• Published 23rd Aug 2014
  • 2,096 Views, 277 Comments

Reddux the Tyrant - PaulAsaran

Without warning, the dragons have attacked Equestria. Now three young ponies struggle to find their place in the looming conflict. Can Celestia make peace before her lands are annihilated, or will the feared Reddux crush all who oppose him?

  • ...

As The Sun Sets

Reddux the Tyrant

Chapter XX
As The Sun Sets

A lifetime of viewing Canterlot Castle from the city had not prepared Fancy for actually being within its hallowed halls. As he kept pace behind two golden-armored guards, he craned his head back to take in the beautiful sights. Pearly walls, velvet rugs, lush paintings and tapestries, ornate stained glass windows… and that had been only the first hallway. Fancy had always thought the nobility was extravagant, but this place could school a stallion in the art of fine living.

He knew it was all for show. Celestia had no use for such a garish display – she regularly entreated the Royal Court to reduce the budgeting for such things, though her words often fell on deaf ears. Now that Fancy finally got to see more than the castle’s ball room, he finally understood her frustration. Even so… it felt nice to marvel.

The castle was cool despite the oppressive heat outside. Many of the lower floors had been refitted into temporary living quarters by Celestia’s secretary and steward, a safe haven from the heat for those citizens of the city unable to cool their own homes. Yet all that was about to change.

The guards led Fancy into a smaller hallway, for which he was relieved. The main passages felt so… gauche. Instead of rugs on hard stone, the floor here was covered in a thick, soft layer of red carpet. Gone were the tapestries and overbearing statues, replaced with simple pictures of families and ages long past. This area of the castle felt more personal, which was enough to inform Fancy that they’d moved into the residences.

That meant they were getting close. Fancy felt his heart flutter at the thought. He glanced around, hoping to find some sort of reflective surface to measure his appearance by, then blushed at his own foalishness. His mother had fussed over him aplenty before he’d left the house, he looked fine. He’d have to deal with her fussing for a long time yet.

And his father’s regular boasting of having a ‘dragonslayer’ for a son. The thought had Fancy’s teeth grinding.

The guards came to an abrupt stop, and Fine realized they were standing before a tall, but otherwise ordinary, door. He swallowed the lump in his throat and adjusted his tie. The knocking of the guard’s hoof on the door seemed to echo through the hallway like thunder.

The voice came as a whisper within his head. Enter. Quietly, if you please.

The guards stood aside and turned to Fancy, their legs snapping up in salute. He might have grimaced at them if his stomach hadn’t tied itself into some unpleasant knots. Horn shining, he pushed the door open and entered.

Celestia’s chambers weren’t as big as he’d anticipated, though they were still large. He found himself in a simple room covered in bookshelves and lush carpet, a tall fireplace standing between two windows that revealed just how high up he was in the palace. Two closed doors were present on either side of the room, making it clear that Fancy was only getting to see one small part of Celestia’s private residence.

His breath left him at the sight of the princess. She lay atop a couch, facing a fireplace, her head risen above the back and turned away. Even so, the sight of any small part of her filled him with joy; she was alive, and that meant everything was going to be okay.

Fancy. The whisper was in his head once more. Please, come where I can see you.

He took a long, calming breath, squared his shoulders and did as he was told, marching a wide circle around the couch. Once properly before Celestia, he turned and bowed low. “You wished to see me, Princess?”

“Quiet, now.”

Fancy looked up and blinked; a small, lavender filly was nestled against Celestia’s side, sleeping soundly. Celestia stared at the foal with a smile warmer than the sun. “My student wore herself out in her excitement. Let’s try not to wake her.”

“Of course.” Fancy couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Celestia watched the foal with a distinct brightness to her visage; it was quite the motherly expression. He had no intention of saying such out loud, though.

At last, the princess turned her attention to him. Her voice was soft, delicate, but somehow he was able to hear her clearly. “And please, Fancy, do not bow before me. If anything, I should be bowing before you.” She tipped her head forward.

Fancy’s cheeks burned as he averted his eyes. “Please, Princess, I was only doing my duty.”

Celestia’s smile never wavered. Her horn shined brightly, engulfing the filly in her golden glow and lifting her from the couch. Celestia then stood and turned for one of the closed doors. “Walk with me, Fancy.”

He cocked his head as she went on without him, then followed. “I’m glad to see you’re okay, Princess.”

“I apologize for worrying you so much.” The door opened seemingly of its own accord, and Fancy paused at the threshold. He stared at Celestia’s bedroom, uncertain if entering such a place would be considered proper. She’d said to follow, but…

“I’ll only be a moment.” Celestia approached her bed, gently depositing the filly under its blankets. “I just wanted to give Twilight a better place to sleep while we talk.”

Oh, good. Fancy sat and watched patiently as the princess tucked her student in, nuzzling her with a smile as the foal stirred. “Shush, go back to sleep. I promise I’ll still be here in the morning.” The foal-sized lump made no protest, going still under the covers. Satisfied, Celestia turned back to the door.

“The past few weeks have been hard for her,” Celestia said as she passed back into the lounge, the door closing behind her. “Twilight is a very smart little pony; she knew something was wrong as soon as the sun failed to set. They say she tried on four occasions to sneak out of the city to go looking for me, and nearly succeeded twice.”

Fancy stared at the door as Celestia passed. “How old is she?”


He exhaled slowly. “You’re right, she’s a smart one. Err… Princess.”

Celestia giggled, the sound tickling his ears. She looked back over her shoulder. “No need for titles, my friend. To you I am only Celestia.”

His heart skipped a beat, and it took him a moment to realize he had a broad grin. Celestia said nothing more, only resumed her walk to the other door. He followed, feeling lighter than air.

The next room appeared to be a study, complete with a massive desk of cherry wood and a variety of decorations. Aside from the pictures, there were a number of strange articles; a doll on the corner of the desk, a broken pocketwatch hanging from a rusted coathanger, a black flower encased in crystal and a necklace in a small display case on the wall, just to name a few things. In the corner sat a stand were stood a gold and red phoenix, who watched Fancy with a curious gaze.

Celestia’s voice regained his attention. “Fancy, you have done Equestria a great service. I felt that you deserved a reward.”

He turned to find her opening the glass door to a broad balcony. “Princ… Celestia, that is hardly necessary. Knowing you’re safe is reward enough.”

