• Published 18th Sep 2014
  • 1,485 Views, 52 Comments

The Diamond's Eyes - Dainty Blaze

Spike is living the life...until a bombshell from his past decides to make a comeback and the bar he and his roommate co-own is threatened by some big shot. Wonderful how life likes to hit you wth everything all at once.

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Chapter 1 (edited)

Author's Note:

Just a little something I cooked up for the fun of it. Had major writer's block for FoEMM. It is cured now and I'm halfway done with the next chapter but here's something a little more on the light side. Enjoy!

You know the old saying, ’Your past will always come back to haunt you.’ Well it does at least my case. I should introduce myself before we go any further. My name is Spike the Dragon and I’m, well a dragon. I know terribly creative but what can you do, I was named by a six year old, albeit a genius prodigy of a six year old but still a six year old. Anyway you’re probably wondering how my past came to get me so here it is. It all started on a perfectly normal day…

The alarm started blaring as I came into the land of the conscious. I silenced the offending sound with a claw and after weighing the options of staying in bed I sat up with a yawn and a stretch. I thanked Celestia for my dark red blackout curtains that blocked the sunlight. Ironic I know. I got out of bed, hummed contently as I felt the soft white carpet under my claws.

There had been a time when I walked upright on two stubby legs. I was once short and squat but several growth spurts ended that. Now I was tall, long, slender and walked on all four legs comfortably. Not to mention a handsome devil of a dragon if I’m to be honest. I pushed the door open and grimaced as I looked into the mirror. My deep purple scales were in disarray and my light green spines were crooked at best. Okay a handsome devil in serious need of vanity maintenance.

After a rousing shower, a scale straightening session, a good fang scrubbing, and vanity moment, I was ready to begin the day. I smirked at my reflection,’ Looking good Spike, looking real good.’ Satisfied I left the bathroom and made for the kitchen. Our apartment was a lovely two bedroom affair with a spacious living room and beautiful kitchen complete with a bar and plenty of cabinet space.

Our apartment was decorated with tasteful dark earthy tones. Old paintings lined the walls, most of a nautical nature, and bookshelves were in abundance, all filled with books of every genre. I always found it comforting; after all I did spend most of my life surrounded by them. Hmm you’d think I’d get sick of them…

I pulled the double door frig open and started taking out the fixings for breakfast. With eggs, hay bacon, and an assortment of vegetables in claw I went over to the stove and turned the dial. With a flick of my spaded tail the radio turned on and Sapphire Shores' sweet serenade filled the air. I prepared breakfast, swaying and singing along to the music. Just as I was about to totally kill the last note of ‘At the Carriage Wash’ the sound of two sets of hooves caught my attention.

I flicked the radio off as Pipsqueak, my lanky earth pony roommate, walked a blue furred pegasus mare to the door. They were whispering to each other in hushed tones. Let’s see: dress crumpled slightly, makeup long since smeared off, and mane in shambles. Ah another Trot of Shame in the making. As for Pip most of his off-white fur was covered by a black silk robe, his soft brown mane only slightly ruffled.

Still can’t figure out how he always has a mare in his bed night after night. You’d think Manehatten mares knew a buck whore when they saw one. Maybe it’s the Trottingham accent? I grinned mischievously before waving to the couple,” Good morning. Would you both like some breakfast?”

Out of the corner of his eye Pip glared at me with the spot covered eye. The mare was startled by my appearance,” Oh umm hello." She looked up at Pip," I didn’t know you had a roommate sweetie.” Sweetie? Wow mare you are in for a letdown.

Pip restrained a frown but smiled instead,” Oh? I was sure I had. Well Star this is Spike. Spike, Star.”

“Charmed,” I purred, currently enjoying the glare my roomie was shooting me.

“It’s nice to meet you too,” she said, clearly taken by surprise. I gave my large leathery wings a flap. Her eyes followed one wing like a cat does string. Heh works every time. Pegasi have a thing for large wings you know; a boon which I am not ashamed to admit is eagerly taken advantage off from time to time.

Pip coughed into a hoof,” Yes well I believe you said you needed to leave early.” He started corralling her to the front door.

“Well I wouldn’t mind a small bite to-“Pip cut her off with a kiss. He pulled away with a wink and promptly shut the door behind him.

I smirked as he came back into the kitchen,” Get your bit's worth?”

“You’re assuming I paid for her company?” he asked with his muzzle in the air. He pulled the orange juice out of the frig, poured a glass and put it back.

“How else are you gonna get a mare in your bed?” I replied with a shrug. I promptly smirked at the venom laced glare of Pip the Squeak. I pulled two plates out of the overhead cabinet and served breakfast. One set of eggs with sautéed onions and tomatoes for the playcolt and hay bacon and eggs dusted with topaz for moi. We ate in silence mainly due to my cooking being magnifique.

Pip finished his eggs in record time and sighed as he sat back,” You know you’re gonna make somepony a wonderful wife.”

“Oh hardy har har,” I grumbled,” Not my fault you can’t go near a stove without it bursting into flame.”

“That was one time,” he groaned,” And I paid for all the damages.”

“You burned the salad,” I deadpanned,” And you’re not even supposed to cook salad.”

Pip huffed and crossed his forelegs over his chest,” Well excuse me.”

