• Published 3rd Oct 2014
  • 27,473 Views, 799 Comments

Ladies Man on Campus - Wildcard25

Fifteen Year old Spike has found himself attending an academy for girls as part of a co-ed experiment. Will he be accepted or go crazy from hormone overload.

  • ...

Sunny Spring Day

After the beach weekend at Spike's Uncle Scorpan's beach house, the Academy students had returned to the school to continue with the rest of Spring Break.

One morning, when Spike saw the girls had stuff they need to take care of decided to have the day to himself. After slipping on his purple jacket and grabbed some sunglasses, he left the dorms, and started walking.

"Boy the beach sure was fun," he said to himself, "And that was just for the weekend. Still a whole week of fun. But today it's a solo day." he walked, until he made it to the city.

As he walked the city he debated on what to do, until an idea came to him, "Maybe I'll try the mall and see if they got any deals." he walked into the mall.

Spike walked through the mall seeing how it was as busy as always. He stopped in front of the book store he and Twilight enjoy shopping at, "Wonder if they got got anything new today?" he asked himself before going inside.

He walked around the store checking out the book shelves before stopping around the comic book section. He looked at some of the comic issues, "No. Not this one. Not enough. Hell no. Ugh, isn't there any comics here worth checking out?" he asked in frustration, until he pulled up another comic and read the title, "Accelerated Realms." He looked at the first few pages, and suddenly he was compelled to look some more. He suddenly decided to stop reading it so not to spoil himself, "This will do." he went and paid for his comic before taking his leave.

He walked by the food court and decided to grab a bite. After purchasing some pizza slices and a beverage he sat at one of the tables. He started on his first slice, until a familiar voice spoke up, "Mind if I join you?"

Spike looked up and saw Sunset Shimmer standing behind him, holding a tray with a burger, fries, chicken rings, and a drink, "Sunset, hey," he greeted her. Taking his reaction as a yes, she sat down at the table opposite side of Spike. He spoke up, "What're you doing here?"

"Meh, I got what I needed to do early so I came here. What luck I find you here as well." Sunset smiled, before taking a bite out of her burger.

"I just needed to get out of the dorms. While Spring Break is a time for partying, it's also meant for normal rest and relaxation. Like coming here for an example." he answered.

"Yeah. Sometimes simple things are always the best." Sunset agreed.

"You get anything here?" Spike asked.

"Not really. Did you?"

"Yeah. I bought a new comic today. It looks like a good series." Spike explained, as he finished his first slice.

"What is it?" Sunset inquired, as she ate some of her fries.

Spike pulled out his comic to show her, "This."

Sunset read the title, "Accelerated Realms?"

Spike nodded, "Yeah. For a heads up it's about this loser teenager boy being showed a whole new dimension outside the space time continuum by his schools most popular girl."

"What is this new dimension he's shown?" Sunset asked curiously.

"Well, we can read it together so you can find out." Spike offered.

"I'd really like that." Sunset answered with a smile.

After they had their lunch, Spike and Sunset sat together and read the comic book. With every page turned, both teens were getting more excited and thrilled by the concept. When they turned the last page of the comic, both looked very pleased with it.

"Wow, that was amazing." Sunset said in joy.

"I know, right?" Spike asked.

"So that new world he's introduced to is like an online robot armor world where those who inhabit it are in constant battle for supremacy?"

"Wicked, I know." Spike replied.

"Are you gonna start buying the rest of the issues, because I think I will." Sunset said.

"Maybe I will too," the boy replied. There was a bit of a pause between the two, until Spike asked, "So what do we do now?"

Sunset pondered on it, before answering, "Why don't we go exploring and see what we can do?"

Spike shrugged, "It works for me." So the two walked around the mall some more before heading out.

So the two walked around the city getting some exercise and fresh air, all while enjoying each others company. As an orange hue washed over the sky as the sun started going down, the two went inside a cafe for a bite to eat. After receiving their food, the two chowed down.

About half way through, Spike spoke up, "So there's going to be an end of the semester dance before summer break?"

"That's right. So I hope you're prepared for the whole school asking you to it." Sunset warned him.

"Haven't you had dances before with boys?" Spike asked.

"Yeah. However majority of us had to ask boys we used to know if we wanted dates. Other times we just go as friends to have fun."

"I see," Spike replied, "Well, if worse comes to worse and I get bombarded with dates, I'll just say I'm going as a free for all."

"Good luck." Sunset chuckled.

"Have you ever had a date to any dances?" Spike inquired.

Sunset looked taken aback by his question, and answered with a bit of shame in her voice, "Actually, yes. This was during my days when I was still rotten to the core," Spike listened, "I was dating this popular rocker named Flash Sentry, but I was only dating him so I could boost my so called popularity. At first he had went along with me because he could say he was dating someone no matter who it was. Eventually, my cruel attitude led to him dumping me. Back then I wouldn't have cared if he did, but now I'm glad he did. He deserved to be with someone better, not with the horrible person I was before." she sighed.

Spike spoke up, "Sunset, remember the girl you were before is gone. You're a better person now."

"Well, how can you tell? You never knew the girl I used to be."

"True, I don't," Spike admitted, "But never the less. To me this is the real you. And wouldn't trade in this Sunset Shimmer for any other." he smiled.

Sunset looked at Spike, as his smiling face brightened her spirit back up, filling her with new hope. The girl spoke, "Thanks, Spike. I needed that."

"You're welcome." he replied.

Sunset got up, "Pardon me. There's something I'd like to do."

Spike was curious as Sunset walked over to speak to someone. The guy nodded and sunset went up to a karaoke machine on stage. The guys spoke up into a mic, "All right everyone listen up. We got us a little entertainment tonight. Here for the very first time. Sunset Shimmer!"

The people clapped as a spotlight shined on Sunset, as Spike watched in curiosity. Sunset spoke into the mic connected to the karaoke machine, "This is a song I'd like to share with you all, and I'd like to dedicate this the a boy who reminded me that my past is not today. She started the karaoke machine that played music, and she began singing.

As Sunset sang, Spike watched and listened in amaze. He felt Sunset pouring her heart out through her song, and knew if she hadn't changed then she'd never be able to sing so beautifully. As the spotlight shined down on Sunset, Spike could almost see the girl take the form of a phoenix girl. He blushed as he envisioned her in such a form, until the song ended, and everyone applauded.

Spike got out of his seat and clapped rapidly. Sunset smiled at everyone cheering for her and took a bow. She walked off the stage and went back to her table with Spike.

The boy who was overwhelmed with excitement spoke, "Sunset, that was amazing!"

"You liked that?"

"I loved it!"

"I'm glad." Sunset smiled, until she was surprised at Spike suddenly pulling her into an embrace.

"You truly are a wonderful girl, Sunset Shimmer." he whispered into her ear.

"Spike." Sunset smiled, as she returned the embrace. They pulled their heads back a bit to look into each others eyes. Feeling as if they were reading each others minds knew what to do next, they leaned forward and kissed.

As they kissed with passion, the other people in the cafe hooted and hollered at their display. The two parted and saw the scene they were creating. They felt sheepish, and Spike spoke, "What's say we get out of here?"

"Agreed." Sunset answered, as they paid for their meal and left.

Soon it was nighttime at the dorms. Inside Spike's room, both his and Sunset's clothes laid in piles on the floor. In the bed was Spike laying down with his bare chest exposed, and Sunset Shimmer pressing her bare chest into his while rest her head into his neck.

Both were panting, as Spike spoke, "That was fun."

"I'll say." Sunset agreed.

"Thanks for spending today with me, Sunset." Spike said, as he looked down at her.

"No problem, Spike," she kissed him, "Goodnight." she fell asleep with her head in his neck.

Spike smiled, "Goodnight." he fell asleep, with his arms wrapped around Sunsets waist under the covers.