She stepped onto the balcony and turned to give him that delightful smile. “If that were coming from most nobles, I’d assume it to be sycophancy, but I know you mean it.” She chuckled at his blush. “As flattered as I am by your devotion, Fancy, I think you deserve something more.”

He approached at her gesture, and once outside he felt the heat of the sun pressing down on him like a thick blanket. He glanced back at the cool rooms, but only for a moment; gazing out, he saw just how high they were. Canterlot seemed like little more than a toy model, and the hills and plains of Central Equestria dominated his sight.

He looked to find Celestia smiling down at him. “It’s quite the view.”

“Indeed it is,” she replied. She gazed out over the land, her horn shining brightly. “You once praised my sunrise. I hope seeing the first sunset in many weeks will be just as impressive.”

Fancy felt the air leave his lungs. He stepped back from the princess, eyes going wide as the glow of her horn grew ever brighter. Her eyes closed, her face slipping into a serene expression. Fancy turned to find the sun, after so many days of blistering heat, beginning its gradual descent to the horizon. His ears perked to the steadily rising cheers of an entire city. Gradually, the blue sky shifted to a brilliant orange.

The sun’s descent was slow, determined and measured. The sky above thus shifted its colors with equal grace, the powerful oranges gently fading to velvet and, with the last ray of sunlight winking out in the West, black. Fancy let the air escape his lungs, barely acknowledging the faint cheers from far below. He turned to Celestia, feeling just a little light. “That was beautiful.”

Celestia’s horn dimmed, and at last she opened her eyes. They shined brightly in the darkness. “I am glad you approve, but I’m not quite done.”

He blinked, noting how her horn was beginning to glow once again. He turned in time to see the full moon slowly rising over the horizon, accompanied by a plethora of stars. He stared at the glimmering jewels in silence, a calm smile on his lips. “Your night is pleasant, as well.”

Celestia said nothing. Fancy turned to find her staring at the moon with… was that longing? “Princess?”

A twitch of the face was all it took for her to regain her royal demeanor. “It is nothing.” She tilted her head his way with a smug smile. “And now, we need to discuss your reward.”

Fancy stared at her for a moment, processing her words. He blinked and looked between her and the horizon. “But… but I thought—”

Celestia laughed and turned to face him properly. “Come now, Fancy, every pony in Equestria saw me lower the sun. Did you really think that was to be your reward?”

To his frustration, his cheeks burned once more. He scuffed the ground and bowed his head. “It was important to me.”

“And I appreciate that.” Celestia lifted his chin with a hoof so he could gaze into her pink eyes. “But really, Fancy, look at what you’ve done. You survived Sueño, rescued a foal in the process, volunteered to go back into the fight, killed a dragon and saved not only my life, but my very soul. I do not think a mere sunset, no matter how beautiful, is enough for a hero such as yourself.”

He shuffled from hoof to hoof, unable to tear his gaze away. His heart pattered against his ribs. “I… uh… I didn’t do it all on my own, y’know.”

The princess chuckled and, mercifully, released him from her visual hold. “Does your modesty know no bounds?”

He stuttered and stared at his hooves, wishing his cheeks would cool down. “I didn’t do any of it to be a hero.”

“And that, Fancy, is just one part of why you are one.” Celestia stepped back and sat with a beaming smile. “I have already decided. You will no longer be Fancy Pants, but Sir Fancy Pants.”

His head jerked up, mouth agape. “You mean… I’m going to be…”

“Knighted, yes.” She nodded with a light giggle. “I haven’t had the honor of knighting a pony in… well, I’d have to check the records, but many centuries. We’ll perform the ceremony in a week’s time, which should be enough for all involved to learn the appropriate rituals.”

Fancy swallowed a fresh lump in his throat. “Princess, I—”

“Ah ah ah.” She waved her hoof before his muzzle. “Celestia.”

“C-Celestia… a knighthood? Really?”

“Yes, really.” She raised her hoof again, and he clamped his jaw closed. “Don’t bother telling me you don’t want or deserve it, my friend. Now is not the time for modesty; you have more than earned it. I’ll be expecting you to choose a home within the next few months.”

He reeled. “A home?”

She nodded eagerly. “But of course! A mandatory perk of being knighted is that you are gifted a new home, purchased or built entirely on the government’s bit, along with a parcel of land.”

Fancy fell to a sitting position, mouth agape.

Celestia reached forward and pushed his jaw closed with a smirk. “Best get used to it, my friend; in one week’s time you will officially be the most important pony in Canterlot.” She stepped back and raised her hoof high. “Oh, and I almost forgot that I’ll be bestowing you with the official title of Dragonslayer. I don’t particularly like that one, but Parjin and Sorahna insisted.”

“I… I…” Fancy shook his head forcefully, trying to clear his head. “I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything, Fancy.” Celestia’s smile grew warm, and that warmth extended into his body and brought out a smile of his own. “Know that I do this because ‘thank you’ isn’t near enough for everything you have done for Equestria, and me personally. It has been a very long time since I last met a pony so deserving. But, since we’re here, right now…”

She dropped into a deep bow.

“Thank you, Fancy. Thank you for saving my life.”

Fancy stared at her prostrate form, mind numb. It was all he could do; no air escaped his lungs to provide an answer. He felt at his chest, just to make sure his heart was still beating. When she at last stood up, he nearly collapsed from a lack of air.

Her eyes widened. “Fancy?”

He gasped, oxygen finally flowing into his lungs, and sagged with a giddy grin. “I think I can die and go to Elysium, now.”

Celestia laughed, a hoof to her forehead. “Stallions.”

Hoofknife stood before Celestia’s desk, expression grim. “Well, he seemed happy.”

Celestia set his unread report aside and smirked. “You’re not jealous, are you?”

He averted his gaze. “Maybe.”

Her smile faded in the face of his seriousness. “I appreciate your work too, Cavalier.”

“Bull.” He shot her a glare. “You hate the Archons.”

She frowned and steepled her forehooves on the desk. “I admit, I find your methods… unsavory, but you know I haven't any ill will towards you, or wish for your suffering.”

“But you’ll never appreciate us like you do your innocent little ponies.” He waved a dismissive hoof. “Can we move on? We’ve had this discussion enough times.”

She didn’t answer, only stared at him from over her hooves. There was no anger in her expression, but it still made him shift and glance away.

“Cavalier, I know that your devotion is on par with that of Fancy Pants.”

“Don’t call me that,” he grumbled. “I’m Hoofknife now until the day I die.”

“But I could get along with Cavalier.”

