• Published 9th Oct 2014
  • 1,801 Views, 48 Comments

Magic & Steel: An Odd School Love Story - CrypticMetaphor

In a fit of depression over being dumped, Baen wonders and ends up in CHS and meets a girl that will help him in more ways than one

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Deep within the school, a shape slumbered. More specifically, the shape snoozed in an old room at the back of the gym. The room had once been a room for supply storage, but the stuff had long since been moved to the much larger equipment room on the main floor. One could mistake the old room for a break room for its size, but most of the space was taken up by various things. One of these things was an old couch that had once been in the teachers’ lounge a large three seated one. Atop it, with his head propped up by a pillow and covered in a blanket he had ‘borrowed’ from the home ec room was Baen. He snored softly in the darkened room, dressed only in his muscle shirt and undergarments. He heard the very faint sounds of early arriving students and snorted lightly, his eyes fluttering open. Glancing around, he sighed and sat up on his mock bed. The room though dark did have one window that cast faint light through its frosted glass. Stretching and cracking his joints, he donned his garments and absently grabbed his book bag. Walking out, he gazed around the darkened backstage and proceeded to move a centerpiece in front of his door.

“There we go,” he stated pleased with himself.

Turning, he walked onto the gyms stage and froze. Sitting an inch from him was The Pink One. Slowly he turned to back away, but he noticed that the other girls were there as well. His left eye twitched, where in Tieg’s name did they come from, he then took notice that they seemed to be setting up instruments. He sighed, that was it. They were just setting up for their band. Unfortunately his sigh was not unheard. Fluttershy turned her head and eeped, an eep of which drew the attention of the others. Baen was stock still as all eyes fell on him.

Looking around he pointed to the ceiling, “OH! So that’s where that door went,” he chuckled as eyebrows were raised, “excuse me.”

When he turned to leave, a hand stopped his departure. He wind milled his arms on reflex as a bit of giggling met his ears. Turning his head, he stared at the culprit.

“Where ya going,” Rainbow asked with a bit of a grin, “don’t you want a front row seat to one of the most awesome bands in CHS?”

Baen pursed his lips, “Do I have a choice?”

Sunset gave a small smile, “Well you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to, I mean we’re just going to do some sound checks and a bit of practice. No big deal.”

Baen raised an eyebrow, a bit surprised, “Really?”

Applejack nodded as she tuned her bass, “Why would we keep ya here against yer will? Wouldn’t be really friendly of us would it?”

Baen blinked, “Um…no…I suppose it wouldn’t….”

Dash smirked as she struck a power cord, “What? You thought we were going to blackmail you or something?”

Baen looked at the girls in turn, even though they looked like their counterparts and acted like them. They were drastically different in more ways than one.

Pinkie smiled and waved a hand in front of his face, “Hey Baeny, you were zoning out,” she got real close to his face, “what zone do you go to?”

Baen raised his hand gently pushed her back, “A zone that none can follow me to.”

Sunset chuckled a little, “Sorry, she gets really excited around new people,” she tilted her head, “by the way…where EXACTLY did you come from just now?”

Without missing a beat, Baen pointed to the stage back entrance, “there.”

The girls collectively nodded as the boy looked from side to side awkwardly.

“So….this band of yours,” he stated slowly, “do you tour?”

Fluttershy shook her head, “Oh no, we just play for fun.”

Rainbow nodded, “Yeah, it’s an awesome hobby to do in your spare time,” she raised an eyebrow, “say, do you play anything?”

Baen blinked, “No….not really. Never learned, I was always busy with training….”

Applejack looked up at him with a bit of intrigue, “Trainin?”

Rarity tilted her head, “Well you have the build…are you an athlete?”

Baen chuckled, “Something like that,” he scratched the back of his head, “So….it was nice talking you all. But I don’t want to keep any of you from your practice,” the barbarian turned and left swiftly.

Sunset nodded a bit, “Well that went better than I thought.”

