• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 1,665 Views, 75 Comments

Baddest DJ on Two Turntables - Darkness Shade

After a spell goes terribly aRy, DJ Sparkle and Malice find themselves in the version of Equestria portrayed in Just Horsing Around where they come face to face with Ryan and Darkness Shade. Predictably, shenanigans ensue.

  • ...

All Good Things...

Meanwhile, Ryan and DJ hurtled between the fabric of the past and the present unaware of where they might land. That was, in part, to the fact they’d both passed out after having crossed the threshold. Eventually, their journey came to an end and they landed in a heap in the middle of a grassy field just outside a small town.

“...ugh...Doc...ya really gotta work on that reentry….” Ryan grumbled, rolling over on to his back.

“He can work on the reentry… after he fixes me,” DJ groaned in pain from not too far away.

Taking a deep breath, Ryan did his best to normalize his magic enough to get up. Groaning in pain, he managed to get to his feet to see DJ a few paces away. The trip through time, and the ass-kicking, had forced Omni to revert him back to his pony form where he lay in a heap amongst some bushes.

‘...Mallie...DJ...you guys okay?’ Dark grumbled out.

“Oh yeah, just peachy. Not like I’m bleeding out through a hole in my chest or anything.”

We’re alive, but that ain’t gonna be true for much longer.

Ryan grimaced at the mark Discord’s enraged self had left and picked up his friend. “Don’t worry! I’ll...I’ll do something! I’m not letting you die!”

‘...you know he’s serious and worried because he lost his accent.’

“Not the time, Dark.”

“I say, that is quite true dear student of mine. It really is bad timing for one of your terrible jokes.”

‘...! That voice!’

Who's there!

“Oh! So that’s what you sound like. You must be Malice. Please, do not panic. Though the situation is not as you wish, you’ll be okay soon enough.”

Ryan turned to see a unicorn standing near them...a unicorn dressed in a blue outfit...that apparently showed off his penchant for bells. “Wait...wait...that outfit...the grey beard…”


“Well, what do you… know? ...I get to meet… Starswirl the Bearded. Twilight’s… gonna be so… jealous…” DJ mumbled before passing into unconsciousness.

Kid! Damn it, someone get my partner a doctor before he kills us both!

Starswirl smiled before walking over and looking at DJ. “Relax. Your friend the Prince will be fine. I need only a moment…”

‘...Master.’ Dark watched as Starswirl closed his eyes and mumbled something lost to the ages as his magic surrounded DJ. Ryan watched as his body floated in the air before his wounds began to undo themselves. In fact, Ryan noted the same glow covering him as all the injuries they had taken soon vanished and they were once more in fighting shape.

DJ’s eyes sprang open and he suddenly rocketed into the air. “Woohoo!” He landed like gelatin next to Ryan, smiling widely. “Hey, what’s in that stuff? Because I feel great! Even the strain of the Elements is gone. Oh, and can I get your autograph, Mr. The Bearded? My wife would truly appreciate it.”

“Hahaha, you’re much as I expected...even more so.” Starswirl smiled before handing the blue alicorn a picture. “I’m well aware how much of a fan the one known as Twilight Sparkle is of me...as I imagine the both of you no doubt have seen.”

“Ain’t that the truth. Haha.”

“Yes...to answer your question, young prince, that spell is one that not many know. It is a time spell, that is especially attuned to rewind injuries as if they never occurred.”


“Darkness, my dear pupil. It’s good to see you again.”

Okay, hold up! I get how he knows Dark, but how does he know the kid and me? That doesn’t make any sense.

“I know right!” DJ said as he was looking through a book that wasn’t there a minute ago. “There it is! Found that spell!”

“Haha, you raise a valid question...but Prince DJ should know the answer. His wife certainly knows enough about me to know of my exploits through time.” Starswirl chuckled before stroking his beard. “Of course, the simple fact is I knew of what was to come because of that. Celestia and Luna knew I was aware of things yet to come, but they never knew what because I could not disrupt the flow of time.”

‘...But, master…! If that’s true then! You...’

Starswirl nodded slowly before a sad smile made it’s way on to his face. “Yes...I know that I will die soon.”

“Huh, well that’s grim. Wait, if you’ve seen the future then… You jackass! Do you have any idea what that last spell in your journal does to ponies?! That’s bucked up, man! That’s bucked up!”

To this he raised an eyebrow, but smiled. “Yes, that is grim...but look at me! I’m an old man so I knew my time was coming. I have lived for a long time. However...that spell you note...it was not intended to be used that way. It was left unfinished...on purpose. I am wary to speak more of it because of Ryan’s presence here, but I can trust he knows to let the timeline go as it should.”

“I know you left it unfinished on purpose! Yer a jackass! ‘Causing problems for no reason! Even if it did work out in the end, still caused a lot of grief just to get one result. Jackass. And while we’re here, I have a very important question for you, but it can wait.”

“...if trying to assist a friend makes me a jackass, then very well. The spell has a purpose, but not the one Twilight will eventually create for it by accident. As you know, young prince, things will be alright in the end...however, I am rather curious what it is that is on your mind.”

“I don’t care what your reasons are, you made Twilight cry. That’s not cool, man. That’s not cool. Anyways, my question to you is the most important one you can answer.” Hold for dramatic pause. “Why… do you wear bells?”

“The bells? Haha, you know, I always get that question...I suppose it’s just so curious, isn’t it?”

“Answer the question! I wanna know! I bet it’s some secret ritual garb, right? Or, or they give you super magical powers!”

“Haha, you really want to to know, eh? Well...okay. I didn’t always wear them, but eventually all those around me asked that I start to because they were tired of getting startled when I would just suddenly appear near them.” Starswirl laughed heartily. “Especially my pupils. Oh yes, Dark and Sombra would always leap so high when I’d suddenly speak up behind them. Hahahaha.”

‘Guh! Master….’ Dark sighed. ‘Must you in front of my new friend?’

“Well, can’t say I’m not disappointed. Then again, maybe the reason is different in my world. After all, Dark doesn’t exist there.”

Thank Chaos for that.

“Anyway… wait… if you know the future then… No, no I can’t ask that,” DJ muttered before hanging his head slightly.

“Not everything us wisened mages do is for power, DJ Sparkle. But your guess is a valid one. I’m pleased to see, however, that my pupil has sufficiently endeared himself to Malice.” Starswirl tilted his head before frowning. “Well yes, I know the future events to come but for reasons obvious I cannot interfere….what troubles you, young one?”

DJ sighed, then looked at Ryan with a sad look before returning his gaze to the old pony. “If you know the future, then you know how I go home, right? But… I can’t have that knowledge, not now. Not when my friends still need my help.” He gave Ryan a small smile out of the corner of his mouth. “I never leave my friends hangin’.”

“Yes, I had a feeling you might be thinking that. While I can’t tell you exactly what will unfold, know this much: you will get home. Heh, but it is nice to see such friendship carry on even so far from now.” Starswirl glanced at Ryan and smiled. “And you, Ryan? I’m sure there’s much you wish to know as well, but I can tell you won’t ask. You are exactly as I foresaw...and I am glad you are there for Darkness.”

“Heh, thanks. But...you know the situation right now, yes?”

“Indeed.” Starswirl frowned, his features hardening. “Discord from this point in time...he’s taken most of the power of his future self. The Elements...they are strong. But not strong enough to stop what is now essentially two Discords. Heh, though I doubt that’ll keep the sun and moon children from giving their all. Heh...thankfully, they will have some help.”

“The who and the what now? I’m confused again.”

‘That’s his way of saying Tia and Woona will no doubt give their full strength to assist Twily and the rest of our herd.’ Dark explained. ‘It’s just Swirly’s way of being all old, wisened pony dude. And as for help...I think I know what he’s talking about. Think about it...this is the past...and so we clearly should’ve met someone that exists here. And yet, his devilishly handsome self hasn’t shown...figured it out yet?’

Huh? ...oh. OH! Oh good lords, ladies, lads, and lassies no! Not just no, but HELL NO!!

“What are you freaking out about?”

Ryan smirked before laughing. “Haven’t pieced it together yet, Deej? The reason Malice is reacting so hard like that is simple in nature and explained in two words: Past Darkness.”

“Oh, well Twilight has always said I’m a little dense, so… Wait, won’t that create a time paradox or some shiz? Or was Back to the Future wrong on more than just not getting us hover boards by 2015?”

Starswirl waved a hoof about and grinned. “A little from ‘A’, a bit from ‘B’...a dash of ‘C’. Time is a very fickle thing, as you might be aware of. The fact that Discord absorbed his future self’s powers...that Darkness Shade of the past is now in the future...and that, most of all, neither Dark, Celestia, Luna, nor Discord have any memories of this event happening shows that time will always find a way to correct itself without resorting to destructive means. At least from what I’ve seen.”

DJ’s eye spiraled for a minute digesting the information. “Ugh, I hate time travel. That’s it, once this is over with, I’m never goin’ in that damn police box again.”

I thought you decided on that after that time you borrowed the TARDIS?

“Shut your mouth! We are to never speak of what occurred on that trip and you know it!”

...Was still funny as hell.

“Shut up! Anyway, so where is old Past Dark? We got a world to save and what not!”

“You certainly are what I envisioned. Again, those of the future always do seem to be so entertaining.”

“...why do Ah have the feeling that’s sorta directed towards mahself more than anyone else here?”

‘...you’re just being paranoid, partner. And DJ? Didn’t you hear my master? He already said that Past Me is in the future. I imagine the fact we didn’t see him was he showed up after we got tossed back in time.’ Dark pounded his fists together before smirking. ‘But I agree! We’ve got a world to save.’

“...I’m afraid it’s much more dire than that, my friends new and old.”

“...why don’t Ah like the sound of that one bit?”

“And why did a cold shiver run down my spine?”

You’re being paranoid again. Not everything is out to kill you. Still, what’s wrong now?

“You see, there’s a few problems here. I suppose I should give you a choice: do you want the bad news or the bad news?”

“Start from the bottom, what’s the bad news?”

“Well, as far as I can see, if we don’t get this whole incident with the tears in reality and Past Discord under control, it threatens not just our world...but possibly all worlds. Something like that...the fabric of reality is very flexible, mind you, but this? This is not something we should let linger or become permanent.”

“Oh great, no extra pressure or nothin’. Why can’t this stuff ever be fixed with spackle and duct tape? What’s the worse news?”

“Well, because of what Past Discord did...the tears in reality are becoming more erratic. In other words, they are not staying stationary in the least...especially here in the past. Which means it has become much, much, much more difficult for you two to return to the future.”

Well, if chaos messed this up in the first place, can’t another rectify it? I’ve got more than enough of that stuff to work. I’m the Being of Chaos, should be a simple fix, right?

Starswirl shook his head. “Not quite...I wish it were that easy, but I cannot suggest taking that path. Something about those tears does not like the style of magic you and Discord both share...and just adding more would most likely make things worse. It’s bad news, yes, but…”

“But what? If chaos can’t undo this, then what about Harmony? If Ryan and I can both access the Elements, can’t we use them to undo all of this?”

“Heh, you two certainly do follow the list as I figured you would. Again, I wish it was that simple, but with the frequency and rate at which the tears move, the window of opportunity is quite small. You are right about the connection you both have to the Elements playing a part...but there is one other skill that Ryan has which plays into the plan I’ve been preparing.” Starswirl pointed at DJ. “And though you have never attempted this technique I speak of, I’m more than certain you can replicate it.”

“...Ah don’t...that’s a lot of skills ya could be talking about. Which one could you possibly….!”

“You alright, Ry? Do you know what this old coot is talking about?”

“Yes. Ah do. And Ah think Ah know why Swirly here thinks it’s our best shot. But...Discord...he’s so much stronger than Disky was. How do we even stop him?”

“My plan will take some time, which is why I hope to assist you two in finding a way to use both of your powers to deliver a blow that will stop him. Even when you two fought together with your own separate skills, he beat you pretty soundly and ruthlessly.”

“Hey, I was just getting started! Next time won’t be so easy for old chaos butt!”

“You should be lucky he, for whatever reason, decided to toss the two of you into the past.” Starswirl looked away for a moment. “There are many other ways that could’ve ended...but, as he’ll find out, Past Discord made the same mistake in madness he did when he fought his old friends.”

“Alright, so we gotta train is what yer sayin’? And, of course, Ah’ve gotta help Deej learn to pull off that move.”

“Pretty much. Darkness’s past self will most likely do what he can to give us time, but I worry how he’ll handle what Discord’s past self has become.” Starswirl motioned towards town before trotting off. “Come now! We have work to do at the castle.”

“This is going to be very tedious, ain’t it?” DJ sighed before following the old wizard. “If he backhoofs me like Twilight does, I’m shaving that beard and stuffing it down his throat.”

Someone’s a little miffed.

“Shut up, Malice. I’m not in the mood.”

Looking towards his new friend, Ryan pulled him into a hug before ruffling up his mane. “Oh relax, partner! This ain’t gonna be that hard. I mean, Ah get ya being upset over Past Discord wrecking us and all, but we’re talking about someone that Dark—with all he was capable of in the past—narrowly was able to beat. And Dark...you know he’s strong. So we knew things were gonna get outta hoof pretty quick. Besides...you get to learn to do something amazingly cool to save our worlds, so just roll with it!”

“Whatever. When all this is done and I’m back home, I’m marching right up to my mother and do you know what I’m gonna say to her?”

‘You’re probably going to smile, throw your forelegs around her, and tell her how much you love her and how you missed her before you say the same to everypony else you care about in your life.’

“Uh, no. She’ll probably be one of the last to find out. No, I’m gonna tell her two words: I quit!”

‘Well, I tried. But dang...that’s harsh. Poor Alternate Cellie.’

“Then I’ll hug her and tell her I miss her. But the quitting thing definitely comes first. I’m done with all this world saving crap. I’m hanging up my swords, putting away my jacket, and simply living my life with the mare I love. The world can live without its human.”

At that Ryan stopped in his tracks, his gaze lowering to the ground. “...okay. So you say no. You live yer life...but the world doesn’t stop because you say yer done. Things will still happen...trouble will still brew...and unlike before, there’s a difference: those you love, those you care for? They no longer have you to turn to for strength, for guidance, for hope. Ah’m not sayin’ ya can’t live life with the one ya love. Ah know Ah wish that things were a bit simpler here and not always so crisis mode like it seems, so that Apps and the others of mah herd can just have a peaceful existence with me and the rest of our kin.

“But Ah know that things will happen no matter how much we hope they won’t. Ah know that peace is tenuous no matter how long it may last. And Ah know that Ah’ll be damned if Ah don’t do mah all to make sure a future with mah herd isn’t protected to it’s fullest. Ah don’t train and such just to play the hero. That’s a side-effect. At the core, Ah can’t rightly just turn a blind eye when that would mean jeopardizing a future for mah friends, mah herd, and the family Ah hope ta have with them one day when we’re ready. If ya can look at yerself, and leave the well-being of those you care for to just the random chance of fate then fine. But me? Ah won’t let chance or fate determine what happens to those Ah care about. Ah’ll never give up that, no matter how tough or annoying or irritating or mind-bogglingly bizarre things might get. It’s not easy, but fighting for what you want never is, right? Haha.”

DJ stopped and lowered his head. “Ryan, our destinies are not the same. Our worlds are different, yet similar in so many ways. You seem to be the rock that they all need to keep going. You are their support and they are yours. But me? I’m not like that. I am only Twilight’s. She is the only one who sees me in that light and I would still be doing everything I can to protect her and my family. But, I’m not going to risk my life for Equestria and the world. No, the world lived without this human for a long time and it can still keep turning with him simply sitting back. Does that mean I’m just going to give up? No, but it also means that I’m just going to let things happen and interfere when I need to. I’m not here to play hero or to even attempt to be. I’m just a lowly human who was given a second chance, nothing more. Being of Harmony? Of Chaos? Cool titles and all, but I couldn’t care less. Power means nothing to me, all it is is a tool to protect my family. What you speak of is a job for the Royal Guard and others who devote themselves to the protection of Equestria. What little that does for them, when my world is much more peaceful compared to yours. I’m sorry, Ryan, but when this is all said and done, I’m done being the hero. This pony will have had his last rodeo.”

Ryan ran a hand through his hair before letting out a deep breath. “Ya can do as ya wish, DJ. Pick and chose as it comes, but Ah know enough about life that eventually all things can impact those ya care about. Dark knows...and Ah wager that yer partner probably knows as well, though Ah doubt he’d admit it. Ah only said what Ah did because Ah’d hate for ya to sit back on something that could’ve been prevented, only for that something to become far stronger than what you can handle, and as a result those you care about pay the price. Ah don’t know really know how yer world is compared to mine, that is true. Ya said it’s more peaceful, but Ah just worry about ya and those ya care for with an attitude like that. Ah don’t mean ta lecture ya, it’s just concern for a friend is all.”

DJ started moving again. “...Don’t concern yourself with my choices Ryan. When this is all over with, I highly doubt we’ll ever see each other again anyway. Besides, if I ever will meet something stronger than I am, then I guess I’ll fulfill my destiny. Then you’ll never remember me anyway.” He turned around, displaying his infamous rage shift to a stunned Ryan. “Right?” He huffed and trotted off towards the castle. “Next time, make sure you soundproof the room before you talk about something like that.”


Ryan watched him walk off with Starswirl before closing his eyes. “...Deej...Cellie's wrong…” He squeezed his hand into a fist. “Ah don’t care what she or some stupid legend says, Ah won’t forget you. And if something like that ever does happen...Ah don’t care if Ah have to punch through a million dimensions, Ah’ll find a way ta help ya. Ah don’t leave mah friends to flounder, no matter what the situation.”


“Come on, Dark.” Ryan looked up to see the two ponies a bit of a distance away, before he began running after them. “We’ve got work to do...and realities to save.”

Meanwhile, back in the future, Past Discord and Past Dark were having at each other pretty fiercely.

“As stubborn and annoying as always, Darkness.”

“Only because I won’t let you harm this land that both of us care about, old friend.”

Narrowing his eyes, the draconequus backhanded his once friend fiercely, sending him skidding across the ground. “Please. I care little for this place...much how I care so little for the wretched breed of creatures you are a part of.”

Past Dark gasped as he picked himself up, frowning. “I know that losing Gauge was rough but—”

“DON’T SAY HER NAME!!” Past Discord growled, running over and picking him up by the throat. “Your kind ended her life, so you don’t have any right to mention her like that.”

Coughing and hacking as he tried to breathe, Dark wound back and kicked Discord square in the jaw. This had the effect of freeing him, but also pissing the chaos God off quite a bit.

“Always so persistent and stubborn...you still can’t bring yourself to fight me though, hahahahaha.”

Dark grumbled as he readjusted his grip on his sword. “Heh...you were my friend...and I won’t give up on that! RAWR!”

With a flash of lightning, Dark ran straight into Discord before embedding his sword right through his chest.

Discord rolled his eyes at this pointless show of bravado. “And? You know stabbing me like that doesn’t have much effect on me.”

“Oh, I know.” Dark slowly smirked as Eclipsis began to crackle and hiss. “But who said my attack was to stab you?”

“...how sneaky. Just like your kind.”

“...Be Restrained by the Might of Heaven! Manicis Luminatione!

With that, shackles of blinding, white lightning shot forth from where Dark had plunged his sword into Discord. Interlocking and wrapping around the confused draconequus, it wasn’t long before Dark had him paralyzed in place and contained for the moment. “Ugh...man, you are so much trouble sometimes, Cordy. At least this will keep you restrained for now while I get in contact with the future versions of Tia and Woona...and whoever those other ponies were. I gotta wonder who those two unconscious guys were that flew past me. I had the strangest sensation as if I knew them…” Dark shrugged before forming a cage of lightning and tossing Discord in there. “You! Stay! I’ll be back to settle this once I figure out some things...like how to get us back to where we belong.”

“Oh, what’s this? Don’t want to take a road trip with your dear friend?”

“You’d like that, wouldn’t you? But I know you...and I know bringing you to Canterlot would be pretty stupid. No. I’ll leave you here. My bindings should hold you, despite your chaos magic, so just sit tight till I fix this mess.”

With that, Darkness disappeared in a flash, no doubt heading for the castle where the others were regrouping. Discord watched him leave, but simply smirked. “Yes, yes...have your fun for now, boy. Soon it won’t matter where you are, for I will gladly help make it your grave...Mwahahahahahahahahaha.”

“Don’t you think you were a little tough on Ryan?” asked Starswirl to DJ as they waited for Ryan to catch up.

“No, they were going to just let me stay in the dark about this stupid legend. If it’s one thing that ticks me off, it’s not being given all of the facts. How am I supposed to prepare for this legend if I didn’t even know it existed? Sorry, but they broke my trust on that one.”

“And yet, you still stayed with them. Obviously your friendship runs deeper than you think.”

“...Now I know how Malice feels around Dark. I don’t know what Twilight sees in you, but obviously the history books didn’t mark down your terrible personality.”

“We all have our own little quirks that are unique to us, but let me ask you...did you ever stop to think they might not have told you about it not because they didn’t want you to know, but because they’re not even fully sure that it is about you? Yes, I can see Celestia being so very sure, as well as that wily draconequus, but then again I can attest from experience that they tend to jump to conclusions.”

“Of course I thought of that, but it doesn’t matter. I need all the facts, all the figures, all the data to be able to draw a proper conclusion. Besides, I’ve known for a while that I am one of these beings.”

Starswirl’s eyebrow raised up slowly at that. “Ah. Well that would explain what you said to Ryan earlier, but I know you know he didn’t want to keep it a secret. He’s even hell-bent on finding some way to keep it from happening despite not really getting it all. I must say that of all the humans I’ve known or seen throughout my travels, he truly does intrigue me the most because of that spirit of his. That’s why despite knowing what will soon befall those I care for, I’m not worried. His friendship...something about it is different and perhaps that’s why his connection to here was so strong that it drew him back. It’s that same determination that drives him to want to help you as well, despite the fact you’re not even from this local multiverse.

“All in all, he won’t give up on anything from what I can sense...so maybe you shouldn’t be too hard on him.”

“He really is like no other human I’ve ever met before. I’ve never seen someone with so much light in their heart. I’ve taken a few glimpses into his future myself and see a lot of light in them. But in mine, I see only darkness ahead. It would be better if I did push him away, so none of them would suffer for what is to come. But I know that isn’t going to happen. I don’t know what to do with the big lug.” DJ sighed and smiled a little. “He’s too stubborn for his own good.”

“...he’s an awful lot like my student. Perhaps that’s why his soul gravitated to him and lie dormant in his subconscious until Ryan arrived in Equestria.” Starswirl laughed softly. “I imagine Malice’s feelings towards Dark are quite similar to the ones you have for Ryan...isn’t that right?”

Nope, I’d rather just kill him.

Starswirl smirked. “You don’t have to be an all-powerful wizard to see through that, but you aren’t one to admit such things. It’s okay...much like Ryan, Dark won’t give up on you either, Malice. So you don’t have to worry about losing your friend.”

No, seriously, I’d rather just kill him. He annoys the hell out of me.

“He’s just as stubborn, isn’t he?” The bearded pony shook his head before smiling. “Either way, I feel that he will play a role in so much to come...even if someone did let the Princess out of the bag, DJ Sparkle.”

“Hey, I never once said that she was a princess. Never even implied it, either. They’re just taking a shot in the dark based on circumstantial evidence.”

“Yes...that is true.” He snickered. “However, your reactions didn’t do much to dissuade those thoughts. It’s okay, though. Believe it or not, that which has happened has fit well enough into the timeline and actually alleviates some unneeded stress on future events. I can’t say clearly which ones, but just his mere presence and unexpected guessing knowledge will make things smoother for those he cares about. I suppose I have to admit that with that human involved, even I’m not entirely clear just what he might do to make things right. If only Dark had been that strong...” He shook his head. “But I shouldn’t think such things; with the knowledge I have I know that doing such is silly. That is the burden those that can manipulate time must carry, after all.”

“Ya know, time traveling is a pretty cheap trick,” DJ said with smirk. “I’ve never really seen the appeal before, unless you’re going backwards to preserve the past. Honestly, you just cause more problems with your meddling, Starswirl. Very unbecoming for a professional.”

“I prefer to see myself as an observer. With the events I’ve dealt with in my life, part of it is my wishing to see how my friends will manage once I am gone. It is a bit selfish, perhaps, but I’ve watched Celestia and Luna grow into the fine Princesses they are...and seen Dark go from a confused, amnesia riddled young man into a fine, upstanding protector that would do anything for those he loves.” Starswirl stroked his beard for a moment, before grinning. “I have never meddled, and in all honesty, I never divulge what I learn even when those I love have asked me about such topics. I am vague, as you may have noticed, and just give a knowing smile. That smile, however, is enough to reassure them and give them hope for tomorrow. He might not be aware of it, but I have watched many of the events Ryan has dealt with...though in the guise of an everyday pony that no one would question. It is all a bit weird when you think of it, with all the time-traveling that I still do die amongst my loved ones, but as you well know those that travel through time come to hate it’s logic. Hahahaha.”

“So that’s why I hate you, I despise vagueness. It’s one of my peeves. Still, if you don’t divulge anything you see in the future, what’s even the point of doing so? Just for your own personal benefit in knowing what will happen? Look, I get that you probably think what you are doing is right, and I respect that, but time travel is not meant for mortals. Even Celestia has advised us not to tamper with such things. Besides, I like to think that the future isn’t set in stone, so time travel would never really work. Anything we do can change the future, that’s why so many parallel universes exist, because no matter what, the future is always in motion and ever changing.”

“I know that, which is why I am vague. Besides, to equate things, it’s no different than how you use your Force to see the future. You see what might happen, either through actual visuals or feelings, and choose what to do with it. I do not out and out tell them what I see, because I wish for them to become what I see they are capable of all on their own. If someone told you you’d be king or invent ‘x’ and become ‘y’ famous thanks to it, there wouldn’t be much drive to put your all into something if you already knew that you’d become that because of ‘z’. The future can change, that’s true; I even said such with regards to Ryan.” Starswirl laughed. “Hell, the kicker is I’ve actually been secretly visited by a certain somepony from the future and boy, she’s as hyper about knowledge as I expected. But I saw wisdom too, wisdom she wouldn’t have gained if she knew what was to come of her and her future, along with the future of her human and their herd. Again, time travel is messy, but only if you don’t know just how to work around its rules.”

“Eh, well agree to disagree. I mainly use the Force to sense what direction the future is heading in, nothin’ more. That’s all I need to know, anyways we better wrap this up, Ryan’s almost here.”

“Indeed. If we drag him into a discussion like this, who knows how long it would go on for?”

Ryan finally caught up with the two ponies to see them sharing a laugh. “...why do Ah get the feelin’ that in some way yer laughing about me?”

“Maybe we are, maybe we aren’t. You’ll never know,” DJ said with a smirk.

“Damn you and yer smirk.” Ryan laughed despite that. “So...Swirly, this won’t cause problems being at the castle in the past will it? Ah mean, Ah’ve got to imagine that the younger Cellie and Lunes are probably here doing their thing. Also...it looks smaller. Everything does...this is Canterlot, right?”

“Indeed it is, Ryan. The city has only been around for fifty years at this point, I believe.”

‘I recall that being close enough, master.’

“Right...so it’s smaller.” Ryan looked around once more before nodding. “Ah guess every major city was once a small, folksy town. It’s also kinda weird seeing all these other humans about...guess Ah’ve just gotten used to being the only one after a whole year of it.”

“Eh,” DJ shrugged. “I could take it or leave it.”

Ryan snickered. “Heh, you would say that. Not that Ah blame ya...but from what Dark tells me, humans here were actually pretty damn decent. Regardless…”

“Right, right.” The older pony nodded. “It should be fine. They know something is up, because they know Dark headed off to do something.”

“Oh, well, okay...so what’s the other part of your plan, seeing as the first part involves me teaching DJ how to pull off a Rainboom maneuver.”

“Wait… THAT’S THE PLAN?! Are you mental?! A rainboom ain’t gonna do shit on Discord!”

“Jumping the gun again. Tsk, tsk...Deej, that’s just what Ah imagine is how we’re going to get back. We ain’t using that to fight Discord. We’re just doing that to get home, right?”

Starswirl noted Ryan looking at him and nodded. “Yes. As I said, the tears are fluctuating to a point where they’re not very stationery. You would need incredible speed to enter one, let alone get to one in time. That is...assuming you know where one will open. Part two is helping you two become capable enough to stop him and set the timeline right.”

“I’m not sure I like this plan.”

‘Then that’s a sign that it’s the right plan. No right plan is liked by everyone, so I think we’re good to go.’

DJ heaved a great sigh. “Well, they don’t call me crazy for nothing. Let’s get this over with, I’m getting tired of all this crazy talk. I’ll get motivated when we get back to actually fighting, but right now, I’m feeling very indifferent to anything and everything.”

That does bring up that strange feeling I’ve been getting. You’ve been acting strange ever since you got stabbed by Discord. You sure yer feelin’ good, kid?

“As good as I could be, I suppose.”

“...come to think of it, that was a bit odd he chose to stab you with his tail.” Ryan eyed DJ for a bit before shrugging. “Well, Ah do agree with ya that this filler is getting a bit dragged out...so, Swirly, what exactly do we need to learn to stop him?”

“It’s simple, but slightly difficult. You both can harness the Elements, but in your own ways. That factor, powered by the drive you both get from your loved ones, should be enough when combined to stop even this double Discord he’s become.” Starswirl frowned. “The problem will come in getting you two to be able to combine your methods into one joint, all-out attack. With such a thing, you’ll probably only get one shot at it. Which is why I hope that you can pull this off and find a way to harmonize your harnessing techniques.”

“...so, Deej and Ah have to do a combo move finisher?”

“While using the Elements? How? Last time that happened, I started absorbing Ryan’s powers. How’s that gonna be beneficial?”

“While that is true, Ryan’s facial expression shows that he wasn’t aware of that. In fact, to him his abilities never lowered. When he harnesses them, he doesn’t have some kind of limit like your way of doing so does. I can’t exactly say why, but if we can find some way to create a strange feedback loop of sorts with the magic between the two of you, it can be channeled back into one massive attack.” Starswirl smirked. “And knowing Ryan, he’ll want to do such using his Justice Blitz Ω as the catalyst and finishing blow.”

“The what now? Wait, what do you mean his Elements don’t have a limit? How does that work? The Elements have the greatest magic in the Equestrian Omniverse, no mortal being should be able to harness them without limitations.”

“The improved version of the move from the first time Ah harnessed the Elements after nearly dying against Discord. Remember how the stain-glass showed them surrounding me? That’s why.” Ryan glared at Starswirl. “Ah had wanted ta keep it a secret in case we got another chance to spar all-out since Ah didn’t get to use it in our first fight, but Ah guess Swirly kinda let that cat outta the bag.”

“Oops?” Starswirl snickered. “As for how Ryan doesn’t seem to have a limit despite being mortal...that is one thing I have yet to figure out. In all honesty, the mere fact he can do such has been the one thing in my travels that I’ve yet to figure out. Perhaps, as you’ve noted DJ, it has to do with the light in his heart.”

“...that wouldn’t be enough. No, there’s something else, but that is something I’ll leave you all to figure out. So, let’s get to this, I’ve never pulled off a rainboom before, so how do we do this?”

‘A maneuver much like a rainboom is, as you can imagine, a tad difficult. Not everypony can do it, and even then it takes the right focus of strength, concentration, and innate magical control. Unlike Ryan, you’re pretty lucky as you’re a pony so you don’t have to cast the magical precautions he does to keep his body from succumbing to the g-forces a rainboom can produce.’ Dark went into wizened old sage mode, complete with a long-beard and focused pose. ‘Other than that, it’s just getting up high enough and gaining enough speed. Pretty simple...usually.’

“Oh boy, this sounds painful.”

I agree, there has to be something else we can try. This is gonna kill us!

“No, we have to try. For our friends, it’s the least we can do.”

“Well, Dark thought Ah was crazy when Ah suggested we try it. Heh, after all, Ah only had the idea after we did it in a dream.” Ryan smirked. “It won’t kill ya...but it’ll probably have some funky side-effects. Ah know it did fer me…”

‘Oh Mallie-kun, where’s your sense of adventure? Don’t you wanna break the light-sound barrier?!’

Of, of course I do, it’s just that I don’t want to die doing it.

“Malice? You okay? This is usually your kind of thing.”

I’m fine! Let’s get this over with then, gonna kill us both then do it fast.

Dark eyed Malice oddly in their little soul-space, scrutinizing him intensely. ‘...Are you sure, Mallie-kun? I might not been around ya long, but I don’t know you to hesitate...or think that something will kill you. Usually you’re all “I’m Malice! I’m so awesome and unstoppable! Fuck you all!”....or something like that.’

Well I.. um…

HEY!!! Everything went still as another voice suddenly rang out from DJ’s head. GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY PARTNER!!

‘...MALICE?’ Dark looked right, then left. ‘And...Malice? Dafuq’s going on here?!’

Oh well..*snap* “it was fun while it lasted.”


‘...it would appear so.’ Dark growled. ‘I knew what you did to DJ was awfully odd...you sneaky, slimy, wriggling piece of donkey shit.’

That’s my line! That bastard went and sealed me within my own my mind! You rat bastard!

“Oh please...yap, yap, yap. Just like a whiny little dog. Besides, it’s not as if I’m actually here. So barking at me won’t really do much...my true, awesome, beautifully chaotic self is having so much fun with that little herd of yours, human. And, of course, my sweet, sweet Princesses.” Discord cackled before narrowing his eyes. “...that is, when you’re meddlesome past self isn’t interfering. Damn you, Dark. Even in the future I cannot escape your tenacity. But why I am worried?” He laughed loudly as his mental implant self began to vanish. “I’m more than aware of what you’re up to...but why would you win? How could you win? Even with all that I’ve heard, and the fact that old fart of a pony is trying to help you, you still don’t stand a chance. But, please, by all means continue. I do so love ripping apart hope.”

You son of a bitch, I’m gonna-

“Get the buck out of my head!” DJ snarled, his voice eerily similar to Malice’s. Said demon stopped and his face contorted in fear.

Aw shit, the kid’s pissed. Not good.

“Oh please, as if you are any threat to… what’s going on?”

Ryan was wondering that as well, especially when DJ started to glow gold. “I said: ‘Get the buck out of my head’! No one messes with my mind, and they most certainly don’t mess with my partner! Get out before I make you get out!”

“...what the hell are you…? Guh!!”

DJ’s aura began to grow even more violently, arcing out in golden lightning. “There are three things you don’t mess with me about, Discord. Number one: don’t touch my family. Number two: don’t touch my friends. And number three: you do not touch my mind! AAAAHHHHHH!” DJ let out the aura in a massive burst, and the others heard the mental Discord blasted away by the sheer power he exerted. With that over with, DJ collapsed to his knees, breathing hard.

...and that is why, you do not piss of the kid.

Ryan stared at DJ for a moment...before clapping his hands. “Impressive, Deej. Most impressive. Of course, it sounds like they’re having a rough time based on what he said...and, unfortunately, he knows what we’re up to.”

“...Discord. It is disheartening that all this happened because of her death...sometimes I wonder what might have been if that accident had not happened.” Starswirl frowned but nodded. “Ryan is right, however, our time now is short and precious. I will do my part, but you must learn to rainboom like he can if it is to work.”

“Yeah, cause that bucker just crossed a line,” DJ breathed out, yet still made it sound like a snarl. “No one messes with my mind, and now he’s gonna pay. Let’s get this thing down pat, I’ve got a draconequus’ butt to kick.”

Earlier...in Canterlot.

Darkness Shade—the one of the past, for those having trouble keeping track—flew with reckless speed towards the castle, no doubt knowing that was most likely where all those he needed to make contact with would be. Having landed in the courtyard, he walked passed a number of guards telling him to halt before throwing up the doors. “Tia! Woona! It’s good to see yer future selves, but we’ve got problems brewing.”

Celestia frowned. “So what I sensed was true...you did come here, no doubt under his orders.”

“Indeed. Master sent me to help you with the unfortunate problem that has unfolded and threatens all time.”

“My dear Darkness...where is what was our friend?”

Dark grimaced. “He’s trapped in my lightning for now...but I know that won’t hold him. He’ll be here soon enough, and we need to have a plan in mind. We have to fight...there’s no other option. At least, long enough for whoever those two are that I passed by in the vortex are to get back here and finish things.”

“Is that what he told you?”

“More like what I had to infer.” Dark chuckled before shrugging. “You know Master...he’s way too enigmatic for his own good sometimes. Kinda makes him come off as an asshole if ya don’t know how he is.”

Twilight and the rest of Ryan’s herd had watched this for a few moments before being very confused. Eventually, she spoke up. “Okay...what is going on here? Princess...is that really Dark? And this Master….wait!”

“Heh, she must be the smart one he spoke of. Yes, purple one, I am Darkness Shade...of the past that is. And my master would be Starswirl.” He held up his hand to silence her questioning. “I know yer curious, but we haven’t the time. Cordy...past Cordy, rather, will be here soon. He thinks I don’t know that he’s gonna break free, but he’s so obvious sometimes. You seven? Can you fight?”

“What kinda question is that!?” Rainbow Dash fumed. “You bet yer shapely ass we can fight! I-I mean!”

“Hahahaha, I like you. You remind me of an old friend. Although…” Dark realized he’d hadn’t noticed Spike in all this. “A dragon? A young one, but still...you’ve been training, haven’t you?”

“Yes...and young? Please...you should know that age is different with dragons.”

“Indeed I do, little green.” Dark smirked. “You’ve already got quite the power...good! That’s something I didn’t expect!”

“Uhm...what about me?” Lyra asked. “I’m not an Element-Bearer...and, to be honest, my magic isn’t the greatest.”

Dark eyed her curiously. “Oh yes. Master told me about you, Ms. Anthropologist. As he predicted, you sell yerself short. You have a part to play as well, so I hope you’ll lend me a hoof.” He smiled before frowning and looking off into the distance. “He’s free...and he’s not happy!”

“Darkness...it has been a long time, but we shall fight by your side once more, my love.”

“Thanks, Woona. Tia.” Dark spread his wings, “We should cut him off before he gets near anywhere habitable. And sensing his direction of travel…”

“The Everfree.” Twilight grimaced. “That place is so much trouble.”

“Then what are we waiting for, darlings? Until our human returns with his friend, we must fight for our world.”

“Heh, that is the spirit, my little ponies.” Celestia focused her magic, readying to teleport them away. “I have not seen the front lines in so long, but for the sake of those under my care, we will unleash hell upon Discord.”

“Hmmm...my my, it would seem I’ve caused a stir.” Past Discord cackled, sensing a buildup of energy. An energy he knew quite well at that. Coming to a halt, he floated in mid-air before watching them emerge. “Hello, Cels. Woonie. So nice to see you’ve both grown into such lovely mares.”

“Enough with the pleasantries, Discord. You must know we shall not let you succeed.”

“My sister is right: she, I, and Dark have beaten you once before, and we shall do so again.”

Past Discord blinked, frowning at this. “Oh my, that’s terrible news. To think I would lose to you three. What a pity. Heh...well then, I suppose I must rectify my past loss. Or is it future loss? Oh time, so wibbly-wobbly with a touch of wimey you are.”

“Hey! We’re here to stop you as well!”

“Oh yes, those ponies that seem attached to the human Dark was holeing up in.” Past Discord waved his hand dismissively. “The Elements sure picked some duds, didn’t they? God but you’re an ugly lot. Oh, but I’m getting ahead of myself...only six of you have Elements.” He poofed over to Lyra and grinned. “But you don’t have one. You’re just a normal unicorn. Haha, what are you going to do? Bore me to death by playing the harp?”

Lyra growled slightly. “Shut up.”

“Oh my, I think she’s upset with my dismissal of her.”

“I told you...to be quiet.”

“Oh no, everypony.” Past Discord grabbed his head and made a panicky look. “The little mint unicorn is getting upset. Careful! She might beat you in the head with her harp or bore you to death talking about anthropology.”

Lyra’s eyes became shadowed as she lowered her head. “Discord…”


“Three things: One, don’t mock my professions. Two, it’s called a lyre. And three…”

Past Discord watched as her front hooves began to light up with some strange magic before his eyes went wide.

Shinryuken!” Lyra shouted, green flaming fists appearing on her hooves as she reared up and catapulted Past Discord up and away in a swirling vortex of flames. He landed with a whoomp, smoke smoldering from his body for a moment or two. Lyra’s fellow herdmates were rather surprised that she was hiding something like that, but their questions would have to wait as the draconequus pulled himself up, smirking at the mint pony.

“Ansatsuken.” Past Discord muttered, eyeing Lyra who was slightly hopping on her hind legs, her magical fists still present as she stared at him. “Just full of surprises, aren’t you? How in the world did somepony like you find out about that, let alone learn its techniques?”

“Heh.” Lyra smirked. “You think Spike is the only one that’s tried sparing with our human? The things he’s told me...so many possibilities.”

“Indeed...too bad they’ll fail you in the end.” Past Discord cracked his neck before snarling. “Play time is over. Now die! Shun Goku Satsu!”

“What?!” Lyra gasped, barely reacting to attempt a block before feeling a claw hit her with intense force. Everything turned to black as blow after blow followed the first. She tried her best to hold it back, but in the end she was blown away and skidded across the ground before landing in a heap, Discord posing over her crumpled form as the kanji for chaos lit up behind him in bright gold coloring. “...ugh…”


Twilight was wide-eyed, glaring at the draconequus. “What in the seven hells was that?!”

“That’s one down...any volunteers for number two?”

“How about me?”

“Eh?!” Past Discord groaned, taking a lightning wrapped fist to the gut as Past Dark slammed into him. “Damn you, Darkness…”

“And don’t forget us!” Twilight shouted, her and her friends readying their attack. “It doesn’t matter how strong you’ve gotten, the Elements will always beat you down!”

“Oh-ho, is that so? Tell me, little ones…” Past Discord recovered from Dark’s attack, flinging him into Celestia and Luna. “What will you do when the day comes that you no longer can turn to those?”

Twilight seemed a bit spooked at thinking such a thing, but she shook her head, playing it off as him trying to get into their heads. “Don’t try your mind games with us.”

“That’s right! Yer going down faster than Apple Ryder does when we give him the cute eyes routine!”

“So cute...you ponies are just so helplessly linked to that human, aren’t you?” Past Discord cackled, stepping back and putting his arms to his sides. “If you’re so confident, fire away. Consider it a...gift to see if you really are worthy.”

“...darling. This seems like a trap.”

“But he’s giving us a free shot! We can end this!”

“Rainbow Dash has a point but...this makes me feel weird all over.”

“....what do you think, Pinkie?”

“...let’s do it.”


“Look…” Pinkie looked left and right before pulling them in close and whispering. “You know how strong Discord was when we fought his normal self, right? And this guy is like double Discord...so we need to buy time. So why not play along and give our human and new friend all the time they need to get back here.”

“That’s...brilliant. Okay.” Twilight turned around, locking on to Past Discord who had been standing there with a grin the whole time. “You want us? You got it!”

“Oh, such fire! Show me how you wield them, little ponies.”

“Hey, Woona...should we let them do this?”

Luna chuckled. “Worry not, my Darkness. They are quite capable, trust me on this.”

“Okay...but you two better not be rusty in case this fails.”

Focusing on the Elements, the six mares began to build the rainbow energy before launching it straight at Past Discord, who simply grinned as he was struck. As the smoke cleared, it showed him clearly petrified while still wearing that same shit-eating grin.

“See?” Rainbow Dash laughed. “Different Discord, same results.”

“I wonder…”

Meanwhile, Lyra had slowly gotten back to her feet—so to speak—before looking on with worry. “That seemed too easy...with the power I felt him packing, such darkness...Rys...what’s keeping you?”

Back in the past...

Ryan snapped his fingers to don his wings before hopping up into the air. “Then follow us. Swirly...you better find us a window...and a way to combine our powers if we’re gonna fix this mess.”

DJ spread his wings and jumped into the sky. “Yeah! Come on Ry! It’s just a rainboom, how hard could it be?”

‘That’s the spirit! Come on Mallie! If we can do it, you shouldn’t have any problem!’ Dark laughed as they climbed higher and higher still before finally hitting an optimal height. ‘Good...this should be high enough to get the boost from gravity. First, though, I’ve gotta cast my magic so Ryan won’t pass out from the intense stress it produces.’

“I guess that’s what you meant by being a pony would be better. Well, once you’ve got your spells in place, let’s get this show on the road!”

Ryan took a deep breath and felt as everything settled into place. “Okay. It’s been awhile since Ah did this, but it’s pretty simple. There’s a few things to remember if you want to pull this off. First off, for God’s sake pull up when it finally happens! Ah don’t think Ah have ta say why. Secondly, don’t force it. It will happen naturally as you gain speed. If you try to force it, you’ll rebound and get knocked back. Third, just relax and let it guide you. You’ll know when it’s about to happen as the world will seemingly slow down. Flying that fast...it’s a bit crazy. But yer crazy, so it shouldn’t be a problem for you to control. Plus, yer an alicorn. Gonna guess that gives you a bit of an edge.”

“Alright, I think I got it down. Can we give it a test run?”

“By all means. Just follow along and ya should be fine! Let’s rock!” Ryan remarked before folding his wings and dive-bombing towards the ground as fast as he could. DJ flew down after him, gaining as much speed as he could. The two of them kept going faster and faster, gravity becoming their best friend in this pursuit of awesomeness. Soon, both of them began to be enveloped in the cone that represented the sound barrier. Ryan was pushing right through it, but DJ, try as he might, couldn’t break it. He felt the cone snap back at him and he was sent flying off course, landing face first into the ground. Sensing this, Ryan slammed on the brakes and skidded along the sky as his ShadeBoom fizzled out in a twin trail of skid marks where his feet had dragged along the air.

‘...I still don’t get how you do that on what is essentially open air.’

“Ah’m just that awesome.” Ryan flipped around and landed on the ground next to DJ. “Hey? You okay, partner? Need a hand?”

DJ groaned from his crater and reached out his hoof, allowing Ryan to pull him right out. “Ugh,” he said as he held a hoof to his head. “That sucked! Can we try that again?”

“Of course! Remember: just let it guide you, don’t fight it or force it.”

“Right, right. Let’s try this one more time.”

And so they did… resulting in another crash. And again… and again...and again. Ten times in all, each one resulting in DJ being blasted away from the pressure.

“UGH!!” he screamed in frustration. “This is hopeless! A rainboom?! Who am I kidding? I can’t do a buckin’ rainboom right off the bat!” He hung his head and sighed. “I’m sorry Ryan, it’s just not gonna happen. I just can’t do it.”

“Ya can’t give up partner! It’s the only way we can get back to the time we’re supposed to be in...if we don’t...then….”

“Then we have to find another way! I can’t do it, Ryan!” DJ choked back a sob. “I just can’t do it.”

Ryan looked at the alicorn that was near tears in frustration and wasn’t sure what to do. He wracked his brain over and over for quite some time trying to think of some way to motivate DJ...and then it came to him. It was so obvious and made so much sense, there was no way it wouldn’t work. He just had to pull a page from DJ’s Equestria...and use the power of song.

“Hey boys! I think the big guy has a plan to motivate the boss, so let’s help him out!” Uno shouted before he hopped out with the others and stood behind Ryan as an intense song from the eighties began to play.

“DJ! You can’t give up! I know you don’t want to be the hero anymore, and I can understand that! But right now, we need you to be the hero I know you can be! Think about it! Right now, while we’re stuck here, the Past Discord is having his way with our friends...my loved ones.” Ryan began his impassioned speech as the Mini-D’s began to sing.

Where have all the good men gone

and where are all the gods?

Where's the streetwise Hercules to fight the rising odds?

Isn't there a white knight—the Mini-D’s pointed at Ryan before pointing at DJ—upon a fiery steed?

Late at night I toss

and I turn

and I dream of what I need.

“So don’t you see DJ?” Ryan smirked as he joined in the singing.

They need a hero! They’re holding out for a hero til the end of the night!

We’ve gotta be strong and We’ve gotta be fast

And we’ve gotta be fresh from the fight

They need a hero. They’re holding out for a hero 'til the morning light.

We’ve gotta be sure

and it's gotta be soon

And we’ve gotta be larger than life

Larger than life~

“So how about it, Deej? Ya gonna leave them hanging? If yer gonna hang up that cape, then how about you go out with a bang before ya do? One last heroic hurrah, one last epic entrance, and one last badass finale!” Ryan grinned when he could see his words were getting to DJ, all while the epicness of the 80’s flowed forth from Uno and crew.

Somewhere after midnight

in my wildest fantasy

Somewhere just beyond my reach

there's someone reaching back for me.

Racing on the thunder and rising with the heat

It's gonna take a superman to sweep me off my feet.

‘It might not be yer style, but come on you two! We know ya wanna join in! So do it!’

Sorry, but I don’t do eighties. Kid this is all you.

DJ smiled before laughing heartily. “Aw what the hell! Play me in boys!”

They need a hero! They’re holding out for a hero til the end of the night!

You’ve gotta be strong and You’ve gotta be fast

And you’ve gotta be fresh from the fight!

They need a hero. They’re holding out for a hero 'til the morning light.

We’ve gotta be sure

and it's gotta be soon

And we’ve gotta be larger than life

Larger than life~

They need a hero. They’re holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night.

As the mini breakdown occurred, Ryan turned to see Starswirl smiling. “Well now, this is quite curious magic. I think you two are ready. There will be a tear opening on the edge of the Everfree shortly, so you need to pull off your Rainbooms in two minutes to reach it!”

“Haha, right.” Ryan offered a hand to DJ. “Ya ready, partner? We’ve got to do what we do best and save the day!”

DJ smirked before nodding as Ryan helped him up. “I’m no hero...but I can’t just stand by and let someone like him have his way with my friends.”

Up where the mountains meet the heavens above

Out where the lightning splits the sea

I could swear there is someone


watching me.

Having climbed up high enough, the two of them grinned before dive-bombing towards the ground with what was most likely their only chance now to return to the present. As before, the two reached the speed necessary...though DJ still held his breath.

Through the wind

and the chill

and the rain

And the storm

and the flood

I can feel their approach like a fire in my blood.

...this time, however, the epic chords of the eighties made something magical happen and both Ryan as well as DJ achieved Rainboom glory. Hearing Ryan shouting to pull up, DJ did such before grinning in glee as he glanced back at the twin trails they were leaving behind: Ryan’s a grey/black/purple blur and his an icy blue that glistened in the sun.

They need a hero! They’re holding out for a hero til the end of the night!

We’ve gotta be strong and We’ve gotta be fast

And We’ve gotta be fresh from the fight!

They need a hero. They’re holding out for a hero 'til the morning light.

We’ve gotta be sure

and it's gotta be soon

And we’ve gotta be larger than life

They need a hero. They’re holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night.

As the Mini-D’s—safely stowed in DJ’s jacket trying not to throw-up from the intense speed—still managed to provide the backup vocals as the song ended, Ryan and DJ could see the tear beginning to form ahead of them. “Hold on, Deej….this is gonna be a bumpy ride. By the way, Dark...you doing okay back there? Yer pretty quiet.”

‘...ya know, I wonder if Master knew this would happen? He didn’t seem terribly surprised.’

“I’m pretty sure he thinks we’re the four biggest dorks in the Omniverse now.”

What do you mean four? I didn’t do anything!

“No, but you’re still a dork.”

KID!! One of these days! One of these days!!

“I know! Boom, pow, zoom! Straight to the moon!”

Damn straight!

“Easy there, Alice. Might wanna keep tabs on that wormhole coming up really fast.”

Dark sighed softly. ‘Goodbye again, Master...it was nice seeing you again, even if it was all too brief.’

“Are we talking about the same unicorn? Cause honestly, he’s kind of a dick.”

‘Heh, and so is our Cordy if you don’t know him. That’s just part of Master’s charm. Besides, he’s eccentric so, ya know...it kinda fits. Hahaha.’

“I still don’t like him.”


Ryan snickered. “Well, perhaps you’ll have better luck if ya ever meet yer Swirly. Either way...Ah like the guy! He’s crazy. Anyway, let’s do this!”

After what seemed a very long two minutes, the two heroes collided with the tear and vanished from sight. The rip in reality fluctuated before disappearing as well, leaving no sign of it’s existence behind.

Starswirl hadn’t been able to see their exit, but he certainly could tell when it had happened. He smiled before he began to cough for a moment or two. “Darkness...it’s nice to see I was right about things turning out okay despite what will come. Heh...that human, he’s gonna create quite a stir.” Coughing once more, he began to trot back into the palace and await the return of the past versions of Dark and Discord.

While that had been going on, the others had been waiting and watching as Past Discord continued to be frozen in stone. Twilight and most of the Element Bearers were certain things would be okay, but Apps in addition to Lyra seemed a bit concerned.

“Don’t y’all think that was a might be too easy considering how he effortlessly tossed Apple Ryder about back then?”

Lyra, in her ready stance again despite feeling a bit off after receiving such a brutal beating, nodded as she kept her eyes trained on Past Discord. “That move he did...he’s very strong. Stronger than we could’ve guessed.”

“But you survived, right?”

“...only because of how that move works. Were I a more dark-hearted pony—and he used the real version of it—I most likely would not be here talking with you anymore.” Lyra groaned softly before gritting her teeth. “Then again, his was slightly different. I’m not sure why...but if he knows that, then I can’t be sure even your Elements will be enough this time.”

Spike wasn’t sure he was seeing things right, but after observing harder he gulped before readying his gauntlets. “Uh, guys...he’s shaking.”


“Past Discord, he’s shaking.” Lighting his gauntlets, he got into a ready stance. “He’s about to break free! He was just playing us!!”

“It figures.” Past Dark growled, lightning beginning to arc all around him. “Toying with us like that...I should’ve expected as much.”

With a grand flair of chaos in the air, Past Discord shattered his stone bonds before grinning at those before him.

“Oh dear me...it would seem those little trinkets of yours just can’t handle that Double Chaos goodness. It’s just like mixing chocolate and peanut butter...only in this case it won’t be nearly as sweet.” Past Discord smirked. “Well, for you anyway. I find this whole situation just delightfully decadent. So then...any volunteers? Come now! Don’t be shy, there’s plenty of untimely end for everyone!”

Past Dark grunted as his sword was caught effortlessly. “Dammit!”

“Oh my! You always were so eager to go, old friend.” Past Discord cackled before kicking him away. “But come now! Surely the rest of you wish to share his fun!”

Picking himself back up, Past Dark glanced at Celestia and Luna and closed his eyes. “Playtime is over, ladies.”

“...yes, Darkness.” Luna took a deep breath. “Sister...we cannot afford to hold back this time.”

Celestia nodded before readying herself. “My little ponies...no matter what you see, no matter how fierce it may look...know that we shall never allow harm to come to you.”


“You, the Sparkle one.” Past Dark turned to her. “You can do this too. I can sense it. Do not hold back, no matter what fears of it you may have.”


“You control it, not the other way around. Now use it to help save your world!!” Dark roared, his magic exploding outward in a burst of lightning.

“Now sister!” Celestia shouted, a supernova’s worth of flames engulfing her, while the darkest, coldest reaches of space encased Luna with an icy chill.

Past Discord’s grin widened at this showcase. “Oh my~ You two have improved after the last millennium, haven’t you? So fierce! To think there’s a stronger form of that...not that it’ll do you any good.”

The others there were slightly shocked at witnessing the power of their leaders on such display, some of them shaking at the raw power they exuded. Lyra gasped slightly at her earlier pains before smirking. “Always...knew they were strong...but damn. Still not convinced they aren’t gods at this point.”

Twilight was hesitant to join them, remembering the last time she tried using this form...and how she nearly let it overtake her. She fought with herself, her thoughts, until she thought of their human and what he would say. That if she had the power to stop someone, then she shouldn’t be afraid to use it. She shouldn’t be afraid!

“I...have had...enough of you and your threats!” Twilight growled, unleashing a scary amount of fire as her mane and tail burst into flames.

“Well now, this is a surprise. One of you was holding out. To think, she has the same level as you three at such a young age.”

Celestia chuckled at these words, confusing Past Discord greatly. Noting this, she smirked. “You’re wrong, Discord.”

“Come again?”

“My pupil is indeed on level with us…” She narrowed her eyes. “However, she is only in the initial state.”

WHAT?!” Was all he got out before the four Elemental Sync infused heroes descended on him, sending him skyward with one mighty blast of force. “WHAT, I SAY AGAIN!?”

Spike’s eyes went wide at seeing his big sister like that. “I...did any of you know that Twilight could do that?”

“...I...I did.” Fluttershy quietly stated, watching the intense fighting that was taking place. “She...she came to me to try and learn something to help her stay calm and focused so she wouldn’t lose herself in it. I...I think unlike our human, the rage in hers is stronger. She seemed scared of what she could do. Very scared.”

Seeing her wrap Past Discord in flames before he plummeted to the ground, Rainbow Dash laughed nervously. “I can see why. But dang! Never thought our bookworm had it in her to do that of all things!”

“Ah’m more in awe at Luna and her sister.” AppleJack followed the two as they flanked Past Discord and began freezing and burning him so fast she wasn’t sure which term fit him better. “To think that’s their true strength...and yet it supposedly isn’t much compared to our Elements. Ah wonder...just how strong are these things anyway?”

Past Discord panted, shaking off some burnt ice that sizzled with electricity as it hit the ground. “Im-impressive. Heh, you lot are more entertaining than I originally thought.”

“Joke all you want, Cordy, but you won’t succeed. We will all see to it that time is set right!” Past Dark roared, wrapping himself in lightning and striking out at Past Discord.

Dodging and weaving as best he could, Past Discord still took some lumps until he caught Dark’s fists and growled in anger. “I have had enough!!!”

Past Dark growled in anguish as he felt Discord squeeze his fist tight before winding back and sending him flying into the others. “It’s time I finished this, old friend! Drown in a sea of madness! Eldritch Chaos Wave!

Barely managing to utter an ‘oh, crap’, he quickly righted himself before throwing his hands out in front of him and countering the attack. “True Darkness Eraser!

“Haha. Give it up, Darkness...that piddly little beam of yours is no match for my madness.”

“Heh...heh.” Past Dark panted heavily as he kept pouring on the magic. “It will always be a match...as long as it is empowered by my friends!”

With that Celestia, Luna, and Twilight all added their strength to his, the beam of magic swirling and easily holding back the force of Chaos emanating from Past Discord’s claw. As it seemed likely that a stalemate was all that would result, five ponies stepped up before loudly shouting their respective Elements and adding their might to the fight. The now brightly colored beam doubled in size before pushing back and slowly overtaking the destructive force of Chaos, leading Past Discord to look on worriedly for a moment.

“You fools think that something as stupid as friendship will save you from this?!” Past Discord shouted, raising his other paw and adding more chaotic magic to his attack. “I am a God! No mortal can hope to defeat me!!”

“I...can’t...hold...it…” Past Dark grunted, feeling his feet sliding. “D-Dammit!”

With a maniacal laugh, it seemed as if Past Discord was finally going to triumph over the others until…

“You left your backside wide open!”

“What?!” Past Discord shouted, as the camera shifted to show none other than Lyra bearing down on him. “You?!”

The mint pone smirked, using her magical fist to give him a thumbs-up. “That’s right! Now take this: Kuzuryuu Reppa!

With that she began landing kick after kick on Past Discord, breaking his concentration as the beam fizzled...though it still impacted the others and sent them flying back. Still, the mint colored mare kept at it, hitting him with flaming uppercuts before charging up and smirking. “SHINYUKEN!!

With that she launched ludicrously high, all the while dragging Past Discord with her as he was belted with her magical flames and then finally chucked backwards a mighty distance as she finished. Landing with a loud whomp, she panted heavily before collapsing to the ground.

“Yeah, how do ya like that, punk!?” Lyra huffed, opening one eye to stare at his prone form. “Not bad for a non-EoH pone, huh?”

As our heroes rocketed through time, they were blinded by the swirling colors as well as the crushing pressure. Soon enough, however, they blasted right back into their own timeline. Of course, Ryan ended up kissing the ground and DJ got flung, back first, into a tree (the birthplace of any table).

“...at this point, Ah don’t think either of us expect anything else.” Ryan spit out the bit of dirt that got in his mouth. “Tastes like the Equestrian soil Ah know, though.”

“Mah achy breaky back!” DJ cried out, “This stopped being funny a long time ago damn it!”

I don’t know, it’s still seems funny. Nice to have you two back.

‘...wow, you know things are bad if even he is glad to see us. How you holdin’ up, Mallie?’


“He’s fine.”

“...Ah knew someone from there, so hi Toma even if Ah don’t think ya read this.” Ryan coughed and cleared his throat before finally standing up. “Oh God...that reentry, man! Personally, Ah’d have rather travelled in something with a little more style.”

“I think that’s reserved for my story’s sequel.”

Careful, kid. Ya never know when our author might start skulkin’ around. He don’t take too kindly to spoilers.

No, I don’t. Now, stick to the script!

“...We have a script?”

Hey, buddy. What the hell are you doing in here? This isn’t your booth!

Just making sure these two behave. Nothing more. Now if you'll excuse me, Pinkie just set up a game of “Destiny”. Coming girls!

“...Ya know, I think I’m one of the few fictional characters that legitimately hates their author.”

“...the heck is ‘Destiny’?” Ryan blinked before smirking. “Heh, that’s kinda the opposite with what Ah know. Most of the time, the author is annoyed by the characters, but that’s probably because he’s just such a great guy!”

...quit pandering and get a move on, you idiot. Sheesh.

“Wow, someone got touchy all of sudden, but he’s got a point. Oh, but to answer your question, I believe “Destiny” was that game Bungie was developing. Guess it came out while we were gone.”

“Oh yeah, the Halo guys game that was on all the systems. Weird...funny how being thrust into a land of marshmallow equines makes ya forget stuff like that.” Ryan chuckled softly. “And if he’s being touchy, it’s because he genuinely is one, he just doesn’t know how to handle being complimented. Personally, he’s kinda shy like that.”

‘Either way, we should get a move on and find past me and the others.’ Dark motioned best he could towards a path of destruction not too far ahead of them. ‘Probably gonna be pretty easy to do such, given how wrecked things look.’

“Damn. Cellie’s gonna have one hell of check to write after this one.”

Aw, so much destruction and I missed out! Grr, Discord’s gonna pay for that. Onward! To waffles, er, I mean Discord.

‘...still thinking about Finland, Mallie-kun? Yer brain didn’t get too scrambled eggs when we landed, did it?’

There’s a lot of chaos energy around us and it’s kinda mucking me up a little.

‘Is that a fact?’ Dark smirked. ‘I kinda like this Mallie too; he’s somewhat sillier thanks to that. Haha.’

It’s just taking a little bit for me to get used to the power around me. It’s… intoxicating.

“Well he sounds happy. I find this much chaos unnerving myself, but it’ll give Malice a nice boost in power.”

Ryan shrugged. “Well, Ah guess if that gives us an edge, then Ah’m all for it. It just feels all ‘oogy’ with how it is ta me.”

‘Well, we don’t know what we’ll find, but let’s go! The girls and Spike ain’t weak, but Ah’m not sure how long they can last against what Discord became even with my past self’s help!’

“Gotcha!” Ryan pulled out Malus Domestica. “Propogate! Best to be ready off the bat!”

“Fair point. Saiyan up!” A flash of light, and DJ was once again a humanoid with a monkey-like tail. “Heh, this time is going to be different. I’m sensing a few presences not too far off. Let’s go check it out.”

As they traveled onwards, Dark had a thought. ‘Hey, so...not that I’m worried, but my Master didn’t exactly get a chance to really advise us on how to combine how you and Ryan harness the Elements. That seems like something he should’ve told us.’

“Maybe he didn’t know? Or perhaps it’s just something that comes naturally? It’s worth a shot.”

Ryan thought on it for a moment before grinning. “Hey, we’ll just bullshit like we always do. Either way, Ah have a feeling that our Justice Blitz Ω and Kouki form will be key to it happening. Hopefully that’ll be enough to catch P. Disky off guard.”

“And let’s not forget Harmonic Convergence! I’ll need my ace, too.”

If you can keep it running long enough. Besides, you may need me and Dark to jump in as well. We’re fighting the lord of chaos here, unpredictability is the key to victory.

‘Heh, good thing that’s basically the running trait of the four of us: it seems like we never know what we’ll do next! I just hope Woona and them held out okay. Otherwise...I’m gonna make it quite messy for Discord.’

“Judging by the debris field we’re passing through, it’s safe to say both sides have been unleashing the beast.” Ryan glimpsed at the ruined trees, houses, and other buildings that we’re once the makeup of Ponyville. “...Ah just hope nopony got caught in the crossfire.”

“I’m sure that everypony got evacuated in time,” DJ assured them. “Property damage can all be fixed with alchemy afterwards, anyways.” Just up ahead, the two saw an explosion consisting of dark blue magic. “That must be them, we’d better hurry!”

Past Discord slowly rose after his fiery beating, glaring at the others at how annoying they all truly were...especially that mint one. “Heh, never would’ve thought the mint one had such power in her...haha. Too bad it’s all meaningless. Do you really think flies could fight a dinosaur? If so, you’re all more naive than I thought you to be.”

“Ergh, you bastard.” Past Dark grunted, holding his right arm as he panted. “I still can’t believe we were once friends.”

“Hahaha, well, you know...we all make mistakes.” Past Discord smirked maliciously. “I’ll be fixing mine soon enough, but oh the fun we’ve had. Especially with the future versions of Tia and Lulu. My, my...you two have gotten so much stronger. And those forms: so fierce!”

Celestia and Luna—each practically glowing in their Elemental Sync Mk. 2 forms—flanked either side of Dark. Though Cellie’s flames still flickered, and Luna’s icy mane still shimmered, it was clear from the extent of damage they showed as well as how worn their regal accessories were that things were not going well.

“...such foolishness.” Luna mumbled out. “...was becoming this something she would’ve approved of?”

Past Discord narrowed his eyes before charging at Luna and grabbing her by the throat.

“Woona!” Past Dark shouted, lunging to save her but getting smacked back, “Ugh!”

“...do not mention her! You have no right to!”

“Sister!” Celestia shouted, charging up a blast of solar radiation and firing...only for it to be easily diffused by a swipe of Discord’s claw.

“Princess!” Twilight looked to her friends and struggled to stay standing. Despite the Elements giving them an edge in the fight, having to face the power of what was essentially two Discords proved far more a match than they could have ever predicted. She turned to see Lyra—with their Discord’s help, despite his magic being mostly drained away—still doing her best to help Spike whose bravery in battle wasn’t enough to gap the power difference and ended up with him falling unconscious not too long after the battle started. “...Ryan...where are you? We need you...I need you. We can’t do this alone…”

...oh wait, that’s my cue. And dramatic music!

“HEY DISCORD!!” The entity turned around, only to get a double punch to the face. “MESS WITH OUR FRIENDS, YOU MESS WITH US!!” Discord staggered back, holding his cheek and growling at the new arrivals.

“Well, it took you both long enough to get back. Your rainboom trick paid off, eh?”

“Cut the crap, Discord! You’re going to pay for everything you’ve done here today. We won’t let you get away with it!”

“Yer damn right, DJ!” Ryan snarled as he readied his swords. “You done fucked up this time!”

“...oooh, Rysy-Wysy used a super naughty word.” Pinkie tiredly smiled. “Our human is super mad now.”

‘...you okay, Woona?’

Luna coughed loudly as she held a hoof to her throat but she managed a smile. “Yes, my Darkness. I am glad that you are back.”

‘...DISCORD!’ Dark growled. ‘I put you down once, and by God I’m going to do it again!’

Discord snickered before stepping back and lifting up his claw. Motioning for them to come, he snarled. “Well then, by all means...let’s see what you’ve got!”

Saying nothing, Ryan flared his aura and went Elemental Sync before charging towards him. Just when it appeared as if he was going to strike, he disappeared...only for DJ to sneak up in his shadow and deliver a hefty kick upside Discord’s head. “If you thought we were a headache before…”

That was bad kid, but hit him again. It amuses me.

“Can do partner!”

Stunned by this oddly effective barrage, Discord took a few more kicks to the head before finally grabbing DJ and throwing him a distance away into some boulders. “...so you’re a little more effective in teaming up, however that—”


Discord looked about before seeing it was his future self that cleared his throat. “Oh...and what do you want? I’m surprised you’re still about, you weak-minded friend of humans and ponies.”

Future (Present?) Discord laughed softly before glancing at Ryan who was standing next to him and smirking as well. “You’d do well to not underestimate the boy. He was busy while you were distracted.”

“Busy?” Past Discord narrowed his eyes before seeing Ryan’s sword implanted in the ground. “Busy giving up?”

“Not quite.”

“Care to share the honor with me, Disky?”

“Oh, most assuredly!”

Bloom! Arbor Pomifera!” the two of them shouted much to Past Discord's confusion.

“...apple trees?”

“Apples!” Ryan snickered as the glowing walls of magic expanded out from each of the three swords and effectively sealed in the evil, past version of their friend. “Good luck escaping from that. As your future self knows, it proved quite problematic.”

“Ehem,” came a tapping on Ryan’s shoulder. He turned, only to have Discord run his claw over his face. “You fools! Do you really think you can beat me so easily?!”

“Course not,” DJ said with his infamous smirk. “But what’s the fun in easy?” He lunged right at the chaotic entity, only to be grabbed by the throat with Discords lion paw.

“You know, I really don’t like you. You’re too… harmonic. It sickens me. Why don’t I just take care of one problem while I can?”

“What the hell do you mean by--” Suddenly, Discord shoved his talons right into DJ’s chest.

“Let’s see what happens when you discord a human! AHAHA!” Discord watched with glee as DJ’s body began to lose all its color, turning a bland grey. When the transformation was complete, Discord let out a giddy laugh. “Oh goody, a little chaotic slave to do all my bidding! Now, first off I want--” He was cut off as a fist uppercutted him, sending him back. When he recovered, rubbing his sore chin, he saw the discorded saiyan glaring back at him with empty black eyes. “How?” he whispered.

“You. You son of bitch! No one tells me what to do! And I am definitely not your slave! I am Malice, the Being of Chaos and your worst nightmare bitch!” Malice roared into the air, arcing electricity every which way before firing a massive force push along with the lightning right at Discord.


Ryan, having recovered from the scratch and wiping away the small bit of blood it drew, smirked. “Sure...go have some fun with yer pal. Soul Cross!

“Hahaha...oh Past Cordy, you dun goofed.” Dark smirked as he walked over to Malice. “See? This here is mah buddy Malice. And well, ya can’t discord what’s already discorded. So, to put things in perspective, you basically just made things worse for yerself. Right, Mallie?”

“For once, shade-boy, you are correct. And you know what’s even worse for you, ‘Cordy’? We’ve got a few special tricks. Just. For. You! Ready… friend?” Malice asked Dark with a devilish smirk.

Balling up his fist, Dark roared before lightning began to spiral and spark about his body. “Ol’ buddy...I’ve never been readier. Let’s show him why you don’t mess with a soul!”

Malice responded by engulfing his arms with lightning. “One…”

“Two…” Dark continued as the lightning began to intertwine. Discord watched in slight awe as the electricity sparked and cracked along the two. They both grinned madly and shot forth their hands.

“THREE!! DARK CHAOS LIGHTNING!!” The electricity surged forward, taking on a dark purple tint and blasting Discord with enough power to fry Manehattan's powergrid permanently.

‘...well now, Deej. Looks like someone’s been practicing without our knowledge.’ Ryan snickered. ‘Of course, it only stands to reason that zapping a draconequus with lighting does the same thing it does to everything else.’

You mean a delicious Kentucky fry? Heh heh heh. Eeyup. Hooboy, I think we’re getting left behind, Ryan. They’re gonna keep being better than us at this rate.

‘...you aren’t reading ahead again, are you? That would be just so unfair.’ Ryan grinned. ‘But hey, if they get better, we have to get better too. Ah refuse to let anything other than that happen.’

Nah, I’m just able to see plot lines. Sometimes they’re just easy enough to see. Heh, well we can’t let these two show us up. What do you say we get to the main event?

Looking at the frazzled and slightly crispy draconequus, Ryan nodded. ‘Sounds good. Besides, gotta let those two save some surprises for another time.’

“Alright. Uno!” A rainbow vial flew out of Malice’s chest pocket and he swallowed it, glass and all. After a moment, his body was once again fully colored.

“I’m back baby! Harmonic Convergence!”

‘Our turn!’ Ryan and Dark shouted loudly, “Soul Synchronization!

Discord finally recovered and shook off the zapping he’d gotten only to see quite the light-show emitting from our two heroes. “Well, well...all these fancy lights. I suppose this is the part where I’m supposed to feel intimidated, right?”

“No,” DJ said before rushing right to Discord in the blink of an eye and kneeing him in the gut. “Now you are.”

“Actually, DJ is wrong.” Kouki leapt up before drop-kicking Discord face-first into the ground. “Now you should feel intimidated.”

“...guck….what?” Discord growled before spitting out dirt and gravel. “How are you two so much stronger? And why does the human Dark inhabits sound so...weird?”

“Because you’re hearing both of them talk. They’re fused to an extent. Now, are you ready to go back to the past peacefully, or,” DJ brandished his lightsabers in their favored position, “are we gonna have to force you back?”

“...fused? How curious. And go back peacefully?” Discord dusted himself off before thinking it over. “Oh….yes. I’ve seen the error of my ways and must repair the timeline. Oh, how foolish I’ve been.” He then narrowed his eyes and smirked. “Yeah, I don’t think so. Even with whatever craziness you two have done, it still won’t be enough when I stop playing around with you.”

Well, we’re glad to hear that.” Kouki smirked as he pulled out both Malus Domestica and Eclipsis. “We didn’t get a chance to combine our swords last time, but we’ll be more than happy to let you feel the power of the moon and apple combined.

“Let’s do this boys!” Together they charged the draconequus, swords at the ready. Kouki leaped into the air, as DJ slid to the ground, slapping his hands together and then to the earth. A massive fist of dirt and stone grew out of the ground and slammed right into Discord. Discord went flying upwards, only to feel both of Kouki’s sword slice through him, leaving a streak of ice and apple blooms where they slashed. As the draconequus did his best to regain control of the situation, he felt something grab a hold of his tail before spinning him around and around at ever-increasing speeds. He was then sent flying straight upwards, feeling the g-forces affecting him. He then reversed direction as a kick from DJ hurled him back to the earth below. Kouki couldn’t have that and so kicked him back to DJ who returned the kick and so on and so forth as if the two were playing one giant game of Pong with Discord as the ball.

“First one to miss has to give one of their victory burgers to the winner when we celebrate after this.” Kouki snickered, now making it more challenging for DJ to keep his kicks up.

“Oh come on, guys!” he yelled as he rushed over to send Discord back. “You know I can’t teleport! I actually have to run this thing!”

Kouki grinned sheepishly. “Oh yeah, we forgot. Well, how about we do something cool and combo-esque since our soul selves did the same?” Throwing a hand out, he stopped Discord in mid-air before charging up his swords. “Hopefully you can follow our lead and pass yer own batons.” Spinning Malus Domestica and Eclipsis once, he chucked them towards Discord where they sliced through him and headed towards DJ. “Cross-Dimensional STRIKE RAID!

DJ blinked once before he realized what they were up to and smirked as he chucked his lightsabers in much the same fashion. Before Discord could even be aware of what was happening, both heroes were tossing their respective weapons back and forth with one another, slowly freezing him with their combined ice magic.

“Stop this at once!” Discord yelled out, shivering slightly.

“Not gonna happen!” DJ shouted back. Then DJ felt a spasm go through his chest. “Argh!” He flinched, causing his swords to go flying as they returned. He fell to the ground, clutching at his heart.

“DJ!” Kouki shouted, rushing over to his friend. “Dammit...we went too long, didn’t we? Are you okay?”

“I feel like there’s a burning knife in my chest!” DJ groaned out.

“Sir, you must deactivate the Elements. Your magic is almost gone!”

“No, I can’t, we’re so close.”

Kouki looked around in a panic at Omni’s words. He looked to Celestia and Luna, to Spike, their Discord and Lyra, and then...the girls. In that moment, the words from Starswirl came to him about how it was unusual that Ryan and Dark could harness the Elements without any backlash or even be aware that they could cause one. It finally dawned on them that the reason was so obvious and simple, they weren’t surprised they’d overlooked it. “They’re why we can use them and not get hurt. So if that’s the case….” Kouki looked at DJ and placed a hand on him before concentrating. “Deej…instead of going it alone with the Elements...let yer friends help you with them instead.”

DJ groaned slightly as the energy was channeled through him, then Omni yelled out. “Stop! What do you think you’re doing?! His magic levels are dropping twice as fast now!”

What?!” Kouki reeled back in shock, but the damage was already done. They could see the glow beginning to fade, DJ’s breathing becoming more rigid. “Oh god, what have we done?”

“You!” He turned around, only to get sideswiped by Discord, who had broken free from his ice prison. “I’m tired of these games. I’m going to destroy you both!” He swung down his fist, only for it to be caught by a golden glowing hand. DJ stood right in front of his friends, his expression serious, lacking all jokes.

“Sorry about the scare, guys, but it seems I finally found my next level.” He smirked before lighting a hand with rainbow energy. “Let’s take this for a test drive! Hyaa!” He threw his arm forward, slamming Discord with the energy and sending him rocketing into a boulder that was easily fifty feet away. DJ smiled at his hand, flexing his fingers before looking over at Kouki. “Oh yeah, I could get used to this.”

“Amazing! Your magic levels are higher than ever, sir. Apologies for snapping at you sir Kouki.”

“It’s all cool, Omni. We thought we done fucked up as well after what was happening.” Kouki laughed before grinning. “Well now, look at you. In that form, we’d swear you’d pass as a Super Saiyan now. Seems fitting, given the end-of-the-world scenario we’re dealing with here.” He brought hand over his eyes and looked off towards where Discord had landed before whistling. “Damn. That’s an easy Par Two with how hard ya hit that evil goofball.”

“Heh, if you thought that was good, check this. Always wanted to do this.” DJ snapped his fingers and a large wrench appeared above Discord’s head. It dropped with a ‘klang’, squishing his head slightly before falling into his lap.

“Where’s the leak ma’am?” Discord asked, highly dazed.

“Heh, classic,” he snickered.

Heh, classic.” Kouki blinked, turning to face DJ as they both thought and said the same thing. “Dammit. Hahaha. Oh, Cordy, yer such a spanner magnet. Still, We think he’s pretty pissed now that he’s kinda losing.”

“Oh, but Kouki!” He snapped his fingers again, this time changing his outfit into that of an old revolutionary soldier. “I have not even yet begun to fight!” He snapped them again, going back to his jacket and jeans.

Kouki rolled his eyes, but smirked anyway. “Okay there, Washington, let’s just cross the Delaware, kick Cordy’s scaly hide, and send him packing back in time. And unfortunately for Cordy…” Kouki snapped his fingers as another pair of shades—these highly shiny and silver—appeared on his face before he flipped them down over his eyes. “Roads? Where he’s going we don’t need...roads.

“...you two and you’re incessant referencing.” Discord grumbled, chucking the wrench out of his lap. “You think this means anything? You think just because you’ve gotten a little strong and learned to work together that I’m finished?! I. Am. Discord! The Lord of Chaos! The All-Powerful Deity of Insanity!”

“...and you’re also still easily snuck up on during one of your inane monologues!”

“Dark!” Discord shouted as Past Darkness had snuck up behind and grabbed him tight.

“That’s right, Cordy. Enough is enough!” Past Dark held on tight despite Discord’s movements and began edging towards a tear that had opened near the battlefield. “This isn’t our time, and we don’t belong here. The longer we stay, the longer the fabric of this world and all worlds starts to unravel.”

“Hmm…” DJ mumbled as he watched the two fighting. He leaned over a tad to look behind them and his eyes perked up. Then a smile grew on his face as he got an idea. “Kouki, I think I have a plan.”

A plan?” Kouki raised an eyebrow. “...you aren’t going to use yer super-charged Harmonic Power to launch me like a rocket towards the two of them, letting us ultimate super Justice Blitz pawnch Discord so hard that we knock both him and Dark back to the past where they belong are you?”

“Noo!” he waved off. “That’s plan B!”

Oh. Well, that’s too bad. We totally could’ve gone along with that move, even called it our Ultimate Harmonic Justice Cannon or something equally as awesome and silly.”

“Well then how about we combine plan A and B? So tell me Kouki, ever play football?” He received a confused nod in return. DJ snapped his fingers and Kouki looked over to see a large field goal with the tear in reality right in the middle. It also happened to be just behind Discord and Past Dark. “Get the idea?”

Kouki watched and felt he got the idea. Such an awful idea. Such an awful, horrible, wicked idea. “...and we’re totally gonna do this thing. Let’s score one for the home team, guys!”

“First things first, we gotta get Disky his power back. Any ideas?”

“Hmmm...that’s a good question, but something is bugging us about this. Dark and Disky, our Disky that is, they have no memory of this happening. Neither do Cellie or Woona for that matter. So, clearly something about what’s about to go down makes it so they have no recollection of the fight. As if that’s the timeline’s way of fixing things. So, you don’t suppose that those tears might possibly do something crazy like restore his powers as well, do you? Just a theory, given what we’ve noted.”

“Well, what have we got to lose? Let’s see if a big ol’ kick in the rear saves the day once again!”

Kicking ass is our specialty...though we’re pretty sure we’ve never done it literally to save the day!” Kouki took a short sprint backwards before readying himself. “Figure we needed a nice, running start for this!”

DJ smirked as he started surrounding his left leg with harmonic magic. “Ready to end this?”

“For Great Justice. Let’s move his zig!”

Back with the struggling between the Past Dark and Discord, the draconequus was at wit’s end with it all. “Damn you, Dark...when I break free I’ll kill you, kill those princesses of yours, and then ruin this future as well!”

Past Dark merely glanced forward before smirking, “Oh. I have a feeling that you won’t be doing any of that, dear friend. As usual, I’m doing what I do best: saving the day with my friends.”

“What?” Past Discord looked forward to see both Kouki and DJ running far too fast for his liking towards them. Glancing over his shoulder and seeing the goal-posts, he deadpanned. “...oh. Well. This is gonna smart, isn’t it?”

Past Dark laughed loudly as he braced himself. “Oh hell yeah, it is! Come on you two, bring it!”

“You’ve got it Past Dark.” Kouki shouted just as they were upon him. “Ultimate!”




“...that’s just stupid! How would you use a cannon with your leg?” Past Discord groaned before feeling both of their feet dig into his gut. Moments later, the force of the impact sent him and Past Darkness spiraling high into the air. The Discord of the present, feeling a bit more like himself, smiled as he donned a sportscaster outfit and pulled out a microphone.

“And the kick is up and it’s high! It’s got plenty of height, could go the distance. It’s spiraling end over end! Oh the suspense!”

All those there watched as the two flew through the air before they cleared the uprights and impacted with the tear.

“The kick is good!!!” Past Dark shouted with glee as he began fading from sight with Past Discord. “I told you, Cordy. Justice and Friendship will never lose. Heh, as for the rest of you...I look forward to the day we meet again for the first time. And Woona?”

“Yes, Darkness?”

“You’ve gotten so strong. I’m so proud of you, my love...goodbye.”

After a few moments passed, Kouki looked about before frowning. “So, maybe we’re just being paranoid, but isn’t this the part where there’s like a kaboom and everything gets fixed? Ya know, rainbows and magic and shit that flies everywhere and fixes the world?”

“Hmm…” DJ said tapping his chin, looking right at the tear. “I wonder… Hey, Disky? Mind giving me a quick hand?” Discord shrugged and flew right up to the tear with DJ. They took a hold of the sides and he counted up, “One, two, three!” With a little grunting, the two slowly turned the tear on its side, making the tear face up. Once it locked in place, it shimmered and sent out a massive rainbow shockwave, undoing all the damage that the past Discord and Dark had caused. “Well what do you know? I was right; the tear was just facing the wrong direction!”

“Good thinking, DJ. I wonder where it leads now.” Discord stuck his head in the tear, yanking it back a second later. His face turned green and he rushed to some nearby bushes where vomiting could be distinctly heard. DJ frowned and looked in himself, pulling back after a quick moment. “NOPE!! Not doin’ that again. Dear mother, some places should not be allowed to exist.”

Do...do we want to know what exactly you saw? Because it sounds like a pretty bad time.”

“No!” DJ yelled pushing Kouki away from the tear. “No, no, no, no, sweet baby woona no, you do not wanna look in there. That’s going right on the list of ‘Things That Can’t Be Unseen’. It’s not worth the trauma, man!”

Uhm...okay. We suppose it’s a good thing then that the tear is closing up on its own then. God knows we don’t need yet another thing we can’t unsee in those heads of ours.”

“Wait, it’s closing?!” DJ turned back to the tear, watching it slowly seal itself up. “Aah! Twilight scan it now! Scan it now! We need that data!”

Twilight, though still weary from battle, nodded her head and focused on the tear. Her horn lit up for a few moments, and in that time the tear shrank until it was completely gone from sight. DJ looked to her with worry in his eyes, but the smile on her face told him they had gotten what they needed.

“Well...we think we don’t need to be this way anymore...unless you’ve got a reason for us to stay Kouki form, Deej.”

“Nah,” he said, letting his glow fade. “I think it’s over. Well, almost over,” he said narrowing his eyes. They looked over and saw a certain cloaked pony attempting to sneak away.

Despite their injuries, everypony there was more than able to very quickly move and surround said cloaked pony. Celestia in particular narrowed her eyes before glaring at Shadow Die. “You have caused quite a bit of trouble, my naughty little pony. Do not think, for one moment, you can skulk away as if you have no debts to pay.”

“Cellie’s right.” Ryan added, before cracking his knuckles. “You put all of us, all of time, and probably all of reality in danger all for some stupid thoughts about Disky. Seriously, he’s a nutjob! What the hell do you cult guys see in him?”

“...that wounds, boy. Though I don’t disagree...as amazing as I am, putting all of reality in jeopardy isn’t exactly my idea of showing loyalty.”

Chaos must have limits, you little whelp. And you nearly put everything at risk for nothing. I say we cook him up and eat him, anyone else?

‘...Mallie, sometimes you say things that make me worry about your sanity.’ Dark smirked. ‘...I suppose we could use this to finally make a barbecue sauce using Vibgyor though...’

Shadow Die gulped before shaking. “What?! You...you’re just joking right? You can’t possibly consider such a...a terrible thought!” He whimpered a bit. “...right?”

DJ rolled his eyes and waved his hand in front of Shadow’s face. “Sleep. You want to sleep.”

“...Sleep. I want… I want to….zzz…” Shadow Die passed out in front of them.

DJ clapped his hands together. “And that’s how we deal with that. He’s all yours princesses.”

“Hmmm, so that’s how that works. Cool.”

“Cool, indeed, my little human.” Celestia and Luna glanced at Shadow Die before picking him up with their magic. “I’m not sure what a fitting punishment will be for him, but there’s plenty of time for us to think of one when we return home and get cleaned up. Once you have all recovered, we would love for you to come to the castle to celebrate our return to peace.”

“Woo! A “we just kicked butt” party! But who should plan it?” DJ said as if he were actually trying to think of someone for the job.

“Oh you silly silly pony-human-monkey dude!” Pinkie—herself once more—hopped on his head and grinned. “Do you really need to think on that one?”

He grinned at the mare on his head. “Nah, I’m just funnin’ ya. Yer the only mare I want planning my parties Pinks. Who better else than good ol’ crazy cousin Pinks? Heh heh.”

“Yeppers! We’re just all one big, crazy, multi-transdimensional family!” Pinkie grinned before swaying a bit. “But first...I think we need to go get all medically healed and stuff! That rainbow blast was cool and all, but it doesn’t exactly do much to heal what that icky version of Diskers did to us.”

“I’m down for that. Let’s get a move on!”

And thus the group of heroes slowly limped their way towards Ponyville, where Nurse Redheart about had a conniption fit seeing all of them in such disarray and covered with injuries. “I...I don’t even….you just...and this...and you, Ryan! And…” She sighed before dragging a hoof down her muzzle, “Just...just get in the hospital so we can take care of you all.”

“Aye-aye, capin’!” DJ said with a salute.

“Redheart, you act like we do this on purpose.” Ryan teased as he walked with them into the hospital.

“Sometimes, Ryan, I wonder if you ever wonder what this might be doing to me.”

“Oh, Redheart...maybe Ah just love to see yer smiling face every time Ah finally come to after a fight?”

“...well, you’re making dumb jokes, so you’re not that hurt. Either way, I think a special exam is due this time.”

‘...that sounds ominous.’

“...this feels like the Colgate situation all over again.” Ryan gulped, “Well...let’s just get this over with.”

“We shall leave you to this then, our little ponies.” Luna nodded before motioning towards Shadow Die still held in her sister’s grasp. “We must return to Canterlot and sort out things, after all.”

“Ahem! You two are not going anywhere!”

Celestia frowned. “What?”

“Even if you two are our crowned princesses, you’re still hurt. Which means you aren’t going anywhere till we give you a check-up too.”

Luna rolled her eyes. “You cannot be serious.” The look she received in return, however, showed she was. “Well then...what shall we do sister?”

“I suppose she is right to a degree: we are both quite injured as well, so a quick check-up would not hurt.” Celestia smiled before nodding. “Very well, Miss Redheart, please show us where we need to go.”

“Finally, someone in this whole group that actually listens to common sense.”

Ryan groaned, knowing that was clearly directed towards him. “Ouch…”

“That’s cold, girl. I pride myself in having common sense. Don’t be hatin’.”

Redheart walked up to DJ and looked him over. “As soon as you started hanging out with that walking disaster of a human, you lost your right to not get lumped in with his shenanigans. Now hush so we can get you all checked out.” She narrowed her eyes. “You don’t want to disobey doctor's orders do you?”

“Uhm...Redheart, yer a nurse.”

She whirled around and glared at Ryan, who gulped and laughed nervously. “No! Of course not! That’d be terrible! Hahahaha….” He leaned over to DJ and whispered. “Just do what she says!

DJ shrugged. “Eh, as long as it's a competent doctor. My last one took nearly twelve hours to tell me I had appendicitis and it was set to blow in another hour. Thanks Obama!” he shouted into the air. “Alright, Red Heart, you win… this time. But beware! ….I have no idea where I am going with this, so just beware.”

“Oh God, political humor! We’ve just lost all our fans!” Pinkie and Ryan bemoaned as they held one another and spiraled into an open doctor’s office. “Why, DJ, why?”

Nurse Redheart facehoofed and sighed. “...I need to ask for a raise.”

After a...harrowing few hours, the motley group of heroes was mostly cleared for discharge. Though they were beat up, and would require some hardcore magical medicine, they weren’t bad enough to require hospital stays….well, except for Ryan and DJ because apparently time-travelling via Rainboom creates a really weird side-effect that only manifests itself six hours after it occurs.

“Red Heart, I’m leaving and you can’t stop me. I ain’t stayin’ in no hospital and that’s that!” If only DJ could accept that fact, that is.

“DJ Sparkle...why can you not be more respectful of our care like your other friend, Ryan? He knows that we’re keeping you here until whatever it is that has you two like this passes.”

‘....you do realize, Nurse, that the only reason he does that is you mares know how to push his buttons. Part of his herd or not, you know just how to keep him from doing something dumb.’

“...shut up, partner.” Ryan grumbled. “Don’t make me Soul Cross so yer the one barfing rainbows and clouds shaped like bacon.”

‘You knew Rainbooming had side-effects for non-ponies. Hell, when you barfed rainbows all over Chrissy at the wedding was the funniest damn thing I ever saw! So why are you surprised something else weird is going down?’


Someone mention me?

“....sock Dark in the jaw fer me, would ya?”

With pleasure. There was the sound of something loud charging as well as Dark screaming. Onward, Hulk! Smash Darkness!

“...well, Ah guess that’s a punch. Just don’t damage him too much.”

AppleJack snickered. “Yeah. If ya did that, Ah’m pretty sure even Apple Ryder would feel a smack like that.”

“Well, that and Darky-Warky can’t really cause the chaos he does if he’s broken by a giant wearing purple-pants.”

‘...I hate you guys.’ Dark squeaked out before screaming. ‘Ack! Where’s Thor when ya need him?!’

He works the nightshift.

“I thought Bane worked the nightshift?”

I had to fire him because he broke a customer’s spine.


‘Is there anyone from comic land that isn’t in yer damn bar, Mallie-kun!?’ There was the sound of something breaking, a bit of swearing, and then Malice yelling at Dark. ‘Hey! It’s not my fault you can’t control your own bouncers!’

Twilight and the others looked at Redheart and chuckled in embarrassment. “Really...we’re sorry to be such trouble all the time. Our human he’s….well, you know.”

“Sadly I do.”

Rainbow Dash yawned. “Look, this is all cool and amusing and Dark screaming in terror is more delightful than it should be, but can we like go? I'm soooooooooooo hungry now!”

“I second this statement! Let’s go to Hayburger, my treat!”

Redheart looked at them all and just shook her head. “Fine, whatever! Just go! I feel like I’ve aged ten years because of the lot of you.”

After a quick agreement, the group filed out to see the sun slowly setting. “Guess Cellie is back on task as usual after her check-up. Heh, she bounces back fast.”

“Be careful with your words, Ryan. One could think you just called Celestia fat.”

“...wut? Please...Cellie knows what Ah truly think about her. And it certainly isn’t that she’s fat. Far from it.” Ryan rolled his eyes as they finally arrived at the Hayburger. “...wait, Ah just realized Ah don’t eat hayburgers. Hmmm...well, guess it’s just a crap-ton of fries fer me then! Smother them in all the cheese!”

Rarity sighed in her usual way at their human’s antics. “...if you get it everywhere again, I will not make you another of that shirt. The last time there was cheese everywhere that I couldn’t tell where the cheese ended and your shirt began, darling. And then...oh, you hugged me and got cheese all in my fur!”

“Heh, just being mischievous.” He snickered before winking. “Besides, Ah made it up to ya...now come on! This human needs food, especially since Spike’s looking kinda tasty again.”

“...bro, that joke wasn’t funny back then, and it’s still not funny now.”

“Ouch...even the dragon bro is showing no mercy.”

“Ryan’s lameness aside-”


“It’s food time! I’m gonna get one of everything!”

‘I claim the Princess Woona toy with real brushable hair!’

“Dark...couldn’t ya just go and brush the hair of Luna herself, seein’ as yer kinda connected with her and all?”

‘Of course, AJ! But that toy is just so cute! Right, Mallie-kun?’

...I’m surrounded by weirdos! Make it stop!

“But Mallie-Wallie! If you’re surrounded by us that our weirdos, and you fit in with us, doesn’t that make you a weirdo, too?”

‘...Ponks got a point, ol’ buddy.’

How do I fit in? I wanna kill all of you, how does that make me fit!?

‘Oh Mallie, Mallie, Mallie...that alone makes you a weirdo. Always the murder, always the death, always the “I’m gonna kill you”...if that ain’t a weird personality trait for a person to have, I don’t know what is.’

You do realize I have highly intricate plans on how to kill each and every one of you while sleep, right?

“I’ve seen them. They could work if he was actually in a position to do it.”

Ryan and the others paused to stare at one another for a moment before turning to DJ and smiling.

Sounds like a weirdo to us! One of us! One of us!

THAT’S IT!! I have had enough of all of your shit! Kid, if you need me, I’m gonna be locked in my bar until we are on our way home. Fuck all of you and goodbye! That especially means you Dark! There was a loud slam and the sound of multiple locks ringing out. DJ sighed looking back to the stunned group.

“I guess I should've warned you that he was reaching the edge of what he could handle, huh?”

‘I guess so, DJ. And here I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, he was finally warming up even just a little bit to us all. Especially after he finally called me ‘friend’ during the big fight.’

“Ya gotta realize Dark, that Malice has only been able to talk to me since, well, forever. He was put in a new situation where he actually had to deal with the outside world instead of only being an observer. He doesn’t know how to act around others. Do you get it now?”

‘Hmmm...I think so. He’s got all these new...feelings to deal with. The fact that he can actually interact with us instead has him dealing with stuff that’s never really come to light, nor been something he’s ever even given thought to. I guess in our way of trying to include him, we kinda lose that fact since we only know the Malice that can talk with us. Hmmm….’

“Something on your mind Dark?”

‘Just...trying to picture what that must be like. It sounds so...lonely. The fact that Mallie has lived with that for so long...I guess that’s just another reason I wanted to be his buddy so much. For all he says, and does and all the threats he could easily pull off on us, I still want to be his friend...because nobody deserves to be alone. Cordy would agree with me on that one, having been in that position before himself. I wonder...if he’s scared of what those kinds of emotions mean if he’s capable of actually having them given the right environment?’

“Who knows? Malice has just always been like this; cold, distant, hateful. I only have myself to blame, I suppose, for giving him those emotions. I don’t know what’s in store for Malice and I hope you can reach him one day, Dark, even if it won’t be anytime soon.”

‘I hope so too, Deej.’ Dark was quiet for a moment before smiling. ‘Now then...we just won! Let’s go pig out on DJ’s dime! And...well, if Mallie feels like joining us later, then I certainly hope he will. I’d love to celebrate with him too. Let’s Eat!!’

“Food! We can deal with the existential problems later, it’s time to chow down!”

And so, time passes for our heroes as life returns to normal… well normal as Ponyville can get. The girls returned to their everyday lives of farming, designing, baking, and the like. Ryan and Spike still keep up with their daily sparing, with DJ occasionally joining in when in between research. Speaking of which, thanks to the data Twilight had gained from the tear, she and DJ were making leaps and bounds in their progress in opening a portal home for the alicorn.

But things were not completely well. In the three weeks that had passed, DJ was becoming less and less hopeful. Ryan had woken up late at night more than once to find DJ on the roof, looking out at the night sky. He was also getting more and more into the research, barely talking to any of them and only coming out to eat.

Malice was another concern, but more along the lines of that he had kept his promise. No one, besides DJ, had heard from the chaotic spirit since that day at the restaurant. Not even during their celebration party when Celestia and Luna wanted to thank him for his assistance. Dark had even snuck into the bar to convince Malice to come out and accept the praise. That ended with Dark being punted out the door, with Malice screaming, “GTFO!”. It was very disheartening for the old spirit, unable to even talk to his new bestest pal.

This day marked just one before that which would mark DJ’s one month anniversary of being in this alternate Equestria. He and Twilight were once again attempting to open a model portal for testing. Twilight had just finished with the equations and DJ was finalizing the setup of the model. With that done, he hunkered down with Twilight behind a barrier.

“Tenth time’s the charm right?” he muttered.

Adjusting her goggles, Twilight nodded. “Why not? Given probability we’re bound to get it right eventually, so it goes to say that each attempt should raise the odds of success. So maybe ten is the sweet spot! Either way, let’s fire it up!”

“Right.” Together they fired their magic which began to condense into a swirling vortex within the model. They watched with anticipation as it progressed. Twilight looked over the data that her computer was outputting and smiled.

“Fluctuations are normal, magic levels are optimal. Congratulations, DJ, we did it. It’s stable!” He stared at the portal in disbelief, his eyes never wandering from the vortex. “Now, we just need to run some more tests and--”


“Excuse me? What do you mean no?”

“I mean no more waiting. We did it, the portal has been created. Which means I’m going home, immediately.”

“But! Without tests as to its long-term stability and integrity, you might not even end up in your home reality! You could off-shoot it and end up lost in yet another reality!” Twilight shook her head. “We have to let it stay open and monitor it for any kind of fluctuations, otherwise I won’t feel safe in sending you hurtling through the damn thing!”

DJ glared at her, hard. “It works, that’s all I need to know. If you feel so insecure about it, then get the princesses to help us create it for real. But first thing tomorrow, I’m going through that portal, no ‘if’s, ‘and’s, or ‘but’s. I’ve been gone for a month, Twi. A whole month! For all we know, it’s been a year back home, or even more. No, I’m not waiting any longer.”

“I know that, DJ, but if something went wrong because we weren’t careful enough—”

At that moment, Ryan walked into the lab and did a double-take when he saw the stable vortex. “Saw the light was off and figured it was okay to come in, but hey! You guys finally pulled it off! Well done!” He looked at the two pones and immediately noted something was off. “...is everything okay?”

DJ smiled at his friend, pushing Twilight behind him. “Everything is perfect Ryan. We were just discussing on how to get the princesses here by tomorrow. We need their power to get the right amount flowing. And, with luck, I’ll be back home tomorrow afternoon.”

“Well Ah’m sure they’ll just pop on by like they usually do if we ask, so it shouldn’t be too hard ta get Cellie and Lunes here. But hey! You’ll finally get back to yer family! That’s great! Right, T-Sparks?”

Twilight looked at DJ and then to her human before forcing a smile. “Yeah. We got it all nailed down and can finally get our new friend back home.”



‘...good. I’m happy for ya guys. We should make tonight super fun, to celebrate sending y’all off.’

Ryan nodded before flashing a grin. “That’s a great idea! Give Deej here a send-off worthy of a friend!”

‘...right. After all they’ve dealt with so far, they deserve it. Heh.’

Ryan furrowed his brow as he felt Dark wander off somewhere quiet in his mind. “...Dark…”

“Dark still upset about Malice?”

“Upset? No. Sad and depressed? Yes. He’s...he just took being completely shut out like that pretty hard. Not that Ah can blame him. Having someone ya call friend just totally shut off contact like that stings really hard from mah experiences. Ah know Malice ain’t exactly the type to be super buddy-buddy and stuff, but just totally blowing Dark off like that put him in quite a funk.” Ryan frowned and crossed his arm. “Even Lunes can’t seem ta snap him out of it.”

“Well, I’d like to say that he’ll come around, but with how Malice is, I really can’t say.”

“I know.” Ryan’s frown slowly turned into a smile. “But Dark...heh, he’ll wait. He won’t give up on Malice no matter how long he decides to shut him out. I guess he’s just a little bummed that with you finally able to head home, that time might end up much longer than he first thought seeing as y’all will be a countless number of multiverses away.”

“It’s hard saying goodbye, but we can at least make tonight something to remember, right?”

“Hell yeah, we can!” Ryan laughed heartily as he pointed towards the skies. “Let’s rock Ponyville like it ain’t ever been rocked!”

“Pinkie! Get your loveable self in here, girl!”

Pinkie popped out of the vortex and beamed her highest watt smile at DJ. “Already here, Deejie-Weegie! You can’t hide party plans from me!”


“Yes, Rysy-Wysy?”

“Ah know yer secrets and such seeing as Ah break the rules like you can, but how did ya jump outta the vortex? Even with Pinkie Pie logic that doesn’t make sense!”

“Why are you questioning the Pinkius Pieicus?” DJ says, pulling Pinkie into a tight embrace. “Questioning such brilliance is against the laws of nature, Ryan! Have you no shame?”

“Ah think we already established Ah don’t given what’s slipped outta mah mouth during this whole escapade. And besides, if Pinks’ antics are already against nature’s laws, then how can questioning them be against the laws of nature which aren’t being followed?”

“Ryan you are attempting to understand that which cannot be understood. Understanding the Pinkie Pie is not something that can be done. So you must understand that your understanding will not come to place. Do you understand?”


“Great! Now, Pinkie, let’s get started on the greatest night of our lives, yet!”

“Great!” Pinkie clapped her hooves together. “Everything’s already set for a night that nopony could forget! I even asked Vinyl if she’d play and she’s got her most wubtastic equipment in the park ready for an all day/all-night wubfest!”

“...so you knew we’d party before we knew. Ah-ha! You have been reading ahead!”

“I’ll never tell, my goofy, goofy human!” Pinkie grinned, smooched Ryan in an exaggerated manner, and then sped off out of the lab and into town.

“...that’s a lot more enjoyable when she does it.”

“Don’t be such a brat,” DJ chided him. “Now, come on, let’s round up the girls, send a message to the princesses, and get our party on! I want my last night here to be memorable before I say ‘adios’!”

‘...Right. Come, Ryan! We’ve ponies to acquire.’

“Yes. Yes, we do!” As Ryan and Dark headed off, Twilight stopped DJ for a moment.

“I’m still not okay with this, DJ. This could have some serious repercussions.”

“I don’t care. I’m going home before this world screws me out of this chance. Something bad always happens when I wait too long so I’m gonna take this while I can. Now come on, we don’t want to miss the party.”

Watching DJ run off, Twilight simply shook her head and followed along hoping that maybe, just maybe, things would turn out okay and he would get home without issue.

The party was insane! There was rocking the likes nopony had seen, a conga line that wrapped all around Ponyville, and so much cake even Cellie had to go ‘Damn!’ at the sight of it all. Ryan, his herd, and DJ had one hell of a time with singing, laughing, joking, silly discussions, contests, and all manner of insane little events the likes of which Ponyville wouldn’t see for some time. Everypony there was happy, and it would be everyone as well, but throughout it all one person just wasn’t able to really enjoy it as much as he would’ve liked. Despite encouragement from Ryan, Luna and DJ, Dark just didn’t feel like partying without his new best pal. As it was, he was in the soul realm sitting against the locked door of Malice’s bar, sipping away at a bottle of Vibgyor while the others were celebrating. ‘It’s the last day...I knew it would come eventually but...’ He took another sip before looking at the ground. ‘I just wish it wasn’t like this...’ He glanced at the wrapped up package next to him and smiled sadly. ‘Well, hopefully if I leave this here by the bar, my gift will follow with ya back to your home...for now, though, I’ll just sit here and wait till I have no choice but to leave. To friendship, Mallie...’

Unbeknownst to Dark, Malice was just on the other side of the door, looking shamefully at his bottle of booze. He had heard every word that had been spoken, making him glance at the door for a quick moment. He let out a silent sigh and raised his bottle of Spectrum. ‘To friendship, shade-boy.’ He took a swig and looked back at his bottle. ‘Eh… needs more shine.’

Back on the outside world, DJ was getting up on the stage and addressed the assembled ponies. He tapped the microphone a few times, getting their attention. “Hey there, everypony! How ya doin’ tonight?” He received a good applause and cheers in response. “Great! I wanna thank you all for coming out tonight to celebrate my last night here in Equestria.” There was a group ‘aw’s with a few ‘about damn time’s mixed in. “I really wanted to thank all of you for putting up with me these past few weeks. It means a lot to me to see that I have friends even on the other side of the Omniverse. I’ve made a lot of good memories here, although I still can’t remember what you did to me that night, Tia!”

“I have no idea what you are talking about, DJ Sparkle,” Celestia called out from the crowd.

“Uh huh, right. For those that don’t know, a couple days after I first arrived here, Celestia decided to punish me for some words that were said. Long story short, I woke up the next morning with no memory of what happened the previous night, Celestia’s crown in my tail and a feeling of being violated. You put two and two together!”

There was wide range of cat calls going up from the guys in the crowd, while many of the girls were fanning themselves because of their intense blush. Celestia was glaring the daggers of “If you weren’t leaving I would kill you”, but DJ ignored it and continued.

“Ah, it’s been great getting to know everypony here as well as making a friend out of your human. Come on up here, Ryan, ya big lug!”

Ryan, being the ham that is, grinned and waved to everypony as he walked up on stage to join his friend. “Ya know, Deej...Ah’m not sure Ah’m too happy with ya irritating Cellie like that. Ya know, seeing as yer gonna be bugging out soon and she’s likely to set her sights on another target. Once again, yer causin’ trouble for me. Typical. Hahahaha.”

“Well, ya can always blame Dark! He causes more trouble than you do! Hahaha!”

“Ah can only play that card so many times before it has to recharge. Ya can’t blame all the problems on him…” Ryan snickered before pointing at Apps and the others. “That’s why it’s handy to have the herd nearby to, uhm, pass the buck on the Royal Challenges from Cellie.”

“‘Royal Challenges’?” DJ parroted with a raised eyebrow and a sly smile. He slowly turned to the crowd. “Does anypony else see the double meaning there? Hoowee, you need to get Cellie a boyfriend guys, this is too easy.”

The crowd laughed once again, which slightly unnerved Ryan and his herd.

Ryan coughed slightly before laughing nervously. “Oh, Ah highly doubt that’s the issues given certain things around here with a certain spirit. It gets a little...complicated when you kinda lump us all together. But...that’s not-the-point-here-so-let’s-move-on!!!”

AppleJack sighed at Ryan’s hurried speech and shook her head. “Smooth, Apple Ryder, smooth.”

“Shhhh. Now then, before Deej gets us in anymore trouble with the Princesses, let me just say that this has been a hell of time with ya, partner. Got to test out some new skills, have another grand adventure, and even travel through time. Doc Brown’s got nothing on us!” Ryan laughed at the confused looks the ponies in the crowd gave at that. “But, what’s best is that Ah got to become friends with you and hell, that’s the best thing about all this. That and the fact you seem to get the way Ah am: that little fact right there has just been the best! Don’t get me wrong, mah herd, and Mac and Spike and them...they all know how Ah act and such, but yer the first one that ever really understood that goofiness on the same level. Ah recall ya saying something like that in reverse to me earlier, so Ah figured it’s only right ta let ya know Ah felt the same way.”

“Well, thanks Ryan. That means a lot to me. Now, contrary to what you might believe, I didn’t bring you up here to get you in trouble with the princesses. No, I can’t think of any other way to end this night than, what else? A song! And I want my new best pal to sing it with me. Are you up to the challenge? Are you a bad enough dude to sing with a crazy alicorn?”

“Well, Ah figure it can’t be any harder than saving Presidents.” Ryan smirked before laughing. “Oh Data East...but yeah, what song did ya have in mind? Ah probably don’t know it, but if that magic craziness kicks in, the words will find the way!”

“Now you’re gettin’ it! Ready back there, boys?”

“We’re all set, boss! Just go!”

“Alright, Ryan, let’s show them how we humans do it!”

When can we do this again?

When can I see you again?

When can we do this again?

When can I see you again?

When can we do this again?

When can I see you again?

Switch on the sky and the stars glow for you

Go see the world 'cause it's all so brand new

Don't close your eyes 'cause your future's ready to shine

It's just a matter of time before we learn how to fly

Welcome to the rhythm of the night

There's something in the air you can't deny

It's been fun but now I've got to go

Life is way too short to take it slow

But before I go and hit the road

I gotta know, 'til then, when can we do this again?

Oh oh oh oh

When can I see you again?

Oh oh oh oh

When can we do this again?

Oh oh oh oh

I gotta know, when can I see you again?

[When can I see you again?]

Joined at the hip, yeah your sidekick needs you

Life is a trip down the road that leads you

Look all around at all the mountains you haven't climbed

It's just a matter of time before we learn how to fly

Welcome to the rhythm of the night

There's something in the air you can't deny

It's been fun but now I've got to go

Life is way too short to take it slow

But before I go and hit the road

I gotta know, 'til then, when can we do this again?

Oh oh oh oh

When can I see you again?

Oh oh oh oh

When can we do this again?

Oh oh oh oh

I gotta know, when can I see you again?

Don't close your eyes 'cause your future's ready to shine

It's just a matter of time before we learn how to fly

Welcome to the rhythm of the night

There's something in the air you can't deny

So let me know before I wave goodbye

When can I see you again?

Oh oh oh oh

When can we do this again?

Oh oh oh oh

When can I see you again?

Oh oh oh oh

When can we do this again?

Oh oh oh oh

It's been fun but now I've got to go

Life is way too short to take it slow

But before I go and hit the road

Tell me when

When can I see you again?

When can I see you again?

Tell me when

When can I see you again?

As the song came to a close, with everypony dancing hard to the infectious beat, DJ couldn’t help but smile at everypony. He’d made great friends here, had glorious tons of fun, and even stopped an evil cult from unleashing untold chaos and destruction. And to think, it all happened because of a mucked up spell. But, it would all end tomorrow, and though he would be happy to be home with his family, he couldn’t help the tightness in his chest at leaving his new friends behind. But, one look at their smiling faces and he knew that they would never forget him, nor would he forget them.

“Well, that was fun everypony! Now come on! We still got some time left, so Vinyl? Pump that funky fresh beat!”

“You got it, you crazy, motherbucker you!” Vinyl grinned before dropping the bass so hard it should’ve been a crime.

Ryan turned to Deej and tried to ignore the fact his eyes were doing their best to mimic Shining Armor’s liquid pride antics. He failed miserably, having to blink and then take his glasses off to wipe them dry. “Heh, sorry...but that song was pretty damn fitting there. Nice taste in movies, Deej. Hahaha. As for the answer to that question, Ah think we both know it. Heh, then again, they do say waiting is the hardest part of anything.” He smiled, before noting Dark was still where he was when the party started. “The only thing that would’ve made this party perfect was if Dark had been able to enjoy himself as well. Ah suppose ya can’t have everything, huh?”

“Unfortunately not, partner. Now come on, I’m pretty sure I see bacon on that far table! And if you don’t hurry, I’m gonna scarf it down before you even get there! Meep! Meep!”

“Damn it, you brat! Oh well, thank goodness Ah’m already halfway there—halfway there—halfway there—” As the scene pulled out to show more than just DJ, a phonograph could be seen where Ryan was standing, the record skipping. Ryan, having anticipated such shenanigans, decided to reference a certain cartoon before teleporting over to the table ahead of him. However, as soon as he reached the table… DJ was already there and half of the bacon was already gone.

“What took ya? I’ve been here for the past ten minutes.”

“But, you, Ah! That! Whata! Buh!” Ryan frowned before grabbing a fistful of bacon and shoving it in his mouth. Chewing it noisily, he swallowed before glaring at DJ. “Peh, cheater. Ah was just having some fun, but noooooooo...crazy freakin’ alicorn!”

“Well, Ryan, if you’re gonna be like that, then I’m not gonna give you your present.”

Ryan blinked before tilting his head. “...present? What present?”

DJ smiled and snapped his fingers, a cup and plate appearing in front of Ryan. “I’ve been practicing my chaos magic and came upon two little surprises that I felt I should give to you. Congratulations Mister Ryan, you are now the proud owner of a Forever Drink and a Forever Meal. You can now have whatever you want to drink and eat, whenever you want, and how much of it you want. Enjoy, my friend!”

Ryan blinked once, looked at the plate and drink and then just...didn’t move. He didn’t blink, he didn’t say anything: in fact, were it not for him breathing one might think he just died at being handed something so magnificent.

“Well don’t just stare at the buckin’ thing, tell it to do something!”

“Ah just...Ah’m trying to think of something that won’t give me a coronary if Ah eat it. Do you know how long it’s been since Ah ate something that’s from our world?! Ah mean, Ah’ve had burgers and steak and such but something the pones do to it makes it healthy despite tasting like it’s bad for you….but this!” Ryan started drooling a bit. “All the fat, all the grease, all the best stuff will be in it. Dude...Ah know what we need! There’s this barbeque place Ah loved back home, and they had this burger...the Pitmaster Pride Burger. It was massive...and delicious...and most likely would lead to an early grave if ya ate too many of them. But you need to try this burger! Magic plate! We need two of those pronto!”

Sure enough, after wishing for it, two of said burgers appeared. The still sizzling meat had Ryan weak in the knees. “Oh dear God...a half-pound patty, cheddar cheese, barbecue sauce, soooooo much pulled pork, sausage...and even the onion straws! Is this real life...or fantasy?”

“It’s real, buddy,” DJ said as he grabbed his burger. “Oh, by the way, the plate is set to your voice only. I wasn’t gonna take the chance that Pinkie would eventually get her hooves on it and drown in candy. The cup works for anyone, though. So,” DJ lifted his burger with a smile, “To friendship?”

Ryan picked it up and smiled. “Yeah, that’s probably the best idea. Of course, she’ll no doubt use them feminine wiles of hers to charm me into granting a few sugar wishes. Them mares...they’re something else! But yes, to friendship that knows no bounds and bows to nothing, not even time and space!” With that he made a noisy and savage bite into his burger and as his eyes closed and he sighed. “...oh sweet memories.”

“That there is a damn good burger, Ryan. Ya know I’m gonna miss meat, but well, anything for the mares I love, right?”

“Yer damn right it’s a good burger! Hahaha. Yeah, Ah still don’t get why mah Equestria is so different when it comes to that, but Ah guess Ah’m a bit lucky Ah can get it every so often. Not that the other options aren’t good...that Apple Stew that Granny cooks up is outta this world, after all, but for us goofy ass, hairless apes nothing beats delicious meat.” Ryan took another bite of the burger before smiling. “Still, Ah hear ya on the gals. It’d be hard, but if they ever wanted me to stop eating it, Ah’d do it for them. Ah’d rather have them then all the burgers and steaks and such in all the known world and beyond.”

“I hear ya.” DJ took a look around at the still wild party, unable to help the smile on his face. “Tomorrow’s only a few short hours away. This… this has been worth it. All the pain, the heartache. But just having you all by my side got me through it. So, thank you Ryan, thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

“Sheesh, trying to get the waterworks going again, ya brat?” Ryan laughed before putting an arm around DJ and hugging him tight. “Yer welcome, though. Like Ah said, it just felt like the right thing ta do ta help ya and such. Then again, an Apple never turns down family in need, so it only made sense.” He smirked at what he was about to say next. “Who knows? Maybe when we cross paths next time, you’ll end up winning our little sparring match.”

DJ returned the smirk, full on. “Ain’t no maybe about it. Next time we meet, Ryder, I’m kicking your ass.” They both had a good laugh at that. But as they settled down, another thought came to DJ’s head. “Ya know, Ry, I think this is a good opportunity for you.”

Ryan’s eyebrow raised up slowly, not sure what that meant. “Hmmm? What do you mean?”

“Think about it, Ryan. Twilight has officially learned how to break the barriers between universes. With a little fine tuning, she might be able to find your home.”

“Hmmm, that didn’t even really cross mah mind. Yer right. Ah’m sure it’d take her quite a while to dial in on the right Earth, but maybe being able ta get a message to mah family isn’t as impossible as it once was. Heh, and it’s all thanks to you crashing into our reality. The Omniverse is such a weird place, isn’t it?”

“That it is, my friend. That it is.”

The next day, comparative to the previous, was very somber. Ryan, Spike, his herd, and the princesses all stood in the Golden Oaks Library, with DJ standing in a circle made up of Twilight, Celestia, and Luna. “Are you ready to go back home, DJ Sparkle?” asked Luna.

“I am. Fire it up!”

As one, the three powerful magic users lit their horns and fired, opening up a swirling portal right next to him. DJ looked at the portal and then back to his friends.

“Everything I said last night was the honest truth. I thank each and everyone of you for helping me. You never once had to, you could have just thrown me away for being crazy and never looked back. But no, you took a chance on me, and that is something that I will always remember. I won’t say goodbye this day, as that would mean that we would never see each other again. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want that. So instead, I say ‘until next time’.” He gave them that infamous smirk that they had grown so used to. “Until we meet again, my friends.”

“Heh, indeed. If ya get things figured out on yer end, keep our reality on the speed-dial. If shit ever hits the fan for ya, backup will be on it’s way.” Ryan laughed before giving a thumbs-up. “Count on it!”

‘Wait!’ Dark shouted before there was a loud, crashing sound.

“The hell? Sounded like Dark just plowed through a door...oh...oh God.”

There was silence, a bit of yelling, and then a grumpy noise as Dark hugged Malice tight. ‘I don’t care if ya beat me up or stab me or whatever...I wasn’t gonna let my buddy head off without a proper goodbye!’ Yet, still Malice didn’t say a word, didn’t even glare at Dark, just sat there and did nothing. Almost as if he refused to acknowledge the spirit's presence.

DJ looked sadly at Ryan. “I don’t think he’s gonna say anything, Dark. You’re out of luck, buddy. Sorry.”

‘He doesn’t have to say anything. Just being able to say ‘till next time’ in person is fine by me.’ Dark smiled slightly. ‘Sometimes words aren’t needed, when your heart knows what to say. Either way, Mallie, you take care of yourself. Not that I doubt you will, but without me to keep ya entertained it might get boring. Speaking of...’ He pulled out a package and set it on the bar. ‘Ya don’t have to open it now if you don’t want to, but I put together a little...care package as it were as a reminder of your trip here.’ Malice picked up the package with his magic, still not even looking at Dark, and opened it up. Dark was surprised, but smiled as he looked curiously at it’s contents: a picture of the two of them—Dark grinning and Malice scowling—framed with intertwining silver and gold that had the phrase ‘Best Friends’ engraved at the bottom, what appeared to be a plush version of himself with a sticker saying ‘Hit Me’ on his stomach, but most importantly was a very simple looking recipe card. ‘I just figured, maybe some souvenirs of our fun times. I know you enjoyed smacking my clones around, so when ya hit the plush me it says one of several terrified phrases...but also one or two about our friendship. The card, though, that’s something that I haven’t shared with anyone since those old days. Cecil and Hurricane, they trusted me to keep that recipe a secret, but I don’t think they’d mind me sharing how to make Vibgyor with my new bestest buddy. You should be able to get all the ingredients for it in your Equestria, so happy drinking to you.’ Dark grinned. ‘Of course, while the gifts are nice, I think our friendship is the most important gift of all. I know cheesy, sappy stuff like that isn’t your thing...but it’s okay. I’ll just be sappy enough for both of us, Mallie-kun.’ Sniffling a bit and grinning, he gave a bow. ‘Take care, Mallie...and when next we meet, I hope that we can really have some fun.’ Dark left the bar, leaving Malice to just stare at the picture in his hooves.

DJ put on a somber look and turned towards the portal. “Home, here I come.” But, just as he was about to walk through, he was interrupted.

Dark! Malice called out.

Dark paused, turning around to face his friend. ‘Mallie?’

Malice glared hard at him. Next time we meet, you better give me everything you got! He smirked. Or I’m never going drinking with you again.

Pulling off his shades, Dark returned the smirk. ‘Next time, I’ll have more than you could possibly imagine to give! I look forward to getting blitzed with you again. Though...while your bar is pretty damn nice, next time let’s get loaded at my castle on the moon. You haven’t lived till you’ve been drunk in zero gravity!’

Malice nodded. Alright, kid. Take us home.

“You got it partner. Any last bits?” DJ put one hoof in the portal.

Hmm? Oh yeah! Hey Dark! Check your castle! I left you a little somethin’ somethin’! His next words were more a whisper. Run, kid, run.

“On it! Geronimo!” And with a leap, DJ soared through the portal, it closing behind him in a brilliant flash of light.

Ryan and the others shielded their eyes at the bright flash before blinking as it, and DJ, were now gone from sight.

“What do ya think Malice meant by a gift fer Darkness?”

“Ah’m not sure, Apps...maybe we—”

‘OH MY GOD! So many crates...time to make some Vibgyor: Chaos Edition!’

Luna snickered before grinning. “It would seem that Malice left him quite the substantial stash of his high-grade shine. If he gets out of hoof, Ryan, I’ll be sure to handle it in the dreamscape.”

“Actually, if he does that, I imagine he’d be so wasted even Ah would start feeling buzzed. But who knew? Guess Malice really did appreciate Dark’s friendship more than he let on.” Ryan smiled sadly. “He’s only been gone a little bit, but Ah already miss the chaos he brought about.”

Lyra smiled before nuzzling her human. “Not to worry, Rys. We’re bound to have some mischief of our own come about. This is us, after all.”

“Hahaha. Yeah, Ah reckon yer right. With what he let slip, Ah’m curious to see what our future will be more now than ever.” Ryan stared at where the portal had been. “Deej...Ah hope ya made it back home. And in one piece. Our paths will cross again, so you better not do something stupid to ruin that. Otherwise…”

‘Otherwise we’ll just have to go dimension hopping and help save their butts, right Ry?’

“Couldn’t have said it better, partner.”

Twilight smiled and turned to follow the others out of the library before pausing. “...DJ...I really hope it did get you where you belonged. Well, it’s all in the hands of fate now anyway so…”

“Twilight Sparkle, are you alright?”

“Hmm? Oh! Yes! I’m okay, Princess! Coming!”

With that Twilight caught up with the others as they began to focus on life returning to normal...at least, what passed for normal on this world populated by magical, marshmallow equines and one and a half insane bipedal hairless apes.

“...yer an idiot.”

Yeah, maybe I am. But that’s makes this all so likeable.

‘...can’t argue there.’

Either way, life would return to normal after this little event. As for DJ Sparkle and Malice, however…

On another Equestria, an infinite distance away, a swirling portal appeared inside the familiar tree library of ponyville. Out of the portal flew a blue alicorn stallion, landing with a small thud on the hardwood floor. He took a look around at his surroundings, muttering to himself. “Well, this certainly looks like the treebrary.”

Looks like it.

“Hey, that didn’t go out in the open air! Ha! You’re back inside where you belong.”

Eh, works better this way. Others can’t handle my magnificence anyways.

“Egotistical much?”

Unbeknownst to the bickering ponies, however, another being was in the library with them, watching their every move. It skulked through the darkened shelves, never once alerting DJ to its presence. Until it was right behind him however. DJ froze as a tall shadow fell on him. He cautiously looked down at the shadow, noting with fear that it resembled a large bat. He slowly turned around and found himself the subject of a very hard glare from a tall, bipedal bat!

Without warning, DJ was shoved against a nearby wall. The creature, it’s face scarred from a history of bloody battles, spoke to him as he pressed his armor like arm into the pony’s windpipe, it’s voice deeper and darker than even Malice’s.

“Who are you? How did you get in here? And what do you want?”

DJ could only stare in shock at the creat-no, man!- before him. Malice was oddly silent as well. Then, as one, they let out a threat that echoed through the library and out into the world beyond. “RYAN/DARK!!! WHEN WE GET OUR HOOVES ON YOU, WE’RE GONNA STRANGLE YOU HOMER SIMPSON STYLE!!!!

And so, as one journey ends, another begins. What fate lies in wait for DJ and Malice as they once again struggle to return to the Equestria they both know and love/tolerate? What repercussions has Twilight’s spell caused on our heroes? And will Malice be able to make the perfect alcoholic combo of Vibgyor, Spectrum, and Shine? Only time, and copyrights, will tell.

The End….for now.

Author's Note:

Dear God, Ah finally finished it! The editing, work, the effort, and the polishing to the best of mah abilities may have taken a year, but this story finally can come to a close. And, hopefully, this helps fill in a few blanks and answer some questions fans of both our series may have had about some stuff.

Ah must admit, Ah feel kinda sad that it's finally all posted, much like Ah felt when it was first finished what seems forever ago now. It was a crazy idea, and Ah'm sure ol' Deej never expected a simple cameo idea to fully blossom into this massive story that it became, but it was fun and seemed like a cool idea to add to the JHA canon.

The fact that Ryan and Dark know DJ and Malice canonically opens up a lot of things, but y'all will see that at some point. After all, gotta answer that question some day...and as Dark would say:
Ya can't escape me forever, Mallie-kun~ :heart:

And with that, thank you for reading and stay tuned for more hijinx in Just Horsing Around as usual! :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 22 )

Gonna have to read this tomorrow. Already well passed midnight now.@_@ Yeesh. 20,000 word update right before bed, and with it being Monday tomorrow. Not sure whether to be glad for the likely to be amazing update, or just feel exhausted with how it'll make tomorrow be. XD


Amazing chapter.^^ Though, wonder where the sequel will be posted at, since I haven't found such myself. XD

Yes! It rises from the ashes! It took me about a year ta finish, but dammit Ah did not give up on getting this sucker edited! Ah hope ya enjoyed!

Glad ya found the final act in this little story to be worthwhile. And hopefully it wasn't too hard a wait through Monday to read the epic conclusion. Hahaha.
As for the sequel that Ah will neither confirm nor deny existing, you'd have to go ask Deej about that one. Suffice ta say, there's rather a lot from both of us that needs to come out before we could ever think about divulging such things.
There, that should be obscure enough for all parties involved! :trollestia:

Hahaha. XD
Eyup. Gotta be secretive, mostly because if anything got out ya know Malice would totally show up and be all: "Chaos has gotta slap a bitch, and that bitch be you, shade-boy!"

And heaven knows that's the last thing I want is to be slapped by Mallie-kun...well, at least for something stupid like that. Gotta really make it worth it if I'm gonna get love slapped by my bestest best buddy. :raritywink: :heart:

6426177 LOL Oh, here's a thought. What if due to studying the multiverse thanks to this escapade, they ended up learning, the hard way, about Displaced?

“By all means. Just follow along and ya should be fine! Let’s rock!” Ryan remarked before folding his wings and dive-bombing towards the ground as fast as he could. DJ flew down after him, gaining as much speed as he could. The two of them kept going faster and faster, gravity becoming their best friend in this pursuit of awesomeness. Soon, both of them began to be enveloped in the cone that represented the sound barrier. Ryan was pushing right through it, but DJ, try as he might, couldn’t break it. He felt the cone snap back at him and he was sent flying off course, landing face first into the ground. Sensing this, Ryan slammed on the brakes and skidded along the sky as his ShadeBoom fizzled out in a twin trail of skid marks where his feet had dragged along the air.
‘...I still don’t get how you do that on what is essentially open air.’

Shundō, maybe?

As our heroes rocketed through time, they were blinded by the swirling colors as well as the crushing pressure. Soon enough, however, they blasted right back into their own timeline. Of course, Ryan ended up kissing the ground and DJ got flung, back first, into a tree (the birthplace of any table).

Still running that joke, huh? Eh. It never gets old!

Displaced? Ah know Ah've heard that term before, but the meaning escapes me at this hour.

An actual, possible explanation. The other, and more likely one, is that Ah'm just a big fan of breaking physics because it's fun. Hahaha.

The funny thing is, when we were writing that, Ah hadn't even thought of doing a callback to our longest standing running gags.
That one right there, was all Deej. Dude, when he wrote that ya should've heard how loud Ah freaking laughed as Ah was slapping mah thigh and trying to catch mah breath. It was a brilliant addition that held up the long standing traditions our respective stories are known for!
Glad ya enjoyed it! :pinkiehappy:

6429492 That's too bad. It's like a sub-category of fandom within the fimfic community due to how many fanfics are based on the concept. Lots and lots of multiversal travelling involved. I can go into more detail if you like. One of my favorite Displaced is Gilgamesh's, though the one that started it all was the 'headless, not heartless' displaced fic, involving dullahan from Golden Sun.

I'm curious as to who the bipedal bat is.......

For that one, Ah have mah guesses, but you'd have to ask Deej who it might be. As far as Ah can gather, it's just one of the many places he got sent to that he mentions in his story at the point that takes place after this adventure.

Edit: Actually, having read through it again real quick, Ah was right. It is the goddamn BATMAN! :rainbowlaugh:

What happened to the story's with DJ

Basically his stories got deleted because of the somewhat questionable rule involving song lyrics. The admins found out and erased the stories from here. It's unfortunate, and Deej has told me he plans to rewrite them eventually, but until then they're gone, sadly. It's a bummer, Ah know, but perhaps one day they will arise like a phoenix, reborn but twice as awesome. :pinkiesmile:

I hate admins sometimes

Well, it's not necessarily their fault. If anything, blame the world we live in where even if you make no money from using something someone else made in a project (be it story, song, animation, fangame, etc.) there is always some person that will get full on triggered, get sue happy, and ruin everything for everyone. Fanfiction is a fickle thing, but honestly the idea of copyrighting words always seemed a bit odd. Ah understand the whole idea of it, for works like songs and books, but if your writing a silly little fan story and a moment of reference with a song fits your vision, it always seemed strange that it doesn't fall under parody rights or something like that. You aren't sharing the song, you aren't saying it's yours, you simply show the words and yet that's still a strike? Things like this are why people annoy me these days, but that's neither here nor there.

Basically, don't hate on the admins. Ah might not fully agree with it, but they're just trying to cover their ass so that this site doesn't get 404ed out of existence.

Ok I guess I phrased that wrong

I hate the rules Admins fallow

Do you know if he re-wrote the story yet. I really want to read it again

Ah know Ah chatted with him a bit before Christmas, and he said that he has the outline and idea of how he wants to do the rewrite, it's just finding motivation.
Sort of what's been bugging me too, which is why the current Still Horsing Around chapter is sitting about like, 75% done...still. Sigh.
All Ah can say is that one day he may finally find the drive to do such, and, much like you, Ah look forward to such a day, especially since he's learned so much since that first story that the new version of it would be pretty awesome.

How do I read my new life with ponys its asking for a password?

Ah...actually don't know. Ah wasn't even aware it was back up after it wasn't taken down by the mods. Hmm, curious.

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