• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 3,729 Views, 160 Comments

The Elder Scrolls: The Battle for Gryphus - Urimas Ebonheart

Farengar's tale continues in the kingdom of Gryphus to find out where Alduin could be hiding and save the country from the Dragon attacks.

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Chapter 14

The Elder Scrolls: The Battle for Gryphus
Chapter 14

We silently walk through the cemetery with our weapons already drawn, I can hear the fighting has already begun as we walk past tombs and gravestones.

"This is really creepy..." Rainbow says.

We continue walking and we reach the front of the entrance. A red light appears under Honour’s right fore-hoof. "Oh buck!" he yells as the red rune expands over several graves, the dirt above the graves rises as the skeletons of griffin's claw their way out.

"What's going on?" Fleetwind asks with slight fear.

"Undead, they have a Necromancer," I tell her and the others.

"What do we do?" Honour asks.

"Destroy the head and the rest falls with it," I reply.

The skeletons surprisingly roar out like a Sabercat and charge at us randomly. Three attack me and I swing at the first one, severing its head off. The second one tackles me and tries biting my face off, but my helmet easily withstood its attacks. I grab it with my scaled hand and crush it's already cracked skull with a tight grip. The third swipes a talon at my stomach but barely left a mark, I raise my sword and bring it down on its head, it splits down the middle and falls to the ground.

The others are also finishing off their opponents as well. Honour stomps on the last one attacking him while Fleetwind back flips and her right hind-hoof hits the griffin corpse stunning it temporarily. She then flaps her wings and quickly goes up, she then drops down with her hind-hooves on its head while her forelegs slam into it's spine, both the spine and skull shatter with the force.

Rainbow charges forward and with her right wing blade, slices through the skeleton's legs making it immobile. Honour then drops his sword on its head while Dash flies to another and cuts its head off.

Discord just snaps his taloned fingers and the three around him turn into potted plants.

White Star blasts two griffon skeletons with a bolt of magic each, one of their heads shatters while the other's left foreleg is blasted off.

Another skeleton jumps onto my back and tries to claw my face off, I just jump and lean back and fall on top of the skeleton. (98%) "Ooof" My weight shatters it and I get back up. Rainbow quickly finishes the last one and we look around for anymore, it's silent.

"I think that's all of them. We need to hurry, the necromancer is sure to have felt that his trap went off," I tell them. We quickly open the Tomb that leads down into the Catacombs and follow the path. We're met by three griffins, one with a sword and shield, one with a bow, and one with a spear.

White Star quickly blasts the griffin's bow, breaking one of its limbs, the griffin throws it away once seeing it’s useless now and pulls out a dagger. The one with the shield charges at us while the one with the spear follows behind him. I rush forward and slam right into the shield, stopping him dead in his tracks. Honour then slams into me making the shield griffin fall backwards and lose his sword.

Rainbow then flies over us and corkscrews along the way, her left wing slashes the spear wielding griffin on his face, making him recoil. She continues and slices the top half of the dagger wielding griffin's head off and then lands behind him.

Honour gets off me and I strangle the Shield griffin with both hands and channel a sparks spell into him. (80%)

He shakes violently and then goes limp as smoke slowly rises from his body, I get up and we continue down the tunnel. (100%) (100%)

Five griffins ambush us, which I parry the spear of the first one. A barrier appears to my right that deflects some arrows from hitting me, I can only guess that was White Star or Discord. I see Rainbow tackle one of the archers and slams his head into the wall, knocking him out.

Honour charges forward and tackles a mace wielding griffin and stabs his greatsword into his head. White Star screams as an arrow lodges itself into her right flank. I grab the spear griffin's head with my clawed hand and slam him into the tunnel's wall. With my gauntlets strength enchantment, his skull fractures as he slowly slides down the wall, a small trail of blood is left behind.

Discord levitates the other archer and... turns him into a stuffed toy griffin... I do hope he's dead, I wouldn't want to be a stuffed animal for the rest of my life.

The last one wielding a pair of swords starts flying away, only for Rainbow to tackle him into the wall. I run over to them and grip the still conscious griffon by his throat. "How many are there between us and Razor Beak?" I ask him. He just growls and I squeeze, digging my clawed finger nails into his neck. I can hear White Star is healing her wounded leg behind me.

He chokes slightly but still speaks. "I... I ain't telling you nothing!" he says, but is clearly afraid for his life.

I grip harder. "You'll tell me or else I'll let Discord have his way with you, and let me tell you... I have no idea what he'll do or even turn you into, but you tell me what I want to know, I'll just knock you out and leave you here. Deal?" I tell him.

He frowns for a few seconds while looking at Discord. Discord though has the biggest mad grin I've ever seen. The griffon gulps then looks back at me. "F-Fine. Prince Razor is guarded by two minotaurs, six of his best griffins, three unicorns and two changelings... There's also two more groups protecting the tunnel," he tells me.

I smile. "See? Now that wasn't to hard was it? And as for my end of the deal, this may sting a bit," I say and hit him in the head with flat of my blade. He grunts from the hit, but goes limb. I gently put him down then tie him up and we continue down the tunnel.

I hear stone sliding in the walls as my foot sinks slightly into the floor. Six rusty spears come out of the wall, three are stopped by my armour while the fourth digs into my right armpit (73%). "GAH!" I yell as I rip it out. I start healing myself slowly with White Stars help.


"There's traps? Why didn't the King warn us about them?" Honour asks.

"Razor most likely put them in here to stop people like us getting in. Be careful, there may be more of them," I reply.

We continue onward and meet the next ambush group. "Yol Toor Shul!" (25%) I shout and breathe flames down the tunnel. The griffins in our way scream as they're burned alive. The others finish off the two that survived the flames.

We move slowly, keeping an eye out for traps on our way. Discord warns us that there's a pitfall ahead. I grab a loose piece of stone and throw it where Discord said it was. The floor opens up like a trap door and swings down. Fleetwing, Discord, Rainbow Dash and I fly across while Discord levitates White Star and Honour over. (50%) (100%)

We keep walking until we find a female griffon who looks badly beaten laying by the wall wearing rags... I'm getting a bad feeling about this. Honour cautiously walk over to her. "Are you alright miss?" he asks and she lifts her head looking very weak.

Only for the griffon to suddenly grow teeth and bite into Honour's neck. "GAAAHH!" Honour screams as she starts to shake her head.

He quickly stabs her over and over with his sword as four more griffins jump out from hidden doorways in the walls. The female griffon drops dead as Honour backs away over to White Star bleeding badly. Rainbow flies over and sprays two griffins from her wings with her Frostbite spell, slowing them down.

Honour starts to heal himself with White Star's help. I draw my bow and take a shot at one of the unfrozen griffins and shot off it's right foreleg... I was aiming for it's head...

He screams and writhes on the floor. Discord turns the other non-frozen griffon into a kitten in armour... Who meows and runs off.

I Shoot another arrow at one of the frozen griffins and take the top of his head off. The arrow shatters and splinters in what's left of his head.

Honour throws his sword which embeds itself in the last Griffon's throat. The female Griffin that bit Honour looks like a black insect like pony with holes in it's legs now, though still wearing the rags.

"Honour! You alright?" I ask him.

The wound on his neck has closed, only some blood staining his fur shows he was even hurt. "Yeah. I fine... Bucking whorse bit me," he says rubbing his neck and pulling his sword out of the changeling's neck with his telekinesis.

"Alright. Discord are we almost there?" I ask Discord.

"Down the next left should be where he is hiding. I do sense eleven lifeforms ahead. It must be our bad colt and his little groupies," he tells me.

"Good, Let's get this over with!" I say and head down the tunnel, we enter a room filled with wrapped bodies of dead griffins in small alcoves in the walls.

Suddenly, the corpses rise and attack us.

I pull out the dagger on my left hip since there's not enough room to swing my sword with us all in here. Only to find that it's Mehrune's Razor... What? When did I get this? I thought it was inside Celestia's Vault.

I'll worry about that later. I charge the closest draugr and stab it in the chest. It screeches and gets engulfed in a white flame and sent to Oblivion.

Honour turns around and bucks one right in the head with the cracking sounds of its skull filling the room. Rainbow slams into another and breaks it's forelegs. White Star blasts another while Fleetwind tackles the one at the back and shatters it's spine.

Discord makes one of them start dancing while making it hit the others. His Staff is giggling through the whole thing.

Once they're all taken care of, I look at the daedric artefact in my hand. Why do I have it? "Ah! I see you look a tad bit confused. I thought you'd want to give daddy's little imp a one way trip to Oblivion after his little stunt with you, Lulu, and your little filly. So I... borrowed it from Tia's little Collection for you," Discord says.

I look from him to the dagger and then back to him. "Thanks. I'll make sure to stick it right up his ass." I say.

(100%) (100%) (100%) (100%)

We take the doorway to the left tunnel and continue on. At the end we see a reinforced wooden door with Iron strips across it, looks like it was just recently put in.

Discord whispers to us. "They're right behind this door, I think they know we're coming. It seems the two minotaurs are standing by the door with large weapons," he tells me.

Hmmm. I could use a thu'um to blow the door down, along with the minotaurs. Or I could have Discord do something random to distract them. "Any ideas on how to do this? I could blow the door down and then we storm the room. Or do you have an idea Discord?" I ask him

"Hmmm, we could do your idea and I could create some illusions to distract them. I'll deal with the changelings while you and Honour can deal with the minotaurs, Fleetwing, Dashie, and White Star can deal with the griffins. Anypony who has a clear shot at Razor, take it and either kill or cripple him," Discord says.

"Sounds good," I say. "All agreed?" I ask. They all nodded. "Then let's do this." I stand up in front of the door and inhale.

"Fus RO DAH!"