• Published 18th Apr 2012
  • 786 Views, 11 Comments

The Darkest Storm - TheReaderAndWriter

A new pony from far away finds Ponyville and himself in deep trouble when catastrophe strikes.

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Objection and Resolution

12. Objection and Resolution.

Ivanhoe just barely managed to jump up on the train as it was leaving the station, the rain was worse than ever and the wind was so terribly strong he was almost thrown onto the tracks. Fortunately it seemed to also stop the corrupted ponies from following them. Ivanhoe instantly went inside. Only about half the seats were filled in the cart. The ponies there were filled with grief, still in shock after the sudden rain and subsequent escape from their home and safe-haven. Ivanhoe could see those more strong comforting those who couldn't bare with it anymore. Ivanhoe looked out the window towards the castle in the distance. Bright lights pierced the dark rain from all the way up there. The battle was probably not going to stop any time soon. Ivanhoe sat down on one of the seats and finally unwrapped Spike. The cloak was wet, but at least Spike was dry.

"Are you alright?" asked Ivanhoe.

"Yeah, yeah. Just a bit worried about everything. The girls can handle it, but still...Twilight, Rainbow... Rarity. This is just so wrong."

"Spike, I'm sorry," said Ivanhoe and looked through the window. He was so tired, tired of everything, tired of the rain, tired of the danger...tired of himself.

"Hey, don't be like that. Discord is really great at tricking ponies."

"And whatever I am," added Ivanhoe and sighed.

"I probably would've done the same. Heck, it's just as much my fault as it is yours. Don't forget that me, Fluttershy and Windy helped you get away from Celestia," said Spike. Ivanhoe turned to him, simply confused.

"But, you knew at that time, didn't you? You knew but couldn't tell me. So why did you help me?"

"Well...Windy and I...we were really dumb. We just sort of assumed that Celestia was mistaken, or that even if it was your fault you would actually fix it. I believed in you because Windy did. I don't know her much, only that she's a hard worker and can be trusted, but she just seemed so sincere when she said you would fix it. I believed her. We didn't know everything. Me and Windy didn't actually know you were made by Discord. Nopony told me or her anything about that part until after we saved you from Celestia. They thought we would accidentally tell you sometime and unleash him totally strong."

"Well, seemed like I managed without any help," said Ivanhoe sadly and looked out the window again, resting his head on the cool glass.

"I sort of regretted helping you. Windy didn't. She was still sure you would fix it," said Spike. Ivanhoe didn't say anything, he just felt more guilt in the fact he hadn't stayed behind to help them. He felt like he had betrayed everyone and that he now was getting Spike to safety while just running away from his problems. If his parents would've been there now, if they even would've existed, then they would've been so ashamed. Ivanhoe wasn't strong enough to deal with all of this, so much at once, so he finally broke down into tears. "Hey! I'm the baby here, you should not cry!"

"Adults can cry, you know," said Ivanhoe while sobbing.

"Sissy, I don't really see what Windy saw in you," said Spike.

"I thought you said you were my friend."

"Hey, I still am, but I can chew you out, you know. You make mistakes, we all do... Sure, your mistakes are potentially going to end the entire world as we know it and start the reign of an evil chaotic irrational dictator, but why focus on the little things? Stop crying, sissy," said Spike and showed him a gesture, telling him to smile. When Ivanhoe didn't react to it Spike stood up on the seat. "Pinkie always wants ponies to smile. And you better get yourself out of this and give a smile! Sure, it's your fault, but when things get tough you need to get tougher! We've had problems in Ponyville before, but we get tough to deal with it. Moping will not help anypony," said Spike. Ivanhoe looked at him. After a little moment of silence Spike did the smiling gesture again.

"You're a good kid, you know that?"

"Well, I am the best," said Spike and couldn't keep himself from bragging.

"But I'm going through a rough bit right now. I have literally lost everything but my life, and that is going too in a few days."

"I can see how that's a bummer. Do you want a present?"


