• Published 12th Sep 2014
  • 2,000 Views, 22 Comments

An Evenings Flight - KarmaDash

Rainbow Rush and his marefriend MacLellan spend a romantic evening together.

  • ...

The Chapter

Author's Note:

Ok guys this IS a one-shot, I’ve been working on it for a while around my other fics, but I needed a break to do something different. Rule 63 is very different XD Making the cover art gave me a burst of inspiration for this fic, so I hope you enjoy.
WARNING: This is not the best of my works by far … but I tried. I suck at one-shots anyway. I apologize for my grammar and spelling

Main 6 genderbends I make reference too belong to “DennyButt” Who I tagged in the main description, all other’s are mine. Please don’t be respectful toward my preference of these genderbends, some ages have been swapped due to my preference too, not that it matters.

Mac let out a heavy sigh as she looked at the fields, making sure that the seeds were sown properly was her last chore since she’d already ploughed the holes. Strapping the saddle-bag to her flanks, she made her way along the dirt line, dropping the seeds carefully as she went. Up and down, up and down, the cycle went on as she planted the start for the new crop. Blinking against the suns rays, she inspected her work, making sure that no row had been left behind. A small smile crossed her face when she realized her day would almost be done, and should could sit in her home nursing a cool bottle of homemade cider. The thought alone sent her along, covering each of the seeds with the earth she’d ploughed at a faster pace. Soon she was done smiling proudly at her hard work her hoof wiped some of the seat front her head, she turned toward the house licking her lips in anticipation for the sweet cider she’d been waiting for.

A zoom followed by a strong breeze snapped her from her cider filled day-dream to find Rush descending toward her. She thanked the cool evening air as it helped hide her brief burning cheeks that she had to resist scowling at. She would not look weak or cute in front of him at the moment.

“Hey, you seen your brother around? I need to talk to him ...” Taking a deep breath, she shook her head, and carried walking toward her cider.

“Enope.” She almost grinned as Rush gave an irritated noise. Not a flap beat later he was back in front of her, his face a mixture of emotions. She stopped for a moment, arching her eyebrow at him.

“Would you tell me if I apologized?” Fighting off her laughter she held her ground and shook her head again. Mac started making a move to walk away from him, before he blocked her path. Though she was only a few inches shorter then him, he still managed to look taller than he was.

He brought his nose to her ear and whispered sorry softly, sending a shiver along her spine. She hated that power he had over her, and how she could never stop her reactions. Nobody else managed to do this, she was usually one to never show her emotion even around her close family, but Rush just had this magical power to do this, and she wanted it to stop. But then again, she also loved it.

He noticed what had happened, and grinned at his marefriend one of his favorite games was finding out what he could do to her. With his mind set he began to circle her, gently brushing the tips of his feathers against her fur to watch her reaction. Mac knew his thoughts all too well, and stayed still, she let him get on with what he wanted to do until she should could make her move. As soon as he turned once more she bolted from him, her laugh ringing through the air. He stood for a moment still processing that she had run. Soon his brain had caught up and he was flying toward her at a leisurely pace, still gaining on her.

She felt like kicking herself, running form the fastest flyer in all of Equestria stupid decision. She enjoyed running and he flying, so why not do it together, she knew he loved to fly and share his passion with her, as she enjoyed teaching him about her home. Soon she slowed, coming to the grassland at the back of the farm, this was one of her favorite places to go and have time to herself.

She walked slowly, knowing all too well that Rush would be right behind her as she looked toward her tree. There was a single tree in the grass that she used to sit under with her father after he’d finished his work and even after his passing she still felt so close to him around this tree. Her steps felt heavy as she walked over the short grass, the feeling of sadness washing over her as she recalled the last time she’d visited this place.

Rush stayed silent, watching her curiously, in the short time they’d been together he’s never seen her like this, her flapped his wings slowly as he followed her toward a lone tree in the grass, he tilted his head confused. He didn’t think he’d seen this tree before, or maybe he just didn’t come to the area much to fly.

Mac stopped when they reached the tree, she slowly leaned forward to rest her head against the bark, whispering “Hello pa” softly. Rush landed behind her, suddenly feeling awkward as she sat by the tree, leaning against it. She looked up at him and gave a small smile.

“When ah was younger, my pa and ah used to come here all the time, we’d just relax after work. Those were some of the best days of my life.” Rush tried his best to give her a small smile, both AJ and Mac were close with their parents, though he’d never talk about his feeling much, AJ had always spoken highly of them and even cried on Rush’s shoulder when they were younger. Remembering that, Rush settled by the tree, pulling Mac close to him with his wings as she rested against him.

“Ah miss him and ma so much some days, AJ tends to hide his hurt but I can see right through even Apple Bud can tell, and they were taken from him so soon.” Rush smiled down at her.

“I’m here for you both, don’t forget that. Always.” She smiled up at him, her sadness leaving her as she looked into his eyes. She still wasn’t sure if she was in love with Rush, but she did know she loved him. The element of Loyalty was a good fit, even before they’d started dating he’d helped on the farm so much because he knew AJ needed it. He even got Rhinestone of all ponies to help, and he hated anything to do with getting his hooves dirty.

“Ah know, thank you Rush.” She blushed lightly kissing his cheek before standing up and looking at her surrounding. “The sky looks so pretty as it sets, don’t you think?” Rush smiled, though the line was cheesy, he couldn't help but use it.

“I know somepony more beautiful than that.” Mac blushed hard, she didn’t care how much the line had been used, it was effective. She dragged her hoof along the floor with a sudden shyness. Chuckling Rush got up to stand next to her, flying up slightly, her pulled her to stand before bringing his nose down to her, slowly moving them together. They closed their eyes, enjoying the close embrace s the night sky began to seep over the orange skies.

Rush moved his head slightly to kiss her. She opened her eyes slowly smiling at him until an idea popped into his head.

“Do you trust me?” he asked, staring at her eyes and she nodded, wondering what he was planning to do. He brought his fore hooves around her hugging her tightly before sending them both into the sky. She gasped as her tree got smaller and smaller, but made sure not to move, afraid she’d fall.

“I won’t drop you, it’d OK, but we could try a free fall? I’ll be right here you’re perfectly safe.” She looked at him with a slight panic in his eyes, but thought that she should at least let him try he’d practically promised she’d be safe. Unable to say a word she nodded a yes again.

Moving to fly himself upside down, he made sure she be alright before lightly throwing her up and stopped flapping altogether as Mac closed her eyes. They began to fall together as he looked up to make sure she’d be caught if she needed. Slowly she opened her eyes,to find him right underneath her, she looked around and found herself beginning to smile. The rush was exhilarating she wondered why she’d never done this before, until she realized she’d need a Pegasus to help her for a start.
The night sky rolled over them, the sun starting to finish as Rush reached to catch her with his hooves, his wings flapping slowly as they began their descent back to the ground. Mac rested her head against Rush’s, a smile growing on her face.

She felt like she was going to fall when she landed, but Rush made sure he was right with her so it wouldn't happen. Holding her head high, she tried to take a step, almost ending up face planting the group. Luckily for her, Rush was still there, and through his laughter stopped her from falling.

“Sorry, I forgot some ponies take a while to adjust, Perky being an exception, he’s just … well Perky.” Mac shot him a glare, unhappy that he laughed,refusing to admit it was amusing. Taking the opportunity she lent against him steadying herself to walk, letting Rush happily oblige.

“Ah think we should tell him…” Mac said quietly, thinking of her brother. Rush stopped to look at her, knowing that she was right.

“I know, you’re right, but how?” She huffed and shrugged her shoulders. Since her and Rash had gotten closer she knew it was inevitable that he would find out, and it would be a lot better if they told him, than if he found them himself.

“Well ah don’t know, he’s one of your best friends.” He stared at her with wide eyes, she wanted him to do this alone? He’d rather not have pitchfork marks along his flank thank you.

“B-but he’s your brother.” She chuckled, before realizing what he thought. She rubbed her head long his neck.

“Rush, ah want us to tell him together, it was just, you know him well so maybe you know a way we could uh … break the news.”

“I guess the best thing to do is just tell him, then run before he can kill either of us tight?” Mac gave him a dead-pan look, even if the idea did sound good at first.

“We can try it without the running away, then you can tell the rest of your friends?” Rush nodded, thinking about how he’d tell them. He’d have to start with Dusk Spark, since he’s want to know the detail of how it happened, then would come Perky because he’d be planning a party to celebrate giving him time to tell Rhinestone and FlickerFly at the same time, especially since Rhine loved to use Flick as his model.

“Wait, who do you tell?” He sent her a mocking look, though knowing how little number of friend she has guilt started to creep through him.

“Granny and Bud … and a few of the mare’s I’m friends with.” Letting out a soft breath he smiled.

“Come on, lets get AJ out of the way, we can worry about the others tomorrow.” The pair walked closely together, Mac unable to stop herself leaning into him. Their pace slowed slightly when Mac’s house was in view. Getting closer they could make out AJ stood outside the house.

“There you are! I was starting to worry Mac!” Rush could feel her sink from her brothers words, she hated making him worry about her, and it was kind of his fault.

“Uh hey AJ.” Rush gave an awkward smile, glancing at Mac who was starting to stand a little taller.

“Whats going on?” AJ frowned at them, his eyes locking onto where Mac’s hoof rested over Rush’s.

“Well, y-you see uh, Rush and ah are ...” Mac struggled to tell her brother, her voice quiet with a slight stutter as she tried to say the words.

“We’re together” Seeing her struggle he ended her suffering as quickly as he could, letting out a sigh of relief knowing that this first part was over. They all stood looking at each other, Mac and Rush tensed ready to brace themselves for what AJ might do.

“Say what now?” AJ asked, a frown on his face. Rush almost growled, frustrated this was taking so long.

“AJ I love your sister, and we’ve been going out, we’re together.” Mac stared up at him, did he just admit that? A blush crossed her face, before she looks at AJ she didn’t even want to hide her blush.

“W-w-w … my best friend and my sister are-”

“No, were not doing that Apple Jack!” Mac almost shouted, offended that he’s even though that. “We’re getting to know each-other first … the right way.” Rush smiled at her, nuzzling her softly just to show AJ.

“We’ll you’re both adults, ah can’t stop you, just don’t put me in the middle of any of your arguments… uh yeah, ah guess, just know if you hurt her in anyway, ah will hunt you down, and ah will kill you. Now, ah guess that ah’ll be leavin' you.” Rush laughed, and nodded draping his wing over Mac’s back.

As he went into the house Mac walked to their porch swing, sitting down with Rush resting her head against him once more.

“That went ... a lot better than ah expected.” Rush nodded, taking the time to get comfortable against her, his wings hugging her closely.

“Thats right, I guess I’ll tell the guys tomorrow before working … then the entire town will know.” Mac sighed, but she didn’t mind, Rush was her stallion, she had her grand prize and she’d earned it. She grinned up at him, thinking back to the day before.

“You know you never actually apologized to me.” Rush sighed, holding her close, taking a deep breath to hide as much laughter from his voice as her could. He could feel swing move lightly with him.

“I’m sorry I burned the food for our date. You know I can’t cook.

Comments ( 22 )

That was a sweet story. I think you did a great job. I do admit it was nice to read alternative names for each of the main six. Good luck with future stories.

4991100 Thanks, they also have different appearances that make them look more like stallions ^^


Great story! Very sweet and had some nice moments.

4991893 Thanks bro :eeyup:

Hnn I need to comments ... I'm such a comment whore XD Make me feel special :pinkiecrazy:

I'm all for Mac and Rainbow dash ships! :D

Just because I don't have time now (I'm going to a family party), but I will read it betwen tonight and tomorrow, So just saying I will read it!

Since her and Dash had gotten closer she knew it was inevitable that he would find out


then if he found them

I'm not expert, but I guess there goes a "Than"

She stared at her wide eyes, she wanted him to do this alone? He’d rather not have pitchfork marks along his flank


I guess the best thing to do it just tell him, then run before he can kill either of us?


then you can the the rest of your friends?


5002098 :facehoof:
Thank you, all fixed ^^ I hope

(Hnn I need a pre-reader, I can't proof read my work properly. :ajsleepy:)

This needs to be tagged Alternate Universe, since the characters are genderbent.

Oh jeez! I forgot to comment didn't I, my bad! :twilightsheepish:

But yeah, this was a cute story and it's interesting to see them genderbent and have the roles reversed. Cudos to you, good Madam :moustache:

5087980 XD It's fine ^^

I decided when I get bored of them I'll end up writing Gender-bend oneshots because their fun :D

interesting choice of names (i'm not trying to tell you what to right) but I know them as Rainbow Blitz, Bubble Berry, Butterscotch, AppleJack (no change) Elusive, and Dusk Shine.

still good though

Very nice cover art!

5149451 Thanks, I'm not the biggest fan of the "regular" gender bends

5149534 Thanks, I'm really proud of it

he... at one point you called him Rash...
he he... Rash...

6116619 XD

I can't proofread my own work, so If those who do proof it for me miss it then I blame them haha

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