• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 3,997 Views, 195 Comments

The Lords of Harmony - Whinifree

When Luna goes missing during the Nightmare Night festival, a mysterious enemy emerges, wielding a terrible power that nopony knows anything about.

  • ...

Act 2 - The Hoofsteps of Doom, part 1

This is intense! Twilight thought as she was pulled through the ethereal channel en route to the other side of the portal. Her own shrieks were drowned out by the screams of her friends, and every part of her body felt like it was being crushed under an unseen force. Way more intense than a simple teleportation spell!

“I'm going to hurl!” cried Pinkie, holding the word hurl for several seconds.

Rarity grimaced. “I'm right behind you, Pinkie Pie! Don't you dare even joke!”

“How long is this thing?” shouted Applejack. “It feels like we've been flyin' forever!”

“It's only been like ten seconds,” Rainbow said.

“Who's countin'?”

With one eye closed against the rushing air and her free hoof holding down her mane, Twilight kept her gaze forward. “Even for a pathway as long as this one, we should be getting close. Everypony be ready for a probable rough landing!”

“You're telling us this now?” cried Spike.

A few moments later, the rushing of air and the feeling of soaring across space stopped. The ponies all cried as they fell out of the portal pathway and into a large, dark cavern. Losing their grip on each other's hooves, they tumbled across the rocky surface, getting spread out from the force of their exit from the portal. The chamber quickly filled with soft pained groans as the ponies all lay wherever they stopped.

The only source of light within the dark cavern was the glow coming from the cloud of white mist hovering in the clawed obelisk's center platform. The light did not extend beyond a couple yards, hiding the cavern's exit within the shadows at the edge of the room. The chamber looked nearly identical to the one the ponies had come from, as did the portal obelisk.

“Is everypony okay?” asked Twilight weakly, rubbing her head and blinking a few times to clear her vision. She slid her forelegs under herself and began to rise, but partway, her wobbling forelegs gave out and she collapsed back to the floor with a heavy huff. “My answer: I can't do anything more today. My nightmare, traveling in that snowstorm, the gorge, powering up the portal then going through it. I'm wiped out.”

“Not so loud,” whimpered Fluttershy.

“What do you mean loud?” Rainbow stood up and shook herself off. “I could barely hear her. To answer the question, yeah I'm okay. I've had worse landings than that.”

Rarity gently gripped her head in her hooves. When she tried to stand, she too fell back to her side. “My head hurts. So does my horn. And I'm completely worn out too.”

“My everything hurts,” said Pinkie Pie as rose to her hooves.

Those who'd managed to stand up—Spike, the earth ponies and the pegasi—turned to the others and walked over to them. They peered down at their weary friends and frowned.

Spike moved behind Twilight. Sitting down, he gently rubbed her shoulder and horn. “I guess I can see now why Equestria hasn't really tried to bother with portals. Just this one has drained all of you unicorns and even an alicorn dry.”

Applejack nodded, giving Rarity a gentle pat on the head then doing the same with Twilight, Cadance and Shining Armor. “Yeah. Them things seem more effort than is worth it.”

“Sounds like we're all okay other than we're just tired.” Having landed less than a meter away from her husband, Cadance dragged herself up against Shining Armor and eased her head under his neck. She took a deep breath and lifted her foreleg, draping it over his back.

Shining Armor beamed and returned his wife's embrace. “We have had a pretty trying day. We've earned a good rest. It should be safe in here. All other things aside, the light from the portal is actually kind of relaxing.”

Cadance chuckled. “Yeah. It kind of is.”

“If I wasn't feeling so worn out,” said Rarity, “I'd never be able to fall asleep on this dreadful rock. At least the floor's warm. Can somepony get my blanket out of my saddlebag please? I can't move my legs.”

Fluttershy opened Rarity's saddlebag and pulled out a silky-white blanket embroidered with small, turquoise rhombus gems around the edge. She draped it over Rarity so that only her friend's head wasn't covered. Afterward, she eased Rarity's head off the ground and slid her own saddlebag underneath. “Here. You can use my saddlebag as a pillow.”

“But what about your comfort, darling?”

Fluttershy smiled warmly and settled down beside Rarity. “It's no trouble at all. I'll be fine.”

Rarity smiled. “Thank you.”

“Whose snuggle-buddy can I be?” Pinkie looked from Cadance and Shining Armor, then to Rarity and Fluttershy, and finally to Twilight and Spike. “Somepony please let me be their snuggle-buddy!”

“Where did this 'snuggle-buddy' thing come from, Pinkie?” asked Applejack. “I know you thrive on the company of others but I didn't peg even you for a thing like that.”