"A present. In the throne room I sort of snagged something from Discord while he wasn't looking."

"What's that?" Spike presented two small things he had hidden from him all this time. Two small puppets. The things that Discord had used to 'create' his parents. Ivanhoe couldn't even speak as he accepted them and looked at these crude dolls. He couldn't stop crying as he watched these objects that were the only things in the entire world that could even be considered to be from his parents...his memories of them. "Thanks, Spike. I wish I could give you something, but I don't have anything...want my pants?"

"Nah, I'd rather have a cape. This cloak could work...it's wet with dark rain though," said Spike.

"You still could not pull off a cape," said Ivanhoe.

"You can barely pull off those pants...ah, who am I kidding? They look great, Rarity knows her art," said Spike.

"I swear I'll do my best to protect you. Your sister told me to, and I will," said Ivanhoe.


The train never seemed to stop, neither did the rain, both kept going far into the night, and into the night after that. Ivanhoe kept looking out through the window when he was awake, did he have two or one day left? He had lost count, could be anything. Spike seemed incredibly bored and worried. Something that astounded them both was the fact that the most likely epic battle of the princesses and the wielders of harmony against the most dangerous tyrant who ever existed was still going strong. At times you could see bright lights in the horizon, sonic rainbooms going off at regular intervals. It seemed to never stop.

"If anypony can beat Discord it's them," said Spike at one time during the trip. At the current moment, however, Ivanhoe was asleep. He awoke by Spike shaking him. Ivanhoe stirred and woke up. "Ivanhoe, we're here, look," said Spike and pointed out the window. The train had stopped. Ivanhoe was looking out at bright blue skies and white clouds. They were in Marehaven. Ivanhoe might never have actually been there, but he remembered everything about the place. It seemed more barren somehow. It was a very dry place, it was in the middle of summer though, it was to be expected here. This place tended to thrive in the fall.

"Spike, if you want we can keep traveling. The dark storm will spread if they don't win, but could we just make a quick stop?"



Ivanhoe walked with Spike on the dry old dirt road. The fence was breaking apart next to them, it was covered in vines and dry moss. They walked around a large rock that was just standing there, like it always had been. That's when they saw it. The farm. The farm was nothing but ruins, a building that needed to be condemned and destroyed. It was there on borrowed time, just like he was. The trees had all died and the flowers had withered away a long, long time ago. Nothing but weeds grew on the land. The sun scorched everything, even Ivanhoe wished for rain.

"I can't believe it."

"I'm sorry, Ivanhoe."

"I knew it was true, but this just hammers it in. I wonder who actually lived here."

"I wish I knew. Sorry." Ivanhoe walked up to the front door, it was broken down into hundreds of pieces.

"Spike...I'll just need a moment alone, okay?"

"I'll stay out here." Ivanhoe walked into the kitchen. It was just a mess, the only thing still even barely standing was a chair and the table. Everything else was either rotten, broken or both. Ivanhoe walked towards the chair and decided to sit down. He didn't cry, he couldn't, he had run out of tears. He decided to pull out the puppets from his pockets. He put them down on the table.

"Welcome home, Mother, Father," said Ivanhoe and aligned them to look less like puppets and more like ponies. "If you would've been real, what would you have told me?" asked Ivanhoe to himself. "Maybe I keep talking to myself because I've always actually just been alone? That would explain a lot." Friends and parents that never existed, only dolls and fake memories to him. Ivanhoe noted that he wasn't completely alone anymore. Those six better save the world, because there was so many wonderful ponies in it, especially in Ponyville, where everypony was ready to smile, and so many were ready to be strong in the face of danger. They were so different from him, and he wished he could be anypony there, but how could he ever fit in there? "What would my parents say?" Ivanhoe started gently pulling their strings. "What's the matter, Son? You seem a bit glum," Ivanhoe said trying and failing to imitate his fathers voice. "I'm- I'm just in some trouble, Father," said Ivanhoe playing his own role. He had probably played roles his entire existence, inside that little mental doll house. So what did it matter if he played it a little more? "Son, is it that bully Cameron Cattle again?" he said trying to imitate his mother. "No, Mother. I just sort of learned something troubling." "What's that, Son?" "Nothing, Father. It's just that sometimes things turns out in ways you didn't expect."

