• Published 27th Sep 2014
  • 793 Views, 4 Comments

Past Regrets - Phxntxm

Octavia has made mistakes, everyone makes mistakes, but hers have driven away the one she loves. She intends to get her back anyway she can and she WILL succeed.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Octavia's hoof trempled as it hung over the phone. She had been in this position for at least a full minute now, trying to psyche herself up to just dial the number. She had done it so many times before, why was it so hard now?

Come on Octavia, why are you so afraid. This is the mare that you've known since you were a little filly, it should NOT be this hard to just simply dial her number.

She gave a little huff of frustration at her own sake and finally dialed the number that had been more important to remember to her than her own. When she finally dialed the last number she brought the phone up to her with both hooves, afraid that if she used only one she would end up dropping it.

As soon as the first dial tone reached Octavia's ears her heart began to race, whether it was out of fear or excitement, she couldn't really tell. Unfortunately she didn't have any more time to steel her resolve as the other end was picked up midway between the first ring. A loud and boisterous voice rang out and it froze Octavia to the spot, rendering her unable to answer.

"What's uuuuuuuuuuuuuup! You've reached DJ-Pony, that's...with a 3 by the way, and who might be calling this afternoon?"

Octavia just stood there, unsure of what she wanted to even say. All she could even think was how she could just hear the unicorn grinning on the other side of the phone.

After a few seconds of silence, the phone decided to try to knock Octavia out of her thoughts. “Hello?” She heard come out of it, a little less unsure this time.

Octavia cleared her throat and spoke finally, her voice unsually raspy as she replied, “H-hello Vinyl.” The few seconds that it took for Vinyl to reply dragged on for an eternity. Octavia stood there, heart racing, waiting to hear her voice again.

“What do you want...” Vinyl spoke softly, voice completely devoid of the boisterousness that had been there not fifteen seconds ago.

Octavia winced as she heard the bitterness and comptempt in Vinyl's voice but she still forced herself to speak. She took a deep breath before speaking to stop her voice from trembling. It didn't work. “Do you have time to talk Vinyl?”

“You're asking the wrong question Octavia,” Octavia winced again at the use of her full name, “you should be asking whether or not I even want to talk to you.”

Octavia gulped as she listened to Vinyl's voice, something she hadn't heard directly in over a year she noted. “Okay, then do you-”


Octavia could feel the tears in her eyes start to fall as her voice wavered again, “Please Vinyl I need to make amends, I know I've made mistakes and I know I've hurt you, but I-I want to try to make up for what I've done. Please give me a chance.”

Vinyl gave out a small bark of a laugh before replying, “You know, most ponies have to ask for second chances or third chances if they deserve it. I've given you way more chances than you deserved, you've soiled every single chance I have given you. What makes you think one more chance is going to make a difference?”

“Because I've...I rectified my problem.” Octavia stopped to see if Vinyl knew what she meant, she waited a few seconds before Vinyl's voice came through, a lot calmer than it had been before.

“I'm listening.” Vinyl said.

Octavia's heart jumped as she realized that she actually had a chance, she took a deep breath as she knew she had to not screw this one up. “Could we possibly talk about this over dinner? I don't feel this conversation is appropriate over the phone.” Octavia held her breath as she awaited Vinyl's answer.

“Fair enough, meet me at my place tomorrow about six. This is you last chance Octavia, don't screw this up. For your sake more than mine.” Vinyl paused as she seemed to think before continuing, “and if you do screw up and I ask you to leave, then that's it. You're done and I don't ever want to hear from you again.”

Vinyl's words hit Octavia hard, making hear realize just exactly how much this last chance meant to her.

“I-I understand Vinyl, thank you for giving me this chance, it means more to me than you know.” Octavia allowed a small smile to grace her lips, something that had been scarce in the past year and a half since she had last been with Vinyl.

“Don't thank me yet, based on your track record so far you're definitely not in the clear yet.”

Her smile fell as Vinyl spoke because she knew Vinyl was right, “I understand, I promise you that this is the last chance I'll need. I won't screw this up anymore, and for what it's worth. I'm sorry for everything I've done.”

Vinyl's voice sounded more relaxed than it had been the whole conversation as she spoke, “For your sake, I hope you're right. To be honest I'm not sure who you've hurt more me or you, and trust me on this one, you're going to be hard pressed trying to coinvince me that it's you.”

Octavia sighed, “I know Vinyl, I'm so sorry. I'm going to do whatever I can to make it up to you. I just have one more request, can...can you stop calling me Octavia? Hearing that coming from you hurts a little bit...”

There was a few seconds pause before Vinyl's reply came in soft and low, “You haven't earned that right yet...”

Octavia's head dropped low as she heard the click signifying that Vinyl had hung up on her. She set the phone down before taking a look around at her house. Her eyes stopped on a picture of her parents and she walked up to it slowly. When she reached it she bowed her head in silence, an untold apology washing through her before she look slightly to the right of the picture she was currently in front of. Sitting there was a picture of her and Vinyl when they were much younger together near a fireplace, she had been curled up tight sleeping soundly with Vinyl's tail wrapped around her. Vinyl's head lay on her own and she had fallen asleep too, Vinyl's parents had come home to see the scene and had taken the photo. When Octavia saw it she had immediately fallen in love with it, and it had been her favorite picture ever since.

Octavia walked to the picture and placed her forehead on it softly, closing her eyes. “I'm going to make this right Vinyl, I promise, you deserve at least that much after everything.” She took a step back and opened her eyes again, staring at the photo for a little bit longer before turning to go back upstairs to her bedroom. She needed to get some sleep tonight because she hadn't gotten a single hour the night prior. She had been so worked up about calling Vinyl that sleep had eluded her. When she reached her bed she immediately felt the weariness of the past two days hit her, and she was finally able to sleep knowing that at the very least, she was going to be able to apologize to the mare that meant the most to her.

Author's Note:

I need to stop writing new stories and just finish the ones I have...

Comments ( 4 )

A good start, I want to see where this goes.

The downvoting is real.

Decent first chapter, also

Octavia could feel the tears in her start to fall as

is it supposed to be in her eyes?

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