“Spending all this time together because of the war, the idea just started to come to me. It's like a step beyond a family hug. Like when we were staying at Fluttershy's cottage after coming back from reading Luna's old journal.”

Applejack furrowed her brow. “Huh... I guess?”

“Hey! Let's you and I be cuddle-buddies tonight, Applejack!”

“Well... if it means that much to you then... okay.”

Pinkie beamed and settled down next to Applejack. She then looked to Rainbow. “What about you, Rainbow?”

“I'll pass this time.” Rainbow laid down at an empty spot close to the obelisk. “Remember that Fluttershy's cottage was kind of a special instance.”

“You know you liked it, darling,” said Rarity.

“I'm not saying I didn't—”

Everypony chuckled.

“I mean... I didn't not enjoy it because it was in a cramped space and it was with all of you!”

“Come on, everypony,” said Twilight. “Let's stop teasing Rainbow and talk about tomorrow.”

Rarity let out a sigh. “Can that wait until the morning? Some of us are trying to pass out over here.”

“I'll make it quick. Sleep as long as you like. We can afford some extra time to rest up after today. Don't wait for the rest of us to wake up to have breakfast. Once we're all awake and rested and have eaten we'll head out.”

Everypony vocalized their agreement to that plan and silence returned to the cavern. One by one the ponies drifted off to sleep. Cadance and the unicorns were the first ones to go. Rainbow was the last one awake, keeping a protective watch over her friends. Her ears stood alert for any sound of approaching danger, but eventually, after a while of complete quiet, she yawned and joined the others in blissful repose.

Twilight mumbled and began to stir from her slumber. Her legs shifted gently, her eyes peeked open and she let out a quiet yawn. She rubbed her itching eyes for a few moments then raised her head and glanced around. The portal obelisk was still active with the cloud of mist hovering in its center partially illuminating the cavern around her, giving Twilight visibility a few meters around her.

All the others were still fast asleep. Their chests rose and fell at a relaxed pace, and several of them were snoring softly. All together, the snoring sounded like a gentle chorus.

A louder snore suddenly reached Twilight's ears, and in that moment, she felt something leaning against her. Remaining lying down on her stomach, she looked behind herself and spotted Spike.

The young dragon—who was on his right side—had his head rested atop Twilight's side halfway down her back. He continued to snore, his little claw gripped at Twilight's fur, and he had a contended look on his face.

What am I? A pillow? Twilight thought as she grinned. She chuckled under her breath and allowed her gaze to remain fixed on Spike. The longer she watched him, listened to his snores, felt his head rest on her, and his claw practically knead her fur, the more the spark of warmth in her heart swelled.

Hmm... Being away from Equestria like this... Not having the soft cushy beds we're so used to having... I think I actually kind of like this whole 'snuggle-buddy' thing Pinkie Pie was going on about last night. Somehow it almost makes me feel happier, and safer in an odd sort of way. I'm just afraid to move and wake him up.

Twilight stretched her neck for a few moments. She then carefully swiveled her shoulders and stretched her forelegs. Her midsection shifted a little, but Spike remained sound asleep. The night's rest had done its job; Twilight felt rejuvenated. Her limbs did not feel heavy or weak, she could feel the magic resting peaceably within her horn and her eyes had stopped itching. She took a deep breath and levitated a small watch out from Spike's pack. Holding it aloft in front of her with her magic, she saw that the clockwork pony's forelegs noted five o' clock.

"That early?" she muttered under her breath.

Twilight returned Spike's watch to his pack then levitated a small circular hay cake no bigger than her hoof from her saddlebag. She downed it completely with just a few bites which eased the rumbling in her tummy a little. She then began to glance around again and tapped at the ground with her hoof. Despite the exhausting day she'd just had, going to bed so late, and waking up so early, Twilight was unable to fall asleep again. She remained where she was and mulled over everything about their situation in her mind.

Eventually, the others stirred from their slumber.

Pinkie beamed. “Good morning, everypony! Did anypony else have wild dreams last night?” Her eyes narrowed a little as her tone changed from cheerful to disappointed. “Because I sure didn't. Boring!”

“Yeah,” Rainbow said with a proud smile. She let out another small yawn. “I was in the middle of kicking some serious shadow pony flank. I was up to like forty-two on my count.”

Applejack giving Rainbow a sly grin. “Is that so, Rainbow? What a coincidence. I was havin' that very same dream.”

Rainbow let out a hearty laugh. “Awesome!”

“Only I was at forty-three.”

Rainbow's eyes widened. “What?” she cried.

Both of them immediately stood and faced each other with that competitive gleam in their eyes.

"Hey, you two," said Twilight with a slight chuckle, "save it for the real things when we get to that point."

Rarity yawned and rubbed her eyes. "What time is it?"

