• Published 23rd Aug 2014
  • 2,095 Views, 277 Comments

Reddux the Tyrant - PaulAsaran

Without warning, the dragons have attacked Equestria. Now three young ponies struggle to find their place in the looming conflict. Can Celestia make peace before her lands are annihilated, or will the feared Reddux crush all who oppose him?

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The Slaughter of Sueño

Reddux the Tyrant

Chapter I
The Slaughter of Sueño

The great balcony of the fort Mirar el Cielo extended over the reefs of the Bay of Trotaloosa like a dinner plate balanced in a pony’s mouth. Waves crashed against the rocks below in an eternal battle to wither away the island of Sueño, with no regard to the magical wards making their task impossible. High above, the Equestrian flag waved atop the tallest battlement as sleepy soldiers awaited the coming change in shift.

Fancy Pants had his forelegs resting atop the balcony wall, his eyes set to the endless ocean in the east. He remained silent, awaiting that perfect moment he always roused early for. The sounds of gulls made his ears perk, but he didn’t cast his eyes to the great brown cliffs on either side of the castle. He barely noted the sails of ships docked in the harbor below or the ponies scurrying like ants on the docks trying to keep to their schedules.

No, he kept his eyes on the distant horizon. As he did every morning.

It came: the first rays of the sun pierced the clouds and basked the world in an orange glow. The ocean shimmered as if countless jewels floated upon its surface. Fancy loved the night more than he ever did the day, but the marvelous sight of a dawn over the ocean never failed to take his breath away. It was nothing less than a glorious tribute to the greatness that was Celestia.

“I think somepony’s in love.”

Fancy’s shoulders sagged and his ears drooped; so much for peace and tranquility.

A big, burly Earth pony stepped up beside him and elbowed his ribs. “Come on, Shmancy, we’re all in on it. Just admit you’re infatuated with the princess and maybe we’ll leave you be.”

Fancy glowered at the new arrival. “If I was so interested in Celestia, why would I have asked for a post outside of Canterlot?”

A unicorn mare appeared on the other side of him and said, “Well duh, so nopony can guess you’re infatuated with the princess.”

Fancy groaned. “Not you too, Sparks.”

Sparks grinned and leaned against the wall. “What? A girl’s gotta know when a guy’s got the hots.”

Fancy shot her a bemused frown. “‘The hots?’”

The stallion set a hoof to Fancy’s forehead and held it there for a couple seconds. “Yep, and you’re about as hot as a pony can be. Hope it’s contagious.”

“Get off, Lance.” The hoof was knocked away. Fancy turned back to watch the sun continue its steady climb. “I just like to watch the sun rise. Do you have to apply vulgar purposes to everything?”

Lance stuck out his muscular chest and grinned. “Hey, Mama didn’t call me Long Lance for nothin’! Flaunt what ya got, Shmancy.”

Fancy Pants rolled his eyes but couldn’t resist a small smile. “You’re one of a kind, you know that?”

Sparks huffed a laugh. “Says the idiot who left a life of luxury to sweat in some barracks.” She whacked Fancy’s shoulder. “We were just gonna grab something to eat now that our shift’s over. You wanna come with before you start yours?”

Fancy sighed and made an exaggerated gesture towards the sun. “Mood’s ruined, so yeah, might as well.”

The fort was a substantial structure considering the small size of the island, all brown stone and thick walls. Everypony appeared laid back: officers and soldiers played cards together, fillies and foals ran about the walls playing their silly games, a troubadour sat on a box next to the fort gates, playing a guitar and singing to a curious crowd. As Fancy and his companions exited the gates they found themselves on a short stone road to a town nestled comfortably in the brown cliffs, the residents just beginning to rise for their daily routines.

When Fancy had requested a post outside of Canterlot, Mirar el Cielo hadn’t even been close to what he’d intended. Part of him resented the posting… but if he was going to be sheltered, there were certainly worse locations they could have sent him. Sueño had to be one of the quietest places in the world for a fortified position. The view of the ocean from the fort was spectacular and – as he eyed the tall houses and bright red cliffs that glowed in the morning light – he had to acknowledge that the town itself was no slouch for beauty.