"That's quite true, Son," said his father.

"So what should I do?"

"Well, did you learn anything from it?" asked his mother.

"Not really, nothing of value. It just made me miserable."

"Ah, life tends to do that sometimes. When I met your mother things were not easy for us either," said his father.

"There were a lot of fights because of what his parents wanted and what mine wanted. We know how it is when you're just out of luck."

"I could use some luck," said Ivanhoe.

"Well, can we help you with your problem?" asked his father.

"No. Nothing can help me with that. I just need to make myself useful before it's all over."

"Well, is it a big problem?" asked his mother.

"Very," said Ivanhoe.

"Well, do what I always do when such and such happens. Look over it carefully and see all the ways you can approach it. What more can a pony do?" asked his father. Ivanhoe sighed.

"Father, it's not that simple."

"Well, are you sure you can't try?" asked his mother.

"What could I do? This will ruin the rest of my life, that's written in stone," said Ivanhoe and sighed again. His head and heart felt heavy.

"Now just that is just plain wrong. You should know better!" said his father with a seldom heard stern voice.

"Dear?" said his mother surprised.

"Ivanhoe Mane, nothing is written in stone. Things change, it can be slowly, it can be quickly, but it always, always change. If life is tough, you need to get tougher and not give in. You need to deal with it and move on.

"How could I? I'm...I'm a sissy," said Ivanhoe and turned away.

"There is nothing wrong with showing weakness, as long as you have the strength to make up for it eventually, or at least grow. And you're no sissy. We know you, you have courage. Come on, you have to at least been a little brave in your life, right? At least when it mattered?" asked his father. Ivanhoe looked at his father. Yeah, when things mattered he kept going. Sure, he was hardly a great hero, heck, he was probably more like a really, really poor villain, but he had risked his life to save other ponies, and even if it had been for nothing he still intended to do good. He had braved the sky, a dangerous forest and even death in a way. At least that was something to be proud of.

"Some," said Ivanhoe.

"That's enough, you know. You are not the type of pony to run away from your problems. Whatever is disturbing you, just, just face it and move on," said his mother. Ivanhoe looked at his parents. Ivanhoe realized that fake memories for years were still memories, they had an impact on him, and he could impact the world. They still mattered, he still mattered. Ivanhoe had to honor the memory of his family. He was going to face his problem, somehow he was going to help in the fight against Discord. Ivanhoe's grief slowly but surely turned into something else: new hope. He gave his parents a last look, and then he stood up and embraced them both. He managed to find some of his last tears.

"Mom, Dad...I love you."

"We love you too, Son."

"Always," said his mother with a gentle smile.


Ivanhoe walked out of the building with the two dolls on his back. His face showed nothing but focused determination. Spike walked up to him.

"So, what's the plan?"

"I'm not sure. I just need to do two more things here before I figure that out," said Ivanhoe and walked around the building. He started digging at the ground, and after about ten minutes he respectfully dropped the dolls into the grave and covered it with the dug up dirt. Earth ponies belonged near the earth. He marked the spot with a small rock and turned around.

"And the second thing?" asked Spike. Ivanhoe walked up right next to the house, and with all the force he could muster he bucked the building right in the side. It collapsed in large thick dust cloud. Without a word Ivanhoe walked back towards the large rock by the dirt road. He jumped up on it and sat down.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm thinking. If I'm part of Discord then there must be something in that we can use. My father said I should think over my problem carefully. I'm going to follow his last advice."

"Okay...whatever. So...any ideas?"

