• Published 2nd Oct 2014
  • 4,230 Views, 204 Comments

A New World, a New Ribbon - Scarletmenace

Clara Devita was a Pokémon coordinator that was recognized throughout the world as a prodigy in the art. Now in a new world, she will do whatever it takes to pursue her true passion

  • ...

Chapter 7

"Cynthia?" The Spiritomb repeated.

Clara gulped, unsure exactly how to respond to the Spiritomb. What it was asking was the last thing currently on her mind. Even though she was confident that she and Saul could take it, she was mostly worried about the after effects of defeating it. If defeated, there was a strong chance that the Spiritomb would become vengeful and seek to cause mischief and mayhem to those who had defeated it. And that was the last thing that she needed.

While Clara was preoccupied with coming up with a solution as to how to deal with the Spiritomb, Saul decided to take initiative by stepping forward and addressing the forbidden Pokémon.

"I'm sorry, but there is no Cynthia here. But may I ask why you seek this person?" Saul asked with a surprisingly calm face, ignoring Clara's look of horror at Saul's attempt of conversation with such a potentially shortsighted spirit.

The Spiritomb hummed before directing its attention at the shiny Umbreon. "Cynthia…she is my trainer." It answered after a short pause, clearly lost in thought.

"Okay, that is a start." Saul smiled. "Can you tell us who she was and what she looked liked? Because we assume that all the humans that were transported to this world were turned into Pokémon, and a description of her might give us a clue as to where she can possibly be now."

The Spiritomb hummed again. "Well, she is a very kind-hearted person. One who would do anything to protect the ones she cared about. Of course, this was quite easy for her, since she is a Pokémon champion."

Clara's jaw plopped onto the ground. "You mean to tell us that you're THEE Cynthia's Spiritomb?!" Clara gasped, a feeling of unexpected relief washing over her. While it was scary to think that this Spiritomb had the power of a champion's Pokémon, the fact that it was also trained by the compassionate Sinnoh Champion made it a lot easier for her to stomach.

The Spiritomb nodded. "So you do know her, but do you know where she is?" Spiritomb asked, floating uncomfortably close to Clara.

"I'm sorry, but we haven't even met any other humans yet, let alone a champion." Clara replied, unconsciously edging away from the forbidden Pokémon.

The Spiritomb noticed Clara's awkward behavior and looked sadly down at the Sylveon.

"You have no need to fear me, for I am not a vengeful killing machine as of most of my brethren have been branded as." Spiritomb sighed sadly.

Clara felt immediately ashamed with herself when she saw the look on Spiritomb's face. Sure, Spiritombs have a bad reputation that often proceeds most people's expectations, but that still gave her no right to pigeonhole this Spiritomb into that category without even getting to know it.

"I-I'm sorry, you're right." Clara sighed, moving back to her original position closer to the Spiritomb. "It's unfair of me to immediately cram you into a stereotype just because I'm afraid of what you can do. Besides, everyone deserves a chance, regardless of how different they are." Clara finished with a smile, gently placing a ribbon onto the Spiritomb's keystone.

"So let's start over. My name's Clara Devita, former human, and the first person to be recognized as a top coordinator for less than twenty-four hours" Clara chuckled dryly.

The Spiritomb smiled gratefully at the Sylveon. "It's nice to meet you Clara, and thank you for understanding… Oh, and call me Sprite. It's what Cynthia would call me when we were still back on earth." Sprite chuckled lightly before a hoof suddenly burst through its "chest".

"Cool! My hoof goes right through you!" Leaf exclaimed as she continued to poke at the apparition, seemingly oblivious to everyone's stares. "I didn't understand a single thing that mister ghost-rock said, but I can tell that we're are friends now!"

"Mister?!" Sprite huffed. "I'll have you know that I am actually a girl mind yoUUUUUUAAHH!" Sprite exclaimed the last part, an odd green blush forming in her purple fog.

Behind the Spiritomb was Leaf, who had given up at prodding the purple fog and had instead opted to poking at Sprite's odd keystone body.

"Hmm, while I can't touch your face, I can still touch your butt." Leaf hummed as she poked one of the purple "eyes" on the keystone.

"GYAAAH!" Sprite exclaimed with a blush, quickly tearing herself away from Leaf by levitating out of the filly's reach. "Keep your hooves to yourself!"

