• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 3,505 Views, 174 Comments

Sonic the Hedgehog: Equestria Girls - Shadicbro Brony

After a Prophecy has been fortold in the future, Sonic, Shadow and Silver must now join forces once again to keep their world along with another dimensional world protected from harms way. Will they protect all worlds, or fall into internal Darkness?

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Chapter 2: Enter Celestia, Scourge and Fluttershy(Edited)

Chapter 2: Enter Celestia, Scourge and Fluttershy(Edited)

Sonic, Shadow and Silver continued walking down the hallways of the building while trying to think of a plan.

“Since we’re gonna be here for a while, we’re gonna have to blend in.” Sonic said.

“Agreed. We’ll only use our powers if it’s truly necessary.” Shadow added.

“And we’ll contact or tell each other who is responsible for bringing the Internal Darkness to this world and ours.” Silver also added.

While the three continued walking down the hallways, they were stopped by a female voice.

“Excuse me, are you three new here?”

The boys turned around and came face to face with an adult female. She wore a golden jacket with purple pants. Her hair was a mixture of light green, light blue and light pink with a Sunbelt across her waist.

Thinking quickly, Silver gave her a quick answer. “Yes ma’am. We’re new here.”

The female smiled and spoke. “Well then, let me be the first to welcome you three to Canterlot High school.”

“SCHOOL!? Oh great.” Sonic thought.

“My name is Principle Celestia. Since you three are new, I would like to give you three orientations. Please follow me to my office.”

The three followed Celestia to her office while Sonic was still wrapping his head that he was in school. School was never Sonics gig. He wanted to leave the school, but since he and the others were gonna do an orientation, there was no way out of it. The three finally made it to her office and went inside.

“Please have a seat and we’ll get started.” Celestia said.

The three sat on three chairs that were in front of her desk. She sat down in her desk, took out a piece of paper, a pen and started asking them questions.

“What are your names?” She asked first.

“My name’s Silver.” Silver started. “And these two are my brothers.”

Shadow and Sonic arched a brow why Silver called them his brothers, but quickly got the message to play along.

“My name is Sonic Celestia.” Sonic greeted with a thumbs up.

“Shadow.” Shadow said crossing his arms.

Celestia wrote down their names on the paper and asked them their middle initials and last names. Sonic was about to panic since he couldn’t think of middle initials and last names for them until Shadow told her their middle initials were H and last names were Robotnick. Sonic didn’t like that he had to have his last name to be Robotnick, but Eggmans grandfather was the one who created him, Sonic decide to went along with it.

Through the remainder of the orientation, Celestia asks them where they came from, what they do and what school they first went to before Canterlot high. Sonic told her they come from Emerald town, Shadow explained they exercise and train most of their time and chill while Silver told her they went to Emerald High before they came here. After that, Celestia put her pen down and smiled at the new students.

“Thank you for cooperating and spending your time with this.” She said. She got up from her desk and went to a drawer and pulled out three slips of paper and handed them to each of the three brothers.

(I’m gonna keep calling them brothers for a while because it’s gonna be easier to address them and who doesn’t want to be brothers with the most amazing hedgehogs?

“These will be your schedules for the year. Again, Welcome to Canterlot High.” Celestia welcomed.

“Thank you Celestia. C’mon guys. Let’s get going.” Silver said getting up from the chair.

“Thanks Celestia.” Sonic thanked following Silver.

Shadow was the last getting up and walked off. When he got to the door, he turned to her and thanked her. He closed the door behind him, leaving Celestia in her office thinking.

“That was an interesting orientation indeed. I’ve never heard of Emerald town or Emerald High before. I’m gonna have to keep my eye on those three very closely.” Celestia thought.

After the three brothers left the office, they checked their new schedules for their classes.

Sonic: 1st period: free period

2nd period: Team sports

3rd period: cooking


4th period: band

Shadow: 1st period: health

2nd period: Team sports

3rd period: free period


4th period: Band

Silver: 1st period: Ceramics

2nd period: free period

3rd period: cooking


4th period: Band

“Ugh. I can’t believe I have to enroll in school” Sonic groaned.

“C’mon Sonic, It won’t be that bad.” Silver said trying to cheer him up.

“I’m a man of action Silver, I don’t do school.” Sonic explained. "Besides, you never enrolled in school."

“Get used to it faker. We’re gonna be here for a while until this whole thing blows over.” Shadow said.

Sonic sighed in defeat. The brothers parted ways to get to their first period classes. Class doesn’t begin in the next 10 minutes, so they decided to explore the school a little to get to know their new surroundings.

(Sonic POV)

Sonic walked down the hallways of the school. He still didn’t like that he was still in school, but he had no choice.

“Sigh. At least I have a free period.” He thought.

He was pulled from his mind when he saw a small group of students around in a small circle. He then heard voices in the center.


“p-please…I’m sorry.” Said a female voice.

Sonic rushed forward to the group and managed to squeeze through to get a better look at what was happening. In the center was a teenage boy glaring angrily down at a female. Sonic eyes widened with surprise that the boy had the same hair-do like him, but it was green. He also had cyan colored eyes. He wore a black, leather jacket with a flame pattern on the elbows. He also wore black pants while wearing dark green and black shoes with two screws on each side of the flaps. He finally had a green bracelet on each wrist along with a pair of red shades.

The young girl who the boy was starring down was completely frightened. She had cream skin and had pink hair that fell to her waist. She wore a white tank top with a light green skirt with three butterflies on the side. She also had cyan colored eyes as well.

“Who’s that guy?” asked one of the students.

“His name is Scourge. He was the #1 bully from my brother’s high school. He was transferred here a couple days ago. He’s also very strong and very dangerous.” Explained one of the students next to him.

Sonic’s eyes widened more. He never knew that a boy would be named Scourge. He fought against him a couple times in Mobius. He was Mobius’s #1 hit criminal, but manages to escape every time.

“Is there something we can do?” Asked a female voice.

“No. Let’s just hope he doesn’t beat her up. He rarely lets people go. This rule of his also applies to females as well.” Explained the same male voice.

Sonic looked back at Scourge ready to make his next move against the girl. Sonic knew something bad was gonna happen.


“He never did anything wrong. You can’t just go around beating up other students because you feel like it.” The girl stated surprising Sonic a little by her minor courage against Scourge. “You’re nothing but a big BULLY.”

Scourge finally reached the end of his rope. He formed a ball in his fist and raised it up.


He threw his hand down to punch the girl in the face. Some of the students covered their eyes not wanting to see what was going to happen. The girl screamed and covered her face to await the blow. Thinking quickly, Sonic rushed forward to the two and grabbed Scourge’s arm before it hit the girl.

“THAT’S ENOUGH!” He shouted.

The students were taken completely by surprise by Sonic’s action. Scourge and the girls were also surprised for what he was doing.

(No POV)

Scourge was surprised by this. No one has ever stopped one of his beatings before. He was also surprised that this boy looks like him a little. He scowled at the boy angrily.

“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?” He asked while shouting.

“My name is Sonic, and you have no right to threaten this girl!” He said.

Everyone was completely speechless by this boy’s courage. The girl stood there with surprise. She couldn’t believe that this boy is helping her and he doesn’t know her.


Even though Sonic was a human now, he still doesn't like it when people call him a ‘rat', and he wasn’t going to turn away while he was about to hurt this girl.

“Never." He answered coldly.

Scourge got very mad.

“HAVE IT YOUR WAY RAT!” He screamed.

He quickly turned around and threw a punch at Sonic, but Sonic easily dodged the attack and threw him at a nearby locker. The students were now shocked at what he did. No one has ever fought back against Scourge before. This was a complete first.

Scourge got up and stared at Sonic angrily.

“You’re gonna wish you never done that rat.” He said coldly getting into a fighting stance.

Sonic got into his battle stance as well while the students made more room for the two. They were all about to see the biggest fight of their lives. The girl immediately scooted away from the boys while they stared at each other with flames in their eyes.

“Bring it on Scourge!” Sonic shouted with courage.

Scourge charged at Sonic and began throwing punches at Sonic.

Sonic easily dodged the attacks and threw a powerful punch at Scourge’s stomach.

Scourge grunted in pain and stumbled back, clutching his stomach. The students were amazed by Sonics speed and strength. The girl was also surprised as well. Scourge shook off the pain and charged at Sonic again. He jumped a little and threw a kick.

Sonic threw his body backwards while standing on his two feet dodging the attack. Scourge landed on his feet and did a slid kick to throw Sonic off balance.

Sonic did a triple back flip and jumped into the air doing a few flips. He finally landed on his feet and looked at Scourge with confidence in his eyes.

The students were amazed by that Sonic, a newbie...was actually winning a fight against Scrouge. Then one of the students cheered for him.


Soon more students began cheering.





With the amount of positivity Sonic was getting from the crowd, Scourge was now far beyond mad. He finally lost control of his anger and screamed. He charged at Sonic again to finish him off for good. He then started to throw punches at sonic again, but Sonic blocked the attacks with his elbows and arms. Scourge threw a punch at Sonic’s face, but Sonic caught the punch and slowly started twisting his arm.

“Who….Who the hell are you!?” Scourge grunted.

“I told you, I’m Sonic. Let this be a message to you Scourge, you mess with one of these students, you mess with ME!” he said.

Sonic threw a powerful punch at Scourge’s stomach and he slammed into a locker, leaving him badly injured and bruised. Scourge used his remaining strength and got up. He limped away not before he gave a warning to him.

“This. Isn’t. Over!” He finally limped away with pain and defeat.

The students cheered for Sonic while Sonic gave them all a smirk and thumbs up. He then turned his attention to the pink haired girl who was completely shocked.

Sonic gently lowered his hand to help her up.

“You okay?” he asked.

The girl hid her face into her hair for the moment until she looked into his emerald eyes. She blushed while gently taking his hand. Sonic hoist her up and gave her a warm smile.

"You're not hurt are you?" He asked.

The girl shy shook her head.

Sonic failed to see some tears were forming in her eyes.

“I’m glad to see he didn’t-“

Sonic was cut off by a sudden hug from the girl. She sobbed into his chest and held him close.

“Thank you…I…I was s-so sc-scared…that he w-would hurt me.” She sobbed.

Sonic smiled and gently wrapped his arms around the girl.

“Easy now. I'm sure he won;t bother you again.” He spoke in the softest words he could muster. After a minute, the crying died down and she stared into his eyes. She realized she was still holding I'm and jerked back, blushing deeply.

“I-I-I'm so sorry.” She said.

Sonic smiled back. "Don't worry about it. Not the first time I comforted a crying girl. I'm used to it."

The girl looked back into his emerald eyes, and smiled a little.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

She smiled shyly. “My name is Fluttershy.” She whispered, but loud enough for Sonic to hear.

“It’s great to meet you Fluttershy. Anyways, I need to get to my free period class.”

“Oh, I also have a free period class as well. We can go to together…if you don’t mind.” She said.

“Not one bit.” Sonic said with a smile. In all of his life, Sonic has never met any girl this fragile before.

The students finally took their leave to get to their classes while a few gave him a pat on the back for what he did. When the students left, Sonic and Fluttershy walked to their free period class. Along the way, Fluttershy moved a little closer to Sonic.

Sonic blushed a little by her action, but after what she went through a few minutes ago, he decided to let her feel comfortable.

When Fluttershy looked back at him, he smiled and gave her one of his winks, making her blush again, but smile.

"Thank you Sonic." She thanked shyly.

"Anytime Fluttershy. Anytime." He said. Sonic knew this was only the beginning of their new found friendship. Little does he know, he, along with Silver and Shadow will make a lot of new friends along the way.

“Maybe this school isn’t so bad after all.” Sonic thought smiling as he and Fluttershy walked down the hallways to their class.

To be continued…

Comments ( 11 )

KO when are the next chapters are coming I'm dying of excitement of this story. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy:

6513494 be patient. I have things going on for the moment, and have stories to work on than just this one.

6513505 KO hopefully they come soon have fun with life and your story.

You said also a lot. I'm not criticizing, it was just a observation. This story is really good! :pinkiehappy:

6513505 KO PLEASE say that the next chapter is coming soon for more awesomeness. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::rainbowdetermined2::rainbowdetermined2:

6957663 okay, look, I understand you really want the next chapter, but this story will be on hold for the moment, until I get EHS done.

I share his sentiment, I honestly can't wait for the next chapter. Semantically. I mean, of course I am actually physically going to have to wait, theres no way I can actually force you to release a new chapter, and I can't actually die from not having a new chapter to read.

But it still hurts me to wait. Good luck doing whatever you're doing, and good luck in your future endeavers!~

Read the 2nd chapter so far and I'm liking it. Props to including Scourge as I feel that he doesn't really get much attention in Sonic crossover stories. Curious to see how it goes.

this fan fic is getting good

Where is the next chapter?

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