• Published 18th Sep 2014
  • 1,486 Views, 52 Comments

The Diamond's Eyes - Dainty Blaze

Spike is living the life...until a bombshell from his past decides to make a comeback and the bar he and his roommate co-own is threatened by some big shot. Wonderful how life likes to hit you wth everything all at once.

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Chapter 4


Lets think on that word a moment shall we. It means lacking grace or ease of movement. Now apply this to a situation, any situation, and it ends up becoming nearly painful to witness, even more so to be a part of. An example being, walking in on your long time crush (at the time at least) and your sister having a drunk make-out session on your bed. Where you sleep. Every, single night. had to burn the damn sheets. Or finding out your best friend and the mare that practically raised you bonked. Little known fact by-the-by Celestia is the queen of cougars. Common knowledge, Pip's a whore. Moving on.

My current situation would be sitting at table overlooking a gorgeous ballroom in one of the fanciest restaurants in Manehattan, calming music playing in the background, and my editor, basically my boss, and my ex sitting across from me making small talk. And I'm not talking any old ex. Oh no! I'm talking The Ex. You know the one that ripped your heart out and did the cha-cha on it, and you still sorta have feelings for. No this is not in any way awkward.

Its mortifying!!!

And no I am not being dramatic so shut your face.

"Um sir?"

A new presence called me from my chaotic thoughts. I looked to my right see a smartly dressed unicorn holding a notepad in his magic. OUr waiter. When the hell did he get here?

"Yes?" I asked, clearly confused at how long he'd been there. Out of the corner of my eye I saw two heads shaking, as if expecting me to do something stupid. Rude.

"Your drink sir," he said, sounding a mite annoyed.

Oh right. I glanced down at my drink menu. After a moment's thought I said," Do any of your drinks have Everfree vodka?"

"Why yes they do."

"I'll have that."

"Ok which one?'

"Just the vodka."

Prose grimaced at my choice while Diamond just looked confused.

"Straight?" my waiter asked as though I'd asked for roasted seal. Though that does sound appetizing.

I nodded," In a glass before you asked." I know kinda rude but he should get the picture I'm wanting something to get my mind off my present situation.

"Very well," he sniffed, clearly not amused," So one iced tea, one glass of Claire' de Myrtille 864, and a shot of Everfrree vodka."

"And bring the entire bottle," I said before he turned away.

He gave me a look that read 'are you shitting me'. I may not be able to get drunk but I sure a hell try. "And no," I said, dead serious," I'm not kidding."

"Y-yes sir," he said and walked away. Wow didn't know there was a shade of green that light.

"Seriously Spike," Prose said with a tired sigh.

I nodded sagely," It is called for."

"You really need to stop hanging around with Pip. I swear your going to ruin your brain."

"Wait you still hang out with him," Diamond said, cutting off Prose's nagging.

"Yep," I said," We live together."

Diamond went from pink to white, her bright blue eyes going wide. I then realized what went through her head just then.

"Oh dear goddesses no!" I screeched waving my claws in front of me," Never in a million years would I... Forgive me for this but just ewwww!" I actively shuddered at that thought. The fuck is wrong with this mare?! First she comes back, ends up wanting to direct my play (Still 'what the hell'ing that) and now she's insinuating I've slept with Pip.

Prose was contently enjoying herself, snickering like a mad-pony. Diamond at least looked down clearly abashed," Sorry."

Just then the waiter set down our drinks. A tea for Diamond, wine for Prose, and my bottle of Everfree and a shot glass complete with a snide sneer. He took our food orders then walked away. I poured a shot and stared into the clear liquid. Diamond and Prose went into discussion about the times we should meet her. Didn't really pay attention I was more worried about the concentrated inebriation sitting before me. It has felled many a foe, is a dragon pony enough to take the challenge? With a shrug I downed the shot.

Oh dear Mother how the hell does Pip stand this stuff?! Colt drinks it like water when he's randy enough. I looked back up at the resident mares at the table then poured another shot. Yeah doesn't get any better.

"If you'll excuse me," Prose said, breaking me out of my self loathing for my drink choice," I need to vistit the little filly's room." My one meat shield had fled the scene. Wait don't leave me with her! I almost whimpered as I watched her retreat. Coward! Curse your tiny bladder and all its descendants.

I glanced at Diamond who was looking anywhere but at me, swirling her tea while she did so. A nervous tick of hers actually. I downed another shot, and begged forgiveness of my taste buds, with a grimace.

"So," Diamond suddenly said," How have you been?"

"Umm," I said. real smooth Spike. "Good I guess." I looked down then back up at the pink mare. "You?"

"Things are good but surprising." She waved her hoof in the air. "Because well you know."

Preaching to the choir sister. I downed another shot, didnt' feel a damn thing. I glanced at the bottle.

"Why do you drink that stuff?"

I regarded Diamond with a wise contence and replied," False hope."

"Sorry," she said. Hey she got it in one. "So you're an author now huh?" She chuckled," Goddess, Ember Quill. How did I not see that? You wrote it about us didn't you?"

"Yeah," I said looking down a little ashamed. I started the day we broke up, the day she left me. Went straight home, not a word, not a sound, no tears to speak of. I just sat down at my desk then in a fit of fury, started writing. My inspiration came in the form of my deepest sorrow. Ok that was dramatic. Eventually I calmed down but kept with it. It helped I think, made me remember the good times, not just the bitter. I'm talking life in general too.

"First time I read it..." she trailed off and looked at her bag. I then noticed the corner of a book peaking out. A devious grin slid across my lips like a snake through water.

"Well, well, well," I said with a chuckled," Your a fan aren't you."

"Its a good read," she said honestly. That stopped me. No snide remark or biting comment just honesty. Not what I was expecting. "No a great read. When I read it I just had to see it on stage."

"So directing huh?" I asked, changing the topic. "Never expected that."

"Daddy was surprised too," she said and took a sip of her tea," But he understood. I thnk it started when I first saw the opera. All those years ago." She was referring to the time I took her, I could tell in her eyes. "Listen, Spike. i..."

"Whew sorry about that," Prose said as she plopped down cutting Diamond off. Oh come on! First you leave when I don't want you to then you come back just as she's about to say something important. I swear my editor's a damn troll. Diamond went into a business mode and she and my editor went into deep discussion about dates and times again. I was apart of this conversation too. Even agreed on a theatre to use. Lunch went by like that, swath in business.


"So let me get this straight," Pip began as I watched the bubbles rise to the top of my delightfully frothy Sweet Apple Acres cider. I ended up back at the Silk Note after my encounter. I reiterated my tail of woe to Pip over a glass of cider. Wasn't trying to get drunk this time, I figured after two bottles of Everfree it was time to give up. Only thing that foul stuff gave me was a bas taste in my mouth. Now it was cider time, sweet, flavorful cider. "You not only find out that you ex, Diamond Tiara is the director wanting to put your book on stage, but the first words out of your mouth when you see her was, and correct me if I'm wrong, 'fuck'."

I nodded morosely. Pip is silent for a moment. Wait is he going to be a real friend and comfort me? Is he going to mature and be there for me in my time of need?

Pipsqueak falls on the floor laughing like a fool. That would be a big nope. Remember how I said I'd only considered pony flesh as a food source once? That is no longer true. I glowered down at the earth pony as Shot and Sweetie walked in from the cellar. They were covered in dust and carried a pair of crates between them. They set them down and the clang of bottles rang in the air.

"What's got him giggling?" Sweetie asked as she pulled her clipboard over and her pen from behind an ear. "Finally figure out his life's a downward spiral and instead of slitting his wrists decided to laugh about it."

For once I didn't chide the unicorn for her mouth. Pip didn't notice, he was still rolling on the ground. Wonder if I would need to grill him or bake him? Hmmmm, decisions, decisions.

After a moment he calmed down enough to sit up. He noticed Shot and Sweetie finally and said," Hey guys get this Diamond Tiara's here."

In a white blur Sweetie jumped onto the counter, brandishing one of the dusty bottles of wine next to her like a club, "Where?!" she shouted as she frantically looked around. "I'll give that pink priss real a taste of fine wine!"

Shot pulled her down a second later and pulled the bottle away from her. "Hey! You may bloody well own the bar but I'm the one who has to clean it! No hoof-prints on the counter."

Sweetie chuckled sheepishly, her ears folded back," Sorry."

"No," Pip said drawing attention back to him. "I mean she's here in Manehattan. She's the one that wants to direct Spike's play." Another chuckle sounded from the soon-to-be-dead roommate. I glared at him with enough concentrated venom to choke a manticore.

Sweetie gasped and pulled me into one of her bone-crushing hugs. "Oh you poor baby," she cooed. "Sweetie's here to comfort you." She shot a glare at Pipsqueak," Unlike some ponies."

"So," Shot said as he started pulling bottles out of the crates. "Who is this Diamond Tiara?"

"One of Spike's exes," Pip explained. "Or The Ex as he styles it. She went to school with us for most of our years in Ponyville. Tortured us all if I'm to be honest. Still trying to figure out how one of my best friends ended up in love with such a bit-"

The tap, tap, tap of my claws on the counter interrupted him. I had pulled myself out of Sweetie's hug and was now giving PIpsqueak a death glare. I swear if looks could kill it'd be a semi-good day. He knew I hated it when anyone called her that even after all this time. It was my one line, and he very nearly crossed it. I smiled darkly as he shut up and became very interested in his drink.

"Either way," Sweetie said, coming to the dead-colt-walking's rescue," just be careful ok. If you get hurt I'd have to kill her this time. And hiding bodies is always tedious." There was a chill in her voice that even hit me, and I'm a natural born predator, imagine the effect it had on PIp and Shot. None to well as they swallowed simultaneously. We watched the mare walk away, fear settling upon the lot of us. She was serious, dead serious.

"All in favor of not pissing that mare off," I said. Two shaky ayes sounded off from my two companions.

Motion carried.

Author's Note:

And tis finished with this chapter. Oh and puns are fun. Hehehehe. Comment if you feel like it and if you don't comment anyway.