• Published 4th Oct 2014
  • 6,605 Views, 65 Comments

Sonata Time - The Forgotten Siren

Sonata goes back to school to. But will she be accepted by the main six?

  • ...

First day of school

Author's Note:

Ok since a lot of you are making Sonata fanfics. I decided to hop on the train. This is my first slice of life fanfic and granted I haven't seen the movie. I do hope I got each of the Dazzlers personalities down to a T and did a good job none the less. I have read some Sonata fanfics and they do make it out like both Adagio and Araia just hate Sonata so what I'm thinking of doing is making it like they do care. I will make a part two that will cover that.

There this story is remade.


Sonata woke up to turn off the alarm clock, then jumped out of bed with a smile on her face. She began to get dressed, then brushed her hair and teeth. After doing this she walked out of her room and saw Aria sleeping on the couch and Adagio snoring in the chair. They must have done overnight planning and fell asleep, she thought. Sonata shook Aria’s foot to wake her up. Aria woke up with a ticked off look on her face, of course as usual to see Sonata standing at the foot of the couch.

“Sonata, what are you doing?" Aria asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

‘’It’s Monday. Time for school.’‘ Sonata said with a cheerful smile.

‘’Sonata.. you idiot. We..I mean Adagio and I have centuries worth of knowledge that no mere human could possibly hope to understand. Plus do you think you can just walk back in there and nobody is gonna say anything? This isn’t like one of those cliche fanfics you keep reading on about.’‘ Aria said as she looked over to see Adagio still asleep, snoring.

‘’I know that. I’m going to go see Principal Celestia and just say sorry.’‘ Sonata said smiling as she got her backpack.

Sonata that is the stu..I mean sure go ahead to school. Me and Adagio will stay here asleep and try to come up with a plan to get out of this stupid realm.’‘ Aria face palmed heavily as she laid back down trying to sleep through Adagio’s snoring.

"OK bye..I mean good night? No good morning.’‘ Sonata looked confused, then shrugged before heading out the door.

Sonata finally got to school. However as she was walking through the halls, everyone was giving her the stink eye. So she covered her face hoping not to be seen, embarrassed. As she was walking she bumped into something. She uncovered her face to see Principal Celestia standing before her.

‘’You have a lot of nerve showing your face here after what you did Friday.’‘ Celestia said with a stern look on her face and crossing her arms.

‘’Oh well um..I wanted to say sorry and please let me back?’‘ Sonata said, covering her face.

‘’Come back? Why is that?’‘ Celestia said confused.

‘’Because I really like school and want to learn..also tomorrow is Tuesday.’‘ Sonata said peeping an eye out to look at Principal Celestia looking at her.

Celestia then brought Sonata into her office. When they got there, Celestia sat down in her chair then pressed the button for the intercom. She called for Sunset Shimmer to come into her office. For about five minutes Sonata was looking at the ground moving her foot in a circle not making eye contact with Celestia. Finally Sunset Shimmer came in the office.

‘’What are you doing here? ‘’ Sunset asked with a mad facial expression when she saw Sonata sitting there.

‘’Sonata is here to come back and apparently learn.’‘ Celestia said.

‘’Learn? About what? And where are the other two?’‘ Sunset said getting defensive.

‘’Oh, well I came to learn everything there is to so I can be smart like Adagio and Aria so they can stop calling me stupid. Also they are back home asleep since they have more smarts than any school. So...please I said sorry?’‘ Sonata said with a sad expression on her face.

‘’Absolutely no..’‘ Sunset was cut off.

‘’Yes. If you are true to your word you can stay and learn. But if you hurt or do anything to my students you will be expelled, got it?’‘ Celestia said with a serious look on her face.

Sonata shook her head as Sunset looked confused.

‘’Wait Principal Celestia. She is a siren and tried to take over the world.’‘ Sunset said.

‘’Yes and as I recall you became a Succubus bent on mind controlling the entire school. Plus I see it in her eyes that she is truthful to her word. That is why I want you to keep an eye on her. To make sure she isn’t tempted to go back on her word.’‘ Celestia said back.

‘’Umm..OK, then I’ll do it.’‘ Sunset said blushing.

Sunset did’t bother to say anything after that and just took Sonata to get her classes. She made sure that Sonata was in every class that she was supposed to be to keep an eye on her.

The first class was math. The teacher was at the board explaining the subject. However Sonata had trouble due to all the big words.

‘’OK class, in order to get the area of the building we multiply pie with car parked on a tin can with six maids a milking. How many does Bobby have left in all?’‘ The teacher supposedly was saying.

‘’Sonata you OK?’‘ Sunset looked over to see a blank expression on her face.

‘’Oh um yeah I’m OK thanks Shim’‘ Sonata said coming back to reality.

However as the teacher got done explaining, he passed out work sheets for them to do and complete. Sonata was lost and wan’t able to answer any of the questions. She did’t want to ask Sunset because she did’t want to look stupid. Sunset looked over to see Sonata sweating bullets, thinking hard. However Sonata just sat there for the rest of the class not wanting to ask for help as she saw everyone else in the room apparently getting the subject. However she was glad the teacher stated that they can take the worksheets home to do for home work. She could ask Adagio for help due to her being so smart.

The second period bell rang as Sonata and Sunset went to band class. They shared this class with Flutter shy. As Flutter shy saw Sonata she gasped and hid in the band closet. Sunset then went over and opened the door to tell Flutter shy that Sonata is not here to hurt anyone and maybe she could help pick out an instrument for Sonata.

‘’Oh um OK. As long as she is not evil anymore.’‘ Flutter shy said.

‘’Oh no, after you guys defeated us we have no powers to do anything. But Adagio pretty much hates all of you and Aria wants revenge for what you all did.’‘ Sonata said smiling.

‘’Oh my well um I hope she calms down.’‘ Flutter shy said.

‘’Don’t worry about it, Aria is always mad. She even punch the mirror one time because it looked like she had love handles." Sonata said.

Flutter shy then said OK and gave Sonata an instrument to try out. She failed each one she was given.

‘’I thought you Sirens would be good at these things?’‘ Flutter shy asked.

‘’Well Aria and Adagio are good at everything like singing and instruments. I, on the other hand, suck. Plus of the three of us I’m not that good of a singer.’‘ Sonata said looking down at the ground feeling terrible. Sunset saw how down Sonata was then looked around for any more instruments she could try. Her eye spotted one.

‘’Well..hey try this one. I’m sure you can get it." Sunset said holding a triangle trying to cheer her up.

Sonata looked up and saw the small triangle. She grabbed it and tried it out.

"Oh my.. You're really good Sonata.’‘ Flutter shy said also trying to comfort her with a smile.

‘’For realzies? Thanks, I like this instrument.’‘ Sonata said with a small smile on her face.

‘’Why yes it’s perfect for you Sonata.’‘ Sunset said looking at how happy Sonata was with the most simple and easiest of all instruments.

The third period bell rang and it was art class. As Sunset entered the room she was ambushed by Pinkie Pie’s hug attack.

‘’HUGS!!!’‘ Pinkie said yelling

‘’Ha ha, hi Pinkie. I’m glad to see you too.’‘ Sunset said chuckling.

Pinkie squeezed her hard then released her from her Pinkie grip. She then noticed Sonata standing behind her.

‘’Oh my gosh, what is she doing here!?’‘ Pinkie said pointing to Sonata with a mean look on her face.

‘’Sonata is here to learn. She isn’t here to be evil, Pinkie. I promise.’‘ Sunset replied.

‘’Oh OK then. In that case, WELCOME HUGS!!’‘ Pinkie said jumping to hug Sonata.

Sonata was amazed by this. For no one had ever given her hug before. She always wanted one.

‘’Thanks, I never got a hug before.’‘ Sonata said enjoying the hug.

‘’Oh my gosh you never got a hug? But hugs are fun!’‘ Pinkie said as she gasped.

‘’Yeah, Aria and Adagio never gave me a hug. They said hugs were stupid.’‘ Sonata said.

‘’What!? Hugs are the greatest things ever next to chocolate cupcakes and friends. I’ll tell you what I promise to give you a hug when ever you need it OK?’‘ Pinkie said with glee.

Sonata said OK and smiled. They all then sat down and painted. Pinkie and Sonata both finger painted together. While Sunset looked at Sonata she couldn't’t help but smile seeing a former enemy, being good. And wanted to help Sonata even more.

The bell rang for lunch and as they got to the lunch room they met up with Rainbow Dash in the line.

‘’Hey, what is she doing here?’‘ Rainbow Dash asked with a mean look on her face.

‘’Calm down Rainbow. She is trying to be good and I am here to help.’‘ Sunset said

‘’Yeah well, I don’t trust her.’‘ Rainbow said glaring at her.

‘’No, for realzies. I want to come to school.’‘ Sonata said.

‘’Hmm you still can’t be trusted after what you and those other two did last Friday. And hey where are they at?’‘ Rainbow demanded.

‘’They are probably at home planning some way to get back to Equestria or something.’‘ Sonata said.

As they moved up the line Rainbow saw four pudding cups. As soon as Sunset and Pinkie grabbed theirs. Rainbow grabbed the other two before Sonata had a chance. Sunset saw this and as soon as they sat at the table she looked at Dash.

‘’Rainbow, why did you take the last two?’‘ Sunset asked.

‘’Because I need pudding to keep my game on.’‘ Rainbow said with a smirk.

‘’That is a lie. You and Pinkie both drink monster. And Pinkie doesn’t play sports.’‘ Sunset said

‘’That's right Dashie.’‘ Pinkie said while drinking her own monster and shaking.

‘’OK fine, I just didn’t want Sonata to have it. She is our enemy until she proves herself.’‘ Rainbow said.

‘’Rainbow, she isn’t the bad guy anymore.’‘ Sunset said.

‘’I gotta agree with Rainbow Dash. Granny always said, keep yer friends close an yer enemies in front of a loaded shotgun.’‘ Applejack said eating her apple.

‘’Sorry darling but your actions last Friday were uncouth.’‘ Rarity said while drinking her milk with a pinkie up.

‘’It’s OK, I did’t want the pudding anyway.’‘ Sonata said stabbing the mystery meat.

Sunset just sat and watch Sonata poke her meat while not saying anything. Pinkie Pie and Flutter shy also looked at each other with a sad expression.

‘’Um..You can have my pudding Sonata. I’m not that hungry.’‘ Flutter shy said handing Sonata her pudding.

Sonata looked up and smiled as she took the pudding from Flutter shy and ate it. Sunset could have sworn she saw a tear in Sonata’s eyes but didn’t say anything. The bell rang for forth period. Sonata and Sunset went to the Science lab.

‘’Rarity, can you please be Sonata’s partner? I promised Trixie I’d help her today.’‘ Sunset asked.

‘’OK, only for you darling.’‘ Rarity replied.

Sonata then sat next to Rarity with a small smile on her face. The teacher then came in with a big box. He went around pulling out frogs from the box and placing them on the students desks.

‘’OK class, today we are going to dissect frogs.’‘ The teacher said.

‘’EWW, THIS IS MOST UNCOUTH!!! GROSS GROSS GROSS!!!!!!’‘ Rarity screamed.

‘’Sorry but the great Trixie does not support the slicing of innocent animals. This is beneath Trixie.’‘ Trixie said.

‘’They died of natural causes and you have to, it’s apart of your grade.’‘ The teacher said.

As Rarity was freaking out about the dead frog she looked over to see Sonata with tears in her eyes.

‘’You alright darling?’‘ Rarity asked

‘’This is so mean. What did this frog ever do to deserve this?’‘ Sonata said with tears in her eyes.

Sunset looked up and saw Sonata teary eyed, she then went over to comfort her. The teacher saw this and sighed.

‘’OK table D and C you can just write a paper about the anatomy of frogs.’‘ The teacher said.

All four girls were relieved to hear they didn’t have to cut open a frog. As Sonata felt better, Sunset went to her seat. Rarity then began to wonder about Sonata.

‘’Excuse me darling but may I ask, as a Siren shouldn't’t you be use to seeing death? I mean you do know when people fight, it often comes out with war and murder right?" Rarity asked.

"Huh? That isn’t true. Adagio and Aria told me that nothing like that ever happens. They said that nobody kills each other over a fight and that the reason we never see someone anymore is because they went off to a vacation.’‘ Sonata said with a sad expression.

Sunset and Rarity looked at each other as they knew the other two must have lied to her to protect her feelings. Sonata just sat there writing about frogs. However she knew nothing, only the basic things about a frog. At the end of class she got a fifty and an F.

‘’Look, I made an F.’‘ Sonata said with glee and a smile on her face.

‘’Um, darling do you know what F stands for?’‘ Rarity asked.

‘’Fun, right? My paper was fun.’‘ Sonata said enthusiastically.

‘’Sorry Sonata. F means failure.’‘ Sunset said regretfully.

‘’Oh OK..maybe next time.’‘ Sonata said with a frown.

Rarity and Sunset looked at each other and comforted her.

The fifth period bell rang and it was time for Language Arts. Sunset sat by Applejack as Sonata took a seat in the back.

‘’Sugar cube, you sure she ain’t trying sumthin'?’‘ Applejack asked.

‘’Don’t worry Applejack. I don’t know what it is but I feel like she is telling the truth.’‘ Sunset replied.

Applejack just shrugged and turned to the page the teacher assigned. The topic was verbs and nouns. These things were foreign to Sonata due to she only knew how to speak and nothing else. She just sat there with a blank look on her face. Sunset looked over to see that Sonata had the same look on her face as she did in math class. Sunset couldn't’t take anymore and got up to go help her.

‘’Sonata, let me help you please.’‘ Sunset asked with a smile on her face.

‘’OK, he he.’‘ Sonata said letting Sunset help her out.

After she was done she then turned in her work. When she got it back, she had made a D. Sonata went back to Sunset to show her.

‘’Shim look, a D. That's good right, D means done good? Sonata asked with that same smile on her face.

‘’Um, kinda Sonata. A D isn’t all that good but it’s passing.

‘’Oh OK then’‘ Sonata said.

‘’Chin up Sugar cube, I made a D too. This here is my weakest Subject. I still get in arguments with the teacher about the word ‘’Ya’ll’‘ and ‘’ain’t’‘. He says they ain’t words.’‘ Applejack said warming up to Sonata a little.

‘’Thanks..um Orange girl who is Shim’s friend.’‘ Sonata said nervously.

The names Applejack. My friends call me AJ.’‘ Applejack said with a smile.

‘’Um, are we friends?’‘ Sonata asked nervously?

‘’Sure, Sunset says your OK. So fine by me.’‘ Applejack responded.

As Sonata smiled the bell rang for the last period. Sonata and Sunset went to history class. As they got there they saw Rainbow Dash in the back. Sunset suggested they sit back there with her.

‘’Hey you still here huh? I thought you would be trying to take over the school by now.’‘ Rainbow said sitting relaxing in her seat.

‘’Rainbow, please control yourself. She isn’t here to do that. Besides, even Principal Celestia thinks she is OK.’‘ Sunset said.

‘’OK fine, you guys can believe she is good. But I know she is still evil.’‘ Rainbow said back.

Sonata sat by Sunset with a sad look on her face. She was wanting to come to school to learn. But not only is she not smart enough for this, she is enemy number one in this school. Sonata sat there all period pretending to read the history book. When yet, not only did she not understand but she felt she didn’t belong. She was like a freak in this school. Sonata then got up and left out the door. Sunset followed behind her.

‘’Sonata wait!’‘ Sunset said catching up to her.

‘’No. Sorry Shim but I don’t belong here. I’m too stupid to get any of this plus everyone hates me.’‘ Sonata said with tears flowing down her face.

‘’No, this is your first day. You're not going to get it like that. Sonata, you're not stupid. Me and my friends can help you I promise.’‘ Sunset said trying to comfort her.

‘’But..my brain can’t even get the Boob Bombic plague.’‘ Sonata said falling to the floor.

Sunset looked at the young girl. This was completely different from the sweet ditzy Sonata she had seen before. Sunset sat down and stroked her hair.

‘’Listen Sonata, you're not alone. You have friends who will help you through this. Pinkie is a whiz at math and Rarity loves Science. Applejack can help you with history. Sonata, when you have friends you are never alone. They will always stand by your side no matter what.’‘ Sunset said.

*sniff* "For..for realzies. You are my friends? You want to help me?’‘ Sonata asked wiping tears from her eyes.

‘’Yes Sonata. Will you please come back tomorrow?’‘ Sunset asked

‘’Oh..ok.’‘ Sonata replied giving Sunset a hug.

‘’Aria can you put that stupid game up!?’‘ Adagio yelled

‘’Sorry this is how I relieve stress. YES I WIN!!!!! FATALITY!!!! YOU FOUR ARMED FREAK HA HA!!’‘ Aria cheered.

‘’We have a month left and due to us no longer having our powers we can’t sing our way into a free electric bill anymore. We need to find a way to get money.’‘ Adagio stated.

‘’Listen Adagio you will think of something I’m sure. Why don’t you come and relive all that stress. Or you can use my toy I got.’‘ Aria said.

‘’What toy?’‘ Adagio demanded.

‘’I saw it in some human magazine. I use it when I can’t sleep.’‘ Aria said.

‘’Wait, is that why you were in the BATHROOM AT THREE IN THE MORNING MAKING WEIRD NOISES!?’‘ Adagio screamed while clenching her fist.

Before Aria replied Sonata came though the door as happy as she could be.

Both Aria and Adagio looked at her with disgust.

‘’So how was school Sonata? Did you learn something for once?’‘ Aria asked.

‘’Yes I did Aria and tomorrow I will be going back.’‘ Sonata replied while going to her room.

‘’Seriously?’‘ Aria said.

‘’At least she had a good day.’‘ Adagio said with a low growl.