• Published 22nd Sep 2014
  • 2,840 Views, 774 Comments

Dueling Keyboards - FanOfMostEverything

FoME's submissions to the Writeoff Contests, along with other bits and bobs.

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After the second Pinkie Pie baking frenzy in as many weeks, Twilight had wanted the details, if only to prevent a third one. Dash had been happy to provide them. "... and so apparently Granny Smith set her off again. But at this point, I think Pinkie's accepted that I don't like pie for good."

Twilight nodded as she finished her notes and floated the book into one of the many shelves in whichever of her libraries this was. Dash lost track around the tertiary nonfiction annex. "Well, I'm glad you were able to resolve the conflict, but I find myself wondering why you don't like pie."

"Who said I needed a reason?"

"It's just that, Pinkie's experiments with metabaking aside, 'pie' isn't a flavor. It's a medium."

Dash snorted. "You're one to talk, Miss Quesa—"

"Those don't count!" Twilight caught herself, cleared her throat, and folded her wings back down from the totally unintimidating dominance display that definitely wasn't making Dash blush. "Those are always overloaded with cheese. It's in the name and everything. Pie crust is more of an edible container for whatever lies inside, a necessary component rather than the gustatory focus. You like sweets, including many other forms of pastry, so I'm left wondering what emergent property renders pie repulsive to you."

This was hardly Dash's first time with a curious Twilight. "You're not going to let this go until you find out, are you?"

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Twilight looked away, though her fidgeting wings told Dash everything she needed to know.

Dash sighed. "No, I'm not going to leave you hanging after making you wonder. It was back in Junior Speedsters...

Rainbow Dash didn't quite get Gilda. She was awesome, sure, but some things about her just didn't make sense. Especially not when what she told Dash about Griffonstone.

Dash had been able to talk her parents down to weekly care packages. After all, she was a big filly, going to sleepaway flight camp and everything, and only needed the occassional reminder of how great she was. But Gilda didn't seem to get anything, and when Dash had asked, she'd just shrugged her wings and said "Someone has to care to send a care package."

What was that supposed to mean? Parents loved you and cheered you on and made you feel like you were the best foal ever. That was how it worked. Maybe Fluttershy's parents did it more quietly, but they still did it with her and Zephyr (and little Zephyr needed all the encouragement he could get.)

But apparently that just wasn't how griffons did things. Not in Griffonstone, anyway. One day in the cafeteria, next to the old mare who always gave Dash fescue even when she asked her not to, there was a griffon! One that smiled his weird beaky smile when he spotted Gilda next to Dash. (It must have been a he, since there was a little mustache on his beak. Somehow.) "Gustave has heard about you, little chickub," he said with a funny accent.

Gilda's eyes went wide. "Y-you have?" She was still sheepish around strangers.

The older griffon nodded and pulled out something hoof-sized, round, and beigish. It smelled a little like hay fries, a little like hot lightning rods, and a lot like nothing Dash had smelled before. Whatever it was made the fescue lady fold back her ears and pull away from the older griffon, which meant it had to be cool. "For you, a taste of home. Or perhaps better than home. Can't have you learning to use those wings while trying to live on grass, non?"

As the thing hit Gilda's lunch tray, she looked at it like it was a Wonderbolts season pass. "Oh wow..." Her eyes darted back up as she wiped away the drool. "Thanks, mister!"

He smiled back. "But of course."

Gilda raced to their table, and only won because Dash had to get her lunch too. Which was a lot less interesting than whatever the... thing was. "What is it?"

"It's a pie."

"Griffons eat pie for lunch?" Griffons were officially the coolest creatures ever. Dash leaned in and tried to figure out what might be in it. "Can I try some?"

Gilda frowned. "Um, I dunno. I don't think you'd really like it..."

"Well, I can't know if I don't try it!" That was what Mom always said, anyway. Even if Dad cheered about Dash's "discerning palate," whatever that meant. "C'mon, just a bite?"

After a moment, Gilda shrugged. "Well, okay." She grabbed a fork and pressed down on the pie. Under the crust, the filling was a weird grayish-white almost like a raincloud, though the smell was absolutely nothing like one. Something about it put Dash on edge, and that meant it was exciting. Gilda stabbed a bit and held it out to her. "Here."

Dash bit the morsel off the fork directly. It was... weird. The crust was nice and flaky, but the filling was heavy and greasy and—

Her face twisted in disgusted horror as she spat the bit out onto her own tray. "Oh, barf!"

Gilda shook her head. "I told you. Ponies aren't supposed to eat meat."

"Not that! Uncle Charnel Wind does great barbeques, even if he usually grills fish." Dash spat again, then tried to scrape her tongue with a hoof. "But who puts peas in a pie?"

Gilda just stared at her. After a few seconds, she got out a "Huh?"

"Ugh, I'm gonna taste those every time I even look at a pie from now on!"

"And I have ever since."

Twilight gave Dash a look very similar to Gilda's, accounting for the beak. "Really?"

"I hate peas. And again, quesa—"

"Finish that word and I will not be responsible for my actions... Also, you've proven your point."

Author's Note:

"Secrets and Pies" bothered me for the reasons Twilight listed above. This seems like as logical a reason as any for why Dash hates pie specifically.

And yes, Pinkie did try to change Dash's mind again in one of the comics. Not one of the better issues.

And I like the idea of Gustave le Grande providing his own brand of help to other griffons in the land of the grass-eaters. I also like the idea of pegasi being far more willing to adopt a pescatarian diet than other ponies. (As for the pie, it was pork. Mostly pork.)

As always, I make no apologies for the chapter title.

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