• Published 4th Oct 2014
  • 6,600 Views, 65 Comments

Sonata Time - The Forgotten Siren

Sonata goes back to school to. But will she be accepted by the main six?

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Sonata's choice

Sonata skipped home with so much joy in her heart. After hearing the good news she could hardly contain herself. As she open the door she saw Adagio and Aria sitting in the living room. They both looked up to see her standing in the doorway. Aria then asked did anyone mess with her today. Trying not to sound as if she cared.

‘’No not really. As a matter of fact Dumb-Bell and Hoop said they where sorry. Also Hoop was crying all day holding an ice pack on his crotch. Like how you did when you watched Old Yeller.’‘ Sonata replied to Aria.

‘’SHUT UP! I didn’t cry. I had something in my eye idiot.’‘ Aria growled.

As Sonata told Aria that she was a poo face, Adagio told both girls to shut up before getting into another stupid argument. She then asked Sonata why was she so exited for. To which Sonata then remembered what she wanted to tell them. She stood in the middle of the living room. Then told them that tomorrow at twelve a woman from the Alternative housing would come to her school and pick them up to go live there. That they wouldn’t have to be homeless and live on the streets.
Aria face palmed and as soon as she began to say something. Adagio got up from the chair with a serious look on her face. She walked over to Sonata and raised her hand. She then slapped the poor girl across the face causing her to fall to the ground. Sonata looked up putting her hand on her sore cheek. Aria was shocked as to what she just witnessed.

‘’How DARE YOU! We are Sirens. We are above ponies and humans. We do ot ask lowly beings for help. You love these freaks so much, you know wheat they evolved from? HUH!? MONKEYS!! Thats right humans come from crap eating apes. You want us to accept help from them?! NO! Sonata you are completely worthless!’‘ Adagio said in a fit of rage.

‘’But..but I wanted..I want us to..’‘ Sonata began to choke up before crying and running to her room then closing the door.

‘’Adagio why?’‘ Aria said still with the shocked expression on her face.

Adagio looked at the girl and told her to shut up. That Sonata has no Siren pride in her what so ever. She deserved that after asking a monkey for help.
Sonata was in her room under her blanket crying. Tears ran from her face and onto the pillow. She held her teddy bear tightly. She didn’t understand what went wrong with asking for help. She just wanted them to be proud of her for once and be together forever. Sonata cried herself to sleep only to wake up around nine o clock. As she opened her eyes she saw a taco on her desk. She then got from her bed wiping the tears away. As she went to pick up the taco she seen a note under it. It read ‘’From Taco Fairy.’‘ However Sonata new it was Aria that done this. Aria never admitted to doing anything nice for her. She would always just say a fairy did it. So Sonata just pretend to believe in the taco fairy along with all the other fairies. As Sonata got done with her taco she went to her book bag and pulled out the writing paper she did in class. She read through it and being to wonder what should she do? Deep in her heart she wanted to stay with Adagio and Aria. But the other side she wanted to stay with her other friends. She was beside herself thinking about this. She started to get sad again and decided to just go back to sleep. Maybe her other friends could help her out.

As Sonata alarm went off she got up to turn it off. She had a sad expression on her face as she got dressed. As She went into the hallway and looked at Aria’s door. She dared not open it due to Aria like to sleep in the nude. But Sonata wanted to think her. Sonata still didn’t know if she should go or stay with them. So she pressed her body to the door. She symbolically hugged her. She then stopped and looked at Adagio’s door. As she walked up to it she could hear her snoring even when the door was closed. Adagio told her that hugs are for the weak. That Sirens do not hug because they are above such things. Only ponies and humans hug due to them being weaklings. How ever Sonata remembered what Pinkie Pie said about hugs. That not only are they fun but can even cheer someone up or at the very least make them smile. She liked her view on hugs better. Sonata still hugged her door as if to hug her before going off to school.

Sunset was by her locker getting ready for the next period. She was also waiting for Sonata to come as well. She had been psyched ever since she heard from Rainbow Dash this morning. She had told Sunset that Scootaloo and her went to Principle Celestia’s office after school to ask for help on Sonata. Celestia made a call to a housing that Scootaloo was in and that a women would be coming by. Sunset was so happy she could helped her friend in her time of need. But she couldn’t shake a feeling she had in her gut. That was the other two could stop her and force her to stay with them. However at the same time she couldn’t help but remember what happen yesterday. They came to her ‘’rescue.’‘
She then snicker as she remembered Hoop holding an ice pack crying all day. Suddenly through the doors Sonata came through. Sunset’s smile turn into a look of worry as she saw her with her head down. As Sonata walk up to her locker she asked what was wrong.

‘’I’m sorry Shimmie. But I don’t know what to do.’‘ Sonata said explaining to Sunset all that happened before beginning to cry again.

Sunset wanted to tell her to drop those two and come to the housing. That way she can have a home and come to school. But a part of her couldn’t because she new this was her decision to make by herself.

‘’It’s ok Sonata. What ever you choose I and the others will stand by you.’‘ Sunset said hugging her friend to comfort her.

Mean while back home at ten fifteen Aria woke up from her slumber. However though she felt bad though. She usually woke up and then took Shining Armor for a hour long ride while listening to screamo. But this morning she felt bad for Sonata to much to do that. She got out of bed and put on her silk gown as she left her room. She looked over to Sonata’s room and felt like she should go in it. As she entered her room she was disgusted by it. Her room was Barbie pink with stuffed animals and plushies all around. Aria wanted to throw up until she saw the teddy bear under her covers. She went over to it and picked it up. She remembered the day she bought it for Sonata. It was last year and Sonata was sad because she was sick. Aria was walking alone until she passed a toy store with the bear in the window. She remembered that her old teddy bear was kinda torn and so she decided to buy it for her. She used real money without having to resort to useing her siren song. She had placed the new bear on her bed with a note reading ‘’from Teddy Bear Fairy.’‘ on it. Sonata was so happy when she got it.
She put the bear back under the blanket and was about to head out until she saw the paper on her desk. Aria picked it up and began to read it. As soon as she was done Adagio came into the room.

‘’What are you doing in here?’‘ Adagio asked.

‘’Nothing here read this.’‘ Aria said handing her the paper.

Adagio rolled her eyes and decided to humor her. She grabbed the paper and read it.

‘’Hi I’m Sonata Dusk and I am a Siren. Most of you knew that already. I wanted to tell you what is close to my heart. My two best friends Adagio Dazzle and Aria Blaze. Ever since I was a itty bitty teeny weenie siren. They have been there for me. I never new my parents but Adagio said that they where killed by a manticore. They saved me from it in the knick of time and ever since then we been together. We fight a lot like when Aria calls me worst or when I use Adagio’s shampoo that keeps her hair so poofy. Even though we lost in Battle of the bands we still stayed together. But sadly we are about to be out on the streets. Even though I have no clue as to what we should do. I only asked that we stay together forever. Because even in the worst of times. They are my family and I love them very much.’‘

Adagio then place the letter down on the desk and walked out. Aria then clenched her fist and stormed out into the hallway.

‘’Hey Adagio whats your damage? Didn’t you read the letter? She still cares for us. That ditz’s heart is so big she forgave both of us even after the mean things we say or do to her. I knew you where cold Adagio. But not this cold..’‘ Aria said with rage in her voice.

‘’..Aria..Shut up. I know she cares for us. Thats why it was hard for what I did yesterday. I wanted her to hate me. I wanted her to hate my guts. So when we leave today she wouldn’t think twice about us. But no. Even my plans are worthless against her heart.’‘ Adagio said turning to look at Aria.

Aria stood there in shock at to what she was seeing. Never before in all these years has she seen Adagio shedding tears.

‘’Aria get your things we are leaving.’‘ Adagio demanded.

Mean while at the cafeteria Sonata was poking her apple with her finger. Rainbow Dash was a bit frustrated by what Sonata had told them. All the girls where confused to why she would go back to them after what Adagio did and what they done in the past. How ever Sonata just sat there poking her apple.

‘’Darling please tell us as to why you wish to go back to them?’‘ Rarity asked.

‘’Well you see. Even though we fight and they blame me for stuff. They do care. Like every Christmas they go out of their way to make sure I have a wonderful Christmas. Even though they say it all come from Santa. I know it’s them. Also when I am sick Aria would bring me soup and read me a story till I fell asleep.’‘ Sonata said wiping some tears away.

‘’Oh that sounds very kind of them’‘ Fluttershy remarked.

‘’Yeah well I say it still bull Sh..’‘ Rainbow Dash was cut off before she could finish.

RAINBOW DASH!! Bite yer tongue. I understand Sonata’s choice. My cousin Braeburn addicted to gambling. Why he even gambled Granny Smith’s hip replacement money away at Appaloosa Casino. And Babs Seed is in juvie for holding pot. But we still consider them family and love them non the less.’‘ Applejack said.

‘’Did Somebody say pot? The grrreat sto.*clears throat* I mean powerful Trrrixie demands you tell at once’‘ Trixie said over hearing their conversation.

‘’Fur the last time Trixie. I told you me and Big Macintosh get ours from Vinyl Scratch’‘ Applejack said annoyed.

As the girls went back to the conversation they where having. They decided to go with Sonata to the office to see her off. She would not be able to come back to school after today due to she would have to help find a way to live.
Mean while at eleven fifty a woman in a purple suit came though the door. She knocked on Priciple Celestia’s door. After about a second Vice principle Luna answered the door.

‘’Oh welcome Ms. Harshwinny.’‘ Luna greeted.

‘’Oh why hello Ms. Luna. The last I saw you. Was when I worked at Moon Side Juvenile prison. Oh you where a real nightmare. But after one thousand days you straightened you ways.’‘ Ms. Harshwinny remarked.

Luna just blushed and welcome her into the office. Celestia then greeted her to have a seat. As she sat down they talked about Sonata and the other two. However they of course left out the bit about being Sirens and all. The clock soon struck twelve and they waited for Sonata to come. After waiting for five minutes Sonata and her friends came in. As they gathered around the small office. Sonata had her head down. Ms. Harhwinny then asked would she like to come. Sonata let out a sigh and then looked at her. She then look at all her friends and then looked t the ground.

‘’I’m Sorry...but no. I want to stay with my other friends regardless if we end up on the streets.’‘ Sonata said.

‘’But Sonata why aren’t they coming?’‘ Celestia asked

‘’Because they don’t want help.’‘ Sonata said.

‘’Young lady you do know this could be your one and only time you have this chance right?’‘ Ms. Harhwinny asked.

Sonata said yes as Ms. Harshwinny got back up and proceeded to leave. Celestia and luna where shocked but respected their new students decision. The girls gathered around Sonata and hugged her. For this was the last time they would see their new friend. They all stepped outside the office and seen Ms. Harshwinny about to leave until.

‘’HOLD IT!!!’‘ Adagio yelled from the other side of the hallway.

Sonata looked up as she saw both Adagio and Aria walking though the doors. Ms. Harshwinny stopped and looked back to see what was going on. Adagio walked up to Sonata and her friends with a expressionless look on her face.

‘’What the heck are you doing here?’‘ Rainbow demanded.

‘’Cool it Skittles. We aren’t here to kick your can’‘ Aria said with a smirk.

Rainbow Dash was about to say some until Sunset covered her mouth. Adagio then looked at her then back at Sonata. Siren pride ran thought Adagio’s veins as she didn’t want to say what she was about to ask. She just look at Sonata and remembered what was important. Suddenly Adagio moved toward Sonata. Then the girls jaws dropped as to what they where seeing. Even both the principles where in shock as to what they where witnessing. Adagio was hugging Sonata gently. Aria covered er eyes and lowered her head as she hid her smile.

‘’Thank you Sonata’‘ Adagio said to her sister.

‘’Excuuse me young lady but does this mean YOU will be coming with me?’‘ Ms. Harshwinny asked walking up the girls.

‘’OH OH and come to school with me and my friends?’‘ Sonata asked jumping in place.

‘’*sigh* yes we will come with you to the housing and school.’‘ Adagio said rolling her eyes.

Sonata and her friends all cheers as they came in for a group hug. Aria and Adagio satayed out of the hug until Sonata reached out and pulled the two Sirens into it. Celestia and Luna both where happy to see the three once evil sirens be reformed. And Harhwinny just stood there rolling her eyes mostly because she seen this kinda thing countless times.

Author's Note:

The last chapter my friends. Hope you like. I was wanting Aria and Adagio's stand off to be kinda like Naruto and Zabuza's moment. I hope I got it some what like they did. Also yes I made a great stone Trixie reference. May Ghost be at piece.

Comments ( 17 )

‘’Fur the last time Trixie. I told you me and Big Macintosh get ours from Vinyl Sctrach’‘ Applejack said annoyed.

Wut?:rainbowhuh: Wat?:rainbowderp: WHAT?!?! THEY SMOKE POT! WHAT IS THIS?




Oh you misspelled "Scratch"....... back to my freak out


Apple Family Rule 782: Smoke Weed Everyday

Good chapter though

‘’Fur the last time Trixie. I told you me and Big Macintosh get ours from Vinyl Sctrach’‘ Applejack said annoyed.

Makes sense, it explains the red eyes.

This was a nice story, the other chapters (as well as this one) have just a few errors but it didn't take away from the story. I do like your take on the Sirens, it makes sense that they would care for each other as much as you portrayed them to.

Well... That was something...:twilightoops:

thanks. I am planning on making a sequel after my scary story mlp.

It was really nice to see how big hearted Adagio is underneath her her mask

Could not get past the first paragraph. GET A PROOFREADER AND AN EDITOR. This is unreadable.

This was a sad but truly awesome story. I'm so glad that Sonata was able to keep her new life as well as her sister sirens.

Finished this story. It had a lot of spelling errors. Still content wise it was pretty good. You may not have gotten the Dazzlings "canonically correct", but you got close. Also your characterization of them played right into my head canon about what they are actually like. The whole caring for each other even if they don't always admit it or show it thing.

Tbh. I think this ending killed the story in overall.
It had alot of potential for Aria and Adagio to leave Sonata behind and have this story be longer.

I expected more of you mate.
Ill stay neutral for rating.

This was very good

‘’HOLD IT!!!’‘ Adagio yelled from the other side of the hallway.


Sorry I could not get this out of my mind

Love the fuckin drug references:rainbowwild:

7773451 in fairness..... I completely forgot, and thank you. I am done with my 5th semester, and will be remaking or re editing this story with more detail and adding some things in, that I wanted to before.

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