• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 3,754 Views, 144 Comments

The Struggle for New Terra - Dolphy Blue Drake

Ponies weren't the first dominant race. There was a race who came before. A warlike race who vanished without a trace 3000 years ago. At least, that's what the stories say. But what if that race could speak for themselves?

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Chapter 3: Planning and Preparations

As Celestia sat at the desk that she kept in her room, for the rare times she had paperwork to do, she was thinking of what should become of the humans. They had shown no hostilities, and had made very valid points on their wants for peace.

But why, then, did her parents seem so adamant about the pure evil of the humans? Celestia had trusted her parents on many occasions, as their years and experience were very useful to a new ruler. But, seeing as how she had been in power for two thousand years, she wasn’t so eager to let them come in and reinstate themselves.

Thinking up a brilliant plan that would both alleviate the tedium of a boring room, and allow for steps to be made for dealing with the humans, Celestia started writing a letter, addressed to her Faithful Student, and fellow Princess, Twilight Sparkle.

Dear Twilight,

Twilight, as you well know, I have called on you and your friends time and time again to help in the defense of our fair nation. I must call on you once more for a task of this like. Thankfully we are not once more fighting against ancient evils from the lands below or of times long past; instead I am faced with a mental query that I require assistance with. A new people have made themselves known, and I feel it unjust of myself to decide their fate alone. I would request that you and your friends make travel to the palace with utmost haste, these matters should not wait. One last thing: These discussions will probably go on for quite some time, so feel free to bring along whatever snacks you would, the same goes for your friends.

Your loving mentor and fellow Princess,


Her letter finished, Celestia rose from her oaken chair, taking the letter in her magic she concentrated on her prize pupil as she sent waves of magical energy through her horn and unto the parchment, engulfing the note in flames and sending the ashes on their merry way to where Twilight would be.

Perhaps it would be unprofessional to say that Twilight was startled at the sound of roaring flames whilst she was standing upon a tall ladder inside her tree house library; of course, unprofessional or not, this did happen. Sending Twilight falling to the ground, although she had enough peace of mind to use her magical prowess to slow her descent, landing daintily upon the floorboards.

Turning towards her trusted assistant Spike as he grasped a rolled up piece of parchment in his claws, she gave him a small smirk in reference to the, admittedly comedic, events that had just happened.

“And here I thought we had gotten you broken of that whole roaring habit,” she said with a hint of mirth as Spike gave her a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his scale covered head with a hand.

“Well, you know, sometimes I get surprised by it. After all, the Princess hasn’t been sending you many letters,” he explained, eliciting a nod of acknowledgement from Twilight.

“Well, anyway, why don’t we find out what it is that’s important enough to break this dry streak?” And with that she gently extracted the scroll from Spike’s claws, bringing it up to eye level as she broke the red wax seal bearing the mark of the crown, letting the scroll unfurl she began reading.

Needless to say, by the end of her short read Twilight was worried. Perhaps it was just her nature, but this letter gave her a certain sense of foreboding. It wasn’t in the way it was written, there were certainly no signs that Celestia was writing urgently, nor that she was worried. No, it was more in what was not written. Perhaps intentionally, Celestia had not given any detail as to what would be discussed at their meeting.

Twilight, being the self-proclaimed genius that she was, decided the best course of action would be to run about town and gather up all her friends from whatever they were doing. After all, she could worry about their problems after whatever this was had been taken care of.

She would also have to ask Pinkie for snacks, she wouldn’t want to disappoint the Princess, of course.

Pinkie had decided that on this most glorious of days she was going to make a bunch of sugary and fattening foods for the princess, she felt that it would be called for, for some strange reason. She had been working all day and had already made over two dozen different treats and snacks for Celestia. All she had left was to put the finishing touch on her ‘quadruple triple double layered Super-mega-chocolate-supreme-will-instantly-give-you-diabetes’ cake, It was well over five feet tall and had eight different types and flavors of chocolate, nine if you counted the icing in the mix that had been baked to perfection. It was her masterpiece. Truly the most amazing baked good that had ever been made in the history of ever, and it was hers to present to the Solar Princess of the land.

There was only one thing left for the pink party pony to do, and that was to adorn the top of the cake with a miniature Celestia figure she just happened to have laying around. She turned around and grabbed the figure off the kitchen counter with both hooves, then swiveled back around to face the cake, she stood up on her hind hooves to reach the top. Just as the figure’s base was about to touch the icing, there was a poof of purple magic. Twilight Sparkle had teleported right in the middle of the space that the cake was currently occupying, causing the cake to explode and cover the whole room, and its occupants in an even coating of cake, icing, and chocolate. Walls, ceilings, floors and all. Once the ‘Super-mega-chocolate-supreme-will-instantly-give-you-diabetes’ cake ceased to exist, Pinkie’s eyes grew wide and her jaw actually hit the floor, because Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie Pie, meet me at the library in ten minutes, it’s very important.” Twilight said quickly as she teleported out of the cake coated room, not even noticing that she was similarly covered in cake and cake based accesories.

Pinkie, now flabbergasted, still standing on her hind hooves, front hooves still outstretched as if to put the figure on the cake that no longer existed, and jaw still on the floor, slowly turned around, walked out of the room and headed to the library, far too shocked by the events that had occurred to realize that she was also covered in cake.

Rarity had been working on her newest dress for many, many months now. It was simply ‘divine,’ as the fashionista herself would say. The fabric she used was perfect in every way, and she had stitched it with absolute perfection! The dress was perfectly colored to match any pony’s coat and mane, and the pure amount of fashion magic that went into giving it this power had left her exhausted, though she would never say as much. It was simply the perfect dress for any occasion. In truth, it was her masterpiece.