Fancy was growing to like it here. Like everypony else in his regiment, complacency was set in a permanent lull over his mind. What was there for a young officer of the Equestrian Army to do aside from break up a fight or two?

Which was actually a problem. Fancy didn’t come here for complacency. If he wanted that, he would have stayed at home. Still, he couldn’t request a change in post for another seven months; might as well enjoy himself while he could.

If only that wasn’t the very attitude he’d been trying to escape from…

Sparks broke the quiet. “So where are we eating today?”

Lance gestured to a building set in one of the cliffs, easily viewable over the other structures. “I say we visit Casa Sol.”

Fancy and Sparks shared smirks. “You always wanna eat there,” Sparks said.

“What? It’s good.”

It was Fancy’s turn to elbow Lance. “You just want to flirt with that waitress, the red one with the ponytail.”

Lance turned his muzzle up in a haughty display. “You can tease all you want, but she can’t ignore my charm forever.”

Sparks snorted. “Charm. Right. That’s what you’ve got, let me tell you. Spades, I say.”

Lance chuckled and slapped Fancy on the back. “I’ve got more of a chance than our resident princess-chaser here.”

Fancy decided to show his companions how ‘haughty’ was really done: he raised his muzzle and spoke in a perfect Canterlot tone, making sure to add an extra touch of snob for the taste. “You backwater yokels are all alike. Forgive me if I seek higher pleasures than that which you desire, Long.”

“Ooh, pulling out the pedigree.” Sparks bumped Fancy with her flank and winked at Lance. “Better watch out, if he whips out his ‘elite’ in front of your little red bird, she might just start flocking his way.”

“And I might put my hoof up his hindquarters,” Lance grumbled.

It didn’t take long to reach the restaurant. Fancy lingered behind at the front door to watch how the dawn’s light played on the cliffs and buildings. He really had to be cautious; at this rate he’d turn into an artist like his mother.

His pleasure was interrupted by shouting. He noted two ponies heading out the door and politely stepped aside. Though he avoided looking at them, it was impossible not to hear the conversation.

“If I catch you stealing from storage one more time I’ll have you thrown in the fort dungeon!”

“If you would give me a job I wouldn’t have to steal!”

“I told you, you’re too young. I’m not going to have child services shutting down my establishment and charging me with child labor.”

“I’m fourteen, not four! Please, I’m just hungry.”

“No. You wanna eat? Go to an orphanage where you belong.”

Fancy couldn’t resist glancing out the corner of his eye. A unicorn filly, her light pink mane and tail in tangles, was flung into the street by the restaurant owner. She sat up and glared, her pink cheeks soaked with tears. There was a fire in her eyes, the kind one doesn’t see among the posh elites of Canterlot. She did indeed look too young to have a full-time job, but only barely.

“Fancy, come on.” Lance appeared to pull him away from the sight. “We ain’t waiting on you to order.”

Fancy let himself be herded inside, his ears twitching to the sound of the filly shouting at the owner some more. His stomach twisted a little as he recalled her fiery eyes. Why was he walking away from this? Because there was nothing he could do?

They settled down at a table before a wide window facing the south. Lance wasted no time hitting on their waitress, who was indeed the red pegasus he liked. She took his double entendres with a smile even the inexperienced Fancy could tell was just for Lance’s benefit.

“That mare’s gonna get your flank thrown in the dungeons for sexual harassment.” Sparks leaned back in her seat and locked Lance with an annoyed frown.

Lance returned the look with a charming smile. “Come on, Sparks, we all know you’re just mad ‘cause you can’t admit to being crazy about me.”

Sparks rolled her eyes. “Oh, I’m crazy about you, all right. Crazy enough that I’m ready to buck you off one of these cliffs.”

Fancy ignored their banter and kept his eyes locked on the ocean beyond the window. Why couldn’t he get that filly out of his head? Maybe he would order an extra meal and bring it to her. It wasn’t much… but it was something. It didn’t make him feel any better, though.

He blinked; something was out there. He focused his attention on the dot in the sky. No, three dots. Curious, what might that be?