"No. What the heck can I do against the spirit of chaos? The elements of harmony won't work because I set him free. They work against chaos, but he's not chaos, because I'm not chaos. Wow, that's a bit confusing. He's protected from the elements because of what I did, and he's protected from everything else because he's just powerful. Soon nothing in the world will be able to stop him. If the time runs out, he'll be even stronger, and if I join him he'll be even stronger than that! Dying is only good to make sure I won't join him, but it won't stop anything now."

"So there are two things we could do to solve this: we could remove the harmony-shield, but how could we? Or we could just make him weaker. The elements of harmony wouldn't do anything, but regular magic might hurt him then. But it might not work on a spirit of chaos. How would we even do any of those things?"

"He uses magic, right?"

"Of course."

"I know nothing of magic."

"Basically, neither do I, except of course you need to stay focused to use it no matter what type it is. Magic is fueled by the user's talent and focus after all," said Spike.

"Wait, what?"

"You need to stay focused. Or else it won't work."

"No, the other thing," said Ivanhoe..

"Magic is fueled by the user's talent. Rarity is good with spells for making clothes, Twilight's talent is magic, so she's good with a lot of things."

"Spike, I think you might just have given me an idea for defeating him. It depends, and it's pretty much a gamble, but I'm going to try. I have to try...I never should have run away.

"So, we're going back to Canterlot?" asked Spike. He didn't look scared, he actually seemed to enjoy the idea of returning to his hometown. They saw a big flash of light in the distance, the battle was still going strong.

"After we find you somewhere safe, I'll go back there."

"No way! My, my 'sister' and 'mother' is fighting for their lives. I will come with you and help in any way I can. My friends mean too much to me. I try to listen to Twilight, that's why I'm here, but if I can help I want to be there!"

"Are you sure?"

"I have claws and can breathe fire. I. Am. Sure," said Spike.

"Well, alright. Come on. I don't know how long I have left before he gets more powerful and I die," said Ivanhoe and jumped off the rock.


Not long afterwards they found themselves at the train station. Ponies were evacuating as the dark clouds got closer and closer by the hour. The last remaining trains stood still, abandoned. All the few trains at the station only went back to Equestria, the rest had left. They needed to take a train and it needed to be fast, but there was no way that any single pony who could operate a train would be willing to take them on that journey, not into the storm's eye.

"Who in Eques- in the world would be wacky enough to drive a train right into the center of the biggest catastrophe in centuries?" asked Spike. They suddenly heard a train whistle loudly right behind them. They turned around and saw a single train engine and cart stopping by the station on its way back to Equestria. A gray pegasus jumped off the engine and looked at them. She looked familiar. She brushed her yellow mane from her face and he saw her somewhat distinct eyes.

"Hey you, Spike. I think I forgot my real voice back in Equestria. Do you guys want a lift?" Ivanhoe and Spike glanced at each other sharing a smile.

"Hay, yeah, Derpy!" they both shouted.

"Okay, no problem guys. I should warn you though, I'm in a hurry, so it's going to have to go really fast."

"I think we can manage, Miss," said Ivanhoe and gave Spike a satisfied smile, finally something was going their way, literally.


"So, what's your plan?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm going to try to remove his talent of chaos, his very concentration on it by simply talking to him. I'll convince him he's wrong."

"Dude, nopony can convince him about anything," said Spike.

"That might be true, but I'm not really a pony, am I? I'm part of him, so maybe he'll listen to me. I don't think it's going to work, but I'm willing to try. If I can manage to be at least a distraction for your friends then that will have to do. Miss Hooves, Spike will be looking after you a little bit while I'm away, alright? You can do that, Spike, right? Be brave and keep her safe?"

"Well... alright. If that helps," said Spike.

"Okay," said Derpy and just kept working the train engine, she didn't seem to know what she was doing, she was constantly improvising but still got great results. They went so fast even winds couldn't keep up with them. "I never knew trains were so much fun. No wonder ponies who can't fly keep using them."

"It is used for long distance travel for everypony, you know," said Ivanhoe.