He sighed and sat. “I know. I’m sorry, Celestia. I’ve devoted my life to the Archons, but far more to you. I know you find us a disreputable bunch, and I’ve mostly learned to live with it. And I know Fancy has earned all the praise he has been given.” He scuffed the carpet and refused to meet her gaze. “Yet even I have moments when I regret my decision to live in the shadows.”

Concern covered her expression. “You could always retire.”

“It’s too late for that,” he muttered. “Even if I did, I lost you the moment I agreed to this job.”

To this she had nothing to add.

A few seconds ticked by, which he spent trying to compose himself. “At any rate, I’m glad to see you’ve recovered.”

She studied him for a few seconds longer, but at last sighed and nodded. “As am I.” She leaned forward, expression neutral once more. “Fancy tells me that another pony helped him rescue me, but that pony has since disappeared. Do we know anything about him?”

Hoofknife’s lips curled up in a wry smile. “Oh, yes. He’s one of mine.”

Celestia’s eyebrows rose. “An Archon?”

The Archon,” he replied. “He’s the best agent we’ve had in centuries, and I wish I could say it had anything to do with him being my apprentice. In a way, he’s more of a hero than Fancy; he helped in the defeat of Tialvis and the rescue of the dragon eggs at Crater Lake, thereby sealing the fate of Reddux’s efforts to goad the Hoards to war.”

Celestia sat back, eyes wide. “So he is the pony Parjin—”

His hoof shot up. “That’s not all! He is the pony Parjin spoke to you about, and he is therefore also responsible for bringing Fancy and the Redwings to Estéril Pezuñas on a rescue mission. Oh, and there’s one more small, teensy little thing he achieved.”

He waited until Celestia leaned forward, relishing her attention.

“He killed Reddux.”

Celestia blinked. “By himself?”

Hoofknife nodded.

She exhaled a long, slow breath and sat back, eyes wide. “That’s… incredible. I think I would like to meet this pony.”

At that, Hoofknife promptly sobered. “You will. As is traditional, he won’t know it until the time comes, but I decided long before these events to make him my heir.”

Celestia frowned. “I would have preferred to meet him now, but I suppose another twenty years or so will suffice.”

Hoofknife shifted, eyes going to the floor. “Actually… it’ll be more like five years.”

Quiet filled the study. He made no attempt to check for her reaction.

“Cavalier, what are you saying?”

He sighed and looked up. To his mild surprise, there was concern in her expression. The spot in his side itched. “What you didn’t know was that I tried to rescue you first and failed. I was injured and put in one of those pods.”

Celestia tilted her head. “I don’t understand.”

Hoofknife sat and averted his gaze once more. “The injury was small. If I’d seen a doctor right away, then maybe… Well, I ended up trapped in that pod for a few days without medical attention. The wound got infected.” He turned sideways and raised his foreleg so that she could see the fresh scar tissue. “By the time I got treated, the infection had spread to some pretty vital areas. They pulled the worst parts out with surgery, but the doctors tell me I’ve got five years at best.”

For some time, Celestia only stared. In a slow, steady motion, she lowered her face into her hooves and leaned against her desk. “Oh Goddess, Cavalier. I am so sorry.”

“Don’t be.” He lowered his leg and turned back to her, expression pained. “Death has always been an occupational hazard for an Archon. I only did what I had to.”

“Don’t play the ‘duty’ card,” she whispered from behind her hooves. “You did it for me, and now you’re going to die.”

He gazed at her, chest tight as he considered her words. He approached and reached over the desk, taking her hooves in his. He waited until she looked up.

“Yes, I am. And if I could go back, I’d do it all over again. Please, Celestia, don’t feel guilty about this. It was my decision all along.”

She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I offered you this job.”

“Just as you have every Mane Archon over the centuries,” he said. “It’s not your fault, Celestia. You didn’t chose me to be the Mane Archon, you merely told me I’d been selected. That’s how it’s always been, and it’s how things will be when you have to inform my chosen successor. It was up to me to decide, and I chose to be your watchdog instead of… of what I could have been.

“So please.” He squeezed her hooves. “Please don’t blame this on yourself.”

She considered him for some time, their eyes locked. He could see the wetness within hers and gave her hoof another tight squeeze.

At last she sat up, a frail smile on her lips. “If I may be so bold, I think you chose very poorly.”

He gave her a smile of his own. “If I may speak freely, I wholeheartedly disagree.”

After a moment’s pause, Celestia shook herself and turned her face away. “Ahem… Well, back to… to business. You said your agent helped with the defeat of Tialvis. Care to explain?”

He stepped back, forcing his face into a neutral position. “Right. According to his report, Tialvis was killed by a third pony, a mere filly of fourteen.”

“Fourteen?” Still turned away, Celestia focused on rubbing her eyes. “You mean to tell me a filly killed a dragon? I’d love to hear this story.”

“I know it sounds crazy,” Hoofknife admitted, “but if my agent says it happened, I’ll believe it.”

“Interesting.” At last she turned to him, face calm and collected once more. “I’d like to meet her. What is her name?”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well… I can’t tell you.” At her raised eyebrow, he turned his face away. “Yeeeeah, about that.”

Fancy watched from within his carriage as the train pulled into Canterlot Station. He dearly wanted to get out and meet his guests in pony, but half-feared the roving eyes of the locals. He rather liked being the Most Important Pony in Canterlot, but it made going out in public… tricky. After three months of putting up with more attention than he’d had his entire life, he was prepared for a few days of private time.

He waited, tapping his hoof against the glass as ponies climbed out of the train and onto the platform. His servant remained steadfast by the stairs, and he knew his anxiety was ridiculous. Or perhaps it was just excitement. Either way, Fancy had a lot of trouble holding still.

At last he spotted one of his guests: Colonel Mander, moving slowly with a stiff hind leg. Fancy couldn’t help staring: the colonel was sporting an orange polo shirt. Fancy never thought he’d see the day the stallion didn’t wear his armor. He was halfway tempted to doubt his eyes.

He was followed by Oak Feathers, who now sported a set of wheels strapped to her waist to make movement easier. It looked like a graceless method of travel, but the hard look on her face deterred any offerings of help from others. She seemed to be moving just fine, at least. She was followed by a tall, yellow stallion with a fiery orange mane.

As soon as they were out, a filly darted out of the train, flying a blurry circle around them. She only paused when Oak snapped at her, at which point Fancy noted that she shared her father’s coloration almost exactly, though her coat was a bit darker in shade. Fancy couldn’t help smiling; that must be the ‘little fireball’ he’d read about in Oak’s letters. How old was she, thirteen?

