• Published 17th Aug 2014
  • 5,161 Views, 270 Comments

Ah Must Be Kiddin' Myself - The Masked Mare

Holy Celestia, Ah've fallen in love with Discord. Luna help me.

  • ...

Chapter Five

Chapter Five

"Happy Birthday, Apple Bloom!" I uncovered my littl' sisters eyes, waitin' fer a reaction.

I couldn't believe it. Apple Bloom was turnin' a whole 'nother year older! It seems like just yesterday I was standin' at her crib, singin' her the same lullabies that Granny Smith had sung ta me. I swear, she grew up too fast.

Big Mac and I had gone full-out this year with the decorations on the front of the barn; balloons with the Cutie Mark Crusader logo on 'em, a gianormous cake with Apple Bloom's favorite flavor: Raspberry Sweet, a chocolate fountain (thanks ta Pinkie Pie), a big banner with Apple Bloom's face on it, and bows the same color as hers hung everywhere. It was her special day, after all, and everypony's birthday should be perfect.

But my favorite touch was the western band, The Travelin' Taradiddles, ready ta play.

"Applejack, I love it!" Apple Bloom exclaimed, causin' a warm smile ta spread 'cross my face. The littl' filly hopped inta the air, bouncin' like one o' Pinkie's bouncy balls; one was probably near by. I crossed my legs, watchin' my littl' sister dash 'round, her eyes flyin' all over the place.

I felt the wind knocked outta me as Apple Bloom smashed inta me, pullin' me inta a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" she squealed like a pig, her eyes shut tight and her smile takin' up her whole face. I held her there for a moment, rememberin' the times she first walked, first talked. She was such a big filly now.

"Yer welcome, SugarCube."

She broke off, bitin' the bottom of her lip and hoppin' up an' down in place. "When are Sweetie Belle an' Scootaloo comin'?" she asked, her eyes dartin' excitedly down the pathway outta the orchard. "I really, really wanna spend this day with them!" I swear, if she bounces up an' down anymore, she's gonna explode.

"Calm down, Apple Bloom, they'll be here in five minutes. An' so will the other guests, so get yerself ready if ya have ta," I warned her, my eyelids half closed. O' course, Apple Bloom was still hoppin' around, mutterin' things like "Wow!" an' "Oh my gosh!" in a high-pitched voice. I rolled my eyes. One year older, hasn't changed a bit, I thought, shakin' my head.

Normally, I wouldn't even bother with tellin' Apple Bloom ta fix 'erself up, but like I said; this year, Big Mac and I had gone full out. Last nigh', Big Mac and I had sat at the kitchen table after we finished the decorations an' wrote up a mighty big guest list; so long, it took up an entire roll o' parchment.

Guest List For Apple Bloom's Birthday party

Sweetie Belle

Scooterloo Scootaloo

Peppermint Twist

Diamond Tiara

Sliver Silver Spoon






Dinky Doo

Pinkie Pie

Twilight Sparkle

Rainbow Crash Dash

Slutterfly Fluttershy



The Cake Twins

Ditzy Doo

Mr. Breezy



Roselick Roseluck

Discoball Discord

Despite Big Mac and I's bad spellin', we managed ta get the invitations out before one of us spewed a leak. I don't think Apple Bloom knows how many ponies are comin'...boy oh boy, is she in fer a sweet surprise.

"APPLE BLOOM! COOL CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!" two voices screamed, makin' my ears ring. That's Sweetie Belle an' Scootaloo if I've ever heard 'em. I swear ta Celestia, those two fillies are gonna break my eardrums someday, I thought, flattenin' my ears in an attempt ta stop the ringin'.

There they were, gallopin' up the path inta Sweet Apple Acres like it was nopony's business, grinnin' and gigglin' like Pinkie Pie. The three fillies embraced in a warm, meanin'ful hug. I smiled, the ringin' beginning ta clear up. I was just so darn glad that those fillies have such a steady friendship; that can be useful in latter life.

A silhouette, framed against the mornin' sun, started ta creep inta the farm measurably, takin' their time. I gave a lopsided grin as I saw others behind it, some small, some tall. Well, looks like everypony's startin' ta come, I trotted over ta where the path ended, preparin' ta greet the guests like a polite host should.

"Howdy, Ms. Cheerilee," I welcomed the mare as she came inta view, holdin' a decent-sized, azure package with a yella ribbon tied neatly 'round it. "Thank ya'll fer comin', and I hope ya enjoy the party. Gifts go over there, on the checker-patterned table," I explained politely, gesturin' ta the table that was directly next ta the platform where the band was settin' up.

Cheerilee smiled that sweet smiled o' hers as she passed. "Thank you, Applejack. How hospitable of you!"

