• Published 23rd Aug 2014
  • 957 Views, 12 Comments

Wings of Bravery - Fabella

Upon finding a mysterious door, Derpy and Carrot head to a place unknown to all. What they soon find out too late however, that their curiosity would soon put to risk not only their friends, but the entire fate of Equestria and the world around them.

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Chapter I: A Day Free from Strife

Author's Note:

Artwork by: Ziom05.Deviantart.com
Music by: Carbon Maestro on Youtube
Writing and Story by: Fabella

The sky was bright as Celestia's brilliant sun showered it's rays down below her fellow subjects. Ponies went to and fro under the enlightening warmth of the summer doing business like always. Minding their own and chatting away with friends. In the sky not to far from the average little town of Ponyville, hovered above the mythical Cloudsdale.

Home of the weather manipulating ponies known as the pegasi. Built of clouds and rainbows, the place traveled through the sky following wherever the wind decided to blow it. It was here that Equestria's weather was organized and made.

In the city, a young blue mare who carried a rainbow colored mane whistled to her team. Watching the ponies that were under her supervision, speed through the sky at great speeds. Her eyes keened on their every move and motion.

“Raise those hooves up! I wanna see them working!” she shouted. Her face showing a bit of disgruntled disapproval.

The team blazed through the hoops one by one with a swish of air from behind them as they moved with speed. A heavily masculine pony with muscles of brawn, struggled a little but did just well enough in the eyes of his couch to pass. His tiny wings serving him little to accompany his large size.

“Come on! I wanna see you guys work!” Rainbow Dash as per her name, was growing agitated by the lack of effort that was being put in by her mates. Outside of the heavily muscular pony, everyone else did rather okay when she knew they could accomplish better. Her attention went to her side only to see a light blue, dark maned stallion eating a sandwich.

Her face immediately fell. “Don't stand around and do nothing! Get out there and work! You'll be having lunch in a few minutes anyway!” she nagged.

The stallion groaned and ate the last little bit of his sandwich. Throwing the last piece into his mouth and rubbing off the crumbs. He flew back into formation to join the others in their training.

“Geez, what am I'm going to do with you guys?” Rainbow grumbled. Hoof palming her face in irritation.

A yellow mare flew down and landed behind her with an orange fire like mane. “Hey, hey Rainbow Dash! Whats up?”

Rainbow turned around and smiled at the familiar sight of the young mare. The leader and recruiter of the Wonderbolts themselves that she had grew to love and idolized. Her eyes lit up at the sight.

“Hey Spitfire! Whats up?” she galloped towards her.

“Nothing much, just chillin' ya know? All of Ponyville seems to be doing good today.”

“Yeah! Today is Rarity's birthday party and all her friends are invited!” amusement showed on Rainbow's face.

“So are you going?”

Rainbow flew up into the sky and did a flip of excitement. “Totally! Especially since Pinkie is throwing it so we all should know that it's going to be awesome!" she squealed.

Spitfire chuckled at the excitement of her friend.

As Rainbow landed down from her cheerful spree, a stallion from her training routine fell hard on his behind. Landing on the soft clouds that served as ground to the pegasi ponies.

“Soarin!" Rainbow called. "What are you doing?” Ready to nag him again.

He rubbed his backside in pain. “Me? You mean what is she doing.” Soarin pointed a hoof to the sky were the trainees were trying their best to dodge a grey colored mare.

“Oops, sorry! I didn't mean too....” before she could finish her sentence, she crashed into another trainee.

“Not her again!” Rainbow grumbled. Recognizing exactly who the infamous mare was.

“Sorry, but I'm trying to find Rainbow Dash!” the gray mare questioned. The others were unable to hear or acknowledge the statement that had been made as they tried to organize themselves from all of the chaos. Flying and bumping into each other in a tangle mess of feathers and fur.

“Oh, for crying out loud! I'm right here!” the scream from Rainbow startled the mare but she smiled in relief that she had alas found her. She landed down in front of Rainbow Dash carefully to avoid creating any more trouble than what she had already caused. Flapping her wings slowly and gently as she stood in front of a barrage of confused looks.

“What do you want Derpy? Can't you see I'm busy?”

Derpy was a clumsy mare who for some reason, always attracted disaster wherever she went. She wasn't popular with most ponies but none dared to deny her kindness and generous attitude. Unfortunately, she was still an unwelcome guest among some.

“Sorry Rainbow Dash but I wanted to make sure you got this.” the grey mare pulled out an envelope from her bag and gave it to Rainbow who grabbed hold of the envelope. From a single glance, Rainbow doubted not that it came from Pinkie. It was decorated with an array of stickers and colorful glitter with her name written messily in black crayon. She opened it up only to be startled by a surprise attack of confetti. Stunned she shook her head and read the writing inside:

You are hereby invited to Rarity's ultra super duper all-time awesome amazing outstanding greatest of greats (even greater than Cheese Sandwich. Yeah I said It.) birthday party!
Where: Crystal Empire
Time: 10:00am to 7:00pm
What Day: Tomorrow
V.I.P Edition

Rainbow was taken back a bit by how simple and clean it was for something made by Pinkie Pie. Nonetheless so straight forward compared to the style of the envelope when she received it. She stood silent until realizing that it was probably due to Twilight's involvement.

