• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 3,754 Views, 144 Comments

The Struggle for New Terra - Dolphy Blue Drake

Ponies weren't the first dominant race. There was a race who came before. A warlike race who vanished without a trace 3000 years ago. At least, that's what the stories say. But what if that race could speak for themselves?

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Chapter 2: A Meeting of Minds

General Michael Fletcher sighed as he leaned back in the chair at his desk. The Secretary of Defense had ordered him to be ready to fight at a moment’s notice, but so far, there had been no word from Terra City. Fort Pinedale was stationed near the edge of New Terra’s new territory on the surface, but so far, no invasion force had started to pour out of the ponies’ city, so the nearby city of New Angeles was safe.

Suddenly, his earpiece beeped, and he pushed it further into his ear before saying, “This is General Fletcher, anything to report?”

“No attacks yet, Sir,” the voice on the other end of the link replied, “but the men and women are growing restless. We’ve had to stop six from donning their armor so far, and others won’t come out of the barracks for roll call because they don’t feel safe unarmored.”

“Then just let them put on their armor if it makes them feel safer,” the general replied. “We need to keep high morale, have everyone suit up. We need to be ready for an attack, anyway. If that means having our men and women encased in radioplastic 24/7, then so be it. I’m ordering all Radioplastic Armored Troopers to suit up. Understood?"

“Sir, yes Sir,” the voice on the other end replied. “All R.A.T.s are to suit up immediately.”

“Good,” Fletcher said with a sigh of relief, “we’ll be ready if they decide to attack. Over and out.”

The General tapped his earpiece to cut the link and turned to the papers on his desk, he had a lot of work to do today, so he might as well get started sooner rather than later.

In Canterlot, ponies had stopped panicking after the tremors died down. Most ponies had taken to simply staring at the city that had popped out of the ground. Nopony knew what it was, and all sorts of theories were being exchanged while ponies continued to stare, some in confusion, some in curiosity, and others in fear.

In the palace, Princess Celestia was preparing to seek an audience with the being whom had called himself Henry Stone but a few minutes prior. She had no idea what to expect, so she was preparing her guards much more than herself.

“Remember, we don’t know what these beings are, or what they’re like. Try very hard to not provoke or frighten them.”

“Yes, Princess,” a guard replied for the fifteenth time in five minutes.

“Now, we don’t want to incite panic, so please remember to not see everything as an attempt on my life,” the princess insisted.

“Yes, Princess,” the guard replied again.

“Now, we have to make sure everypony is looking their best, so—” Celestia tried to continue, before being promptly cut off.

“Princess, the chariot is ready,” another guard said as he poked his head into the room.

“Never mind that last part, then,” Celestia said, “we have to get going.”

“Yes, Princess,” the guard answered once more.

“You sound like a broken record,” Celestia remarked, “can’t you say anything besides ‘yes, Princess’?”

“Yes, Prin—I mean, of course!” The guard spluttered as he and a few other guards escorted Celestia to the royal chariot.

Celestia face-hoofed at the guard’s response before climbing aboard the chariot.

After a few seconds, the pegasi pulling the chariot took to the air, it rising with them. They were on their way.

General Fletcher’s earpiece beeped again whilst he was filling out a form to authorize temporarily closing down barrack twelve for maintenance.

He pushed the earpiece in again and said, “This is General Fletcher. Go ahead.”

“Sir, requesting orders to engage a possible threat, Sir.” the voice on the other end replied.

“What kind of threat?” the general asked with worry.

“A small group of pegasi pulling some kind of flying chariot has entered New Angeles’ air space,” the voice explained, “the population is panicking. Should we shoot them down, sir?”

“No,” Fletcher replied.

“What was that, sir?” The voice questioned.

“I said, no.” Fletcher repeated. “You open fire, and I’ll have you court martialed, understand?

“Yes, Sir,” the voice replied, “and what of the population of New Angeles, Sir?”

“March in there and restore order,” Fletcher commanded, “the last thing we need right now is a riot.”

“Yes, Sir. Over and out.”

Fletcher sighed and returned to his paperwork, there was just so much. One small group wasn’t enough to call an invasion force.

Besides, he had more important things to deal with. Such as preparing to update the internet server satellites for the first time in more than three thousand years. And New Angeles was going to be one of the new uplink hubs, so protecting the ground-bound servers until their data could be uploaded back into space was going to be a must.

As the chariot continued to fly over the city, Celestia suddenly heard screaming coming from below. She chanced a look over the side and saw thousands of bipedal figures staring up at her and screaming.

“The Usurpers are here!” one shouted.

“They’ll kill us all!” another cried out.

“Everyone! RUN!” another screamed.

“You idiots!” a fourth voice shouted in anger, “They’re just envoys for peace! Panicking will make us look foolish!”

And with that, the populace of the city below ignored the lone voice of reason and descended into chaos. Beings ran in every direction in panic, trying to find shelter or some other place to hide or cower in fear.

“This doesn’t look good at all...” Celestia muttered under her breath.

As they continued to fly further into the city’s airspace, panic continued to spread. Every street was filled with beings running about in fear, screaming at the top of their lungs; adults pulling young children inside, white metal carriages with red and blue flashing lights blocking off roads while bipeds in blue police uniforms climbed out and started shouting at the other bipeds, even some bipeds arguing with each other while pointing up at the chariot from time to time, as if some of them were berating the others for being afraid.

“Fly faster,” Celestia ordered, “we need to find the capital of this place, and fast.”

The guards pulling the chariot nodded and put on an extra burst of speed, heading for the cluster of colossal buildings in the distance.

“Alright, everyone, calm down!” a voice shouted to be heard over the cries of panic flooding the streets of New Angeles.

As one, the people in the streets paused and looked in the direction the voice was coming from: Fort Pinedale.

A huge battalion of soldiers covered from head to toe in gleaming lavender armor were marching towards the city, laser rifles in hand. The one at the head of the group was carrying an ultraphone, which could carry sound for miles.

“There is no need to panic!” The ultraphone boomed, “the ponies are not invading! They’ve shown no signs of hostility, and a pair of fighters have been dispatched to escort them to their destination! So everyone, just calm down!”

With that, the panic subsided, but the people were still on edge. The citizens of New Angeles returned to their homes and turned on their livingvision sets, an age old upgrade to standard television, replacing screens and diodes with holographic projectors, to watch nervously for any sign of an attack.

As the cluster of buildings slowly got closer, a pair of huge metal, bird-like machines joined the chariot on either side.

“Unidentified fliers, identify yourselves and explain your intentions,” a voice called from the machine on the right.

“I am Princess Celestia of Equestria, and we’re heading to seek an audience with Henry Stone,” the princess replied, doing her best not to seem surprised by this—undoubtedly common, strange creation.

“Understood. Your heading is off, allow us to escort you to your proper destination,” a voice replied from the flying machine on the left, “you’re heading to Neo York City, and Terra City is a few hundred miles to the north of your current location. I suggest you turn here.”

“Thank you,” Celestia said with a nod as her guards turned to the right, “I think we can find our way from here, so if you’ll excuse us—”

“Sorry, ma’am, no can do,” the voice from the machine on the right cut in, “we’re under orders to escort you to your destination to prevent the populace from panicking at the sight of you.”

“Very well,” Celestia replied, “lead on.”

“Thank you for your cooperation,” the voice from the left said, “this makes our job much easier.”

After a few hours of flying, Celestia’s chariot touched down on a well-kept lawn in front of a white marble mansion. Her guards were exhausted, but they’d made it.

Two bipeds in black suits and sunglasses approached and held up what appeared to be badges. Very ornate, and classy, badges no less.

“New Terra Secret Service,” the one on the right said, “The President has been informed of your arrival. He’s waiting for you in the Peace Gardens around back. Follow us.” He spoke curtly, and in a no nonsense tone of voice.

Celestia nodded, and her guards followed behind her as the two bipeds led them along a path to the back of the mansion, where a massive garden was in full bloom. Trees, flowers, and bushes of all kinds were displaying beautiful colored flowers and blossoms, truly, it was a sight to behold.

There was a white circular table set up in the shade of a weeping willow, where another suited biped was sitting, reading a book.

“Mr. President, your guests have arrived,” the second biped with sunglasses announced.

The being at the table looked up from his book and smiled. A kindly smile Celestia recognized, as it was similar to the one she wore naught but every day upon the throne.

“Ah, Princess Celestia! How good of you to drop by!” The being stood up and walked over to her, extending a hand. Celestia stared at it for a few moments before meeting it with her hoof and accepting the shake.

“Allow me to welcome you to Terra City, capital of the Republic of New Terra,” the being said, raising his arms to the sky and twirling about, as if to say ‘Welcome,’ directing attention to everything around, “I am President Henry Stone, the leader of New Terra and her population of nine billion human beings.”

Celestia started at the mention of the legendary humans of old, as well as at the sheer number of them this man claimed were inside his country’s borders. It occurred to her that to fit such numbers in such relatively small space was indicative of a certain level of intelligence the humans possessed.

Her guards raised their spears and glared at the humans in sunglasses, who didn’t react at all.

“Nine billion humans?” she asked in disbelief.

“Well, living underground for three thousand years with no enemies really helped increase our numbers,” President Stone replied. “I must say, though; the surface is far more beautiful than the caverns I grew up in. The sunlight just makes everything dazzling! And so much open space! I’m sure my ancestors would’ve given anything to see the beauty of this world.”

“But, humans?” Celestia asked dumbly. Whilst she had dealt with many things in her time of rule, such as ancient evils resurfacing and trying to rule the world, being told that an entire civilization had been living under her lands for thousands of years was simply too much to comprehend.

“Why, yes,” Stone replied, “I’m a human, my Secret Service agents are human, the pilots who escorted you here were human! This entire country is home to every human being on the planet.”

Celestia took a few steps back.

“But humans are wicked and vile creatures! Why haven’t you attacked?” Celestia asked in fear.

“Simple:” Stone replied, “we don’t want to fight. Our ancestors tried to explain to the early ponies that we’d left war behind us forever, but they wouldn’t listen after some fools tried to make weapons out of them. The War of Races started because some of us were fools and tried to weaponize you and the other races, but when you turned on us, we stopped fighting to destroy. We just wanted to live. And since our only choices were to either rain down destruction once again, and bathe the world in nuclear fire, or to hide from the world until we recovered enough to return to the surface, we took the latter option, and hid underground for three thousand years.” He explained, not unlike how a kindly schoolteacher would explain an arithmetic problem to a troubled student.

“Wait, you mean to tell me that humans aren’t bloodthirsty monsters?” Celestia asked, confused, all she had been taught, and all that she had read was not doing anything to serve her, for all of her knowledge on humans was now ruled obsolete and incorrect.

“Indeed, that is what I’m telling you,” Stone answered with a smile, “we’re only here to return to the world and stop hiding. We don’t want to fight anyone, we just want to live in peace. Is that acceptable, Princess?”

“How can I be sure you’re not lying?” Celestia asked, eying the human warily.

“If we wanted to fight, we’d already be doing it,” Stone replied, “we really don’t want to fight, Princess. Our people are simply terrified of you, they thought you had come to destroy them, and in spite of our best efforts, they still do.”

Stone fell silent after that and pulled a box out from underneath the table. He pushed a button on it, and a screen on the front lit up and projected a three-dimensional image of a human woman sitting at a desk and wearing a panicked expression onto the table.

“We’ve been getting reports from all over New Terra of sightings of a flying object owned by the Usurpers inside New Terran airspace,” the projection said, “panic has filled the streets as fear of an attack has started to grip the populace. Thousands of New Terran R.A.T.s have been dispatched to attempt to calm down the populace and restore order, but success has been quite limited. Bob Parker is live in Terra City with more information. What’s it look like out there, Bob?”

The image changed to a human man in a long coat holding a device near his mouth that resembled a stick with a black bulb at the end standing among screaming humans running about in all directions.

“Not good, Megan,” the man said as the humans continued to panic, “the commonly-held belief is that the Usurpers have come to destroy us, though we have yet to see any hostility from them. I’m here with John Sewell, a resident of Terra City for an interview. John, what can you tell us about what you’ve seen?”

The image shifted angles to reveal an elderly-looking human man standing next to Bob. Bob turned to face him and held out his device.

“It was horrible!” the old man wailed, “The Usurpers flew overhead in some kind of flying chariot! There were two fighters chasing it, but they didn’t open fire! They must know that we’re doomed! Why else would they not attack? The chariot headed to the Executive Mansion, and that’s the last I saw of it. What if they assassinate the President? We’re doomed, I tell you! The Usurpers are going to destroy us all! Humanity is doomed! DOOMED!”

The old man screamed and ran off, joining the panicked masses running around in the background.

“As I said, things aren’t looking good out here, Megan,” Bob said, “the military’s been doing all it can to calm the populace, but panic continues to spread. At least it hasn’t spread very far from the cites that witnessed the flying object. Unless we hear from the President soon, we may have to assume the worst. We may have to prepare to stop armed mobs like the Xenocide Brigade from forming again. Back to you in the studio, Megan.”

“Thank you, Bob,” the woman said as the image shifted back to her at her desk. “In related news, the authorities have heightened security at the facility holding former Xenocide Brigade leader, Martin Mendoza. In a previous interview with the incarcerated fear-mongerer—”

Stone pressed the same button as before and the projection vanished as the screen went dark.

“What was that?” Celestia asked, bedazzled.

“A news report,” the President replied with a sigh, “you saw what’s happening in the streets of this city as we speak. The people are scared of you, Princess. They’re scared of your entire nation, as a leader of people, please believe us, we don’t want to fight anymore, we just want to live in peace, after all these years. That’s all we ask.”

“I’ll have to speak with Luna, my sister, about this, but I see no problems with your proposal,” Celestia replied with a sigh of relief. “We’ll get a treaty written up and have it ready by tomorrow at the latest, if Luna agrees.”

“Thank you,” Stone said, “we look forward to living in peace with you for millennia to come.”

After Celestia returned to Canterlot, she headed for the throne room to think.

“This is going to change a lot of things,” the Solar Princess muttered to herself, “we’re going to have to re-educate a lot of ponies about humans. Maybe involving some of the humans would help,”

“We’re also going to have to calm ponies down, especially after those tremors,” Celestia continued, not paying any attention to her surroundings as she continued to the throne room guided by memory alone, “and then we’ll have to explain to them who exactly reappeared, which will most likely cause more panic, and then we’ll have to explain that the humans aren’t going to invade, and that they didn’t mean to cause the tremors! Not to mention that I’ll have to instruct the guards to leave the humans alone if they enter our territory!” The solar diarch continued her mutterings, pausing in her walk for a moment to raise a hoof to her temple, this was just going to be so much work.

Celestia sighed as she entered the throne room. “I hope Luna will take this easier than I did—”

“Hello, dear,” a female voice said, cutting into Celestia’s musings and causing her to pay more attention to what was in front of her, which happened to be a pair of alicorns, both slightly larger than herself.

The stallion was a brilliant orange and had the same cutie mark as she did. His mane was also made of animate magic, just like hers, and was the same colors as a sunrise. He was wearing a gold crown with a beautiful sun-shaped orange topaz embedded in it, as well as a suit of golden plate armor, rather ornate, but still with an obvious appearance of functionality.

The mare was a midnight blue, had a mane similar to Luna’s, and had the same cutie mark as well. She wore a silver crown with a similarly beautiful crescent-shaped sapphire embedded in it, as well as a set of silver and indigo robes with steel armor plate spread about.

They were her parents: King Apollo and Queen Diana.

“Mother? Father? What are you two doing here?” The Princess asked in confusion as she approached her parents.

“Some things have come up, so we’re relieving you and Luna of your duties as our regents for the time being,” Apollo replied, taking his older daughter into a hug, “the world needs us again, so we’re retaking the throne for a while.”

“When the problem is taken care of, we’ll return leadership to you and Luna, of course,” Diana continued, “but for now, Equestria needs us again.” She finished with a nod.

“What’s so important that you needed to come back?” Celestia asked as her father released her and her mother drew her into a hug.

“You did notice the cities that just popped out of the ground, right?” Apollo asked, a bemused smile tugging at his features.

Celestia nodded.

“Well, Tia, that’s why we’re here,” Diana explained, “to finish something that we should’ve three thousand years ago. Equestria’s going to war, and they’ll need our leadership and wisdom for the foe we’ll be up against.”

Celestia pushed her mother away and stared. “You’re going to attack the humans?”

“That is correct,” Apollo replied with a nod, “they are a scourge upon the world, and now that they have revealed themselves, we’re going to finish the job.” Her father finished, a serious tone overtaking the previous one of fatherly love.

“But President Stone said they don’t want to fight anymore!” Celestia protested. “They just want to live in peace!”

“You spoke with one of the fiends?” Diana growled, “you could’ve gotten hurt!”

“I spoke with their leader,” Celestia corrected, “and they’re not ‘fiends,’” she said the word with disgust, “they don’t want to fight! They just want peace!”

Apollo looked ready to object, but before he could speak, Celestia added; “and I’m meeting with him again soon, to sign a treaty between ponies and humans to demonstrate that neither side needs to fear the other.”

Apollo closed his mouth and looked lost in thought before finally nodding and saying, “Very well, Celly. We’ll see how this goes. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. Humans are not to be trusted, war with them is most likely inevitable, due to their savage nature. Now, before you go anywhere, I want you to go to your room for a while to think things through very carefully. You may be a grown mare, but I’m still your father, and I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“Yes, Father,” Celestia huffed before turning to return to her chambers, unaware of the glint in her father’s eyes as he whispered something to her mother. She needed to write a letter to Twilight.

And so began a series of events that could bring ruin to both the mighty empire of Equestria, and the newly risen nation of Humanity. Because war… war never changes.

Author's Note:

Okay! Sorry for the wait, but here's Chapter 2! If you didn't reread Chapter 1 for the subtle changes made, we'll restate the most important one here, since this chapter repeats that change: the human population has been reduced from eleven billion to nine billion after talking things over with our editors and realizing that eleven billion was just too hard to believe, and though the probability for it is still kind of low, nine billion is probable enough to believe. We don't care much for sticking to high probability. We mainly care about sticking to what's possible and believable. So, we'll leave you with those words for now.

Happy reading!