She turned away before she could see me blush and respond, "Aw, shucks. It ain't a problem, Cheerilee. Ya'll enjoy yerself!"

I turned back to the path and sighed thoughtfully as I opened my mouth ta greet the next pony in line.

"Let's see....Sweetie Belle's here, Scootaloo's here, Twist is here, Diamond Tiara's here, Silver Spoon's here, Rumble's here...."

I was holdin' the guest list up ta my muzzle as I stood at the edge of the party, overlookin' the scene and checkin' off ponies that had arrived as I went. It was important ta never start the main events of a special gatherin' before every guest invited had arrived. It was a lesson that Granny had taught me on my third Apple Family Reunion; I had wanted ta start the apple fritter tastin' early, but Granny said that if we started that before everypony got there, then the ponies who were late might not be able to get any fritters.

"Pipsqueak's here, Snips is here, Snails is here, Featherweight's here...."

So far, it was lookin' like pretty much everypony was here...but I had a hunch that somepony was missin'...I just didn't know who.

"Dinky's here, Pinkie's here,-hey, that rhymed-, Twilight's here, Rainbow's here, Rarity's here...."

I was nearin' the end of the list.

"Fluttershy's here, Cheerilee's here, Cake Twins are here, Ditzy's here, Mr. Breezy's here, Spike's here, Zecora's here, Roseluck's here...."

I stopped.

"O' course. Discord ain't here."

I scowled, shovin' my hat over my eyes and leanin’ against the trunk of the apple tree. "Dangit, Discord, wherever you are! I bet yer plannin’ some kinda big entrance, even though this my littl’ sister’s birthday party! Yer so selfish, keepin’ me waitin-er, I mean, Apple Bloom waitin’.” I winced, hopin’ nopony had heard that last part.

“Everything alright, Applejack?”

I pushed up my hat ta see who spoke, my thoughts still swimmin’ around Discord’s fadin’ image. What if he ain’t comin’? If he ain’t comin’, oh boy, the next time I see ‘im Imma give ‘im a good punch in the muzzle!

Rainbow Dash stood over me, raisin’ her eyebrow and flexin’ her wings. She was lookin’ at me like I was the darn silliest thing she ever did see (which was hard ta believe, since she was friends with the Queen of Silliness ‘erself, the one and only Pinkie Pie). I cleared my throat, tryin’ ta get myself inta conversation mode.

“Oh. Er...yeah. It’s just Discord. He’s late,” I retorted, takin’ a deep breath and adjustin’ my position on the tree by jabbin’ my elbows inta it, so I could get a better view of Rainbow Dash’s confused face. I tried as hard as my brain would let me ta keep the sorrow outta my voice.

Rainbow Dash shrugged, bitin’ the inside of ‘er cheek. “Eh. You know Discord; always fashionably...something,” she slicked back her mane with a hoof, lookin’ eagerly out of the corner of her eye at the sizable cake on the red table, just waitin’ to be eaten.

I nodded, agreein’ full-heartedly. No matter what he was doin’, he was always...er, ‘fashionable.’

“I just hope he shows his face soon. I wouldn’t wanna make ponies bored by havin’ them wait too long,” I narrowed my eyes at a root, poppin’ outta the ground near my tail. There was a littl’ glint o’ silver at the end of it that looked suspiciously like...

...a claw.

All too soon, I was fallin’ backwards, yelpin’ like a filly, into soft, brown fer, between two legs; one goat leg, an’ one dragon leg.

“Discord!” I screamed, heat crawlin’ onta my cheeks. Littl’ pricks, like thousands o’ millions of sewin’ needles sewin’ a blanket outta my skin, began ta crawl up my body like spiders. “How long have you been there?” O’ COURSE HE WAS THE TREE! HE HAD TO BE THE TREE! OH, YOU SILLY, SILLY APPLEJACK!

“I’ve been here this entire time, you silly Applejack!” As Discord chuckled, reachin’ down an’ rufflin’ my hair, I could feel his stomach vibratin’ against my back, joltin’ all my joints like a lightnin’ bolt. He put an arm ‘round my neck, as if he didn’t wanna let me go. “I wouldn’t want to keep anypony waiting, now would I?”

Oh, horseapples.

He was so darn close.

So, so close.

“Discord, you wacknut,” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, pullin’ a hoof to ‘er stomach. “Now c’mon, you two, let’s get the party started before I starve to death.” She turned, raisin’ an eyebrow at the draconequus and I, and started ta walk towards the party.

I breathed in.

He was so darn close.

So, so close.

