• Published 28th Sep 2014
  • 2,233 Views, 127 Comments

The Prank - Pickleless

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What happened again? Part 3 of 3. (Pickleless)

"Stupid, your story was too silly! I mean, I understand that you are a nice changeling, but the way you never stop is going to drive me nuts." Sunset said to Stupid.

"I am sorry, I believe my first impression should accurately show who I am, so I wanted you to know I am a prankster. All this business of breaking my curse has been stressing me out... I used to be able read others emotions, now, I feel blind." Stupid confessed.

"You have friends supporting you Stupid." Bucky gently added. "You are part of the herd, whatever hardships we face, we face together. It is our way. You don't have to keep your fear bottled up, just let it all out."

"I feel hot." Stupid complained. "The temperature is too high in here, I feel flustered."

"Relax, you do not need to feel embarrassed." Sunset added.

"Why did you have to give me away as your daughter's stuffy?" Stupid continued, "After you turned me back, she insists I still belong to her. The morning after she made me sit still as she combed and brushed me. Then I was forced to have a tea party with the other fillies."

"I am glad you made some friends." Bucky gave the small colt a smile.

Bucky watched as Stupid scowled and leaned in closer to him. Enjoying the silence that's fallen over the group, Bucky laid back and enjoyed the warm feeling of the hot springs against his scars and balls.

"Do you think you could give me the end of our little story Bucky?" Stupid eventually spoke up.


Bucky woke up holding something small and warm. Giving Belisama a gentle squeeze, he rose from the bed carefully to not wake his wives. Creeping into the kitchen he saw his target. Very slowly, he made his way across the room and snuck up on the unsuspecting cook. Taking in a deep breath, he shoved his snoot forward and blew a raspberry on Bonbon's teats.

Chuckling as she recovered, he turned and saw that Celestia had come and sit at the kitchen table while he was sneaking. Pulling up a seat next to her, they quietly waited until Bonbon served them some tea. Giving a grateful smile to her, Bucky took a sip of his tea.

"What can I do for you Celestia?"

"I was hoping to speak to Poker, I have a issue I need his help with." Celestia gently responded.

"Stupid?" Bucky mused, "He should be upstairs, I can go fetch him if you wish."

"Please do, I need to make use of his changeling senses."

Bucky frowned, "That might be a problem."


"I will let you see for yourself, one moment."

"Take your time." Celestia quietly sipped on her tea.

Peekaboo started trotted into the kitchen as Bucky trotted out, He saw her get wrapped in a golden aura and lifted in, giggling all the way. Smiling, Bucky made his way up to his daughter's room to fetch the local town idiot. After gently knocking, he opened the door and found that his little filly was there, but Stupid was nowhere to be seen.

"Harpy sweetheart, do you know what happened to Stupid?"

"Mamamama! Diamond and Aunt Shimmy came by earlier and wanted to see my stuffy! He is a colt, a REAL colt!"

Bucky chuckled. "Really now?"

"Yes! Can I keep him?"

"Well I did say he was your new stuffy did I not?"

"Yay! Thank you Mama!" Harpy clapped her hooves.

"Where is your stuffy dear?"

"Well, after Aunt Shimmy turned him into a real colt, Diamond Tiara, Dinky, and I had a tea party with him. He got real messy, so Mama Derpy said he was gonna have a bath before we ate lunch."

"I see, thank you Harpy." Bucky planted a kiss on her daughter's forehead.

Harpy beamed as Bucky left her room. his right ear flicked in amusement when he heard Derpy and Stupid arguing.

"Let me go, I am perfectly capable of washing myself!" Stupid cried out.

"You refused to behave, you were a naughty colt who refused to listen, and naughty colts do not get to bathe themselves." Derpy calmly replied.

Bucky walked in with a big grin as he watched the two squabble.

"I had more important things to attend to than taking a bath! I need to speak with Bucky!"

"You can wait to speak with him until you are clean. My husband does not speak to dirty little colts." Derpy expertly scrubbed the wiggling colt's mane.

"Your husband is mad warlock who makes crude jokes about our digestive systems! I am sure for a fact he does not care!" Stupid retorted.

"What am I going to do? Another troublesome colt has come into our household..." Derpy complained, not sounding or looking upset at all.

"You are doing this for fun, that is why we are in a bubble bath! Please, let me go!"

"Stop struggling, I need to clean a sensitive spot."


Bucky coughed, Stupid pushed the wet mane out of his eyes and stared at the amused unicorn.

"Hello dear." Derpy greeted her husband, already aware he was there.

"Hello love, may I take over bathing him please?" He inquired.

"Yes, please! Let him take over!" Stupid begged.

Derpy snorted and rose out of the tub. After cleaning herself off with a towel she kissed her husband.

"Where did this one come from?" She questioned.

"My lab, he was an experiment, he's staying with Sunset and Trixie."

"Interesting... cute colt, but troublesome... Bring him around more, the other children are starting to become responsible. I need a little one to fuss over."

"As you wish." Bucky kissed her back.

Bucky climbed into the tub as Derpy left.

"Look at what you have done, nobody is taking me seriously anymore." Stupid complained.

"Do not worry Stupid." Bucky grabbed a brush and held him down, "Nopony took you seriously to begin with."

"Hey, what are you doing?" Stupid wiggled. "I can wash myself!"

"Sorry Stupid... I promised my wife I would scrub you clean." Bucky grinned.

"Bah, traitor!" Stupid whined.

The two sat quietly as the unicorn cleaned the small earth pony colt. Stupid went from a bad mood to a somber one.

"Do you believe in fate Bucky?" Stupid asked.

"I do." Bucky answered, thinking of his sisters.

"They say the genetics we were born with decide our personality... Our brain are hardwired to act and feel certain ways towards certain things. You could say that our fate was decided right at birth, not through magic, through simple genes. We are who we are, we do not control our brain or fight against it. We are not fighting the storm... We are not riding the storm... We are the storm...

"I have plans Bucky. I have plans to change our fate. If everypony is set to act out a certain path in life, then the only thing that could change that is the ponies who are conflicting or helping them. Who you surround yourself with changes who are you are... The fires of friendship can change fate... Our threads are weak and thin separately, but entwined together we make a sturdy rope strong enough to overcome any hardship we face, no matter how terrible.

"Those who are thieves and killers were fated to be thieves and killers at birth. Is there any difference between their brain and a disabled pony's brain? Why do we punish one, where we get medical help for another? I have made plans... Why do not pair sick ponies, ones who felt the need to do wrong, with those that would make them do right? I'm not talking about simple therapy, but constructing a persona made to push a pony back on the right path. Why not alter their fates with the fires of friendship? Changelings can become anypony and anything... We can pretend to act like anypony... Why don't we change ourselves to become the pony needed to help these sick individuals? Why don't we use our abilities to serve others and make a difference?"

"Harpy is a type 3." Bucky quietly answered. "She is neurotic and scared, although she tries to hide it. She needs something to see through the act, she needs something that knows how to comfort her and support her. She needs a doll made to serve and protect others, that will be her guardian... She is a powerful unicorn Stupid, that belongs to this family... Other ponies will be after her..."

"I will serve." Stupid quietly answered.

After drying Stupid off, he sent him downstairs to see Celestia and headed towards the brewery. He had not any made alcohol recently and was looking forward to spending time with Berry. Whistling a jaunty tune to himself, his ears perked up to the strange noises being made inside. Frowning, Bucky hurried up and headed inside.

Inside he saw himself screwing Berry senseless.

Stupid ran into the brewery, "BUCKY! THERE IS A CHANGELING IN- ohhhhhh..." Stupid stopped at stared at the scene before him.

Two things happened at once, the fake Bucky tried to grab Berry and alter it's hoof into a blade to cut her throat with. The real Bucky used a certain dark magic spell that swore not to use that turned the fake Bucky's insides to mush while forcing him to stay alive long enough to really feel it.

The fake Bucky deflated in a very disgusting and unnatural manner. The became wrapped in green flames as it reverted to it's natural form.

"Well, that escalated quickly." Stupid calmly noted.

"I... I was screwing a..." Berry's eye twitched.

With a frustrated snort, Bucky tackled Berry and started tending to her little berry.

"I understand you are upset but is this really the time?" Stupid questioned.

The only answer Stupid received was a moan from Berry.

"I uh, I will wait outside... Take your time..." Stupid slowly backed out of the brewery.

"So Celestia had an inkling a changeling was lurking in Ponyville and wanted your assistance in uncovering it?" Berry questioned.

"Yes, of course I could not really do without my magic. Luckily, Lyra suggested an alternative. She made some sort of hive mind between us and I used her magic to search for them."