Spike pulled out his watch and glanced at it. “Seven fifteen.”

“Still a little on the early side after yesterday,” said Twilight. “You all want to try and get some more sleep before we head out?”

“Sounds like my kind of plan!” Rainbow declared. “Except I don't feel tired at all now.”

“I'm feelin' fit as a fiddle,” said Applejack.

"I'm okay," stated Fluttershy.

Twilight looked to the others who hadn't yet responded. “Anypony?”

They smiled and all shook their heads.

“Okay then. Breakfast then we get to work. I've already eaten so I'll just wait.”

Twilight levitated a number of the small circular hay cakes from her saddlebag and passed one out to each of them, except for Spike who munched on small gems. The ponies conversed about a number of things as they ate. Eventually the conversation became dominated by Rainbow and Applejack making wagers on how many Animus shadow ponies they'd thrash in actual battle when the time came. After some discussion, the ponies decided they could spare it and had some extra cakes just to get them started on their journey into the unknown world that awaited them outside.

“Eight o' clock,” said Spike looking at his watch again.

“Alright, I think we've waited long enough.” Twilight rose to her hooves and shook herself off. She watched the others as they all stood up and formed lines of three like before and Spike took a seat on Twilight's back. “Now, just a reminder, we don't know exactly what awaits us at the end of this cave, so be prepared for literally anything. And stay together.”

Cadance nodded as she stood between Shining Armor and Rainbow. “That name Luna mentioned in the journal... If this 'Dread Frontier' is what it sounds like, I think I actually do have an idea what the place will be like.”

“Sounds like it would be a fitting name for what Nightmare Moon's done to the Crystal Empire,” said Shining Armor with a scowl.

An orb of white light formed at the tip of Twilight's horn and the cavern instantly became fully lit, revealing the chamber's sole exit. The ponies approached the opening in the cavern wall and stepped into the tunnel. After several moments, the portal obelisk disappeared around a corner.

The tunnel was similar to the one they had come through in Ghastly Gorge. There was a small incline in the path—only this time the ponies went uphill instead of down—but there were no additional paths branching off from the one they were in. The ponies were quiet for a little while.

“Twenty minutes and heading northwest,” said Spike, keeping a tight grip on his watch and compass.

“Uh,” muttered Applejack, her voice a little shaky. “Anypony else gettin' the impression that these caves ain't naturally made?”

“I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if Nightmare Moon made them,” said Twilight. “In fact I'm positive she did.”

Applejack blushed slightly. “Oh. Yeah. I was thinkin' the same thing of course. Just didn't want to be the only one...”

“So, we didn't need to bring the paint then,” stated Pinkie.

“There might still be a use for it,” said Twilight as she rounded a bend and the ground leveled out. “We'll need to find our way back here. We can use it to mark the cave entrance like the other one had the claw-like formation of spikes.”

“Think this cave will have those as well?” asked Fluttershy. “It's a good thing they're just rocks and not like an actual animal's claw or anything. They sure looked sharp.”

Twilight shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe. I still think it would be a good idea to leave our own mark on the cave entrance.”

The ponies rounded another corner and came to a moderately steep slope going up. It wasn't so steep that it would be hazardous to attempt to climb it, but the sight of it still made some of them let out slight groans.

“Oh, you big fillies,” Rainbow said. “It's just a little incline.”

“Not all of us are as fit as you or Applejack, Rainbow Dash,” stated Rarity, taking partially heavy breaths. “And we've been walking uphill almost this whole way. How long is this cave?”

“Much much longer than the other one,” said Applejack. “That's for darned sure. If Nightmare Moon did dig this cave, then she sure didn't think anypony would have the patience to make it all the way to the end.”

“Less talking! More walking!” cried Pinkie as she stepped onto the slope and began to climb.

Everypony followed close behind Pinkie. To their relief, the slope was only several meters, and the ground leveled out again at the top.

The ponies went silent again as they resumed their trek through the cave. No additional bends or slopes greeted them, and finally, a gray light came into view further down the tunnel that slowly grew larger as they walked. The ponies took turns cheering, but it quickly gave way to shivering as the air became colder the closer they got to the cave's exit.

With the cave's exit now in sight, Twilight stopped channeling her magic and the light around the ponies faded. Spotting the same claw-like formation of rocky spikes dominating the mouth of the cave, she gulped but she did not slow her pace. With a look of determination clear upon her countenance, she maneuvered around the bottom talon and crossed the threshold.

Twilight shivered harder as a rush of cold air blew over her. She stepped out onto a wide, rocky plateau and walked up to the edge of the cliff. Her friends walked up alongside her, they huddled together against the cold, and nopony said a word as they beheld the land.

