• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 757 Views, 51 Comments

Figurehead - Dapper Guy

Mayor Mare struggles to keep moving forward, with the help from somepony she would have never expected it from.

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I sit at my desk, letting the hours tick away on the clock at the far side of the room. Papers are piled a mile high on my desk, growing higher with each passing day, but I don’t care. I stopped caring a while ago, it doesn’t matter what I seem to do anymore.

I stare blankly outside, beyond this tiny, constricting office prison. Off in the distance, I watch the light reflecting off Princess Twilight’s Castle, home to one of the most powerful figures in Ponyville and Equestria. A purple alicorn stands out on top of a balcony, waving at the ponies of my fair town, as they bask in her radiance.

“Mrs. Mayor?” called out a soft voice from somewhere beyond the barrier of papers on my desk.

I part the sea of documents and other things to see my new secretary standing there. A flighty little thing, Hoof Note had her horn rimmed glasses perched on the end of her muzzle with her off white mane wrapped up in a bun. “Princess Twilight Sparkle will be arriving shortly for her petition to set the foundation for the Ponyville Charter School.”

I nod my head in a slight jerk. “Is there anything else needed for today, Note?” I asked.

“No Mrs. Mare. That was the only subject that needed to be addressed today,” Note replied, pulling out a folder from in-between the crux of her wing. Placing the folder on my desk, the royal blue pegasus mare stepped out of my office, closing the door silently behind her.

Pulling myself up out of my seat, I start filing away most of the papers on my desk into one of my cabinets. I listen as the birds perched on my windowsill chirp away, their merry mood a stark contrast to my own dreary mood. Town hall has become so quietly recently, my staff is just half of what it used to be. Now, it’s just Hoof Note, Quick Quill, Good Grammar and I, in a dusty, old building. The white paint has begun to peel off the walls. Small flecks of spackle have started to cover my carpet. I don’t see any real need to fix up this old office now. My desk creaks out, as I lay my forelegs across it.

A sudden knock at my door pulls me out of my misery and back to reality. Soon enough, another rapt against my door lets me know my visitor is growing impatient. I open it up and come face to face with her royal majesty, Twilight Sparkle standing in the hallway. I dip my head low in recognition, stepping aside to let her in. “Welcome, Princess Sparkle. I’ve been expecting you.”

The princess flashes me a smile. “Well, I thank you for your time, Mayor Mare. I’ve been so busy lately with my new duties as a princess I can hardly find the time to get out of my castle.”

A sudden pop and three suitcases appear into thin air, along with a projector and portable stand for the screen. “I’m so glad I got to set-up this appointment with you, mayor. I believe that just a schoolhouse for young fillies and colts isn’t enough of an education for the children of Ponyville.” One of the suitcases snaps open, papers flying out and landing neatly on my desk into a perfectly square pile.

“For starters, I believe that we should expand more on the essentials, such as reading comprehension and writing format in the English department. Now Mrs. Cheerilee has reassured me that everypony in her class, except for two, are perfectly capable of writing clearly. However-“

I watched as the princess continued to speak yet I couldn’t seem to follow her. She presents diagrams, pictures, graphs and so much more but my ears seemed to have shut off. Her voice sounds like it’s a million miles away, as I stand there next to her.

“-and as far as those who won’t be able to afford a school uniforms goes, I believe that we could start a personal fund for them. Any questions so far?”

My eyes snapped open at the abruptness of the question. I was still holding the first page of her proposal in my hoof. On my desk now were three other piles of papers towering over me as I snapped out of my trance. “No, princess, it seems like always you’ve thought of everything.” I see a small flicker of joy cross her face as my words reassure her that I’ve been paying attention.

“Well, Mayor, I’m thankful you’ve taken time out of your day to help lay the foundation of a new school. Maybe in a few years we could open a high school or even maybe a college,” she said with elation. With a flash of her horn, the projector came to life, shining a picture of a blueprint of what I guessed was the school. “I’ve already had the Pie family come over and explain to me where we can lay the foundation and I believe-“

Once again I tune her out, I feel so ashamed. Here, right now, in my own office is a princess of Equestria. I should be hanging onto every word she’s saying but I continue to ignore her. I don’t hate her and I certainly don’t think she’s beneath for Celestia’s sake. So why am I acting so shallow towards her? The thought echoes out in my mind and I can’t find an answer.

“- so we can expect the expected completion date within at least five to six years,” finished the princess. “And that concludes my presentation. Any concerns Mrs. Mayor?”

I look Princess Twilight straight in the eyes, completely caught off guard by her words. “Well, I’d like to read through it all by myself first before we start anything. If, that would be all right with you, princess?” I muttered out. If she had noticed me ignoring her as she spoke then she hid it well.

“Well then I’ll be back by next week to see any of the revisions you’d like to make to the school Mrs. Mayor.” Packing everything up into her suitcases, the princess opened the door with her magic and promptly began to walk out. “Mrs. Mayor,” she said, turning around to face me. “What would Ponyville do without you?”

Those words felt like a kick in the gut from a mule. Watching her leave, I returned to my desk and dropped my head on top of the cold wood. I looked up at the wall, staring at the framed pictures hanging up. Small reminders of what I used to mean to this town. The Apple family and I, drinking cups of freshly squeezed cider to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of Cider Season. Oh what a wonderful day that was. Next to that was Time Turner and Derpy’s wedding, I remember catching the bouquet that day. On and on it went, each picture bringing back such fond memories as they hung there, collecting dust on the walls. Then my eyes rested on the last one, a photograph of the Elements of Harmony without me in it.

I still remember that day, when things changed for Ponyville. I guess it all started when that letter arrived, now that I think about it. A letter from Princess Celestia herself, I nearly fell off my pillow when the mail courier brought it to me. What an honor it was, to have the princess and her personal protégé here in Ponyville. I could see it now, the press ponies lining up, waiting eagerly for their arrival.

I opened up the top drawer of my desk, pulling out a small bottle of Sweet Apple Acre’s Vintage Cider. I sipped at the fiery concoction, wincing as it burned my throat. Since the Summer Sun Celebration, my entire life turned upside down. As the years went by, I had less on my hooves each day. I wasn’t the mayor the ponies of this town would come to anymore. I wasn’t the pony that they would look up to for guidance.

A small tear trailed down my cheek as I continued to drink myself into a drunken stupor. I fell so empty, so useless as time passed me by. I can see the gap widening between me and the ponies around me as the Elements grew into the public figures that everypony could come to depend on. Soon, I was just another face in the crowd as the Elements of Harmony began to shine brighter and brighter.

Was it hatred? No, I didn’t hate them, they’ve all done so much good for Ponyville since they’ve become the elements. Envy? Yes, envy was what I was feeling. Who wouldn’t be envious of those ponies that not only saved Equestria but still remained modest about themselves? Why was this eating away at me so much? I dropped the bottle back into the drawer, the glass clanging against the wood.

I felt so alone in this little office. I used to feel so important once. Now, those days are long gone. There isn’t much for a mayor to do in a town with a princess in it. Checking the clock, I see it was already fifteen minutes after six. Everypony already probably left already, leaving me to wallow in my self-pity. Attempting to stand up, I feel to the floor pathetically before managing to stand up right. Putting Princess Twilight’s letters in my bags, I left the office, not even bothering to close the door. Why should I? No pony comes to this office anymore.

Author's Note:

Something that just popped into my head. We hardly see the mayor anymore in the show and most of time when things happened, Twilight or the rest of the mane are the one to tackle the problem. Just what exactly does the mayor do now that Ponyville has royalty right in the center of town? Does she have any real say left in this humble little village anymore? Twilight isn't going to usurp power from the mayor but she pretty much is the biggest political figure and anything she says could steamroll right over the mayor's decisions?