• Published 23rd Aug 2014
  • 960 Views, 12 Comments

Wings of Bravery - Fabella

Upon finding a mysterious door, Derpy and Carrot head to a place unknown to all. What they soon find out too late however, that their curiosity would soon put to risk not only their friends, but the entire fate of Equestria and the world around them.

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Chapter XII: Rip in Time

"Long before the Princess known as Cadance came into view or even her mother, there was to the far north as you know, the Crystal Empire."

Pruina showed the earth pony a panoramic view of the lavish empire. Carrot's eyes widened as she gazed upon the grandeur of it. Large and tall buildings dressed in crystal and marble filled the view as different races of all types walked among each other peacefully.

"The land of the far north was a land of prosperity and beauty. Driven by their rich resources of minerals and precious stones. Buildings of marble and crystal could be seen every step and races which ponies and other kinds never laid eyes upon can converse and intertwine with one another in open unity. While others were fighting and bickering among one another, all races were welcomed with open hooves. It was a place of splendor and riches, a utopia for it's time."

"And lemme guess, it's ruler was you?"

"Indeed I was. For three hundred years did I rule in peace and care. Protecting my kingdom and ruling over my subjects who held me to high esteem. You have me to thank for the empire your princess now rules over. It would have never came to be." she sighed.

"You...founded it?'

"Of course as well as most of the traditions that dare come to be celebrated til this day. I was there where alicorns in abundance ruled over lands and I was there when they disappeared. Certainly, it only made sense that I would come to found my own land." Pruina gave a small laugh.

Carrot merely narrowed her eyes.

"And my reign would have lasted til your day had it not been for your precious princesses."

"What is with your hatred towards Celestia and Luna? Whatever you have done surely you deserved it!"

Pruina snapped her neck towards the earth pony. "Whatever I have done does not amount to the punishment I had received! You ponies carry your princesses in such high regard that you believe them to be infallible. Incapable of doing any wrong or poor judgement. But like us both here they have past sins and I am one of them." Pruina gritted through her teeth.

Carrot swallowed as she watched with nervous eyes the bitter mare.

"A plaque begun to ravage the northern lands. Prance, the independent states of what would soon be Equestria, various kingdoms. It spread like wildfire and it was only a matter of time before such an atrocity would reach the far, cold north. Ponies and other races were dropping like leaves on an autumn morning. By this time your princesses have been came into power. I had been kind to them, meeting with them to attain a newly forged set of affairs."

"You were allies with them?"

"I was." she hissed. "When the plaque, the black plaque had reached the lands of what was then Equestria they tried desperately to search for a cure but no magic seemed to help. Fillies, colts, mares and stallions all fell victim. Growing deathly ill and dis-configured until you could not tell them apart. I however was determined to find a cure. No matter what it took. When no simple medical or healing spell could work I turned to last thing I knew of."

"And what would that be?"

"Black magic. I made a contract with hell's residents. In exchange for the knowledge of worldly magic I knew of they would give me power to cure any illness, a panacea to the problem at hoof and any other that should come. I was enlightened, grateful and in my desire to spread the good news I told your dyarchal rulers about my findings but they viewed it as too much. Saying the consequences of demons knowing the ways of pony magic or of any kind is too much of a risk. No matter how much I tried to make them see how the benefits outweighed the costs they refused my proposal. Forbidding my practice. But I wasn't going to let my subjects or kingdom die to because some uppity ponies said so. I continued my practice in secret, striving for a cure by the time my kingdom was struck. I was aimed to not only save my subordinates but my family as well and all those under me knew that. But some...were like the princesses."

Carrot looked on with intense interest as the scene on the panoramic view changed to a mixed group of races sitting at a round table.

"Word of me continuing the my practice spread to the princesses and the United Council of World Leaders, to which I was apart of. I became ostracized, viewed as a danger. They threatened the stability of my kingdom by removing their support needed imports and threatened me with removal from the council. I was enraged, angered that they would not heed me. I refused to stop my practice and your princesses, so called doing it for the greater good, saw fit to remove my ability for magic right when I was nearly finished with my contract with hell itself."

"W-what happened?"

"My kingdom was destroyed. That is what happened. My subjects were dropping like flies and my family, my stallion, my sister, and my foal all fell to the same disastrous disease. The air was filled with death and soft chatter was soon replaced with aggressive mourning and weeping. My kingdom came to a halt and the ones that were dear to me succumbed to painful sores, and hectic fevers and coughs. Nothing I could do could make them go easier onto the next life. All because Celestia and Luna wanted to pretend as though they were above every pony and every one." Pruina hissed.

"That...doesn't sound like them. It's hard to believe that."

Pruina gave the earth pony a sinister smile, as eyes as cold as night pierced through her own. "Hard to believe but nonetheless true. I refuse to submit to the rule of some pony or some thing below me. I marched onto their kingdom once demanding answers as well as my subjects but they succeeded in my defeat. But now..." Pruina chuckled. "...but now I will be the one who will succeed in theirs."

The ice pony, used her tail to swipe away the panoramic view. It dissipating into the gentle wind. The tanned mare turned her back on the young earth pony as she opened her mouth to let out a command.

"Enascor!" her voice echoed through the cold landscape and the sound of her voice was like that of a roaring lion. Soon after, the ground beneath Carrot begun to shake. Rumbling the very foundations of he ricy, pyramid shaped tomb. Carrot looked down beaneath her and saw her tomb beginning to erect itself into the air.


Two great, horse like beasts came from both the right and left side of Carrot. Carrying her in between them on a solid, icy platform that was tied to both of them by chains.

The earth pony watched on as ponies, icy soldiers that too lacked any flesh, begun to emerge from the very ground that the ice witch stood upon. They were soon joined by icy golems, small dragons and even the dreaded windigo, as they all came forth at command of the queen herself.

Pruina looked back at Carrot with an intimidating smile.

"Be proud my little pony. You are going to witness front and center the greatest victory of all of history. I will bring upon your princesses and the whole of Equestria a storm much bitter, much colder than any windigo storm can and could deliver."

Carrot narrowed her eyes and stared at the mad mare with false confidence. "The Elements of Harmony will stop you."

Pruina laughed. "Lets hope they can."