A vast valley spread out before the ponies, easily miles wide with towering jagged cliffs dominating each end. Far down at the bottom of the plateau was a deep ravine that opened into the valley. Every single tree in the ravine was completely lacking in leaves and appeared to be long dead. Many of them were also missing branches which littered the ground, and numerous other trees had broken off from their bases entirely. In addition to the branches and collapsed trees, boulders of various sizes covered the ravine floor like there had been a rock slide. The valley beyond the ravine was mostly flat with a few scattered hills. A large portion of the valley appeared to be forested, but from what the ponies could see, the dead trees in the ravine continued well into the valley until they became too distant and densely packed together to be viewed with any clarity.

Thick clouds of varying shades of gray from light to medium drifted across the sky, leaving not a speck of sky visible through the ominous veil.

The ponies' eyes lingered on the ravine and valley only for a few minutes before they were drawn to a solitary mountain at the far end of the valley. It appeared to be broken. It was split down the center—a break that ran all the way down to the mountain's base—and the top portion was spread apart like a massive crater, with the front of the crater's rim falling closer to the ground, and the back of the rim sloping up higher toward he sky. Rocky spires rose up all around the rim of the crater. The clouds above the mountain were much darker than any of the clouds above the valley or the ponies.

“Well,” uttered Pinkie after an untold length of complete silence. “If nopony else is going to say it... I don't think we're in Equestria anymore.”

"What time is it, Spike?" asked Twilight.

Spike glanced at his watch and frowned a little. "Almost one."

“What an absolutely dismal place,” said Rarity. Shivering, she pulled her cloak from her saddlebag and wrapped it around herself. She sat down, pressed her forelegs against her chest, and rubbed them together. “You think we might use that bubble spell again?”

Applejack rubbed her head. “Y'all sound like you were expectin' somethin' else. That ain't sayin' I don't totally feel you. Luna sure didn't call this place the Dread Frontier for nothin'.”

"I think the Dead-and-Dreary Frontier is more accurate," Rainbow said.

Fluttershy put her hooves over her ears. "Please stop using that word."

Shining Armor glanced down over the edge of the cliff, then up along the ravine to the valley, then to the mountain, and finally to the sky. “This place looks... and feels... like it hasn't known sunlight in ages, and not just because it's the middle of winter.”

“There's a strange energy in the air,” said Cadance. “Faint... but it's there.”

“I feel it too,” stated Twilight.

“Do you think there's some of that weird dark crystal stuff nearby?” Rainbow asked.

“No, it's not negative energy. It's something else, but I can't quite put my hoof on it."

“So,” said Spike, “anypony have any idea where in the world we are?”

“Somewhere north?” said Pinkie. “Or maybe very very far south?”

Twilight took a few steps back from the edge of the cliff and glanced behind herself at the young dragon seated on her back. “Spike, send a letter to Princess Celestia. Tell her we've arrived at this frontier but it looks like this will take longer than we first thought. There doesn't seem to be any midnium in this area so we'll need to travel further in to find it. When you send the letter, watch the direction it goes in. That will help give us some idea where we are.”

Spike nodded and hopped down to the ground. He pulled a quill, a small bottle of ink and a blank sheet of parchment from his pack. He then grabbed his compass and set it on the ground. With everypony watching with curious stares, he opened the ink bottle, dipped the quill tip in it, and began to scribble onto the parchment.

As Spike was writing, Twilight picked up the compass with her magic and held it aloft in front of her face.

After a few moments, Spike set the quill down inside the ink bottle and rolled up the parchment. “Ready when you are, Twilight.”

Twilight planted her gaze squarely on the compass and began to turn in place. She stopped a second later. “Okay, north is this way. Send it off, Spike.”

Spike breathed a small jet of green flame over the parchment. The flame and the parchment morphed into a cloud of smoke, flew off through the air and disappeared from sight. Spike raised his right arm, pointed in the direction the letter had gone, and glanced back at Twilight.

Twilight noted the direction, then glanced at the compass that continued to hover in front of her in the grip of her magic. “It went northeast. That means we're somewhere southwest of Equestria.”

“But there isn't anything southwest of Equestria except the South Luna Ocean,” said Cadance. “And arctic shelves.”

“I'd say this place is just one or two winter storms away from bein' arctic,” stated Applejack.

Twilight gently set the compass down and her horn stopped glowing. She pondered for several moments, then glanced back at the others. “We must be somewhere in the Undiscovered West.”

Several of them stared at her with confused looks.

“The what?” asked Pinkie.

