• Published 18th Apr 2012
  • 787 Views, 11 Comments

The Darkest Storm - TheReaderAndWriter

A new pony from far away finds Ponyville and himself in deep trouble when catastrophe strikes.

  • ...


4. Thunderstorm.

The next day started out very calm, quiet. As time went on Ivanhoe did notice a change in the locals. They were excited. Apparently the party was going to be one of the biggest Miss Pie had ever organized. Everypony in town, and even a few from outside of town, were going to be there. It would be held in and just outside the town hall. Ivanhoe heard Pinkie Pie had gotten special permission from the local mayor.

"Too bad Celestia won't be here this year," said a mare to her friend as Ivanhoe walked past them.

"Last year wasn't a lot of fun, if you remember?" said her friend with a meaningful stare.

"I'm just saying," she responded and shrugged. Ivanhoe ignored them. He couldn't remember the last time he'd been to a party before. Maybe when he was a little colt? Didn't matter. He was going to have a good time, he was convinced he would. He had almost forgotten about the whole doomsday voice-dream. He suddenly saw the librarian Twilight, the odd Pinkie Pie, and a blue pegasus with a rainbow colored mane and tail talk to each other.

"But Rainbow! It's the summer sun celebration! Can't you have the storm another day?"

"You're still not listening to me, Pinkie! I'm saying something is wrong! We have all been complaining to the weather factory and they are been busting their rumps to find the problem and fix it as fast as they can. I'm just saying that you might want to hold the party completely inside. Just in case we don't fix it in time."

"Do you know what the problem is?" asked Twilight to the pegasus seemingly named Rainbow.

"Somepony up top says some idiot probably spilled rainbows into the cloud makers. My money's on that it was Ditzy."

"You always say it's Ditzy," said Twilight.

"Well, it's often her fault. She's as clumsy as, as..."

"As Twilight is on ice!" Pinkie chimed in, resulting in an annoyed glare from Twilight.

"Anyway, just don't forget there might be some problems later. Got to fly!" said Rainbow and went off into the sky so quickly Ivanhoe couldn't even follow her with his eyes.

"Well, whatever the problem is I'm sure they- Ivanhoe Mane? Hello again," said Twilight when she noticed him.

"Hello, Twilight. Who was your friend?"

"Rainbow Dash, weather-mare. We sure bump into each other a lot."

"I was just on my way to a café when I overheard you talking about a storm."

"Problems at the-"

"No problems at all! I'm sure Rainbow Dash will take care of it in time for the party! I can't wait! Can you? Can you?" Pinkie Pie asked rapidly to both Twilight and Ivanhoe.

"I'm patient, no rush."

"And I'm...late! I'm late!" said Twilight. Suddenly her horn was glowing brightly, and in a flash she disappeared into thin air.

"What was that!?" Ivanhoe yelled out in complete shock.

"That was just Twilight teleporting, she does that sometimes," said Pinkie Pie with her constant smiling. Ivanhoe kept starring at the spot Twilight had disappeared from. He eventually calmed down a bit from the shock.

"I think I'll be off again. I'm thinking about getting a souvenir from my visit here."

"You're leaving?"

"Not today, but perhaps tomorrow," said Ivanhoe. The mystery of the note would have to be a riddle for the ages, never solved, always in the back of his mind, teasing him. He didn't care that much. The trip had mostly just been for recreational purposes anyway. A party would be a nice end to it all. He wasn't even sure he would come back at all.

"Well, have fun at the party," said Pinkie Pie as Ivanhoe continued walking.

"Goodbye, Miss Pie."

"Hi hi, that rhymes," said Pinkie and seemingly bounced away.


Ivanhoe returned to Steady Stables Inn at about sunset. Windy just walked in from the back room. She was wearing a necklace but nothing else.

"Hi, Ivanhoe. The party's about to start soon and I was just about to leave."

"Maybe we can go together? I just have to leave my souvenir," said Ivanhoe. It was a single, rather cheap pendant. He got it from a sale somewhere. He hardly even remembered where the shop was where he had bought it.

"Great. I just need to check the- oh no!" said Windy.


"Half of the flowers are dead!"

"Which flowers?"

"The ones we prepared a few days ago," said Windy and looked into the back room.

"Well, only half? That's not so bad."

"I knew I shouldn't have tried to do it myself. I knew pegasi aren't as good with planting as earth ponies but I didn't know I was that terrible."

"Hey, maybe you just forgot to water them. You'll do better next time."

"I hope. My father is better with gardening than me, he should've done it before they left."

"Well, I'll be right down so we can leave," said Ivanhoe and hurried up to his room. He unlocked his door, went inside, left the pendant in his bag and quickly went down again in short order.

"This isn't a date, is it?" asked Windy.

