• Published 13th Nov 2014
  • 2,893 Views, 113 Comments

A New World, A New Journey - ThatOneVolcarona

Steven Stone, former champion of the Pokemon universe, gets transported into the MLP universe by the Pokemon God´s desire. Will he be able to adjust to this new world? Or will he fight with it all to go back to his homeland?

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Chapter 2 : Welcome to Equus

"As always, you arrived just in time."

"Indeed. Although, you should be more careful next time."

"You know me, Layton. I can’t just stand seeing a town being destroyed and doing nothing to help. At least this is finally over"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that, look behind you."

Steven did as said. Behind him, the inhabitants of the city (at least the ones that stood there after the rampage) were gazing at him, amazed yet terrified, paralyzed from what they had just seen.

"I guess I should calm these Pokemon down, don’t I?" Steven commented, he didn't like people freaking out over his abilities, it made him feel uncomfortable. He looked directly at them, and took a deep breath.

"My name is Steven Stone, former champion of the Hoenn region. I`d like to have a talk with the Gym Leader of this town, or the Mayor if the Leader is not available." Yet no one answered. "Layton, are these even Pokemon?" Steven asked, seeing the confusion in the ponies’ faces.

"Negative, they don't appear to posses the characteristics of any know Pokemon, they don't appear to emit any kind of known energy either, but they are far more advanced than humans in multiple ways." Layton informed, analyzing each and every individual in front of him.

"Well, you could have told me that earlier. Can you set up a psychic link with these creatures?"

"Affirmative, just give me a few seconds."

The Metagross’ eyes glowed a bright white, and many ponies’ eyes, including Pockets, the mayor, and Golden Star, did the same afterwards.

"Hello everyone, my name is Steven Stone, former champion of the Hoenn region, and currently a Pokemon.” He deadpanned, before continuing, “I would like to speak with the Gym Leader, the Mayor, or any representative of this town"

The place was silent. Telepathy spells were advanced magic, and almost none of them had experienced it before, some screamed in fear, thinking that they were going insane; others were shocked to see such power, a few neurotic ones were sending theories around about aliens invading Equus, the apocalypse, and other crazy theories. But one of them was not scared, or confused, or amazed; he was angry, and he felt the need to show it.

"I am the Mayor of Tall Tale," The red earth pony said "Mayor Grumble, and as a mayor, I demand an explanation!" The mayor was not happy, his city had just been destroyed by a steel monster, and he needed to blame it on someone, and for him, the best option was to blame it on Steven and Layton.

"Well, Mayor Grumble, with all due respect, I ask for the same. How did you even manage to place a town near an Aggron’s mountain without it noticing? There are laws prohibiting any kind of construction near dangerous Pokemon’s habitat without proper permission." Steven claimed.

"What on Equus are you even saying? What is an ‘Aggron’ or a ‘Pokemon’?" The Mayor said indignant. “And stop calling us a town, we may be small but we are a growing city!”

"Wait, you are telling me you don't know what a Pokemon is?" Steven asked confused

"Yes, that’s exactly what I'm saying, you crazy beast!" The mayor replied angrily

"Mayor, I recommend you to stop" Golden Star suggested

"How could you not know what a Pokemon is?” Steven asked confused, Pokémon were everywhere, it was impossible that someone could not know what a Pokémon was. “Wait, did you just call me a beast? Even if you don't know what a Pokemon is, thing that I doubt, you shouldn't go around calling sentient creatures 'beasts'. Your attitude is as good as your reasoning, someone like you should not be allowed to be a mayor " Steven replied coldly

"Listen here ya punk, I don't care if you are some sort of alien from another planet, how dare you question my ability to lead this place!? " The mayor said outraged

"You two should really end this discussion" Layton proposed

"Anyone who despises living creatures without knowing them, have no possibility to be a good leader!" Steven countered, ignoring the Psychic-type

"And what could you possibly mean with--" The mayor said, before being sent to the ground violently.

"Woah, what the?-- Earthquake!?" Steven exclaimed alarmed, while he felt like if he was being punched from below. The ponies and the Pokemon also fell to the ground, as the earth shook with mighty force, completely destroying an already seriously damaged building, and slightly damaging many others. Steven searched for his partner, to find his front left leg firmly fixed into the ground. Layton was the one behind the Earthquake attack. The Iron Leg Pokemon wanted to stop both the irritated Mayor, and the offended trainer, and he succeeded.