His attention was jolted by a bump from Sparks. “Hey, Fancy, wake up! Ponies are gonna start thinking you’re high on extract if you keep staring off into space.”

He turned and saw that the waitress was waiting for his order. He thought about the filly outside and ordered two seapetal stews, one to go. As soon as she was gone, he interrupted Lance’s joke. “Do you guys see what I see?”

Lance and Sparks shared raised eyebrows and peered out the window. Fancy turned and was surprised to find that the dots were much closer. This time their shapes were distinct, and there was absolutely no question as to what they were.

“Well, waddaya know?” Lance smiled at the beasts as they approached. “It’s been a long time since any dragons flew by.”

“Only the second time I’ve seen any,” Sparks admitted. “I was starting to think this fort was pointless.”

Fancy had never seen a dragon before. He sidled a little closer to the window and studied them as they came ever closer. He was able to make out their colors now: red, green and black. The red one was in the lead and looked much bigger than his companions.

“Shouldn’t we warn somepony?” he asked.

“About what?” Lance leaned back in his seat and turned his eyes away. “They’re just flying by. Happens every now and then. Besides, the ponies on watch are no doubt aware.”

Sparks was more interested, getting off her seat so that she could stand by the window. “Amazing creatures, aren’t they? I’d love to talk to one.”

“I think they’d rather eat you,” Lance replied with a chuckle.

Fancy looked to Lance, who seemed completely disinterested. He looked to Sparks, who was absolutely fascinated. Neither of them seemed worried at all. Which was curious, because Fancy definitely felt a lot of anxiety knowing three dragons were on their way.

He shifted from hoof to hoof and turned back to watch. “So we’re not at all worried about this?”

Lance laughed. “Look at the new guy, getting cold hooves! Don’t worry, Shmancy, we’re like ants to them. What do they care about one measly little fort on a measly little island that doesn’t even have any gems?”

Sparks shot Lance a sour frown before smiling Fancy’s way. “He’s an inconsiderate jerk, but he’s right. There hasn’t been a dragon attack in centuries.”

Fancy swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded. He turned back to see that the dragons were flying directly for the island. He could make out some features by now, and his curiosity crept over his worry. He could just make out their talons, their fangs, the leathery appearance of their wings. The morning sunlight glistened on their scales in what he had to admit was a dazzling display.

He didn’t know whether to be amazed or terrified. He felt like such a clueless city pony. Even so, his friends were almost certainly right; why would the dragons attack? Fancy knew his posting to this island was an underhooved move on his father’s part to keep him out of danger – and responsibility – so why would he be here if there was a risk of dragons just attacking out of the blue?

He glanced at Sparks. “Where do you think they’re going?”

She replied in a voice of pure wonder. “Who knows?”

“Who cares?” Lance glowered at them. “You guys are boring, y’know that?”

Fancy ignored him, watching as the dragons descended until they were flying just over the water. They kept getting bigger and bigger in his vision. His mind reeled from the sheer size of the leader! He made his companions look like children. Fancy was mesmerized by the sight.

This was something to write home about.

Ponies had gathered around the window to watch the spectacle. There was no small number of amazed comments.

“Three at once! How often does that happen?”

“They never cease to amaze.”

“Look at those wings!”

“They’re flying awfully low.”

“Think they’ll land on the island?”

“Not a chance.”

“The red one, he’s huge.”

Sparks called back over the crowd. “Hey, Lance, you gotta see this guy! You ever seen a dragon that big?”

Lance had been making a determined effort not to pay attention, but at last he climbed out of his chair and pushed his way to the window. “Just a few dragons, geez. It’s not like…”

His words died as he finally spotted the three beasts, which were mere seconds away from passing over. His jaw dropped, his face went pale. “Oh sweet merciful Celestia.

“That’s an attack formation.”

Fancy and Sparks shot him wide eyed looks in tandem. “What?”

An instant later the dragons had passed.

Another second… and the world shook.

Fancy fell to his knees as dust and rocks fell from the ceiling. He could hear screams of surprise, of alarm… of fear. The ponies around him began to run, though where they were going he couldn’t imagine. All he knew was the there was a dragon on top of the building… and that scared him half to death.