"Certainly not. We're just...friends, right? Either that or just a customer and innkeeper. That's fine too," said Ivanhoe and gave a calm smile.

"Of course we're friends."

"Wow, my first friend."


"In Ponyville, of course."

"Where are you from, by the way?"

"A little village far away called Marehaven."

"Never heard of it."

"Just like I never heard of Ponyville," said Ivanhoe and held the front door open for her to walk out.

"Thank you, good sir," she said in an overly posh voice.

"You're welcome, fine madame," said Ivanhoe right back at her. They couldn't resist laughing a bit while Windy closed the inn. In the distance Ivanhoe could see colored lights in the middle of town. They were on their way.


After a short walk to their destination Windy looked up with awe on the town hall.

"Pinkie Pie sure outdid herself this time," said Windy.

"It's quite impressive either way," said Ivanhoe. The town hall was almost covered in flowers and lavish but beautiful decorations in all conceivable colors. There were so many balloons Ivanhoe almost feared the building would be ripped from its foundation and simply fly away into the last of the fading sunlight. It was a sight to behold. It was, however, only the tip of the iceberg in terms of creating a festive atmosphere. What really sold the image of this being the party of the decade was the ponies already there. Probably more than a hundred ponies on the outside alone. Eating sweets, cake or food from the tables. Wearing crazy party hats and dancing to a small but certainly fantastic band whose skill might be better suited for an orchestra. Ivanhoe had never seen something this lively before. He couldn't help but to let out an excited and surprised chuckle at the very sight. The lights hanging from lines above the whole scene had all kinds of colors. Ivanhoe and Windy walked together further into the area. Ponies were dancing to the band.

"Never been in something like this, have we, Octavia?" asked the male playing the piano to a gray pony playing the hay out a cello like there was no tomorrow. They all looked classy, yet the atmosphere seemed to have an almost intoxicating, energetic effect on them. They, like many other ponies there, looked liked they were having the time of their lives.

"Shut up and play, Frederic! The night is still young!" she yelled, filled with energy, yet looking oddly composed at the same time.

"Come on, DJ! Or are we just too much for ya?" the piano player shouted to a white pony with a blue, almost electric mane with purple sunglasses. She didn't say anything, she just smiled and kept making the music.

"This is amazing!" said Windy and looked around everywhere. She suddenly ran off and started chatting with some other ponies, probably her friends. Ivanhoe wanted to see how the town hall looked like, so he walked up the stairs. He took a quick glance at the sky before he went in. The night sky was completely clear. Looked like the pegasi had fixed the problem. The sun was no longer shining upon the land. It was night, but the cello-player was right, the night was still young.


The inside of the building wasn't quite as lavish as the outside, but it was no less festive. There was even a band in here too and a huge dance floor. Ivanhoe could basically see everypony he had met or seen since he first got here. Twilight was talking to Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and two other ponies Ivanhoe have never seen before. They all danced too, seemingly good friends. Ivanhoe never danced however, he had four left hooves. He certainly didn't mind the music though.

"I curse the name, the one behind it aaaall!" sang the pony at the band in here. It seemed to be some sort of pop-band. Ivanhoe had absolutely no taste in music however, nor did he know a lot of genres. Music was music, why complicate it?

"This is great," said Ivanhoe.

"Sure is!" said a voice suddenly behind him. Ivanhoe was used to it now, he turned around and looked at Spike. He was wearing a very small tuxedo...and a cape.

"I never expected something like this in a town this small," said Ivanhoe.

"I bet Pinkie Pie would've made it like this last time, but since the princess was supposed to be here we had to make it much more official. This is still fantastic though. Want a cupcake?" asked Spike and offered him a half-eaten cupcake.

"Eh, no thank you. I'd rather go for some hay."

"I can't sit idly, no, I can't move at all!" the singer continued.

"I've never been to a party like this. I remember a little party at school, but that's it. Nothing more."

"We get parties here a lot thanks to Pinkie Pie but this is way beyond her normal limit. I even saw Hoity Toity! I was sure he would be in Canterlot."


"A stallion into fashion."

"Oh. Not interested in that, I'm afraid...and what's with the tuxedo?" asked Ivanhoe. He was more curious about the freaking cape, but baby steps.

"Do you like it? Made from leaves."



"Oh. And the cape?"

"Looks cool, doesn't it?"

"It looks like a security blanket."

"I have claws and can breathe fire. It. Looks. Good," said Spike quite annoyed and left.

"He would look better in a scarf," said a nearby pony with a brown coat, spiky hair and an hourglass for a cutie mark before he walked off. Ivanhoe was really hungry so he went to the table for something to eat.

"So, so, so, so, so why aren't you in Canterlot with the rest of The Wonderbolts, Soarin?" asked Rainbow Dash with a weak voice to a pegasus-pony in a very odd blue getup with yellow lighting bolts on the sides.