Applejack looked after him, “Well, ah see what ya mean. He doesn’t seem so bad,” she made a gesture with her hand, “sort of out of sorts, but at most just awkward.”

Rainbow shrugged, “Meh, I’m still under the impression that he’s something in disguise,” she plucked a few strings as the girls looked at her, “What? I have every right to be suspicious.”

The girls shook their heads as they prepped for the nights events.


Baen sat in the cafeteria, drumming his fingers as his mind wandered. It was true they were different; he cast a glance at the laughing girls and smiled lightly. Even though they were different in many regards, he could still see the companions he called friends. But then why did he feel the need to avoid them? Was it out of shame? Or perhaps it was just the sheer fact he felt that if he did avoid them, that he could truly stay away from it all. But just like in Equestria, he felt that same connection he always felt toward them. It was that feeling of kinship and comfort whenever he was near them, but at the same time, that feeling frightened him more than ever. Whenever he slept, he had visions. Those visions of those days his friends tried to help him, try to talk to him about….her. And the looks when he had pushed them away, snubbed them, rejected them. Perhaps he just couldn’t bear to see those same looks again, those looks that broke his heart.

“Um….excuse me?”

Baen glanced up and stared with mild surprise at Fluttershy who shuffled a little uneasily, “Yes?”

Fluttershy smiled lightly, “Oh…um…we were just wondering if maybe….if it was okay with you,” Baen raised an eyebrow causing her to hide behind her hair, “If….we could…..sit with you…….”

Baen turned his head and stared at the other five girls who all smiled. Looking to the side, he sighed. Even when he tried to avoid them, somehow fate happened to thrust them into his life. Shaking his head, he chuckled.

“Might as well…,” he muttered.

Fluttershy blinked, “Pardon?”

Baen remembered the girl was still in front of him, “Oh. Sure.”

Fluttershy squeed and ushered the others over. As they all sat, Baen drifted off into his own world again. Why. Why did they always seem to find him? Perhaps he was fated to be involved with them. Tieg knew well what a warrior’s fate would be; maybe his was to be partner to the Elements of Harmony in their endeavours and by extension, them to him. He looked to the ceiling as if to ask Tieg himself. It was then that he was brought back down to earth.


Rarity smiled sweetly, “Oh, I asked where it is you hail from.”

Baen looked to the side, “I….hail from the far north,” he chose his words wisely, “a mountain village. There isn’t much…advancement as there is here.”

Rarity blinked with interest, “A mountain village you say? Why, I didn’t even know there were some old villages left in this age,” she clapped her hands, “are you from a colony perhaps?”

Baen tilted his head, “Of…sorts.”

Sunset tapped her chin as he spoke. He didn’t seem to be lying, but he didn’t seem to be telling the truth either.

Applejack leaned forward, “What’s the weather like up there any how? Is it just all ice and snow?”

Baen blinked a few times, “Only in the winter and fall. The other seasons it’s warmer and a bit clear,” he trailed off then narrowed his eyes, “why exactly are you choosing to sit with me?”

Rainbow rested her chin on her fist, “Isn’t it obvious? We’re trying to be your friends.”

Baen looked to the side, “But you don’t even know me.”

Pinkie Pie smiled, “That doesn’t mean we don’t want to.”

Baen was about to respond, but the bell rang interrupting his train of thought.

Baen sighed and stood his gaze a tad distant.

“If you like the way you all live your lives,” he stated a bit sadly, “getting to know me is unwise. I’ve been known….to wreck good things…”

He left with his hands in his pockets.

Fluttershy looked after him, “What do you think he meant by that?”

The girls collectively shrugged.


Soon school ended and the hours passed and the school was filled, but not with just students. The Parent Teacher event was in full swing, Baen could hear this, because at the moment he was in his room. Above him, a lone light bulb on a pull string swung lazily back and forth as he read a book. The sound of joyous laughter and chit chat reached his ears as he flicked through his book. Eventually however he placed it down and leaned back, folding his hands on his lap, staring at the far wall. The sounds of the chatter slowly died down and were replaced by the sound of the Principal saying something. Turning his head toward the door, he leaned against it to listen.

