• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,117 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

  • ...

An Unexpected Visit

An Unexpected Visit

Roxas woke up in a dazed state and found himself staring at a ceiling. "Where....am I?"

Roxas leaned his head up and noticed that he was in a bed. His vision was a little blurred, but it didn't take long for his sight to regain its focus. When it did, he looked over to the side of his bed and saw someone laying down at the edge of the bed. There was something that stood out the most about the person that Roxas immediately picked up. The hair was red and yellow. ".....Sunset?" "What is Sunset doing here? What am I doing here........oh yeah, the duel. I guess I got pretty banged up, but that doesn't explain why Sunset's hear."

"She went in hear as soon as your duel finished," Twilight said as she walked in the room.

"Oh, hey Twilight, why did she do that," Roxas asked.

"She saw how "banged up" you were as soon as the fight was over, so she ran to you and teleported us all to the infirmary. "We all left to see the princess after the doctor said you were fine, but Sunset stayed here," Twilight said. "She applied bandages, used her magic to heal a few of your wounds, you know, the works."

"She did all of that....for me," Roxas said.

"And more," Twilight said. "She wouldn't leave your side until she thought that you were completely fine. I guess she stayed up later than I thought."

As the two friends continued talking, Sunset began to wake up. Sunset looked up and noticed that Roxas was awake. ".....Roxas?"

"Well, look who finally woke up," Roxas jokingly said.

".....Roxas," Sunset quietly said. "You're okay."

"Of course I am, what did you think that I-" Roxas was cut off as Sunset punched him in the chest. "OW, what was that about?"

"You told me that you weren't going to get yourself hurt," Sunset said with an annoyed expression. "You promised me."

"Yeah, I guess I kind of underestimated the Princess there," Roxas said with a chuckle. Roxas looked to Sunset and saw that Sunset was tearing up. "Hey come on Sunset, don't be sad. I'm fine see?"

"I'm just happy that you're okay," Sunset said with a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry for worrying you like that," Roxas said.

"*chuckles* Well, I guess she's back happy now," Twilight quietly said.

As the three friends were in the room, a royal guard had entered the infirmary. His armor was colored in a red and black variation of the other armors that the royal guards wear. "Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, you and your friend are needed in the throne room."

"Needed now?" Sunset asked.

"Princess Luna said, as soon as the challenger awakens," the guard stated. "She said that the familiar must be notified of his new role."

"What?" Roxas said with a surprised tone. As he said this, his left hand began to glow with a blue aura. Roxas looked at his palm, and saw a crescent moon symbol etched into his hand. "What the heck is this?!"

"The princess will tell you more about it once we get to the throne room," the guard ensured. "I wouldn't keep them waiting for long."

The Throne Room

In the throne room, Princess Luna was waiting with her head resting on her head. "*sigh* "What could be taking them so long? The infirmary isn't even that far from here."

"Patience is a virtue my sister," Celestia said. "They'll be here."

Along with the Princesses, the rest of the group was waiting in the throne room as well.

"I wonder what's taking them," Rarity said.

"It wouldn't surprise me if they took their time getting here," Sora replied. "I mean, Roxas was in pretty bad shape after the fight. "Wouldn't want anything else to happen."

"So, we're just going to wait for them to get here," Ed impatiently said. "Well that's just great."

"At least we have some time to figure out how you play into helping us save Equestria," Sora said.

"Look, I don't care what you saw in your imagination," Ed said. "Even if you did see my flamel, it was just a dream. The only thing that I need to do here, is find my brother and get back home."

"But how can you possibly get back home without solving the other problems first," Sora asked. "Did you forget about the darkness? If we don't figure out how to get rid of the darkness here, then we might never find a way to make your world come back."

"Or ours," Riku chimed in. "We're all affected by this Ed, it's not just you."

Ed looked towards Riku with an unsettling look. "Look, you two may have came from the same world, but don't talk to me like we've been friends for our whole lives. Anyway, it's easy for you to say everyone's affected by it. At least you know your friends are safe."

The conversation was ended by the sound of the throne room doors slamming open. The first to appear through the doors was the royal guard that escorted Sunset, Twilight, and Roxas. "The keyblade warrior has returned your highness." Everyone looked to see that Roxas was indeed there being assisted by Twilight and Sunset.

Princess Luna looked at the guard in surprise. "That's wonderful indeed, but I don't remember sending any guard to escort them back. Do you my sister?"

"Absolutely not," Celestia agreed.

"And that armor color does not describe any ranks used in the Canterlot Guards," Luna said as she began to stand up from her throne. "So, before I make this one of your worst days alive, I suggest you tell us who you are."