“No, stop!” Lance was trying to catch as many ponies as he could. “Don’t go, he’s gonna—”

Fancy turned just in time to see the crowded entrance burst into flames.

The screams were excruciating.

Sparks lifted Fancy off the floor, but she looked as terrified as he felt. “Lance… w-what do we do?”

The more experienced soldier swore as the dragon’s breath ended. There was the distinct sound of flapping wings. What ponies survived the blast were fleeing wildly, their bodies coated in flames.

Lance turned to his friends and nodded to the still burning doorway. “We get our tails to the fort and arm, that’s what!”

Fancy and Sparks followed as he charged the door. He leapt through the flames as if they weren’t even there, but Fancy had to close his eyes to will himself through the blaze. He landed outside safely and slammed right into Lance. Sparks smacked him from behind and the two of them fell, the bigger Lance taking the blow with only a small extra step.

Fancy looked up. He wished he hadn’t, for he was just in time to see the green dragon make a slow pass over the roadway, blasting a long stream of fire. In its wake were ponies engulfed in flames, their screeches filling the morning air.

The red dragon was coming in for another shot.

“In the alley, come on!”

Lance pulled Sparks to her hooves and shoved her into a space between some nearby buildings. Fancy was halfway to his hooves, but his eyes locked onto that terrible scaled visage. He saw something he’d never expected: pleasure.

The beast was enjoying itself.

Fancy was knocked sideways and went sliding into another alleyway, Lance pushing him inside at full gallop just as the flames passed by. Fancy swore he could feel the fur on his coat shrivel from the heat. There was a thunderous crash; rocks and boulders from the walls crashed down around them. Fancy and Lance jumped up to find a massive scaled body standing atop the two buildings above them.

“Yes.” A deep, powerful voice made the world shake. “Flee, hide, scream! Panic as you know that no force in Equestria can save you.”

Fancy looked to the other alleyway. He saw Sparks standing back in the shadows with a half-dozen other ponies. Her eyes went wide as the dragon sucked in a deep, ominous breath.

“Sparks… Sparks!” Fancy started to move, but Lance caught him in his hooves.

The ponies across the street tried to flee. Sparks horrified eyes lowered to meet Fancy’s.

Flames engulfed the alley.


Lance’s hold was like iron, but his voice was choked. “Celestia’s Holy Mother be damned…”

The dragon’s fire came to an end, leaving the alleyway a massive blaze. The dragon pounced atop the buildings over it, smashing the stone with its mighty legs before launching into the air with a throaty laugh. Rock, masonry and timber collapsed over the flames, but only served to stoke them.

Fancy finally broke free, running for the alley with tears in his eyes. “Sparks, for the love of Celestia, Sparks!”

He slid to a stop, the heat of the flames holding him back. He could see bodies squirming in the blaze, the screams penetrating his consciousness and digging deep into his brain. His body trembled with a sense of terror he’d never known as he listened and prayed that one of those voices didn’t belong to his friend.

“Help me!”

Fancy was jarred from his horrified stupor by a familiar voice. He looked down to see the pink filly caught beneath a log that had yet to be engulfed in the flames. She scrambled against the stones, tears streaming down her cheeks and a numbing horror in her eyes. She looked up at Fancy, her lips working frantically as she begged almost inaudibly for salvation.

Lance appeared, attempting to drag Fancy away. “Come on, we’ve got to get to the fort!”

The rough treatment jarred Fancy from his terror. He pulled away from Lance and moved for the filly.

“Stop, Fancy! What are you doing?”

“Help me!” Fancy focused his horn on the wood, struggling to lift it against the stone and rock that pinned it down.

“It’s too late!” Lance tried to pull him away again. “One of those dragons could come for another pass at any second! Now is not the time to be a hero!”

Fancy let out a snarl and spun about, his elbow cracking Lance in the cheek and knocking him away. “I will not leave her here!”

He turned back to work on the log once more. His eyes locked with the panicked filly. “I’ve got you. Don’t worry, I’ll get you out!”

“Damn you, Fancy. If I die here I’ll kick your tail!” Despite his clear frustration, Lance moved to the log and, dropping to his haunches, started to lift.