"That sounds like something crazy Lyra would love to do. In that case, couldn't a normal unicorn locate changelings if they trained themselves?"

"Sort of, I knew how to do it instinctively from being changeling. Although I'm no longer one, I remember what the process of searching was like from doing it so much."

"Interesting... Perhaps you could teach others to locate changelings then." Bucky mused.

The three watched as Sunset came galloping down the road towards them.

"Wait, what are you three doing here? Weren't you just at the farm house informing Celestia you took care of..." Sunset trailed off.

"Oh feck!" Stupid swore.

Cursing, Bucky charged his horn up, with a blast of cold air, the four teleported back to the home.

Sadly, a series of horrible things happened at once.

Changeling can manually control their genitalia. Unfortunately, Stupid had little to no experience being an actual young colt. This led to the very awkward uncontrollable boner he got over seeing Bucky and Berry go at it in the brewery. He was very determined not to bring it up, despite the fact it was not going away. Normally, have a blast of cold frost hitting your genitals is a surefire way to kill an uncontrollable boner.

Stupid had just unfortunately found out it had the opposite effect a very few, select ponies, which now include him.

Sunset had stopped right in front of stupid and had her head lowered catching her breath. Stupid had jumped forward out of shock from the jolt and had stabbed her in the eye with his short and stout. Having a 'stun blast' shot in her eye, Sunset reared back her head in pain and had instinctively shot a stun blast of her own at her aggressor. Stupid was thrown back into a wall and knocked unconscious.

A fake Bucky and Stupid, Derpy, Celestia, Bonbon, Lyra, Lugus, and Yew all stared at the scene before them and came to the same conclusion.

"GET THEM!" The fake Stupid yelled.

Before an angry alicorn of the sun, his wives, a warrior griffon, and the wife of a warrior griffon could react, Bucky wisely decided retreating somewhere very far away was a good idea. Taking the real Stupid and the distraught Sunset also seemed like a good idea.

Taking the fake Bucky and Stupid with them was also a very good idea.

Thus it was then the two changelings learned that the Lord of the Winter did not take kindly to them messing with his friends and screwing his wives.

"That about sums everything up." Bucky concluded.

"So we're hiding in some bath house until you can think of a way to not have your wives and friends kill us?" Stupid inquired.

"Essentially yes. Also we were waiting for you to recover. I cast a barrier around us causing the noise we make and our magic to go unnoticed." Sunset explained.

"So where are we hiding?"

"That last place they would look for us." Bucky answered.

"Which is?.."


"Upstairs?" Stupid was confused.


"As in, in your home upstairs?"

"Yes." Bucky reconfirmed.

"This is a beautiful hot spring."


"Very high up, with a grand view of the beautiful sunset."

"Thank you, I try hard to look nice." Sunset smiled.

"How is this possibly upstairs in your home?" Stupid questioned.

"Extradimensional spaces and illusion magic can be quite charming." Bucky smiled.

"Why do you own something like this?" Stupid rubbed his temples.

"Poor Thistle didn't want to spend her time in the lake after she got pregnant again. So I made this hot spring for her to stay in so she could relax and have others join her comfortably." Bucky explained.

"Clever." Luna added.

The two unicorns and the colt turned to look at the alicorn of the night relaxing.

"Mistress." Bucky greeted her.

"Servant, if you are my servant." Luna smiled.

"Please Princess, allow us to prove we are who we claim we are!" Sunset asked.

"Very well, stand still and close your eyes." Luna commanded.

Nervous, Sunset chose to obey.


After getting smacked with a bat, Sunset slumped against the rocks in the hot spring and fainted.

"She was the real deal. Now to see if you two are as well." Luna rose her bat.

"M- Mistress, please! There's no need for-"

"We spent a lot of time fretting over you." Luna growled. "My godchildren are crying their eyes out worrying over their daddy. I am not pleased."

"This is child abuse!" Stupid screamed. "THIS IS CHILD ABU-"


"Remind me again Bucky? What do you live to do?" Luna asked.

"To serve?"


"Good!" Luna smiled, and started to drag the three unconscious ponies back downstairs.

Author's Note:

Trying to copy Kudzu writing style/feel/differences is hard.
Trying to squash typos is hard too, there's probably a lot because I was consciously trying to write differently than I usually do, forgive me.