The guard began to chuckle maliciously. "What is it with you Royalty? You have such keen eyes.

Ed looked at the guard with discernment. "Why does that guard sound so familiar? *faces the guard* We've met before, so you better start explaining just exactly who you are."

"Hey look at that, and I thought that you would've forgotten about me State Alchemist ," the guard said. 'But, I guess my introduction back in Amestris would leave a mental scar.

"....You better not be who I think you are," Ed grittingly said as lightning began to course through his hands.

The guard started laughing. "Well, aren't you in for a treat?" In a flash, the armor that the so called guard was using had vanished, and it was just a disguise used by....

"Vanitas!" Sora yelled.

At the sight of Vanitas, Ed lost his cool and began to charge directly at him. In a flash, he clapped his hands together, placed his left hand over his right, and summoned a sword that seemed as if it was attached to his arm. Edward lunged at Vanitas, aiming to pierce the sword right through his chest, but for some reason, it seemed that Edward's entire body was able to pass right through Vanitas as if he wasn't even there.

Everyone was in a state of confusion over how Ed seemingly passed through Vanitas as if he was made out of air. Sora stepped up and tried to find answers to what was happening. "What's going on Vanitas, and why are you here in the first place?!"

"Technically, I'm not here physically," Vanitas replied.

"What's that supposed to mean," Sora rebuttled.

"It means that's not the real Vanitas," Ed realized. "It's just a hologram."

"And the State Alchemist gets it right," Vanitas said as he sarcastically began to clap for Ed. "This is just the magic that the master has given me until he returns home."

Celestia had an unsettling feeling about what Vanitas just said. "This.... master of yours, you're not talking about -"

"Oh,but I am Princess Celestia," Vanitas said. "The fallen king will soon make his return. You've already witnessed the first sign. Now it's only a matter of time before he returns to retake his throne. But, he is not a malevolent king, for he has sent me with this message to you."

1 Moon

Vanitas began to vanish in a dark haze as the message began to repeat and bounce off the walls of the throne room until he was fully gone.

"One moon?" Sora questioned. "What does that mean?"

"I think he's referring to the moon as an amount of time," Twilight said. "One moon equals approximately one month.

"But one month from what," Roxas said.

"One month until he returns for the Crystal Empire," Princess Celestia said.

"The Crystal Empire?" Twilight asked as she began to rummage through her belongings that she brought. "I'm sorry, I-I thought I'd studied. I don't think there's anything in any of my books th–"

"There wouldn't be." Celestia said. "For only a few remember it ever existed at all. Even my knowledge of the Empire is limited. But what I do know is that it contains a powerful magic. Celestia began to walk over towards a chalice and within it was a purple crystal. She levitated the crystal to the middle of the room, shot a beam of magic directly at it, and caused the crystal to turn into a holographic map of the Crystal empire.

"Woah, look at the people," Sora said in awe for he noticed that the images of the people were shining like crystals themselves. Even the iris in their eyes were shaped in a more cubic fashion.

One thousand years ago, King Sombra, a ruler whose heart was black as night, took over the Crystal Empire. The happy scenery of the holographic empire immediately changed into that of a more dark city. The happy crystal people were all seen in shackles in chains, and the person that stood over them all was standing on the highest castle platform. He was adorned in silver plated armor, a king's cape on his back, eyes as red as blood, a silver crown on his head, and jet black hair that went down his back.

"He was ultimately overthrown, turned to shadow, and banished to the ice of the arctic north," Celestia said. "But not before he was able to put a curse upon the Empire. The holographic image dissapeared and returned to the crystal. A curse that caused it to vanish into thin air. If the Empire is filled with hope and love, those things are reflected across all of Equestria."

"But, if hatred and fear take hold..." Celesta said as she shot a beam of dark magic towards the crystal. The crystal went black and stalagmites appeared all over the ground near the group of friends. Celestia quickly dispatched of the stalagmites before moving on. "Which is why I need your help finding a way to protect it."

"You want me to help protect an entire empire?" Twilight asked.

"Not only you, but your friends as well," Celestia said as she pointed towards Sora and Roxas. "Your reasons for being here are not just coincidences. I believe that it was destiny that called you to Equestria, and that with your help, we can stop Sombra from taking over the Empire, and even Equestria itself."

"So, you need our help to stop this Sombra guy huh," Sora asked.

"I know of the perils that this will certainly have," Celestia said. "But I ask for you to just consid-"

"Ok, no problem," Sora nonchalantly said.

"......Pardon?" Celestia said.

"I'll help you save the Empire," Sora said.

"You just decided so quickly, are you sure that you-" Celestia was cut off as Sora began to speak again.