"Good, now that I have you attention, let me set things clear for you both, and for the sake of all the citizens that are observing us. My name is Layton, and my partner here is called Steven Stone. I still do not know how, or why, but we have been sent to your planet" Layon explained

"Wait, what? What do you mean by that?" Steven interrupted.

"Quiet Steven, you are acting like a child right now, you are in no condition of asking anything until I'm done" Layton rebuked, leaving Steven astonished. "Mayor Grumble of Tall Tale, I apologize for my partner’s attitude, he is smart and polite most of the times, but he can get a bit childish when the right button is triggered. Now, about the disaster that just occurred in your city, we apologize deeply for the damage that the creature known as Aggron has caused, but we can assure you that we had nothing to do with his rampage; and that if you wish for us to help you in the reconstruction of the city, we would gladly do so." Layton explained, on a solid and formal manner.

"How can I know that what you are saying is the truth? You might as well be sweet-talking us, trying to fill our heads with lies just so you can get away from this!" Grumble exclaimed, still heated by the recent events.

"Oh come on! Stop being a stubborn old horse Grumble! These creatures saved my life, not only that, but the entire city as well, they even offered to help!" Pockets claimed, tired of the Mayor’s grumpy attitude.
"Of course you would side with these creatures, Midnight, only an airhead like you would support savage beasts like these ones!"

"Like Steven said, we are not beasts. We are sentient beings called Pokemon... " Layton gave a formal and somewhat quick explanation of what Pokemon are, about Earth, the dangers that some Pokemon may cause, and the benefits that many Pokemon bring. When he finished, many ponies had questions, which both Layton and Steven answered patiently. Some ponies, including the mayor, calmed down a bit, others were still scared by the now confirmed `aliens`. The calmed ones agreed to explain a bit about Equestria, and Equus, to both Pokémon, while a few other Pokémon that joined, listened to the conversation as well

"Well then... Mister Layton, I welcome you and your partner to Tall Tale, to Equestria, and to Equus." The mayor said calmly, "You two are free to look around, you can help on the reconstruction if you wish, but I would like to invite you to a cup of tea, Mister Layton, so you, I, and some friends can talk more about this `Earth` of yours; and of course we can teach you a bit about Equus, if you wish of course."

"I do not drink tea, it is not good for my system. But I gladly accept your invitation, I would be glad to learn more about this planet," Layton replied. "Steven, I suggest you to look around, we need to find information about why we are here. " The Iron Leg Pokemon said through the mental link, before tucking its leg into his body, then floating about a meter above ground. Many gasped at this, some amazed, others scared; Steven just nodded. And both Pokemon went their ways.

Steven walked around Tall Tale looking for something to do. The mayor asked to anypony, and any willing Pokémon, to help with the reconstruction of the damaged areas in what they could. Steven decided to look around, trying to find a place where he felt his new body could be of help.

The place reminded him of Verdanturf Town. A calm touristic place located near the mountains and the forest, vegetation all around. Vines and flowers on the buildings, natural formed parks every 3 or 4 blocks, he could already spot some bug and grass Pokémon roaming around, from Butterfrees to Bellossom, Surskits on the ponds and Skitties running around, catching the eye of fillies and young mares alike, Steven even spotted a shy leafeon peeking over a flower patch. On the other hand, the surrounding buildings were either seriously damaged or completely destroyed, while many Pokémon were trying to get rid of some Rattatas. But just as the Mayor said, it was not really a town, but more of a small city, with some tall buildings spread around the city.

He stumbled upon an old-fashioned, somewhat larger building, one of its walls was completely gone. An old mossy rock sign showed, in carefully carved letters: "Tall Tale Museum of Lore and History". From the hole in the wall, Steven spotted a bunch of what appeared to be sculptures, some of them looked completely broken, others, though seemingly intact, were laying on the floor. Around the center of the room, a hooded figure was standing next to a stone statue of yet another creature that Steven did not know about.

Steven, intrigued by the lone hooded figure and the odd statue, stepped closer to have a better look. The hooded figure heard him get inside the museum, but didn't pay much attention to him. Steven reached the odd statue, it was a fairy like creature, some sort of butterfly mixed with a pony; large antennas on top, a long beard that reached the floor; curly hair with the same height of his head; and long, abundant eyelashes.

"This one was one of the few to stay on its feet. The 'Aggron' as those creatures called it, smashed the museum’s wall, and shook the ground, causing everything to fall apart." The hooded figure said on a saddened tone.The voice sounded familiar, but not enough to recognize it.