“The Undiscovered West. If you look on a map of Equestria, it's a stretch of land connected to Equestria at the western edge of the White Tail Woods beyond the train route. It goes off the edge of the map and hasn't, by all accounts, been explored. Hence the name 'Undiscovered'. Although a more accurate name would be the Unexplored West.”

“Why hasn't it been explored?” asked Fluttershy. “Or maybe that's a poor question. Just looking at it I can kind of see why.”

Twilight nodded. “All that's said about it in any of the books I've read is that it's supposed to be an ancient, desolate, almost arctic wasteland, and that sure looks to be the case.”

“That's one mystery solved,” Rainbow said. “But where do we go from here? You're triply sure there weren't any further clues in Luna's journal, Twilight?”

Twilight let out a sigh and shook her head. “There wasn't anything that talked about where she went after Ghastly Gorge.”

“So what you're saying,” uttered Rarity, “this time we really are going in blind?”

“I'm afraid so.”

Cadance turned and stared out across the frontier. “Maybe one of us flying ponies should scout ahead. I know Celestia said we need to stay together, but in this case I think we need to risk it lest we all get lost. It could also help alert us to any threat that might be lurking around.”

“Or it might alert the threats to us,” said Fluttershy, trembling fiercely. “They could be down there right now... just waiting to ambush us.”

“No one except Princess Celestia knows we're here,” stated Applejack. “Besides, look at this place. I don't think there's even so much as a bird out there.”

“Fluttershy does have a point,” said Twilight. “But I'm sorry. I think Cadance might be right. What do you all think?”

Spike gathered up his items and returned them to his pack. “I think they both make a good point. We can have somepony scout ahead to give us a lay of the land. And if there is something out there then we can be working on a battle plan as we're moving.”

“Who needs a battle plan when you've got the Elements of Harmony?” Rainbow asked with a smug grin on her face, standing tall and puffing out her chest. “Whatever comes our way we'll just blast it with the power of friendship!”

“Little reminder, Rainbow Dash,” said Rarity, disregarding a resulting eye roll from the pegasus. “They didn't work on Nightmare Moon the last time—”

“How many times do I have to say it?” Rainbow interjected. “That was a fluke. If she didn't have the Alicorn Amulet then we would have won this war already.”

“The thing is we're not in Equestria anymore,” said Twilight. “We don't even know if the Elements will work all the way out here. Anyway, I'm in favor of somepony scouting ahead.”

“I'm your pony,” Rainbow said, flapping her wings several times. “How far ahead should I go? All the way to that mountain?”

“That may be a little far. For now I'd say just down into that valley. We'll wait here. Can you find your way back alright?”

“Roger that! And no sweat, this spot will be pretty easy to see from the sky. Just hang tight.” Rainbow spread her wings. Kicking off the ground, she sped off down the cliff then flew off toward the valley. She vanished from sight a moment later.

Everypony watched as Rainbow went. Once she was out of sight, Twilight looked down at the ground, then at the cave. After a moment she walked back up to the edge of the cliff and stared out across the bleak world before her. “I suppose we should leave ourselves the markings to find our way back, but in a way this plateau could be its own mark. Those cliffs on opposite sides of the valley almost create a pathway that leads right to this plateau. Something tells me to just use the lay of the land and then we won't have to leave any marks that tell other creatures we were here.”

“So, no paint then?” asked Pinkie, looking a little downtrodden.

Twilight shook her head. “I think we'll be fine without it. Let's just wait for Rainbow Dash.”

“Can we please do something about the cold?” asked Rarity, still shivering even with her cloak wrapped around her. “Like the magic bubble I asked for forever ago?”

“Oh, right,” said Cadance. She lit her horn, and a translucent bubble formed around the group that left them a couple yards all around. Within minutes, the air inside the bubble began to warm as the air outside was kept out. “Sorry. I got distracted with seeing this place.”

"Think Rainbow would be mad at us if we started lunch without her?" asked Spike, rubbing his tummy.

"I could really use a bite to eat," stated Rarity. "I'm sure she'd understand."

The ponies all gathered in a circle and partook in a small lunch of haycakes, pickle sandwiches and apple cider.

An hour later, Rainbow Dash returned. “Sorry that took so long." She settled down with the others, and had a lunch of the same items.

“Find anything that might point us in the right direction?” asked Twilight, gazing at her with a hopeful gleam in her eyes. “Or some midnium somewhere nearby so we can grab it right there and go home?”

Rainbow shook her head. “None of that crystal stuff anywhere.”

Everypony sighed together and glanced down.

“However, there are some ruins near the base of the mountain. But more than that, the world seemed to gradually get darker the closer I got to that mountain, and brighter as I moved away from it. Sound familiar?”

Everypony gazed back up at Rainbow with shock apparent upon their faces.