"Really? I've never had to use it before. I just need it to get protection from this weirdo rain," said Derpy and looked out the window. They had just entered the storm. Ivanhoe suddenly felt weak. He had to lie down on the floor, he gasped for his breath.

"What's wrong?"

"I think, I think the time is running out. I just hope we have another day, that should be enough to get us there in time, right?"

"I hope," said Spike.

"Sure, we'll get there tomorrow. I can't wait to have my real voice back," said Derpy.

"You should rest, Ivanhoe," said Spike, but Ivanhoe had already fallen asleep.


Ivanhoe woke up when Spike shook him gently.

"We're back, Ivanhoe!" said Spike. Ivanhoe opened his eyes and stood up.

"How long was I out?"

"An entire day. Ivanhoe, I'm scared. The explosions from the castle stopped, well, exploding," said Spike and pointed towards the castle. It was silent, the only thing Ivanhoe could hear was the never ending rain.

"If it's alright with you I want to go back to Ponyville. I think my voice is over there somewhere."

"Good, take care of Spike now, okay? Promise."

"Stick a cupcake in my eye," said Derpy and covered one of her eyes with her hoof. Ivanhoe didn't get it, but whatever. It was probably a promise.

"Take good care of her too, Spike."

"Be careful," said Spike.

"I will," said Ivanhoe and jumped off the train onto the station. He started running towards the castle, more determined than ever.


Ivanhoe had run past corrupted ponies who quite frankly didn't even take notice of him. He had reached the castle grounds and ran up the long path to the front door. He didn't rest until he got inside where he stopped for a breather. He felt gradually weaker as time went by. It could be only hours left, but he didn't know for sure. He had to hurry. There was no sign of Windy. Ivanhoe walked with a quick pace towards the throne room. Pretty much every single part of the castle had been ruined, burnt. The fight must've been quite a sight to behold, just another reason Ivanhoe wished he hadn't run away. Ivanhoe stopped before the almost destroyed doors to the throne room. Again there was that compelling feeling that something important lied behind those doors. He could feel him, Discord was there. Ivanhoe opened the doors. Discord was in a pose, holding his claw and paw up towards a type of cage. Inside that cage the princesses and the six were held up. They looked at him with determination, but they all also looked very tired, exhausted, sweating.

"You can't win, Discord."

"I just need to hold you inside this for just a few more hours. Boring, I know, but at least this way you are wasting your time without trying to burn me to a crisp. Whatever happened to your otherwise peaceful attitude?"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures. You should know that," said Ivanhoe. Discord turned around. He didn't look surprised, he did however give a subtle smile.

"Ivanhoe, you're finally back. Have you reconsidered my proposal, then? Have you finally found your place in life?"

"Discord, I will never join you," said Ivanhoe. He didn't say it with spite, or anger, or even fear. He simply just said it.

"To me you are not making any sense. You can be part of something great and eternal here but you deny me and yourself. Why is that? " asked Discord. More curious than disappointed.

"You being unable to realize why I would not help something hurt my friends and innocent ponies just told me so, so very much about just what a monster you are. The reason I wouldn't join you either way, however, is because you're not even remotely worthy as a spirit of chaos." In a flash Discord appeared right in front of Ivanhoe looking furious with intimidating rage.

"WHAT?!" Ivanhoe didn't budge or show fear. Discord still kept the cage up behind him.

"You heard me. You call yourself a spirit of chaos, but you're really, really lacking in that regard. The truth is that I'm much better at chaos than you've ever been. And I'm less than ten days old." Ivanhoe was lying more than he ever had, but at least he had caught his creator's attention.

"What are you talking about?! I have made almost everything in Equestria fall. Everypony and everything is a dark being of destruction and terror!"

"Yes! Destruction, but they have goals, they have structure. It's destructive, but it's still not truly chaotic."

"You should see me when I'm not busy dealing with these ponies. I'll make everything unpredictable, everything chaotic. Everything will be marvelous, one won't know if the next breath will be air, salt or ash. It will be art, and everything will appreciate it."