Steven looked at the pony closer (the body-shape showed that it was most likely a pony) the muzzle was the only visible part of her head, being a dark night-like blue, it was rather short compared to the other ponies that he had seen so far, and it showed a feminine silhouette, although Steven was not so sure about how their genders worked. The former champion remained silent. The mental link that Layton placed was no longer in effect; even for Layton, that many people in such a big area and for a long period of time was too much work.

Steven observed the statue that the hooded pony was looking at. A fairy-like creature was holding an odd-looking pickaxe, the figure had an odd belt that held various bottles, and bags of different size. The tag on the pedestal said in carefully carved letters: "Tall Tale, The Master of the Mountain".

“Ya know who he is?” The pony asked, before using her magic to pull the hoodie back, showing her identity. A small navy blue unicorn, with an odd symbol on her flank, a simple thief mask over a white heart. "Oh! Uhm... it’s you... Steven, right?"

“That’s right.” Steven nodded, yet the only sound that the unicorn could hear, was a swift and metallic “Zor”

“Oh right, forgot you creatures do that. You said before that it was your way of communicating, your cry. Let me fix that” The unicorn’s horn started to glow a deep blue glow, and a tingly sensation invaded Steven’s throat and head. “Ok, that should do it. Now try saying something.”

“Hello” Steven said, waiting for the reaction of the pony.

“There we go, hello! Well, I think we should start with introductions. Name is Pickett Midnight, but everyone calls me Pockets. Welcome to Tall Tale’s museum of lore and history I guess.”

“I enjoy being in museums, I even used to be an historian myself.” Steven commented, having a closer look at the statue.

“His name is Tall Tale, he is a local legend, said to be the founder of this place. Other than some folk tales the elders always narrate, no evidence has ever been shown about his existence. Still his stories are pretty darn cool.” The unicorn said, leaving the statue and walking to some painting which she picked from the floor, placing them on their respective places with her magic. “Hey, mind helping me?” She asked, glaring at Steven with a slight grin.

The former human advanced towards her, grabbing an old looking painting that depicted a bulky brown pony, with a brown tall fedora, and a whip on his belt. He grabbed another one, which depicted two pegasus ponies, wearing long coats and safari hats, cameras at their side, they seemed to be filming some sort of movie on the forests. He passed them to the unicorn, who saw them and chuckled.

“These are all famous adventurers that used to live here, all of them following Tall Tale’s steps. They were well known all over Equestria, I even got to meet this guy.” The navy blue pony grabbed a photo of a pony wearing casual clothes, brewing a pot with two indigenous ponies (they seemed like indigenous ponies), “Guy traveled all over Equus without a single bag, taking what he needed from nature itself. He arrived here two years after being done with his journey, it’s due to him that I love these stories so much. Tall Tale is the land for adventurers, or at least I believe so. I want to become like them, and travel around the country having amazing adventures. Hey, want to look around for more awesome stuff? I can tell you ‘bout them and the stories behind them.

“Sure” Steven nodded, as he followed the excited pony, who began searching for anything interesting that may be laying around.

"Well, mister Layton. I’m glad you could accompany me to this meeting" Mayor Grumble said.

"Who else will we be meeting, sir?” Layton asked

"Just some friends from the different departments in Tall Tale, ponies of class, like yourself"

"I want you to acknowledge my true purpose here, to inform, and be informed. I do not wish to participate in political debates."

"Of course, It will just be a little chat, and me and my friends will tell you as much as you'd like," The mayor said calmly

After a while, they reached a big, cream colored mansion. It blended with the surrounding buildings almost perfectly, as they were in what appeared to be the wealthiest part of the city. The gates opened, showing a beautifully maintained garden, and a quartz table on the middle of a white stone gazebo

“Seems excessive" Layton said to himself, even though President Stone (Steven’s father) had a similar house like this one, neither Steven nor Layton enjoyed the rich live.

On the quartz table, four figures were sit, 3 ponies, and one feathered lion that Layton assumed was a griffin.

“Friends of mine, good to see you all!” The Mayor exclaimed

“As fashionably late as always, huh Grumble?” A white male pegasus said

“And I see you brought today’s guest” A yellow female unicorn added

“An odd, yet menacing looking guest, that is,” A dark green male earth pony commented.

“Oh shut your horse mouths already. You are going to make our guest feel uncomfortable” The apparently female griffin interrupted. showing a soft, sensual tone.

“Today is definitely not going to be a pleasant day” Layton thought to himself, leaving a slight ‘Me-ta’ that made the unicorn and the pegasus chuckle for no good reason.

"And I said, 'you are wearing THAT to the gala? It looks like if a manticore puked on you!’ "

Most of the beings presents laughed, except for Layton, They were going with these stories for an hour now, and none of those stories amused him. But he had found some useful information implicitly. He found out that the ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia, was extremely powerful and wise, and lived in a city located in the middle of the continent; she would definitely be a good source of information.

"So, Layton, right?" The green pony said " Is it true that you mashed that furious monster’s head and knocked it out with almost one hit?"

"Well, first of all-"

"That hideous animal, destroying our buildings, imagine how much bits we will need to pay those repairs!" The unicorn added.

"It is not an ani-"

"And how will we convince the tourists to come back to this city? They must be terrified!" The pegasus commented.

"As commander of the Tall Tale’s police force, I think that we should worry more about the future! What if more of those things are out there? We need new defenses, Golden Coin, how much can you give me to buy new weaponry?" The earth pony asked

"Well, as the Treasure Manager, I need to worry about those bits that we are losing here with the recent destruction, but you are right, we need new defenses if we want to prevent more catastrophes. But I don't think it will be that simple, Green Lead, we need permissions for new weapons" The yellow unicorn added softly.

"Well, It appears that I, Angel Wings, am the only one that’s thinking about the reputation of this city. We need to fix Tall Tale, we need to prevent new disasters, but we don't need to scare tourist off with crazy illegal weapons on our police force. Tourism is the main source of income, no tourist, no money, no more fancy tea parties." The pegasus pointed out.

"What do you think, Mr. Layton?" Green Lead asked.

"As I told the mayor, I’m not here to be part of political debate, I’m here to inform and be informed, but until now, there has been none of that" Layton said calmly, yet annoyed, he didn’t have that much patience for snobs.

"I agree with our guest, you do this all the time, can’t you see we got something more important and fascinating in our paws? Or hoofs in your case, or claws in our guest’s case. You see gentlemen and Golden Coin, I have the solution to all your problems." The griffin said softly, yet still somewhat sensually, calming the mood down.

"What do you have in mind, Sphinx?" The mayor asked intrigued

"You see, we have someone that can easily defend us against these creatures, someone that won’t look bad at all in our police force, and that may even become a tourist attraction!" The griffin said excited "I also find this odd creature interesting, in many different ways" She added, looking at Layton’s claws and softly licking her beak.

"If you are planning to use me as a weapon, tool, or zoo attraction, then you are going to be disappointed. I will not be used, I already have a trainer, an 'owner' if you wish to call it like that, and we have to search for answers, answers that apparently you idiotic snobs won’t provide me." Layton replied, feeling angry at insulted.

"How did the iron spider just call us!?" Green Lead said outraged

"Unbelievable, he is not a gentleman, he is just another animal!" Golden Coin exclaimed.

"Do something about him, Grumble!" Angel wings ordered angrily. But the mayor kept silent, the idea of having such a powerful creature as his personal bodyguard was just something that had to happen.

"The three of you be quiet, we know better than anyone that it is true, we need someone to protect us. We all have valuable possessions, if one of these Pokemon came and destroyed them, then what would we do? Nothing, we can do nothing against them. We need you, Mr. Layton, we really do." The mayor begged, hoping to soften the Steel type up; but his mind said something else: "With him by my side, no one would dare question me, I could do anything that pleases me, just have to manage a way to get him to obey me."

"I think that you should all know that, as a Psychic type Pokemon, I have the ability to read minds, to know what you are thinking. I usually don’t do it as it is considered ‘rude’. But I needed to know if I could trust you, and I now know the answer." Layton said coldly. The mayor faced turned into anger, his plans foiled. Layton decided to give the mayor a lesson; he lifted his leg up, looked at the ground, and left out a soft smile.

"Everypony, I think we should get away from here..." Green Lead suggested worriedly.

"You should" Layton suggested softly, "Earthquake" He punched the earth without much strength, not using the full power of the move. But it was enough to make the building crack, cause valuable items to fall, and to cause fear and anger in most of the presents, with the exception of the griffin that was just flying a few meters above the floor, chuckling.

"Y-you-you will pay for- this!" The mayor said, shaking due to the waves.

I believe it’s my time to leave, Steven must be waiting for me. Until next time, gentlemen!" And as soon as he finished the sentence, he lifted his claw from the ground, tucked his leg in, and started to rapidly float away from the location. "Good job Layton, you just acted like a Beldum" He said to himself as he hovered through the streets of Tall Tale

"To every officer of the law! Stop that creature at all costs!" Green Lead ordered, just to find only two officers nearby, shaking with fear. "You useless cowards... Get me a paper and ink!"

"And this broken piece of a statue, was a representation of Tall Tale’s pickaxe, a steel-diamond mixture with magical properties, legend says that it would never break, and that it could pierce through anything."

As Pockets explained all the bits of the stories that she loved, Steven observed how different that new world was, dozens of creatures that did not depend on power, but magic. This magic that would be nothing but a 'Pokemon Move' on his world, was the same all over the world, but with many different properties and uses. How different types of magic that were connected could power up in different situations. He also learned about extremely powerful creatures, roaming around the world freely, some protecting, others causing chaos, with no limits in moves, no dependence on types, no weather effects, no limits. Yet creatures like this "Tall Tale" Pockets talked about were capable of such power. He also found the need to craft a pickaxe like that one for himself

"And finally, this is the Talliate, a rare gem that was said to be found by Tall Tale himself, one of his kind," A shiny golden crystalline gem the size of a hoof, stood on a pedestal, surrounded by a glass case. "I'm surprised that no thief has come to steal it yet." Steven felt his heart beat faster, his eyes widened, and his pincers twitching.

"Crystalline, translucent, that golden color may indicate iron ions, and the size possibly hints at more deposits of this gem underground-" He started saying to himself, getting closer while mumbling more technical stuff. He arrived at the case almost unconsciously, he tried to lift it up, but it was firmly attached unto the pedestal.

"What are you even doing?" Pockets shucked. This took Steven off his little trance, he was an avid stone fanatic, and seeing a rare, new type of gem took him into a trance in which he could think of nothing else.

"I’m going to guess that you like gems" Pockets added, and Steven nodded rapidly. Pockets giggled, “This sure is an impressive gem, I wish that in… a not so distant future, I’ll be able to find things like this.”

“Well, finding rare stones is not an easy task. Yet with enough effort and knowledge, you can reach some interesting findings like this one.” Steven said confidently, causing a chuckle in Pockets

"You are kinda cute, you know?" Steven blushed, he was used to fans praising his physical appearance, but this time it was different, the pony was not his fan and his physical appearance was not what it used to be, for obvious reasons.


"Layton?" Steven said to himself

"What’s wrong Steven?" Pockets asked, seeing the Bug Type suddenly look away.

Suddenly, two officers came inside the building, cuffs and batons "on hand" (one was holding the cuffs with his teeth, and the other one with her magic.) "There they are! Arrest the monster and the thief!" One shouted

"Monster? Thief?" Steven asked confused

"So you guys finally came looking for me, had to fly while these guys were talking to everyone else. I knew Grumble would send his pawns after me, but my good friend the hero here? I am now certain the old man has lost his mind! I’m pretty sure you guys are smarter than that"

"We are just following orders, give her the nullifier before she tries anything funny." The earth pony said. The unicorn opened her saddlebag and grabbed a collar-looking object, that she sent flying towards Pockets. The magic nullifier hit her horn, wrapping around it.

"Son of a troll, you guys really are serious about this whole deal of catching us, aren’t ya? I ain’t worried tho, I got the 'Hero of Tall Tale' by my side" She claimed. "Now it’s a good time for you to make use of your little magical attacks" She quietly said to Steven. But Steven did not know what to do, the officers were cornering her, and he still hadn’t learned to use his attacks properly, so punching them was not a realistic possibility, ramming them was not a good option either, as his still low speed would give them time to dodge, and strike back. He was trying to think of the perfect solution, but there was always a counter-point.

"Steven, listen to me"

"Layton! Where are you? We need some help over here"

"When I tell you, dodge right as much as you can"

"Steven, I really need your help here," Pockets said nervously. Steven grabbed her by the sides, making Pockets’ face red. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?"


"Steven pushed himself and Pockets to the right, and as soon as they did that, the wall broke, revealing a silver-colored steel body spinning rapidly, and sending the two officers to the other side of the building. He landed next to the Pokemon and the unicorn, revealing his sharp metal claws

"My sensors indicate that they are not seriously injured. " Layton commented using his monotone voice

"What on Earth, Layton? What happened?" Steven asked alarmed, seeing the chaos surrounded

"I’ll explain later, we need to go"

"Can you two explain me what’s going on?" Pockets interrupted

"Steven and I are now fugitives of the law" Layton said calmly

"WE ARE WHAT!?" Steven exclaimed

"There they are!" Fourteen more officers arrived to the scene through the main door, bringing batons, cuffs, lances, ropes, nullifiers, whips, and many other odd tools, ready to catch the trio of criminals.

"It looks like your talk with the mayor did not go that well, huh?"

"Indeed. Steven, I’ll explain on the way, we need to go."

"Well then, I guess, I should continue our tradition of saving each other’s butts. Follow my lead" Pockets suggested, as she ran towards the hole in the wall, evading the ropes and the launched nullifiers thrown at her. "What are you guys waiting for? An invitation?" Pockets shouted. Layton grabbed Steven with his claws, and placed him on his head. He tucked his legs in , and rapidly levitated towards the unicorn, lances doing no effect on them.

“Where are you leading us, Miss.?" Layton asked

"You can call me Pockets, and we are going to the only place around in which they won’t be able to find us, home."

“And we’re safe, Haha! That was intense and fun, wasn’t it?” Pockets exclaimed excited. They reached the forest not long ago, and after some more walking, they found Pocket’s tree/base.

“I want to know, what the heck happened back there!” Steven asked alarmed. Rarely did Steven lose his calm demeanor, but after experiencing what he just experienced, it was too much for his patience.

“I deeply apologize, Steven. I caused some troubles due to… some things that were said during that meeting. In any case, I doubt that we will be able to return to that city any time soon.” Layton sighed ashamed.

“You must have a good reason. Sides, I didn’t like that Mayor anyways,” Steven sighed, before glaring at the unicorn, “And you, why did the police force call you a ‘thief’?”

“Oh yeah, sorry, didn't introduce myself. Pickett Midnight, but as I said before, you can call me Pockets, everyone else does.And they called me thief because I am a thief.”

Steven stared at her shocked, not knowing what to say after that sudden revelation.

“Don’t worry, I ain’t no normal thief. You see, that damn Mayor Grumble did something a while ago, dunno what exactly, but he did something. Messed up with the economy pretty bad, got a lot of people on the streets. What I do, I do it to help them. I steal money from the pesky greedy rich people that come around here, I analyze my victims before attacking them, and decide whether they are good or bad. I sell most of my loot, and give the money
to the poor people of Tall Tale, the ones that live in the outskirts of the city.” Pockets explained, laying back and looking at the stars,

“And why should we believe you?” Steven asked, not knowing if it was true or not.

“That friend of yours can enter inside people’s minds, right? I have no probs with him checking me, so yeah, go ahead.”

“Layton, do it.” Steven ordered. The Steel type’s eyes emanated a strong white glow, and Pockets’ eyes followed shortly. In a matter of minutes, Layton was done.

“I’ve revised her main memories, it seems like she is telling the truth. She does save some items for her own benefit, but most of the ones she steals are sold and the money given to poor people.” The Metagross informed.

“I still don’t trust you.”

“Then come with me tomorrow, I’ll show ya that I’m saying the truth!” Pockets exclaimed, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, “But right now, I’m gonna get some sleep. Please don’t call the authorities on me while I’m sleeping, kay?”

“Fine, we’ll see what you really are tomorrow then.” Steven muttered, before seeing a spark of blue light that teleported Pockets away from there, and into her base. “I don’t know what’s going on, Layton. But things are not looking good for us.”

“Things are most likely to get better, Steven. At least my calculations show so, besides, you may be able to find some new caves to explore, and some new stones to horde” The Psychic type deadpanned, before tucking his legs once again, and hovering in the air, “I’ll check our surroundings, to make sure there is no danger. Get some sleep, even if you are Scizor now, you’ll need to have an occasional rest to refill your energy.”

“I will, Tin-Can, see you tomorrow.”

And so, Steven Stone, former champion of Hoenn, began his oddest adventure yet, as this new world, Equus, opened new ways for him. New challenges, new adventures, new friends, and new foes. A new world, a new way, and a still highly confused champion.

Author's Note:

Chapter 2!

Hope you enjoyed the read, and once again, forgive me for my grammar :p Trying to get better with each new chapter

Fun Fact: Layton may seem like a serious person, but deep inside he's still pretty young (for a Metagross) and even though his strength is admirable, he still has to learn a lot of things.

Thanks to TDNPony for the help with the editing!