• Published 14th Sep 2014
  • 15,502 Views, 641 Comments

So...What do I do Now? - Dr Atlas

Sombra has prevailed! He has stolen the heart! He won. Now he can...he can...he...What is he going to do again?

  • ...

I-It's over?


2 Hours later


“Give up now, Chrysalis! It’s over!”

“I haven’t even begun to fight, Sombra!”

Chrysalis lunged at Sombra for the thirtieth time, and just like the other times, he dodged at the last second and tackled her to the ground. “You...won’t...win…” Sombra struggled to pin her down, but Chrysalis fought back...just like last time.

Chrysalis flared her horn and blasted him in the face, knocking him a couple feet before he took a stance. He shook the pain away and growled at his ex-queen. “Is that all ya got?”

“I have way more power than you think.” Chrysalis charged toward the king, and just like her other attempts, he stopped her with a crystal, making her stop and get her horn stuck in the material.

Sombra laughed at the display before quickly stopping once Chrysalis blasted the crystal structure into pieces. “This ends now!”

And once again, the fight between the king and queen continued, as for the fight between Sombra’s slaves and the changelings, they were in the same position...about an hour ago.

After some time, the hypnosis on the ponies wore off, and the Changelings were starting to get tired from punching and kicking, so then they resorted to pushing and shoving, which then led to them not fighting and just...looking at one another in awkward silence. The changelings would’ve used their green gunk, but they learned from the last time that that stuff was very hard to get off, and they’d rather not have a city full of it.

And even though Twilight and her friends weren't frozen in crystal anymore, the only thing they could do was watch. Just a few minutes ago, Twilight was finally able to wake her friends and explained what happen. She would’ve asked them to fight the changelings, but something caught her eye once she stopped talking.

Twilight looked past the still fighting king and queen to see some of the ponies and changelings now looking at the fight as well, some were even talking to one another, wondering how their ruler treated their subjects and how life is with them, it was almost like they were…

“Uh, guys,” Twilight pointed at the crowd. “are you seeing what I’m seeing?”

“A fight that has yet to die down and is still going?” Shining answered.

Twilight shook her head. “No, not that, I’m talking about the changelings, why are they just...sitting there, they were fighting a second ago.”

“Maybe the same reason why we’re not fighting.” Cadance shrugged. “It seems like a waste of time, with the whole thing being about who rules what.”

Twilight tapped her chin. “But they didn’t do this in Canterlot.”

“That’s because we didn’t attack for two hours straight.”

Twilight and her friends yelped as a changelings came up beside Pinkie with a bag of popcorn. “Here’s your food by the way.”

Pinkie grinned and dove her face in the bag with the changeling still holding it. “Thunks doohmeh.” She said with her mouth full.

“Don’t eat that, Pinkie, you don’t know where it’s been.” Twilight walked up beside her and looked at the changeling. “Where did you get that bag of-”

“Phil and some of the ponies are making some for you guys,” The changeling pointed behind him at a changeling that was currently in a concession stand with others helping. “I mean, who wouldn’t be hungry after fighting for so long.”

Pinkie swallowed and took the bag out of the changelings hooves. “I know I would.” She said. “Thanks for getting us some.”

The changelings shrugged with a smirk. “Anything for a pony that actually wants to see my shape shifting skills.”

Pinkie giggled and waved goodbye as the changeling walked back to the crowd, which was still watching the fight. “You...know him?” Twilight asked.

Pinkie swallowed another hoof full and said, “Well duh, didn’t you recognize him, he was the bug that changed into me when we were fighting, remember?”

Twilight and the others raised an eye. “Uh, I don’t think that-”


Twilight and her friends jumped as Sombra tackled Chrysalis into the castle wall. “Chrysalis, you need to learn when a fight is over...so GIVE UP ALREADY!” Sombra strained to keep a hold of her, but Chrysalis would let up. She grabbed him by the throat and threw him against the same wall she was on and pinned him against it.

“I’ll give up when you’re dead!” At that point, they started throwing hooves, which turned into a struggled contest over who would push who to the ground

Twilight stepped forward and looked back at her friends, wondering if they should intervene, or at least say something. After some blank stares, she sighed and cleared her throat. “Uh, hey, guys.”

Both the king and queen looked at her and yelled, “Not now Twilight!” They then continued their pushing game, which let to them landing on the ground and struggling for who will get on top.

Twilight sighed again. “Look, guys, if you keep this up, you’re gonna get yourselves killed.”

“Not if I kill her first!” Sombra sat up and grabbed Chrysalis’ throat. “I will end you...you bug!”

Chrysalis grinned her teeth and wrapped her arms around Sombra's neck. “You...won’t..win!” She used all her strength and threw him across the ground. Making him slide on his side and groan in slight pain.

“I've had it with you, Chrysalis!” Sombra started walking toward her, eyes filled with rage

“And I’ve had it with you, Sombra.” Chrysalis did the same, preparing to end the pony’s life.

“And I’ve had it with both of you!” Twilight stepped in between the both of them and surrounded herself with a shield bubble. “Can’t you both see this is a waste of time.”

“Waste of time?” Chrysalis asked. “How? If this shrimp would just give up already-”

“Well, maybe if somebuggy would surrender…” Sombra said mockingly

“How dare you call me that!” Chrysalis rushed at him, but was immediately stopped by Twilight’s magic.

“Will you two...STOP FIGHTING!” Twilight slammed her hooves on the ground, causing the ground to shake and making everyone step back, except for the king and queen, who were only feet away from each other. “Listen, I know you two hate each other, but is this fighting really necessary?”

“Yes it is.” Sombra yelled, trying to get past the shield that was blocking him from destroying Chrysalis.

“Can't you two just talk it out?” Twilight suggested.

“I’d rather discuss a treaty between my children and send a drone to your princess to deliver it!” Chrysalis tried pushing the shield away, but Twilight’s magic was becoming too much for her. “W-why...can’t….I-”

“Well, with both of you fighting each other, and using a lot of magic, it tends to lead to your magic not working to it’s full power.”

“Nonsense!” Sombra yelled. “I can still blast this so-called queen to oblivion right now.”

“Then go ahead Sombrie.” Chrysalis said mockingly.

Sombra roared and flared up his horn, which immediately burned out seconds later. Chrysalis laughed and did the same thing to prove she was still powerful, but her horn had the same effect as well. Twilight groaned and dropped her shield. “Can’t you see this is pointless, you both know you’re not strong anymore, and I’m pretty sure me and the others can take both of you down.” She smiled and looked over at her friends, who were having the same expression and agreeing with her.

“Perhaps you should both surrender.” Cadance suggested, “Instead of one of you.”

Sombra scoffed. “I’ll deal with the rest of you once I destroy this bug! Then I’ll...I’ll…” Sombra trailed off while Chrysalis started walking toward him.

“You’ll what Sombra?” Chrysalis asked. “Try and take over all of Equestria? Sorry, but that’s my job, not yours.”

Sombra growled and started walking up to her as well. As for Twilight, she decided to step back and let this quickly resolve itself. “Oh, so you think you can do that...Well, Chrysie, what are you gonna do after that?”

Chrysalis grinned her teeth and went nose to nose with him again. “Oh, I’ll tell you what I’ll do once I rule over everyone, I’ll...I’ll...I’ll feed all my subjects and...and...uh…” Chrysalis looked away and thought for a bit, then she looked up at her changelings. “Children, you know what I’ll do, right?”

Most of them scratched their necks or shrugged. “Weren’t you gonna decide that after you took over?” One of them asked.

“And what about us Sombra?” One of the crystal ponies asked. “Just what would you do once you made us help you destroy the princesses?” They then crossed their arms and waited for a response.

The king and queen could only stare dumbfounded at them. They looked back at each other, then at the crowd, then at Twilight, who was tapping her hoof impatiently. “Well, Sombra? Chrysie? Do you give up?”

The villains looked at one another again, knowing full well that once their plans went in motion, it would stop even before it began. “Uh…” They scuffed their hooves and rubbed their arms, trying to find some way to make this less awkward then it already was.

“Well...Uh, Chrissy…” Sombra asked

“Sombra…uh...” Chrysalis looked away again.

They looked at each other one more time before throwing their hooves in the air and yelling. “Alright! Fine! You win!”

Sombra sat down and grumbled. “If I planned this out more I would’ve won a long time ago.”

“Same here.” Chrysalis said. “Maybe if you stayed with me, then-”

“Oh ho ho ho no, don’t you bring this up again!” Sombra stood up again.

“No, I will bring this up, because if you would just stay at the hive and raise our children-”

“If you would just understand that my powers would work with crystals instead of love!”

The two then went back into arguing, leaving Twilight and the others to groan in annoyance. “Guys, can you just-”

“You’re such a love sucker.” Sombra yelled, now inches away from Chrysalis’ face

“And you’re a crystal chomper!” Chrysalis stood over him with eyes starting to burn.

“Insignificant Insect!”

“Big horned freak!”

“Jagged horned monster!”

“Short shouter!”

“Hole filled wonder!”

“Over sized filly!”

“Overgrown cockroach!”



Twilight held a hoof to her mouth, thinking that any moment now they would attack one another again, then, after a few seconds of silence between both rulers, they grabbed one another by the necks, and before Twilight could stop them, they did something that made her stop dead in her tracks.

They kissed.

They closed their eyes, leaned in, and kissed.

And not just a regular kiss, it was one filled with strange sounded moans and slight sloppiness in their mouths, and seconds after it started they landed on the ground and continued kissing.

All the while, everyone dropped their jaws and stood still as the king and queen continued to make out. Pinkie dropped her bag of popcorn and some of the changelings cringed. One changeling that was wearing an Australian slouch hat and sunglasses slowly held up a camera to videotape the whole thing.

As for Twilight, she quickly covered spikes eyes and cringed. “Um, maybe we should let them...work this out.”

The others nodded and waited for the king and queen to 'sort things out.'

Author's Note:

Had to stop it here...
I just...I had to...