• Member Since 17th Mar, 2014
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Steel Quill

A pony with too much time on his hooves and too much plot to work with, in more ways than one. Porn Pope (TM). Also on FA!

Comments ( 52 )

seem , gonna be good.

I honestly thought this was going to be a Dark Souls/My Little Pony crossover :twilightblush:

-Lightning \[T]/

4933265 hehehe, no, not quite I'm afraid.

My reaction to this story and this clop:


Hot, sexy, and all sorts of things that makes me want to read this over and over on occasions...good job, Quill, you did it again.

4934455 Thank you so much! :twilightsmile: May I ask what stood out the most for you? Like what worked best or what fit well?

4934520 Well, one, you were very descriptive in the clop part, which is one of your strongest points. And you had excellent build-up. No meet-n-f*ck here.

Just wonderin', do you have any requests in queue now, or no? (sorry, but I am so in love with your work).

4934535 As of yet, none. I was thinking to make a blog post on the next story idea, since I have a couple in mind and wanted to maybe see what folks might wanna see next.

Is asexual and doesn't play on her fetishes.
"I'll give it a try."

4936834 I'm going to assume that means you'll give the story a try? :twilightblush:

4936843 Mhm, that I will, after I'm done playing Warframe first, i'm mentally exhausted.
Hopefully, the end will leave me all cozy, or... img.pandawhale.com/96246-stop-my-penis-can-only-get-so-VJjn.gif

4936848 I see, haha. Well, let me know what you think at the end! :twilightsmile:

This was a great story. A perfect mixture of love and beauty. Plus, it has great spelling a grammar.

4937352 Thank you very much! :twilightsmile:

Good job once again, Mr.Quill. You right one hell of a good romance story. :D


4938527 Thank you! What did you like best about it, if I may ask?

4939256 hmm...I'd have to say the romance part of it, I'm a sucker for romance stories.

4937421 hey Quill, I have a question. Where do you get these random stallions? I know there's a list in Wikipedia but, how do you pick them? Do you just cover your face and point at any random pony? Also, do you take challenges. Since the first one got you started on this journey of yours.

4939302 I browse through the MLP wiki for potential characters. With how often I've seen stories be disregarded for having OCs, I find it a better alternative to find somepony in the show.

As for challenges, I'm not in any right now. Did you know of one?

4939428 Nooo, but I challenge you to write with glass sugaroi61.tinypic.com/fy0l6b.jpg and Maud Pie.

4939571 I'll have to send that to the R&D department, hehe. I might be able to make something of it.

Amazing story! Wish it was longer though.:fluttercry:

Beautiful story man.

4942453 Thank you! :twilightsmile: May I ask what you liked most about it?

4942506 the story telling, how they met stuff like that

I loved the way you captured the essence of Fluttershy's character and beauty all in one. Good job.

I love it there needs to be more to this maybe shy is knocked up from this? Baybe rick cheats with a changling thinking its shy who knows the writer does so get to it man i want to see another chapter or a new story...the fans man...the fans

Hello Steel Quill, I've been a long time fan of your stories, starting from Tangled Wings to now this. I think it's your best work as of yet.

I'd really like to read more of your fantastically romantic works, and perhaps you could try a hand at another genre?

4983776 Thank you very much! Always nice to hear of a loyal reader, hehe. I don't know what other genre I would tackle, really.

Hey Quill once again I love your story and this time I know why. It is the fact that you develop a canon character that isn't even on the search list. It emerses the reader further into the mlp universe thus getting them sucked into the story. Well done sir, well done.

4984189 Hmm... slice of life maybe? That and.... uh... maybe you are right. Your previous stories are amazing enough, no need to take on another genre.

It would make it better if it had a small epilogue to skip a couple months.
A pregnant fluttershy and other stuff

I'm sorry to tell you this, but this story does not belong in the Anthropomorphics group because you said that the characters are humanized and not anthro. The human tag of the group is meant for a human among anthro pony/any-other-race-of-Equestria characters, not humanized characters.

5139521 Oh, I see. My apologies, I must've mis-read. I'll see about tugging it out of there. :twilightblush:

One of the better crafted stories I might add.

Is it just me, that the Rick Shaw I'm picturing looks like Joseph Joestar? (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure anyone?)

Jeez, I love the story, the characters, the interactions…this is great!

5443461 Thank you! Feel free to comment on my other stories also! :twilightsmile:

That was...*sniff* That was beautiful... ;u;

Author's Note:

And that's a wrap!


Hell, I'm not even ashamed or hesitant in the slightest to like this story, or add it to my favorites. This isn't smut. This isn't clop. This is motherfucking art! I could never be ashamed associating with this story, only proud! I don't care who sees this in my favorites, I want them to know! 1 billion/10!

Simply wonderful by all definitions.

Well, that was all kinds of awesome. Bravo!

I was cleaning out confetti from the way the envelope exploded for a week!” Rick remarked.

Only Pinkie could make an envelope that could explode for a whole week straight.:pinkiehappy:

So amazing i love it :pinkiehappy:

Hello, Steel Quill. This is Joseph Keller, a new fanfic writer in the making. Just wanted to let you know that 'Rekindling the Flame' is one of my favorite stories. I hope that you will make more fanfics like this one in the future.

6700442 Hello, Joseph. I'm very flattered my story could be called one of your favorites. Thank you so much! :twilightsmile:

I will certainly be making more like this in the future, I'm sure. I am actually going to be beginning work on my next story very soon, as I just finished the NaNoWriMo writing challenge last month. So I hope you tune in and see more of my work!

YOU! Yes YOU! Author of this masterpiece, who us cover artist?

7331572 Well, when you hover your mouse over the picture, the source button pops up to provide a link directly to the source where I got the photo. Here's the link though, to make it easier.


Hope you enjoyed the story!

You should add an epilogue chapter wherein fluttershy tells rarity what happened :yay::raritywink:

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