His servant caught the group’s attention, and soon the ponies were all approaching Fancy’s carriage. He grinned and waited until they were within a dozen feet before opening the door and stepping out. “My friends, welcome! Welcome to—”

“Did you really jump off a cloud and kill a dragon?!”

He blinked, a face full of orange filly obscuring his vision. “You must be Spitfire.”

The filly grabbed his cheeks. “That sounds awesome! Tell me how you did it!”

“Spitfire,” Oak snapped, “get out of his face.”

“But Moooom!”


The filly crossed her hooves and pouted, floating back to hover over her mother’s shoulder. Oak shot her a withering glance for a second or two before turning her attention to Fancy. “Well, look at the rich colt, all studded out in a suit.”

Fancy chuckled and ran a hoof along his tuxedo. “It comes with the new reputation. How are you, Captain?”

“Not bad, all things considered.” She reached back to pat one of the wheels. “These things are a lot more effective than they look, I can still detach and fly at will, and I don’t have to retire. They got me training new recruits now.”

Fancy grinned. “I almost feel sorry for the recruits. Almost.”

Oak returned the grin, then waved to the stallion at her side. “Fancy, meet Heatwave, my husband.”

The two exchanged a hoofbump, Heatwave’s feeling curiously weak. “Nice to meet you,” Fancy said.

“Likewise,” Heatwave replied with a small smile. “Oak’s told me a lot about you.”

Oak pointed to the hovering filly. “And as you’ve figured out, this is my daughter, Spitfire.”

Spitfire was still pouting. “Hey.”

Fancy chuckled. “A pleasure, little lady.”

“I ain’t little!” Spitfire stuck out her chest and huffed. “I’m gonna be a Wonderbolt someday!”

“Sure ya are, kid.” Oak’s tone was dry, but she still had a broad smile.

Fancy turned to the last of his guests. “Colonel. I almost didn’t recognize you.”

“Retired,” Colonel Mander said, lips upturned in a smile. “And enjoying it. It’s good to see ya, Sir Fancy.”

Fancy winced as he exchanged a hoofbump with the colonel. “Please don’t. I really don’t like that I got a title while you guys got scars.”

“Hey, I’m proud of my scars,” Oak declared, beating her chest. “It beats having a pretty title any day. Less attention.” She pointed to the side, where Fancy finally noticed the crowd of ponies looking to catch a glimpse of Equestria’s newest hero. He rolled his eyes and stood aside, gesturing to the carriage.

“Let’s get out of here before they start asking for autographs or worse.”

They were sitting around his brand new dining room table, enjoying a five-course meal before a massive set of windows that showed off Fancy’s new garden. He was learning more about his friends in one evening than he’d ever expected. At the moment his attention was on Colonel Mander – “Geri,” as he insisted he be called now. “I’m still trying to imagine you on a golf course.”

Geri grinned over his spinach. “Use all that money you’ve got to buy some clubs and I might be willing to give you lessons… for a price.”

Oak, sitting between her husband and daughter, laughed raucously. “Forget it, Fancy doesn’t have the balls!” Heatwave was blushing wildly, but Spitfire laughed right along with her mother. “I finally found something to go with your flank, Geri.”

“I still say golf is boring,” Spitfire said once she’d regained control. She might have flown out of her chair if her parents hadn’t already lectured her a dozen times for the crime. “I prefer hoofball!”

“That’s my girl.” Oak ruffled the filly’s mane with a grin. “She’s really good, too. I’m pretty sure that she’ll be a wide receiver in the pros… if the whole Wonderbolt thing doesn’t pan out.”

“Hah! There’s no way I’m not getting into the Wonderbolts.” Spitfire tried to strike a proud pose, but ended up knocking her plate and had to scramble to keep it from spilling her glass. Blushing profusely, she mumbled an apology and attempted to hide under the table.

Heatwave said nothing, and he seemed to be the quiet type. Fancy didn’t mind; Oak said enough for the both of them.

“Excuse me, sir.”

Fancy turned to find his butler at the head of the table. “Hello, Straight Lace. What can I do for you?”

“Pardon the interruption, sir, but you have a visitor.”

“A visitor?” Fancy glanced out the window, noting how dark it was. “At this time of night? Who?”

Straight Lace’s expression remained immaculately… straight. “She declined to provide a name, I’m afraid, but said you would be eager to see her. A young mare. Possibly another of your adoring fans hoping to catch your eye, although she’s far too young for such things. Shall I send her away?”

Sometimes Straight Lace’s ability to hold that dull tone really unnerved Fancy. “No, I best see who it is. At the very least I’ll be courteous enough to let her down myself.”

Oak’s eyebrows wiggled as he stood. “Oooooh, Fancy’s got the mares beating down his door.”

“What did I tell you, Fancy?” Geri raised his glass with a smirk. “Mares like heroes. Go give her what she wants, kid.”

“Ugh.” Spitfire rolled her eyes. “Adults.”

Heatwave just watched with a blushing grin.

Fancy had the discipline to not let their taunting get to him… openly. In truth, he’d had so many mares come to ‘visit’ Equestria’s one and only knight that he’d become quite used to deflecting their obvious passes. He followed his servant through the halls, wondering what this one would try. “How many does this make, I wonder?”

Straight Lace didn’t miss a beat. “She’ll be the fifth this week, sir. I do believe she’s set a record for age, though.”

That made Fancy miss a step. “Wait, hold old do you think this mare is?”

His servant replied with a simple but telling “Not.” He paused at the top of the banister by the stairs of the greeting hall. “Sir Fancy Pants, Dragonslayer and Knight of Equestria.”

Fancy paused at the top of the stairs, his eyes going to the pony standing in the center of the hall. He peered in the dim lighting; she was small, alright, with long legs and a lithe form. A model, perhaps? He’d had one or two of those show up. He started down the stairs, but when she turned to him his legs stopped moving.

She gazed up at him with bright violet eyes. “Hello, Fancy.”

“Fleur?” He hurried to the bottom of the stairs, a curiously tight feeling in his chest. “Is… is that really you?”

She smiled sweetly, tall and proud as she flicked her immaculate pink mane. “It most certainly—”

Fancy wrapped his hooves about her shoulders in a tight hug that made her gasp. His heart soared as she slowly reached up to return the gesture. They remained that way for some time, neither saying a word.

