• Published 24th May 2012
  • 1,592 Views, 14 Comments

Born of chaos and heartbreak - Slick Dash

My story of the origin of discord and how he became the monster of legend from a simple stallion.

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What would he do?

Nopony’s sure why she has it. It doesn’t seem all that special. Just a normal, average suit of armour made for a stallion. Maybe it’s something special. “Is it her own?”
“Don’t be stupid girl! She’s an alicorn, that’s the armour of an earth pony! A stallion, not a princess!” the cleaner snapped at her daughter, helping her lug the large pile of laundry to the washing room.

“But mum. Why does she have it then?” the small filly asked curiously. The two didn’t realise where they were headed, and with the laundry blocking their vision, they didn’t see the dark furred alicron ahead of them. In their rush, they collided with the large mare, and the laundry fell to the floor.

“Oh dear!” the maid cried as she tried to catch them. She caught one sheet but knew the others were lost. Well, extra work for the cleaners then! As she stooped down to pick them up, she saw they weren’t touching the ground. A sheet of dark blue magic held them in the air. The two earth ponies looked up and saw who they had bumped into.

Princess Luna stood above them, her horn glowing softly, holding the sheets in place. With a smile, it glowed brighter, and the sheets all folded themselves before floating into the waiting arms of the maid and her daughter. “Thank you your majesty!” She cried, bowing to the dark princess of the night. The princess gave a small nod, and moved to allow the two to pass. They did so.

As Luna made her way down the hallway as before, she was stopped by the cry of the child. Luna turned to see her rushing back to her, her eyes gleaming with excitement. “You’ll know Princess Luna!” she cried. Her mother realised what the child had done, and rushed to catch up with her.
“Tallulah!” she said angrily.
“I just thought that she might know!” protested the little filly. Luna held up a hoof to the frustrated mare, showing it was fine.

“What is it I ‘might know’ little one?” she asked amusedly. The little mare bounced happily at the princess co-operation.
“That suit of armour! The one in Princess Celestia’s room, do you know why she has it?” Luna’s face fell at the question. The maid saw her reaction, she grabbed her daughter.
“Come along! We have a lot to do!” she ordered, sending the princess an apologetic glance as they left.

Luna nodded to her absentmindedly, thinking hard. She hadn’t been in her sister’s chambers for decades. Her incarceration on the moon had seen to that, but in her few years since she had been back, she still hadn’t gone to those chambers, it didn’t feel right just yet. But now the dark princess’s mind was a blur of thoughts and emotions.

She still had it? Even after so many centuries, she still had that suit of armour? Luna walked to the window in the hall; you could see the solar tower from here. Tia’s room was right at the top; she looked hard, almost as though there were a chance to see the suit from this far away. Of course she couldn’t.

After so many years, so many centuries to move on and find new love. Or simply to just come to terms with what happened, Tia had still kept his armour. She looked down into the gardens, littered with statues that looked like chess pieces from up here. She could swear she could see him, posed in that final act of fear as he pushed against the elements of harmony. What if he knew? What if the chimera knew that his beloved Celestia still had his armour in her room?

Would he change? Would he stop his chaotic ways? What would he do, after all he did, after how much he had changed, after his crusade against all that reminded him of Tia and Luna’s father. Luna couldn’t help remember how he used to be, that stallion, the one that time forgot, the stallion who came out of the Ever Free forest with her sister safe in toe. That heart must be there still, somewhere hidden away. What would the chimera do, if he knew Tia still cared?

Comments ( 14 )

There you go again with that sad thing. Man, you got it down to a science now.
Which, if you look at it, is kinda 'sad' that there is a science for this type of thing.

Great mini story, fun read. :pinkiehappy:
Till the next one!


short,sweet if a tad bitter and well told. you get a thumb.:eeyup:

I won't even be able to compete Brony. I just planned on telling the side story of Luna and Celestia and their jealousy of each other as they fight for Him. I commend you Brony. You're just too damn good. But that does not deter me, I will be finished soon. Good job and good luck in your future endeavors.


642722 im glad :pinkiehappy: everybody, this guy is the one who challenged me to write a sad fic at the sane time as him! He's a great author and deserves many a praise!:derpytongue2:

643754 You flatter me so and I appreciate it Brony... But you know too damn well that this is your talent. I'm but only a tragedy whereas you are 'teh feels' as they would say. You don't make people feel such, you make them become such. I'm proud to have been able to challenge you before I leave :pinkiehappy:


644204 your very welcome, and i'm very flattered! :pinkiesmile:

This was absolutely fantastic. I'd love to read a sequel on discord's reign and fight with celestia by you. :fluttershyouch: but only if you want to.

678616 a sequel... Hmmm now that's a thought... Maybe :derpytongue2:

That was a great story, it was short but still hit all the points. I hope you decide to do another.

Gotta say, this is probably my favorite short story I've read in a while. I love pretty much all of it, so i just had to say thanks, and you have my like.

wasn't there a comic for this?

2931620 If there is and you find it, please send it to me! I love finding things that have similarities to my own work! :pinkiehappy:

i couldn't find the beginning, but heres is what i think is part of the comic i was thinking about
p.s. a quick summary of the beginning: star swirl has a crush on Celestia, and wail demonstrating his newest project The Elements of Harmony to her and her sister the elements react to them and they both ascend it to alicorn hood, he attempts to ascend but fails, later though experimenting he learns there is a source of power other then harmony, chaos witch he focuses though many animal sprite totems, after he transforms he goes to confess his love to Celestia.: that should be where the comic strips stars off
again sorry i couldn't find the beginning comic strip

Holy shit, i mean i read some bad stories today but this one ........ it's amazing it makes all those bad stories I've read like a distant memory, i love the way discord was perceived in this and stupid ass tradition of ascendance was destroyed with the king.

This is truly one of my most favorite story on Fim Fiction, well done dear author.

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