• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 3,997 Views, 195 Comments

The Lords of Harmony - Whinifree

When Luna goes missing during the Nightmare Night festival, a mysterious enemy emerges, wielding a terrible power that nopony knows anything about.

  • ...

Act 1 - A Call North

The wind rushed through Twilight's mane as the royal carriage soared down the mountain. Entering the sprawling prairie at the mountain's base, she sat in silence and kept her eyes forward.

From her seat in the back of the carriage, Twilight glanced between her friends. Seeing the artifacts that adorned their necks, her mind turned back to the day she had first arrived in Ponyville, but the memory was disrupted as the carriage neared the area where Celestia had fought the giant shadowy creature. She frowned, spotting the large, dark crystals that were still stuck deep within the earth like needles. The grass in the surrounding area had turned the same abyssal color as the crystals themselves, and a soft tingle touched Twilight's horn as the carriage passed above them.

I hope the scholars made some progress in studying those things...

Twilight shifted her gaze forward and tightly clutched the Element of Magic to her chest so it wouldn't get blown away by the strong winds. The carriage reached Ponyville's northern edge, and she set her sights on Sweet Apple Acres as they began their descent.

Spike, Big Macintosh, Granny Smith, and the Crusaders stood in front of the farmhouse door, watching quietly as Twilight and the others landed several yards away. Warm sunlight poured down from the cloudless sky over the farm, the sweet fragrance of red apples wafted from the nearby trees while birds sang in their nests, and the leaves rustled in the breeze.

There was a brief moment of silence as Twilight looked over the Apples and the Crusaders one by one before allowing her gaze to fall on Spike. “We just left Canterlot not too long ago. Looks like the Princess told you were coming.”

“She did,” he replied. “And she also sent a pile of scrolls so all of us can keep in touch.”

“Well, if you're ready, Spike, let's get going. Based on what Cadance said, the Crystal Heart is losing its energy faster than usual.” Twilight did not allow her eyes to leave Spike as the young dragon climbed into the carriage and sat down next to her. She wrapped her foreleg around him and held him gently against her side.

“You sure we can't help?” asked Sweetie Belle as she sat next to Scootaloo and Apple Bloom.

Rarity stepped down to the ground and put her hoof on Sweetie's chin, giving her a firm stare. “You will stay right here, Sweetie Belle, so I know exactly where you are.”


“This is going to be hard enough without wondering where my little sister is running off to. Am I making myself perfectly clear?” She pulled Sweetie close, gently patting her back as she held her tightly.

With a gentle smile, Sweetie returned the embrace.

“Rainbow Dash?” inquired Scootaloo with a longing gaze.

“Sorry, squirt, but I gotta ask you to sit this one out.”

Scootaloo frowned, her ears drooped, and she lowered her head.

“Besides, if those lame shadow ponies do somehow take me out...” Rainbow turned her eyes toward the sky and scoffed. “As if... but just in the extremely unlikely case, I'll need somepony who's awesome enough to take my place.” With a sly grin, she hovered down to the ground, quickly pulled Scootaloo into a hug, and began to ruffle her mane.

Scootaloo laughed and leaned into the rubbing. “Don't worry, Rainbow Dash. If any of those shadow ponies try to hurt us, I'll give them a good kick in the neck.”

“Ha! That's a good pipsqueak!”

“Big Mac," inquired Applejack, "y'all still got those scrolls we sent sent over in a safe place?”

“Eeyup,” he replied with a nod.

Granny Smith rubbed her head in confusion. “How do them there doohickers work again?”

Twilight pulled her attention away from the distant Everfree and gazed down at the group, still keeping Spike close as she remained seated in the carriage. “They're magic scrolls from Canterlot. If you need to contact us for any reason, just write on the scroll, roll it up, blow on it, and the magic will send it straight to me instantly.”

“It's just like what I do with your letters to the Princess,” said Spike. “And you don't need to worry about the letter being misplaced or falling into the wrong hooves. When you send it, the magic traces back to the one who enchanted it.”

“That's some fancy magicin',” stated Granny Smith. “Too fancy for this old pony.”

“Well, mustn't keep Princess Cadance waitin'.” Applejack gave her family each a warm hug, and she held Apple Bloom in her embrace for several moments longer. “You behave yourself now, Apple Bloom. Just wanna remind you again that this ain't no casual sleepover.”