“….and I thank all who could attend this evening. As a special treat, one of our school’s musical groups has volunteered to provide music for the evening,” she paused and most likely ushered the group in question, “allow me to introduce The Rainbooms!”

Baen leaned against the back of the door and shook his head. So that was their name hm? Fitting. Then he started to hear a tune start, the collective voices of the group started to sing as one.

"We've just got the day to get ready,” they started, “And there's only so much time to lose. Because tonight, yeah, we're here to party, so let's think of something fun to do. We don't know what's gonna happen, we just know it's gonna feel right.”

Baen chuckled at the lyrics as they continued, “All our friends are here, and it's time to ignite the lights!”

The tune then picked up, “Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight. Shake your tail, shake your tail! Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight, shake your tail, shake your tail!”

Baen couldn’t help it. He slowly eased the door open and peeked out onto the active stage. But what he saw amazed him. He saw a light surround the group as they sprouted pony ears and wings respectively. Their hair even extended into ponytails.

Sunset stepped up to the mic with a smile, “So what you didn't get it right the first time.”

Pinkie Pie then chimed in from behind her drums, “Laugh it off, no one said it is a crime.”

Rarity tapped her keys on her instrument, “Do your thing, you know you're an original!”

AJ stood beside Rarity for a moment and shared her mic, “Your ideas are so funny that they're criminal!”

Baen smirked. Even here they felt the need to sing, he always wondered how that happened. Shrugging he turned to shut the door, but his foot caught on a stray cushion causing him to lose his footing. He stumbled and grabbed wildly for anything, he felt his back hit the door and he slammed hard onto the stage. Blinking away some of the stars in his eyes, he looked at the girls who, still playing, smiled at him. AJ helped the boy to his feet and nudged him; he glanced at the crowd like a deer in the headlights. Looking at Pinkie, she mouthed with an excited grin, ‘dance silly billy.’

Baen glanced back toward his door, but saw his way blocked. He knew it was too late. So he surrendered and actually started dancing in tune with the music.

The girls nodded both in encouragement and the fact he got the beat down as the Rainbooms started to sing once more.

“All our friends are here,” Dash bumped Baen playfully as she leaned against him and shredded on her guitar, “And it's time to ignite the lights!”

“Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight! Shake your tail, shake your tail,” Baen felt a smile creep onto his face as he started getting lost in the beat.

“Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight,” the girls chanted as the audience joined in.

Baen, lost in the moment, felt himself singing with them, “Shake your tail, shake your tail, Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight!”

As the song carried on, several things happened none had seen before. Baen the battle hardened warrior was singing and dancing, but unknown to him, more happening. As he continued to sing and dance, atop his head two bits of light started to take shape. Sunset caught the familiar light out of the corner of her eye and stared on in shock. But something else happened in that instance. The lights on his head started growing and taking a more defined shape, but then it happened. In an instant, an electric aura of pure red energy surged from his body and into the amps, mic’s, and even along Dash’s guitar strings. In an instant, every light bulb, speaker, and mic shorted out. The entire stage was plunged into darkness. Baen stood stock still. EVERY EYE was on him. Looking around frantically as the lights on his head popped out of existence, he gave a forced smile.

“Well….what a showstopper right?!”

The girls were still gawking at him.

“Excuse me, I have to be,” he gestured to the door, “not here.”

Baen blasted through the doors.

Near the back of the gym however, a familiar girl lowered her cellphone and turned of the recording function with a shaking finger.

Adagio blinked in utter shock, speechless.

“That boy….,” she smiled evilly, “girls, I believe we just found our meal ticket.”

Sonata blinked a few times, “Ticket to where?”

Aria and Adagio face palmed.

Author's Note:

And we see Old Magic in the real world for a moment. It seems the process that the girls use works, but at the same time doesn't. Interesting eh?