But then Fancy pulled back. “I thought you were dead! Where have you been all this time?”

She sighed, but didn’t lose her smile. “It’s a long story. I’m sorry I couldn’t contact you.”

“Couldn’t contact me?” He scowled. “For three months? I thought Reddux had eaten you!” He bowed his head, shoulders shaking. “I… I searched all over the city trying to find you.”

“I’m sorry, Fancy.” She rubbed his cheek and brushed his mane back. “Really, I am. I promise, I’ll tell you all about it later.”

He pressed her hoof to his cheek, delighting in her touch. She was real; the last weight of the conflict had finally lifted from his shoulders, and despite everything he managed a smile. “I’ll hold you to it.” He stepped back and nodded for the stairs. “We’re having dinner with Oak’s family and Colonel Mander. Oh, you haven’t met him, have you?” He chuckled weakly. “Well, no time like the present. Would you… would you like to join us?”

Fleur beamed. “I would love to, thanks.”

As they ascended the steps, Fancy struggled to pick out one of the myriad of questions flying through his brain. “So… what brings you to Canterlot?”

Fleur’s smile broadened. “School. I’ve been accepted to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns.”

Fancy sputtered. “But ponies start there at the age of six!”

“I’m in a special program,” she replied with a grin. “Seeing as of how I’ve had no formal education at all, I’ll be going through an intensive crash course. I’m told that, if I work hard and keep focused, I’ll be graduated by the time I’m eighteen.”

He gaped. “That’s remarkable. Do you really think you can handle that?”

Fleur shrugged. “They accepted me, so they must think so.”

“I had a feeling you were talented, Miss Purpurnyj, but this is something else.”

“Why, thank you.” She giggled and paused to wave her hoof towards her flank. “But it’s Miss de Lis now.” Fancy turned to examine her cutie mark, then raised an eyebrow her way, to which she responded, “I’m finally free of Daring Deeds, may his soul rot in Tartarus. New life, new name.”

“Fleur de Lis.” He applied a Prench pronunciation to the name, trying it out, then smiled. “I like it.

“So,” he pressed as they resumed walking, “have you a place to stay for the night?”

“Well, the school does provide some accommodations…”

Fancy noted the hesitation in her voice and shot her a curious look. “You don’t care for them?”

“It’s not that.” She averted her gaze with a blush. “It’s just… well…” Her head rolled about, as if looking for something to focus on other than him. “I kinda hoped I could stay with you.”

“Of course you can!”

She blinked. “You… really?”

He turned to set a hoof to her shoulder. “Fleur, don’t you remember? I want to help you in any way I can. I would be more than happy to have you as a house-mate. After all that you’ve been through, you deserve no less than the finest.”

Fleur’s gape shifted to a broad smile, her eyes shining. “You have no idea what this means to me, Fancy. I had really hoped for this. I…” She bowed her head and scuffed the floor. “I don’t know a thing about Canterlot. Everything here feels so alien.”

He chuckled, struck a practiced pose and attained the posh tone he’d mastered from foalhood. “As the Most Important Pony in Canterlot, I feel it is my duty to enlighten you to the ways of the posh and prim. I’ll have you up to speed on Canterlot customs in no time at all.”

She nodded enthusiastically. “That’s exactly what I need! Thank you, Fancy. Just walking through the streets of this place makes me feel…” She glanced away with a pout and a blush. “…outclassed.”

“Well, we can’t have that.” He raised her chin with a hoof to look into her eyes. “I’ll teach you everything you need to know. By the time I’m done with you, they’ll think you were born here. In fact…” He leaned back and considered her with a hoof to his chin. “Yes… I think I’ll introduce you as my sister.”

Fleur blinked. She blinked again. Her jaw dropped. “Your… sister?”

“Surrogate, of course.” He blushed and glanced away. “I mean, if you’re okay with that. It’ll give you a huge status boost right away, so perhaps your time at Celestia’s school will be easier in that vein. And if you’re my sister, nopony will question why I have an underage mare living with me. Of course, if that’s too personal for you, we could—”

He let out a small gasp as she jumped forward, throwing her legs around his neck and crossing her neck around his withers. He could only stand there, shocked into silence as she trembled against him.

Her voice shook with her body. “I would love to be your sister. I would love to have any family at all. There’s nopony I’d like more as a brother.”

Was she… crying? Fancy slowly sat and wrapped his hooves around her. “H-hey, no need to… I mean…”

She pulled back, tears streaming down her cheeks as she smiled. “Thank you, Fancy. This is far, far more than I’d hoped.”

“Hey, stop that.” He brushed the moisture from her cheeks with a warm smile. “I won’t have any sibling of mine crying in this house.”

Her smile broadened. “Not even happy tears?”

He considered her, then sighed and rolled his eyes. “Oh, very well, I suppose I can accept happy tears. But that’s as much as I’ll give you.”

“Deal.” She leaned into him. They remained that way for a little while, a wave of contentment washing over Fancy.

Geri’s voice rose from the nearby doorway. “She’s a little young for you, ain’t she, soldier?”

Fancy chuckled.

“Shut up, you old goat.”

Fleur stared at her new room from the foot of the bed, her head slowly moving in a circle to take it all in. Fancy’s place was modest by Canterlot standards, but compared to the Spartan design of the castle at Estéril Pezuñas, she felt like a princess. Beautiful hardwood flooring and walls, a canopy bed, a pristine view of Canterlot Castle that even now, late at night, was breathtaking. The walk-in closet alone was the same size as her old room! She turned and felt at the bed, delighting in its softness. She could get used to this.

“I take it things went well?”

Three months of practice kept Fleur from shouting, but she still jumped and spun around with a jerk. “I wish you would quit doing that!”

Fine Crime, standing a couple paces away, smirked. “And I’ll never grow tired of that reaction.”

She took a moment to let her pulse slow down to normal levels, using the breathing technique he’d taught her. “What did Hoofknife say?”

Fine grinned. “It’s official: you’re my apprentice. You’re not the youngest Archon to join up, but it’s damn close.”

Fleur hoof-pumped. “Yes! I knew I aced those trials.”

“Well, no, I wouldn’t say ‘aced.’ ” Fine sat and rubbed his chest self-appreciatively. “You didn’t even come close to my scores.” He chuckled as she stuck her tongue out. “But we do have an idea of where your skills lie, and I’ll be grooming you for a certain type of job.”

She sobered and gestured to the castle in the distance. “Is that why you arranged for me to attend the school?”

He nodded. “It’s part of it, yes. The trials told us nothing about your magical aptitude, so I’m hoping the school will help you narrow down your focus. That’s entirely up to you, of course.” He eyed her as she considered this. “So… surrogate brother, huh?”

Fleur’s ears folded back and she winced. “That’s not a problem, is it?”

“Not at all.” Fine’s smile grew warm. “I’m happy for you. I think Fancy will make an excellent brother. His teaching you about noble etiquette will also be a big boon for your training.”

She heaved a relieved sigh. “Good. So what’s next?”

“You just focus on getting through Celestia’s school,” he said. “The first year is going to be rough as you play ‘catch up.’ I’ll continue doing my usual while you perfect your magic and learn to be a—” He took on a feminine, haughty voice and posed with a hoof to his chest, “—proper lady.”

The act had her giggling. “I can live with that.”

Fleur sobered, her eye going to the window. She approached it, staring out at the city of Canterlot. “This is it, isn’t it? The beginning of a new life.”

He stood beside her, staring up at the stars with a small smile. “You’ve earned it, Little Miss.”

After a moment’s quiet, she turned to him and bowed her head. “Fine, thank you. For everything.”

He didn’t look at her. His gaze remained on the stars. Fleur thought he wouldn’t answer, but at last sucked in a deep breath and spoke. “I should be thanking you, Fleur.”

She cocked her head. “Why?”

He rubbed his mane back, still not looking her way. “I’ve lived my life from day to day, job to job, kill to kill. I’ve never really had a purpose to what I do. Hoofknife pointed me in a direction and I went. I did my job, because the job was all I had. Now I… I feel like I finally have something worth living for.” He finally looked to her, and his smile was warm. “So thank you. Thanks for putting some ‘life’ back into my life.”

They shared smiles for some time. Eventually they returned to staring out the window. Fleur leaned towards him a little. “So… I guess this is a new beginning for both of us.”

He nodded. “I like that thought. Me and you, you and Fancy. And this time?

“This time we’ll make it work.”

Author's Note:

And so ends my little dragon story. Yet again, a big thanks to my pre-reader Majora and editor Danger Beans. Now that I have finally established the full background of Fleur de Lis and Fancy Pants for my No Heroes and Fleur AUs, I feel much more comfortable with expanding their roles.

Oh, and Fine's too. Guess I should mention him. It's not like he's a primary character in both AUs, after all.[/sarcasm]

Now that I've finished writing a me story, time to get back to some old projects! I'll see you all in the next story.

Comments ( 31 )


Great conclusion! It really feels like a nice happy ending, which I think is worth it after all the horror and bloodshed. It's nice to know these characters will have at least a few years to just be peaceful before the events of No Heroes starts up. I'm looking forward to your next works.

Okay, final thoughts:

1.) I can already tell that Fleur's tertiary role in No Heroes is probably going to annoy me.

2.) I kind of want a continuation of the Fleur x Bic Mac storyline, because the relationship raises some interesting questions, like is Fine Crime planning on making Fleur his replacement, and what does their relationship mean for those plans? And don't get me started on the more intimate side of things. Has Fleur truly put the past in the past? Both of the stallions that are in her life now are more fraternal with her than anything else. So she probably never had that much concern about it before, but just how deep are the scars of her past? She was abused since she was in the single digits for crying out loud! That’s just not something that goes away. I mean, it’s easy to imagine that Fancypants would have made sure that she had therapy, but there's a big difference between theory and practice. It's actually surprising. Bic Mac x Fleur was a random prompt, and yet Big Mac is the perfect stallion for her, in the face of her past.

In addition, it raises similar questions about Luna and Fancy's relationship. I would very much like to see Celestia's reaction to that development.

3.) I think that I'm finally starting to understand your philosophy. In addition to what I've already mentioned, this story is rife with potential waiting to be explored. I mean, Fleur adjusting to life in Celestia’s school for gifted unicorns and Fancy learning the ins and outs of Equestrian glitterati politics could in and of themselves make for a story that I for one would read the everloving shit out of, and that’s just off the top of my head.

4.) Being the only knight in Canterlot was a great way to justify him being the most important pony in Canterlot. It’s such an unusual status that the show has never even attempted to explain.

You’ve said a few times now that you’ve written this story solely so that it would be written, and I’m glad you did. It’s been a fun ride. I might just have to read No Heroes before Twilight’s Inferno, so I can put off re-reading it because I really want to know what happens next.

So in summation, write moar sequels! :flutterrage:

Site Blogger

Well, we assume they're peaceful years. Can't really say for certain, can we? :trollestia:

1) Yes, Fleur's role (or lack thereof) in No Heroes will certainly frustrate you. In my defense, it wasn't until Book II that I even conceived of what her role would be in the series, and the series was over by the time I had fully formed her history in my mind.

2) If ever I get to expanding the Fleur AU like I want to, then you can bet that the FleurMac relationship will be expanded upon. Have you read my Sweet to Eat: Tales of Nightmare Night collection? It actually has them cameo together in the third story.

As to the thing with Fancy and Luna... well, it's more of a friendship than anything else, but I admit it would be nice to get Celestia view of it.

3) I see you're learning to see the 'expansion points' I've so often mentioned. There are always possibilities for exploration, one just needs to look for them. Sadly, the topics you bring up aren't even on my radar right now.

4) Well, the entire point behind his side of the story (for me, at least) was to prove that unlike the sycophants that surround him in the show, he's actually earned his reputation. Although I'd love to write more about him being a soldier and whatnot, I think he's officially done with all of that and I doubt there'll be much more adventuring in his life, although you never know.

Fresh warning on No Heroes: it is largely untouched and needs an editing job, but I've been leaving it be on the basis of using it to remember how bad a writer I used to be. So yeah, you'll be noticing some things.

*insert massive feels here* I'm not entirely sure what to say here aside from 'wonderful story', I've realized that my comments can often be awkward. Thank you so much for hours of enjoyment once again- there is no finer free entertainment than one of your stories.

awesome story

I have to say I really loved this story. Only issue or should I say disappointment I had was I had hoped to see Reddux get sent to Tartarus somehow and locked in or sealed away. Beyond that it was a excellent story.

Might be interesting to see a future where Reddux won and Nightmare Moon returned to find a world where her sister was dead and pony kind was on the run. I wonder how Luna would react to that.

