• Published 3rd Oct 2014
  • 27,473 Views, 799 Comments

Ladies Man on Campus - Wildcard25

Fifteen Year old Spike has found himself attending an academy for girls as part of a co-ed experiment. Will he be accepted or go crazy from hormone overload.

  • ...

A Night at the Pizza-rama

The morning after the rave, Vinyl had gathered the Rainbooms into her room and was currently discussing her moment with Spike after the rave.

"Oh, girls, the way his hands toyed with my girls just made me feel I was getting the massage of paradise." Vinyl said in arousal.

"Yeah. Spike really knows what to do with those hands of his." Rainbow agreed.

"And that's a fact." Rarity put in.

Twilight and Trixie looked at each other, as the white haired girl spoke, "So, we're the only ones left of the group who hasn't bedded Spike."

"So it seems." Twilight nodded.

"Don't worry, girls," Applejack began patting their backs, "You'll have your chances with Spike soon enough."

"Applejack's right, darlings," Rarity agreed, "And I'm more than certain Spike will be looking forward to it as well."

"Of course he will," Pinkie spoke, "What guy wouldn't love a chance to get it on with a couple of hotties like us?"

Fluttershy felt sheepish, "You got a point."

There was a knock at the door, and Spike's voice came, "Girls, can I come in?"

"Sure, Spike." Vinyl said, as she unlocked the door, allowing the boy inside.

"What's up, Spike?" Sunset asked.

"Discord just called me, and he has a fun activity tonight that he wants us to join him for."

"What's that?" Twilight inquired.

"There's this old abandoned children entertainment center, that he wants to sneak into and scope out."

"Why would he want to do that?" Rarity asked in confusion.

"Well, for fun as a starter," Spike began, "Plus I'm curious about this place he wants to check out with us. Why it shut down, and whatever is there we can salvage."

"Salvage for what?" Fluttershy wondered.

"I don't know. Maybe something's there that could be worth something. Plus, it's a bonding experience," Spike said,and noticed some of them were unsure, "Well, do what you want, but I'll be joining Discord tonight." he turned and was ready to leave, until Rainbow spoke up.

"Hold on, Spike. Don't leave me on a fun and possibly thrilling experience."

Spike smiled seeing he had one friend on board, before looking at the others, "Any other takers?"

"I'm in." Pinkie volunteered.

"Shoot, I'm game." Applejack answered.

"Sounds like fun." Sunset said.

"Sure thing." Vinyl put in.

"I'll go if you'll be there." Fluttershy said timidly.

"I fear nothing no matter what it is. So I'm in." Trixie said.

"Well, I got no plans tonight." Twilight added.

"Oh, why not? It's interesting to do something different once in a while." Rarity finished.

"Yes!" Spike cheered, "I'll call Discord and tell him to bring the truck. Thanks, girls." he left the room.

The girls looked at each other knowing they all wanted to be with Spike no matter what kind of spectacle they were getting themselves into.

When nighttime rolled in, Discord was already driving his truck through the city with Spike and the girls in back.

"Another glorious night, wouldn't you say, girls?" Spike asked, as he kicked back while looking up at the night sky.

"It's sure beautiful." Fluttershy agreed.

"So how much further is this place?" Trixie inquired.

"Can't be too much farther," Spike answered, before sliding the window open to speak to his pal, "Almost there, Discord?"

"Just about." Discord answered, as he made a turn.

The group saw they were coming up upon an empty lot and saw one big sign that wasn't lit up and random letters pasted in the sign.

They looked at the main building seeing it looked old and boarded up. On top of the building's roof was a purple cartoon bear statue with the bear wearing a white shirt collar and bow tie.

Discord parked the truck and got out, while Spike and the girls climbed out from the back. Discord spoke as they looked up at the building, "Here we are, everyone. Barney Bear's Pizza-rama."

"I don't really remember this place at all." Twilight said.

"That's because this place was popular when I was a kid," Discord began, "I'd come here all the time with my parents, but then they shut the place down unexpectedly."

"Why?" Pinkie asked.

"Papers said it was due to some malfunctioning with their animatron mascots." Discord answered.

"Malfunctioning?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah. They said their servos went haywire and started speaking like monsters and saying frightening stuff."

"Oh, my." Fluttershy feared.

"Couldn't they be fixed or replaced?" Applejack inquired.

"Afraid not. All the companies that helped build them had already been shut down or relocated, and they couldn't find any other company willing to replace them. Without the band the whole place lost its customers and soon enough went out of business. So sad." Discord sighed.

"Sad is right." Pinkie sniffled.

"Well, let's see what this place is like after it's condemnation." Spike said, as they approached the place.

When they reached the front entrance they saw all the window and doors were boarded up. Twilight looked around, "I don't see any way of us entering this den of establishment."

"I do." Rainbow said, as they found her standing by the side of the building where a hole was in the wall.

"How convenient." Spike noted.

"Well, let's check this place out." Rainbow said, as she entered through the hole followed by the others.

Once they entered they saw the place was pitch dark with only the lampposts outside giving them some light to see inside. The whole place was old, dusty, with the floors torn up, tables and chairs knocked over, arcade games inoperable, a few old merchandise hanging up on the racks by the counter, even the play area was in disrepair with the ball pit loaded with dirty balls.

"Oh, heavens." Rarity gasped.

"This place looks like it's seen better days." Vinyl said.

"And to think I used to come here as happy as... well, a child." Discord added.

"Sorry a piece of your childhood has been destroyed." Spike patted his friends back.

"Well, I'll always have the memories," Discord admitted, "Come on. I'll give you all the grand tour." Discord started showing them around.

He stopped by the dining area, "This is where we'd eat our food. This place had some great pizza and salads. In fact the whole place had that pizza smell that came all the way from their kitchen."

"Sounds delish." Pinkie said feeling mystified.

"Well, it don't have that pizza smell now." Applejack noted.

"That's for sure." Rarity said, as she sprayed the area with an atomizer nozzle.

They followed Discord to the arcade area, as the older boy explained, "And this was the site of the places arcade. It had all the classic games going back to the 80s and the 90s. But my fave out of all of them was Galaga. I always had the high score," he looked dismal, "But now that score is lost forever." he stood before the old game console and put a hand on the screen.

"Bummer, these games despite being old school looked cool." Rainbow admitted, while leaning against an old Pac-Man console.

"Hey, look over here." Pinkie said, as she popped out of the ball pit.

"Pinkie!" the girls cried.

"Pinkie Pie, get out of there!" Twilight ordered.

"You have any idea how filthy those balls are?" Rarity asked in repulse.

"It's not that bad." Pinkie replied, ignoring that a cockroach crawled across the top of a ball.

"Come on, Pinkie." Spike said, as he pulled her out of the pit.

"When we get back, you should take a bath right away." Rarity said, not wanting to be close to her.

Fluttershy was by the old prize counter seeing some old plushes of a bear which was the main mascot, a beaver with a top hat, an otter wearing overalls, and a hippo wearing glasses.

"Cute." she said.

Discord came over with the others, "Yes. Cute indeed. But you haven't seen the real them."

"Real them?" Fluttershy asked in confusion.

"Uh, guys," Spike said, as he was standing by a stage and looked back into a curtain, "You might wanna see this."

"What is it, Spike?" Sunset inquired.

Discord foreseeing what Spike was looking at went over, "Spike, help me open the curtain."

"Are you sure, Discord?" Spike asked in worry.

"It's time they saw what used to be the embodiments of my childhood." Discord said, as the girls stood by one of the tables.

Spike nodded, as the two grabbed a curtain each and tugged them open. When the curtains were opened, the girls looked horrified, while Fluttershy looked ready to panic.

Behind the curtains were four animatronic animals which looked just like the plushes Fluttershy was looking at. Only the animatrons had pieces of their fur or skin peeled off revealing their robot exoskeletons underneath.

"What is that?" Twilight asked uneasily.

Discord spoke, "Girls and Spike, meet The Bopper Bunch."

"The Bopper Bunch?" Trixie asked.

Discord nodded and walked around each of the animatrons introducing them, "Barney Bear, the leader on banjo, Otto Otter on trumpet, Buster Beaver on Keytar, and Horace Hippo on drum."

"Please tell me they didn't always look like that." Rarity noted their half broken selves.

"I told you they had a malfunction resulting in their accident." Discord reminded them.

"This would make a good Halloween card." Pinkie said, as she pulled out her cellphone. She ran onto the stage and stood next to Buster Beaver before taking a selfie of herself with him, "Come on, girls. Join me."

The girls sighed, before joining Pinkie in getting selfies with all the other broken animatrons. Spike looked at Barney Bear, "So you used to be the icon to kids everywhere? Sorry to see this is what you've been reduced to." he chuckled, until suddenly the bear blinked. Seeing this Spike shrieked and jumped away from the bear and clung to Twilight.

"Spike, what's wrong?" Twilight asked in concern.

"The bear blinked at me!"

"Huh?" the girls were confused.

They looked at the bear seeing it do nothing. Applejack looked to him, "Are you sure it blinked? Cause it ain't moving nothing."

"I swear it literally did blink." Spike pleaded.

"Probably just a short circuit reflex." Twilight suggested.

"How can it short circuit if they're not functioning?" Spike asked in confusion, while Twilight herself didn't know how to answer it.

"Come on, let's go check out some more of this place." Rainbow suggested.

"Yeah, like the places children weren't allowed in." Discord said, as they continued on, unaware of the four animatrons each blinking.

The group walked around going into the authorized personal only areas such as the kitchen. Pinkie looked around, "You know with a little cleaning up I could probably use this place."

"It doesn't even have working power and gas, Pinkie." Sunset noted.

"Just a thought." Pinkie replied.

Suddenly the group was startled by a high pitched shriek. They screamed and clung to each other.

"What the hell was that?" Rainbow asked in worry.

"I don't like this." Fluttershy trembled, while clinging to Spike who felt her pressing her breasts into his side.

Spike thought while feeling flustered, 'I like it when she clings.'

"Probably a stray cat." Sunset suggested shakily.

"Yes, obviously." Rarity agreed nervously.

Discord nodded, "Come on, let's check out the dressing room." they left the kitchen and went to the dressing room.

They looked around seeing spare costumes for the people dressing up like the mascots that looked cleaner than the animatrons. Pinkie held up a head mask for Barney Bear, "This could make for a good costume."

"I wouldn't be caught dead wearing anything like this." Spike said, while looking at the Beaver costume.

"I wonder if we can sell these costumes?" Trixie wondered, while holding up the Otter costume.

"They'd probably go for fifty cents a piece." Applejack answered.

"If we had the money, I'm sure we could turn this place into a rad party pad." Vinyl said, as she looked around.

"It would be putting this place to a new better use." Discord agreed.

Suddenly they heard the shrieking sound again, and like before they jumped in startle, "Ok, that is no stray cat." Rainbow said.

"I think we might've overstayed our welcome." Fluttershy believed.

"I agree." Twilight nodded.

"Right, so we better go." Spike said, as they left the dressing room.

They returned to the dining theater area, before Spike noticed something odd about the animatrons, "Hey, wasn't Barney Bear on the far left?" he asked as they saw Barney Bear was now in the center of the group.

Twilight spoke, "You're right. And I think Otto Otter and Horace Hippo swapped positions as well."

"And how come all their eyes are closed?" Trixie asked, as they all saw the changes made to them.

"This is creepy." Sunset said in worry.

"I was right, they can move." Spike said.

"I still say it's probably a slight twitch in their movements." Twilight said, but deep down was starting to get scared.

The group looked at each other before slowly creeping up to the animatrons. Silence hung in the air, before Discord spoke up feeling nothing could possibly happen, "Hello?"

Suddenly the animatrons eyes flung opened and their mouths dropped open, before letting out the same shrieking sound that they heard before.

When that happened, the group screamed in a panic, as Spike shouted, "Make a break for the hole!" they ran for it, out through the opening they came in through.

They ran through the parking lot, with Spike and the girls climbing in the back of the truck, as Discord got in front and started it. Once the car started, he burned rubber with the tires screeching before it pulled out of the lot.

When Discord was far away from the old place, the group started to catch their breath, "What the hell was that about?" Rainbow asked in shock.

"I was so scared," Fluttershy trembled, before clinging to Spike, "Please hold me."

Spike once again enjoying the feeling of Fluttershy pressing herself into him, decided to keep her close. But he was still as shocked as they were, "I didn't imagine it."

"Ok, that wasn't a malfunction." Twilight admitted.

"Were those things actually alive?" Rarity asked in fright.

"I don't know, but I don't wanna go back and find out." Vinyl answered.

"Nor do I." Sunset agreed.

Discord finally pulled up into another parking lot, and got out. He panted as the others were also catching his breath. The group's panting suddenly turned into laughter, as Spike spoke, "Well, whatever dangers may lurk in the dark of the night!"

"The Rainbooms will always be there to face the fright!" Pinkie added, as the group laughed.

"I don't know what that was all about, but that was thrilling." Discord said between laughs.

"I admit that was epically thrilling." Rarity admitted.

"But what do you think all that was about?" Trixie asked.

"Who knows?" Rainbow replied.

"And I don't think we'll ever figure it out." Applejack added.

"Well, I think we've had enough excitement for one night. So why don't we head back?" Discord suggested.

"Uh-huh." they agreed, so they got back in the truck and Discord drove off.

Meanwhile back at Barney Bear's Pizza-rama, a little jingle tune could be heard from the outside. Inside the place the animatrons were still in the same places there were last time as the jingle rang through the place. Suddenly Barney's eyes blinked and let out a shriek.