His hold was so gentle, so kind...unlike I’d expected. A part of me, somewhere in the trunk of the ever-growin’ apple tree inside my soul, never wanted ‘im ta let go. I knew it was just a joke, that he was gonna release me any second and laugh that deep laugh o’ his. I knew in my heart that the great, handsome draconequus of my dreams would never, ever feel the same way.

Yet still, he held me there, our breathin’ completely in sync. Still, he held me there, his slow, steady heartbeat the drum of my internal song. He was holdin’ me, high above the stars in the nigh’ sky, in a land of another time; away from everypony, away from fears. We were the only two creatures in the entire universe.

Then he released me; the magic of his hold flyin’ away like an angel, goin’ back ta heaven.

“Howdy everypony! I’m Applejack, Apple Bloom’s big sister, an’ I’m here ta say a few words before we get this party kicked up,” I said inta the microphone, my words catchin’ the attention of the loiterin’ ponies, casually talkin’ and lookin’ curiously at the overwhelmin’ table o’ gifts. Their littl’ strings o’ conversation began ta weave inta one giant yarn ball as they gathered below me, their expressions interested and excited fer the party that was ta come.

“Apple Bloom, could ya’ll come up here, please? It is yer special day, after all,” I craned my neck ta look down at my beloved littl’ sister at the very front of the crowd, winkin’ at ‘er. The apple blossom’s eyes lit up, brighter than the moon in the nigh’ sky, as Scootaloo an‘ Sweetie Belle urged ‘er on, whisperin’, “Go on up, Apple Bloom!” and “C’mon, everypony deserves a chance to shine on their special day!”

Ponies started ta stomp their hooves on the ground in applause, whistlin’ an’ cheerin’, as Apple Bloom climbed up the circular stairs ta the platform, blushin’ as vividly as a fresh rose. I smiled as she turned ta stand by my side, sayin’ nothin’, but at the same time, sayin’ everythin’ with her sparklin’ eyes. “Thank you, Applejack,” they seemed to whisper, their words carried across the waves of Apple Bloom’s mind inta mind, crashin’ inta me with a mixture of happiness and pride.

“Well, as ya’ll know, today is Apple Bloom’s birthday,” I pulled my sister inta a hug, smilin’ assurin’ly and proudly at ‘er, willin’ my mind ta send a message ta hers. “Congratulations, Apple Bloom. Fer movin’ one year forward in yer life, and makin’ yer big sister’s heart fill with joy.”

More cheers filled the sky as Apple Bloom smiled, her jolliness radiatin’ ‘cross the crowd.

“Apple Bloom, not even the stars can tell ya how proud of you I am. All the lessons that ya’ll have learned, all the journeys that ya’ll have taken, all the while makin’ yerself a better pony, is enough ta make a grown stallion cry.

"How much ya have grown, inside and outside, is gosh-darn unbelievable. Yer mind is as crisp and clear as the apples on our apple trees. Yer heart is as pure an’ as golden as the cider durin’ cider season; a type that’s hard ta come by, yet fresh an’ rare.

"Oh, littl’ Apple Bloom, ya’ll have so much ta look forward ta. Ya have yer whole life ahead o’ ya; yer cutiemark, your destiny. There’s so much that ya’ll will see, that ya’ll will do...more than you will ever imagine. You have yet ta find yer place in this world. Even though ya might not have yer cutiemark, you are one special littl’ pony, Apple Bloom. There ain’t another pony in Equestria with a heart as big, and as strong, as yers. Not one.

"So, as yer big sister, I yell ta the stars, Happy twelfth Birthday ta ya! May yer life be as wonderful an’ as full o’ surprises as one o’ Pinkie Pie’s parties are; may yer life be as satisfyin’ an’ enjoyable as a cool drink on a hot day! Yeehaw, Apple Bloom, an’ Happy Birthday!”

I threw my hat inta the air, spinnin’ like a wheel on a wagon, then caught it again, as everypony erupted inta the heartiest applause I ever heard in all my days of thinkin’. “Thank ya, Applejack,” Apple Bloom whispered, nuzzlin’ my chest and sendin’ the stunnin’ beauty o’ gratitude through my hooves, squirmin’ up my body until it reached my brain.

“Yer very welcome, Sugarcube.”

Apple Bloom giggled, givin’ me one last meaningful look of thankfulness that I put deep in my heart, then trotted down the steps ta join the spirit of the day.

“C’mon, everypony! Let’s get this party started!” Pinkie Pie jumped high inta the sky from the middle of the crowd. I chuckled as she pulled ‘er pink party cannon outta nowhere, pullin’ the string and causin’ sparkly confetti to fly across the crowd. All the ponies gasped in jubilation as the littl’ strips o’ paper landed on their noses, the fillies swattin’ at ‘em and chasin’ them as they flew, like littl’ butterflies, in the air. That pony sure does know a thing or two ‘bout parties, I thought, smilin', my eyes fallowin’ her craziness.