"Very nice, you're getting better. But you're still not perfect. I would only join you if you were perfect. A true artist," said Ivanhoe like he was bored.

"And in what way am I not perfect?" asked Discord. He was trying to hide his rage, but it seeped through in the way he spoke.

"Well, how did we get here?"

"What are you talking about?" Ivanhoe pointed his hoof at the creature.

"Discord! You say you're a spirit of chaos, but you know what? You have used plans, very intricate plans. You have weighed loss and gain against each other to get a good enough result. That is logic a spirit of chaos should not use. Even if you were just some guy who called himself 'the spirit of chaos' it's not a role taken half heartedly! I should know about taking up roles. Using logic as means to an end is not acceptable for a spirit of chaos. You are a miserable failure that is unworthy of me! I speak to myself at random, I defy reason in order to reach my goals, I take chances where I have no idea of the outcome and I don't scheme! Out of the two of us, I'm the one who better qualify for that title. You are worthless!" yelled Ivanhoe in Discords face. Discord was speechless.

"Well, I- how would I be able to- I mean-"

"Just give up, Discord. This entire charade is meaningless. You have a lot to learn about chaos," said Ivanhoe coldly and turned his back on the being, letting the insult seep in. Suddenly, Discord grabbed him with his claw. He lifted him up by his neck while still holding out his paw towards the cage.

"How dare you speak like that to me? Your creator! Your father! You even have my eye color!" Ivanhoe managed to whisper out some last words.

"You are a lot of things, but you are not my father. You are terrible at what you do! Where is the chaos? Where is the unpredictability?! The rain follows rules, you know what it does every time! I am the only thing it doesn't affect, I can even cancel its effect! What I do is more chaotic than everything you've done today! You know what I think? I've heard from Spike how chaotic you were once, but even then you schemed. I think you lost something when you created me. You lost your touch. It's actually just a tragedy, isn't it? I feel so sorry for you, because I've never seen something so pitiful."

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK DOWN TO ME!" Discord roared in his face with eyes filled to the brim with wrath. He used both his claw and his paw, he was trying to strangle Ivanhoe in a fit of rage. He was trying to kill his own creation that had given him his protection against the elements, did that hold some meaning?

"NOW!" shouted Celestia, realizing their chance to strike was now. Ivanhoe saw some bright lights form behind them. A light in all the colors of the rainbow suddenly embraced them both.

"Discord. I don't care what happens to me, but I will never allow you to hurt the ones I care about!" shouted Ivanhoe right in his face. Discord reached out his claw in an effort to stop it. Ivanhoe felt a shock of of impact going through his entire body. He couldn't see anything, he couldn't breathe. Ivanhoe could feel Discord who wouldn't stop holding him. He needed air, he was getting hanged. Discord's body slowly turned into stone from his feet to his head. Ivanhoe needed to get away before his claw turned as well. Still, the bright light that embraced them both felt good, it was calming and warm, there was nothing quite like it. He felt stronger, he felt healthier, but he couldn't get out of this grip. He suddenly felt something pulling him as hard as it could. Discord lost his grip right as the claw became stone. Ivanhoe tumbled back onto the floor. Somepony had her wings around him, it was Windy.

"You came back," said Windy exhausted.

"I had to. I couldn't run away from it. It was my fault," said Ivanhoe while gasping for air. He looked at the petrified remains of Discord. Twilight and her friends were levitating in the air, their eyes so filled with energy they were glowing. Suddenly a beam of light pierced the ceiling. A wave expanded as through an explosion of light, it went through everything in the room and beyond. Ivanhoe couldn't see, but when the light faded the entire throne room was repaired, everything was fine. A familiar light could be seen through the windows: daylight, from the blue sky with white beautiful clouds. Ivanhoe could hear something from outside the windows, something that filled him with joy: cheering from ponies who had regained sanity and each other. They had done it, it was over. The only thing seemingly confirming anything strange had happened at all during these days was the echo of a voice subtly hanging in the air before it faded away.

"Come on, not again...."