Fancy strained, forcing as much magic out of his horn as he could. He tried to keep his eyes locked on the filly, to not look as the ponies mere inches behind her twisted and jerked in the flames that seared his coat. Their shrieks pierced his eardrums, but he tried to listen only to the sound of her pleading voice. He had to do this, he had to!

A large shadow passed by just as the log began to rise. An earth-shaking roar made the loose wood in the fire crumble. Lance let out a determined snarl as he climbed to his hooves, bring the log up with him. Fancy dragged the filly out from under the log, letting out a long breath as she clung to him and wept.

“No time for a breather.” Lance grunted as he dropped the log with a resounding crash. “Let’s go!”

Fancy cast one last look at the terrible blaze and the ponies within before he lifted the filly onto his back and turned for the fort. He and Lance ran side by side, but slid to a stop as they turned a corner to find themselves facing the massive, black backside of one of the attackers.

The dragon had his claws in the crumbled wall of a building. Fancy’s entire body shook as one of those muscular arms pulled back, revealing a pair of screaming ponies caught in its talons. The dragon studied the relatively tiny things with one eye.

Its lips turned up in a wicked grin as it reared its arm back and slammed its palm into the nearby cliffside. Fancy’s stomach curled inside itself as the claw was pulled away to reveal two splattered, bloody stains in the rock.

Hideous blue eyes turned on him. Fancy’s blood went cold.

“Go go go!” Lance shoved him into the nearby alley just in time for the dragon’s spiked tail to slam down where they’d once stood. They fled between the buildings as the beast let out a throaty laugh.

The filly was clutching Fancy’s throat and sobbing.

“GoddesswhyisthishappeningIdon’twannadiepleasedon’tletthemeatmedon’tletthemeatmeIdon’twannadieoh mercifulGoddess…”

Fancy cringed and kept pounding the pavement, not daring to mention that he knew exactly how she felt.

They emerged in another street just in time to see the green dragon rearing up over the cliffs with ponies in his fangs and claws. Fancy was unable to resist watching as the creature flew high on powerful wings and let the helpless ponies drop like screaming rocks to the city below. Fancy and Lance fled up the hill as bodies hit the hard stones all around them. The steady thwack, thwack, thwack of each hit filled him with a new disgust.

They arrived back at the main street and turned for the fort. Both ponies paused to gape as the red dragon loomed over the gates like a demon god of Tartarus. Arrows flew from the battlements, beams and magical explosions rocked the early morning air.

The dragon shook off the attacks like a pony shakes off water. Its massive talons gripped the wall and pulled; gargantuan muscles bulged, stone and mortar cracked. The wall came down, crushing any ponies unfortunate enough to be standing within the gates. The dragon sucked in a long gulp of air and engulfed the remnants of the battlements in flame.

Fancy’s watched with wide eyes as the beast flew off to find more victims. His throat was dry, his heart was hammering so hard he could feel the pulse in his ears. He slowly looked about as if in a trance.

The island of Sueño was engulfed in fire and death. Everywhere Fancy looked, there were bodies. Those buildings not cracked and crumbling were ablaze. Any pony who wasn’t dead was wounded or trapped within the buildings. Blackened or smashed corpses covered the stone street and the acrid scent of burnt flesh filled his nostrils.

Three dragons. Just three dragons had done this. How long since the attack had started? Ten minutes?

The filly was still weeping. Fancy and Lance shared wide-eyed looks, and Fancy was sure that his companion’s pallor was a good match for his own.

Fancy worked his jaw. Somehow, he was able to produce sounds. “Wha… what do we do now?”

“I… uh…” Lance’s pupils were shifting wildly. “I… we… we have to…”

A thunderous crunching sound had them spinning about. The structure on the corner collapsed, dust and debris flying high to blind them. Fancy used his magic to blow the dust aside, and as he did a vast, scaled green face appeared. It leered at them from around the corner.

“Well, well. Still alive?”

Fancy wasted no time bolting, Lance hot on his tail. The dragon’s steps thundered in his brain.

“Yes, scurry away! Go on, you can make it.”

“This way!” Lance turned down a side street. Fancy had to scramble to make the turn, managing it just in time to avoid the clamp of the dragon’s jaws. The filly was screaming, but still on his back.

Lance made another turn, this time diving into a gated cave. Fancy followed, praying his companion knew what he was doing.

“Tell me you can make a shield,” Lance shouted.

Fancy gaped. “Against dragon’s fire?”

His ears perked and his chest constricted at the sound of something breathing deep. Panic threatened to overwhelm Fancy, but he kept his head well enough to spin about and summon a blue shield to cover the entire tunnel. A second later the flames filled the cave, the intense heat making Fancy sweat and he struggled to hold the spell together. It wasn't like normal fire; there was something far more intense within the flames. He cringed and closed his eyes, pouring all the energy he had left into the defense.

The flames stopped. The dragon let out one of those hideously mirthful laughs.

Fancy dropped to his knees. The filly climbed off and knelt at his side. Her cheeks were soaked with fresh tears but her eyes were set on him.

“Fancy, that was awesome.” Lance lifted him to his hooves as the tunnel rocked all around them. “No time to rest! We gotta get to the harbor.”

“Harbor. R-right…” Fancy let himself be dragged along, shaking his head as he tried to recover from wielding so much magic so quickly. He’d never used his horn like that before…

The filly walked alongside them, her head low and wincing with every resounding crash. “W-what’s causing that?”

Lance’s face was contorted in a scowl. “Maybe they’re trying to bring the whole fort down.”

The tunnel shook, thick stones falling out of the ceiling.

“But why are they attacking?” she asked, her voice shrill.

Lance grimaced and tugged a little harder on Fancy. “Come on, Schmancy! I know you’re a wimpy rich colt, but ya gotta carry your own weight eventually.”

Fancy obliged, forcing his legs to work. He’d regained some of his energy and was finally able to move under his own power. “W… why are we going to the harbor?”

“Somepony has to get out of here alive,” Lance replied, his eyes hard and focused on the tunnel ahead. “Somepony’s got to get to the mainland. They need to be warned. The dragons wouldn’t attack for no reason.”

They were in the artificial portion of the tunnel by now, the walls and ceiling crisscrossed by thick supporting beams. Lanterns swung from wall hooks as the pounding continued to rain dirt and rocks atop their heads. The filly pressed close to Fancy, her eyes roaming the dark as if she expected something to leap for them at any second.

The noise came to a stop. The only sound was the ponies’ hoofsteps as they trotted in the darkness, Lance leading the way. The quiet did nothing to ease Fancy’s nerves. If anything, he was even more terrified than before. He could still hear the screams of those burning ponies, could see that split second where Sparks was staring at him as the flames engulfed her. His breath was coming in shallow gasps and closed his eyes, but that only made the image more vivid.

The filly lowered her head. “Maybe… maybe they’re gone?”

The cave rocked beneath their hooves so much Fancy fell to his knees. There was a resounding crack, and he looked up in time to see one of the supporting beams begin to fall. Lance was right beneath it.

Lance looked up at the beam, his eyes wide. They went to Fancy and the filly, then back to the beam as it came down. He reared back just in time to brace his forehooves against the wood. It held, but Lance’s knees were wobbling as the rock of the cave pressed down.

“Lance!” Fancy stumbled to his hooves and tried to summon his magic. He was rewarding with a burning pain and a weak spark.

“Fancy…” Lance grimaced as he struggled. “G-go… go under me!”


“Hurry!” Lance’s hooves slid on the stone floor. “I can’t hold it up forever!”

Fancy cringed and pushed the filly ahead of him. She fell to her belly and crawled beneath Lance, and Fancy followed close behind. As soon as he was across, Fancy turned about and tried to use his magic again. His horn sparked and smoked; he could barely get any energy out of it.

“Lance… come on, drop it.” Fancy gestured to the Earth pony. “You can make it if you run!”

Lance buckled and fell to his knees. “The… the whole cave might collapse. Run, Fancy! Go on, take the girl and get out!”

Fancy’s heart hit his throat. His hooves danced as his mind struggled with indecision. “But… I… I can’t let you—”

“Goddess damn you, Fancy, get out!”

The filly was clinging to Fancy, her eyes wide as she stared at the struggling pony. Fancy fought for some kind of solution, trying again and again to get some kind of spell out, but he was rewarded with nothing but a searing pain in his brain. If only he’d not cast that shield spell…

“Fancy!” Lance ground his teeth and glared. “Remember what I told you. When we meet in the afterlife I’m gonna kick your tail straight to Tartarus. So you better not die, ‘cause I’m gonna make your death miserable!”

Another resounding crash shook the tunnels. More supports began to splinter and bend.

“Go! For bucks sake, go!”

Fancy let out a furious shout and fled, tugging the filly with him. They ran and ran. Rocks trembled and wood shattered all around them. The noise no longer involved the pounding of the dragons; this cacophony was much closer to home. Fancy swore again and again, his hooves pounding the shifting rocks. The filly was just ahead of him, her pink tail brushing his muzzle as they fled.

Sunlight! They slid to a stop on a ledge just a few feet above the water. Fancy pulled the filly aside and they both pressed against the cliff wall as the rocks inside the cave came down, dust and dirt blasting out of the mouth and into the lapping waves.

“Buck.” Fancy covered his face and shook his head. “Buck buck buck buck buck!”

“The harbor…”

He looked up at the filly’s words and felt his heart sink; the entire harbor was ablaze. Every boat, every ship. He could see vessels trying to sail away and being blasted by dragon’s flame. Ponies swimming in the water made easy the targets for the black dragon, who swept over them to swipe its claws and lift up what ponies it could. Fancy looked up to see the red dragon hovering just beyond the massive balcony that he had been standing on not even an hour ago.

Its pounding fists resounded in his ears. Cracks were already forming on the stone supports.

Fancy and the filly were right under them.

“Go!” Fancy pushed the filly and they ran along the rocky ledge. Fancy knew there was a small supply shack nestled within the rocks somewhere ahead. If they could just get there…

He glanced aside just in time to see the black dragon sweep across the waters, blasting his fiery breath on the still-swimming ponies. Steam filled the harbor amidst the agonized screams of those caught in the flames and boiling waters. Fancy turned his eyes forward, wishing he hadn’t looked.

There it was! The shed was small and made entirely of stone, nestled in a space between the rocks. He opened the door and all but threw the filly inside. He turned about to the sound of a resounding crack and watched, mouth gaping and mind numb, as the great balcony fell. Rocks collided with falling soldiers, who dropped into the shallow waters like helpless dolls. The few pegasi who managed to escape only lasted a few seconds before being caught by the claws of the laughing dragons.

Fancy could only stare, unable to think for the horror that filled him. So much death. The shrieks drowned out all thought. His mind didn’t know how to process this.

He was faintly aware of being pulled back by the tail. He backed up absent-mindedly, forced into motion by the sobbing filly. He was in shadows. His eyes locked on the bodies floating in the water.

The door slammed closed.

The filly clutched his cheeks and forced him to stare into her wet eyes.

“What do we do now?” She shook him, her lips trembling and her eyes wide. “Mister… w-what do we do now?”

He stared blankly. His head slowly shook.

“I don’t know.”

He sank to his knees and sobbed.

“I… I don’t know.”

The screams and pleas were underscored by deep laughter.

Author's Note:

Ever since Reddux was first mentioned offhand in No Heroes Book I, this story has been on my to-do list. I've mentioned the character over and over again throughout my stories, and he made a memorable appearance in Twilight's Inferno (and a less-than-memorable one in Trixie vs. Equestria), but this story is the one I always wanted to write. At last we shall see who Reddux is in the No Heroes universe.

Let me be perfectly clear: this is a pet project for me. I don't expect it to be as good as my other major works, and I'm okay with that.

This story is a prequel to the main No Heroes story and takes place roughly seven years prior to the first book – which means it also takes place seven years prior to the start of the show. The story is also considered a canon prequel to my Fleur series of stories, although the Fleur series and the No Heroes series are slightly different AUs.

My heartfelt thanks to Vergathos and Danger Beans for prereading.