• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 2,893 Views, 113 Comments

A New World, A New Journey - ThatOneVolcarona

Steven Stone, former champion of the Pokemon universe, gets transported into the MLP universe by the Pokemon God´s desire. Will he be able to adjust to this new world? Or will he fight with it all to go back to his homeland?

  • ...

Chapter 1 : Vs. Aggron

“Rest now my children, for when you awake a whole new world shall be your home.”

The plaza of Hingard, a small and beautiful place filled with merchants and buyers alike, and one of the best places for tourists to go when visiting Tall Tale, a small city in the Western part of Equestria. This abundance of tourists also made it one of the best places for thieves to do their job.

One of these thieves was a certain unicorn named Pickett Midnight, popularly known as "Pockets," that arrived to the small city not that long ago, running from her past in Manehattan, and waiting for a better future. She was not a bad pony, but Life had made the worst out of her, throwing her to the streets and giving her a talent which caused nothing but trouble: stealing.

"GRAB THAT BLUE PONY!" a griffin tourist exclaimed while in pursuit of said unicorn.

"I’m navy blue, ya blind bird!" Pockets replied, trying to mock her pursuer. The griffin left out an annoyed growl, and flapped his wings harder than before in hopes of catching up with the surprisingly fast unicorn. Pockets laughed at the attempts of her pursuer, as that was exactly what she wanted, more adrenaline running through their veins.

At the border of the plaza, an iron fence separated the main street from a parallel one, this was her chance. The unicorn closed her eyes, and hoped for the best, waiting for the right moment. A spark took Pockets away and placed her on the other side.

She looked behind her to see the griffin attempting to slow down mid-flight and avoid crashing into the fence, though lacking enough distance to properly do so. As such, his still very rapid momentum resulted in his avian head able to just barely squeeze between two of the iron bars, though the gap between said bars was not wide enough to easy to squeeze back out of. Thus the winged creature was stuck, and no matter how hard he pushed or how far he stretched his talons, he couldn’t reach Pockets anymore.

"Ha ha!" Pockets exclaimed, proud of her success. However, the formerly frustrated and still stuck griffin suddenly broke into a smug-looking grin, an action that greatly confused Pockets.

Behind her, two tall ponies with gray armor and lances stood. Their shadows covered Pockets, one being taller than the other.

"Guards... just- great..."

"Hello Miss Midnight," a dark brown earth pony guard said, a perfectly groomed moustache revealing his mature age.

"Officer Golden Star, and... Silver Star? Is it take your son to work day?" Pockets asked.

"My son here finally got his badge; this is his first day in the force!" the older officer exclaimed proudly. "Silver, you’ve met Miss Midnight before, haven't you?" Golden Star looked at the light brown Pegasus, who showed a blush on his cheeks.

"Are you for real? Arrest her!" the griffin interrupted.

"Eeyup, at the station. Nice to see you again Pockets," the light brown colt answered, ignoring the angry tourist.

"Congratulations bud! Since it's your first time arresting me, let me tell you how things work: either I escape right now, or I let you grab me and take me to the station so I can make a magical and wonderful escape. Because this is your first day, I'll let you decide!" Pockets stated with confidence.

"Hmm... I feel like running, so let's do the first one," the young colt answered.

"ARE YOU NUTS?! SHE’S A THIEF!! JUST ARREST HER AND TAKE HER TO JAIL ALREADY!!" At this point the griffin was becoming really mad, his wings flared out and his talons extended. This called the attention of the older officer, who knew that the situation was not a good image for the police force, or Tall Tale in general.

"I'm sorry sir, but it doesn't matter what we do, she always manages to get out of our hooves. But you are right, we have to take you to the- where is she?" The officer looked at the now empty spot where Pockets had been just seconds earlier; he then heard a voice coming from somewhere not very far off.

"Come on dad, if we don't hurry, she’ll get away!" Silver said in the distance. Pockets had teleported to the roof of the building next to them, and she was already running away, followed by the young officer.

"Have a good afternoon sir, and I'm very sorry about this. You can go to the nearest Police Office to get a refund for your money and belongings. Thank you for visiting Tall Tale!" Golden Star exclaimed as he broke into a gallop to follow his son and the sneaky blue unicorn.

“Wait, you can’t leave me here! I am an important member of Griffinheim’s bureau of-” But before he could end his statement, the three ponies were already gone.

"And... I'm safe!" Pockets exclaimed as she stopped running. She arrived at the forest not long ago; there, it was almost impossible that the police could catch her.

She teleported onto the branch of an old oak tree and sat there, then opened her bag to take account of her most recent loot; a few bits, a small introduction card which she didn't bother reading, a pocket watch she could sell later, and the most valuable part of the loot, a golden ring with a small gem placed on its claw. But this gem was unique, if you looked at it from different angles, you could see different colors on it, shining on the crystalline gemstone.

"This will sell pretty darn well in Canterlot, could go for a couple thousand bits or so," Pockets said to herself before arriving at a large and ancient tree of age with leafless branches, and rough bark. She stood on the longest branch and walked towards the trunk.

Pockets closed her eyes, and she let the magic flow through her. A flash of light hit the trunk, which disappeared to reveal a somewhat large hole that lead to a vast room. Pockets made the old tree her base, having managed to hollow out a good chunk of it with a few tools and a lot of patience. Her little hideout was sparsely decorated and fairly simple: lanterns here and there to keep things bright, some basic tools that she had found in the garbage, a bag filled with different varieties of fruits and vegetables, and a hoof-crafted shelf that revealed some of her most valuable possessions; loot that could not be sold anywhere near Tall Tale yet were each worth a small fortune. A golden cane, a somewhat famous painting, a gem-encrusted sword, and now a color-changing gem. All of these items were taken from various wealthy tourists that visited the city, whom she saw as greedy and careless. She was proud of her success as a thief, yet she was not happy with that life.

The next day she would leave for Canterlot to sell off her loot and start a new life. She would clear her name (or get a new one), buy some new tools, and travel around like the adventurer she always wanted to be. But it was getting late, and she needed the sleep. The thief’s life was exhausting, and she had a long day ahead of her. Pickett lay on her bed and closed her eyes, just to dream with amazing adventures, and as her mind was turning blank, she turned the lanterns off with a blink of her magic.


Pockets was awoken early the next morning, frightened by the extremely loud sound that had spread through Equestria. Her pictures, paintings, and small furniture fell to the ground due to the quaking of the earth that shocked the blue unicorn.

Pockets teleported out to see what happened, but a beam of light, almost as bright as the sun, struck her eyes, but it didn’t hurt them at all. She checked the surroundings to try to find the source of the disturbance as soon as the flare disappeared. However, there was no trail of smoke or any other indication of destruction, and she couldn't sense any kind of known magic either.

‘Just what kind of explosion was that? she wondered as she descended to the ground to search for clues, though the ones she found were extremely odd.

"What the... what are those?!" Pockets gazed at the oak’s roots where a pair of horned spider-like creatures unlike anything she had seen before were standing, looking rather confused. The smaller of the two was green with yellow and blue legs and an odd marking that resembled a face on its abdomen, while the larger one was red and black with yellow and purple legs and had yet another face "painted" on its abdomen. Both spiders looked at each other confused, they then noticed the presence of the unicorn, the bigger one stood in front of the small one, displaying a menacing stance to defend its kin.

"I don't want to hurt you, so please don't try to hurt me," Pockets said nervously. Something told her to run, yet these creatures intrigued her, she couldn't keep her eyes off the weird patterns and the astonishing size of the spider. While wild ideas were running through her head, the big spider turned to look in a different direction and its stance became even more menacing, while the small one replaced its scared expression with an angry one similar to its bigger friend. Pockets looked at the same direction as the bugs were, and she spotted what had made the spiders so angry.

"Star-raptor!" A massive dark brown and white bird with a forward-pointing red-tipped crest, yet another creature that Pockets had never seen before, was descending rapidly towards them. With her experience in the woods she deduced that the bird-like creature was all-out to attack them, or most likely to attack the bugs. But even with its speed the spiders were faster. The big one shot a spiderweb projectile to the bird’s wing, shutting it down. As it began to fall, the smaller spider fired a similar projectile at the bird’s feet, sticking them together.

Pockets was shocked; never before had she seen bugs defend themselves like that. The spiders quickly fled the scene, while the bird was left laying on the ground, struggling to get the spider web off its body. Even with its threatening appearance, Pockets felt the need to help the creature; it was only trying to feed, right? If she freed it, it may even join her as some sort of pet, and with such speed and power that it displayed it could be useful if she found any other bug-like creatures similar to the two spiders from before.

"Okay little guy, I’ll get that thing off you, don’t you worry" Pockets said softly to the bird as it looked at her in disbelief. The bird attempted to move, but with three of its limbs entangled in webbing, its movements were highly limited.

Pockets grabbed a small but sharp stone and started to remove the spider-web from the bird’s body. The texture of the web was different from a regular spider-web, being rougher and really sticky, yet it was easy to take off. The sticky threads could easily slow down incoming enemies or, if used correctly, completely disable their movements. A few minutes later, she finished taking the string off the bird, which stared at her with a confused look.

"Star-raptor?" The bird cried, looking at her surprised.

"No need to thank me, also, is that the only thing you can say? Star-raptor? Is that your name or something?" Pockets asked, trying to soften the intimidating beast up.

The Staraptor left a soft smile out, but something called her attention from nearby, some sort of beastly noise could be heard. The earth started shaking, and the birds, the indigenous ones and the new ones, including the Staraptor, began flying to the direction of the mountains. Pockets looked at the opposite direction, there was smoke, and it came from Tall Tale.

"Ugh... light... is it morning already?" Steven muttered as he opened his eyes. His body was tired, he couldn't even think properly. He looked to the sky, and tried to organize his thoughts.

Hazy and disorganized memories flooded back to Steven. The last thing he could recall was being in a cave, an ancient and long-abandoned cave previously unknown to mankind. He was looking for anything interesting (mainly rocks) to take back to the Slateport Museum, or to keep it to himself if it was either too rare or something that the museum didn’t care much for. It then hit him: if he was deep in an ancient cave, how could he see the sunshine? How had he even gotten outside? Maybe something happened and Layton took him out of the cave without him noticing, but if this was true, Layton should be nearby, so Steven decided to ask his twelve thousand pounds friend.

As he stood up, he felt his body was heavier than usual, though he didn't really think much about it. He began to wander about, trying to find his friend. His head still a bit foggy. For a genius like him, he should have been able to recognize what happened to him in mere seconds, but the mornings were one of Steven’s biggest foes as it made his mind as dull as a Magikarp’s. Suddenly, another thought hit him: the psychic link he had with Layton. Steven cleared the junk from his mind and he proceeded to call out his buddy.

"Layton," Steven thought. He knew how to control this telepathic system so he could think and talk separately, but there were moments like this where he could get the two mixed up, sometimes leading to awkward situations.

"Layton it’s me, Steven. Where are you?" Steven asked telepathically. "Answer me if you can hear this".

Steven waited for a while and repeated the same message over and over again. He got tired from walking, he sat down on a nearby stone, and he looked at his surrouñndings. Steven was in the middle of a forest, he was certain of that much, but he knew nothing else.

So many ideas were going through his head, he needed to relax. He lifted his hands to rub his eyes, but what he saw stopped him mid-way, and his mind was filled with confusion.

His pale-skinned hands had been replaced by a pair of round, lime green pincers that were divided from his new long, thin arms by his steel bracelets. His wide shoulders sported a silver cover, which covered the usual metal plating; this lead him to inspect the rest of his body. His skin had been replaced with lime-green metallic armor, and his chest had the appearance a v-neck that revealed a layer dark-green chitin beneath the layer of metal. His lower body now showed an insectoid abdomen, and his legs were not what they used to be, with two large hip joints, thin thighs, and wide calves. His feet were tipped with one clawed toe in the front and another in the back.

All of the fog in his head disappeared. He now realized that he was taller, and that his eyes were now located at a weird angle, each one at a side of the now pointed head; he raised his new pincers and touched the back of his head and felt a trio of three horns, each one going in a different direction, and it all felt weird now.

He jumped off the rock in shock and soon afterwards lost his balance and fell to the ground. He stood up again and attempted to walk, trying to work this all out in his head. He was panicking, his mind passed from a foggy mystery to a realm of chaos. His legs were longer, yet thinner. His hands (now pincers) could rotate like a regular human hand, yet he could only open and close them; no fingers moving freely, just an open/close motion which he couldn’t understand completely. Surprisingly, he was still wearing his metallic sleeve cuffs that now seemed attached, either fused or just stuck, to him. He arrived to a single, obvious conclusion.

Steven Stone was now a Scizor.

How could this be happening? Steven had heard many stories as a child of humans turning into Pokémon; were they really true? Was he doomed to be a Pokémon forever? This was just too much for him. All of the confusion and fright had to be released, and there was just one immediate way to do so: Steven screamed with all his might, causing multiple birds to fly away from the trees.

Steven fell to the ground afterwards, his head throbbing, his mind chaotic, his whole body shaking, his wings... buzzing? He wanted to faint, but he stopped himself from doing so.

"Ok Steven, calm down," he said to himself, trying to keep his mind stable and to clear. He attempted to stand up, succeeding after some clumsy movements. He needed to find help, and fast.

He looked around, trying to find anything that could aid him. Steven spotted a small mountain, which he could possibly climb to scout for any nearby town or city. After a while, he managed to control his movement well enough to advance without falling. After a couple of minutes, he arrived to his destination.

Steven was used to climbing mountains without any trouble, his equipment was always there to help, and if that failed, either Layton or Tania were there to give him a lift. But he had no equipment anymore, his bags were just gone, and his team was nowhere to be seen. Steven then realized, he had steel pincers for hands now; maybe the task of climbing the mountain was possible, even without the proper equipment.

Steven mentally prepared himself; if he failed, he could fall from several meters above the ground, but he was sure his new body could hold a fall like that. He moved his claws, still figuring out the peculiar movement. He looked at the rock wall, and prepared to ascend. Steven gave a right hook to the side of the mountain, and his pincer created a small hole of which he could grab onto. He pushed himself up, and did the same with his left claw. Steven repeated the process multiple times, placing his completely flat feet on the same holes he created.

After a couple of minutes, he reached a cave that was near the top of the mountain, and he sat there, trying to clear his mind from all the thoughts that raced through it. He then spotted different flying type Pokémon soaring through the skies. Unfezants flying next to Pidgeottos and Swellows; also flying next to other bird creatures that didn’t look like any Pokémon he had ever seen. Those Pokémon could never meet each other on the same area naturally.

"Arceus, where on Earth am I?" Steven asked before letting out an exhausted sigh. This was all too much, even for him; the same guy that witnessed two colossal, extremely powerful creatures trade blows in an apocalyptic battle. He then noticed something odd about the flight pattern of the birds; they were all headed in the same direction, while emitting loud cries, like if they were scared of something. Steven turned his gaze into the direction the birds were fleeing from and he noticed smoke. More than that, he noticed what appeared to be a town, and the smoke was trailing from it.

Being the heroic kind of guy, Steven quickly stood up, and searched a way down. There was a path that led to the town, yet the dust and the smashed rocks showed that the path was not natural, it was created by something. Footprints revealed the one behind it, and the prints were fresh. A rampage, and Steven knew of only one kind Pokémon that could bear that kind of prints.

"I’d better hurry, this doesn't look good at all!"

Tall Tale didn’t expect this. One day the city was as happy and calm as always, and the next day a six foot metal beast came down from the mountain and started smashing everything that was on its way. The ponies had no idea how to resolve this huge silver problem. The tourists and many of the locals evacuated the city as soon as the monster appeared. Only the bravest of the city’s inhabitants, as well as a few members of the Canterlot guard that were on vacation in the city, stayed to try to fight the giant monster that was demolishing the place.

Many other strange creatures were also appearing around, most of them were small and confused, yet due to their sudden appearance and their abnormal looks, ponies were more scared of them than the creatures were of the ponies. The city turned into the capital of chaos, screams of terror and sounds of destruction were everywhere. A somewhat large group of ponies were attempting to fight the colossal beast that was now in the center of Tall Tale.

The beast roared as it fought the armed Pegasi that surrounded it. Just after this roar, the beast stomped the ground, and several spires of jagged rock suddenly jutted from the earth surrounding it. The Stone Edge attack struck the Pegasi, rendering them unconscious on the ground.

"Send a team to rescue those ponies!" a brown earth pony commanded. "All unicorns, keep preparing the catapults!"

"Yes Mayor Grumble!" a guard answered. He, and some other unicorns, quickly trotted to the large catapults that were being set up on various locations around the beast.

"Mayor, sir, sorry to interrupt. My name is Golden Star, I’m a member of the police force."

"Yes, what do you need? We’re kind of busy here, trying to get rid of a giant monster and all."

"Well sir, you see, I haven’t been able to find my son. I've been looking for him for half an hour now, and with this chaos, it’s getting too hard for me to search. So if you could help me..." the officer asked softly

"Sorry officer, but I can’t spare any of our resources on finding lost ponies right now; it may sound dark, but we need to get rid of this monster before we can handle any other problem. And you said it yourself, it’s pretty much impossible to find anypony in this me-"

"Found him," a voice interrupted. A navy-blue unicorn was bringing an unconscious light brown pony along her. "He was laying under a fallen roof, he doesn't seem to be seriously injured though."

"Silver Star!" the officer exclaimed. "Thank you Pockets, thank you."

"Midnight, you’ve got a lot of nerve to show up in front of me, I could just ask my guar--"

"Hold your horses mayor, I came here to help," Pockets answered coldly. She and the major didn't get along very well, what with her being a criminal and all.

"If you really are here to help, then you wouldn't mind getting in front of the giant monster and trying to reason with it," the mayor replied sarcastically.

"Not at all. In fact, that’s exactly what I came here to do," Pockets answered to the surprise of all those present.

"What!?! Pockets, that’s crazy, it’s a rampaging beast!" Golden Star exclaimed

"I've seen other weird creatures today in the forest. I think they may be related to this guy, and one of those creatures seemed to understand me. Something tells me that we can actually reason with this guy too," Pockets explained

"Then go! If you die, it’ll be one less problem for me to worry about," the mayor replied, not even considering if it was a good idea to send her to die.

About half of Tall Tale was now in ruins. The Aggron had smashed through, blown up, punched, and stomped on pretty much everything in the central area of the city. There was no stopping it.

The catapults were shown to be ineffective against the steel beast, and the inhabitants of Tall Tale were already giving up. Nopony had any idea of how to stop the rampaging beast. Except for one small female unicorn.

"Hey you!" Pockets exclaimed, trying to get the beast’s attention, but with no result. She shouted a couple of times more, but with the same result. She proceeded to the plan B. Pockets grabbed a stone with her magic, and threw it to the beast while it was too busy punching some buildings to notice. Pockets kept trying, until one of the stones hit the jackpot, the back of the beast’s head. The beast turned in the direction from where the small projectile came from. The beast looked at Pockets in confusion; why would such a small creature do something like that? But it still was an attack, and Aggron did not take those lightly.

"AAAHGR!" the beast roared, trying to intimidate the small creature, and while it seemed to work, causing Pockets to flinch, she regained to her strong posture, earning a bit of the beast’s respect.

"Look, big guy, I know you can understand me," Pockets was not sure if this was true, but she had to look confident in what she was saying if she wanted some sort of reaction from the giant steel beast. "Now listen here, you’ve got to stop demolishing this place, innocent ponies are being hurt, some may be dead, ponies that did nothing to you!" Pockets shouted, hoping that the six foot tall beast actually didn’t know what he was doing, and he could react to the destruction that this caused. Unfortunately, this was not the case. The silver beast roared at the little creature’s insolence, treating it as a mindless beast that just caused destruction because he felt like it.

So Pockets’ fear came truth, the beast got even more angry, and it readied its fist. She was frozen with fear, she knew that this was it; she wanted to be like those great adventurers from her books, face off against mighty beasts while saving a town or two. But those were all just stories and legends, this was real life, it was the end of her. Eyes shut; she waited for the fist of the mighty beast. But something else pushed her.

Pockets opened her eyes, and saw a bright green creature, holding two round pincers in front of him, stopping the metal beast’s fist. The creature saved her, she didn't even know what kind of creature it could be, but it saved her.

"What do you think you’re doing?" the Aggron asked. Steven was shocked that the Steel type could communicate with him, but it should be expected, Steven was a Pokemon now after all. At this precise moment though, he couldn't risk looking shocked, or doing dumb comments like "You can talk!?" Aggrons were extremely serious creatures, and showing fear or surprise would mean weakness for the tall metal beast, meaning that it would crush him without hesitation.

"You almost killed that Ponyta," Steven answered, "This isn't your territory, your mountain is far from here, meaning you have no real reason to attack this place."

"That ain´t a Ponyta, Scizor, these beings ain’t even Pokemon. They can fly, they can levitate things, they can teleport, and they can kick; but they don´t know how to properly attack with these abilities. A Pokemon that can’t fight shouldn't even be considered a Pokemon. When I was an Aron-"

"I don't want to hear your stories Aggron," Steven interrupted. He needed to end this as quickly as possible; he had his own problems to solve and he wanted to get onto them as soon as possible. "So what if these creatures aren’t Pokemon? Humans aren't Pokemon either, but you don't go around smashing their houses, now do you?" Steven replied. He knew how wary Aggrons were of human-inhabited areas; any properly trained Fighting type could easily take down the Iron Armor Pokemon, and any decent trainer knew how to take advantage of this weakness to fend off any angry Aggron.

"Listen here ya smart boy, I don't care if I'm right or wrong, I'll demolish this place, just as they demolished my home!" the Steel type roared angrily

"They did what now?" Steven asked, doubting that these creatures could destroy an Aggron´s mountain and get away with it.

"I somehow fell asleep in the middle of my daily dig. I woke up, checked outside, and found that my mountain had been completely changed," the Aggron claimed. "Different trees, different ´mon, even different landscape! No one messes with an Aggron and gets away with it! Besides, that horned creature attacked me!"

"Now, I understand what you’re saying, but don’t you think it´s a bit illogical? I mean, how could they possibly alter an entire mountain while you were resting? Don´t you think your argument is a bit irrational?" Steven had a good point, and Aggron knew this, but he wouldn't let himself look like a fool, else all his hard-work would be for nothing. Giving up was not an option; he had to finish what he started.

"You pretentious little brat! You dare to try make an Aggron look like an idiot!? You’re just like that dumb horned creature! You all deserve to die for your insolence!" the beast exclaimed. Steven knew that calming an Aggron with mere words was an almost impossible task. His attempt had only delayed the inevitable: it was time for a Pokemon battle.

(Play this)

Wild Aggron Appeared!

The Aggron roared, stomped the floor, and called for an attack.

"Stone Edge!"

Steven received the impact of the sharp rocks that were flying towards him, being a Steel type, the move shouldn't be effective, but being a Bug type nullified that resistance. Steven had to attack if he wanted a chance of survival, but he had no idea of what moves he could possibly have, or how he could possibly use them. But still, he gave it a try.

"Brick Break" He said dubiously. But while his pincers showed no reaction, his back started shaking. Steven looked at the origin of the movement, and noticed that on his back were now displayed slim, transparent wings.

"How dare you?! You call for an attack, and don’t use it?! Are you trying to mock me?! NO ONE MOCKS ME!!" the Aggron roared. "Heavy Slam!" Calling out his next attack, the Aggron rushed towards Steven, launching him back. The slam hit hard, and the weight of the creature didn't help either, the trainer knew that he wouldn't be able to take another hit. But he wouldn't go down without a fight either.

"Ok, so that won’t work. The wings appeared though, maybe I can use something related to that… Flying type move, on a Scizor,” Steven began thinking, he had a Scizor before, yet he never really used him for combat. A move then came into his head, a move that any creature with wings could learn, and that could possibly save his life. “Fly!” He called, impulsing his body upwards. Yet nothing happened, Fly was not compatible with Scizor.

"A Pokémon that doesn’t even know his moves, that’s sad. Let me end with your misery. HEAD SMASH!" The Aggron cried. An Aggron with Head Smash, Steven had the worst luck sometimes, Head Smash was one of the most powerful moves out there, dealing a massive hit through the use of the user’s head, combined with an additional boost provided by the Aggron’s Rock typing, its only drawback being the damage that the user received. But with Aggron´s ability, Rock Head, the recoil was no problem.

Steven stood there, watching how the Aggron ran towards it, ready to impale his body with its sharp iron horns; he wanted to run, but he couldn't, maybe the Pokemon instinct, maybe the fear, he didn´t know. But he did know something, that was it, the former champion´s life came to an end in an unknown place, after being transformed into a Pokemon, and while being watched by creatures he had never seen before.

"You are dead, Scizor! You sorry excuse of a ´mo--" The aggron´s victory speech was abruptly interrupted when a giant rock struck him on the head, stunning him for a while. Steven searched the origin of the projectile, to find a blue horned Ponyta next to what appeared to be a catapult. The same creature that he saved from the Aggron. The same one that foolishly stood in front of the Iron Pokemon, to try to reason with it. It sure was an impulsive and weird creature.

"How, dare you!! YOU WILL ALL PAY FOR TH-"

"Meteor Mash" a robotic voice exclaimed in the distance. The Aggron was interrupted by a silver blur that rapidly hit the beast on the head.

"That voice..." Steven said to himself, if he was right, his life was now safe.

"Layton, is it- is it really you?" Steven asked through the mental link.

"It is, Steven.I must inform you that you are currently a Scizor" Layton replied coldly

"One problem at a time, tin-can"

The citizens saw in amaze and fear how a floating chunk of metal revealed four spider-like legs, a golden "X" covering the corners of it´s face, and cold red eyes. The Metagross located itself in front of Steven, who left out a confident look, he didn’t think about his chances of survival now, as he knew that he already won.

“Steven, I’m awaiting orders. I suggest exploiting his weakness to Fighting type moves. According to my calculations, two Hammer Arms should put his health to a stop.”

“Sounds good to me. What do you say buddy, want to wreck an Aggron?” Steven asked


"Enough chatting! If you are friends with that Scizor, you will faint with him!” The Aggron roared, before stomping the ground to call an Earthquake attack

"Layton, you know what to do, use Hammer Arm!"

The Iron Leg pokemon impulsed himself towards the Iron Armor Pokémon, as his right claw, surrounded by a bright white glow, hit the target right in the chest. The Aggron slided with the impact, landing on an already damaged building, destroying it completely. The Aggron stood up, bruises on his chest plate, and continued the attack. The earth shook violently, as multiple small cracks traveled aimlessly around the Rock type, cracking buildings and roads. The biggest of them aimed for the two Steel types, but it was stopped by a steel-colored barrier, that prevented any damage.

“Layton, finish this. Use Hammer Arm!” Layton hovered towards the Aggron once more, who tried to protect himself with his own arms. But it was all useless, as a light blue light surrounded his arms, moving them out of the way. The Hammer Arm hit the head, a critical hit. The Aggron left out a loud, yet fainting cry, as he felt on his back, unconscious.

(Stop the last one, and play this)

Wild AGGRON fainted!

Author's Note:

FIrst Chapter! This went trough a re-write, did some modifications here and there. Hope you enjoyed it, and forgive my terrible grammar, hopefully it isn't that bad with two amazing editors that helped me out in this chapter.

Huge Thanks:
TDNPony (Editor)
SerpentKing789 (Editor and adviser)