• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 15,502 Views, 641 Comments

So...What do I do Now? - Dr Atlas

Sombra has prevailed! He has stolen the heart! He won. Now he can...he can...he...What is he going to do again?

  • ...


“No, seriously, are you kidding me! For my sake, just….REALLY? You all lasted that long, you didn’t even touch me and now you’re all like this. ARE YOU KIDDIN’ ME!?”

Twilight and her friends could only look down at the half crystallized bodies and frown. “Well, you fought pretty dirty.” The pink one said.

Sombra rolled his eyes. “All I did was stand still while my crystal powers did the rest, I mean, come on! All I did was encase you in this stuff.” Sombra tapped the crystal structure, making sure it was actually keeping them in place. “You girls seriously can’t move?”

They looked away, not wanting to accept the answer, but they all knew it was true. This ten second fight was all for nothing, but that didn’t stop her from trying to break free “No...We...We can’t.” Twilight grunted while she closed her eyes, not wanting to believe any of this.

Sombra was in the same position; mentally, not physically. He couldn’t believe any of this either. “You can’t even use your magic?” Sombra faced Twilight and tapped her horn, not a single spurt of magic was coming out.

Twilight instantly shook her head away from him. “Get your hooves off me you...you...you!…”

“Me what?” Sombra backed up and raised an eye, actually wanting to hear what other insult this unicorn would give him.

Sombra was starting to see fire in her eyes, and her legs looked like they were trying to break free from the casing, yet it seemed they were still stronger than her. “You...You! YOU!...oh...what's the point…” Twilight hung her head again.

“‘What's the point?’ The point in what?” Sombra was starting to become more confused with this situation.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Well, what do you think, Sombra? I’m talking about...THIS!” Twilight craned her head to her friends. “And that!” She looked over at her brother and sister-in-law, with Cadance holding onto her husband who was now encased in crystal along side her. “And especially that.” Twilight looked over at the crystal ponies, most of them terrified, and some simply tired to be sitting here for so long.

Sombra looked around as well, seeing that everything was, indeed, going as planned, or at least; it looked like it was. “So, what you’re saying is, what’s the point in trying if I..already…” Sombra was starting to look at the ground.

“Won…” Twilight said, looking at the ground as well. “Yes Sombra, it’s...it’s true...you...won…”

Almost everyone in the area gasped, except for Sombra and the still unconscious Shining. “Don’t say that, Twilight!” Cadance yelled while still cradling her husband. “W-we still have a cha-”

“Open your eyes Cadance!” Twilight yelled louder than she thought. “Can’t you see? HE WON; WE LOST! It’s over! We can’t move,” She strained to get out of the crystals, only having the same effect as before. “we can’t use magic,” She tried to flare up her horn, yet it was in the same condition her legs were in. “and he already proved friendship can’t beat everything…”

“But...but friendship always prevails…” Twilight’s pink colored friend said, with no confidence in her voice.

“How…” Twilight said coldly. “How will friendship save us this time, pinkie?”

The pink pony opened her mouth, only for her to close it seconds later after realizing she was right. “Exactly.” Twilight said, she turned to Sombra, who was still looking at the ground. “I hope you’re happy, Sombra. You have your kingdom back, and you’re holding the elements, my...my brother and sister…” Twilight closed her eyes, wanting to hold the tears that were coming, “A-and you even have t-the crystal ponies to help you...s-so go on...Do it.”

Sombra shook away his blank thoughts and looked at her in surprise. “D-do what?” Sombra had no idea what she meant.

“Oh you know...you will enslave all of us; take control and get as much power as you can from the crystals, then you’ll make your way to Canterlot to exact your revenge on the p-p-princesses, and once you rule over Equestria, you’ll...you’ll..” Twilight sniffed and started to calm down. “Um...w-what will you do once you conquer equestria?”

Sombra stepped back, never even thinking about any of this before hand, admittedly, he never would of thought he’d get this far. Sure, he thought he would get his hooves on the crystal, but, what after that?

Should he enslave the ponies again? Try taking control of the whole world rather than just this kingdom? Should he destroy it afterwards? Would he still be alive after that? How long would he live with all of this, surely no one can live forever, even with all the crystals in the world he would still die some day.

“Uh...I..um, I...really don’t know.” Sombra scratched his neck, “I...uh...didn’t think I’d get this far, really, I just thought that getting the heart would solve everything, and now that I have it...I...hu...I seriously don’t know what to do…”

“R-really?” Twilight was surprised, as were the others.

“Well, I mean, I know I’m gonna be enslaving these ponies and probably mind controlling you and your friends, maybe even…actually, you know what?” Sombra turned around and walked up to Cadance and Shining. “Cadenza! wake up Shining up for me?”

Cadance froze. “W-why, What are you-”

“Just wake him up!” Sombra stomped his hoof, causing the ground to shake and making Shining wake up.

“Hu...What...D-did we win?” Shining looked around in a daze, hoping to see a now defeated Sombra laying on the ground in misery, but he saw the exact opposite. “W-what happened?”

“You lost and I won, now can you please make yourself look...well, like you’re surprised or something.”

“W-what? Cadance, what is he...why can’t I move?”

Cadance grimaced while Sombra tapped his hoof. “Any time now.”

Shining stood up and faced the king. “H-how did you win, me and my friends-”

“Were easily encased in the same material you are in," Sombra finished. "I’d say the name of the material, but I’d rather not.”

Cadance raised an eye. “Why?”

Shining started struggling. “Who cares! Sombra, you let us go or I’ll-”

“You’ll what? Struggle more and call me names,” Sombra stood next to him and wrapped an arm around his neck. “Listen, I hate to break it to you Shining, but it seems that I won this little battle of yours, so, if you would be so kind as to make yourself look presentable, then I can finally move on.”

“Move on with what!” Shining yelled, trying to swing a hoof at him again. “and what are you talking about?”

Cadance dropped her jaw once she realized what Sombra was talking about “Y-you're turning us into a statue?”

Shining and Sombra looked at her in surprise. “Wow,” Sombra let go of Shining and faced Cadance. “Your wife catches on quick Shining.”

“Y-you are a monster, w-why would you want to-”

“Oh please, I’m sure someone in this world has done the same thing.”

“Done what?” Shining snarled. “encased them into something so they can’t move anymore.”

Sombra shrugged. “I’m sure someone has.” Sombra glared at Twilight. “Your princess would know.”

Twilight realed back in shock. “H-how do you know she turned Discord into stone.”

Sombra tilted his head. “Who the heck is Discord, I was talking about me, encasing me in ice so I couldn’t move,” Sombra walked up to Twilight. “What, does your princess do that with every villian she meets? She just throws them away and waits to deal with them for another thousand years?”

Twilight thought about that while Sombra turned to the couple again. “All I’m saying is that I want that same feel, so if you two would be so kind.” Sombra stomped his hoof, causing the crystals to move up Shining’s and Cadances’ bodies.

“N-no don’t..don’t this!” Cadance cried, while looking around frantically, trying to think of some way out of this “S-Surely there's some good in you that doesn't want to-”

“Sorry sweetheart, but that died a long time ago. So long that I can’t even remember.”

“You can’t remember?”

“Um…” Sombra thought to himself for that second. “I think I remember...Back when I was young and free, I think I met some golden mare or something, after that I think I…” He looked up at his horn. “Was my horn always this red?” Sombra tapped his chin. “Did I stay underwater for too long at one point?" "Bah!" He said. "It doesn't matter." He tapped the ground again, making the crystals rise higher and higher to the top of Shining’s and Cadances’ heads.

The prince and princess hugged each other as the crystals made there way from their legs, to their body’s, to their necks. “W-wait...y-you can’t neerh...do...this.” Shining said while struggling.

“I can and I am,” Shining crossed his hooves and looked away. “I seriously don’t know what else to do right now other than this.”

“You could sing a song!” Pinkie yelled happily.

Everyone raised an eye at her. “A song?” Twilight said. “Pinkie, I don’t think he can-”

Sombra stomped his hoof again, making the crystals stop at the base of the couples necks. “A song?" Sombra ran up to the pink pony. "You are absolutely right pink pony!” Sombra went out into the open and held a hoof to his chest. “I haven’t sung yet, and now would be the perfect time!” Sombra smiled and walked into the crowd, “Does anyone here know how to play an instrument, or at least can sing a chorus?”

The crowd went silent. “You can’t be serious…” Twilight said while shaking her head.

Sombra turned around and smiled. “Oh no, I am serious, Twilight. Everyone sings once in a while, and since I’m gonna rule after this, I might as well make the best of it, so…”

Sombra tapped his hoof again, causing a makeshift microphone stand made of crystal come out of the ground. He then cleared his horn and brought a microphone to his mouth. “Come on now,” His voice echoed from who knows where. “where’s my singers and players?” Sombra was too into this idea for a song that he forgot how none of the crystal ponies remembered much. Singing and playing instruments was one of them.

After a long time of silence, Sombra sighed and grabbed the stand. “Fine, I’ll sing my own song...Now let’s see here...uh...” Sombra tapped his hooves to get a rhythm going, even though he doesn’t have any idea what he would sing, he knows that this wouldn’t be too hard.

So, he took a deep breath, and started singing.