue fact in my life without takin' it back as soon as Ah said it.

Like I said, Ah ain't no Twilight, but I did see a loophole here. Discord asked me if Ah had a crush. A darn simple question, if ya ask me. But, he didn't ask me ta tell who it was. So, Ah saw an easy solution, as clear and satisfying as a cold, crimson apple in humid weather; say yes, but don't tell who. It wasn't the entire truth, but it was better than havin' my secret revealed right now.

I wasn't ready just yet.

It started two years ago, just before Tirek had been defeated ferever and Discord had seen the light. I was a pony that wasn't experienced with love; other than family and friendship love, o' course. That was just fine with me. I mean, some thoughts had started to bloom in my littl' head about startin' a family of my own, but they were just littl' ideas, nothin' more.

Until Discord gave that necklace ta Twilight.

"Tirek tricked me into believing that he could offer me something more valuable than friendship. But there is nothing worth more. I see that now. He lied when he said that this medallion was given as a sign of gratitude and loyalty. But when I say that it is a sign of our true friendship, I am telling the truth."

The minute I heard those words, somethin' budded deep in my heart. I knew then that he was speakin' the truth, the entire truth, and he was talkin' from deep in his heart. I had always thought of Discord as a nuisance; a draconequus who was just bidin' his time by playin' along with this friendship gig, then strikin' when we let our guard down. But when he said those sentences, even though they weren't directed at me, they took root, down at the bottom o' my heart. O' course, I didn't know it then, but that was love Ah was feelin'.

Honest, crazy love.

As we became closer as friends, all of us together, that littl' ol' plant began to grow. Every time he looked at me with those red wonders, spoke to me with that soothin' voice, touched me with his gentle claw and paw, a new branch grew. And suddenly, those little roots had become a healthy, blossomin' apple tree, twitterin' and tinglin' with littl' song birds whenever Discord was around me.

But o' course, I knew he didn't feel the same way.

It was ridiculous, really. I always tried ta show off when he was around; somethin' Ah wouldn't normally do...modesty is also one o' the best policies, in my opinion. But whenever Discord was near, I took upon myself to be a lot more outgoin'. Maybe then he would notice me. Maybe then Ah could finally tell Granny Smith about the feelings that had been burnin' in my chest fer a good share of moons.

Maybe then, somethin' would happen.

"...Yes. Yes, Ah do have a crush," answered, my breaths concentrated and my eyes closed firmly.

"Darling, that is fabulous! Who is it?!?" Rarity exclaimed, causin' me ta open my eyes. Discord lingered above me, smirkin' that smirk of his and narrowin' his eyes. He had obviously gotten the answer he wanted outta me; but the problem is, I didn't know why. Why in the hay would Discord want that answer? Maybe it was just 'cuz he wanted ta cause some friendly drama.

Or maybe, just maybe....

Applejack, I'm gonna slap ya in the head if ya think about that again. It's not. Gonna. Happen.

"Oh, ma belle fille, vous avez planté une graine dans mon coeur," Discord muttered, his face as emotionless as a statue's as he uncurled himself, returnin' to his position on the floor between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy's thrones, curled around the steamy cup o' cider that Ah had made for him.

"Huh?" I tilted my head, confused at the jumble of radiant words that had just come outta his mouth. "I'm sorry. I don't speak fancy."

I was choosin' to ignore Rarity's question. 'Cuz, it was like I said: Ah've never told a lie in my entire life, 'cuz they've always been difficult ta tell. If I was put in the limelight and forced ta answer Rarity's question, then everypony would know the truth.

I was desperately, head-over-hooves in love with the Master of Chaos.

Immediately, as the strange words came outta Discord's mouth, Twilight froze, spitting out a gulp of apple cider onto the floor. She turned to Discord, her eyes sharp, as if he had said a disgustin' swear word. Discord cringed as if rememberin' a horrible nightmare, and the two stared at each other, alicorn and draconequus, havin' a silent conversation.

"Woah, Applejack, you have a crush?" Rainbow Dash looked across the high-ceilinged room at me, her face disbelievin'. Wow. I had no idea she was even listenin'. I mean, Rainbow Dash is great for a friend to exercise off my troubles with, and have a good, head-to-head talk about sports and strength with, but she ain't exactly the best pony to go to when ya have a strong matter on yer mind.

"Er...yeah," I answered, blushin' as red as an apple. Rainbow Dash shrugged, the subject only mildly interestin' her, and she flipped her multicolored mane out of her face. She yawned, stretchin' her back muscles.

"That's cool, I guess. As long as you don't get all lovey-dovey, or anything."

I nodded, keepin' my head down.

I couldn't look her in the eye, 'cuz...I kinda did wanna get all lovey-dovey.

"Applejack has a CRU-USHH! Applejack has a CRU-USHH!" Pinkie Pie was bouncin' all over the room, bein' the crazy party pony that she was. I smiled in spite of the awkward situation. No matter what, Pinkie Pie could always cheer me up.

Fluttershy was smilin' weakly in her throne, not sure of what ta think 'bout the situation. Ah'm right there with ya, sister. Right there with ya. I snuck a glance at Discord, hopin' that nopony noticed the hearts that I was positive were visible in my eyes.

"Well, Applejack," Twilight cleared her throat, forcibly breakin' away from that weird starin' contest, "according to the rules, it's your turn to ask somepony Truth or Dare. So, who do you pick?" There was somethin' strange in her voice...but I couldn't quite place what it was.

"Discord, Truth or Dare." I didn't even hesitate. It was gonna happen, no matter what I wanted ta do. I was goin' ta ask Discord the same question that had stumped me.

The draconequus looked up, his claw stroking his beard. There was an easy way he could get outta this: he could say dare, and all my hope would be dead.

My heart pounded in my chest as he answered.


I didn't even hesitate.

"Do you have a crush on anypony?"

Author's Note:

I have never written a...'fluffy' romance before, so I am going to give this a try. It is surely going to fail, but I produced joy from writing this. I hope you all enjoy the unlikely romance between Mister Master of Chaos and the Element of Honesty! Constructive criticism is highly appreciated!