“I know, Sis,” said Apple Bloom with a slight sniffle as she began to tremble. “I'm just really scared.”

Applejack paused. After a brief moment of silence, she removed her stetson and placed it gently on Apple Bloom's head. “Here.”

Apple Bloom grabbed the stetson and gazed at it wide-eyed. “Your... your hat?”

“Just a little somethin' for when you need some cheerin' up, sugarcube.” She gave Apple Bloom a tender smile and patted her on the shoulder.

Beaming brightly, Apple Bloom's eyes began to water and she spun the stetson on her foreleg before adjusting it atop her head. “I promise I'll take super-duper care of it for you!”

As she watched the interactions between her friends and the Crusaders, Twilight kept a foreleg around Spike and turned her attention north. Gazing past the rocky base of Canterlot Mountain, a gentle bliss washed over her and all other thoughts were pushed from her mind as she pictured the faces of her brother and her sister-in-law. She gave Spike a strong hug, and glanced back to the others. “Let's go, girls.”

There was a somberness in the air as the ponies climbed into the carriage one after another. Rainbow hovered several yards above the ground while the others formed a circle around the edge. Draping their forelegs over the sidewall, they waved to Big Mac, Granny Smith, and the Crusaders.

“Just wait until all those ponies in Canterlot hear that I got to ride in Princess Celestia's own carriage. I'll be the envy of the most sophisticated of the sophisticated!” Rarity beamed and carefully slid her hoof along the carriage wall, muttering to herself. “Oh, I'm getting ideas for a new line!”

With a playful grin, Twilight rolled her eyes and chuckled, nodding to the royal guards pulling the carriage. The guards spread their wings, and lifted the carriage into the air.

“Hold up!” Rainbow cried as she gazed out at Ponyville.

Everypony grunted and quickly grabbed the wall to keep themselves steady as the carriage came to a sudden halt.

Applejack shot Rainbow a fierce look. “Rainbow! What the hay are you doin'?”

“Don't scare us like that!” called Rarity. “Not all of us can fly you know.”

“What is it, Rainbow?” inquired Twilight.

Rainbow fanned her wings and rose higher into the air, holding her foreleg above her eyes to shield them from the bright sun. “Somepony's coming this way. Looks like... Zecora?”

Twilight stared at Rainbow for a brief moment before turning. From her vantage point inside the carriage, she spotted Zecora rushing toward the farm and she raised an eyebrow. “It is her.”

“Ponies, wait!” shouted Zecora as she galloped onto Sweet Apple Acres. “Do not leave just yet! I wish to help with this threat!”

“Guards, take us back down,” commanded Twilight.

From their vantage point above the farmhouse, the ponies watched Zecora in bewilderment as the carriage was lowered back down. Twilight released Spike and climbed down from the carriage, gazing at Zecora with a hint of concern within her eyes. “What are you doing here, Zecora? Are you okay?”

Stopping several yards from the group, Zecora took a few moments to catch her breath before gently moving closer. “I saw the carriage and hoped it was you. I am relieved that my hope was not untrue.”

Pinkie approached Zecora and narrowed her eyes as she walked in a circle around her. “Hmm... no cuts, no bruises... yup, she's fine!” She beamed and gave Zecora a brief hug and a gentle nuzzle. “So good to see another friendly face!”

Zecora let out a small chuckle and hugged Pinkie in return. “It is indeed and I am quite fine physically, but there is much plaguing me mentally.”

“I think that's safe to assume for all of us,” said Applejack and she paused. “Say... Rainbow was watchin' the forest this mornin'. Perhaps you could tell us a little more about it?”

Fluttershy shifted in her seat and trembled. “Shouldn't we be getting to the Crystal Empire... away from the forest? Won't Princess Cadance and Shining Armor get worried if we don't get there soon?”

“I think we can wait a little longer and hear what Zecora has to say,” stated Twilight. “Rainbow told us the forest is crawling with those shadow ponies.”

Rainbow flew down and landed next to Twilight. “Yeah, plus the sky got all dark and I couldn't see the sun when I was flying over the place.”

“The land has had a change, seemingly across its complete range. Even before the shadowed ones came, the forest was an odd place. Then darkness fell, and I could not see past my own face.

“Did they chase you out of there?” asked Twilight.

“I thought I could stay in my hut if I kept it locked shut, but after a few days I went to examine the tree. They came upon me and I was forced to flee.”

“What tree?” inquired Apple Bloom.