"Leaf! What did we tell you about randomly examining other people!?" Saul scolded the filly, picking her up with his psychic before turning her upside down in midair.

"Not to do it." Leaf pouted in reply. "Now can you please put me down? I'm getting woozy from all the blood rushing to my head."

As Saul reprimanded Leaf, Sprite cautiously floated back down to the ground, making sure she was a good distance away from the green filly. As she did, Clara quickly padded back up to her.

"I-I'm so sorry! Leaf has trouble keeping her hooves to herself, and often gets herself into trouble because of it." Clara exclaimed shakily, fearing how Sprite would take the filly's unattended advances. Thankfully, the Spiritomb was taking it quite well.

"It's alright, she just… startled me." Sprite admitted, her blush now fading away.

"If it makes you feel any better, she did the same thing to me this morning."

"Oh? What did she do to you?"

"She… fondled my bow."

Sprite winced in sympathy. While she'd never met a Sylveon till today, she still knew that a Sylveon's bow was a very sensitive spot on the their body. How did she know this you ask? Well, it's quite simple. As a champion's Pokémon, Sprite always had to be in top shape in order to win in the battles Cynthia often pitted her in. And with fairy types being her only potential weakness, Sprite had taken it upon herself to study the newly discovered type, learning everything she could in case she was ever to face one. She learn what she needed… and then some.

"Must have been quite the experience, discovering such a sensation by complete accident." Sprite chuckled.

Clara just sighed and nodded. It was true that it was a pleasant discovery that she would like to incorporate into her sex life, but she couldn't help but shudder at the thought that Leaf had helped her discover it. Thankfully, her train of thought ended abruptly when Leaf shouted over her name.

"C'mon, Clara! Those pixie lilies aren't going to take care of themselves!" Leaf waved at the pair from atop Saul's back, the Umbreon looking quite defeated. "Oh! And bring miss ghost rock! I'm sure she will love to see the lilies as well!"

"It's not ghost rock!" The Spiritomb shouted defiantly. "It's Sprite!"

"I got this." Clara chuckled at Sprite before turning her attention towards Leaf. "Her name's Sprite, not ghost rock, Leaf. And I'm sure she would love to come along." Clara said, earning a large grin from the filly.

"You sure it's okay with me to come with you?" Sprite asked. "After all, we just met."

Clara responded with a long chuckle. "When you've lived in the same house as Leaf and her sister for about a week, their positive attitudes can become quite contagious." Clara smiled before padding after the rest of the group, Sprite hovering closely behind her.

The group continued their ascension up the side of the mountain for about another fifteen minutes before Leaf motioned for the group to stop, nearly tripping Saul this time.

"We're here!" Leaf grinned, motioning her hooves towards a large cave in the mountainside.

The rest of the group stopped and stared at the cave entrance, all of them clearly not expecting lilies to be growing in such a dark cave.

"I thought lilies needed sunlight to grow." Saul commented as he padded up to the foot of the cave. "Do these flowers not rely on photosynthesis? Or are they carnivorous? Because I don't see any other way how a plant can survive these conditions."

Leaf's grin just grew wider. "Well, you will just to see and find out!" he exclaimed dramatically, jumping into the cave entrance where she was immediately swallowed up by the darkness.

"That's the problem though, I can't see anything." Said Clara as she and the rest of the Pokémon followed Leaf into the dark cave.

"Allow me." Saul said, the blue rings on his body glowing. Then like a light switch, Saul's rings flared to life, illuminating the dark cave in a brilliant blue hue.

"I always love it when you do that." Clara sighed happily as she padded alongside her mate before leaning forward and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"I know, why do you think I always kept the lights down in our room?" Saul smirked, leaning towards Clara and returning the gesture.

The group continued to venture into the depths of the cave for about another fifteen minutes before Leaf stopped the group, her attention focused directly on Saul.

"Saul, I need ya to kill the lightshow now, or you'll miss the best part." Leaf told Saul with a surprisingly stern face, her bright yellow eyes seemingly shifting as she stared at him.

"Uh, Leaf. I think something wrong with your eyes." Saul observed in concern, the look of Leaf's eyes suddenly giving him a slight chill.

"Huh?... OH!! How could we forget to tell you?" Leaf said with her usual silly smile, her voice echoing off the cave walls.

