• Published 9th Oct 2014
  • 1,799 Views, 48 Comments

Magic & Steel: An Odd School Love Story - CrypticMetaphor

In a fit of depression over being dumped, Baen wonders and ends up in CHS and meets a girl that will help him in more ways than one

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The following day came quite fast for everyone. It wasn’t uncommon with school days, one could go through a full day and go home and the next moment, it would be tomorrow and they would go back. Among the student body, Sunset Shimmer for once was quite silent, though she did respond to their greetings. However her mind was buzzing with activity, the previous day’s events running through her head. She just couldn’t place her finger on it. Who was that boy? She vaguely remembered seeing him sitting in the bleachers when she went up the ladder, there was no way he could cross the room that fast and catch her. It was scientifically impossible.

“Just who are you,” Sunset muttered as she entered the Cafeteria.


Blinking out of her mild daze she glanced up and noticed a familiar pink girl waving to her. She smiled and approached her friends and took her seat. The girls welcomed her and started to chat amongst themselves, but Sunset got lost in thought again until the conversation took a different turn.

“…And the most frightening thing happened yesterday,” Rarity stated, “Sunset almost fell to….well….”

Rainbow looked at the zoning out girl in question, “Um…Earth to Sunset?”

Sunset blinked a few times and shook her head, “Huh? Oh, sorry,” she smiled sheepishly, “I was just thinking.”

“About yesterday?” Rarity interjected.

“Yeah, I mean it was unbelievable,” the girls leaned forward, “there I was falling…then just out of nowhere,” Sunset made a whoosing gesture with her right hand, “this guy caught me.”

Applejack blinked, “What’s so unbelievable about that? So he caught ya,” she smiled, “you should be countin yer lucky stars!”

Sunset nodded, “Well don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to him for catching me,” she drummed her fingers on the table, “What bothers me is the fact when I walked into the gym, he was on the bleachers BEFORE he caught me.”

Rainbow half choked, “What?! That’s impossible, I mean come on, I’m captain of the track and field team and even I’m not that fast!”

Sunset nodded, “Exactly my point, there’s something unusual about this guy.”

The girls fell silent.

Rainbow broke the pause, “Um…are we talking,” she leaned forward, “Equestrian unusual?”

Sunset nodded, “It would be wise not to rule out the possibility.”

Pinkie gasped, “What if he’s some sort of monster from that world who wants to gobble us all up!”

Applejack stared at Pinkie, “Pinkie, even for you, that’s ridiculous.”

Rarity shook her head, “Don’t be so sure Applejack, remember the last ‘Off’ students that came here?”

At that, the girls collectively cast looks at The Dazzlings who sat in the far back of the cafeteria. When the trio noticed their stares, both groups glared daggers at each other. But the girl’s attention was diverted when, out of the corner of their eyes, they noticed a new person enter the cafeteria. Sunset’s eyes widened when he fully entered, The Red Haired Boy.

“That’s him,” she almost yelled but caught herself and spoke in a low voice, “That’s the guy I was talking about.”

The Red Haired Boy glanced around and stood in the lunch line up, taking an odd fascination in a cellphone that a girl in front of him was using.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened and she snapped her fingers, “Hey! I know that guy!”

Everyone stared at the rainbow haired girl, “Well…I don’t really know him, know him. He’s in my gym class though. And if you want weird, listen to this.”


Two Days Earlier

Rainbow Dash was running on the school’s treadmill. Coach Spitfire was nodding in approval as she continued to sprint hard; her muscles’ burning and sweat dripping. After a few more minutes, Spitfire clicked her tongue and clicked a stop watch.

“Alright, nice hustle there Rainbow Dash,” she gestured to a nearby bench, “Go take a break and then do what have you for the remainder of the period.”

Rainbow nodded as she clicked the stop button and stepped off the treadmill, her sneakers making a bit of a squeak as she wiped her face. She turned the corner and stopped for a moment. At the punching bag was a student she hadn’t seen before. His rose red hair was slick with sweat and on his right bicep was a rose red mark…she vaguely recalled it was called a rune. She tilted her head as he punched away at the red hanging bag. Rainbow was about to walk over and support the bag for him, but stopped when something happened.

The Red Haired Boy brought one of his fists back and into the bag. In the moment of connection, a breaking of metal was heard by the cyan skinned girl as the bag hit the wall and split open. The Red Haired Boy looked around quickly; he then grabbed a few boxes of printer paper from the nearby office and moved them in front of the bag. After that deed was done, he walked away from the scene whistling innocently.


The girls just stared at Dash for a moment.

“What? It did happen,” Dash pointed to the now seated Boy in question, “when Spitfire came around and found the bag, she just thought the chain was faulty and the bag just split from falling. But it was that guy!”

Applejack twirled her finger in the air, “Dash, are ya sure it wasn’t just the bag?”

“Are you calling me a liar?”

Applejack raised her hands, “No, I’m just saying, the fact that this guy can run real fast and be super strong sounds a little farfetched for my likin.”

Sunset stared at the boy as he absently flipped through a book and munched on his food. Tilting her head, she nodded.

“I’m going to go talk to him.”

The girl’s stared at her.

Rarity tapped her chin, “Are you sure darling? He didn’t seem too keen to speak with anyone in the gym.”

Sunset gave a half smile, “Well it’s just that I want to thank him for catching me and,” she shrugged, “I might as well introduce myself, I mean if none of us have seen him before and he is new, it’s kind of my job. Besides,” her gaze found the boy again, “even a stranger could prove to be a good friend in the end.”