“All I need now is a model to make the final adjustments on my dress.” Rarity said as she levitated the dress in her magic, “but who to ask?”

Before she could even think of a pony to ask, there was a sudden poof of purple and Twilight Sparkle appeared perfectly in the dress. Honestly, she even looked attractive to Rarity, and she had never had an eye for mares.

“Ah marvelous timing, Twilight dear! Stand still so I can get some measurements,” Rarity said without missing a beat and turning around to retrieve her measuring tape, “now, where did I put that tape?” Rarity silently admonished herself for losing, even temporarily, one of her most important tools.

“Rarity this is very important, so stop whatever you’re doing and meet me at my library in ten minutes.” Twilight said, completely ignoring whatever Rarity had just said and not even aware of the very expensive dress she was now wearing.

“Ah ha! Found it! Now, just hold still, Darling,” the white unicorn said as she started to spin back around to face her purple friend.

Just before she completed her spin, she heard another poof of magic, and when she had finally turned around, Twilight was no longer there. After a few seconds of pondering the situation, her eyes went wide and she started swinging her head in all directions as if she were looking for something. Then it hit her as she stopped everything she was doing without even realizing Twilight had even told her to; her dress that she spent a whole three months perfecting was gone! Twilight Sparkle stole her dress!

“MY DRESS!” She cried, raising her hooves to the heavens and shouting at the top of her lungs.

Rainbow Dash was napping on a cloud she had made out of thin air after a hard day’s work. It was her masterpiece! It was the softest and fluffiest cloud she had ever made, and as soon as it was finished, she plopped down onto it and stretched out to enjoy the sun’s warm rays. After a long while of napping there was a poof of purple magic and suddenly she found herself unable to breathe. Upon investigation of the reason she now lacked such a basic feature of life, she found Twilight Sparkle standing on her chest.

“Twi- can’t- breathe,” Dash managed to choke out as she started to flail her limbs about in a desperate attempt for air.

“Rainbow Dash, you need to meet me at the library in ten minutes with the rest of the girls, this is very important.” Twilight said, completely oblivious to the fact that she was currently suffocating Rainbow Dash.

Just as Rainbow Dash’s vision started to fail her and she was on the verge of total lung failure from lack of oxygen and the pressure on her chest, Twilight teleported away in another puff of purple magic after she was finished saying whatever she was saying. As soon as she was able to inhale O2 again, she started to take in deep breaths of that glorious thing called ‘air’.

“Breathing is good, so awesome!” Dash choked out as as her lungs finally started working again. “I’m gonna make a habit of it!”

Fluttershy was in the kitchen of her cottage making herself some tea, her bear friend Harry nearby. As the kettle on the stove sounded off, telling her the tea was ready, she took it off the stove and poured it into her teapot. She then proceeded to pour a cup of tea for Harry the Bear, however, just as she was about to, there was a poof of purple magic, and Twilight Sparkle was now standing on the coffee table. The sudden appearance of the purple mare scared the dickens out of Fluttershy, causing her to drop the teapot and spill its piping hot contents all over the bear’s lap, which in turn caused said bear to roar in pain and rampage through Fluttershy’s cottage, wrecking the place.

“Harry, stop! Please!” Fluttershy said, trying to get the angry bear under control, but to no avail. “It’ll be alright.” She tried to calm the ferocious beast whom not a second ago had been a well mannered houseguest.

“Fluttershy, stop whatever you’re doing and meet at the library in ten minutes.” Twilight said, completely oblivious to the rampaging bear that just created a massive bear-shaped hole in the wall as he charged outside and continued to run wild, eventually flattening Fluttershy’s petunias as well.

Before Fluttershy could even think of a response, the havoc wreaking Twilight teleported off. Fluttershy stared, mouth agape, at the new fairly massive and drafty entrance to her house for a few moments before she started off toward the library.

A few minutes after she left, there was a another poof of magic causing Discord to appear in the living room.

Who started the chaos without me? He thought to himself as he looked around at the carnage inside the house. Something’s missing, but what?

Suddenly, he spotted the still rampaging bear through the large hole in the wall. He snapped his fingers together and a big frilly tutu materialized around the bear’s waist.

“Ah, much better!” He said as he pulled a newspaper out of one ear and a full sized couch out of the other, and proceeded to read the newspaper as he floated upside down on the couch in midair, before getting run over by the still rampaging and now tutu-clad bear. All while Angel bunny couldn’t stop laughing hysterically in the background at all the chaos.

Applejack was bucking trees as usual, it was what she did each and every day. She had made many trips back and forth to her house to drop off several bushels of apples, she had been at it for a few hours now and had made decent progress. She went from one tree to another, each time causing apples to rain down from the branches of the trees. She stopped to wipe the sweat from her brow and decided to buck a few more trees before she took a break, carefully positioning the apple baskets under the next tree to ensure all the apples would fall into them. As she turned around to buck the tree, there was a purple poof of magic that went unnoticed by the orange mare as she reared up to buck the tree, as Twilight Sparkle appeared right between her back hooves and said tree.

“Apple—.” was all Twilight could get out before the farm pony’s hooves crashed into the side of her head, causing the opposite side of her head to crash into the tree, leaving a perfect impression of her face in the bark, again.

Applejack immediately spun around when she felt her hooves contact a soft substance instead of the tree, and found Twilight on the ground, unconscious with her tongue lolling out of her mouth and a goofy expression on her face.

“Gah! Again, Twilight?” Applejack said to herself as she faced-hoofed. “This’s like the eighth time y’all’ve done this, keep it up and you’re gonna give yerself brain damage ya idiot.

Applejack got her lasso and tied one end of it to Twilight’s back hoof before beginning to drag her off to the library. Sure, it wasn’t the kindest of things to do, but after all that hard honest work Applejack was in no state of body to carry the purple mare, who was of substantial weight. Of course, she would never say that to Twilight’s face.

“Ya know Twi, if you want me tah come to yer library, just tell me, and stop gettin’ yer skull bashed in all the dang time,” Applejack said through the rope in her mouth.

“Yes mommy,” the ‘sorta-kinda-semi-conscious-but-sorta-kinda-not’ Twilight said as she was dragged through town.

“Urgh,” was Applejack’s only response.

Meanwhile, President Stone had called a meeting with his Cabinet to talk over matters concerning their return, and how to calm down the populace.

John Lynn, the Secretary of Defense, spoke first.

“Well, the people are panicking, and it’s only a matter of time before the chaos spreads further. We may see another attempt at xenocide if we don’t do something.” Lynn turned to look at the end of the table opposite from the President, where a lone unicorn stallion was seated, looking out of place among all the humans in spite of his black suit, coat and tie. “Secretary Gold, what’s your take on the situation?”

The jet-coated stallion raised a hoof to brush his messy jet and gold colored mane out of the way of his amber eyes and began speaking with a sigh. “The Department of Human-Pony Relations is trying its best, Secretary Lynn, but ever since the Xenocide Brigade massacred over five hundred million ponies thirty years ago, relations between New Terra’s two races have been quite strained.”

“But we’ve worked together for three thousand years to accomplish this goal!” The Secretary of State, Lisa Wong tried to counter, “a few fanatics couldn’t possibly drive us apart just like that!” Try as she could, Lisa simply couldn’t understand why the ponies would hold on to something that had happened so many years ago, conveniently forgetting their own lifelong grudge and fear of the Surface Ponies.

“And yet, I regret to inform you that that is indeed the case,” Black Gold sighed with a shake of his head, “we ponies have always helped you humans with our magic to speed up the process, but even so, our trust in our human friends has dwindled. When was the last time you saw a large group of ponies leave one of the pony-centric cities to visit the humans, Secretary Wong? I still have faith in you, our beloved creators, but after that bastard Mendoza and his cronies killed so many ponies in such a short time, the New Terran ponies have started to ignore how much we have accomplished by merging magic and science. The NutriNet, the fertility waves, the MP/EP converters, the radioplastic, the lasers, the life-extension treatments, the monopoles, and the many other scientific achievements that have put us where we are today, all of them are being ignored, all because of paranoia. We’ll continue to try the best we can, but I don’t know what more we can do. None of our nation’s ponies seem as if they want to desert, but even so, they may not be that willing to help, either.” Gold said with a sigh, shaking his head. It truly brought him sorrow to reminisce on the current state of affairs, especially the foregoing of the wondrous technology that was available. Perhaps that his family had made quite a deal of it played a part in that.

“Well, I may have a solution,” the President announced to his trusted advisors. “I’ve met with one of the leaders of the surface ponies earlier today, and she seemed willing to sign a peace treaty.”

“This had better not be Diana,” Secretary Gold growled. “We can’t trust the two original ponies. They just want you humans dead! Remember the stories you’ve all passed down for generations? They’re even recorded in video format so they’ll never be forgotten! It had better have not been Diana, President Stone. She’ll kill you without a second thought. That’s why the surface dwellers are called the ‘Usurpers’. That’s why everyone, both human and pony alike, are so afraid of the Usurpers. They drove us from our homes!” He spoke vehemently, had it been in his nature, he surely would have spat on the names of the Primordial Ponies.

“Well, this wasn’t Diana,” Stone assured his Cabinet. “This was one of their daughters, Princess Celestia. She and her sister are apparently in charge now. She’s seen how much our people irrationally fear her, and she’s agreed to sign a declaration of peace. Broadcasting it to all over New Terra should ease everyone’s minds on this. And allow for both of our peoples to work towards a prosperous future, an agreement we can all look back on and be proud of, one that could save us,” The President stood from his seat on his final words as if to drive them home, he was an amazing speech giver, that was for certain.

The Cabinet room suddenly burst into applause, and Stone sighed in relief. Hopefully, his next meeting with Princess Celestia would go just as well. If not better.

Twilight cracked open an eye to see that she was back in her library. Her head hurt, also, everypony was yelling at her.

“You ruined my cake!” Pinkie’s shrill voice screamed

“You stole my dress!” Rarity’s equally shrill voice accused

“You ruined my tea…” Fluttershy quietly mentioned.

“You almost killed me!” Rainbow Dash said, angrily

“Ah almost killed ya, AGAIN!” Applejack yelled, exasperated.

Twilight struggled to her hooves before taking a deep breath and yelling “Everypony! QUIET! I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS!” She shouted, the absolute model of a good friend.

Her friends all quieted down after her outburst, but they all looked at her expectantly and angrily.

“Equestria is in peril, and you’re all behaving like little fillies!” Twilight exclaimed, “I’m sorry about what I did, but this is an emergency!” She explained.

“How is getting a priceless dress stolen by your best friend not relevant?” Rarity screamed, “what could possibly be so important?”

“This!” Twilight exclaimed as she floated Princess Celestia’s letter in front of Rarity’s face, even though the letter itself didn’t have any such declarations and Twilight was basically going off guesses and assumptions. “Equestria is in danger! I think that’s more important than a dress! But if you want it back so badly, here!”

Twilight lit up her horn with magic, and the dress she’d gotten rid of earlier appeared on Rarity’s face.

“Now, Princess Celestia said we need to get to Canterlot as soon as possible, so we need to—”

Twilight stopped talking as she realized she and her friends were suddenly inside Canterlot Castle.

“Pinkie!” Twilight exclaimed as she turned to glare at the pink mare. “Don’t do that! It makes no sense!” Perhaps blaming Pinkie immediately was rude, but to be fair, it was usually the work of her strange powers.

“Okay, fine,” Pinkie pouted. Suddenly, they were back in Twilight’s library.

“No, no! Wait! Gah!” Twilight exclaimed in frustration. “Pinkie, do it again! We need to be there!”

“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie replied. In the next instant, they were surrounded by rocks and craters…

“Pinkie! This is the Moon!” Twilight screamed.

“How’re we breathin’ up here?” Applejack said in confusion as she reached for her hat as it started floating away.

“Pinkie! Get us back to Canterlot!” Twilight snapped.

“Hey, look at this!” Pinkie exclaimed, completely ignoring Twilight. “What’re these doing here?”

She pointed a hoof at a red, white and blue flag, a plaque, and an octagonal box, originally covered in some kind of golden foil, which had been ripped off in sections to make way for the writing which now adorned one of the sides: “N.M. WAS HERE. CELESTIA SUCKS EGGS!”

“No time for that, Pinkie!” Twilight huffed. “Get us back to Canterlot!”

“Aww…” Pinkie moped. “Fine.”

The next second, they were back in Canterlot Castle, through the amazing fourth wall powers of Pinkieus Pieus.

“That was one small step for six ponies, and a huge leap for ponykind!” Rainbow Dash cheered, “that was awesome!”

“Shh! You’ll get us sued for copyright infringement!” Pinkie said with a shake of her head.

“What did I miss, Darlings?” Rarity asked while setting her dress carefully on her back, “I had to inspect the dress for damage.”

“How did you not notice any of that?” Twilight screamed, “we were on the Moon!”

“Twilight! Thank goodness you’re here!” a voice exclaimed, cutting into the absurd conversation.

The six mares and one dumbstruck baby dragon turned around to see Princess Celestia approaching them.

“You won’t believe the day I’ve had!” Celestia exclaimed, a small chuckle following up.

“After what Pinkie just did, I think I can believe anything right now,” Twilight replied, provoking nods from Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, a look of confusion from Rarity, a giggle from Pinkie, and finally breaking Spike out of his stupor.

“Pinkie! How’d you do that?” Spike exclaimed, “that’d make for an awesome comic!” The rather artistically inclined drake questioned.

“Not now!” Twilight huffed before addressing the Solar Princess, “Princess, what’s going on? Is Equestria in danger? What new race did you mean? What’s with you not sending any letters? Are we going to have to defend the country again?”

“All in due time dear Twilight, first let us retire to somewhere more comfortable for conversing,” Celestia said with a shake of her head.

With yet another sigh, Twilight gave a nod and Celestia began leading them off. Deep into the castle they walked, eventually arriving at a rather lush and comfortable meeting room, Luna was also there, already reclining in a plush-looking loveseat. Luna had been informed of the situation prior and agreed with Celestia that peace was to be the best answer to this situation.

“So, why is Equestria in danger, Princess?” Twilight asked.

“When did I ever say Equestria was in danger? In fact, didn’t I make exactly the opposite point?” Celestia asked, a slightly confuzzled look on her face before realizing Twilight had probably overreacted again.

“Oh, nevermind Twilight. Anyway, it’s nothing quite so serious as that at current, though if we don’t do anything, it could probably reach such problematic proportions,” with a slight sigh Celestia sank down into a plush seat of her own, motioning for the others to make themselves comfortable as Pinkie pulled a tray of confections from her mane and set them upon the table.

As she waited for everypony to be seated, Celestia inspected the sweets, finding them to be amazingly clean, she deigned to have herself a snack. She had missed dinner, after all. Pulling a small tea cake from the tray she began munching away until finally everypony was ready to talk.

“Now, you all remember the tremors we had upon the rising of the sun, yes?” Celestia questioned, to which she received nought but nods.

“Well, an entire nation—” Celestia paused to take a bite out of her small baked treat, “—rose out of the ground during the quake, these people are devastatingly afraid of us, and so I’ve brought you all here to help Luna and I write up a treaty that should calm everyone down.” Celestia finished, reaching for another cake as she had finished her first.

“Alright, but why do you need all of us for this? It seems like the kind of thing that you usually do,” Twilight said, to which the others gave concurring nods.

“Because these new people are humans, yes, the same from the fables. Although much of what we know has been proven wrong, they are a peaceful people who want no more conflict with us. Sadly, our people had, at one point, almost rendered them extinct, and as such they are not so inclined to be calm around us. When I visited not but three hours ago, the streets were filled with screams and cries of doom…” Celestia finished, a forlorn look of sorrow on her face as she thought back to her visit.

“Humans?” all seven exclaimed.

“But all the books we have on them paint them to be horrible, irredeemable monsters! Books that your own parents wrote! Surely they couldn’t have been wrong!” Twilight protested.

“They’re not monsters!” Celestia snapped, “like I said, I’ve met them myself and they are a peaceful and kind people, if a bit terrified of us. And, while I regret to admit it, I fear that my parents might just be wrong. It has been many years since these humans have roamed the surface, three thousand years in fact. As you all know, time can change many, many things. Who are we to condemn a people to death for their past sins?” Celestia questioned them, sighing as another look of sorrow came across her face, her eyes seemingly begging for all those present to understand what these people had been through.

“Well… if you’re giving them a chance, then you have my trust. I’ve followed you for a long time, Celestia, and you’ve never steered me wrong. These people shouldn’t have to pay for what their forefathers did, and even if your parents say otherwise, I’ll stand by you. And I’m sure all the rest of us here will as well,” Twilight said, turning to look at all her friends as they gave nods of agreement, before she turned back to Celestia, “so, what is it that we need to get done, Princess?”

“Well, the first thing we need to do is decide who goes along. I’m almost certain having all of us go would be a bad idea, the humans reacted… worse than hoped for when there were only three of us, myself included, I’m sure bringing along the six of you and my sister would just make things worse,” Celestia explained, taking a moment to allow for others to speak as she took a bite of her pastry. Naturally, Twilight was the first to respond.

“Hmm, well that does make things a bit more complicated. You have to come along for obvious reasons, and you should have at least one other pony with you. No offense Luna, but I don’t think it should be you,” Twilight paused as Luna looked over at her motioning for explanation, “well, it’s just that both you and Celestia look similar to King Apollo and Queen Diana, and of course, they were the ones who almost brought these people to extinction,” Twilight finished, to which Luna replied with an understanding nod.

“Very well,” Luna replied. “I must admit that I look quite alike my mother, and that could incite panic, especially if some of the old battle tales are to be held for truth.”

“Well, we need somepony with diplomatic skills besides Celestia,” Twilight mused. “But who can we ask?”

“Why not yourself, Twilight?” Rarity suggested. “You are a Princess, after all. You must have had some training after your ascension, right?”

“Me?” Twilight gasped, blinking in surprise. “I’ve had a little training, sure, but I can’t go. I just can’t! I’m not ready for something like this!”

“But you have some training, while all of us have none!” Rarity snapped, provoking nods from the others, including Spike. “We don’t have time to consider other ponies, Twilight! Who else can we ask on such a short notice?”

Twilight sighed in defeat. “I guess I’ll go, then. I’m still a little scared, though.”

“It will be all right, my faithful student,” Celestia assured Twilight. “Now, we’ll need to write up the treaty first, and then you and I will get ready while Luna speaks with your friends on how they will play into this plan.”

Celestia levitated two elaborately pressed scrolls of cream colored paper, emblazoned with her royal sigil in the corners, as well as two bottles of the finest raven ink, to the table in the center of the room and motioned for everypony—and dragon—to gather around the table. “Now, what should we say?” Celestia asked the group, before turning to Twilight with a secondary question, “Twilight, could you serve as scribe?”

“Of course,” Twilight replied, taking the quill, formed from the feather of some long dead majestic bird from olden times, in her telekinetic grip and dipping it into the inkwell, quickly retracting the carefully sharpened tip so as not to cause splotches from over-filling. “So, does anypony have any ideas to start us off? We should probably write down suggestions before we actually get to writing the treaty.”

“Well, if it’s a treaty, why not give them a bunch of candy as a peace offering?” Pinkie piped up, energetic and bubbly as usual. “You can’t have treats without candy!”

Twilight smiled a tad, before explaining to her cotton candy-maned friend. “No, Pinkie, a ‘treaty’ has nothing to do with treats, although that could be rather funny. It’s an agreement between two or more nations on all sorts of various issues, ranging from small ones to large ones, right now we’re working on a rather large problem.”

“How about a some kind of tournament?” Rainbow suggested, “whoever loses in the competition has to watch out for whoever wins and keep out of their way!”

“Rainbow, that’s more like a declaration of war than a peace agreement!” Twilight sighed in frustration as she gave the prismatic mare a look that just screamed that there couldn’t possibly be a dumber suggestion than that, “we’re trying to make friends, not enemies!”

“Um, Twi,” Applejack cut in, placing a hoof on the lavender mare’s withers, “ah don’ think she meant actually hurtin’ anyone. More like… just showin’ off who can do what, an’ whoever’s weaker gets protected by whoever’s stronger. Ya get me?”

“Still, a show of military strength is a bad idea,” Twilight said firmly, “neither side needs to flex any military muscle for this. And what about being on equal terms with them, a military pact is one thing, but one side pretty much coddling the other? No, that won’t work, Applejack.”

“Well then, how about something like the Gala? We could throw a ball, and show them how refined we are. It could be like a high-culture exchange!” Rarity suggested, a grin spreading across her face as she thought about all the dresses she could make for important ponies that would go to such a party. “It would also be nice to see how their development in the more refined arts is, compared to our own.”

“Okay, a diplomatic cultural exchange doesn’t sound like a bad idea,” Twilight partially agreed before jotting down some notes on the suggestion, right under the heavily crossed out lines of Rainbow’s. “Any other ideas?” The lavender unicorn asked once more, looking up from the parchment.

“Ummm… Let’s just be really nice to them?” Fluttershy suggested quietly, for it seemed like such a simple solution, that she couldn’t just be silent and let it never be spoken.

“Well, that is what we’re aiming for, so with a bit of rewording, that part will work, I suppose,” Twilight replied before jotting down some more notes, perhaps an excessive amount, but for Twilight there was no such thing.

“Ah’d like tah know how them humans grew food with no sun,” Applejack quipped. “Maybe an exchange of farmin’ techniques?”

“No offense AJ, but farming is a bit limited. A more general technological exchange could probably work, though,” Twilight admitted. “Who knows? Maybe we know some things they don’t! And learning about all the achievements they’ve made sounds very educational, too!” With that, Twilight jotted down a few more notes before turning to Spike, who was reading a comic, and the Princesses, who had watched the whole exchange in silence so far.

“Princesses? Do you have any ideas?” Twilight asked hopefully. Surely her mentor would have something to add, at least. They were the practically everlasting rulers of the country for thousands of years, after all.

“Whoa, that’s cool!” Spike suddenly exclaimed, his young voice filled with excitement. “Look, Twilight!” He ran over to the table and shoved the comic he was reading in Twilight’s face, thankfully she was quite used to the little Drake’s eccentricity. “The Red Knight and the Pale Knight just teamed up!”

“Not now, Spike,” Twilight groaned, pushing the comic away. “We’re trying to—” She looked back at the comic and saw what Spike was talking about: a pony in red armor, decorated with rose engravings of the same color was being attacked by a manticore, and a pony in white armor with similar motifs to the other suddenly galloped into the fray to protect the other pony. “Spike, you’re a genius!” She exclaimed, drawing the baby dragon into a hug.

“Wait, I am?” Spike asked as he struggled to get free before Twilight suddenly released him.

“Yes! A mutual protection pact!” Twilight exclaimed before jotting down notes frantically. “It’s like AJ’s, Rainbow’s and Fluttershy’s ideas, but all rolled into one! And it helps out the both of us! We get attacked, they help us, they get attacked, we help them!”

“Twilight,” Luna suddenly cut in, “I don’t think a pact like that is as good as you think. Yes, we’d protect each other. But what if either of us started a war with another nation? The other would be dragged into it.”

“That may be the case,” Twilight sighed, “but at least it would soothe the humans’ fears a bit. Besides, why can’t we just add a clause that makes it where both nations will only help with defense?”

“I think that would work, Twilight,” Celestia said with a nod. “And as for myself, why not a trade agreement? They’ve been underground for three thousand years, so they’ll probably have things we don’t, and vice-versa. It’d show that we’re willing to help them, and that they’re willing to help us as well.” The Solar Princess looked thoughtful for a moment before nodding.

“That’s a wonderful idea, Princess!” Twilight exclaimed as she jotted down more notes, her writing a tad sloppier than usual as she desperately wrote down the idea of her previous mentor. “Each side is bound to have some resources the other doesn’t, so that’s perfect!”

“Alright, I think we have enough ideas to write up a treaty,” Twilight announced as she smoothed out the now slightly wrinkled parchment she had been writing on, spreading the fresh sheet of alabaster paper alongside the original. “I’ll just get it started right away!”

Author's Note:

Sorry it took us so long! Please enjoy, and happy reading! Now, hopefully some questions have been answered by this chapter. Of course, for the questions not answered yet, we can't give you everything at once, now can we? That'd be too much to say all at once. Hopefully, you also have some new questions, too, because we were intending to create new questions to keep you guys reading. Anyway, once again, happy reading! Oh, and don't forget to give us some feedback in the comments!

What? Were you expecting us to write that boring treaty into the chapter?

Why did you just nod? It’d be boring!

No. Just… NO. We aren’t writing some huge legal document into this fic. It’s already taken us almost two months to finish this chapter!

You know, if you really want it that badly, I guess we can try to at least put some of it in the next chapter. Anyway, one last time, happy reading!

Comments ( 38 )

Really you could just outline the main articles of the treaty. I refer you to the story "The Unity Pact" for reference.

5367281 It's an author's note. Who's to say that the general outlines won't be in Chapter 4? Besides, didn't we state the gist of the treaty well-enough already in the discussion? If not, then I guess we can put it in Chapter 4.


these human, reminds me of the ancient of Stargate, are based on them?

5367352 If they resemble them, that was unintentional. Then again, I have watched a lot of Stargate with my father in the past, so some of those features may have crept in without me realizing it.


the ancient, have lost two major wars solely by ethical issues
against ori and specters
and ironically the spectra were created for them by accident

5367427 Well, now that you mention it, that does sound similar, but once again, it wasn't intended.

5323195 I did Scoots. Aren't you proud? :pinkiehappy:


5367433 not worry, it's normal that happen many ideas have already been repeatedly used in the fiction in general
important thing is knowing apply the ideas in the story you are writing

5367511 Thanks for the advice. I'll try to keep that in mind.

Some questions yes, but others came up in their place. The ponies that live with the humans is one. That being said, it's a interesting development.

I was redirected here by Rage Reviews.

5378861 That's all well and good, but don't forget to read all three chapters with an open mind! Just a suggestion, so you don't have to if you don't want to, but at least read the whole thing before leaving an up/downvote. It gets better as things go on.

What's with all this silliness? It comes out of no where in a story that seamed like it was trying to be serious.

5394948 I'm sorry. We put a few little jokes here and there in previous chapters, but I guess we failed to give the message that this fic alternates between light-hearted and dead-serious. For future reference, that's what we're trying to aim for.

5395666 There is a difference between light-hearted, and ridicules, a difference between being funny, and breaking any sense of continuity.

What you have done is simultaneously asked me to consider a plot with a grim past, grim setting, and every possibly for a grim future, and gest blindly except all... that! it's not even dun well. It was gest a bunch of old reused jokes without a lot of substance. Do you really expect me to seriously ponder all those questions you've put forth while also, excepting that PinkePie can gest travel to the moon in an instant.

I honestly don't believe that kind of comedy can work outside of a story specify designed to accommodate it. Simply put it goes to fare, and you shouldn't ask your readers to seriously think about sum elements of your story while blindly excepting others.

Hey, how come this story's inclusion in Rage Reviews and Overly Stupid Fanfiction isn't being displayed? I'm not sure about the Rage Reviews folder, but for Overly Stupid Fanfiction it's under the Authors Beyond Redemption folder.

5414255 Dude, you can stop right there. No one who came here to read this fic for the story gives a darn about your bashing. I read the Rage Review of it, and I plan on taking it into account. And for your information, I can hide whatever groups I choose to hide (the rules say so), and if a group claims I'm "beyond redemption", then they deserve to not be shown. I'm not going to advertise groups that try to label an author as hopeless. Anyone can improve with enough effort, and I intend to do just that. So unless you have suggestions on how I can accelerate my improvement, keep your antagonistic thoughts to yourself. Your attempts to spark a flamewar will not be tolerated, nor will your passive-aggressiveness. You want to start a fight? Take your attitude somewhere else. This is a fic by a pair of authors who are trying to get better. Not everyone begins with immense talent. Some of us have to develop such talents. So, unless you have something productive to say, I suggest you zip it. Asking me why groups that often spell doom for fics before they even have a chance to be read by the unbiased are hidden is clearly an attempt to start a flamewar. The exit is to your left. Please kindly show yourself out.

Also, being antagonistic like that is very unbecoming of anyone at this time of year. Think on that for a while, okay?

(Also, downvoting a comment doesn't change the truthfulness of it. Please also ponder that carefully before hitting that downvote this comment button.)

Hiding the groups you're afraid of letting people see just seems so...it reminds me of this pizza joint that used to be here. Found out their shitty food netted a few reviews on Yelp and got a few friends to post good scores. Everyone in town that had eaten there knew that, but not the travelers. We always felt kinda bad after seeing that, but whatever.Point is, you can't hide a placement or review because it hurts your feelings. Not only does that make you look bad, but more importantly takes away the reader's ability to make an informed decision to read or abandon a fic. While not as laughable as deleting comments, it's still rather sad.

One last thing. If you really think that was an attempt at a flamewar, go and spend some time online or look up the definition of a Flame.

5416405 Look: I may have overreacted there, but I still get to choose. That's what the system's for. If I could pick the order the groups show up in, maybe I'd do that instead, but I can't. Most of those "badfic" groups end up before the groups I want to advertise with the eight you first see when you open a story, and I don't want to advertise groups that are super critical without giving offers of improvement when I could be promoting more positive groups.

This fic got crammed into way too many badfic groups, so I hid them all. You may think it's "cowardly", but I don't want people to make what you call an "informed decision", I want them to make what I call an "informed decision": reading for themselves without any bias from seeing badfic groups filling up the roster of featured groups so they can make self-informed decisions. In fact, if this fic were to enter the group "Written Gold" (or whatever it's actually called), I'd hide that group, too, so readers could still decide for themselves (my coauthor would probably blow a fuse at me for hiding it, but I would hide it anyway for the sake of neutrality). Any group that raises or lowers expectations will be hidden. It goes both ways.

Also, did you even read the whole comment you replied to? Near the beginning, I said that I've read the Rage Review of this fic and plan to take it into account. We got a 60% rage level, and though the review offered little ground for what we can do to improve, I was able to figure out a few things we can do based on the information given. If I felt hurt by that review, I wouldn't be taking it into account, now would I?

Now, your comment may not have been an attempt to start a flamewar, but accusing me of being a coward when I just want the readers to make their own decisions without any outside influence is just plain rude. I'm making sure they think for themselves. Is that so wrong? Seeing a badfic group among the featured groups spawns negative bias before they even read the first word. And people who have had their opinions manipulated by an outside source aren't good sources for constructive criticism, and we can't have that.

Now unless you have actual constructive criticism to offer to improve my writing, my coauthor's writing, and this fic, then please stop commenting. Such comments are a waste of my time because I could be doing better things than take the time to read them (such as actually working on improving), and they're a waste of your time because I'm sure you have better things to do than belittle this fic and its authors.

The exit is still to your left. Please show yourself out.

Twilight stopped talking as she realized she and her friends were suddenly inside Canterlot Castle.
“Pinkie!” Twilight exclaimed as she turned to glare at the pink mare. “Don’t do that! It makes no sense!” Perhaps blaming Pinkie immediately was rude, but to be fair, it was usually the work of her strange powers.
“Okay, fine,” Pinkie pouted. Suddenly, they were back in Twilight’s library.
“No, no! Wait! Gah!” Twilight exclaimed in frustration. “Pinkie, do it again! We need to be there!”
“Okie dokie lokie!” Pinkie replied. In the next instant, they were surrounded by rocks and craters…
“Pinkie! This is the Moon!” Twilight screamed.
“How’re we breathin’ up here?” Applejack said in confusion as she reached for her hat as it started floating away.
“Pinkie! Get us back to Canterlot!” Twilight snapped.
“Hey, look at this!” Pinkie exclaimed, completely ignoring Twilight. “What’re these doing here?”
She pointed a hoof at a red, white and blue flag, a plaque, and an octagonal box, originally covered in some kind of golden foil, which had been ripped off in sections to make way for the writing which now adorned one of the sides: “N.M. WAS HERE. CELESTIA SUCKS EGGS!”
“No time for that, Pinkie!” Twilight huffed. “Get us back to Canterlot!”
“Aww…” Pinkie moped. “Fine.”
The next second, they were back in Canterlot Castle, through the amazing fourth wall powers of Pinkieus Pieus.
“That was one small step for six ponies, and a huge leap for ponykind!” Rainbow Dash cheered, “that was awesome!”
“Shh! You’ll get us sued for copyright infringement!” Pinkie said with a shake of her head.

This whole thing can be edited out

5416520 You know, making an informed decision means giving the reader everything you can about the fic. So....in theory, by hiding groups you prevent the reader from making a completely informed decision, instead forcing them to bend to what you want them to see. If you want them to actually be informed in deciding on whether or not to read this, give them everything

5416520 You know, making an informed decision means giving the reader everything you can about the fic. So....in theory, by hiding groups you prevent the reader from making a completely informed decision, instead forcing them to bend to what you want them to see. If you want them to actually be informed in deciding on whether or not to read this, give them everything

Proud isn't necessarily the word, but I am glad you're writing. :twilightsmile:

1. Celestia and Luna's parents are *******************s that depicted humans as complete f**king BLOODTHIRSTY MONSTERS, MANIPULATED their own CHILDREN and the ENTIRE POPULATION into believing their lies, and seem ready to drive them to EXTINCTION (when all the ponies were used against were OTHER HUMANS) and probably commit MASS GENOCIDE against the ponies that lived RELETIVELY PEACEFULLY with the humans, and seem to outright REFUSE to listen to reason. I hate their guts already and want them to get what is coming for them (Lauren Faust's OC (called "Rosseta" by some) and a ponysona of Craig McCracken (that's how you spell his name right?) that I call "Sunflare" are my favorite interpretations of Celesta and Luna's parents, I'm pretty dang sure THEY would never do what the two that claim to be the parents of the royal sisters did, tried to do, and are probably planing on doing to mankind and ther pony allies)

2. Next chapter please

When is the next chapter coming out?

6314591 Well, the story is on hiatus for a reason, you know. I don't mean to come off as rude, but I've just lost any and all inspiration for all of my works lately. I've been kind of down in the dumps for several months, and the fact that one of my friends won't stop making fun of how I "can't finish anything" isn't helping my motivation any. I haven't really been able to really form any more ideas for the next chapter for quite a while now, but every chance I get, I try to. I plan on releasing the next chapter as soon as i can get it completed and fully edited, but at this rate, it's probably going to take a while. Please be patient. If I could post the next chapter right now, I would, but I absolutely can't right now because it's just been stuck halfway done for a while. I'm sorry.

Is there any hope of this story continuing?

Find a way to get rid of this writers block ASAP!

"Long ago, before ponies existed, the world was ruled by another race. This race ruled the world alone for over six thousand years. Six thousand years of war and bloodshed. This race fought against each other over almost anything. They did not know harmony, only chaos.

More like 20.000+

I know that your comment is super old but I wanted to tell you this

Second: The ponies going to war agaisnt the humans because they found out that Humanity went to war in the past? Jesus these ponies are dicks and should of had been wiped off the face of the planet with tons of nuclear fire.

there is a Fic here on Fimfiction where holy Terra has some kind of consciousness and uses some Emperor dammed magic bullshit to make some anymal sapient (humans in the first place) then goes to sleep for some 100k years. When it wakes up it doesnt like what it seees, a violent warlike species (even if one of the first things they tell you its that most of Humankind was disbanding their armies) and then makes the ponies intelligent and they go all rebel on us and start slaugthering us for no reason while calling us "Filthy apes" or something like that, so in this fic at least they got a fucking REASON to hate us (sorry if the explanation was too long).

Third: Humanity has basically become a bunch of Ghandis and got their asses kicked. This humanity also should of had been wiped off the face of the planet.

you right, we should kill those HERETICS and then BURN ALL THE F*CKING XENOS!

7061291 Um, For me, I take the "no human evolution" approach. I know, in this world that's becoming more and more atheist (at least the culture is), that seems like being old fashioned. But I did it anyway. Certain things can horribly mess up carbon dating (such as a massive global flood), and it's possible that the human "precursors" that we found in fossil form could actually just be normal humans who experienced birth defects or negative mutations.
Plus, fossilization doesn't take very long. A Teddy Roosevelt teddy bear from 1902 was recently discovered in a fossilized form, but the scientists refuse to call it a fossil, instead insisting that it's merely "petrified". All fossils have their ages determined by the age of the rocks around them. The problem there is they date the rocks based on the fossils they find, so the numbers are actually made up and accepted as fact when there's no proof of how old the fossils really are. So, there's no proof that humans were actually around for 20,000+ years, or even that we evolved from anything.
And regardless of if I'm right or wrong, I wrote this story with certain things in mind: 1. Religion saw a resurgence in the underground, so people turned to faith, not science to get the hope they needed to soldier on. 2. One of these religions is actually correct, but it will most likely never be revealed which one is in this story. 3. The world was actually created, and didn't form on its own, implying divine influence. 4. Humans didn't evolve from any lesser being. Other creatures may have evolved, but humans didn't. 5. Humans aren't considered animals in the minds of the human populace, for nothing had sapience but them originally, with the races they created counting as not "species" but "races".
I know this sounds a bit backwards to some, but I honestly can't see cold calculating theories as something to give humans hope to continue living. It was cold calculating science that got them into this mess, so why would they assume that it's their best way out of it? The humans now put science and religion working in tandem, neither controlling or suppressing the other. Science isn't religion's puppet, but science doesn't go out of its way to try to disprove religion. The two work in unison instead.

7062489 I wasnt talking about Humans as a species but as a society ( the Oldest human or Homo sapiens Fossils aka us are more than 100k years old).
Also, thanks for answering and showing that it wasnt an error on your part unlike a lot of people in fanfiction and fimfiction (i.e speed of light as 300.000.000.000km/s)

Edit: I dont want this to turn into some kind of Theological debate as I dont really care what you think nor you should care about me, in my opinion everyone can belive whatever they want as long as they dont force their views on anyone else

This story still updating?

8122586 It's not dead. It's on an extended hiatus, though. It will be updating again someday. I've lost contact with a lot of those who were helping me in the past, and this one is on the back burner while I work with other ideas in the meantime. But don't fret. It will be back.

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