• Published 24th May 2012
  • 1,591 Views, 14 Comments

Born of chaos and heartbreak - Slick Dash

My story of the origin of discord and how he became the monster of legend from a simple stallion.

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Heartbreak for all

Tia fought every urge to rush to her beloved, now as normal as before, her muscles twitched with longing. He was here, as he once was, his fur bare with his armour stripped and strewn across the floor. He nodded encouragingly, willing her to believe him. But she knew. Deep in her heart of hearts, though it gave her pain beyond belief by not accepting it, she knew it couldn’t be true. He was only manipulating the world with his powers.

Disc took a step forward; his hoof made a hollow clunk that echoed out around the throne room “Tia, we can be together, forever now! No death, no ascension, just us, for all time!” His eyes seemed honest, his smile; genuine. He truly believed it could happen. Inside her mind Tia felt a voice asked ‘Why couldn’t it happen?’ He was here as he was before, and he was now strong enough to live alongside her without the worry of death. Disc’s mortality had never bothered Tia, but now she thought about it. This could be better!

As Disc waited with baited breath, his eyes glinted, shifting from their beautiful blue, to the dreaded red of the monster Tia knew to be behind the false face. Taking a deep breath, swallowing her longing to be with him so much; Tia stayed resolutely still. Staring down Disc. “I-I...” She tried to speak but a lump the size of an apple had seemed to form in her throat. Disc’s face fell at her hesitation. Seeing his face so crestfallen, so miserable, made Tia’s heart ache. But this needed to be done.

“I can’t.” She said. Though spoken quietly, the voice carried perfectly over to Disc’s ears. He staggered back, as though she had screamed. For a second, his face rippled, a glimpse of the monster’s face flashed over his own, threatening to return.
“Tia I”-
“Please don’t!” Tia cried, her eyes clenching shut. “Don’t ask me to change my mind. I won’t! It hurts more than anything, but I won’t Disc!” She opened her eyes, they had seemed to have stopped crying for a moment, almost in acceptance for what she needed to say. “Not after what you’ve done.” She took a step towards the hurt stallion, his eyes finally filling with tears of sorry as he watched, still the green of the monster instead of the clear waters of a pony.

“The Disc I knew would never want to rule, he’d want to serve, to the best of his ability.”
“I don’t need to Tia! I’m a god now! I don’t need to serve anypony but you now! I’m the most powerful being ever! I can feel it! Think about what we could do to Equestria with all of this!” He stumbled to his knees. As his body made contact with the floor, his spell broke and he shattered back into the slender being from before.

“Listen to yourself!” Tia cried, looking down at his face in horror. “You’re not the stallion I loved anymore! You’re speaking like a tyrant, a power hungry demon! You’re...” She bit back trying to stop the word from spewing from her lips, but she couldn’t help it. Her lips silently, formed the words, but her lungs gave out for a moment. She licked them and tried again, this time she managed a squeak, as her lungs gave into hulking sobs. “A monster!”

Disc knelt there, his shoulders slumped he leant back on his feet, struck dumb by her words. Slowly he looked down to his palms. Slowly they clenched into fists as his tears spattered them and turned pink on his own flesh. “I... you... we could...” he couldn’t speak. “For you...” He choked finally. “Everything I did. Was for you!” suddenly he bolted to his feet. He spun and swung his fists into the pillar already scratched by his claws. With a thunderous crunch, the stone crumpled beneath his fists. “EVERYTHING!” he screamed, his voice giving in to bitter sobs.

Finally he spun back around and screamed at the princess. “I LOVE YOU! DON’T DO THIS!” Tia simply stood there, she didn’t say anything. She simply looked into the creature’s eyes trying not to let hers show her own heartbreak. When she didn’t respond, Disc straightened himself up. “This is your decision then?” he took Tia’s silence as a yes. “Fine.” He turned and walked towards the wall. Tia expected him to jump out of the window, or smash through the wall, but he did neither. When he reached the wall, he turned and walked past a pillar, breaking Tia’s line of sight.

He never appeared on the other side of the column of stone. The tension in the air seemed to break, Tia rushed to the column and looked behind it, yet there was nopony...no one... there. Slowly, she made her way back to the centre of the throne room; she reached the scorched patch of marble and stared at it. The black soot soon became speckled with clean spots as Tia’s tears cascaded onto it washing away the black dust.

The princess fell to her knees, and wept. She wept for the loss of her father, for the loss of the time honoured tradition of ascension and mostly she wept for the loss of her love. For the loss of Disc, her friend of most of her life, the love she had found so long ago, the love that -in her eyes- was now dead, swept up in the creature made of magic and chivalrous intent. Yet though the reason he became what he had was for such a noble reason, somehow what came of the deed was tainted and monstrous. Not just in its appearance, but in its mind as well.

The amour of her former lover lay only a few feet away, the sunlight cought on it’s polished sliver, and reflecting into Tia’s eye. She glanced over to the suit, sighing with sorrow in her heart as she stared at the only thing he had left behind.

Disc was gone; all that was left was that monster now.