“The Everfree Forest...” Twilight's thoughts immediately flew back to several weeks prior when they retrieved the old journal from the ruined castle. The look of the twisted woodland implanted itself firmly into the forefront of Twilight's mind. She pictured how, though it had been a clear sunny day, the world had suddenly turned dark after stepping into the forest. She pictured how the trees and vegetation deep in the forest's center had been overtaken by strange, white ghost-like flame.

After a few moments, Twilight turned and glanced at the distant mountain beyond the valley. The longer she stared at it, the more she started to feel drawn toward it as if it were calling her. “That's it. That's our next destination. Don't ask me how. I can just feel it.”

“I ain't going to doubt y'all after Ghastly Gorge, sugarcube,” said Applejack, giving Twilight a warm smile. “That gut instinct of yours hasn't been wrong yet.”

Twilight returned the smile.

“How long of a trip are we estimating?” asked Shining Armor.

“On hoof probably a half-day's walk to the ruins then another half-day or maybe a little longer to the mountain.”

Twilight nodded. “So if we leave right now we can make it to the ruins by midnight. We can sleep in the ruins then make for the mountain first thing in the morning. Honestly I don't think the bubble is going to work down there with all the trees and boulders everywhere to obstruct it, so we may just have to brave the cold from here on out. If we have to we'll find an open spot and break for a few minutes to warm up. Everypony full and rested?”

The ponies all nodded. Collecting their packs and saddlebags, they rose to their hooves. Cadance's magic stopped in preparation for the relocation and the magic bubble faded.

“Then let's move out. I'll teleport us down to the ravine. Three. Two...”

Twilight's horn flared up and the party became encased in a blinding light. A split second later there was a sharp crack and the group disappeared from the top of the plateau, reappearing down in the ravine. The force of the teleport sent several of the ponies stumbling into and tripping over tree branches and downed trees while Rarity and Fluttershy tripped over each other.

“I think I'm finally getting used to that!” said Pinkie as she helped Rarity and Fluttershy up.

“Good for you, darling,” said Rarity, nudging away whatever smaller rocks were immediately around her. She grabbed her mane and ran her hoof through it a few times to push out the tiny twigs that had gotten stuck in it when she'd fallen. Afterward, she pulled the hood of her cloak up over her head. “Wish I could say the same for my poor mane. This is why I never go camping.”

Though it was now partially hidden behind all the towering dead trees, Twilight kept her gaze fixated on the mountain on the distant horizon. She then looked up at the dark clouds that dominated the sky above the mountain.

From down here, she thought, that mountain and those clouds look even more threatening than before. It'll only look worse and worse the closer we get, but that's where Nightmare Moon took Luna after they arrived here. I just know it.

Rainbow took to the air and flew up above the top of the spear-like dead tree tops. “Daytime's burning. Let's haul flank!”

With Rainbow Dash leading them along from the air, the ponies weaved their way through the branch and boulder laden ravine. As they went, they conversed about various things ranging from talking about each others' parents and siblings and other extended family, reminiscing about yester-years, and what they were going to do once the war with Nightmare Moon and the Animus was over. For the most part, the ponies kept their voices down at Twilight's behest.

When the ponies reached the end of the ravine and stepped onto the valley itself, the dead trees started to become more densely packed which slowed down their pace.

“I suppose this area must have been a forest at some point,” commented Applejack.

“We're about halfway to the ruins,” Rainbow called.

After a while of traversing through the ancient and lifeless woodland, the gray light of the region began to darken. Spike checked his watched and announced they were entering the evening hours. Finding a clearing big enough to fit Cadance's magic bubble, the ponies stopped for dinner. They all put their cloaks on and huddled together as they ate within the comfort of the protective barrier. Once they had warmed up, their trek resumed.

Several hours passed by in silence, and now the sky and region had completely darkened. The ponies exited the forest and entered a wide open space that was just as rocky and barren as the rest of the land around it. With the darkness of nighttime in full force, the ponies could no longer see the cliffs rising up on either side of the valley or the mountain. After agreeing they could risk it, Rarity's horn lit their way forward.

“We're there!” Rainbow called after a couple more hours. She flew down to the others and landed in front of them.

“Finally!” groaned Rarity with droopy eyes. “Where's the nearest building so we can sleep? We've been walking all day. My hooves are killing me!”

Twilight's horn began to radiate the same light as Rarity's horn. Shining Armor and Cadance did the same, giving the ponies a clearer view in front of them.

A moderately sized village stood before the ponies. Some of the dwellings were collapsed completely. Most of the ones that were still standing had similar shapes and sizes to the houses in Ponyville. Many had holes in their walls, and the roofs had caved in on several of them. Some doors were broken off from their hinges and standing at odd angles or laying flat on the ground while others were still fully attached. The windows were chipped and cracked. Some of them were broken out entirely, with the fragments of shattered glass littering the ground below and reflecting the light coming from the ponies' horns.