Without saying anything else, Leaf closed her eyes and stood deathly still, drawing concern from everyone present. Just as Saul was about to make an attempt at grabbing the filly's attention, Leaf's eyes shot open, looking distinctively different from earlier. Her normally bright yellow eyes were now a glowing shade of amber, giving her the appearance as if she was just a pair of floating eyes in the darkness. However, the most noticeable feature was her pupils, which were now slitted.

Everyone in the cave just stared at Leaf with a cocktail mixture of emotions and expressions, all which made Leaf laugh.

"Bet ya guys are wondering about these babies." Leaf emphasized, pointing a hoof at one of her eyes.

"I'll admit it, I'm quite curious as to how you are able to change your eyes like that." Saul hummed in thought as he leaned closer towards Leaf. "So, tell us. We're all ears."

"Well, it's quite simple actually." Leaf began with a cocky grin. "My mother was a earth pony, and my father was a bat pony."

"What's a bat pony?" Clara interrupted, also leaning forward to inspect the filly's eyes.

Leaf hummed. "A bat pony is basically like any other pony. except they have a dark coat, fangs, leathery wings, and slitted eyes. Anyway, they are often portrayed as the royal guards for princess Luna, due to their nocturnal nature and superior night vision."

"So you inherited your father's eyes?" Clara asked, wanting to know more about the filly's father. Fortunately, she kept her mouth shut, remembering the cry-fest from earlier regarding their mother.

"Not just me, but Melon as well. Though she prefers to hide her eyes due to the fact that most ponies are easily frightened by it, and let me tell ya, that's not good for business." Leaf sighed, her eyes shifting back to their normal shade of yellow.

"But never mind that! The lilies are just around the corner!" The filly exclaimed in her normally bubbly tone before dashing around a corner of the cave that seemed to emanating some light.

The two Eeveelutions looked at one another before taking after the filly, Sprite close behind them. Saul was the first one around the corner, but he immediately stopped in his tracks when saw the sight before him. Unfortunately, Clara, who was closely behind him, had too much momentum built up from chasing after Saul, and as a result, she crashed into Saul, sending the two barreling into the field of lilies.

Flashes of pink and red blurred past the couple's vision as they tumbled through the field, a sweet fragrance filling their nostrils as they rolled through the flower stalks. Once they came to a stop, Clara found her back pinned to the soft ground with Saul standing over her splayed body. The two of them blushed fiercely, Saul already attempting to get up from the awkward position. However, he was quickly tugged back down by Clara's ribbons, forcing him back into position before she lunged forward and kissed Saul, her paws wrapping around his head as she pulled him closer. The two of them held the kiss before they were forced to pull away, both gasping for breath.

"I love you, Saul." Clara whispered with her real voice into his ear, a blissful smile adorning her face.

"I love you too, Clara." Saul also whispered, his heart practically fluttering.

"HEY! You're squishing the flowers!" Leaf shouted suddenly, her head poking out from between the thick flower stalks as she suddenly burst into the scene.

Both Eeveelutions let out a startled yelp before quickly scrambling off each other, their faces flushed in embarrassment at being caught.

"S-sorry." They muttered in unison, both refusing to make eye contact with the filly.

"Geez," Leaf sighed. "Maiden was right. You guys really are helpless. I mean, who the hay plays tag in a field of some of the most beautiful flowers in Equestria?!"

Both Pokémon stared dumbfounded at the green filly, wonder if she was being serious or not. After a long pause, it became clear that she was indeed serious.

"R-right! We were playing tag!" Saul suddenly burst out with a nervous chuckle. "Sorry about that, won't happen again."

Leaf just gave a light sigh. "It's alright…but check out these cool lilies!" Leaf's attitude suddenly taking a one-eighty as she shot her forelegs forward, cupping one of the lilies in her grasp.

Clara gasped out loud as her eyes gazed upon the beauty of the flower. large pink petals filled up most of her vision as the lily seemed to burst to life. The interior colors of the petals shifting colors as if it were a kaleidoscope, bringing out the flower pristine beauty that seemingly bended the light to its whim. However, the most prominent feature of the flower, was the small scarlet crystal in place of the flower's stigma.

