• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 1,665 Views, 75 Comments

Baddest DJ on Two Turntables - Darkness Shade

After a spell goes terribly aRy, DJ Sparkle and Malice find themselves in the version of Equestria portrayed in Just Horsing Around where they come face to face with Ryan and Darkness Shade. Predictably, shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

Where Heroes Collide, Shenanigans Are Not Far Behind

"Nice of you to join us as always, my little human." Celestia smirked, "As well as my little ponies. I trust all of you are doing well now after such a harrowing ordeal?"

"If yer asking whether or not Ah'm back to one hundred percent, then yeah, Ah'm alright." Ryan winked, "Ready for action once again!"

Celestia snickered, "Oh really? Then perhaps we should test that with a...royal challenge?"

'Oh snap, that face! Back down Ryan, back down!'

Luna sighed before rolling her eyes, "As usual, sister, you come on too strong."

'Thank goodness for the voice of reason, Woona.'

"...do you not recall that our human responds better to subtle teasing?"

"......" Ryan facepalmed, "...Ah don't know what Ah was expecting."

"Uhm, Princess?"

"Yes, Twilight Sparkle?"

"As much as making our human blush is fun, can we get back on task, please?"

"But of course." Celestia nodded before becoming serious again, "So, with everything back in order, how is it coming with your new charge?"

"Ah yes, Disky...well, ya see—"

And that was when Ryan and the others heard some kind of shouting from outside the throne room before the doors were kicked in and a voice shouted out, "Hey, Celestia! Luna! You might wanna update your guards out there, they didn't seem to recognize me!"

The group simply stared in wonder at this newcomer, though Celestia did not let it phase her, "And exactly who are you?"

Ryan was wondering the same thing as well as he sized up this blue...wait, wings? And a horn?!

'...an alicorn?' He thought, 'But....how?'

As he noted this alicorn sizing them up, he finally chose to break the silence, "So...do y'all know this pony?"

Having made to move close to Ryan just in case something went down, AppleJack shook her head, "Not in all mah days, Apple Ryder."

"I'm just as confused as you are." Twilight tilted her head, "Especially seeing as he appears to be an alicorn."

"But that can't be! The Princesses are the only ones like...ever!" Rainbow huffed, "How can that be?"

And so on as the others made similar comments that only seemed to bother this newcomer until finally he very succinctly stated, "Buck my life!"

'Soooo, that outburst aside, seriously...who is this nutjob?'

"...what was that? Also! Who do you think you are getting so close to AppleJack like that?"

Ryan threw his hands up in defense, "Whoa, buddy! Ah don't know who ya are but what business of it is yers why Ah'm so close to her? Besides, why wouldn't Ah be close to somepony Ah love?"


"Uh, yeah. As in Ah wanna be with her..." Ryan smirked and put an arm around her, pulling her close, "..and, of course, mah other herdmates."


"Yeah, ya know, when one stallion—"Ryan pointed at himself before motioning towards the others"—has multiple marefriends."


"Yep. T-Sparks, Rares, Flutters, Dashie, Pinks, Lyra—though at the moment she is taking care of some things back home—and last but by no means least, mah sweet little Apps."

'Don't forget our occasional moments with Woona and Tia thanks to me, partner.'

This strange pony seemed to be confused, blinking several times before bringing a hoof to his forehead and rubbing it, "I'm not in Kansas anymore, am I?"

"Probably not, Dorothy."

At that the pony seemed to perk up, "You...you...do you know how long it's been since I made a reference from Earth and someone got it? That alone almost makes up for me being stuck here and learning some...curious things about the alternate versions of ponies in my life. But, heh...yeah, you sure are making me laugh with that whole herd thing. Multiple marefriends...how would that even work?"

'Very, very well, I assure you.'

"...again, that voice. How are you talking without moving your mouth?" The pony stepped closer to Ryan, only to see the others tense up.

Ryan put out his arm to signal them it was okay, "Easy...that would be Darkness Shade. A human from Equestria's past that apparently is more connected to me than Ah realized."

"....Equestria's past? What?"

'Okay, okay...As I imagine Tia and Woona have figured out, you clearly aren't from around here.' Dark chuckled, 'When Ryan says the past, he means years and years ago when humans and ponies shared Equestria as their home.'

"Oh boy...I picked a doozy of a place to end up in. Ugh...." With that he walked to the nearest wall and began banging his head against it. Repeatedly.

Ryan, watching the highly confused alicorn's actions curiously, dove to catch him as he passed out from slamming his head against the solid stone walls of the castle, "Hey! Hey, come on! What the hell are you doing, dude?"

"He'll be okay, it would just appear that..." Celestia seemed to look him over once, her horn glowing, "Yes...as I suspected he was on the receiving end of somepony's spell. Though I imagine this was not the intended result given his reactions. Curious, though...."

"What is, Princess?"

"The magical residue I'm detecting on him...I could swear it matches yours, Twilight Sparkle."

"Mine?" Twilight looked at the alicorn oddly, "How weird...either way, we should get him somewhere comfortable till he awakens."

"Ugh...not right...Twilight...human...herd....lost...." The blue alicorn grumbled in his sleep, tossing and turning slightly before opening his eyes, "Where? It's night...I'm in a bed?"

"Shhh, it's okay. You're safe here."


"Yeah, you had a bit of a backlash to that spell but you seem okay now."

"Oh thank goodness. I had the weirdest dream I ended up somewhere that was wrong and I was lost."

"Heh, it's okay there, partner. Yer safe and sound back at the Golden Oaks Library now."

"...GOLDEN OAKS LIBRARY?" The alicorn shot up in bed to see Twilight but also a human as well sitting next to her.

"Whoa, easy there McFly. No need to freak out."

"Great Scott....it wasn't a dream."

"Ah know, Ah know, this is heavy but just relax. Yer safe here."

Twilight rolled her eyes, "What are you two going on about?"

"Hey, it has been far too long since Ah could make references from mah world and not get stares so Ah'm making the most of it." Ryan smirked, "But to answer yer question...it's about time. Haha."

The alicorn, though confused as to where he was, couldn't help smirk himself at that terrible reference, "With a sense of humor like that, I suppose it's worth calming down. So...I'm in the Treebrary then."

"Yes. We would have put you up in our home, but it's a bit quieter here. We've been taking shifts keeping an eye on you."


"What was...did you just..."

Ryan shook his head, "No. That was Fluffle."

"Who?" The alicorn turned before seeing a bright pink, fluffy pony wearing a nurse's hat, "Oh. Well, that makes sense I guess."

"Yeah, she's been pretty helpful but...well, if'n yer feeling okay how about we explain some simple things."

"Like names and stuff?"

'Heh, smart guy. I like that.'

"I should probably be more creeped out by that but at the moment I have no cares other than getting home. Still, you did ask so let me fill you in..."

Sometime later, Ryan and Twilight had finished their talk with the blue alicorn whom they now knew was named DJ. Apparently his Twilight had attempted a long-distance teleportation spell and goofed it up.

"That's weird seeing as T-Sparks and Ah have pretty much perfected that kinda spell."

Twilight shrugged, "Well, in an infinite number of realities and possibilities we can't assume that all versions of me learn the same spells, let alone gain the same degree of mastery over them."

DJ chuckled softly, "Nice to see that regardless of which reality I'm in, you pretty much act the same, Twilight."

"Uhm...thanks. I think."

"So, question?"

"Yes?" Ryan turned to him, "What's up, DJ?"

"You're acting pretty calm about the fact I get your references from Earth." DJ smirked, "I figured you'd be a bit more curious how a pony knows stuff like that."

Ryan shrugged before smirking back, "Well, Ah figured either yer from a reality where Earth and Equestria are connected somehow, or you were a human sent to Equestria and somehow either became a pone or acquired a pone form. In fact, if Ah were to guess, the most likely reason you'd go pone would either be something that made it hard for yer human self to exist or...."


"Or it had to do with a difference in aging factors. Even though it won't be much of an issue in our Equestria, Ah wouldn't assume all Equestrias would be the same."

DJ simply blinked before tilting his head, "Okay...kinda creepy how ya nailed it on the head. But, wait. From what you said does that mean you won't age slower than them? Do humans from your world live longer?"

"No, the average is still seventy or eighty. The answer is pretty simple, as Dark will explain."

'...why me?'

"Because yer being lazy and the more he hears you talk the less creepy it'll get."

'...fine.' Dark cleared his throat, 'Basically the species in Equestria live longer, you know this right?'

"Yeah, thanks to various factors they all live for several hundred years with differences due to their makeup."

'Exactly! Here, in our Equestria, humans were part of that formula. As I've told our herd before, humans lived a lifespan near to that of the various pones with variances here and there for those that had mastery of magic.' Dark sighed, 'I would've been around a while, at least according to mah mentor Swirly anyhow. So, thanks to this I—'

"Wait, who is "Swirly"?" DJ tapped a hoof to his chin in thought, "Swirly...Swirly...wait! You don't mean Star-Swirled?"

Though he could not see such, DJ was pretty sure Dark was grinning at that moment. Realizing he was serious, he could only chuckle, "Well then...I bet that was something."

"If your T-Sparks is anything like ours, Ah'm sure ya know all about him." Ryan laughed, ruffling Twilight's mane, "But yeah, to finish what Dark was saying, thanks to him I've inherited those traits so Ah get ta be with mah herd as long as possible."

"Must be nice, the way you and Dark complement each other."

Ryan regarded him curiously at that statement, "...what does that mean?"

DJ shook his head, "It's nothing...anyway, uhm, I suppose that now that I'm up we'll be going back to see the Princesses."

"Well, not exactly."

"What do you mean, Ryan?"

"Easy, partner: it's the middle of the night. Even if we can just poof there, it's probably best to one, wait till morning, and two, let Cellie and Lunes know so we don't stumble into anymore....sensitive issues."

"What the hay does that mean?"

'Some things are best left unsaid.' Dark shivered slightly, 'Regardless, cake will never have the same meaning ever again.'

Thinking on his words, DJ seemed confused as he thought on that...and then his eyes widened, "Oh...oh! Well, alright then. So...does anypony have something to eat, I'm starving!!"

After having to practically pull DJ out of the fridge—seriously, he had completely emptied it, crawled inside, and said to shut the door so he could find the secrets of the Food Dimension—and then trying to stop him from eating Fluffle—whom he swore was the living embodiment of Cotton Candy and could lead him to Candy Land—Ryan and the rest of his herd barricaded him inside the guest room of the Treebrary and told him to go to sleep. Of course, keeping an alicorn locked up is harder than it sounds and after an intense chase ripped straight from a 70's cartoon, they'd cornered him after he'd raided the late night convenience store and eaten his body weight in donuts. Said donuts made him quite placid and easily lent to them hefting him back to bed. As it was, Ryan had collapsed on a pillow in the middle of the living room and said he was sleeping there for what remained of the night. Noting he was serious, the others had no intention of leaving him alone and so just piled around him to keep him warm before they too fell asleep.

As morning dawned, DJ yawned before wondering what happened. Wiping his face, he noted sprinkles and frosting residue and could only wonder just where he'd picked that up, "Hmmm...I remember being hungry...and then having to find food. Speaking of, let's raid that fridge!" Making his way downstairs, he gave pause when he noted a human blanketed by several ponies and that's when it came back to him, "Oh right...I forgot that I'm not in my Equestria. Hmmm..."

He observed the sight of Ryan and his herd for a while, thinking back on what he'd said. Originally, he thought Ryan and the others were just pulling his leg and having a bit of fun at his expense but seeing them like this—AppleJack curled on his side, Rainbow's head flopped on his chest, and Lyra's head resting atop his complete with her tongue hanging out slightly—he could see that what they'd said was true. And even though this wasn't his Twilight, seeing her happily nuzzling somepony else like that made his heart twinge ever so slightly. It made him ache for home and made him wonder just how worried they were about him. Noting Ryan stir, he cleared his thoughts before noting Ry's eyes lock on to him, "Oh...hey. Morning."

"Heh, morning. Do you...always sleep like this?"

"Well, haha, it all depends on the mood and location, but usually Ah find mahself buried under a pleasant pile of pony plushness." Ryan squirmed a bit, "Although..."


"...when this happens, and Ah wake up first...haha, well, let's just say Nature's Call becomes a bit more unbearable."

DJ nodded before snickering, "Gotcha. So...can I help?"

"Nah, it'll be okay. You...well, since ya ate all the food ya could go buy us some breakfast." Ryan looked about before motioning towards a piggy bank that looked like Twilight, "Twigy the Piggy has some spare bits in her, just fish a few out and go get some donuts or something. Maybe muffins? Whichever."

Looking at the Twilight piggy bank, and then thinking back on a certain Hayburger moment, DJ chuckled before fishing a few bits out with his magic and heading towards the door, "Okay. Hopefully the Ponyville layout is the same here as it is back home."

"Oh, just...keep a low profile. Alicorns tend to attract trouble so..."

"Heh, gotcha Ryan." DJ opened the door and smirked mischievously, "I'll go get breakfast, and you enjoy having to pee while trapped under sleeping ponies."

Before he could get out a retort, DJ shut the door and headed off to acquire breakfast.

As DJ set off to acquire some tasty noms, something odd was happening in a small city south of Ponyville and Northwest of Appleloosa near what was known as the Ghastly Gorge. The town, which was only known on certain maps as Creepy Hallow, was indeed a quiet place with a mix of inhabitants from ponies to diamond dogs to even the occasional gryphon or two. And not much happened, despite being next to a rather large ravine that sometimes seemed responsible for spooky events. However, unbeknownst to the townsfolk, something odd had appeared in the forest that separated the town and Ghastly Gorge that most wouldn't know what to make of. For all intents and purposes, it almost appeared as if the world itself was cracking apart with the strange divide that hung in the air. Unfortunately, this was not to go unnoticed for long.

"...I know it is here. The one thing that might bring about what is needed."

A strange, hooded pony was mumbling to himself as he wandered the forest, "The others think that I'm mad for just leaving on a hunch, but I don't see them trying to do anything to return our beloved deity to his former mad glory."

This pony, so lost in his own thoughts, would have likely never seen the crack in reality save for the fact he ran smack into it before getting knocked back by its mysterious energies.

"...ow. What?" The pony's eyes widened as he saw the crack, "Could this be...?"

Pulling out an odd device, the pony seemed please by what it was telling him, "Yes. But this alone is not enough....there is something I must acquire before returning him to his glory. Yes, yes indeed. It would seem I must pay a visit to a certain library..."

Back in Ponyville, and unaware of what was transpiring, DJ had easily enough gotten a large amount of muffins for their breakfast and had returned to the Treebrary with—surprisingly—no trouble. Although his encounter with the muffin mare was a little odd, "Hmmm...strange she would chose to go by Derpy here, but then again when I called her Ditzy she just looked right through me...at least I think she did. Heh, the Doctor seemed unsure of what to make of me, but given how he acted it's safe to say he's not the same as the one I know. How weird."

Figuring it was tame compared to what he might eventually deal with while here, he opened the door to see that everypony was up now. Walking in, he set the basket of muffins down on the table before staring at Ryan and smirking, "So...how long did ya have to hold it?"

"Guh! No tact at all...."

'If you must know, he had to wait 40 minutes.'


'Speaking of, why did it take you 40 minutes to get muffins?'

"Oh, you know...just taking the scenic route." DJ waved his hoof about, "Wouldn't you want to check things out if you landed in a world that was but wasn't yours at the same time?"

Ryan tapped his chin before nodding, "Ah suppose yer right."

"Besides..." DJ laughed softly, "With the position you were in, I didn't think there was any need to rush."

"...yer such a brat."

With that they had breakfast before sending a letter off to the Princesses letting them know their visitor was finally back with them. After waiting a short while for the reply, the group readied themselves for transport.

"Are...are you sure this is going to be okay?"

"Relax, DJ. T-Sparks and Ah have done this before with no problem." Ryan remarked, "Why...a bit skittish with teleporting?"

"Well, sort of. I'm not a big fan of poofing about, if you will."

"It's okay, lots of ponies your age end up with teleporting sickness. It's more common than you would think."

"...not helping." DJ sighed, "Okay, let's get it over with."

With that, Ryan and T-Sparks harmonized their magic before sending them flying straight for Canterlot...

...where they all ended up teleporting over the Princesses instead of in front of them, landing on them thusly.

"...if you would, my little ponies, please do get off." Celestia sighed, "...unless a certain human is secretly wanting snuggle time."

"No, no! We're good!" Ryan quickly hopped off, practically tossing the others with him, "...maybe later."

"Heh, nice to see you're just as mischievous as my Celestia."

Ryan rolled his eyes, "Yeah...mischievous. That's what that is."

"Either way, we welcome you to our castle." Luna nodded, "However, we would like to hear just who you are in more detail as well as how it is you came to our world."

"Very well. I am DJ Sparkle, prince of Harmony....and as I told your Twilight and Ryan, I ended up here after a failed teleportation experiment." DJ seemed to think for a moment, "I'm not sure what else I can tell you seeing as it would appear that where I'm from is further in the future than here."

Rainbow Dash frowned, "Ugh...what? How is that possible?"

"It's simple, Rainbow." Twilight cleared her throat, "It stands to reason that just how the different realities have their unique tweaks that vary, the flow of time may also be one of those variants. So it's entirely within the realm of possibility for events to happen in one reality yet still be waiting to occur in another."

DJ blinked before nodding, "Well spoken, Twilight....you certainly are very similar to mine."

"Oh, u-uhm...thanks."

"Now wait...Ah know ya can't say anything, but is there anyway ya can at least fill us in a bit more."

'Perhaps the best way is for us to tell you what our last major event was so you can deduce just how much you can tell us?'

As much as it pains me to say, the bodiless dork there makes a point.

DJ rolled his eyes, "...you could've put it better. Also...you chose now of all times to speak up again?"

The others were rather perplexed and just stared at DJ for a few moments until he caught their curious glances. Unsure as to what to say he just looked back at them and tried to come up with something....but the other voice certainly had no difficulty.

Lord, even here these ponies are just...guh. And that other human...what the fuck is he even staring at? He looks so damn stupid with that confused look on his face...

"...must you always criticize when we meet someone new?"

Again, more confused looks were all this produced until finally...

'Okay, I'll just go ahead and say it since no one else is responding....DJ? Why the hell do you have a very angry, very snippy voice coming from you despite not talking?'

DJ blinked a few times before looking left and right and putting on a confused look of his own, "...you...you can hear him?"

Hearing a rather unanimous 'Yes' from everypony there, DJ wasn't sure what to make of this situation.

I sure as hell can! Finally! I won't be silenced! All will hear my wisdom and weep at how pathetic they are compared ta me!

"...so not only do ya have a voice like Ah do, partner, but he's apparently a massive dick. Bummer."

The hell did you say?! I'll kick your ass from here to another dimension.

'A massive dick, indeed. So, DJ, who exactly is this charming soul anyway?"

DJ simply sighed and shook his head, "That would be Malice. He's my...discorded self. It's weird though..."

Celestia, having come out of shock from the vulgarity of this new arrival, narrowed her eyes in thought, "And what do you mean by that, Prince DJ?"

"...please don't call me that. DJ works just fine." DJ sighed, "And what I mean is that Malice should not be able to be heard by all of you. Usually I'm the only one that can hear him...unless he's in control."


Yeah, when the shit hits the fan the kid here lets me take over...and then the fun really begins!

Fluttershy meeped and hid behind Ryan, "Th-that fun sounds awful."

Lyra rolled her eyes, "No offense, DJ, but your disembodied voice is kinda a mood ruiner."

"Tell me about it..." DJ facepalmed, "But I just don't get how he can talk."

"I have a theory..."

Everypony there turned to face...Pinkie?

"Well, Dark can talk with us despite being part of Ryan's soul, right? Well, who's to say that other beings like him aren't granted the same ability? Maybe it's just something unique to our world and is a difference compared to DJ's."


That was the sound of Ryan's jaw hitting the ground at Pinkie saying something so...unexpected. Twilight was making some odd facial movements before gasping, "It could totally be a plausible answer. But...Pinkie? Where...how?"

Pinkie shrugged, "You guys aren't the only ones that can be all smart, Twilight! It's just more fun being me! Now who wants lunch?!"

...kid, what the hell have you dragged me into now?

'Oh lighten up, Malice. No need to be such a jerk.'

You shut up, old man! I don't care how old or whatever you are, you're just another punk human who's ass needs to be kicked! By me!

Ryan, sensing that things were getting a bit heated between the two soul beings, tried to change the subject, "A-anyway! We were talking about trying to determine how our timelines are."

"Right...probably best to do that and ignore them."

Hey! This isn't over, yet!

"Ignoring you!" DJ shouted before laughing sheepishly, "Anyway...perhaps showing me would be quicker?"

"Oh yes! The stain-glass! Ah suppose we can show and tell. Follow me...of course, if that's okay with Cellie and Lunes."

Celestia and Luna looked at the curious alicorn and then to Ryan before slowly nodding, "Do not cause trouble. If our counterparts in your world trust you, we will cautiously extend that trust for now...but do not cause trouble."

DJ gulped, recognizing that familiar stern but caring look regardless of the Celestia using it, "Yes, Princess."

"...this whole situation is so weird, darling." Rarity sighed, following along, "Next you're going to say you were a human as well."

"...weeeeeellll, yeah."

"Oh. Well then...that's what this lady gets for opening her mouth like that."

Ryan simply shook his head before showing off their stain-glass, "Anyway, here's all that's happened in this Equestria both before and after Ah showed up."

DJ nodded and noted a few familiar ones depicting all the past events...but curiously there was a break after a point, notably after what appeared to be the first time the Mane 6 had fought Discord.

"Penny for yer thoughts there, DJ?"

"It's just...funny how the stain glass is similar until this one." He pointed at the one showing the second fight with Discord, "Ryan...you fought him?"

"More or less...Spike and Ah did our best to break his hold on the girls."

"It would seem that way...not quite sure what that is surrounding Discord but...why are the Elements surrounding you?"

"Haha, Ah'll keep that secret fer now."

...that sounds like trouble, kid.

"I highly doubt that...but if he fought Discord, he's tougher than he looks."

"Uhm...thanks, Ah think?"

"No problem! Compli-sults are mah specialty!"

Although it's usually receiving them, not dishing them out.


'Haha, this guy's got some bite on him. I like that.'

"Anyway, that aside, yeah Ah fought him. Kinda died too but...that's beside the point. We won, sealed him away, and then chilled for a bit till the wedding."

This was one too was different, as DJ noted...Chrysalis stabbing Ryan?!

"What the hell, man? Are you just a death magnet?"

Ryan sheepishly shrugged, "Maybe? Apparently the after-life and Ah have some kinda relationship...if Solaris has anything to say about it. Anyway, that...that was a big failing of mine."

"...she won?"

"No...worse. She just needed help...and Ah almost got through to her. But then...one of her children dive-bombed me, impaled himself on mah sword, and then she was lost in her grief. That's how Ah died...how Spike lost himself in rage and beat her crazy...and how she broke once more mentally at seeing she'd killed me." Ryan looked at the ground and balled up his fists, "That was the just one in a line of tragedies that haunted not only mahself, but Darkness as well."

...suffering, eh? Hmmm...

"You would focus on that." DJ rolled his eyes, "Speaking of...is your Discord?"

"Free and himself again?" Twilight spoke up, "Yes. He's allowed a minimal free reign right now...he actually moved in next to our house for some reason."

"So then Fluttershy got him to change?"

"M-Me?" Fluttershy shook her head, "No, it was to save Darkness."

"Come again?"

What about the annoying old man? Why the hell would he need saving?

"Exactly!" Pinkie giggled.


"It's exactly as Mallie said! We had to go to Hell to save Darkness!"

Rainbow Dash chuckled before rubbing a hoof on her chest, "Specifically Tartarus, but it sounds cooler to say Hell."

DJ wasn't really sure how to react to that, so he did the first thing that came to mind, "Why doesn't anything cool like that happen to me? Sure I fought changelings, and sure there was that whole thing with...well I won't mention his name...and then...well I did threaten death. That was pretty awesome."


"But he's a cool dude, why would you threaten him?"

Because he's a massive tool that is so cliché...seriously, he would've fit right in on some poor fool's cheap-ass haunted house.

AppleJack raised an eyebrow, "So ya must've died too, eh?"

"...Ah'd rather not talk about that." DJ quickly moved on, "And so this is...Spike? Dark? Wait...the Crystal Heart? What are they doing? Is that...the Burning Finger?!"

'Eyup. We...we borrowed Ryan's memories to give my old friend a fitting farewell.'

"...old friend?"


Sombrero? Wait...Crystal Heart...Crystal Kingdom...oh shit. Kid...

DJ stood there quietly, as if he was lost in his thoughts at what Malice had put together. Ryan noticed this and also sensed the change in the air that was happening. Whatever it was, he didn't like it.

'Malice put the pieces together...Sombrero is Sombra...at least, he was before tragedy changed him.'


Ryan watched DJ carefully, not liking how the alicorn's mood was shifting. Whatever had happened in his timeline with Sombra, it clearly was not good...and the pain from it ran as deep as Dark's. Perhaps even more, he mused, noting the telltale signs of something that was threatening to occur. Watching the flickers of flame popping up around DJ's body, Ryan walked over towards him, "DJ?"


Ryan jumped a bit as the flames snaked out towards him, but he held fast before his features hardened. Placing a hand firmly on DJ's shoulder, Ryan said his name once more, "DJ. Relax...before Ah make you relax."

DJ turned to face him and was about to lay into Ryan until he noted he looked different: his gaze was hardened, his hair was in what seemed ta be icy spikes, and most of all his eyes. No longer did his eyes appear to be the rather light-hearted ones he'd noticed since he got here, but rather they were cold and focused. Realizing that Ryan meant business if he were to let his anger get the best of him, DJ summoned all of his willpower to reel in his emotions. As the two stood there in the tense moment, their respective powers hissed against each other until finally the smaller alicorn had returned to normal. At this, Ryan nodded before letting go and allowing himself to return to normal as well.

"...was that...was that your Rage Shift?"


"You know. Rage Shift...when you fuel your magic with your emotions. If your Twilight is like mine, you know what I mean."

Twilight shrugged, "What a curious name you have for it...but that state is what we know as Elemental Sync. I assume it's the same thing, though."

Lyra leaned in and whispered to Rainbow, "Do you know what they're going on about? I know that's the freaky thing that happened to Ryers when he thought Trixie killed Dark but..."

Rainbow shrugged and whispered back, "I guess that's what it's called...but when did Ryan learn to control it like that?"

"Well, it seems similar. How do you explain it then?"

'That's easy, DJ. When a magic user is pushed to a breaking point, they tap into whatever element they connect with most at the base level. For most, it's Fire...as it seems ta be for you. For others, it's Ice, like Ryan here. And, of course, there are other lesser variants to match the most common elemental bases.'

So we've got a Fire and Ice situation here, eh? Heh...I don't know why, but I feel excited for some reason.

"...probably because you want to fight him. You want to fight everyone. Ugh..." DJ took a deep breath as he rubbed his forehead, "I...I need a little time to unwind. Do you guys mind if...."

Ryan looked to Twilight before nodding, "Don't go far. Head towards the garden courtyard and collect your thoughts there."

"Right, right." DJ waved a hoof dismissively, "I getcha. Guest and all...we'll be good once I have a moment alone."

With that he walked out of the hall...before poking his head back into it, "Sooooo...the courtyard? It's still that way, around the bend, and through those really fancy looking doors?"

Fluttershy nodded, "Oh yes. If you go that way you'll find the garden and all the little animals out there."


And with that Ryan and his herd were left alone.

"Rysy-Wysy...that was a bit tense."

"Pinkie's right, Apple Ryder. That could've gone so far south if ya didn't step in."

"Yeah, but our human can handle it. He's, like, the toughest guy I know! No one is as awesome as....Rys?"

"Ryan!" Lyra dove with AppleJack to catch his swaying form, "What happened?"

"He's strong....you guys might not have noticed it, but in that brief moment when our Elemental Sync states were clashing, the mental pressure he was exerting was unlike anything I'd ever felt before." Ryan took a deep breath before managing to stand on his own again, "While I don't think I would've had a problem taking him if it came to fisticuffs, especially if Dark lent me his power..."

'Something assisted us in helping suppress whatever was threatening to break free....Malice...'

"Maybe, he did seem about as freaked out as we were getting with how DJ was acting....I know it's only like 2 in the afternoon but after that, I need a drink. Come, mah herd! To the Royal Depository of Intoxicating Libations!"

After having calmed his nerves a bit—thanks in part to something from Luna's special reserve as well as a little attention from his herd—Ryan had left the others to go track down DJ as it was about dinner time. Figuring their new friend was probably still lost in thought, Ryan began wandering about the gardens looking for him.

"...where could he be? Seriously, how hard is it to find a blue alicorn? It's not like they grow on trees."

'...maybe they do in his world.'

"How would that...."


"Found him." Ryan noted, motioning towards DJ staring into the fountain, seemingly lost in thought, "Ah wonder how long he's been sitting there?"

Walking towards him, he noted him shift his position slightly before speaking up, "Come to check up on me, have you?"

"Well, ya know, with dinner time about here and with how much of an appetite you seem to have, it only seemed right ta come drag ya to the dining hall."

DJ chuckled softly, "You're a very unusual human...definitely different from most I knew, that's for sure."

"Ah'll take that as...how did you say it? A complisult?"

The two laughed at that before DJ finally stood up and followed Ryan back to the castle, "Hey...by the way..."


"About earlier...I shouldn't have lost my cool like that."

Ryan waved his hand, "Eh, don't worry about it. We all have our demons that haunt us...yours just happened to literally be one. Heh."

So what kind of demons haunt you, human? Besides that annoying voice of yours, that is?

'Ouch, Malice. That sting, it does burn. Heh, besides, didn't you listen earlier, Mallie?'

The HELL'd you call me?! Say that to my face, you ass!

"...Malice, calm down. Fighting won't really do any good."

"Heh, DJ's right...fighting won't really do any good...now, anyway."

...what's that supposed to mean?

'What it means is dinner is getting cold, so get yer rear in gear! Sheesh!'

As they walked along, DJ had to admit Malice's question was something he wondered about as well. Sure, there had been what he'd mentioned about their Queen Chrysalis, but what kinda things could possibly haunt this guy's thoughts? From what he could tell, he was probably the happiest human he'd ever met...next to himself, that is. He seemed healthy, and exceptionally strong if what he'd sensed from their slight mental scuffle was anything to go by. And of course, he had not only the love of one pony but several...a fact which he was still trying to wrap his head around. By all accounts, he couldn't think of a single thing that could be hiding beneath the surface that weighed on Ryan or Dark’s mind.

'Hey, kid.'

'....Malice? How...' DJ thought, noting Ryan and Dark were acting as if they didn't hear him.

'That's because they can't, kid. I'm starting to get the hang of how this works. I'll never admit it to him, but it's probably just from watching that ancient bastard do it since we got here.'

'Okay...but what did you want? Whatever's cooking smells great and the last thing I want is to be last!'

'I'll make it brief...that mental clash? You know I helped them keep you at bay, right?'

'Well, I figured as much...I know how much you were terrified of what I became thanks to that...that nightmare.'

'Well, let's just say that I saw a few things in that brief moment...I don't know what they mean, but being what I am I all too easily could sense the emotions behind them. I mostly said what I did to get a rise out of that bastard Dark, but it would seem Ryan and you are rather alike in terms of heartache.'

'Why the hell are you saying this, anyway? When did you start carrying about me so much? Haha...'

'...kid, I'm only keeping my best interests in line here. Besides, if we do fight that guy, I'd rather it be by choice so that I can best give that annoying pest Dark a taste of my fist!'

'....Malice, we have hooves, remember?'

'W-whatever, kid! Just go eat and try not to be stupid!'

"You okay, DJ? You've been kinda quiet the whole walk here." Ryan turned to his alicorn friend and frowned, "You're not still letting that little moment weigh ya down, are ya?"

DJ shook his head before grinning, "Nope, just...thinking about what's for dinner! What are we having anyway?"

"Ah don't know...usually when we're visiting Cellie and Lunes, they go all out with everypony's favorites." Ryan grinned happily, "Mmmmm, usually for me that means something delicious, like a steak or hamburger...oooh, or one time delicious barbeque pork. Oh it was so tender...mmmm~"

The smaller alicorn's eyes widened at this, "....they...they feed you meat?"

"Uhm, yeah. It's one of the perks of being the Princesses' favorite human." Ryan laughed softly, "Ah mean, Apps and them have a penchant for bacon and pork so Ah occasionally get some from them but....for the most part, Ah get meat when Ah'm here in Canterlot visiting them."


"I know....steak?”


"Or dare we say....”

You can't mean...?

"I do! The rare steak bacon with bacon steak?"

Ryan and Dark watched this amusedly before smirking, "Hmmm...tell me...when's the last time you ever had meat, DJ?"

"Probably...before that whole deal with Chrysalis? Something like that...."

"Would you two like to....indulge with us tonight?"


Dark snickered, 'I think that's a yes from Mallie.'

"Ah'll let Cellie and Lunes know you want the Royal treatment." Ryan knelt down before tapping the necklace hanging around DJ’s neck, "Might wanna use this bad boy to change into a human, by the way. Probably better for your stomach if you eat meat as a human and not as a pone."

DJ was snapped out of his dreams of meat when Ryan had tapped his necklace, "How did you....?"

"Figure out that you could probably turn back into a human?" Ryan crossed his arms and laughed, "Come on, man! We might be from different versions of Earth but really? Ya didn't think Ah'd recognize the freakin' Omnitrix of all things? Not sure how ya got it, but that's pretty boss. Ah like that it's more akin to the design older Ben had rather than the original BEN 10 one though. Always did prefer the one where they were older to the one where he was just a bratty little kid."

"Heh...I better be careful around you. You're a lot more observant than I realized."

To this Ryan simply laughed before nodding.

'You and Mallie will see we're just full of tricks.' Dark added, laughing as well, 'Although....I suppose it makes sense to wear it around your neck like that rather than on your foreleg. Less likely to get banged up and probably easier to access in pone form.’'

...this is fun and all, and I do so love to hear you all prattle about like a bunch of gossipy mares...but MEAT! I crave it! So who do I have to kill to get some?



"Charming, Malice." Ryan sighed, "If you would go meet with the others in the dining room, Ah'll let Cellie and Lunes know about your choice."

There better be bacon, or I will forcibly crawl out of DJ's skull and bitchslap you till my demands are met!

'My, my, Mallie...so angry. Don't worry, your buddy Darkness has got the hook-up!'

Do you wanna die? Because if so, keep calling me that you 2edgy4me-named jackass!

Ryan and DJ looked at each other, sighed, and face-palmed before heading off their separate paths. As Ryan was explaining things to the Princesses, DJ had settled in before talking to the girls.

"So, DJ, you're a prince, right?"

"That's right, Twilight. The Prince of Magic at that." DJ nodded, "It's not a bad gig...the nobles are a pain in the ass, but oh well. What can you do?"

"So what's the other me like?" Pinkie asked, hopping back and forth behind his chair, "Is she just as crazy and fun?!"

DJ chuckled, "You could say that. In fact, she taught me all I know about doing the special things you can do."

Pinkie's eyes widened before she grinned, "So you're like Rysy-Wysy, eh? Knowing about what's beyond what we see...is that a trend with humans or are you and ours just special like that?"

Black Malice needs meat badly!

"...I'm afraid I'm a bit confused by your other self's outburst." Rarity frowned, "Is he...alright?"

"Well...Ryan promised us something we hadn't had in a while and he's...a bit impatient." DJ sighed, "I suppose it'll be a bit till we're served so anything else ya wanna ask me?"

"...how about family?" Lyra spoke up, "I know Ryan has us now, but still misses his old one on his world. Do you miss yours?"

DJ was silent for a while, making Lyra wonder if she perhaps misspoke, but he quickly responded, "Of course I miss my family. Ever since I got teleported to your Equestria I've been thinking about them."

"Oh." Lyra seemed puzzled, "Well...I really meant more about your human one..."


"DJ?" AppleJack approached him, "Are you alright?"

DJ gave her a big smile, "Never better! But of course I miss Twilight and the kids."


"Well, yeah...I'm married to my Twilight and we have two kids."

Twilight seemed a bit surprised by this, "I'm...married? Or the other me is? And she has kids?"

Fluttershy furrowed her brow as a thought occurred to her, "W-wait a minute. DJ? You said you're a Prince, yes?"

"Right. And?"

"So then...if you were a human that ended up there, the only way you could become royalty is by marrying so then...does that mean your Twilight is a Princess?"

"Hmmm....I can't say. Just like a lot I can't say since your timeline hasn't caught up yet."

"Tarnation...and ya said ya had kids?"

"That's right, AJ. We've got two lovely, adorable, filled to the brim with energy fillies: Nyx and Scootaloo."

Rainbow's face was one of shock when she heard that, "What? Scootaloo? But why...."

Rainbow...it's best to not ask that one.


I don't want a repeat of earlier...just know, she's happy.

"Um...okay, Malice. I guess that's fine but...."

And at that point Ryan walked in, helping carrying in some of the food, "Hey ladies, DJ! Are you ready to....what's going on here?"

"Just finding out DJ here is married to his Twilight!"

Ryan eyed T-Sparks oddly before shrugging, "Oh. Is that all?"

Watching him set down the plates he'd been carrying, she stared at him with her mouth wide-opened. Snapping out of it she huffed, "What do you mean "is that all"?"

"Exactly what Ah mean, mah purple horse. Think about it: he introduced himself as DJ Sparkle. Now, Ah don't know about you, but there aren't many pones around here with the last name Sparkle. So, it seemed about right ta guess he and his Twi were linked."

'Right! Anything else?'

Twilight puffed out her cheeks before staring at the ground, "Only that he also apparently has two kids...one of which is Scootaloo."

"Scoots?" Ryan was surprised by that revelation, "Well...that's curious. And the other?"

The kid can tell you after we eat! That smells hella good and I want some now! Feed me, Seymour! Or I'll eat you!

Ryan's eyes narrowed as he looked at DJ and Malice, "That is the most unexpected reference yet...but the simple fact that I get it just floors me. Bravo."

Thank you. I am awesome...but seriously, feed me or die!

'I guess Mallie will be Mallie, eh DJ?'

DJ sighed before smirking, "You don't know the half of it. Anyway, this smells amazing."

"...is that a steakburger wrapped in bacon?" Rarity seemed puzzled, "Did our dear human get things mixed up?"

"Heh...no. No mistake. In fact, our guest asked for this specifically. Now then, lemme see that overcharged necklace of yers in action!"

Finally! Do it, kid!

"You got it! Human Up!"

With that DJ transformed into his human form, complete with shoulder-guard Omnitrix logo of extreme awesomeness to boot. Ryan's eyes were wide in amusement, as were T-Sparks at such a change. The others held various reactions from confused to bewildered before Ryan spoke up, "You'll have to forgive my staring, but it's been a while since Ah saw another human that wasn't just mah reflection in the mirror. Also, you're definitely younger than Ah am. Heh, that whole 'kid' thing makes sense now Ah suppose."

"It's all good." DJ remarked before picking up his steakburger and taking a huge bite out of it, "Oh mother...."

Oooooooh, it's even stuffed with bacon and cheese....mmmmm, delicious red meat~

'Now this Mallie, I like him! He's fun!'

...don't ruin this moment.

Celestia took a moment to collect herself at the random acts that had occurred, "...well, that's certainly something that happened. Either way, it's nice that you're enjoying yourself, DJ."

"Oh, we most certainly are, Princess."

Luna smirked, watching the grease run down his face, "Yes. That is quite apparent. Either way, I trust that everything went well with your tour? I heard that things got a little bumpy."

DJ looked deeply into his burger before frowning, "...there's some rough memories of certain events that were stirred up for me when we saw a certain pony."

"That's putting it lightly." Ryan laughed, nudging DJ with his elbow, "Besides, Ah was there ta help him chill out as it were. So we're all good. Now come on, man! Eat up while it's hot! Wouldn't want that sacrifice to go to waste."

DJ eyed him oddly at this, "...sacrifice?"

"Well...yeah. Didn't you at least wonder slightly how it is they have meat for us or for visitors from species that eat meat?" Ryan looked at his own burger before closing his eyes, "It's something Ah was curious about for a while...till Ah asked Lunes."

"Okay, but still...sacrifice?"

Kid, delicious meat getting cold!

"Shh, Malice. I'm curious what they mean."

'Well, I assume yer Equestria is like ours, right? With sapient cows?'


'Well, to just get to the point, the reason things like steak and burgers and other products exist is because some cows realize that others gain sustenance from what they are and so chose to give of themselves to the fullest extent.'

"So then you mean...."

"That's right, DJ." Ryan nodded, "We can enjoy something like this because they chose to give us that gift. It's why no matter how crazy Ah get over having that tasty, tasty meat...Ah never forget why it's possible for me to have it. Ah'm sure that sounds a bit heavy and all, but that's how it is. So just make sure you enjoy that to the fullest, partner!"


"Okay...what about bacon?"

'Oh, well...pigs aren't sapient here so...still kinda seen as livestock.'

"So just cows, then? Well then, Ah'll make sure not to waste this."

With that DJ dove back into his burger, though perhaps in not as messy a method as before. This was followed by everyone else enjoying their meal and having a peaceful dinner.

Later that evening, they had adjourned to the study to talk more about their worlds as well as share a few facts.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." Ryan put up his hands, "Back the train up here...you're telling me on yer Earth this whole world is just some...cartoon?"

"Hey! Keep them tummy rubs coming." Lyra whined until Ryan returned his hands to where they belonged, "Aw yeah. Okay."

"...does that really feel that good? I mean, I know the others back home seem to enjoy that...particularly Lyra but..." DJ shrugged, "Anyway, yeah. This is all a show, oddly enough."

"...Ah highly doubt Ah'm part of it."

"That'd be a no, Ryan. In fact, there are no humans. Most fans of the show like to believe they're a myth from the past or something, though."

'Which is true of this one, seeing as I'm proof of that.'

You're also proof of how stupid they can be, but I suppose that goes without saying.

'So touchy...I think somebody needs a hug~’'

What the...!? Hey! How did you?! Get off me! I'll stab you six ways to Sunday if you don't get out of here now!

"...did...did Dark just...try to soul hug Malice?"

Ryan shrugged, "Felt that way to me...though Ah'm guessing he did more than try by the sounds of things."

'...goodness me, it's a mess up there. You really need to tidy up, Mallie.'

Go fornicate with a rusty pipe, shade-boy.

"He certainly is a crude one, darling."

"You don't know the half of it, Rarity. Still, Dark seems to be ruffling him pretty bad...to be honest, I do find it somewhat amusing."

I hate you, kid.

"I know you mean love." DJ laughed before noting Lyra's eyes staring at him, "...hmm?"

"You ignored me earlier, but DJ...I want to know about your human life." Lyra looked up at Ryan, "We know about Ryers for the most part....and the fact he sincerely wishes he could get some word to his family to let him know he's safe and happy. So...what about yours?"



".....they can bucking die for all I care at this point."

"Because the Earth I came from...the place I used to call home...it's a rotting cesspool of nastiness." DJ looked at the ground so intensely it's a surprise a hole didn't form, "And my former family...well, suffice to say, they weren't much to write about."

Lyra seemed a bit stunned, as did the others there, and thus she wasn't sure what to say. That's not to say Ryan wasn't, "Ah can tell it's a sore subject for ya, but the fact is that's not enough to satisfy mah curiosity. From what it seems, yer Earth and mine weren't too different: mine was in a pretty shitty recession that made finding work, let alone finding yer way, pretty dang hard. Add in the fact it seemed that decent people became harder to find amongst all the selfish, careless idiots and well....finding the light amongst the dark was a challenge. It was there...but just not as vocal. And yet....something seems to be missing as to what would make you just out and out hate yer human family."

DJ stared at Ryan before frowning, "...we weren't close. Not really. So when I was given the chance to leave, I took it. Apparently during that time there was a manhunt for me before I guess they gave up..."

When the kid fought...him...we ended up back on his Earth in our human form. Along with an extra passenger.

"Extra passenger?"

"Yes. Our Twilight. My Twilight." DJ barred his teeth, "When I went to actually say goodbye to my family....my mother wanted to hit her and dared to say she kidnapped and brainwashed me when I mentioned we were married. My father wasn't much better...and that was when I disowned them. When I knew that what I had with Twilight and the others was now the only family I needed. One that actually cared and was there and....and so many things."

After this revelation, the group gathered there were speechless. None of them had ever experienced such a thing, after all, having had such warm, caring families as they grew up. And though Ryan's family was just like Apps', T-Sparks', or any of the others, he knew all too well what families that weren't could be like.

"...Ah'm sorry ta hear all that, DJ. Whether ya believe me or not, Ah know what a family like that can be like."

"...somehow I doubt that. I can just tell from how you act and what was said your family was probably like the ones I dreamt about. The ones I didn't get to be a part of till I found my way to Equestria."

Ryan clenched his fist and sighed, "I do...because her family was like that."




"She was...the one Ah was with before. The one Ah told ya about, Apps."

"Ya mean the gal that just kinda tossed ya aside?"

Ryan nodded slowly, "Indeed. Her family...it's no wonder despite how hard Ah tried to show her what family could be like it was never enough to fight what they did to her. And ultimately, it did things to her that couldn't be stopped. You are right, DJ, that mah family was a good one. After things fell apart with her and she didn't want me anymore, Ah had them to turn to when Ah had ta move back home. They were there for support...they were there for happiness. Especially mah father...he always did what he could to make his kids happy, no matter how old we got."


"They were always there no matter what, even when it took me so long to find work again. But they didn't give up. And so it only confirmed what Ah knew about them and how lucky Ah was. And yet..."

DJ seemed perplexed by that, "And yet...what?"

"Ending up here...not able to let them know...and wondering how they're handling all that. Ah know they'd keep looking and not give up for a while, but eventually they would to move on with their lives. Yer story, though...it's a thought Ah've often had about things if Ah ever can contact them again." Ryan looked at his herd and smiled, "Ah'd wanna tell them everything wonderful that's happened to me since Ah got here, including the ones Ah've fallen in love with. Even...even if they might not understand and...and hate me for it. Heh, yer family was upset and Twilight was human with you. Imagine how they could react if Ah told them Ah was in love with not one but multiple mares. In love with sapient ponies. Ah'm sure yer Earth had to be much like mine, where humans were the only sapient ones, right?"

DJ slowly nodded, "Right. So cross-species relationships weren't something that would happen...let alone really could, honestly."

"Save for some deviant extremes that made people go squick." Ryan shook his head, "Ah'm just worried they'd think that not knowing how human-like they all are. Anyway, Ah'm truly sorry ta hear that yer human family wasn't all that great, but Ah am happy ta hear ya found the family you were searching for. Besides—"

DJ seemed a bit surprised when Ryan had gotten up and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at him curiously, unsure as to what he was up to.

"—as long as yer here, Ah think it's pretty safe to assume we want ya ta feel like yer part of our family too. It's just seems like the right thing to do ta me, like we're meant ta help ya or something ya know? So until we find a way to help ya home, know we're there for ya."


Everyone there was smiling happily at the scene...before looking about at a retching noise being made.

Blech! Such sentimental bullshit! You guys are literally making me ill with all this happy, touchy-feely talk!

'Oh come on, Mallie! We all know you'd love to be considered my brother!'

Like hell I do, shade-boy! I'd rather cut off my own tail than ever be considered kin to you! Hell! I'd probably cut off your tail too!

"Malice...he's not a pone. That won't work."

Details, details! I'd find a tail to cut off somehow!

'....that sounds incredibly painful.'


DJ shook his head before laughing, "Well then, that aside, I hope that answers your question Lyra."

"It does, DJ. Sorry."

"No, no, it's okay." DJ waved his hoof and smiled, "I should've known you'd keep on pushing for the answers you wanted. Just like the Lyra back home. Anyway...I'm feeling pretty tired so..."

"Well, seeing as the Princesses are still busy with their work, we can lead ya to the guest room. It's right next to ours so ya won't feel lonely."

'Heh, ya hear that? If you start to feel lonely, I'm just right next door Mallie-kun~"

...lock the door, kid. In fact, lock our mind at that. I don't need another soul moment with that weird, old bastard.

'Oooooh~ Such hurtful words from you. It's okay, I know that's how you show love.'

"Right...love...highly doubt Malice can show that but...anyway..."

"Right. Follow us, DJ."

Later that night, Ryan awoke from his sleep to the sound of a closing door. Sleepily opening his eyes he took a glance downwards, smiling at the pile of mares sleeping around and on him. They were all there, but he knew he heard a door open.


Ryan simply made a quiet noise in reply to Dark's suggestion before he closed his eyes and focused on something. Noting that a certain source of magic was not in the room next door, he had to wonder just where the alicorn could've gone.

'The bathroom?'

Ryan shook his head before sighing, "No, Dark...just...no."

After talking with him, Ryan wasn't completely untrusting of DJ but he still wasn't too sure how much to trust him wandering about at night by himself. He gave AppleJack a gentle rub to wake her.

"Hmmm? Whasa matter, Apple Ryder?"

"DJ's gone. Ah can't sense him in his room, Apps." He began waking the others, noting it'd probably be a good idea to go find him.

"Gone? What do you mean?"

"Exactly what Ah said, T-Sparks. Ah was woken up by the sound of a closing door and when Ah went to sense his magic signature, he wasn't next door like he should've been. He doesn't seem a threat, but Ah don't trust leaving him alone in the castle. Outdoors was one thing while we were awake but..."

Pinkie instantly popped up awake, "Well? What are we waiting for? Let's go find him!"

With a nod the group set out from their room to investigate and wandered about the moonlit halls only to find little sign of the blue alicorn. Eventually, they ended up outside of the throne room of all places. Noting Luna was probably up right now, they knocked before filing in.

"Well now, this a surprise. What brings you all here, Darkness?"

'Somepony is missing.'

"Yes, Princess. It would seem we can't find our new alicorn friend." Rarity remarked, "Our human isn't sure whether that's a good or bad thing at the moment."

"You haven't seen him, have you?"

"Unfortunately, Pinkie, I have not. Hmm, this worries me. While our talks at dinner make it seem as if he is of an okay sort, I have more questions than answers when it comes to him. Now wherever could he—"

"Look! Look! There he is!"

Turning their heads at Pinkie's shouting, they could see DJ standing on the upper balcony. They began to move towards him, but stopped when they heard him talking.

"...don't blame yourself, Twilight. You didn't mean for this to happen, so please don't do that to yourself."

DJ was staring intently at the moon and starry sky, the first signs of tears tracing down from his eyes, "I-I wish I was there for you, that's all I truly want. Just to be by your side forever, keeping our kids safe and watching them grow into the great mares I know they will be. B-But...I'll find my way home! I swear it!"

With that DJ hung his head and now the others could clearly see the tears streaming down as they fell and struck the balcony tiles.

"No matter what, I will always be with you. When you feel the love that we share, I'm already there."

That was when things got just a bit strange, as Ryan and the others could hear the sound of a piano playing in the background. It was just loud enough to hear, but what was even more curious was that DJ began to sing through his tears, singing out into the star blanketed night.

He called her on the road from a lonely cold hotel room

Just to hear her say, "I love you one" more time

But when he heard the sound

Of the kids laughin' in the background

He had to wipe away a tear from his eye

A little voice came on the phone

Said, "Daddy when you comin' home?"

He said the first thing that came to his mind

I'm already there

Take a look around

I'm the sunshine in your hair

I'm the shadow on the ground

I'm the whisper in the wind

I'm your imaginary friend

And I know, I'm in your prayers

Oh I'm already there

Ryan could feel a few tears of his own forming, DJ's singing pulling at his heart strings. Glancing down at the weight he felt on his leg, he could see Apps leaning against him, her own tears causing her to sniffle. Looking at the rest of his herd, he could see each of them beginning to be affected by DJ's singing. Even Luna and Dark felt the sorrow in his words, tears coming to them as well. Ryan glanced back to DJ, who still hadn't noticed they were there, as he kept singing from the heart.

She got back on the phone

Said, "I really miss you darlin'"

"Don't worry about the kids they'll be alright

Wish I was in your arms, lyin' right there beside you"

"But I know that I'll be in your dreams tonight

And I'll gently kiss your lips

Touch you with my fingertips

So turn out the light and close your eyes"

I'm already there

Don't make a sound

I'm the beat in your heart

I'm the moonlight shinin' down

I'm the whisper in the wind

And I'll be there 'til the end

Can you feel the love that we share?

Oh I'm already there

We may be a thousand miles apart

But I'll be with you wherever you are

I'm already there

Take a look around

I'm the sunshine in your hair

I'm the shadow on the ground

I'm the whisper in the wind

And I'll be there 'til the end

Can you feel the love that we share?

Oh I'm already there

Oh I'm already there

When DJ finished the song, tears freely falling, he looked to the moon and stars, "I love you. Twilight, Nyx, Scootaloo, and you too little bro. I love you all so much."

After that he bowed his head and wept. At this, Ryan couldn't take it anymore. He strode forward, got down low behind DJ, and pulled the pony into a hug. DJ was startled at the contact, but just let himself be hugged.

"We're gonna getcha home, partner. Ah promise we'll do everything we can."

DJ, however, simply sat there looking to the promising night. He heaved a sigh, "There's a saying back where I come from. Don't make promises you can't keep."

With that DJ pulled himself from Ryan's embrace and walked away, not even stopping to acknowledge the group of mares as he pushed by them. Ryan moved over to where the girls were as they watched DJ trot off, his head hung low in despair.

Seeing him like this, and thinking on his words, Ryan could only ball up his fist as his mind drifted, "Ah already let one person down...so Ah'll be damned if Ah let anymore promises get broken. Even if ya don't believe me, DJ....when Ah make a promise, Ah'll see it through to the end."

Knowing it was quite late at this point, Ryan turned to his herd before motioning back towards their room, "...let's get back to sleep, ladies. For now, that's all we can do."


'Ah know, Dark...he's doing what Ah do. So it's no surprise that he's hiding a pretty big hurt.'

'If anyone can help him, I know it's you, Ry. Now come on, let's get some sleep.'

A few hours later...

Ryan awoke to see it was still night out and he heaved a sigh as he could tell DJ was not where he belonged again either. Deciding not to bother his herd this time, he slowly slithered out from beneath them before leaving the room and trying to figure out where he could've gone this time. As he walked, he tried to put himself in DJ's shoes...hooves. Whichever. The case being he tried to think where he'd wander off to if he was DJ. Unfortunately he got too lost in thought and ended up colliding right into Luna before landing on the floor, her underneath him.

"Oh my!" Luna snickered, "Darkness...if you two wanted a little snuggle time with me you only had to ask."

'That's my Woona!'

"Lunes..." Ryan sighed, his cheeks flushing at her teasing words, "Sorry fer bumpin' into ya but...DJ's wandering again."

"...is that so?" Luna took Ryan's offered hand as he helped her up, "The night guard did tell me they had seen him wandering near the kitchen, but upon checking there it seems nopony has been there since dinner yesterday."

"So he's somewhere around there then, eh?" Ryan waited for a moment before a thought occurred, "Ah think Ah know where he might be. If his world doesn't give him access to meat, then there might be something else he hasn't gotten a real taste of in a while as well."

Luna seemed puzzled, but followed behind him nonetheless as he wound past the kitchen and towards...

"...the R.D.I.L.?" She followed him down the stairs, "Why would he want anything down here?"

"Think about it, Lunes: if you were feeling a bit stressed, and needed something to relax with..."

'Then I would think anything down here would be more than capable of doing such, dear Woona.'

"And from what I can assume, DJ would be most curious as to how the potency of our brews stack up compared to his world." Ryan noted a rattling noise and, sure enough, as they reached the bottom of the stairs and turned a corner, there was DJ holding a bottle and grinning from ear to ear, "See? What did Ah tell ya? Judging by his reaction, Ah think he approves of what we have….perhaps a bit too much."

"Yo-ho-yo-ho, a pirate's life for me~"

Ryan walked over and couldn't help cracking a smile, "Drinking up, me hearty?"

"Quite so. You might find this hard to believe, good sir, but this is the first time I have ever, ever been drunk. And I must say...I kinda like it."

'What...what do you mean by that?'

It's simple, shade-boy! The booze on our world? It's all weak-ass stuff that couldn't get yer granny loaded!

"...so 5% like a hard lemonade or something?" Ryan asked, watching as DJ nursed a bottle of what appeared to be high-grade rum.

If we could be so lucky! We were lucky if we found something that was one percent! Seriously, do you know how frustrating it can get to be in a world like that, no longer my magnificent human self, and not be able to get drunk as a skunk to forget such crimes against humanity?!

"Malice, buddy...you gotta relax some." DJ laughed softly, "But he does speak the truth. Indeed, the booze on our world is very, very weak. What we would find on our Earths, dear Ryan, would kill a pony according to my Twilight. That hard lemonade would just be murder on them!"

With that DJ took another big gulp of the bottle before giggling drunkenly. Ryan turned to look at Luna before they both looked at the pile of bottles sitting around him, "...how long have you been drinking?"

"Oh....why count? Time has no meaning when the bottles dance around us. I'm simply soaking it all in...me hearty."

Ryan sighed at the laughing that followed that before taking the bottle away from him, "Okay, DJ, Ah think that might be enough."

"Oh, I beg to differ."

"Wha?" Ryan looked to see the bottle was back in his hoof despite neither one of them having moved, "How did...?"

"It appeared as if the bottle simply teleported of its own will into his hoof." Luna narrowed her eyes, "Darkness..."

'I think I know what's going on, here...try it again, Ry.'

Giving a shrug, Ryan took the bottle again and then like magic, it happened once more.

'Thought so...Ry? He's using the means beyond.'

"Oh. Well that'll be easy to fix." Ryan remarked, taking the bottle again.

Luna could only sigh, "And what do you plan...to...do...?"

She had to blink as one moment, they were in their positions, and then in another the bottle was smashed on the ground while DJ was rubbing his head while groaning, "Aie-yah. I didn't quite like that. And was it necessary to do so with those two fingers?"

"Hey, if it worked for Uncle, it works fer me." Ryan snickered, "Besides, now Ah know why he always did that. It's fun!"

DJ could only sigh as he looked at the broken bottle, "The rum...why is it always the rum?"

Why do you do this to me, Darkness? Do you like seeing me suffer? This is the first time in...ever that we can finally reach inebriated bliss and yer acting such a damn buzzkill!

'Hmmm...didn't know it meant so much to you, Mallie.'

"And actually..." Ryan noted the searching eyes of DJ as he perused the other racks lining the walls, "You do seem to be enjoying yerselves."

'That's leaves us with the one option, then!'

Ryan clapped his hands together before grinning, "Right! We're just gonna have to enjoy this fine, fine assortment with you so you don't get into trouble!"

Luna facehoofed immediately, "...Darkness, you know I love you still, but that sounds really dumb."

'Oh Woona, come now! Do you not recall our fun times? Besides, I have to share the special rainbow booze with my new pal, Mallie.'

...Rainbow booze. For once, shade-boy, you actually say something I'm glad I listened to. Is it strong?

Those there could feel Dark's grin it was so strong in his voice, 'Oh yeah...like getting sucker-punched by the sun and the moon at the same time before they both go to town on you....but enough about those old nights in the castle. Hahahaha.'

...I am somewhat sickened, but curious.

'That's the spirit!'

DJ blinked before feeling a bit odd, "...how does Dark do that?"


"Like before...when he somehow gave Malice a "soul hug"."

Ryan simply shrugged before grabbing a glowing beverage from behind a few others and popping it open, "Dark does what Dark wants. Ah could never figure him out, even when Ah thought he was just simply a character Ah came up with back on mah Earth. Now then...why let them be the only ones to indulge in the colorful libations?"

Pouring the beverage into two shot glasses, Ryan paused before glancing to Luna, "Lunes? Would you care to join us? Ah can only imagine that this particular blend of Spectrum is probably pretty potent since it's been down here in the R.D.I.L. for who knows how long."

"...as tempting as that may be, I'm afraid I must pass, my dear human. One of us has to stay sober so you don't do something completely ridiculous."

"Understood. We'll try to keep it calm. Haha." With that he handed one of the shot glasses to DJ before laughing, "Time to kiss the Rainbow!"

'To us, Mallie!'

I can think of worse reasons to drink! Let's see what kinda kick this shit has!!

DJ leaned against Ryan before shaking his head, "...I'm telling you, man. I have screwed up so bad in the past."

"Dude, dude! Ah know what yer gonna say and Ah've been there too!"

“Really? You’re responsible for over one hundred deaths, including three friends, too?”

"...well, Ah wouldn't exactly say that. At least, Ah'm not carrying that many demons on mah back. Ah do have the thing with Chrissy, like Ah said...and plenty of things from back home that still eat at me at times." Ryan looked at the empty bottle of Spectrum sadly, "And, of course, all the ache Ah feel from Dark....odds are, he's closer to that statement of yers than anyone."

...this true, shade-boy? Huh? Hey!

That was in response to Dark leaning against Malice in their strange soul space and not budging.

Are you stupid or just have a death wish, Dark?

'...shut it, Mallie. For once in the brief time we've been around each other, quit being such a whiny bitch and deal with what I'm doing.' Dark groaned, '...Ryan's right. I know that kind of pain, DJ.'

"....how? From the way you act...."

'...it's no different than you. Hell, even Ryan does it. I wouldn't be too surprised if Mallie here ever did the same. We're far more alike than we might think.' Dark cleared his throat, closing his eyes as he thought.

...he's getting more relaxed on me. If I wasn't so drunk, and that weird rainbow booze he gave me wasn't so good, I'd probably be getting more annoyed and creeped out by this.

Dark snickered, 'Then why aren't you, Mallie-kun?'

Perhaps I'm curious to hear about your pain, Dark. It would...amuse me to hear of your suffering.

'Heh...right, right. Anyway...hundreds dead including friends? Been there...done that. I was helpless to stop my master's death, I couldn't stop the madness that took over my friend Cordy, which led to so much death and sadness. I couldn't save myself from him, thus dooming the mare that I love to becoming lost in her anger and jealousy and getting banished for so very long. The friend I left behind, who tried so hard to find a way to bring me back...only to be lost to the evils of our world. The one I had to kill with my own hand...to save him. I've seen more death than I ever wanted to and been helpless to stop the spread of sorrow. I did so much good...but it just never was enough.'

Ryan closed his eyes too, as he and DJ slumped against each other in their drunken states, "Ah've never heard him talk like this before...what did you guys drink besides Spectrum?"

...I might've added it to some one-hundred percent moonshine of mine. That's the rumor.

"Are you mad, Malice? How could you even stomach something that strong?" DJ blinked a bit to focus his eyesight, "That's probably lethal with how you were drinking."

'...s'okay. As souls, we're a bit more...flexible.' Dark grumbled, sniffling a bit.

Jackass, don't get tears on my jacket. But wait...Cordy?


DJ frowned at this, "You knew him back then? Hmmm...it would seem all those past events were quite messed up for you, huh?"

"From what he tells me, they were." Ryan remarked, "So, what about you? You know about the fights we had in the past, how we've dealt with events that you know of from that show version of things....so tell me, DJ: what exactly happened with Sombra that causes such a reaction as the one from earlier? How do your version of events with that whole thing go?"

DJ took a deep breath before focusing, "It was not during his original conquest....but sometime after."

"Oh, so you mean after T-Sparks becomes a princess?"

"Yes I—wait, what?"

Ryan chuckled softly, "Oh come on. Ah'm sure mah herd almost figured it out after the bit with you being married to your Twilight, but it doesn't take a genius to connect the dots from you being a human before to marrying Twilight to suddenly being a Prince."

"Hmmm....I see your point, Ryan, though that’s not the only reason I’m a prince. I counter with....don't be a smartass."

"It's better to be a smartass than a dumbass, DJ. Remember that. Haha. Anyway, you were saying?"

DJ sighed, leaning back and staring up at the ceiling. “...I failed her.”

“...her? Who is this her you failed?”

“...Scootaloo. I failed Scootaloo.”

Ryan scrunched his face up in thought for a moment or two until a thought came to to him, “...wait. Are you saying that yer encounter with Sombra has something ta do with why Scoots is yer daughter?”

Sombra’s the reason Scoots lives with us. It was that same reason that made the kid put that damn bastard in the ground.

“So then...oh. Oh. Oh no. If Ah’m taking what you two are saying right, then...okay. Hold on. So Ah’m right in assuming Scoots has parents in yer reality, right?”

DJ sighed, “...had parents.”

Ryan frowned, “Damn. Really was hoping Ah wasn’t right on that. So Sombra...he killed them? But...why?! Why would he focus on her of all ponies? Were you guys not in the Frozen North?”

“...we were.”

“So then how…”

“It was because of me.”

Ryan wasn’t sure what that meant, but Dark had a pretty good idea on that one, ‘....he killed them because you fought him, didn’t he? You interfered, he didn’t like that, and he made you suffer for it in a way even worse than just injuring you.’

“Mah God…” Ryan quietly gasped at such a revelation, “Ah’d ask if Dark was right, but considerin’ ya ain’t saying he’s wrong...Ah’m sorry, partner.”

“...He wanted me as a weapon. To join him, but I couldn’t do it. He made both of us watch as he burned Scootaloo’s house to the ground, her parents screaming as they were burned alive. He wanted to break me… and he succeeded.” DJ scowled heavily, gritting his teeth.

The most surprising thing, however, was that his hooves were sparking with electricity. Ryan was slightly surprised by this, and Dark took note too. Unsure of what to do, and not wanting DJ to start getting lost in his anger again like earlier, Ryan finally did something. He hugged him and didn’t let go, “Ah can’t imagine much what that had ta be like. Ah mean, when Ah thought Trixie had killed Dark Ah broke and that’s when mah Elemental Sync finally emerged but...don’t ask me why, but seeing the anger taint yer heart like this just pains me for some reason. Ah know we haven’t known each other for all that long, but something about that just bothers me. Ah can tell yer a good guy, so perhaps that’s why Ah’d hate to see darkness seep into yer heart like that.”

‘Especially since I think Mallie’s dark enough for ya, but he’s a super-duper special case.’

“...do you mind, Dark? Ah’m trying to have a moment with mah fellow hero.”

“I am no hero, Ryan. A hero would mourn Sombra, he would regret having to kill him. Me? I wish I could go back and make him suffer. I want to see that pony writhing in pain at my feet, begging me to end him. I made it too quick, he should have gotten a lot worse than a severed horn and a sword through his skull. There is no remorse or regret that I feel towards that monster. And you know what? I eagerly accept that darkness into my heart, arms open wide.”

Ryan blinked, breaking the hug as he looked at DJ for a moment. Eventually his brow furrowed as if he was greatly annoyed, “You idiot!”

With that Ryan wound back and slugged him right in the muzzle, watching as the alicorn careened across the ground at the unexpected attack.

What the hell, human?!

“Would you so easily head down a path that might not only destroy you, but all those ya hold dear? Are ya stupid or something? Do you have a death wish?” Ryan was quite flustered by DJ’s callous disregard for his own soul, “Even after hearing what Ah have about how things went with your Sombra, there ain’t much reason to mourn the guy.”

‘...Ryan’s right.’ Dark cleared his throat as he collected himself, ‘I mourn Sombrero because he actually was a decent guy and friend whose heart led him toward, sadly, something that wished to manipulate him. Even...even with what I’ve read that he did, he never did anything as despicable as what your Sombra did.’


‘As far as I’m concerned, that bastard got what he deserved. He could have easily just lived out his life elsewhere seeing as for all y’all knew, he was dead. But no...’ Dark growled, ‘He chose to come back and begin the madness again. Even heroes, when pushed to the breaking point, must make decisions like yours. If you hadn’t done what you did, then many more innocent pones could’ve died. But Ryan is right...nothing good ever comes from the darkness and its lies.’

Heh, after meeting you, Dark, I can certainly agree to that.

‘Mallie? Now’s not the time for jokes. Even heroes have to do things that might seem severe. Digging into Ryan’s memories, what about this Son Goku fellah? He was a hero that even tried to grant mercy to….what was his name? Freezer? Freeza? Something like that. He did...and that idiot wasted it. So Goku had to kill him. He was left with no choice, as otherwise he’d just come after other innocents to try and get to Goku.’

“That’s...actually kinda a good comparison since both villains did something unforgivable, causing the hero to go beyond anything they even knew they were capable of. Anyway, Ah am sorry Ah had ta hit ya like that, but to hear you just so easily dismiss the darkness certainly shows you lack experience that only comes with age.” Ryan rubbed his temples, letting out a sigh as well, “Would her parents want you to talk like that, DJ? Would they want to hear the one who has taken in and become a father to their daughter so happily embracing the very thing that took them from her?! Are you that blind?! Did Kingdom Hearts teach you nothing?!”

So, you’d rather I just not exist?! Is that what you’re saying!? Listen to me, you pricks! If it wasn’t for me, the kid never would have made it as far as he has. It was my power that pushed him beyond his limit against Sombra. It was me who helped win the Revolution by nearly killing Chrysalis! Hell, without me DJ never would even have gone to Equestria! How dare you say he never should have accepted me!

There was a bit of silence after Malice’s angry ranting, until Dark decided to speak up, ‘You’re an idiot too!’

A thunk noise was heard as Dark apparently tackled Malice to the ground after attempting to punch him as well, ‘You go on and on about being so “dark” and “evil” and all that when you don’t know what real darkness is like. The kinda darkness that can truly exist, the kind that given the chance would completely destroy a person; compared to that, Mallie ol’ pal, yer practically a saint. That is what we’re talking about. You might not be the nicest or the most tactful person at times, but without you DJ wouldn’t be where he is today.

‘You and I are alike in those regards, my friend, as Ryan wouldn’t be where he is today either without my assistance. For no matter how “dark” you claim to be, the simple fact that you’ve done yer best to help DJ instead of corrupt and destroy him shows that you aren’t the kinda darkness we’re worried about. That you are different from the same kinda darkness that someone like Sombra was. Besides...’ Dark grinned, ‘If you didn’t exist, we couldn’t be friends, and that would just break my heart, Mallie-kun~. If yer still hung up on it, think of yerself like that comic book hero dude, what was his name?’

“The Punisher?”

‘Right! Thanks, Ry. Anyway, yer like that, Mallie. A good guy that’s not afraid of doing what’s needed, not because he’s dark or evil or anything, but because he knows that sometimes the most straight-forward decision is the only one when it comes to certain foes.’

Malice was silent for a moment and then began to laugh. Who the hell do you think I am?! I am darkness! We are not alike, shade-boy, because you were your own person before you joined Ryan; I was not! I am DJ! I am everything that he is and was, only without anything to hold me back, such as morals or honor. And if you think for one moment that I wouldn’t destroy the kid if I could, then you are dumber than I ever thought possible!

Before either Dark or Ryan could respond, DJ spoke, “And I would have done the same, but neither of us can destroy the other. When I accepted my darkness, when I allowed Malice to live, we made a blood pact, binding us for all of time, meaning that if one dies, so does the other. He wouldn’t hesitate to kill me, nor would I him. But I need that darkness, for without it, I wouldn’t have the power I do. Without my darkness, Sombra wouldn’t have been killed, Chrysalis wouldn’t be rotting away in prison, and, more importantly, Nyx wouldn’t have a father! And before you ask, yes, they know I think like this, and both Twilight and Nyx know what I am going through. And so does my mother, yet they still care about me!”

“Then yer an incredibly lucky man with a very supportive family. While Ah am curious about that bit about Chrysalis...you say that Malice is a part of you and not his own being? Hmmm…”

‘...that’s it!’

Ryan seemed perplexed by Dark’s outburst, “Dark...what is “it”?”

‘Something that’s been bugging me about Mallie ever since he first made himself known. There’s been a residual chaotic energy about him that I can’t shake the feeling I know. It seems familiar but weird.’

“Chaotic? You don’t mean….” Ryan took a moment to think on it, “Wait. DJ? Does your Discord have something to do with Malice?”

DJ raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Of course he does. I originally described Malice as my ‘discorded self’, didn’t I? Discord is the reason Malice is sapient. If I had never been discorded, then Malice would simply have stayed as my darkest thoughts and dreams.

In all reality, though, I was a fuck up. My sapience was not the intended result, but hey I’m not complainin’. At least the kid’s mom was smart enough to know not to banish me like she did her sister.

“It’s more than likely due to what happened between her and Nyx, so at least she’s learned from her mistakes.”

‘Well yes, you did mention that but...you’ll have to forgive me as I didn’t know humans could get discorded. That’s why when our Cordy went bonkers, he chose to get rid of them as a spiteful move just before we beat him. He couldn’t turn them, so he wanted them out of the way for good.’

“Ah know it sounds weird, but Dark’s telling the truth. Cellie explained it as something ta do with how their hearts were? It was kinda odd since she couldn’t clearly explain it, but that’s why we didn’t exactly put two and two together here.” Ryan shrugged, “To be honest, he tried to discord me too when we first fought...and failed. Ah always did wonder why that was, but recently a few curious tidbits came to light that helped explain it. Although...Ah think Ah’m starting to see how to look at you and Malice in a way that makes sense.”

“Heh, that’s a first. Most think I don’t make sense at all! After all, I’m a prince of Equestria, husband to Twilight Sparkle, the father of Nightmare Moon, the son of Celestia, best friend of Discord, destroyer of Sombra, and bringer of peace between Equestria and the Changelings. Very little about me makes sense, so good on ya! And to be fair, I did ask Discord to perform the spell on me, so Malice is my fault on all levels.”

“Haha, that’s quite a list there partner. In fact, Ah’m not really sure where to start with the things Ah didn’t know of from before, but like Ah said, the way Ah see it yer kinda like what would happen if someone used the Tiger Talisman but they didn’t split in half. So yer both one in the same, so to speak.” Ryan laughed, “It might seem a bit childish using an old cartoon like that for reference, but ta me that’s the best way to understand how you two are. Which basically means that you and Malice? Yer just human….er...well, you get what Ah mean. Yer not exactly dark and not exactly light because, let’s face it, humans are both. So perhaps Ah was worried about ya for no reason...the kinda darkness yer talking about isn’t what Ah thought ya meant. Like Ah said, Ah don’t know why, but something just tells me to watch out for ya. Not really sure what ta call it, outside of a gut feelin’. Heh, and Ah’m all about making sense of the nonsensical, so it doesn’t surprise me Ah’m the first to, uhm, “get you” as it were. Hahahahaha.”

“Heh, you certainly are full of surprises, Ryan. You’re doing better than Queen Insectum, though. She nearly fainted when I listed those off to her. And you know? I’m getting a familiar feeling about you, too. It’s almost like when I’m around my big brother, Macintosh, although with a lot more crazy.”

“Wait...yer big bro is Mac? Yer...yer Apple kin too?” Ryan snickered, “Oh God...Ah’m considered kin too, ever since Ah first showed up here. In fact, the Apples were the ones to take me in when Ah just “poofed” here. So wait….If yer part of the Apple clan and Ah’m considered part of it then….sweet pony Jesus.”

‘Hahahahahahaha, that means we’re practically brothers, Mallie-kun! I knew we were destined to be close friends, but never like this!’

...Damn it kid!! How many ponies are you gonna end up related to by the end of this!? And I’m not your friend, ya pitiful imitation of Master Roshi! Friendship means nothing to me!

‘So you keep saying, and yet here we are pal! And besides, from what I’ve seen in Ryan’s memories, Roshi would be lucky to be one-tenth what I am! If anything, I’m more like that Dandy fellow from space! ‘Cept my booty is way more amazing!’ Dark waved his rear before striking a pose to accentuate that fact, ‘Now then! Seeing as we’ve discovered that we’re related in a cosmic way, I say we celebrate!’

Ryan laughed quietly before standing up, “Mah thoughts exactly, partner.”

“...what are you doing?” DJ asked, wobbly standing up to follow him, “Where are you going?”

“...to the secret reserve.” With that Ryan went into a back room before pulling out a very bright, glowing container shaped like a cloud.

‘....Oh my GOD! That’s it!’

...what is it?

‘...there’s no denying it! That bright color, the vivid sparkle, the fact it’s in that container!’ Dark grabbed Malice and grinned with glee, ‘That which Ryan holds in his hands, my friend, is none other than the true rainbow booze. If you thought Spectrum was the shit...wait till ya get a load of this!’

...you have my attention again, shade-boy.

“Ah had a feeling that’s what this was. Nice ta see Ah was right.”

DJ stared wide-eyed at the glowing cloud bottle, “...is it...is it safe for us to drink this? Also, where did it come from? From what Dark was saying, I figured it didn’t exist anymore.”

‘Best I can figure, the only reason we’ve got a lovely bottle of Vibgyor there is it’s from way back when…which means it’s been aging for a millennia.’ The sound of Dark drooling could be heard briefly.

Hey! Not on the jacket ya screwball!

“...that didn’t answer the other question.”

‘Relax! When I was alive I drank the stuff and was fine. Not sure what it’ll do to you guys, but let us get this party started!’

With that Ryan and Dark poofed up some shot glasses, poured out the very sparkly and mesmerizing liquid, and then turned to their newly acquired brethren.

“To family!”

Author's Note:

With great joy, we now bring you the fruits of our cross-dimensional labor!
Yes! And we hope that you are enjoying the expanded detailing of just what all happened when DJ decided to crash face-first into our reality.
But this is only the beginning...
Yer damn right it is!
...Mallie? What are you doing in here?
Can't let you have all the limelight there, shade-boy! Now hurry up and get that second chapter done! My glory needs to be shown by kicking your sorry ass all over the place!
Oh Mallie-kun, such a kidder~

:facehoof: Either way, we hope yer enjoying the start of this and look forward to more to come!