“Hit it, guys!” I cupped a hoof ‘round my mouth, yellin’ ta the two stallions and one mare that were poised behind me with a microphone, a cello, an‘ an acoustic guitar. I smiled as the ponies below whooped an’ cheered as a tall stallion started up an upbeat western song.

“Forget your troubles,
Your worries and your fears,
Get outta that rubble,
Don’t ya’ll dare shed any tears,
Grab somepony,
Get out on the scene,
Don’t ya’ll dare feel lonely,
This day is gonna be peachy keeeeennnnnnn!....”

I laughed, giddy as a filly, and jumped off the stage as everypony in the crowd grabbed the pony nearest ta them and started ta skid and hop with one another, beamin’ like the rays of the sun. Before I knew what was happenin’, I was swept inta the chaos by a pink hoof, yellin’, “C’mon Applejack, let’s party!”

“Pinkie Pie!” I groaned jokin’ly as the earth pony swirled me around in circles by the hooves, the world blurrin’ inta one big blob o’ colors ‘round us.

“Take somepony by the hooves,
Twirl ‘em round an’ round,
If you just ain’t ready to,
Smile and don’t stop now,
Keep ‘em there just long enough,
For their lips ta twitch,
Make sure ya’ll don’t hold ‘em too rough,
Are ya’ll ready? Switch!”

“Wooo-wee!” I hollered as Pinkie Pie let go of my hooves, sendin’ me flyin’ ‘cross the dirt, twirlin’ an’ kickin’ up a whole storm o’ dust as my laugh rang inta the crystal sky. The world seemed to flash ‘round me, an abstract paintin’ of euphoria as I landed in the hooves of Twilight, who’s face I’ve never seen happier.

“Don’t be shy,
Step up and be confident,
Yell into the sky,
Remember all the times you’ve spent,
Put a hoof on a shoulder,
Cheer is swarming through the air,
Push over that boulder,
Life’s about spending time with the ponies who carrrreeee!

Take somepony by the hooves,
Twirl ‘em round an’ round,
If you just ain’t ready to,
Smile and don’t stop now,
Keep ‘em there just long enough,
For their lips to twitch,
Make sure ya’ll don’t hold ‘em too rough,
Are ya’ll ready? Switch!”

“Ha ha!” Twilight’s laugh faded away inta nothin’ as she let me go, my heart pulsin’ with the overwhelmin’ sensation of everypony bein’ here, together, enjoyin’ the presence of the ponies we care about, the ponies who matter, the ponies that will always be there for ya, no matter where yer lives will split or change. My heart grew wings and flew, high above the rooster’s perch, as Ah rejoiced in the elation of celebration, of company.

Suddenly, the world seemed to lurch forward, my heart beatin’ loudly in my ears, as I felt two familiar things, wrapped tightly ‘round my hooves.

A lion’s paw an’ an eagle’s claw, suspendin’ me from the rest of time.

“Love all around,
As ponies all come together,
Laughing is the best sound,
We’re all birds of a feather,
Our hearts are one,
Our voices twined with every thought,
Under Celestia’s sun,
We’re all tied in one big knottttttttt!”

I looked inta Discord’s eyes, those red swirls o’ his still holdin’ so many secrets, so many honest words. His chaotic spirit, his love for laughter and friendship...it made me want to lean closer an’ kiss him on the forehead. My heart cooed like a songbird at the feelin’ of his skin, his slow, steady heartbeat. How could a draconequus so amazin’, so complex an’ full o’ knowledge that I couldn’t even imagine, ever love a simple farm pony like me?

My stomach felt like it flew outta my throat as he twirled me and dipped me low to the dirt, restin’ me carefully in his arms. His eyes were full...of emotion, of somethin’ I couldn’t quite place, somethin’ I wouldn’t dare believe. It was as if...he was the Prince, and I were the Princess...as if...he...

...as if he loved me.

“Bein’ here,
Learnin’ ta love,
Look into your future’s eyyyyyes...
Your life is just beginning.”

The crowd might’ve cheered, an’ stomped, and whistled, but I didn’t hear ‘em. They might’ve begged fer more, another song might’ve started, but I didn’t hear it. Heck, Luna could’ve turned inta Nightmare Moon again an’ surrounded the land with eternal night; the point is, I didn’t hear a thing.

All I heard was the sound of Discord’s heartbeat, slow an’ steady.

The beat of my internal song.

Author's Note:

Yup. :twilightsheepish:
This is what happens when I listen to too much romantic music.
More. Songs. :applejackconfused: