• Published 28th Sep 2014
  • 2,231 Views, 127 Comments

The Prank - Pickleless

  • ...

What happened again? Part 2 of 3. (Pickleless)

"So, you guys did some crazy ritual to turn me into a pony and then Bucky dumped me onto Bacon Hair's hooves," Stupid stated.

"That is our unnecessarily long story summed up into one sentence, yes," Bucky replied.

"Master, I had so much faith in you..." Sunset shook her head.

"And that was your first mistake." Bucky snorted.

"I thought it was wars that were making you insane. We've been at peace for a while now, what happened?"

"He met me." Stupid said bluntly.

"I met Stupid." Bucky said bluntly.

"Where did you come from and why did the maker allow you to be?" Sunset asked scornfully.

"Well, after my father put my mother over a fire to thaw out her radish, he-"

"Thank you master, but I meant him." Sunset sighed.

"Well, Chrysalis had Shining Armor under his mind control at the time. After a little while she thought 'Hey, he's not bad looking for a stallion,' and here I am now!"

A look of horror washed over Shimmer's face. "No, no that can't be what actually happened! ...That's not what actually happened right? Right?!?"

"Wouldn't that mean you're lusting after your aunt?" Bucky mused.

"What can I say? Forbidden relationships run in the family." Stupid shrugged.

"That's not what happened! That can't be what happened!" Sunset's eye started to twitch.

"Hey, I think my memories are starting to come back!" Stupid smiled.


Stupid closed his eyes and focused. "Let's see now, I think what happened two days ago was..."

--Two days ago--

Slowly, I awakened. With a magnificent roar I ascended from my tomb known as "the couch." In a sexy manner, I smoothly turned my head towards my beloved mother who was no doubt working on something of extreme importance. Taking in a deep breath, I spoke out in a rugged deep baritone, once again gracing the world with the sound of my voice.

"Morning Mom!" I squeaked. "Watcha workin on?"

"Good morning Stupid," She grunted. "I'm trying to enchant this bucket so it'll stay on top of a door when moved. It'll only fall when the intended target opens the door."

"Cool!" I hopped off her couch and trotted up to her. "Can I help?"

"Actually, I'm weaving a couple other enchantments into this as well, making the bucket a bit sensitive and full of raw magic at the moment. I'd appreciate if you wouldn't-"

Like a story with a mad mistake, the bucket tragically exploded. Heroically, I jumped behind my mother, using her as a living meat shield. Much was lost that morning and many tears were shed. By her. As I laughed. In a dignified and noble manner, I gave her my most heartfelt and sincere apologies. Being the epitome of grace and mercy. My beautiful, loving mother instantly forgave me.

"GET THE HELL OUT AND STAY OUT!" Bacon screamed.

"I LOVE YOU TOO!" I replied as I soared through her window.

I landed and broke my left foreleg. Giving a manly grunt, I ignored the pain I rose to challenged the day. Many set backs were placed upon yesterday, but I knew the most important thing in a relationship was honesty. I had to tell my sweetheart what happened, I cannot hide this from her. I proce-



Stupid blinked. "What?"

"Three days ago you said you already had a mother and her name was Lovely Lies!"

"...You realized I made that up too right?"

Sunset stared off into the distance, a few hairs in her mane popped out of place.

"Do you think i should ease off on her a bit?" Stupid whispered to Bucky.

"No, you're fine. It's good for her in the long run." Bucky replied.

"Alright then! Continuing the story..."


I entered the beautiful crystal tree palace that housed the equine of my dreams. Ah Twilight... That lovely magical mulberry mare. How beautiful she was, with her lips around Rainbow Da- wait.

"TWILIGHT, I'VE ALWAYS LOVED YOU!" Rainbow declared.

RAINBOW DASH, I LOVE YOU TOO! Twilight moaned.

"AHHHHHHH NO!" I screamed.


"Yes!" I cheered.


"WHAT?!? NO!!!"

I watched in horror as a mediocre, totally not handsome at all pegasus busted through Twilight's window and started making out with the two mares.

"This cannot possibly get any worse!" I cried.



"NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I fell onto my hindlegs and threw my forelegs into the air.

With a stoic blank face, I trotted away in a calm manner, shedding no tears. Real stallions didn't cry, and I was definitely more of a stallion than that guy, Flash Sentry. You know, the stallion who busted through a window and starting making out with the mare of my dreams on the spot, and Rainbow Dash. I'm absolutely sure he has nothing over me. I am-

"A-are you alright?" Diamond Tiara called out.

"HGLLFLLMPH! HUWAAAAHHHWAAAAHHH!!! I garbled out through tears and snot.

"Hey wait, that's the Everfree Forest! It's dangerous in there, come back!" the pretty filly warned me.

Unfortunately, I needed solitude. I could not stop the fulfill the placate the fair maiden in obvious distress. A moment of weakness, I know. Stopping, because it seemed like a good place to stop and not because my body was tired from running, I decided to rest on these incredibly pretty blue flowers that the rest of the wildlife stayed away from. Exhaustion overcame me as I closed my eyes to sleep...


"That can't be what actually happened. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard."

"Shush Minion, you're ruining the story." Bucky had somehow gotten a bucket of popcorn.

"Is that the bucket I was enchanting? How did you get-"

"Hey! It's my story, and I'll tell it how I want! After all, it's not like you were as sweet and innocent as you made yourself out to be three days ago." Stupid argued.

"What are you talking about?"

"There was a lot less trusting and a lot more insulting. Not that I would have it any other way!" Bucky grinned.

Stupid watched Sunset pout as he snagged a kernel of popcorn. After swallowing his piece, he cleared his throat.


"You said you saw him come this way?" Sentinel asked, walking in the clearing.

"Yes! The poor colt was crying, I hope he's alright." Diamond pressed up close against Sentinel.

Both of them backed up when they found me, or I presume they did. My head was currently angled up, looking at the tree branches above. Luckily, the brave lunar pegasus flew over the flowers and examined them closely. The dashing young stallion spotted me and gently picked me up without touching any of the flowers.

"That's strange." Sentinel mused as he flew back to Diamond.

Tiara brought her face close to me and poked me with her snoot. "It's a changeling doll."

"What's a filly's doll doing all the way out here?" Sentinel questioned.

"Maybe the colt liked to play with dolls and was bullied for it." Diamond said with sympathy.

"If that's the case, we better hurry and find him. He passed through poison joke. It's probably already affected him."

"I thought that it takes around 12 hours for poison joke to kick in." Diamond questioned.

"For an adult, yes, but a colt's magical immunity isn't as strong. He might already be helpless."

Diamond hugged me close to her chest. "I'll hold onto the doll. Such a strange thing... Still, it's pretty cute for a changeling."

The brave teenage couple continued to explore the dangerous woods for my sake. No matter how hard I tried, I could not call out to the charming couple. Around sunset, Sentinel escorted Diamond out of the woods and informed her to tell his father of my predicament. Sentinel, being a determined, dutiful colt, went back into the woods to search for me. The adorable pink filly hurried into my friend's home and explained the situation. My scarred, rugged companion listened quietly. When the precious child was done with her story, he parted his manly fangs let out a ghostly chuckle.

"Diamond sweetheart, let me see that doll you found." Bucky motioned her over to where he was sitting.

Quietly, the dear passed me over to the gruff stallion. Big Bucks held me up close to his face and cast a spell. A cold feeling washed over me as Bucky grinned.

"Found him." He smirked.

Diamond blinked, a look of realization and horror slowly dawned on her face. "He's not... is he?"

Unable to contain his amusement any longer, my dear friend broke out into a barking laughter. Honestly, I would be laughing along with him if I could.

"Harper! Come here!" Bucky ordered.

Harper came bouncing into the room. "Yes Mama?"

Bucky waved her over and whispered into her ear. Harper's eyes lit up as she turned to me and grinned. Diamond's jaw hung low as she watched Harper giggle, snatch me up and start heading to her room.

"Thanks for the new doll Mama!"

I must sigh, and I have no mouth... Oh well, I suppose I can put with being absolutely fabulous for one night.

Author's Note:

As always, slap me if you see a ytpo.