“Are we really going to sleep in one of these old houses?” asked Fluttershy. “They look like they'll collapse on top of us if we so much as breath on them.”

“Would you rather sleep out in the cold?” Rainbow inquired.

Fluttershy frowned and shook her head.

By the light of her horn, Twilight led the party about halfway into the village to the nearest house with a still attached door and unbroken windows. She slowly turned the knob which creaked loudly and pushed the door. The door opened with an equally loud creak, and after the resulting cloud of dust had settled, Twilight gently pressed her hoof against the wooden floor. The floor creaked and she pulled her hoof back, leaving a hole in the thick layer of dust on the floor.

“Wonder if there's a broom we can use to push all this dust out,” said Twilight as she flicked the dust bunnies from her hoof. “Or a pillow or blanket would work too. Speaking of, I don't recommend trying to sleep on any of the furniture pieces... unless you want to get mold or such caked onto your fur or anything.”

Rainbow walked past Twilight and stepped into the house. The floor creaked and clouds of dust shot up from around her hooves with each step she took. “Don't suppose the owner will mind if we just let ourselves in."

One by one, the ponies filed through the door until they were all inside, leaving the door open behind them. Within the smaller interior space, the combined magic light coming from Twilight, Cadance, Shining Armor, and Rarity quickly became blinding. Rarity, Cadance and Shining Armor withdrew their magic, leaving Twilight as the sole source of light illuminating the room.

They were standing in a modest living room. There was a stone fireplace against the wall to their left that had a couple logs inside a metal bin. Two metal rods were leaning against the fireplace, one of them a pair of tongs for gripping wood and the other a pointed rod for pushing at the wood. Against the wall to the ponies' right were two sofa seats, and one couch that had two round pillows on each end. A staircase behind the furniture led upstairs, a doorway in the back wall led into what appeared to be a kitchen where part of a dining table was visible. Against the wall between the stairs and the door into the kitchen was a bookshelf with numerous tomes within its shelves. A painting hung on the wall above the bookcase.

“Looks pretty cozy,” said Cadance. Wearing a tender smile, she inched up alongside Shining Armor and leaned against him.

The stallion blushed and moved his foreleg over, pressing it gently against his wife's foreleg.

“Let's use those pillows to clear the floor so we're not sleeping in a mountain of dust,” said Twilight.

Spike, Pinkie, Rainbow and Fluttershy each grabbed a pillow from the couch. Holding them against the floor, they pushed the dust out the open door until it was all gone from the living room and kitchen. Meanwhile, Applejack and Rarity were examining the painting above the bookshelf.

“I think y'all should have a look at this,” said Applejack.

Curious, the others crowded around in front of the bookshelf and gazed up.

The painting was chipped in places and the colors had faded somewhat, but the picture was still clear enough to decipher. Six ponies—two earth pony stallions, an earth pony mare, two unicorn mares and a unicorn stallion—stood in front of a house that looked just like the homes in the village. The three earth ponies all had light orange fur, eyes that were different shades of red, and dark yellow manes and tails. The unicorn stallion had light green fur, green eyes and a gray mane. Both unicorn mares had emerald fur and sky blue manes and tails, while one had violet eyes and the other had green eyes. The stallions were all wearing tuxedo jackets, the mares were all wearing elegant crimson dresses, and all of them were smiling brightly. Standing in full frontal-view, none of their cutie marks were visible.

The unicorn mare with the green eyes had several red roses in her mane, and she wore a red necklace that looked like it was made entirely of actual rubies. She was embracing one of the earth pony stallions, who was wearing a green necklace that looked like it was made entirely out of emeralds, and was embracing her back.

Everpony's eyes widened.

“Ponies used to live here?” asked Spike.

“This paintin' sure makes it look like that,” said Applejack. “Or maybe the painter was somethin' else but lived with or knew ponies. Just like you, Spike. Either way, this looks like a family portrait.”

“Not just a family portrait!” Rarity beamed and pointed to the ponies in the painting. “Look at the way they're all dressed, and the way these particular two are holding each other. This is a wedding portrait! If only there was room in our saddlebags I'd take this portrait home and get it restored.”

"What do you think happened to make the residents abandon the town?" asked Fluttershy.

"Who knows," said Spike. "But that's a question for another time."

“Right shame this place has been left to rot." Applejack sighed then let out a yawn. "Well, I suppose we should be hittin' the hay.”

“Indeed,” said Twilight. “We have another long walk ahead of us tomorrow.”

The ponies returned the pillows to the couch while Rarity gently closed the front door with her magic. Without an open airway, the house quickly started to warm up with everypony inside. Cadance and Shining Armor settled down in the doorway to the kitchen while the others spread out across the living room floor. Spike checked his watch, noting that the time was now one in the morning.

“Same deal as this morning,” said Twilight. She finally let her magic drop, the bright light coming from her horn vanished, and the room went pitch black. “Goodnight, everypony.”

“Sleep tight,” said Applejack. “Don't let the parasprites bite.”

Rarity fell asleep immediately. Spike, Fluttershy, Cadance and Shining Armor followed a few minutes later, then Rainbow, Pinkie and Applejack.

A little bit after the others had passed out, Twilight still remained wide awake as her thoughts mulled over everything that had happened recently and about the abandoned village. Though she couldn't see it through the darkness, she looked over in the direction of the painting above the bookshelf. Finally, her head and her eyes started to feel heavy. Her eyes closed, and she lay there with her own soft breaths being the only thing she could hear as she awaited the peace of slumber.

After a few minutes, a ghastly wail sounded out in the distance. It started soft, grew louder, echoed through the air, then faded away slowly.

Twilight's eyes shot open and her ears turned in the direction the sound had come from. All feelings of restfulness suddenly left her.

The shriek came again, louder than the first time and following the same acoustic form.

Twilight's heart and breathing sped up, and a couple beads of sweat ran down her brow. Though the temptation to look was there, she lay perfectly still on her spot in the room, staring forward into the darkness of the living room. That sound.... That's the same cry I heard in my dreams. B-but I'm awake. N-no... I must be dreaming again! It's all a dream!

The cry came a third time. It was loud enough that it caused Twilight to wince and cover her ears while the pounding in her chest and her sweating got worse.

The sound caused all of the ponies to stir from their slumber.

“There's no way it's mornin' yet,” muttered Applejack as she rubbed her eyes.

“What is that noise? I was dreaming about sleeping.” Rarity also rubbed her eyes and started to groan aloud, but a lavender aura suddenly formed around her muzzle and clamped it shut.

“Shh!” Twilight swiped her hoof over her muzzle before releasing Rarity's muzzle from her magical grip. She motioned for them to stay low to the ground, then slowly turned her head to gaze up at the window near where she lay.

The sound of something walking nearby started to come from outside.

Everypony's gaze immediately flew to the door.

The sound and pattern of the steps resembled that of a pony walking. The steps became softer as the new arrival seemed to pass by the front of the house, then disappeared completely.

All fell silent once more.

Nopony inside the house dared to move a muscle or make so much as a peep, all except for Fluttershy who was giving off barely audible whimpers. Resting nearby, Applejack put her hoof over Fluttershy's mouth to silence her.

After a few minutes, with her heart still racing and sweat still pouring down her brow, Twilight eased herself to her hooves. The movements caused the wooden floor to creak slightly. Crouching down a little, she tiptoed very slowly over to the bottom-right corner of the nearby window and peeked outside. She motioned for Rainbow to move the window's bottom-left corner, which Rainbow did just as cautiously.

Neither of them could see anything through the darkness of the night, and they remained there for several minutes.

Suddenly, the steps outside returned. They grew loud quicker than before, matching the cadance of a pony at a full gallop, and they stopped right outside the door to the house as quickly as they came.

Everypony backed away as the door to the house swung open. Without hesitation, Twilight lit her horn and shot a magic laser straight at the new arrival before anypony even got a good look at it.

The bolt collided with the creature, sending it rolling back. A shrill cry sounded out as it crashed into a house across the way, causing it to become buried as the house collapsed on top of it.

Rarity created a field of magic light and the ponies rushed outside as the sound of wood crashing against itself and being pushed around rang through the area.

Escaping from the rubble, the creature leaped into the field of light and faced the party. It immediately lowered its front and raised its rear.

Everypony froze.

“I must be dreaming!” cried Spike, grabbing Twilight's foreleg.

“Me too!” exclaimed Rarity as she rubbed her eyes then gazed at the creature again.

Fluttershy whimpered loudly and trembled with her wings locked against her sides. She threw her forelegs around Pinkie, and Pinkie returned the embrace as quickly as she had been pulled into it. “Me three!” they cried in unison.

Standing before them was a pitch-black pony with no head.

With flattened ears and mouth wide open, Twilight's mind flew back to the dream she'd had after her accident with the Crystal Heart had left her unconscious.

Pinkie pointed at the creature and began to stutter. “H... H... H... Headless Horse!”

The creature's hooves and tail erupted in ghostly-white flame. It dug at the ground a few times and let out a growl so loud that it echoed across the ruined village.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading!