• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,127 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

  • ...

A Hearth's Warming to Remember

A Hearth's Warming to Remember
( A Christmas Special )

It was that time of year, when snowflakes began to fall

When the cold winter air was never appalled

In a time of merriment, not a time of mourning

For everyone knew that tis the season of

"HEARTH's WARMING!" Apple bloom shouted in delight. "I can't believe that it's here already! Yep, this is definitely my favorite holiday, from the plays, to the lights, to the whole feel itself, it's nothing but amazing!"

"Well, I'm glad that y'all love Hearth's Warming so much, but do you think that y'all can give me hand with these lights," Applejack said as she was climbing on a ladder getting ready to string lights across the barn. "Hearth's Warming Eve is on its way, and I want to have the whole barn covered with lights," Applejack said.

"Oh, sorry sis, I'm coming," Applebloom said as the she ran over to help her sister. As she ran over she saw Sora and Roxas walking out of the barn presumably just getting out of bed. It was still pretty early in the morning, but it was hard to tell with the snowfall. Sora and Roxas started shivering as they realized that it was snowing.

"Why is it so cold, it was sunny just yesterday," Sora said. "How did this snow get here so fast?"

"Well, the Pegasi tend to 'overkill' when it comes to this time of year," Applejack said as she slid down the ladder to see her friends.

"This time of year, what does that mean?" Roxas asked.

"Can't you tell that it's-" AJ was stopped as Applebloom ran in front of her to greet the two keybladers.

"Happy Hearth's Warming Sora and Roxas!" Apple bloom yelled expecting the two to have some sort of elated reaction, but the only reaction they seemed to have was confusion.

"Hearth's Warming?" Sora said quizzically.

"What's Hearth's Warming?" Roxas asked.

*GASP* "You don't know what Heart's Warming is?!" Apple bloom said shocked by their statements. "It's the only holiday worth mentioning!"

"Ummmmm, Applejack?" Sora said hoping that Applejack could clear up some things.

"Hearth's Warming is a holiday that we celebrate here in Equestria. It's mainly all about everyone coming together as a family, but we also decorate and give gifts to each other on Hearth's Warming Day," Applejack stated to the two boys.

"The one time of year where being with your family and friends just makes the holiday so much better," Applebloom said while hugging her big sister.

"Huh, that sounds....nice," Sora said in a melancholy tone.

"I guess it's pretty cool," Roxas nonchalantly said.

"Nice, pretty cool? It's way more than that you guys, it's literally the best time of the year," Applebloom annoyingly said.

"Y- Yeah, of course it is, sorry about that," Sora blandly stated.

"What's wrong you two, you seem down," Applejack said.

"It's really nothing, it's just Hearth's Warming reminds me Christmas," Sora said.

The two sisters looked at each other in confusion, then looked back at Sora. " Sorry Sora, we've never heard of Christmas before," Applejack said.

"Well,to put it simply, It's my home's version of Christmas, and it's basically like you said, it's the one time of the year where everything feels at peace," Sora said. "The gifts are cool, but the one thing that I just love about Christmas is being with your family and friends, and I'm just realizing that this is going to be my first Christmas without them."

"Can't say that I have the same problem, I've never actually celebrated Christmas before, didn't see the need to when I was with the organization," Roxas said. "Most of the people that I used to be around had different intentions, and I would barely call them my family."

"But, we can be your family too right?" Applebloom said with her innocent stare piercing through the hearts of the two keybladers as they immediately felt guilty for making her think that way.

"Of course you are Applebloom," Sora said with a smile as he kneeled down to her eye level.

Roxas walked up to her as well. "You, AJ, and everybody else, you mean a lot to us." Applebloom started to giggle as she heard the two boys say those kind things. It really made her day, but Applejack, being the element of honesty, had a sense when something didn't feel as if it were completely true.

"Hey Sora, let's get started with the farm chores, I don't want to be out here to long in the cold," Roxas said as he started running to the apple orchards. Sora nodded as he got up and ran towards the orchards.

As the keybladers ran off, Applejack had a skeptical look on her face.

"What's the matter sis?" Applebloom asked.

"Applebloom, I don't think they were telling the truth," AJ said.

"You don't think that they weren't being honest about us being family," Applebloom said. "But, even if that's true, why would they think that?"

" Applebloom, you shouldn't think that way, maybe it's being away from their own home and their actual family, and If it's one thing that I would agree with, being away from y'all on Hearth's Warmin' would be the worst feeling ever," Applejack said.

"Well then why would they make it seem as if everything's okay," Applebloom said.

"I don't know sugarcube, maybe they don't want us to worry about it so much," Applejack said as she looked down at her little sister and saw how depressed she looked from the ongoing conversation. She could only imagine what was going on in her mind. So Applejack did the one thing that any older sibling would do... comfort her. "Look, don't worry about it, I'll make sure that those two will understand how much they mean to everybody, true Hearth's Warming fashion."

"Honest?" Applebloom said as she looked towards her sister.

"Wouldn't be my element if I wasn't lil' sis," Applejack said.

"Thanks Applejack, I'll see you later, I'm going to go see what Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are up to," Applebloom said. As Applebloom ran off the farm, Applejack started wondering about the two keybladers. She couldn't stop thinking about how down they looked. What could be the reason why? She started thinking and maybe it was because....

"Hey, Applejack!" A distant voice screamed.
Applejack broke out of her train of thought to see who had called her name, and it appeared to be a certain rainbow haired girl running towards her.

"Oh, hey Rainbow, what's going on," Applejack said.

"I should ask you that, why are just standing out in the cold staring into space?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, you see," Applejack started to say.

"Nevermind, whenever somebody starts by saying something like 'well' or 'you see' it's always something wrong, so I'll just tell you why I'm here," Rainbow stated. "Twilight wants the girls to meet up at the library, and they wanted me to come get you."

"Reckon' you know what they want to talk about," Applejack said.

"She said something about, 'the greatest Hearth's Warming in Ponyville ever!" Rainbow quoted.

"Guess we shouldn't keep her waiting then," Applejack said.

"Race ya to Twilight's," Rainbow excitedly said.

"Why not," Applejack said with a chuckle.

And just like that, the two girls were headed off to Twilight's house, but through the whole race, Applejack still wondered about Sora and Roxas. Maybe she would bring it up while at Twilight's place. She didn't have any idea of what could be the problem.

"Hey AJ, you keep spacing out like that, and you're not gonna be much of a challenge," Rainbow said lengths in front of Applejack.

"Huh, HEY, DON'T THINK YOU'RE GONNA WIN THAT EASILY!" Applejack shouted as she raced to catch up.


As the Hearth's Warming season took over in Ponyville, Twilight could barely sit still just from having the joy of the holiday infested inside of her.

"I can't believe it, Hearth's Warming is just around the corner, where did this year go!" Twilight excitedly said. "I can't wait to spend time with my friends, ice skating, snowball fights, gifts, and decorating!"

"Yeah, it sounds awesome Twilight, and I can't wait to do all those things, but do you think you can help me carry these 8 cups of hot cocoa?" Spike said. "It's kind of hard by myself."

"Oh, sure Spike," Twilight said. As Twilight started walking towards Spike, but as soon as she was about to help, there was a knock at the door, and Twilight turned all of her attention to her appending company.

"*sigh* Guess I'm doing this myself," Spike said as he started to make his way towards the living room of the library.

As Twilight was just about to open the door, a loud slam from outside forced it to open, and what appeared in front of the Library door was Rainbow and Applejack. Twilight was surprised and confused at what had just happened. "Girls, what are you two....."

"I won!" Rainbow shouted.

"No way Rainbow, I was clearly ahead of you," Applejack said.

"Um, girls," Twilight said.

"HAH, you wish," Rainbow boasted.

"Ok, then let's race from here to the Everfree Forest," Applejack said.

"Girls I don't think you should....," Twilight said as she was interrupted.

"You're on!" Rainbow said. "Alright, On your mark......get set..."

"Girls!" Twilight shouted. Both Rainbow and Applejack looked up and saw Twilight in their eyesight.

"Oh, hey Twilight," Rainbow said.

"Howdy Twi," Applejack said.

"Did you forget that I called you hear for a reason," Twilight said.

"Oh yeah, sorry about that," Rainbow said.

"Apology accepted, now all we have to do is wait for Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Rarity," Twilight said, and as if it was rehearsed, the three girls had appeared outside of Twilight's door.

"Helllooo Twilight," Rarity said in a sing song voice, while the other girls came into the living room of the library.

"Hello Rarity, I'm glad you all made it, now we can get started," Twilight said.

"Started with what exactly," Rarity asked.

"We can get started with having a Hearth's warming party here at the Library," Twilight said with excitement. "And everyone will pick one person that they want to give a gift to, that way, everyone can have a gift for Hearth's Warming."

"A Hearth's Warming party, well that sounds fabulous," Rarity said.

"That sounds awesome," Rainbow said.

"So, let's take a majority vote of who would like to have a party at the library," Twilight said. As the girls raised their hands showing that they wanted to have the party........all except for one person. Twilight looked and saw that Applejack still had her hand down, and after looking at her, saw that Applejack wasn't even paying any attention! "Applejack, are you listening?"

Applejack snapped back into existence. "Huh, what was that you were saying Twi?"

"Applejack, are you okay, the other times when you started to space out did not end well for everybody," Twilight said.

"Yeah Applejack, you were doing that all morning, what's going on?" Rainbow said.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just that something isn't resting on my mind," Applejack said.

"Well, what is it," Rainbow said.

"It's kind of a long story," Applejack said as she sat down to tell her friends about Sora and Roxas and how they were acting this morning.

"So, Sora is sad that he can't spend his holiday with his family back at his home, and Roxas has never had the chance to celebrate a holiday like this?" Twilight said trying to wrap everything around her head.

"That's just terrible," Fluttershy said.

"So that's why you've been so out of it today," Rainbow said.

"Yeah, it's just that I've never seen anybody down during Hearth's Warming time, and trying to figure out why they feel that way, it just feels unnatural for this time of the year," Applejack said.

"Please Applejack, you worry too much, though it is true that they shouldn't be by themselves especially this close to Hearth's Warming," Rarity said.

"Well, why don't we invite them to the party, so that they won't be so lonely," Sunset proposed. "Nothing wrong with a good party."

"I second that!" Pinkie said with her hand raised in the air.

"That wold be nice, and since it's their first Hearth's Warming, it'll be something that they'll remember forever!" Twilight said with a tone of glee in her voice.

"Yeah, maybe that'll work, good idea Sunset," Applejack said.

"Oh, it's no problem, I'm just here to help," Sunset said with a wave of her hand.

"So, here's the list for gift giving this year," Twilight said as Spike gave her a scroll of her friends names. As Twilight said the names of her friends and who would give to whom, but there were two names missing from that group.

"Don't forget about Sora and Roxas," AJ said.

"That's right, they need gifts too, but we don't have anyone else who's not giving a present to someone," Twilight said.

Fluttershy slowly raised her hand out of the group. "Umm, I'll get a present for Sora if that's not a problem."

"And I'll get a present for Roxas," Sunset said as she immediately shot a hand in the hair as well.

"Well, that was easy," Twilight said. "Pinkie, can you help me with setting the party?"

*GASP* "Twilight, did you really just ask me that?" Pinkie said with a dumbfounded expression on her face. "I'm the Pink Party Palooza Pinkie Pie!"

"Oh, come on Pinkie, you know that I didn't mean it like that, I was just saying that.....girls, a little help," Twilight said as she looked at the rest of her friends, but they were no where to be found for they all left the library, knowing that there was no saving Twilight out of that situation. "I'll just...... let you do most of the preparations." Pinkie looked at Twilight with a deadly stare. "........Spike can help."

"What?" Spike asked questionably.

"Oh, then that's perfect, I was just gonna ask for someone to help me out with the setup," Pinkie said as she kept going on and on about how the library would look like a winter wonderland.

"You owe me for this Twilight," Spike murmured under his breath.


As the snow began to fall all over Ponyville, the rest of Twilight's friends decided to meet back up at the library when it was time for the party.

To everyone else, getting a gift for their friends was easy, but it proved to be difficult for the two girls who had to get a gift for Roxas and Sora.

Sunset and Fluttershy were walking side by side through the main district of Ponyville, looking through the windows of each store that they passed by, hoping to see anything that they think the two keybladers would like.

"Do you see anything Fluttershy," Sunset said.

"I don't know, I can't be sure for what they would or wouldn't like," Fluttershy said. "What if we get them something they don't like? What if they start to hate us because of it? What if.."

"Hey, hey, hey Fluttershy take it easy, it's ok," Sunset said trying to calm Flutershy. "Look, we're in this thing together. Don't worry, I know we'll find something that they'll both like."

"You think so," Fluttershy said.

"I know so," Sunset said as she grabbed Fluttershy's hand. "Come on, let's go see what we can find in that store."

As Sunset and Fluttershy walked inside of the store, there were many things ranging kids toys to books to little festival knick knacks.

"Hmmmm, maybe we should try a different store, everything in here looks like cheap holiday junk," Sunset said.

"Who dare calls my valuables cheap holiday junk!" a random voice yelled from a back room of the store.

"Wait....that sounds like," Sunset said as she stopped because before she could get the rest of her sentence out, The shop owner walked to the front of the store. "Trixie, what are you doing in Ponyville?"

"Twilight invited Trixie to her Hearth's Warming Get together," Trixie said.

"But why are you running a store," Sunset asked.

"Well, when your traveling magician business falls off the curb, there's not that many ways for you to make a bit believe it or not," Trixie said.

"Oh, sorry about the 'holiday junk thing," Sunset said to Trixie.

"It's alright, if Trixie could leave this place any earlier she would," Trixie said. "So what are you two doing here anyway?"

"We're looking for gifts," Fluttershy calmly said.

"For those two key blade boys right," Trixie said in a sly demeanor knowing that she hit the nail right on the head when she saw that the two girls were surprised at how she knew the answer that fast. "Yes, Trixie knows all, and she knows that they will not like anything out of here."

Sunset and Fluttershy had a look of disappointment on their faces for the fact that they still did not know what to give to Sora and Roxas.

"But, Trixie maybe can help," Trixie said as she turned towards the two girls.

"Really, but why would you help us," Sunset asked.

"Blame the holiday, and they did save me that one time," Trixie mumbled as she faintly started to blush.

"What was that," Sunset said with wide grin on her face.

"Nevermind what Trixie said, now do you want Trixie's help or not," Trixie asked.

"Yes Trixie, we want your help," Sunset happily said to the magician.

"Well alright, follow me, and get some thread and needle from one of the shelves, this shouldn't take long," Trixie said.


As Spike and Pinkie set up decorations all throughout the the library, Twilight can barely sit still just from having the joy of the holiday infested inside of her.

"It's almost time for the party, I can't wait!" Twilight said in glee.

"Yeah, but in the meantime, how about helping me with putting the star on the tree?" Spike said.

"No problem Spike," Twilight said. As Twilight started walking towards Spike, but as soon as she was about to help, there was a knock at the door, and Twilight turned all of her attention to her appending company.

"*sigh* really.....by myself.........again," Spike said as he started to climb the Hearth's Warming tree.

Twilight opened the door, and it was her roommate, Sunset, on the other side with a pair of black mittens on her hand and a teal lace scarf around her neck.

"Sunset , you're back," Twilight happily said.

"Hey Twilight, um, you do know I wasn't gone that long right," Sunset said.

"I know, but still, having all of my friends for Hearth's Warming is one of the greatest blessings that I'm proud to have," Twilight said as she gave Sunset a hug and went back to fantasizing about all the fun she was going to have.

As Sunset walked into the library, she looked up and saw Spike setting a star on top of a tree. "So, I guess she gets like this around the holidays?"

"Yeah, you can basically call it a tradition for us," Spike said as he climbed down the tree. As Spike looked at Sunset, he noticed something in her hand wrapped in red paper with a yellow bow on top. "Hey, where'd you get that?"

"While I was shopping looking for a gift, Fluttershy and I didn't know what but, so we got some help from a friend, and made our presents," Sunset said.

"Cool, so who's it for," Spike asked with curiosity flowing through each word he spoke.

Sunset looked down at the gift and instantly started smiling and blushing. "Sorry Spike, but that's only for me to know." As Sunset said this, Fluttershy started walking inside with a gift of her own, about the same size as Sunset's except wrapped in yellow paper with a pink bow on top.

"Fluttershy, Fluttershy, you gotta tell me who's that present for," Spike excitedly said.

"Sorry Spike, but it's a secret only for tonight," Fluttershy said as she started blushing.

"Can you at least tell me who helped you make them," Spike asked.

"I don't see anything wrong with that, but she should be coming in any second now," Fluttershy said.

"Yes, The Great and Powerful Trixie has fallen under the spirt of the holiday and helped them make their gifts," Trixie said.

"Are you serious," Spike said with a hint of untrustworthiness towards Trixie.

"And it's because of that tone why Trixie will not tell you who they are for," Trixie said.

"Wait, what, no, I take that back, oh come on," Spike said frantically.

"Great job girls, I bet they'll love it," Twilight said to Sunset and Fluttershy. "I can't wait until everybody gets here, I've had the cocoa and cake ready ever since this morning."

"You had it ready?" Spike and Pinkie questioned to Twilight.

"More like, Pinkie and Spike had it ready," Twilight said as she twirled the end of her hair.

As the night came onto Ponyville, all of the friends started to arrive at the library with gifts in hand. The only people that were missing from the party, were the two guys who everybody wanted for them to come. As the group of friends started exchanging gifts with one another, Twilight noticed that there were two gifts still left. "Hey girls, where's Sora and Roxas?"

"They told me and Rainbow that they were on the way," Aj said.

"Yeah, but that was hours ago, after we caught them inside the apple orchards doing nothing but sitting around the trees," Rainbow said.

"What if they're not coming," Fluttershy sadly said as she thought about how she couldn't give her gift to the one boy that she cared for the most.

"Oh, they're coming," Twilight said as she charged up her magic. "Whether they like it or not." Twilight released her magic and what popped out of a flash was Sora and Roxas as they were teleported to Twilight's library. One noticeable thing that they picked up on was that were a few feet off the ground, and when the magic left them, well......you know what happened.

"Ow, what's the reason for teleporting us in midair," Sora said while rubbing his head in pain. "You couldn't have just teleported us on the ground or something?"

"Why, weren't you coming," Twilight asked. "Why did you lie and say that you were coming, if you knew that you weren't?!"

"Roxas, why didn't you want to come to the party," Sunset asked him.

"Sunset....." was the only thing Roxas could say as he saw how torn that Sunset was about this whole thing, and Sora couldn't even look at anyone as a rush of different emotions came over him. As the girls kept asking them questions, there was only one question that the keybladers wanted to know.

"Why?" Roxas said.

Everyone stopped talking and all that could be heard was silence.

"Why do you care so much about us," Roxas said clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. "We've done nothing but bring you closer to harm's way. "But you still treat us like we're apart of you."

"So that's the reason why, you don't think you're family do you," Applejack said to the two keybladers.

"Why would we, we do nothing but bring danger to you." Sora said. "Ever since we came, the heartless arrived in hordes, and not just attacking me and Roxas, but attacking you guys too. Why would I want to put somebody through that."

"Because family sticks together no matter what," Twilight told them. "Ohana means family, and that's what we are."

Sora and Roxas both looked up at her surprised at what she had just said.

"How do you know that word?" Sora asked.

"I read it in a book, today actually," Twilight said with a smile.

Sora and Roxas looked at each other and then back at the girls. "*sigh* There's no losing when it comes to you all."

"So, how about spending your first Hearth's Warming with your family," Sunset said to Roxas.

"Sora, they'll never stop, we have no choice," Roxas jokingly said.

"Yeah, you're right, how about we just spend the night with our family," Sora said with a smile.

"Awwwwwwww, GROUP HUG!" Pinkie yelled out for all of Ponyville to hear as she ran up to Sora and was basically hugging the life out of him. Sora looked around for help to get him out of this death grip, but everyone gave him the "It's Pinkie Pie" look. "Huh, that wasn't really much of "group hug," but whatever, let's this party started!" Pinkie said as she busted out the party canons and pulled the strings, causing all kinds of confetti and Hearth's warming decorations to fly everywhere.

"There's no party like a Pinkie Pie Party," Sora said as he laughed about the whole thing. Sora felt a faint tap on his shoulder, which happened to be Fluttershy, who was blushing intensely while she was holding the present for Sora. "Oh hey Fluttershy, what's that in your hand?"

Fluttershy started stumbling through her words, "Oh, it's a, I mean, it's yours, no, that's not what I meant."

Sunset saw this, and immediately went in to help. "Hey Sora, Fluttershy and I got you and Roxas something special that only you two can have."

Sora looked with glee, "You got us presents?!"

"Did someone say presents, I heard presents," Roxas asked.

"That's right, I made this for you Roxas," Sunset said. "And Fluttershy made that one for you Sora."

"Really, that's amazing Fluttershy, thank you," Sora said as Fluttershy handed him the gift, with the assistance of Sunset. The two keybladers opened their gifts simultaneously, and what was inside the boxes made them smile wide as the sky. What was inside of each box was a tailor made winter jacket with white fur outling the edges with little crowns adorned as the buttons. Sora had a black one, and Roxas had a red. They instantly put their jackets on.

"Winter jackets, these are amazing!" Sora said.

"You made these from scratch?" Roxas said. "You know you didn't have to do that."

"Oh, then I'll just take it back then," Sunset playfully said as she reached for the jacket.

"Nononononono, you've already done it, it's too late," Roxas playfully said back.

"Fluttershy this is too much, this is so me," Sora said.

"I-it was nothing Sora really," Fluttershy quietly said.

"How about we go for another flying carpet ride, as your gift from me," Sora said.

"...Can we go higher this time?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't see why not," Sora said.

"Ok we can go," Fluttershy said.

"Yes," Sora quietly said.

"So, did you like your gift," Sunset said to Roxas.

"I love it Sunset, this is the greatest 1st Hearth's Warming ever," Roxas said.

"Um, hey you two, I don't mean to interrupt your conversation ,but your standing under something," Rainbow said with a snicker.

Roxas and Sunset looked up and saw that there was a mistletoe perfectly placed above them. This immediately made them blush, but a smile could be seen on both of their faces. They started to lean in towards each other ever so lovely, waiting for that one moment, and just like that.......it was gone.

"Roxas, Sunset, me and Fluttershy are going on the magic carpet come on!" Sora yelled ruining the entire moment. Rainbow saw this and immediately bursted out in tears. "What, what's so funny?"

"......You're lucky it's Hearth's Warming," Sunset said as she walked towards the carpet.

"What did I do?" Sora asked Roxas.

Roxas put his hand on Sora's shoulder, "*sigh* Happy Hearth's Warming Sora, Happy Hearth's Warming."


Author's Note:

Man, I didn't mean to finish this on Christmas day, I meant to finish it weeks ago just for another holiday chapter, but y'know, procrastination. Anyway, Merry Christmas/Heart's Warming everyone! AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR!

P.S. Almost couldn't have submissioned this chapter, internet tried to pull my card, but I showed him, I SHOWED HIM! Anyway, leave a comment, share with friends, what would you like to see next? Just reply in comments. MERRY CHRISTMAS AGAIN! Well, time to watch Ed Edd n Eddy Jingle Jingle Jangle. #90s kid 0_0........sorry about the hashtag.........Merry Christmas. I also sing.