After all, she did take some time to help Pinkie with the plans and invitations but unfortunately, not with the time to send them out. That will explain why they were delivered only a day before the party was set to begin. Pinkie was less than adept when it came to actually planning for a party.

“So what does it say Rainbow?” Spitfire asked curiously.

“It's an invitation to Rarity's birthday party and it's being held in the Crystal Empire and you know what else? I'm a V.I.P guest! This is so awesome!” she squealed in excitement. Holding the letter close to her chest.

"Is that so? I look forward to seeing you there."

"Your going too Spitfire?"

"Yeah. I figured I come. Most if not all of Ponyville got invited anyway's."

"As too be expected." Rainbow stated. “It's practically a public event knowing Pinkie.”

Rainbow made her way towards Derpy and scratched the back of her neck. “Sorry for snapping at you back there. I just wanted to say thank you for the delivering that invitation.”

The grey mare smiled and tipped her hat to Rainbow. “It's fine! I'm just happy to know that I made another customer happy! I better be off, I got more to deliver. See ya Rainbow!”

“Yeah...see you too Derpy.”

Derpy flew off but not without awkwardly flying into them again. Causing the trainees to be thrown off course. Derpy smiled as she blushed embarrassingly.

“Oops, my bad.” She whispered and with that, flew off into the distance.

Rainbow palmed her head with her hoof. “Oh, boy.”

Down in Ponyville, a pale yellow, orange maned mare was setting up shop. Her cutie mark in the picture of three bright orange carrots signified what she her talent was. It was harvesting time for the earth ponies and today was the best day to get it done and for good reason. it was the Annual Ponyville Open Market where earth ponies mostly and other farming equines came to gather as one and sell their crops.

With the sun shining bright and nothing more than the birds chirping to distract her from her work, she could pleasurably get things done for once. She had a knack for growing things, carrots mostly of course and knew more than enough recipes for them to keep an expert cook going for years.

Her stand was set, her wooden cart was parked and filled with carrots of different colors and her jar for coins was yearning to be filled with with the results of her hard work.

Carrot grabbed a thin blanket from her wagon and unfurled it to set it upon the ground. Upon doing so, she pulled three baskets from her cart and placed them on top of the blanket. She grabbed her carrots from the wagon and sorted them out into each basket according to color. Purple, red and the renowned orange into their own.

Becoming slightly bored with repetitive work, she grabbed one carrot out of the wagon, flicked it into the air and threw it down into one of the baskets according to their color with her tail. She hummed a melodious tune as she did the same to the rest. As she did these tricks to entertain herself, the ponies that walked around gazing at what the market has to offer, became onlookers towards Carrot's show.

“Hey Carrot Top! How ya doing?”

Carrot looked up and saw an orange mare with a blonde mane staring at her with a smile. Her cutie mark was pictured on her flank as three red apples. It was none other than Applejack herself who was the daughter of a line of great apple farmers. Carrot couldn't help but notice the baskets that were hooked onto her sides.

“Oh hey there Applejack! I didn't think my first customer would be you. Aren't you going to Rarity's birthday party?"

“Yep! I'm most definitely going. But first I wanna pick up some carrots for granny's ol' carrot cake!"

"I thought your granny made mostly apple pies not carrot cake."

"She makes those too! But every once in a while, she'll make me and my siblings her delicious carrot cake. My granny doesn't just know how to make pies you know! Only the finest of carrots can be honored with the dream of being in my granny's ol' dish and I know just the mare to go to for them!”

Carrot Top could not contain her pride and smiled wildly. “Well you came to the right place then!”

Carrot Top pranced on over to the basket of hers filled with orange carrots and plucked the brightest one from the group. She flicked them into the air and used her tail to smack them into the baskets Applejack carried. She did the same with the others. Bucking and throwing them up into the air and landing them in the baskets with near perfect precision.

Before long, a crowd had gathered to watch her gymnastics. Carrot continued her act for a while until Applejack's baskets were nearly overflowing. The carrot mare had lost herself in her own show.

Applejack counted her carrots. One...two...three...twelve. More than enough for her granny to make her cake. Considering the large size of them all, it was more than enough to probably make two or three.

“Alright then. That's all I need.”

“Are you sure?” Carrot asked. Panting a little between breaths.

“Yep. I'm mighty sure! We only needed six but these are good enough. We'll just use the others for dinner.”

“I'm glad I was of service. Considering how you guys specialize in apples, I'm surprised your interested in carrots.”

“Well, many think that just cuz' we got apple in our blood we ain't good at anything else. After all, we got oranges in our family. We know a thing or two about other produce.”

Carrot let loose a chuckle. “I hear you Apple.”

“Well, I'll better be off right now. Thanks Carrot Top!” Applejack said goodbye as she walked off with the heavy baskets hanging from her sides. Carrot waved goodbye to her before she found herself suddenly swarmed by the same crowd that was watching her. All wanting to buy her precious produce that she had prepared for the day. They rambled orders and pointed money towards her face. Their voices mixed and matched in confusion as each tried to tell her what they wanted and how much.

"Whoa! Whoa! One at a time now. I'll l be able to get to you all much faster one at a time." Carrot didn't like having her personal space invaded but as the wanting ponies lined up behind each other, she felt content enough to go back to work. Using the same tricks and stunts that she had done for Applejack's fair share of carrots, she rolled, kicked and bucked them into the air.

Not missing a shot as they fell into each customers bag, basket and sack. Lost in her acts once again, the day moved progressively fast. The sun in the back beginning to give way to Luna's dusk. Fading away slowly and gently beneath the horizon.

As the day reached it's afternoon, Carrot plucked the last carrot she needed and smacked it into the last customer's basket. He smiled and threw a gold coin into her overflowing jar before leaving.

She wiped the temple of her head. "That should be the last one."

She waved him off and took a deep breath as fatigue gathered in her legs. She picked up the jar of change and spilled it into a bag. Later putting it in her wagon and begun to dislodge her small shop. Taking down the banner and signs scattered about and throwing them into her wagon.

"Maybe I should do tricks more for when I'm doing my other sales." She told herself while smiling.

Carrot placed the last few pieces of her shop set into the wagon and begun to hook herself up to it, preparing to make her way back home. However, her trip back home was to end abruptly.

“Whoa! Look out!”

Carrot looked up at the sky with a confused look but before she could react, she was thrashed up against her wagon. Toppling over the wooden carrier and spilling out the contents onto the ground. The mare's hard earned money was everywhere. Carrot emerged from beneath the pile of debris and gave an angry look to the mail mare who returned it with a wary grin and blush on her cheeks.

“I'm sorry. I've been trying to control myself, but I was caught in a gust a wind and just when I was about to maintain control I spun out! I'm truly Sorry!”

All Derpy received from her was a sigh. Carrot was use to Derpy's destructive nature but was still, nonetheless, annoyed by it. She went out of the pile and brushed herself off before going back to pick up her fallen materials. Placing a fair amount into the wagon as Derpy watched silently.

Still feeling guilt, Derpy zoomed over to her friends side.

“Let me help you with that!”

Carrot said nothing as Derpy swiftly picked up the banner that laid fallen and climbed onto the wheel of the wagon. Attempting to drop it into the cart. Unaware of the wobbling motions of the old fashioned vehicle.

“Derpy! No!” Derpy glanced her way with the banner still in her mouth only to be thrown back by the sudden tumbling of the cart. Spilling out the small amount of contents and falling over on its side. Derpy grinned and blushed embarrassingly. Agitated, Carrot pushed her friend to the side.

"You stay over there while I handle the rest." she walked away with her head hung low as she frowned.

"But it was me who caused it! I should-"

Carrot struck a fast glare to her friend who closed her mouth.

"Just. Be. Still."

Carrot went to finish picking the spilled contents off the ground and gathering the money. Placing them all back where they belonged. Finished, she strapped the buckles onto her that helped to carry the cart away. Seeing that she was done and had calmed down, Derpy approached her who held a happy smile in front of her.

She sighed. "What is it now Derpy?"

“I was just wondering...”

"About what?" she raised an eyebrow. The sun setting further down in the background.

"You see I wanted to check out some books from the Canterlot library, mainly fairy tales to read to Dinky, so I was wondering, will you go with me! To the Canterlot library?!”

“Not right now!”

“Of course not right now! Later on! Like, tomorrow!”

“Why can't you just go by yourself? You went many times before by yourself so why not now?” Derpy clopped her hooves together and looked to the side with a hint of pink staining her cheeks. “Well, the last time I went to the Canterlot library I was trying to get a book from one of the top shelves so I used a ladder....”

“And?” Carrot pressed her friend further. Her eyebrows furrowing.

“....I ended up making dominoes out of the book cases."

"How did you-, I'm not even going to ask."

"The librarian said that the next time I come over, I better have someone with me and I couldn't find anyone who was interested.”

“That would explain why the library was closed for an entire two weeks." Carrot mumbled.

“So will you go with me?"

“I don't know...”

"Please Carrot!" Derpy pleaded. Staring at her with big, bubbly eyes.

Carrot gave in. "I guess I'll go but before I do anything I want to get home and drop off these supplies. Care to escort me?”

“Sure!Why not?”

“I'll go with you tomorrow. It's getting dark anyway so you can spend the night over my house. And by the way, I have Muffins!”

Derpy squealed in excitement. "Are they blueberry?”

Carrot giggled “Of course! You think I'll forget? It's your favorite after all."