"I was, but then I heard about the party and that there would be food by a certain Applejack. I came here for the pies," answered the pony. Ivanhoe noticed he was eating a pie off a table while doing so.

"Speaking of pies," said a voice behind Ivanhoe, again. Ivanhoe turned around. There was a orange pony with a cowboy hat partly covering her long blond mane.

"Here you go, kind sir," said the mare and handed Ivanhoe a little box. Ivanhoe recognized her accent.

"You're Applebloom's sister, aren't you? Applejack, was it?"

"Sure am. She told me about how you helped her out with Winona. That could've ended badly, so here you go, Sir. A pie to show you our appreciation. Made with the best apples, love and care," said Applejack and handed Ivanhoe a package with a nice red ribbon rapped around it.

"Eh...thank you... Do you have some whipped cream?"

"Such a kidder! I like you, Sir. You're alright!" she said. She was very energetic, not like Pinkie Pie who just seemed sort of random. This one was more amicable and sensible.

"How did you know who I was?"

"Why, I asked Windy of course! We don't know each other that well, but she's a sweet one."

"Have you found your dog yet?"

"She was hiding out under the porch. Shaking more than maracas used by rattlesnakes in a tumble dryer!"


"She was spooked, no clue why. She's a little better now, which is a relief to us all. Still won't eat, I'm afraid."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't you worry, she'll be running around in no time, and this time she won't be draggin' no sisters around."

"I certainly hope not," said Ivanhoe and placed Applejack's gift on a nearby table.

"I heard you were a visitor from far away, that right?"


"I have family all over Equestria, so I know what it's like to travel."

"I only have family outside of Equestria."

"Oh, don't let my granny hear that. She's sweet like strawberries but she's often real cautious around ponies from outside Equestria."

"Really? Why?"

"She has this story about how a family from outside the land promised they would burn down her apple trees one day, so she's a little suspicious about them coming and keeping their promise."

"If I decide to burn something down I'll be sure to tell you," said Ivanhoe.

"That was a good one. I didn't hear your name though."

"Ivanhoe Mane."

"Mane, huh? For a moment I thought you were related to-"

"Not Calamity Mane," said Ivanhoe.

"I know, I know. Oh, there's my brother! Have a nice time now, Ivanhoe," said Applejack and walked past him towards Big Macintosh who had just entered through the front door.

"You too, Applejack," said Ivanhoe. He glanced at the package containing his pie. He certainly appreciated the gesture, but he doubted he would enjoy the pie.

"Hey, Ivanhoe. Having fun?" asked Windy.

"I haven't even started enjoying myself yet."

"You're lagging. I've already had a daffodil-pizza."

"That sounds pleasant... Wait, isn't that poisonous?"

"Oh, um, maybe...I'll be right back," said Windy and hurried out with a nervous look on her face. Ivanhoe went over to a nearby cake, it looked so delicious it made his mouth water but before he was able to take a slice he had to stop. He was suddenly feeling a bit ill, his head ached and he felt strangely empty inside.

"Ugh, not enough water today," said Ivanhoe and went over to a punch bowl.

"Berry, want some punch?" asked a mare to her somewhat familiar friend.

"For the last time, Bon Bon: no!"

"Whatever," said Ivanhoe and ignored them. This sudden ailment wasn't exactly a good start to the party so he couldn't bother with anything right now. He drank several glasses of the punch. It helped, but now he didn't crave something to drink. He needed, quite desperately, food. He started to eat from the buffet.

"I shouldn't have starved myself for this just because the food was supposed to be good," said Ivanhoe while he was eating. "But, this is good." He ate quite a lot before he was full. At least the headache was over.

"The tasty treats, are they sweet?" asked a calm voice behind him.


"A celebration at a time like this is all well and good, it us just unfortunate the situation is not understood."

"Wait, what?" asked Ivanhoe and turned around. It wasn't a pony, it turned out to be a zebra. Ivanhoe had seen a few in his life, not many, though. The voice was familiar, the one he met the day he got here. She had beautiful eyes and grace.

"A dark time lies ahead, the dark storm will be led."

"What storm? Led? By who? What are you talking about?"

"The who is not quite clear, I only know of the fear."

"Who are you?"

"Zecora is my name, may I ask you the same?"

"Ivanhoe Mane. It's nice to meet you but what are you talking about?"

"I came here to warn of doom, for danger is here soon."

"Warn me?"

"Of course not, dear friend, it is Twilight Sparkle I must attend," said Zecora and walked past him.


"What?" asked Windy who walked up to him.

"Something pretty strange, but it doesn't matter. Did you have any trouble?"

"No, the chef prepared them right. I'm alright. Do you want to dance?"

"Well, I'd rather not. It is not one of my skills."

"Not for me either!" said Windy and pulled him onto the dance floor. Windy started dancing to the music, she was lying, she was a great dancer. She moved with grace despite the high beat of the song. Ivanhoe was just awkwardly standing in front of her, unsure on how he should move. "Come on Ivanhoe. Just move to the rhythm, said Windy."

"I know how to dance, I'm just terrible at it."


"Alright, alright," said Ivanhoe and started to dance.

"You look good in those pants."

"They are pretty spacious for dancing," said Ivanhoe.

"I haven't seen your cutie mark now when I think about it. So what is it? A pencil? A quill? A book?"

"It's a pencil and a dagger crossed."

"Oh, a dagger. For adventuring no doubt," she said a bit excited at the thought.

"Writing about it anyway," said Ivanhoe and smiled.


"What's yours? I haven't noticed," said Ivanhoe and quickly took a peek. It was two yellow stars with five points each. "So what does that have to do with painting?"

"It's about capturing beauty in the moment. I got it after I painted a starry sky, where two little stars were shining so brightly it made the moon seem pale. It was beautiful."

"I got mine really late, I was just writing a dull story, and I kept going because I like writing it. Junk, of course, but junk I enjoyed making."

"Are you really that bad? It sounds like your just have a poor self-esteem when it comes to your work."

"No, I know it's just okay at best. I'm fine with that."

"I don't think I've met a pony who's just okay at his special gift. That makes you sort of special."

"We're all special, in our own way," said Ivanhoe. He tripped over his own legs. He got up somewhat embarrassed. Windy laughed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that just looked so funny," said Windy and tried to stop.

"It's alright," said Ivanhoe. Suddenly there was a large boom from outside. A flash went through the room. Everypony stopped with what they were doing, even the music.

"Thunder? But there's nothing scheduled today," said Windy a bit surprised.

"Looks like the weather factory didn't solve the problem after all," said Ivanhoe. He could see gray storm clouds outside, it was dark though, so he could barely make them out.

"A problem?"

"Something like that. I heard it from someone," said Ivanhoe. Pinkie Pie hurried out of the town hall and a while later she came back in with the outside band.

"So what do we do now?" asked the gray pony leading the band.

"Got a problem with lyrics?" asked Pinkie Pie with a grin. A while later the both bands played together and the party kept going just as it had before. It was simply great.

"Too bad about the weather, Pinkie Pie," said Twilight to her friend.

"It's okay, Twilight. I'm prepared!"

"Wow, nothing can make her stop smiling," said Ivanhoe rather impressed.

"Not even the end of the world," said Windy and shook her head with a smile.


Hours upon hours later the night was no longer young, and most ponies there were starting to feel like old farts themselves. The joined bands were sweating like they were playing under the scorching heat of a desert sun, but they kept going thanks to their passion of music, the quality didn't even suffer. The party's pace was slowing down, but it was still a party and everypony didn't stop to smile, only to rest their feet. Twilight suddenly got up on the stage.

"Everypony, attention! Celestia will soon raise the sun from Canterlot! If you all go outside you will see the sun coming up over the mountains!" announced Twilight with joy. Everypony started to walk outside. Ivanhoe was in no rush.

"Come on, Ivanhoe, or you'll miss it!" said Windy.

"What's so special about the sun rising? It's just the sun."

"But Celestia raises it faster today, come on," said Windy and started pulling him.

"I've seen the results of the sun rising quickly. It's just unnatural for me. Tends to make most back home nervous," said Ivanhoe.

"Come on! It'll look great," said Windy and practically forced him outside. It was still very dark. But the first rays of the new day started to shine on the mountains. They waited.

"Any second now," said Twilight, quite excited. Then they saw it rise. Very quickly in a smooth movement the sun became visible, its warm rays shining on them all. That's when they saw it. Small parts of the sky still looked like they belonged to a starry night sky. Like stains on the blue sky, a mixture of blue and black. When Ivanhoe took a closer look, he saw what the dark parts were. They were clouds, clouds darker than the deepest depths of any land. Glistening with sparkling, purple parts resembling foreboding dark stars. The sky wasn't exactly fully covered, but the parts that did have them made everypony there very uneasy.

"What's going on?"

"Is that normal?"

"Somepony fix this!"

"I knew I didn't imagine it," said Windy to Ivanhoe.

"That's what you saw at the acres?"


"What the hay is this doing here? Don't worry, everypony, I'm on it! Somepony help me out!" yelled Rainbow Dash with confidence. She and two other ponies flew up there quickly like lightning. Then all three was hit by it. In front of the shocked eyes of everypony a dark and purple lightning hit the two pegasi right after it hit Rainbow Dash right in her forehead. All three were knocked out of the sky but it was Rainbow Dash who was hit the worst. She was twitching violently as she fell. Several ponies screamed as she was hurled towards the ground by the initial force of the strike.