I swear I’m destined to live with those who are horribly impaired in the culinary arts. I still have nightmares about the first time Twilight tried her hoof at cooking. You’d think a degree in Alchemy and Chemistry would help but nope. Heck she was banned from Canterlot Palace’s kitchens for life. The head chef even swore to dehorn the poor alicorn the next time she even saw Twilight near the kitchens. I finished my own breakfast and set the plates in the sink.

“So what’s on your agenda today?” Pip asked me as I washed the plates.

“Well I have some errands to run then I have lunch with a friend. After that I’m gonna probably pay a visit to The Silk Note. You?” I dried off the plates and set them back in the cabinet.

“Gotta see my agent,” Pip laid his head down on the counter with a sigh,” Then I have no idea. Might stop by The Silk Note too.”

Poor guy hasn’t been on stage for the last two months. Wasn’t really a money issue, hell he was better off than me and I have a bestselling novel. “Well good luck-“I started but the phone rang, cutting me off. I picked it up and put the receiver to my ear fins.

“Spike of Squeak and Spike speaking,” I smirked at Pip’s sardonic glare. He hated that nickname.

“Hey Spike this is Prim,” my eyes widened. My editor rarely called.

“What’s up Prim?”

“I have news. You sitting down?”

“Is everything okay with my book?!” I asked, panicked only slightly. I felt my fins go rigid.

“No the book’s still in the top ten on the bestseller’s list, might even hit number one by next week.” Oh good, almost had a heart attack. I relaxed. “But I got a call from somepony in Canterlot.”I waited with baited breathe as the unicorn on the other end paused for dramatic effect. Prim had a damn annoying habit of doing that. “They want to turn you’re book into a play. They say the director’s a real up and comer too.”

I blinked and then blinked again. “I’ll be right back,” I said calmly as I set the receiver down on the counter.

Pip gave me a worried look,” Mate you alright?”

“YES!!!” I shouted,” Yes, yes, yes!” Pip flew back ready to defend himself, more than a little startled by my outburst.

“Celestia you scared the crap out of me,” Pip muttered,” Quiet down before you wake the whole bloody bottom floor.” Now how was that possible when we had the penthouse…oh sarcasm…dick.

“Mynovel’sgonnabeaplay,” I bubbled, ignoring his words.

“Run that by me one more time chum,” Pip said.

“My novel, you know that thing with pages that I wrote, is going to be a play, the thing where ponies act out said novel, again thing with pages, on stage,” I smiled innocently while Pip just glared.

“You’re a plot you know that,” he sighed then smiled gently,” Congrats though. You’ve earned it.”

“Yes and thank you,” I bubbled. Oh crap Prim. I picked the receiver back up,” Hello? Prim you still there?”

“Oh thank Celestia I thought you keeled over. Yes I’m still here. Anyway the director wants to meet you tomorrow. You free for lunch then?”

“Of course.” I said and pulled my notepad over,” Where?”

“The Le Rouge, two o’clock,” Wow snazzy place,” She’s paying, insisted on it actually,” I wrote down the place and time. “Anyway congrats Spike. Alright I have a meeting so bye.”

“Bye.” I put the phone down and looked at the writing like it was a foreign tongue. Wow my novel’s becoming a play. I chuckled and sat back. I wonder if the director knows who I really am. I doubted it considering I used a pen name. Heh she’s gonna be expecting a pony named Ember Quill, not a dragon named Spike. Again yes so original. I’m gonna need to write Twilight about that.

“Well I’ve a meeting to get ready for,” Pip said as he slid off the bar stool,” Tonight mate we celebrate. And drinks are on me.”

“Then prepare for getting your account drained my good colt,” I said as I fluttered to my room. I pulled my black warm blazer out and pulled it on, my wings slipping easily through the slits in back. I grabbed my shoulder bag off the counter and with a wave to the retreating Pip the Squeak I few out the door.

I skipped to the elevator and punched the bottom floor button.

The reception area was abuzz with activity as other patrons to the Silverplatter Apartments made their ways to the door, each getting their days started as well. Many wore thick coats too due to the weather turning cold. I loved winter myself, the snow, the promise of a fire and hot chocolate. Then there was Hearth’s Warming Eve, my all-time favorite holiday. Every year Pip and I went back to Ponyville, me to visit my sister and lifelong friends and him to visit his parents’ grave. It was a dark time for the actor but every year I made sure he wasn’t without good company.

“Mr. the Dragon,” I looked at the smartly dressed grey earth stallion behind the receptionist counter. Arrivederci was the owner of the Brisk Apartment complex and a good friend. His slate grey mane was slicked back like always. “You have mail this morning sir.” He pushed a stack of envelopes toward me.

I shuffled through them. Bill, bill, ooooh my subscription to Quill’s Monthly, and a letter from Twilight. Not a bad haul. I laced the letters in my bag. “Thank you.”

“You are quite welcome,” he said. Then there was a clatter as a lanky unicorn colt in a staff uniform dropped a set of luggage on the floor. Arrivederci rounded on the colt like he'd insulted his mother and stomped toward the poor colt, who didn’t have the sense to cower as the earth pony yelled in Bitalian. I decided it best to make myself scarce as the colt got the reaming of his life.

Outside the air was crisp, cold and smelled of the promise of snow. Manehatten was beautiful any time of the year but in winter it was truly a sight to behold. Buildings and lampposts held early decorations and a few trees were even in the last stages of decoration. Most of the taxi carriages sported decoration as well and the drivers were in a good mood most of the time. I smiled up at the overcast sky before started down the cold pavement. Nothing could spoil my week now. That much I was sure of.