• Published 8th Oct 2014
  • 3,731 Views, 160 Comments

The Elder Scrolls: The Battle for Gryphus - Urimas Ebonheart

Farengar's tale continues in the kingdom of Gryphus to find out where Alduin could be hiding and save the country from the Dragon attacks.

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Chapter 7

The Elder Scrolls: The Battle for Gryphus
Chapter 7

I follow Solnara down the corridor, doors upon doors line the walls as we walk down to find him. "So what are we looking for?" I ask her.

"We're looking for a door without a barrier on it. Though it will have no barrier, the door itself will be sturdy, a door’s strength depends on the willpower of the individual’s mind, it could range from a simple wooden door to a thick steel vault like door. Mages are the hardest to mind read as they have a high mental fortitude due to their studies and such," she tells me.

I hum as I look around at the doors. I can see the doors look like solid wood, all of them with barriers, I start walking down the hallway after Solnara tells me that she feels the griffon's mind down there somewhere.

After a good seven minutes walking, we arrive at a small room with five branching hallways. "Which way?" I ask her.

She closes her eyes and focuses, a few seconds later she looks down the fourth hallway. "I feel his mind down there," she replies.

We both continue and after about four minutes, I spot a different door. It was still a solid wooden door but this time had metal reinforcing it, long strips of steel with bolts lining the sides.

"This is it, now you need to just break down this door and confront him. While you're doing that, the barriers will be down and I'll be able to find what I need to know. Just don't kill him, should he die here, his mind will be gone and his body will be a mindless shell," she tells me.

I nodded and draw my sword, surprisingly it's not my dwarven greatsword but the moonsteel greatsword the Princesses made for me. I stare at it for a few seconds but dismiss the thought, I raise the sword up and swing it down at the door.

The hall shakes as the door cracks from the blow, the wood split down the middle but not broken through, I repeat the process but the wood seems to be repairing itself.

I hum in thought as an idea comes to mind, my helmet’s face plates slide back as I raise the sword again. This time after I hit the door, I release a thu'um at the door. "FUS RO DAH!" {50%} The split in the wood spreads quickly and the door gets blown in and the hall quakes violently as I hear a roar of pain coming from inside.

The face plates slide back into place as I enter and Solnara runs down the hall searching for her target, I look around to see the griffon still in his guard armour glaring at me while clutching onto his head.

"You will regret making an enemy of our master!" he yells at me as a pair of swords appear in his talons.

I don't show any intimidation as I just stand there and point my sword at him, my sword's blade suddenly bursts into a white flame that glows like moonlight.

This made his eyes widen a bit, I'm clearly the one doing the intimidation here. I slowly start approaching him and he starts to back away while keeping his eyes on my sword.


The moment his backside hits the wall I rush forward with my sword at my left hip with only my right hand. As soon as I reach him, I swing my sword at his head horizontally, he ducks but I bring my left fist forward in an uppercut and connect with his chin sending the top his head into the wall.

He quickly recovers and kicks me in the chest with both of his hind legs pushing me away a good four metres.

I regain my balance and rush him again, this time with both hands on my sword at my right hip. He dives to the left as my blade cuts through the stone wall leaving a slightly melted gash.

He gets up fast and lunges at me, I parry the first sword but the other connects with my left thigh and surprisingly cracks the dragonbone armour, I jump back and look at the damage, a large crack that looks like a spider's web spreads throughout the entire section of the bone plate, I look back at the grinning griffon and frown.

Lifting my left hand and pointing it at him, I quickly discharge a Flames spell {85%} and manage to catch his left wing as he dives away again causing him to grunt from the hit, the whole room mildly shakes as soon as he was hit.

Before he could recover I charge at him and swing my sword quickly. I manage to hit his right arm just above the elbow and sever the limb off with a sizzle of burnt flesh causing him to roar out in anguish as the room violently shakes.

I almost lose my footing as the room quakes and stone falls off the ceiling, he attempts to flee the room but with a burnt wing and missing limb he doesn't get very far.

I tackle him to the floor and then sit on his back and occasionally whack the back of his head if he starts struggling. Five minutes later Solnara returns and tells me she got what she was looking for.

I place my left hand on her back as she asks me to and my vision goes white again as I'm pulled out of his mind.

{100%} {100%} {100%} {100%}

End Mindscape

My sight fades back in and I'm instantly met by the screams of the griffon as his right talon is just hanging limp, same goes for his left wing.

'What's wrong with his arm and wing?' I ask Solnara.

'He's temporarily lost his control over them, his mind believes they are still damaged from what you did to him,' she replies, I look down to my left thigh and sigh in relief that it's undamaged, I'm still wondering why I had the moonsteel greatsword though, so I ask Solnara for her opinion.

'Maybe it was because it was a gift from Luna, or maybe it has a connection with you, I can't say for sure. Now, can you summon me please as what I have discovered is something the King would like to hear,' she says.

I grip the amulet and call her out, she forms which makes the others gasp. "Iron beak, meet Solnara, she has some information you'd want to hear," I say.

Solnara gives a slight bow which Iron Beak returns. "Greetings, I have some information that you should know. Razor Beak intends to invade the castle within the next week, but I've found the location he's hiding in right now." The prisoner starts to struggle with his bonds.

"What will happen to him?" I ask as I watch him pull at the chains trying to get free.

"He'll be put to death," Iron Beak replies.

"Hehehehe." The prisoner starts to laugh with a hateful glare. "It matters not, Canterlot should be on fire by now and the Princesses should be dead, HAHAHAHAHA- AAARRRRGHH!!!" He's cut off as I blast him with both hands casting the Flames spell {50%}. When I stop, nothing but a burnt husk remains of him, the other griffins look horrified.

"I'm sorry, Iron Beak, but I have to go send a letter to Equestria and make sure he was lying, I'm not taking any chances." He nodded as Solnara returns to the amulet.

I run back to the platform and find the unicorn who sent the letter last time. "Come with me, I need to send a letter to Celestia right now!" I tell him, he nodded and follows me to the ship's study.

I grab a sheet of paper, a quill, and begin to write my letter.

Celestia, is Canterlot alright? We caught a griffon who said Canterlot should be on fire and both you and Luna dead right now, send me a reply as soon as you can!

I roll it up and hand it to him, he sends it and now I wait. During the wait, Iron Beak arrives and I let Solnara out again to explain that Razor Beak was hiding right under the city, there's the Tomb of the Kings under the castle that leads to a network of tunnels throughout the city with a large force he's pulled from all over the world: griffins, ponies, minotaurs, dragons, diamond dogs, and even a few changelings residing in them.


Iron Beak looks like he's ready to march down there and deal with Razor Beak himself.

I'm brought out of my thoughts as a scroll appears in front of the unicorn, he passes it to me and I read it.

Farengar. Luna, Moonbeam, and I are fine but the city is under attack, your help would be greatly welcome right now, get the unicorns you have with you to cast a long range teleportation spell to send you to the portal chamber, and please hurry!

The paper has a few blood stains on it, I order all the unicorns onto the deck and tell them to teleport me to Canterlot, they salute and I leave a unicorn who has the highest rank in charge. After a few minutes of them charging their horns, a bright flash flares out and engulfs me, I feel a hard pull and then my vision returns.

I hear fighting and blades clanging in the distance. I look around and see I’m in the mirror and portal room, I notice the oblivion gate looking one is sealed for now. I step off the platform and draw my greatsword and then burst out of the door.

I see two of the guards, one with a spear and the other is Armoured Honour fighting off a minotaur with a large hammer who's back is facing me, I rush forward and impale the Minotaur in the spine, he yells in pain and drops to the floor. The guard finishes him off with a spear in the head.

Armoured Honour walks up to me. "Farengar! What are you doing here? I thought you were in Gryphus?" he asks me.

"I sent a letter to Celestia after I got some info and she replied asking for my help, so here I am, can you take me to her and Luna?" I ask him.

He nodded and he leads me along with the other guard to a secure room, along the way I fought many different races, the other guard got injured but still managed to continue after I healed him {79%}.

We all arrive at the safe room that has a large steel door with a barrier on it. Five of Razor's lackeys are trying to break down the door.

I look at Honour. "Is that door protected from magic?" I ask him.

He nodded and I smile. I sheath my sword and point both my hands towards them and ready a Flames spell, I rush at them which makes them turn around from my heavy foot steps.

Before the first one could swing I release the spell sending gouts of fire down the hallway {50%}, their screams echo down the halls as they collapse {35%}.

After a whole minute the flames die down and only the carpet and blacked stone walls are the only damage done to the surroundings, I run over to the door with the two guards behind me. "CELESTIA! LUNA! IT'S ME FARENGAR! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" I yell as I knock on the door... more like slamming my fist on it repeatedly.


A view port slides open showing Shining Armour behind it. "Farengar! Quickly get in here!" he tells me as his horn glows and the door slowly opens just enough to let us all in.

Once inside, the door closes and I spot Luna laying down on a medical bed, her front right leg and right wing are wrapped up in bandages while a couple of unicorns are casting spells on her. "LUNA!" I yell and rush over to her side.

She opens her eyes and smiles at me. "Farengar... *cough* I'm so happy to see you." She tries to lift her head up but couldn't, I stroke her cheek trying to comfort her.

Moonbeam runs over after hearing my voice. "DADDY!" she yells as she latches onto my right hip, Tala sits next to Moonbeam, her left ear looks chipped and damaged.

"What happened," I ask Luna while placing my right hand on Moonbeam's back comfortingly.

"It happened without warning," Celestia says as she walks up to me, a bandage wrapped around her forehead. "Red portals opened up all over the city, and dragons carrying around one-hundred soldiers each swarmed the city and castle, the guard has managed to evacuate most of the civilians, but not all of them," she tells me while looking down.

I turn back to Luna. "Are you alright?" I ask her, she tries again to lift her head but ends up passing out.

I snap, memories of Maren's death flash over my mind... Not again, I place both hands on Luna and pour all my remaining magicka into my healing spell.

After five whole minutes {0%} her breathing evens out and her expression of pain softens, I have an expression of complete rage as I stand up and head to the door.

"Farengar! Where are you going?!" Celestia asks, I look back at her but she recoils slightly.

"I'm going to kill them all," I reply with anger clear in my tone. "Open the door!" I tell Shining.


He does as I ask and I step out, the hall has ten of Razor's soldiers about to charge the door, the moment I see them I roar out in rage and draw my sword.

Charging at them, I drag my sword along the ground as the first one, a diamond dog, attempts to hit me with a downward slash. I side step to the left and avoid it while swinging mine up with a war cry carving him in two from the groin to his right shoulder, a strangled scream leaves his mouth but I ignore him and move onto the next.

An earth pony tries to stab me with a spear but I twist away from it as my sword comes swinging up over my head and thrust it at him on the way down impaling his face, blood starts to cover my armour but I have more pressing concerns.


I remove my sword while thrusting my left hand forward and cast a Sparks spell hitting four others causing them to tense up and drop to the ground {12%}.

An arrow bounces off my helmet and I turn my attention to the griffon with a longbow, another roar escapes me and with the enchantment of my leggings, I burst forward past the other three and tackle him hard with my elbow on his neck {70%}. He's sent into the back wall with a nasty crunch sound from his throat and drops to the floor.

The last three look nervous, another diamond dog with two daggers, a pegasus with a spear, and one more griffon with a mace and shield stand there wide eyed as I turn to them.

{18%} {80%)

"I'm going to make each and everyone of you suffer for what you've done today! NO ONE HURTS MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY AND LIVES TO REGRET IT!" I yell out and burst ahead with my sword pointed forward and impale right through the wooden shield the griffon had into his chest, I let go of the sword and dive at the diamond dog and place both of my hands on the sides of his head and cast a Flames spell with each hand.

He screams as his eyes burst and his fur burns away leaving only charred and blood boiled skin {3%}, my hands were protected due to the dragonbone gauntlets being fire proof.

The pegasus decides to flee and runs down the hall, I draw my bow and take a shot at him. I hit his left ankle, which due to the speed of the arrow, his hoof comes clean off and he falls to the floor. I pull my sword out of the griffon and walk over to him while putting the bow away, he's trying to crawl away, I guess he injured a wing as he fell.

Once I reach him, I kneel down on his back and grip his mane with my left hand and pull his head up. He's begging me to spare him but I'm in no mood to hear his pleas. With a quick swipe, I slash his throat and leave him to his fate.

"By Celestia..." I hear Honour say as he walks up behind me, I'm entirely covered in blood.

I turn to him. "I want you to stay here and protect them, I'm trusting you with their lives Honour," I tell him.

"Alright... Just be careful," he replies and heads back into the safe room.

I run down the hall to find any more of the bastards. On my way to the courtyard I've killed another twenty or so of them, I took a few hits, but at most they'll leave a bruise. I stop as I reached the lobby, a green dragon is blocking the way, It snarls at me and I roar back charging at him.

{90%} {100%} {70%} {100%}

It swings a claw at me which I jump over and take a swing at his face, I barely cut his chin which he retaliates with a swing of his other arm. I try to flap my wings to evade but he hits my left hip {75%} sending me into the throne room door {68%}, I bounce off the door and land on my back {63%}. He's about to stamp on my head but I counter it.

"FUS RO DAH!" {50%} I shout and send him hurtling into the ceiling, I stand back up and quickly cast a healing spell {55%} {80%}.

He stands back up and roars at me, I snort and run towards him and hold out my left hand and cast a Sparks spell {35%}. It doesn't do much besides making his right leg lock up but that's more than enough for me. With a strong flap of my wings, I launch myself at him with my sword pointed at him, I impale him in the chest hoping I hit his heart.

He screams in pain and whacks me away {70%}, I slam into the lobbies right side wall with a heavy thud making my left shoulder a bit numb {60%}.

The dragon collapses on the floor and I'm lifted off the floor as its soul flows into me. After that was done, I'm set back on the floor and I start to heal Myself {20%} {93%}.

After retrieving my sword, I step outside into the courtyard, my eyes widen as I look towards the city, there's smoke and fire everywhere.