Zecora did not respond. She stepped closer to Rainbow and Twilight and lifted her hoof, holding it gently against the Element of Loyalty that sat around Rainbow's neck.

While Rainbow stared blankly at Zecora's gesture, Twilight pondered for a brief moment and levitated the Element of Magic from her head. The sun reflected off its golden surface, and thoughts began to swirl inside Twilight's mind as she peered into the eyes of her reflection. “Wait, Zecora, do you mean... the Tree?”

Apple Bloom flailed her foreleg in the air. “What tree?”

“Calm yourself, young'un,” said Granny Smith as she held down Apple Bloom's foreleg. “You just about slapped your ol' Granny Smith right in her face.”

“Sorry, but what tree, Twilight?”

Twilight turned to face the others, keeping the jeweled crown held in the air with her magic. “Deep in the Everfree Forest there is a certain magical tree called the Tree of Harmony. I've read about it in my studies but have never had the opportunity to see it.”

“What has a tree got to do with our Elements, darling?” asked Rarity.

“Remember when we had that whole scare with Discord?”

Rarity grimaced and let out a disgusted huff. “I hoped I would never have to hear that name again.”

“I wouldn't mind there being another chocolate milk rain,” said Pinkie with a small chuckle.

At Pinkie's comment, Twilight gently placed the Element of Magic back down atop her head. “Anyway, Princess Celestia said that she and Princess Luna got the Elements from the Tree and used them to imprison Discord in stone. Many scholars believe the Tree is the source of their power and is also the focal point of all the magic in Equestria.”

“Hold up there, Twilight,” called Applejack with a hint of concern in her voice. “You're sayin' the Tree is in the forest with those varmints?”

Twilight frowned and met Applejack's gaze. “I was thinking the same thing.”

“My friends, that is not all to my unease.” Zecora paused and glanced away, waiting several moments before returning her attention to the others. “There is more than shadow ponies hiding in the darkness of those trees.”

“Nightmare Moon...” murmured Fluttershy as she sat trembling in the carriage.

Zecora shook her head. “It was not Nightmare Moon, you see. There were timberwolves, but more, I heard a sound most eerie.”

“More good news,” Rainbow groaned.

“It was a cry most shrill, that down my spine was sent a ghostly chill.”

Briefly, Applejack peered at Zecora before glancing up at the sky. “Now why does that sound familiar...?”

Without a moment's hesitation, Rainbow grunted and kicked off the ground, flapping her wings to keep herself airborne as she peered down at the others. “Worry about all that later.”

“Rainbow's right,” said Twilight. “Although... I would like to take a look for myself.”

The guard captain turned to Twilight. “My apologies, Miss Twilight, but Princess Celestia gave strict orders to get you and your friends to the Crystal Empire without delay.”

“The Crystal Heart could be completely drained by the time we get there,” said Fluttershy, gently nudging Twilight's shoulder. “Um, if we're not too late already.”

“Just a quick peek and then we'll get going. I promise.” Twilight returned to the carriage and took a seat in the back, turning to face the others. “Let's go, girls. We're gonna do a quick fly-by of the Everfree Forest then we'll be off to the Crystal Empire.”

The guards exchanged glances while the ponies rejoined Twilight in the carriage except for Rainbow who remained aloft nearby. Spike kept a firm grip on the Element of Magic as he sat down.

Twilight wrapped her foreleg around Spike, gently holding him close. She nodded to the guards then glanced down to Zecora. “Could you maybe stay here and help look after everypony?”

“Indeed, I can stay. Now, my friends, you should be on your way.”

“All of you be careful now!” called Rarity, waving to Zecora and the others as the carriage rose into the air. “And remember, Sweetie Belle, absolutely no running off!”

“We promise, Sis,” replied Sweetie with a frown and a small tremble in her voice.

After a few moments, the carriage had risen high into the air above the farmhouse. Turning southwest, the royal guards flexed their wings and began to pull the carriage forward. A deep silence hung heavy about the ponies and they continued to wave goodbye to Zecora, the Apples, and the Crusaders until they had shrunken into the distance.

Keeping her foreleg draped around Spike in a protective embrace, Twilight pulled her gaze away from the front of the carriage and glanced between Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow in slow succession. The wind that pelted her did not mask the somberness that began to swell inside her heart, and Twilight stared as Applejack and Rarity turned toward the center of the circle with their heads held low and their eyes watering.

We're leaving their families behind, and we're going off to see mine...

Twilight frowned, her ears drooped, and she let out a sigh. “This isn't fair.”

While Rainbow kept her focus forward as she flew alongside the carriage, everypony else turned their attentions to Twilight and gave her sullen looks.

“I know what you're thinkin', sugarcube,” said Applejack as she wiped her eyes. “But fair ain't got nothin' to do with it. It sure ain't easy, but it's safer this way.”

Rarity shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “Ponyville is the closest place to the forest and those things could attack at any moment. How exactly is this safer?”

“Uh, well...” Applejack stammered and her voice trailed off, trying to think of a response. After a minute, she groaned and shook her head. “I got nothin'.”

“Maybe...” muttered Twilight as she felt the eyes of her friends studying her. “We know Nightmare Moon wants the Elements. If the others aren't around us, there's less chance she'll send the Animus after them.”

Applejack reached up to adjust her stetson, but she felt only passing air above her mane. “I... I guess that's as good a possibility as any.”

“Oh, come on, everypony!” cried Pinkie. “Being all glummy glummy isn't gonna help us. Sure it hurts to leave them behind, but we're not really leaving them behind, are we?”

“What do you mean, darling?” inquired Rarity as she gave Pinkie a quizzical stare.

Twilight planted her gaze on Pinkie. Closing her eyes, she took a small breath and Luna's voice began to creep up from the depths of her mind. “Back during Nightmare Night, Luna and the Crusaders stopped by the library, and Luna said something that really stuck with me.”

“What did Princess Luna say?” asked Fluttershy.

Without rising from her seat, Twilight glanced down and opened her eyes. “The ones we love are never truly apart from us, so long as we remember to keep them in our hearts...”

The ponies exchanged contemplative glances, and only the sounds of the carriage and the winds blowing past them could be heard.

Pinkie beamed. “I tell myself the same thing every morning when I wake up, and every night when I go to bed.”

“I hate to break up the conversation,” Rainbow said. “But, Everfree Forest dead ahead.”

“D-dead?” whimpered Fluttershy. “Isn't there a less scary word you could use to describe where we're going?”

“Guards, keep us high up,” stated Twilight. “Remember, just a quick peek and then we're out of here.”

Turning their attention to the front of the carriage, a tense hush fell over the ponies as they watched the thick boughs of the Everfree Forest slowly approaching.

After a few moments, the carriage passed over the threshold and came to an abrupt halt high above the treetops. Without warning, the sky turned pitch-dark, blocking out the sun as if it were the peak of night, and a veil of darkness engulfed the forest so that the ground was no longer visible. The ponies glanced all around at the shadowed woodland below.

Hovering next to the carriage, Rainbow turned to face Fluttershy and gave her a slight frown. “Would 'strange-magical-forest-full-of-shadow-creatures-and-is-dark-even-in-the-middle-of-the-day' be any better?”

Fluttershy returned Rainbow's gaze and she shrunk down in her seat. “No...”

“Well gosh,” said Applejack. “It's darker than a... uh... well I'm at a total loss for this one. I'm sorry I doubted you, Rainbow.”

“I wouldn't have believed it either.”

Spike clung to Twilight's foreleg and trembled. “It's like we've completely crossed over into a whole other world.”

“My horn feels funny,” stated Rarity as she frantically rubbed her horn.

“So does mine.” Twilight glanced between her friends and gave Spike a comforting pat on his shoulder. “This whole forest must be under some kind of massive, magical field. I think it's the same kind of negative energy I felt in the ruins and then again during the festival.”

Before anypony could respond, a shrill, ear-splitting shriek shot through the air.

The ponies all jumped in their seats. Fluttershy let out a loud squeal and grabbed hold of Pinkie, shivering as if a wave of frigid air had swept over her.

Ducking down, Rarity carefully peeked over the side of the carriage but could not see any signs of movement through the veil of darkness that blanketed he forest. “W-what was that? I've never heard anything so ghastly in all my life.”

“So, uh, Twilight?” asked Spike with a great tremble in his voice. “Little peek over?”

Twilight gave a quick nod and she glanced out at the royal guards. “Let's get out of here.”

The guards flew around and began to pull the carriage forward in the direction they had entered the area from. After a few moments, the ponies soared over the forest's edge and the veil of darkness slowly lifted as they crossed into the grassland. Warm sunlight returned to the world, and the ponies shielded their eyes as the light shone intensely about them.

“Now it's too bright!” cried Rarity, covering her eyes with both of her forelegs.

“It's just our eyes adjustin' to the light again after bein' in the dark.” Applejack lowered her foreleg gently down to the floor as the harsh sunlight returned to its normal level. She glanced between her friends and swallowed hard. “Right...?”

“Let's just put some distance between us and the forest.” Fluttershy continued to tremble and cling to Pinkie as if she would never let go. “And away from that awful scream...”

As they once again passed over the area where Celestia and the dark colossus had fought, Twilight saw that the dark crystals had vanished and the grass had returned to its lush, green color. “Well, some good news at least. Looks like they managed to get those crystal things out of here. Hopefully they can figure out what they are and how they're able to interfere with magic.”

“I'm still thinkin' about what Zecora said earlier,” groaned Applejack as she rested her head on the guard wall. “I swear I've heard somethin' like it before, but it just ain't comin' to me.”

As the carriage passed by the rocky base of the towering Canterlot Mountain, the look of the forest and the shrill cry from within its veiled depths lingered in the back of Twilight's mind. She gazed forward with a deep longing as the glimmering spires of the Crystal Empire appeared on the horizon far to the north.

Off to the west, the cascading rainbows and thick cumulus of the city of Cloudsdale slowly drifted by while the carriage continued it's journey. Pinkie began to hum a gentle tune as the luminous glow of the palace soon came into view, and after several moments, the carriage crossed over the crystalline obelisks that dotted the outer rim of the Empire.

“I never really thought about it this way before,” said Rarity. “But the way the palace shines, it's almost like a beacon.”

Applejack tilted her head against the sidewall to get a better view below. “Sure are lots of patrols down there. Cadance and Shining Armor ain't sparin' no expense to protect this place.”

Twilight leaned over and gazed out at the city far below. From one end of the shimmering expanse to the other, she spotted groups of ponies trotting back and forth all around, while others dressed in silver armor walked in formation along the streets between the crystal-shaped buildings. Briefly, she pondered back to the night when the shadowy creatures appeared in Canterlot. “Good. If those Animus can take Canterlot by surprise, they could appear anywhere just as easily.”

Pinkie let out a chuckle. “From above, this place looks like a spider web, or at least the layout of the really really big streets do.”

“Look!” cried Rarity as she pointed at the palace. “Cadance and Shining Armor are waiting for us.”

Facing forward, Twilight spotted the two of them standing side by side on the palace balcony. All other thoughts were erased from her mind, and she smiled as the carriage glided down. Without hesitation, she passed the Element of Magic to Spike and hopped down onto the platform, beaming brightly as she gazed upon the smiling faces of her older brother and sister-in-law.

Princess Cadance took several steps forward, coming within reach of Twilight and peering into her eyes. “Twilight...”


After a brief moment of silence, the two of them began to prance up and down and tap their hooves together while chanting in unison.

“Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake. Clap your hooves and do a little shake!”

Twilight let out a hearty laugh as Shining Armor approached her and Cadance. She threw her forelegs around them, closing her eyes as the warmth and peace of the embrace engulfed her and ingrained itself in her heart. She took a gentle breath. “I missed you...”

“Missed you too, Twily,” said Shining Armor as he gently patted Twilight on her back.

“We've been worried sick ever since this chaos started. It's such a relief that you're all okay.” Cadance held the hug for several moments longer before eventually moving back.

“Awfully sorry we're late, Princess,” stated Applejack. “We had to stop in Ponyville to pick up Spike then we took a quick peek at the Everfree Forest.”

Rainbow kept to the air while the others climbed down from the carriage and gathered behind Twilight. “Seen any of those lame-o shadow ponies around?”

Cadance glanced down over the balcony. “We're doing everything we can to watch for them, but at the moment, our main concern is the Crystal Heart.”

“You mentioned in your letter that it's 'leaking' energy?” inquired Twilight.

“We're holding it in one of the back rooms. This way.”

The ponies followed close behind Cadance and Shining Armor as they led them into the palace. Royal guards stopped and bowed to them as they made their way through the blue and white hallways. Violet banners lined the walls, and tall crystals stood between the many archways, glistening underneath a gentle, magical blue aura that rose up from them.

Out of the corner of her eye, Twilight spotted Applejack hanging her head and staring at the floor. Seeing Applejack's mane with no stetson completing the ensemble, Twilight's ears drooped, and with a frown, she levitated the Element of Magic out of Spike's grasp and set it gently on her disheartened friend's head.

Applejack paused and stared at her reflection in the floor for a moment before gazing up at Twilight with a look of confusion. “Uh, Twilight, what are you doin'?”

“Just for a moment.” Twilight smiled warmly at Applejack. “I thought it might help you feel better.”

“Oh, I wasn't thinkin' about that, but thank you kindly for the thought all the same.” Applejack returned the smile and gave Twilight a quick hug. She adjusted the Element as a sly grin crept onto her face. “Trouble is, this looks terrible on me. A pretty thing like this belongs on the head of a pony a little more high-class... like Rarity. Ain't that right, Priss-cess?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Oh, ha ha, Applejack.”

With a snicker, Applejack gave the Element of Magic back to Twilight as the ponies passed by the royal quarters. After several moments, they turned down a hall at the back of the palace. A line of guards stood in front of a silver-barred gate, but they parted as they saw Cadance and the others.

Stepping through the archway, the ponies entered a spacious, circular room. There were no other doors and there were no windows, but the room was lit by pillars of light that shone down from large diamonds in the ceiling. In the center of the chamber, an aquamarine, perfectly heart-shaped crystal hovered above a similarly colored spike and snowflake-shaped rune on the floor. A brilliant light radiated from the floating object, and periodically faded away before reigniting a moment later.

Small waves of magical energy began to ripple through every inch of Twilight's body at a regular pace. She shuddered, and planted her gaze firmly upon the Crystal Heart, allowing it's majesty to fill her sight.

Pinkie tilted her head at Cadance and Shining Armor. “Why is it doing that weird glowey-fadey thiny?”

“Is it just me,” inquired Applejack as she rubbed her foreleg. “Or are y'all feelin' little tickles too?”

“I can feel it,” said Shining Armor. “It's been doing this ever since Nightmare Night but we haven't been able to figure out what's causing it.”

Twilight took several small steps forward. “It's giving off small arcane pulses...”

Everypony stared curiously at Twilight.

“A pulse?” Rarity grimaced. “You mean like what happened on Nightmare Night?”

“Celestia told me about that,” stated Cadance. “She said it came from the Everfree Forest and reached all the way to Canterlot. There hasn't been one that big since the night Luna was taken by Nightmare Moon over a thousand years ago.”

“And one when the Crystal Empire disappeared,” said Twilight.

“Do you think that is what's causing the Heart to act like this?”

“I don't know.” Twilight shot the Crystal Heart a quick glance before returning her attention to the others. “I don't think the pulse could have reached this far, but you said this started on Nightmare Night. It's the only theory I've got. The crystal ponies don't know about this, do they?”

Shining Armor shook his head. “No. We haven't even tried to move it, but we need to do something soon so it can be ready for the Faire.”

Twilight turned back to the Crystal Heart and pondered as the ripples of magic energy continued to flash through her. “We've got to get the Heart stabilized somehow. Maybe I could use my magic to draw some of the excess energy from it.”

“Are you sure that's safe?” asked Fluttershy.

“Not entirely, but it's worth a try.” Seeing her friend's concern, Twilight gave Fluttershy a gentle smile.

“Shining Armor and I can put an absorption field around you to alleviate some of the influx,” said Cadance with a firm nod. “We just need you to start your spell first so the energy you draw doesn't get confused on where it's going.”

Twilight returned the nod before turning back to face the Crystal Heart. Taking a tall stance, she closed her eyes and lit her horn. After a moment, the Heart became engulfed in the lavender glow of Twilight's magic, and a visible stream of magical energy formed between them. Twilight felt a soft warmth as Cadance and Shining Armor began to channel their absorption spells on her. With the shielding in full effect, she strengthened the power of her spell and the glow around her and the Heart grew brighter.

As the draw progressed, her horn suddenly began to sting. She clenched her teeth and the muscles in her legs tensed. She tried to lessen the power of her spell, but it didn't seem to have any effect. It was as if the Heart's magic had clamped down on her own and she wasn't able to withdraw it. Without warning, a loud crack shot through the air, a blinding flash of light illuminated the room, and Twilight was thrown back into the wall. She felt a burning all over her body as if she had been struck by lightning, and the frenzied voices of her friends echoed in her ears as her vision went dark.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading!