• Published 22nd Sep 2014
  • 2,846 Views, 774 Comments

Dueling Keyboards - FanOfMostEverything

FoME's submissions to the Writeoff Contests, along with other bits and bobs.

  • ...

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Eee En Vee Why

Trixie sighed as Saturday stretched before her, offering nothing. Her so-called friends both had dates. Her scooter was in the shop for a replacement part that was apparently being shipped from Magic Horseland, given how long it was taking to arrive. She was even out of peanut butter crackers.

Which was just how Trixie liked it. It meant she had a chance to check her EweTube subscriptions, and sure enough, she found a video less than an hour old. "Might as well," she grumbled, clicking the link.

After the blessedly skippable ad, the video began, showing a violet-skinned man with crazed hair behind a news desk. "Hello, I'm Lunatic Fringe and this is News of the Odd. Breaking news today from the not-so-sleepy suburb of Canterlot, Califoalnia, which is quickly becoming Weirdsville, FSA. We're getting reports of a nine-foot woman in an evening gown terrorizing a local mall." Blurry phone video started playing, showing what did seem to be a very large woman approaching the screen. "Officials have not yet responded to inquiries on the subject, but videos are coming to EweTube in droves." The video cut back to a smirking Lunatic. "And yes, Samuel Supercluster references abound. More on the story as it develops."

Trixie glared at the window, now just offering her related videos. The same woman looked out at her from several thumbnails. Somehow, the shakiness of the phone cameras that had captured the video was making it to the still images.

After a moment, Trixie realized that that was her vibrating with rage.

She snatched her phone off her desk and finger-jabbed her way through her contacts, gritting her teeth all the while. She paced about her room as she waited for the other person to pick up.

They finally did, with a sigh that only stoked the fires of Trixie's fury. "Are you an autocaller?"

"No, Trixie is not an autocaller!"

"Trixie?" said Sunset Shimmer. "How did you get this number?"

"Trixie asked the pink one. That isn't important. What is is that you had another magical adventure!"

"I... guess." To think, Shimmer had the nerve to sound hesitant! "I wouldn't really call it an ad—"

"And Trixie wasn't even there to see it!"

All hesitance left Shimmer. "What."

"Trixie is living vicariously through you girls and your access to the actual arcane, and you don't even have the common decency to face horrors beyond mortal comprehension where and when she can appreciate it anymore!"

"Trixie, I nearly fell into an infinite abyss today," said Sunset, as though that weren't amazing.

"And Trixie wasn't there to appreciate it!"

Shimmer was silent for a stretch, long enough that by the time she spoke, Trixie was about to check for a disconnected call. "I think we need to talk."

"We most certainly do." Trixie crossed her arms. Well, an arm; the other was holding the phone. Then she realized Shimmer couldn't appreciate it and just said, "Trixie doesn't think you properly appreciate our relationship, Shimmer."

"Do you listen to yourself when you talk?"

"Trixie tries not to make a habit of it. Now, she is going to find you, and you are going to introduce her to the giant woman—you did befriend the giant woman, didn't you?"

Trixie chose to believe Shimmer wasn't rolling her eyes. "She's not giant anymore, but yes."

"Good enough. You are going to introduce me to her, and then I will get to feel like I have some tiny sliver of importance in this world."

Another pause, but this time Trixie could hear discussion on the other end, though too far away from Shimmer's phone to make out. "We're in front of CHS. Pinkie has tissues if you need them."

"I won't." Trixie sniffed. There was pollen. Invisible pollen. "Thanks."

"Not a problem. I think this will be good for you."

Trixie bit her lip. "Could... could I get a ride there?"

"Of course. Pinkie and I will be there in five minutes. We'll bring someone else who I think you'll be happy to meet."

"The giant woman?"


Six minutes and twenty-seven seconds later—not that Trixie was counting or anything—Shimmer's car pulled up in front of Trixie's house. Trixie looked through the passenger side window warily. "Did you have to bring the pink one?"

Shimmer gave a sheepish smile. "I didn't actually know where you live."

"I know where everyone at school lives!" the pink one said from next to her.

"That's extremely disturbing." Trixie got in the back and looked at the girl next to her. She definitely didn't resemble the giant woman. "So, who are you supposed to be?"

"I'm Starlight Glimmer. I'm a magical unicorn from Equestria."

It took about ten minutes for Trixie to calm down enough for Sunset to start the drive back.

Author's Note:

After four movies, human Trixie has internalized her status as a background character. She doesn't like it, but that's where the friendship comes in. And the experienced Trixie handler.

Or, put another way:

All Trixie wants to do
Is see you rainbow-nuke
A giant woman (A giant woman.)
Yes, Trixie wants to be
A girl who gets to see
A giant woman.

(Oh, and FSA stands for Federated States of Amareica, because I may like applying the Bland Name Product principle to Equestria Girls a bit too much.)

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