Site Blogger

Nah, Reddux only went to Tartarus in the Trixie vs. Equestria AU. Couldn't make any changes there, since it's made abundantly clear in No Heroes that it was Fine Crime who killed him (and I don't equate Tartarus to the afterlife).

I admit, that does sound interesting. Sounds like a fun story, actually, but I probably won't be writing it. I've got way too much to work on as is.

5864331 True, lots on the plate I can understand. Actually I had forgotten Fine Crime had killed Reddux. I do remember Fancy Pants being referred to as the Dragonslayer and fighting in the wars. Shows what sticks when you read a story and what doesn't. Out of it all I liked Fancy the best in this, with Fleur a close second. Shows how they started and hints heavily where there going. I cannot wait to see where you take the universe you have built in the future.

5878733 Movie wise it was Draco for me. Book wise it was Saphira from the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. I highly recommend it if you like fantasy and magic and elves and dwarves and all that good stuff.

So Fleur is now Fancy's sister, and apprentice to Fine. Awesome. Enjoyed the bit of humor between Oak's family and the colonel and Fancy. Spitfire seems like a little Rainbow Dash, which was cute. Everything is as it should be..until No Heroes starts up :pinkiecrazy: This was an awesome story that deserves more attention than it has. I can't wait to read your other ones, especially the Fleur AU’s.

5919868 I had seen Fleur's comment in the next chapter, but it seemed at odds with her comment in this chapter about leaving him alive to suffer so it made me wonder. Either he really is dead in which case yay, or Fleur is either simply assuming he is, or he's dead to her, either way she doesn't care.

Site Blogger

He's dead. Fleur chose not to do the deed (no pun intended) herself, but with the injuries he sustained he was already doomed. Fine said as much outright in the previous chapter:

If the bastard survived that, it would be nothing short of a miracle.

Another great story sir!

Loved how you built the world, i could feel the sweltering heat of the desert and i could easily picture out the castles, forts and outposts.

Loved the backstories of each major character. They weren't just heroes and villains coz the story needed one, but they were characters you'd love to hate, love, feel sorry for, or root for.

The feel of this story kinda reminds me of The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. How villains believed in might is right, how they motivated people to join their cause and how heroes rise not because they are destined to be heroes, but because they only wish to protect those they love.

A fave, a like and i tip me hat to you good sir! This story was worth the wait!

Site Blogger

And now my material's getting compared to that of famous authors. Pardon me while I :twilightblush:. Thanks for the praise!

“Fancy, meet Heatwave, my husband.”

>mfw I have an OC called Heat Wave

Only 73 people have reached this chapter.
That's criminal.

I find myself in an odd place. This is a prequel for No Heroes, right? But Fine Crime is in it. Yet Fine Crime is also an important character in the TvE universe. Reddux also stars in the TvE universe, but he is very much alive there despite it being set in the future. The Celestia here seems like the Celestia we know and love, and definitely not like the Celestia in TvE's universe; the scene with filly Twilight and her general attitude tells me that. Sir Fancy Pants is a respected Lord now, and not The Gentlepony with a missing eye living in a slum.
So, I have to wonder where this story fits into your grand plan. Or perhaps it will have no bearing at all on the TvE universe. I suppose this could be a prequel to TvE and TwI in that Twilight originally going back and messing time up has not yet occurred.
Hm. One can conclude that you have tied everything up rather nicely. Nice going.

Also, I will never get over you spelling "Dis Lee" as de Lis, but that's your prerogative. :derpytongue2:

I liked this as a story. Action was good, but I felt it sort of, uh, lacking in a sense. Not entirely sure why. I guess I'll ponder it some more in my next review, which you should surely expect in the near future.

I'm just glad I finally finished it. :pinkiehappy: Now, why is it so damn hard to choose between putting this in my T1 or T2 faves?
I'll have to think about it some more.

Site Blogger

TvE and No Heroes take lace in completely different timelines from one another and, thus, are unrelated. The point where the timeline shifts is when Celestia and Luna defeat Discord, which is loooooong before any of the events you're seeing here. So yeah, no connection.

I'd mention Twilight's role between the two, but I think I'd only confuse you if I did. I think the best solution would be to point out my NH/TvE/Fleur Timeline and hope it makes sense to you.

Anyway, glad you enjoyed it and looking forward to the review!

Gah. Inconsistent colourations of things suck.
Stupid nature.

In any case, here is your promised review!

Well it looks you've cause me to loose another full night of sleep, third in a row in fact. It was all totally worth it, everyones just too badass.

6782351 I actually read that slaying scene on my lunch break. It's a good thing I had to get back to work; I needed the distraction. Admittedly, at this point in the story, I would have been okay without the addition of [new factors] within the plot. I do have a prediction for the climax though, and I really enjoy the shuffle of PoVs we have received throughout.

:heart: i love this

Finished a critical backstory at last.

Site Blogger

What, you mean after all this time you hadn't read this story? And here I thought of you as a PaulAsaran connoisseur. :trixieshiftright:

But seriously, glad you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun writing it at the time. Definitely one of my more laid back projects.

I'm a huge FancyFleur fan myself. :pinkiehappy:

Heatwave just watched with a blushing grin.

That man is seriously too feminine.

Her voice shook with her body. “I would love to be your sister. I would love to have any family at all. There’s nopony I’d like more as a brother.”

Whoah. This is gonna get awkward when they marry.

“Shut up, you old goat.”


“This time we’ll make it work.”

This time?

The guards came to an abrupt stop, and Fine realized they were standing before a tall, but otherwise ordinary, door. He swallowed the lump in his throat and adjusted his tie. The knocking of the guard’s hoof on the door seemed to echo through the hallway like thunder.


Oak, sitting between her husband and daughter, laughed raucously. “Forget it, Fancy doesn’t have the balls!” Heatwave was blushing wildly, but Spitfire laughed right along with her mother. “I finally found something to go with your flank, Geri.”

The one liner we were waiting for

I've seen several variations on the Fleur/Fancy idea, and I can say with reasonable certainty that them being siblings is a first for me.

I'm almost a tiny bit sorry that Deeds died, at least before he could face justice before the law. Seeing Celestia giving him a frigid glare (at the very least) would have been nice. Aside from her brief :flutterrage: I'm glad that she took the metaphorical high road. But I seriously doubt that she's going to get over it anytime soon, heck it's a wonder she didn't try to spurn all relationships or was willing to trust these two stallions.

Well now that you mention it, I did whilst reading, ponder such questions as how he would respond to an actual dragon attack. When I said desktop warrior, I was thinking in my mind of some of the alleged officers from WWI/WWII who were certainly good at what they did, but they were still from what I've seen in various books and movies to be rather elitist with their brandy and cigar war cabinet meetings (and possibly other unsavoury things) whereas the common soldier was lucky to have a dry place to sleep. Daring Deeds is not stupid, but I got the feeling that unlike Oak Leaf, he wasn't the sort who led from the front. I know this isn't a perfect analogy but my train of thought takes a rather winding track.

I decided to take a look at this (and Shadow Pony) because I was curious about this Fleur-verse. Not entirely what I might have expected but so far it's been some pretty good reads.

This was an incredibly tense story from start to finish. The first chapter draws you in with its build-up, that sheer sense of dread as you just know that something bad is going to happen, and then it hits you like a truck. After that it just continues to build on and on as the stakes get higher, and every time you think there might be relief there's just more bad news waiting to knock on the door. Even despite that, in the face of the terrible odds ahead of them, the characters continue to look ahead and persevere.

I greatly enjoyed all the different perspectives that were afforded by the three main characters. Fancy Pants is noble and humble and has to struggle with the full weight of what it means to be a soldier on the front lines, thrust into the worst of war immediately when the dragons attack. Fleur and Fine Crime are both burdened by their trauma, but where Fine Crime has come to more or less accept it by the time this story starts and shut himself out from the world, Fleur is trying her damnedest to get away from it and is desperate to have someone else in her life despite all the walls she's put up around herself. The three (well, two for most of the story) plot threads and other side elements go a long way in fleshing out the scope of this conflict.

I really liked everything that went into developing the setting and backstory for this version of Equestria. The severity of the situation is apparent at all times, even when characters are trying to inject some brief respites of levity. The different strongholds that the characters go to each feel unique in their own way--Sueño is scenic and enjoys a calm civilian life despite its proximity to dragon territory; Estéril Pezuñas is grand, well-fortified, but ominous, its secrets hidden; and Guardia del Este is rigid but even more mysterious. The dragon lands are also appropriately bleak and inhospitable to the ponies trespassing there, not to mention a whole lot darker once the changelings come into the picture. I also like how whenever Fine Crime is the focal character, there seems to be just a little more attention to details, in keeping with his investigative talents.

I gather that my experience might not have been the "intended" one since this story was written after some of the later stories in the timeline, so I don't have the same context that earlier readers had. I'm presently partway into the first part of No Heroes, it's a bit strange seeing how Fine Crime is a little more outgoing and even humorous at that point, but it's apparent that the reason he got to be that way is because of the events of this story and his relationship with Fleur. Also seemingly a little more akin to the way Hoofknife acts, which may go in part with how presumably Hoofknife has passed away from his infection by the time No Heroes starts and Fine Crime has taken over as Mane Archon. Also not sure of some suspect details that seem like they might be present to call forward to future then-already-written events, like the identity of Frosty Sundae's brother (my money's on Blueblood) or why Oak Feathers' husband is so demure.

Although, on the other hand, there's also something amusing I find in coming to this after reading Bulletproof Heart and seeing how this story seems like a precursor to it in a few ways. Obviously the plot point of the sun stopping in place is like an even more extreme version of what happens in BPH, one might imagine that this reflects how things might have gone early on after the Day of Burning(?) in that story's history; who knows what might have happened if the characters had succeeded in stopping the threat of Reddux but been unable to recover Celestia, and Equestria would have just been left to bake. I can also see bits of Rarity reflected in all three of the main characters, in the reluctance of being given the mantle of a hero, in escaping the trauma of the past, and in being forced to kill to survive. I did see mention of Reddux amidst the author notes of BPH, raising the question of exactly what might have happened to him after he fucked over the gryphons (I also saw a comment speculating whether Fine Crime killed him, but given that it sounded like the aformentioned fucking over happened in the distant past and I'd expect Reddux would probably move on to the ponies or other races right after, it probably would have been necessary to get to him sooner rather than later).

One thing that I found a bit incongruous through the story as a whole though was Fancy Pants's arc regarding his desire for "earned" success. He makes it abundantly clear early on that the entire reason he's here as a soldier at the edge of Equestria is because he doesn't want to rest on his laurels and be spoonfed everything in life purely through the virtue of his family heritage. And yet, he then spends most of the story resenting the reputation that he's building as a survivor and a hero. I understand the logic behind it, of course, his humility is a big part of his character and he's given plenty of reason to think that he hasn't actually done that much. Obviously he doesn't see much reason to be proud of the fact that he did little more than not die during the slaughter at Sueño, a battle in which he ran and hid while dozens of ponies, including his friends, died horribly at the hands of violent pony-hating monsters. He doesn't feel proud of how he stood his ground and offered supporting fire while Celestia was fighting Reddux because it was little more than a minor nuisance in the face of the Princess's solar beams. In his eyes he hasn't done anything to deserve the praise and respect that the soldiers are giving him, and it makes for good drama when he has to grapple with this while getting soldiers to rally under him. I feel though like there could have stood to be a little more attention drawn to this aspect, how for as much as Fancy Pants wanted to be an accomplished soldier he's suddenly having fame thrust upon him despite having barely done anything, as if he had just stayed home in Canterlot after all. As it is, it gets rather repetitive after he gets to the point that he actually has made some real accomplishments in slaying a dragon and saving Celestia and he's still just as reluctant as ever, when you'd think that by then he'd have started to become comfortable with his success.

I was also just a bit disappointed that Reddux's oft-mentioned burn/melting wound didn't end up playing much part in his downfall. My prediction going into the climax as to how his death would play out turned out to be surprisingly close, but what I was expecting was that Fine Crime was going to manage to pry open the melted scales, climb in, and go to town directly ripping him apart from the inside out, rather than just teleporting his knife inside. That probably would've sated his bloodlust for a few months. I suppose one might argue though that that would've caused a bit too much trouble for Fine Crime; the innards of a dragon must be hot enough to boil most creatures alive, and he'd be in for a bad time if he tore open Reddux's stomach and got acid pouring everywhere.

Anyhow though, yeah this was a lot of fun to go through. I did go into this looking for Fleur and it certainly delivered on that, I was pleased to see how this set up her character for future stories, and I got lots of other fun characters and a whole world to go along with her as well. As mentioned I'm already looking at No Heroes, so I'm definitely looking forward to what more adventures there are to be had.

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