• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 757 Views, 51 Comments

Figurehead - Dapper Guy

Mayor Mare struggles to keep moving forward, with the help from somepony she would have never expected it from.

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A Night to Remember

I’m having that dream again. I don’t remember if I feel asleep when I walked through the door or after downing another bottle of cider. I walk down the grassy roads of my, no, of Ponyville now. They all walk past me, unaware of my presence. I look to see my reflection in the windows of a house, but there’s nothing there. Like a phantom, I continue on this bustling road with no pony the wiser of me being there.

So many familiar, happy faces as everypony go on their merry way as Celestia’s sun begins to dip down beyond the mountains of Canterlot. I watch the Cutie Mark Crusaders sprint by, Applebloom’s bow is on fire with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo chasing after her. I wonder at times how their older siblings can keep up with those three.

Soon enough, everypony begin to head towards home as the sun finally sets and Luna’s moon and stars encompass the sky. Mothers call out for their foals to usher them inside. I hear little hoofsteps thunder past as they trample the grass beneath their cute little hooves.

Everypony is safely tucked away inside their dwellings while I remain alone, once again. I trudge forward, listening to the voices of parents and couples talk as dinner is being served.

I finally stop in front of the town hall, a dilapidated mess of rotting timbers and broken glass. If I had to guess, it looks like it’s been abandoned for years. The front doors hang by their hinges and the front steps have caved in. I can’t believe no pony has taken notice of how broken down this place has become, but then why would they?

I turn to leave this forsaken place, turning up to the sky. A shooting star shoots pass, most likely one of Princess Luna’s works that she made. I see so much more now since her return. As the star travels across the sky, I close my eyes and make a wish. As I open them, the star begins to grow bigger. Soon I realize it’s coming down to the earth. I start to scream and try to warn everypony about the falling star but to no avail, they can’t hear me.

I throw my head to the ground, wrapping my hooves tightly around my chest. I stay there, huddled up, waiting for it to end so I can wake up. Minutes crawl by, waiting for my impending death to take me away but nothing happens. Slowly, I uncover my eyes to see somepony standing above.

“Hello, fair mayor of Ponyville.”

Princess Luna, mistress of the night and co-ruler of Equestria stood before me. Her eyes are dead set on me yet there is a hidden sense of kindess to them. Her mane sparkles like a cosmos. Stars twinkle and fade within it as it continues to dance in the air by its own accord. Her silver regalia reflected the light from the moon, giving it an ethereal glow, adding an otherworldly aura to the princess.

“Stop,” she commanded as I halt mid bow. Princess Luna tugs my head up and as are eyes meet, I can see a feeling of sympathy behind her hardened expression. "There is no need for formalities in the world of dreams. I am merely Luna, dear mayor. I have come to pull thou away from thine inner monsters that plague you.” Her rich voice still retains that old Equish tone, like somepony from Equiland but with a more fluid tone.

I stare back in disbelief. The princess has come to help me? I shake my head, trying to wake myself up but no matter how I try, the situation in front of me is real. Well, as far as real a dream may get. Luna offers a hoof to me, her silver horseshoe sparkling as I reach out for it. As soon as I make contact, I feel my body being pulled as the world around us disappears. The building, the grounds, even the sky, begins to dissolve into dust. Colors blur in front of my eyes as the entire world crumbles away into nothingness.

I blink a few times to what has happened and find myself in Canterlot. No, this isn’t Canterlot, not the Canterlot that I know. This Canterlot looks much older, archaic even. Almost as if somepony built it straight out of an old Equestrian History book. The styles of the architecture are old, very old, Medieval Equestria during the enlightening period of Equestria. Why here though? We must be at least a thousand years in the…

“You are correct, Mayor Mare.” Luna stands beside me, facing forward as she begins to walk. I follow behind like a schoolfilly would behind their teacher. “I have seen your dreams, I have felt your pain before.” Turning down the cobbled roads of old Canterlot, we make our way towards a castle. “This is a night I will never forget, one that will continue to haunt me, now and forever."

The scenery changes again. The ground beneath my hooves becomes cold, polished stone. It looks like the grand hall of Canterlot Castle. Several tables of polished oak are lined up and down the hall, scattered remains of half-eaten food were left on plates. Gold-embroidered tapestries with Celestia’s sun are hung around the hall. Small wreathes of sunflowers beneath each one, tickling my nose as their refreshing scent fills the room.

“Follow me,” said Luna. As we reached the far end of the hall, we traveled up a platform with two thrones side by side. One wrought from pure gold and a white pillow on the seat. A sun was etched into the back rest, with rubies the size of a hen's eggs embedded into it. At the center of the sun was a fire ruby easily larger than the size of my head, a fiery glow could be seen from inside. On the front of the seat were words. Her Royal Majesty, Celestia.

The other throne looked rather simple in design compared to its counterpart. It was made from solid silver, reflecting the moon’s light coming down through the glass ceiling, giving it an alluring, magical shine. A simple dark blue pillow was all to be seen on it, nothing else.

Hoofsteps from the far end of the hall catch my attention, as I turn to see the royal sisters from a thousand years ago. Luna stomps her way up the hall, a look of grief on her face as tears streak down her muzzle. She hardly seems any different from today, yet her vestments clearly stand out. A lacy dress of deep indigo wrapped around her body with her wings closed to her side. Silk leggings of white with blue moons and stars with a purple ribbon weaved into her ethereal mane. For anypony to see Princess Luna dressed so plainly would make heads spin.

Trailing behind her with a concerned look was a pink mane Celestia. A large white dress, with a golden brooch hung around her neck. A crown studded with garnets and rubies sat atop of her head, her pink mane flowing beneath of it. Her golden horseshoes clinked against the stone floor.

“This was the day, dear Mayor,” began Luna. “That would set Equestria’s darkest moments into play."

Past-Luna continued to stomp trot forward, while Past-Celestia began to call out to her sister. I moved away from the thrones as Past-Luna walked by me. A golden light wrapped around the younger princess’ dress, causing her to stumble on to the carpet on the platform.

Past-Luna whipped her head around, as Past-Celestia stood over her sister. Despite the serious look in her eyes, I could almost feel the sadness coming from Past-Celestia.

“Sister, why did thou walk out on the merriment on this night?” asked Past-Celestia. It was odd to hear Celestia speak in the old Equish voice. “As of late, you’ve been rather unruly. Tell me, what plagues thy mind?”

Past-Luna shot daggers at her sister, rushing up to meet her muzzle to muzzle. “Are thou truly blind, Celestia?” snapped Past-Luna. Past-Celestia winced as her name was shouted out at her by her sister. “Have you not heard everything that the noble caste have said on this day?” she cried, tears streaming from her eyes.

“Dearest sister, I have heard their words but you shouldn’t take them to heart. They merely-“

“They don’t give a damn about me, Celestia,” roared Past-Luna. The smaller alicorn threw herself to the ground, her body shivering from the inner turmoil raging within her. “I see how they treat your as their true ruler. How they worship the ground where your hooves tread.”

The scene before me froze, as if time had been locked in place. A small cry escaped from Dream-Luna as her horn lit up in a dark, indigo aura. I turned my head to see her with her mane covering her eyes, a slight sag in her posture. “After my sister and I had used the elements of harmony to seal away Sombra, we tried in vain to remove the curse,” began Dream-Luna. Tossing her mane back, she walked over to her past self, watching as the Past-Luna continued to wail. “All are efforts we for naught. The elements were drained of energy and we couldn’t force them to remove the curse without fear of destroying our ties with them. We pulled our armies back and returned to our Castle in the Everfree Forest.”

Dream-Luna walked over to Past Celestia, putting a hoof on her sister’s side. “When we returned, we announced that Sombra was cast down but the curse remained. Our subjects, though saddened, we’re none the less joyous of my sister’s victory."

My ears twitched at what Princess Luna had said. “Your sister’s victory?” I asked incredulously. “Princess Luna, both you and Princess Celestia wielded the elements, you both fought against Sombra.”

Dream Luna sighed heavily. “Yes, but our subjects didn’t see it that way. To them, it was Celestia, and Celestia alone, that had fought against the Crystal Empire and struck down its black hearted king. My sister is the ruler of the day, the light bringer. To them, she embodied purity, that’s why the elements chose her to be their mistress.”

I watched as the scene resumed again, Past-Celestia lowering herself to the floor, shivering from the sudden contact of the cold tiles. “Sister please, worry not on what they say. We are beyond such things.”

Past-Luna’s eyes snapped open, magical mist starting to pour out like a dam that finally gave way to a raging river. “Thou does not comprehend how I feel,” screeched Past-Luna, driving her face into Past-Celestia. “I hear the whispers amongst the crowds, I see it in their eyes as their gaze rest upon us. They have nothing but fear of us, Celestia,” ranted Past-Luna.

“Dear Sister please, compose thyself,” pleaded Past-Celestia. “You only feed their misgivings about you if you continue to act so foolish.”


Past-Luna whipped her hoof around, striking Past-Celestia so hard she was knocked off of the floor. I watched wide eyed, mouth agape as the Princess of the Sun was sent careening into a pillar. The sound of the golden crown shattering against the floor boomed as the room became dead silent. The small gems fell against the floor as Celestia’s body slumped against the shattered pillar. Past-Luna looked on in horror, her eyes dilating and her mane falling to her back.

The grand hall’s door exploded open. Several unicorn guards in golden armor stampeded into the room, their horns a glow, ready to attack. The lead guard, a large stallion with icy blue eyes, a pure white coat and deep blue mane ran straight to Past-Celestia, holding the princess in his forelegs. The rest of the troop ran past their captain, forming a wall between the two princesses.

The air shimmered around us, as Past-Luna’s eyes began to glow. I tried in vain to shield my eyes from Past-Luna’s magic. All of sudden, with sound of a sonic-rainboom, the space where Past-Luna was once standing erupted into a cloud of dark, purple smoke. The guards began to charge forward, only to pass through the poisonous cloud and running head first into the thrones. The cloud of miasma surged upward, and darted out through the glass panes behind the thrones.

“That was the day that the Nightmare began to fester within me,” Dream-Luna explained. We watched as the guards began to pick themselves up and make their way over to Past-Celestia. A small rivulet of blood poured out of Past-Celestia’s mouth, forming a small pool beneath her. The guard captain’s mouth was moving but I couldn’t hear what he was saying. Small balls of light we’re floating around the fallen princess’s form, sending out small pulses here and there.

“Captain Blueblood,” started a guard, his form very similar to his captain. “What are your orders, sir?”

Captain Blueblood rose up, his face impassive as stone. “Her royal majesty must be attended to, first and foremost, guardscolt. You three,” he commanded, pointing at the guards on his left, “will assist me in teleporting her royal majesty to the royal infirmary. The rest of you send words to all watchcolts on duty and wake the rest. We are on high-alert. Princess Luna has attempted to assassinate her sister.”

I watched as the guard’s snapped their hooves to attention and began to carry out their tasks. “As you can see I was about to accused of regicide,” Dream-Luna said. I stared at the princess, noticing for the first time how truly distraught she looked. “The kingdom was already weary of me. That night was the final nail in my coffin. I disappeared for weeks until that fateful night when I returned. And we both know what had happened that day.”

I felt so weak in my legs, listening to the princess’s story about her fall from grace. “Princess, I-“

“Fair mayor, I don’t ask for your pity,” Luna said solemnly. “I wish for you to understand. I know the pain of feeling as if one’s true value is less than nothing. I let such emotions cloud my judgment and wreak havoc on Equestria.” She lifted my face up so we both stared into each other’s eyes. “You are not worthless, and you shouldn’t think that way. The monsters inside of your head will continue to drag you into despair and devour your hope.”

I held a hoof against my chest, feeling a mixture of fear and relief. Dream-Luna smiled down at me. “There are a few more things I wish to show you so that you may expel those demons that cling to you.”

My body shuddered as an explosion of blue light erupted in front of me, swallowing my vision as I felt my body being pulled into the unknown. “Fear not, fair mayor,” called out Dream -Luna. “No harm will come to you whilst you remain in my realm.” I silently pray that nothing does, as the dream world whisks me away.

Author's Note:

So hears a thought as to why Luna became NMM.
Everything happened a thousand years ago. Discord, Sombra and then NMM. So maybe everypony just thought Celestia was the one who used the elements and praised and put her on a pedestal while Luna was just shoved to the side. This eventually drives her over the edge and then we get super scary evil alicorn.