Rainbow nodded, “Now you’re starting to sound like Twilight.”

Sunset smiled warmly at the girls before standing and approaching the boy’s table. She cleared her throat politely. The Boy didn’t respond at first, so she tried again. This time The Boy did look up, and his eyes widened.

“Relax,” she said reassuringly, “I’m not here to rip you apart for dropping me,” she sat across from him, “Actually I’m here to thank you for catching me in the first place.”

She extended a hand across the table toward him, “My name is Sunset Shimmer, and let me be the first to say, welcome to Canterlot High.”

The Boy stared at her hand for a moment. He slowly extended his own hand and it found hers, but both parties pulled back when they made contact when some static zapped them. The Boy wringed his hand a few times, he then turned to look at the ceiling for a moment.

“Nice to meet you Sunset Shimmer,” he mumbled, “I’m…um…..,”

Sunset raised an eyebrow, “Pardon?”

The Boy coughed for a moment, “Um….my name…is….Baen….”

Sunset blinked a few times at his name. It didn’t sound Equestrian.

“Baen,” she said the name once, “that’s…a pretty unique name. Are you an exchange student?”

Baen nodded a little too fast, “YES. I’m from…the far north,” he stood up abruptly, “it was nice meeting you Miss Shimmer, but. I have things…to do….”

He quickly power walked out of the cafeteria.

Sunset looked after him, her curiosity piqued. Nearby, a trio of girls looked back at each other as Sunset went to rejoin her group.

“Oh look, Sunset is making nice with the new boy,” Adagio grumbled, “how predictable.”

Aria prodded her food with her fork, “Who cares. What I’m more concerned about is if this slop is going to poison me. What is this even? It’s like,” she stabbed the food, “a blob of….I don’t even know.”

Sonata was happily munching on her food with a pleased smile, “It’s not that bad! Come on, give it a try!”

Aria pushed her tray away, “Pass.”

Adagio tapped her chin with her index nail as she noticed the boy glancing around in the hallway, “Hm….”


After the lunch period ended, the six girls walked out into the hall and stopped when they noticed a girl hanging posters in the hall with hearts on them. The girls stopped and smiled.

Pinkie bounced happily, “Hecate’s back!”

Rainbow crossed her arms, “Huh, I was wondering where the prez went off to for a while.”

Sunset looked to the side and rubbed her right arm with a bit of shame on her face.

Rarity and the girls rubbed the back of their heads.

Applejack placed a hand on her shoulder, “Hey now. Just do whatcha been doin,” she smiled in support, “I’m positive she won’t hold anythin against ya.”

Sunset sighed, “I don’t know….”


Two Weeks Before the Fall Formal

Sunset shoved the School President against the locker, “What do you mean I’m not allowed to participate?”

Hecate was looking everywhere but Sunset’s burning eyes, “Well…see….the principal told me….to ban you….”

Sunset crossed her arms and nodded, “Oh, is that all? Well that’s fine,” she then snatched Hecate’s glasses off her face and threw them on the ground.

Hecate fell to the ground in fright, trying to find them.

Sunset snickered as her boot rested on the frames, “Here’s the deal, you tell Principal Celestia that you’ll allow me on the roster. And I’ll give you your precious glasses back. Deal?”

Hecate was on the brink of tears, “Yes okay, just please,” she handed her the clipboard, “here.”

Sunset smiled in satisfaction writing her name. Glancing down at the girl, she raised an eyebrow. A smirk appearing on her face, she pressed down with her boot.

“Oops, sorry,” she faked apologized, “I didn’t see them there.”

Hecate sniffled as Sunset placed the clipboard down and walked away.


Sunset bit her lip a bit, but her friends nodded in encouragement. Steeling herself, she approached the Prez and cleared her throat. Hecate turned around and blanched.

Hecate spoke quietly, “Sunset Shimmer….”

Sunset raised her hands in a calming gesture, “Just….don’t be scared. I’m not here to do anything,” she scratched the back of her neck, “I…came to apologize. I was really awful to you in the past, I was to everyone. But,” a small smile graced her lips, “I’ve learned from that experience and I realized my mistakes and I’ve turned over a new leaf.”

Hecate glanced at the five girls as they nodded.

Sunset sighed, “I know…I have no right to ask for your forgiveness, but,” she raised her hand, “will you accept it?

Hecate glanced at her hand and smiled, “What kind of School Prez would I be if I didn’t?”

She took Sunset’s hand, both girls smiling at each other, “Everyone makes mistakes.”

Sunset smiled, “Thank you, it means a lot.”

The others approached with Rarity pointing to the posters, “What’s on the agenda this month?”

Hecate smiled as she revealed the poster, “The Hearts and Hooves Dance. Principal Celestia thought it would be a cute event for the students to mingle in light of,” she tapped her chin, “recent events. What does she mean?”

The six girls looked at each other.

Sunset shrugged, “You wouldn’t believe us if we told you.”

Hecate waved to them, “Well it was nice seeing you all again…I have more fliers to post then I have a mountain of paper work to attend to.”


The six girls continued their walk and rounded the corner; however they halted when they saw who was at the end of the hallway. The boy known as Baen stared bug eyed at them.

Pinkie Pie waved at him, “Hiya!”

Baen’s eyes shrunk, “The Pink One…..”

He turned and sprinted away at breakneck speed.

The girls looked after him in confusion.

Rainbow pointed after Baen, “What’s his problem?”

Author's Note:

Just to clear a couple of things up, in this world, the Harbingers have been defeated. But in this version of the world, Twi hasn't told Sunset about Baen.