"It's… beautiful." Clara whispered in wonder, gently lifting the flower out of Leaf's hooves with her ribbons before lifting it to her nose and sniffing it. "And the smell… It reminds me so much of a Roselia's sweet scent. Without the feeling of lightheadedness afterwards."

"Indeed." Saul agreed, taking a sniff of Clara's flower before looking at Leaf in confusion. "But there's still one thing that I don't get. Exactly how are these flower able to grow inside this cave?"

Leaf just giggled before lifting her hoof up, and gesturing it towards the ceiling. Saul followed her direction till his eyes rested onto the ceiling… and the large crystal structure that lay embedded in it. The crystal was massive, the size rivaling that of a full grown Tyranitar. And like the pixie lilies below it, the massive crystal was a light coral pink with a mixture of red and other colors swimming around inside of it.

"What is that?" Saul asked in awe, Clara already abandoning the flower to stare at the massive crystal as well.

"That." Leaf gestured to the crystal. "Is a fairy diamond, and probably one of the largest in Equestria. You see, fairy diamonds are a very unique type of gem, one that has a powerful latent magic hidden within it. It is also thanks to this magic that the pixie lilies are able to grow in the first place, for pixie lilies only grow in the presence of fairy diamond magic."

"Wow, it must be a very expensive gem." Clara whistled.

"Actually, it's priceless." Leaf sighed. "And because of that, a lot of treasure hunters have tried their best to find this location, hoping to steal the diamond for themselves. Thankfully, we've been lucky, as a couple of them have already gotten uncomfortably close already." Leaf scowled, looking at the dark tunnel in which the group had entered from. "We really need to figure out how to hide this place better because it's only a matter of time before somepony stumbles into it."

"Maybe I can be of assistance." Sprite chimed in from above, startling the group.

"Wait." Clara began, looked up at Sprite inquisitively. "Since when were you able to use telepathy?"

"Simple, I could always use it."

"Then why have you been using me to relay your messages to Leaf?"

"Again, simple. I couldn't find the right frequency." Sprite answered, lowering herself down towards the group. Unfortunately, her brief explanation clearly wasn't enough, if the confused looks she was getting was anything to go by.

Sprite gave a light sigh as her keystone met touchdown with the cave floor, having already prepared an easy explanation. "Alright, so picture the brain as a radio, with each "station" set as a different function in the owner's mind. These "stations" each contain important functions such as movement, thoughts, speech, and senses. So, in a sense, I have been shifting through Leaf's "stations" since we first met, trying to find the best way to communicate with her. Unfortunately, her mind is much different from any Pokémon or Human from Earth, making it incredibly difficult to adjust to her brainwaves." Sprite frowned, remembering all the trouble she had went through in order to make it through filly's mind. "Normally, an adept psychic Pokémon would have no trouble in deciphering this, but since I'm not a psychic type, it's much more difficult for me."

"Wow, I never knew that it was that complex." Clara hummed, having placed her head on Saul's shoulders during the span of Sprite's explanation.

"Yes, it's very complex. Anyway back on topic. I'm offering that I can watch over the cave while you aren't here, but not without a price."


"Yes, my price is that I want you to see if you can find anything on Cynthia's whereabouts and inform me if you find anything at all. While she may be a Pokémon champion, she can be a bit helpless at times, and frankly, I'm terrified at the idea of her being all alone." Sprite said with a sad but caring smile.

Clara smiled softly before giving an knowingly nod. "I promise that I will inform you if I find anything on your trainer. Also, while I think that you protecting the place is an excellent idea, it's not my decision to make."

"I see, thank you for wanting to keep me informed." Sprite smiled before turning towards Leaf who was behind the Eeveelutions. "And what do you think about the idea Lea-… Where did you get those?"

Following her gave, both Clara and Saul turned their heads' around at the same time, wondering what had distracted the Spiritomb. Both Pokémon practically doing a double-take as they took in the sight of Leaf sitting on an ornate pillow, drinking out of a small tea cup, and reading a comic book that was splayed out in front of her.

The filly noticed the stares she was getting and looked up from her book. "What? Sometimes I come up here just to read. What's so wrong about that?" Leaf huffed in a mockingly haughty tone, lifting her nose up into the air like a snobbish noble.

"Also, I also think that Sprite's got a super idea, but it's better to ask my sister for permission first." Said Leaf, dropping the snobbish accent.

Sprite opened her mouth to ask just how Leaf managed to get a flipping tea set out without them noticing, but she was quickly cut off when Clara pushed one of her ribbons over the her "lips". "Don't ask, trust me." Clara sighed before turning back towards Leaf. "And I don't mean to sound pushy Leaf, but can we hurry this up? It's going to be nightfall soon."

While Clara wasn't one that was afraid of the dark, she was afraid of certain Pokémon that dwelled in it. The most specific one being Zubats.

"Sure thing." Leaf smiled before dragging over a large flower basket in her teeth and discarding it in front of the group.

"Let's get picking!"


Nightfall was nearly upon the group as they walked over the hill leading towards the house, Their large basket of pixie lilies illuminating the dim, dusk light. As they continued down the path, it became clear that the nocturnal Pokémon had begun to awaken from their slumber, causing ruckus as they began taking to the skies and scattering across the forest floor and canopy. Thankfully, the group hadn't encountered any Zubats yet, or they may have had to add one unconscious Sylveon to the workload that they were carrying.

Clara let out a sigh of relief once the house was in site, the idea of getting into a Zubat-free environment motivating her to push ahead of the group. Unfortunately, she only made it halfway there before she was yanked off the ground by Maiden's psychic, the sudden change in trajectory causing the Sylveon to squeak in surprise.

"THERE YOU ARE!!!" Maiden bellowed angrily, dropping Clara unceremoniously in front of her. "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MANY STONES THIS STALLION HAS BROUGHT?!" Maiden emphasized by waving her arm as the giant pile of stones with Streak sitting sheepishly by its side.

"Um." Clara mumbled, sweating nervously as Maiden forcibly turned her head to look at the mountain of evolution stones. "A lot?" She gulped nervously.

While Clara had been one for collecting evolution stones back on earth, the sheer size of this pile was quite intimidating. Even for collector as experienced as her.

"A lot?" Maiden's eyebrow twitched. "Try over two hundred and fifty Arceus damned individual stones."


Arceus quirked an eyebrow.


Clara just sat there, gaping at Maiden's words. "O-o-over two hundred and fifty, you said?" Clara whispered in awestruck, wondering how One individual could achieve such a feat on their own.

Maiden smirked evilly. "Yep, and guess who's going to teach him extensively about every single one." Maiden tittered, poking Clara's chest.

Clara's eyes widened in horror, not at the idea of helping Streak with his stones, but the idea of sticking outside to help him… at night. Thankfully, Streak could sense her predicament and quickly intervened.

"It's alright Clara, I know you must be exhausted after your first day of work here at the farm. So let's postpone the lesson until tomorrow." Streak suggested, earning a heavy sigh of relief from the Sylveon who began to take her leave, but was stopped as Streak gently tugged at one of her ribbon.

"However, before you go. There is this one stone that was quite unique from the others, and I wanted to get your analysis on it since Maiden had such high regards on your knowledge on these kind of things." Streak offered as he began to rummage through a sleeping Carbink's bag.

Clara's eyes shot open in shock when Streak turned around with a large multi-colored rock, the raw power inside it clearly visible as the energy swirled around inside the stone. However, the most prominent feature was the large double helix resting deep within the ore.

"T-that's…" Clara stuttered vocally, unable to use her telepathy with her mind was still trying to process what Streak was holding.

"A keystone." A new voice said, causing everyone present to turn around in alarm.

Standing behind them were two Charizards. One of them being shiny and wearing a blue scarf, while the other one looked generically normal aside from a few battle scars, telling them immediately that it had been in some tough fights.

"I'll get right to the point." The black Charizard stated, pointing its claw at the group.

"I would like to battle you for that keystone."

Author's Note:

Phew! It sucks not having an editor, since mine is still on hiatus >.>
Anyway, for those who have read my blog, you should know that I intended for this to be 1 chapter, not 2. However, after careful thinking, I decided to split the chapter up into separate fragments so that it wasn't a 10k piece chapter. I know that a lot of people like lengthy chapters like that, but they can sometimes deter other readers.
As usual, tell me if you find any mistakes in my chapters. I will fix them as soon as a can. Speaking of which, chapter 6's italic problem is now solved. yay :D

And one more thing.... It's my b-day today! So, do me a solid and click that like button. :D