"I've been to alot of worlds that's been taken over by the darkness," Sora said. "I've met alot of good people that have been affected by it, and good worlds that have fallen into its deep sleep. Even my home at one point, fell to the darkness. So I refuse to let a world as wonderful as this go away. Besides,*chuckles* who else can save the world but the hero himself?

"My, I've never seen this side of Sora before," Rarity said with hint of intrigue.

"Hey, you're forgetting about me," Roxas said as he nudged Sora's shoulder. "I'm a hero here too."

Edward stepped towards Sora and Roxas with a smirk on his face. "........I guess I'll tag along too. I've had worst days to be honest.........you guys are alright."

Riku walked over to them as well. "So, saving the world again?"

Sora laughed at Riku's comment. "When did I ever stop?"

Princess Luna looked towards her sister as they both nodded their heads. "Well, if you have made your choices then, it's time to move on to the next step."

"Roxas, Sora, will you please step forward," Celestia said.

Roxas and Sora slowly stepped away from the rest of their friends as they stood in the center of the throne room with the Princesses in front of them. An aura of Blue began to appear around Luna, as an aura of Gold appeared around Celestia. Their aura could be felt circling all around the room. Each sister lifted a hand up, Luna pointing towards Roxas, and Celestia pointing towards Sora, and with a twirl of the hand, lead a stream of their aura towards them. The blue aura circled around Roxas, and the gold aura around Sora. The auras entered their bodies, and they were immediately pushed back, like a strong force had hit their body. The keybladers began to float in the air, then out of no where, a shining light broke out. Everybody shielded their eyes as the light shined. As the light began to dim, everyone slowly started to open their eyes, and what they saw had them astounded. Sora opened his eyes and saw that he had on a new outfit.

"Woah," Sora said in surprise.

Roxas noticed that he had on something new too. (Editor's Note: Don't mind the lollipop. There were no other pictures of this outfit. P.S. To my ganja lovers, stay getting to that vibration level. I'm right with yall. Alright, back to the chapter.)

"Hey, this kind of fits me," Roxas said as he adjusted his brand new clothes.

"Man, you're outfit kinda.......kinda killed my look instantly dude.....not cool man, not cool," Sora said to Roxas.

"You'll have my sister to thank for that Sora," Luna said. "Told you that mine would be better Celestia."

"Oh is that so dear sister," Celestia said with an annoying tone. "Then, how about I show you what his clothes really hold inside[/color]." Celestia snapped her fingers and in a flash, Sora's clothes had changed colors to a gold and black color scheme. On his pants were symbols of overlapping crosses, and small gold sparks could be seen coming from him. But what caught everyone's attention the most was the second keyblade that Sora was holding.

"Wait, all of this," Sora said.

"Twilight Sparkle has given me an ample amount of information on your skills," Celestia said. "She said something one time about, your outfit turning blue and being able to use magic, at the cost of her and Sunset losing their magic abilities. There was also another incident of this during the Rainbow Falls Fair, where it was a red outfit that gave you intense amounts of strength, but at the cost of Rainbow Dash's and Applejack's tenacity."

"Yeah, that was my Wisdom Form and Valor Form," Sora said.

"Within that form that you have now is a combination of amazing magic, and an untestable strength," Celestia continued. "I have given you a piece of the sun to reside in you Sora."

"What about the keyblade," Sora asked.

"Well, I would be lying if I said the meteor shower didn't peak my interests in its creation," Celestia said. "And, seeing what they could really do in battle from the duel was all I needed to go and create my own. But, the only thing that I haven't had time for was a name for it all."

"Hmmmm.......how about Star Seeker," Sora chimed. "And for the new form, how about we call it the Master Form?"

"Star Seeker, and Master Form, outstanding names," Celestia said with gratitude. "Now, what were you saying Luna?"

Luna said nothing as she snapped her fingers as well, and what appeared in her hand was an object in the shape of a short sword. "Before I award my familiar with a gift, I would have to say that I need to apologize for breaking your......armor, if that's what you called that one pauldron of yours."

"Nice apology," Roxas sarcastically said.

Luna glared at Roxas with a blank face as if he said something that he shouldn't have. "Anyway, I may have gotten a tad overboard."

"A tad?" Roxas said with a questionable tone. "You threw me to the ground, and dropped a moon nuke on me. I don't know how that doesn't count for extremely overboard."

"Ok, it was obsessive of me, so for my apology, I fashioned this blade for you," Luna said as she handed the sword over to Roxas. "I forged it out of a dragon's nail and in a fire warmed by dragon's blood, and fashioned it from your keyblades."

"Why do I feel like I've seen that sword before," Roxas thought to himself. "It feels so.....familiar."

"Since it's fashioned with components from your keyblades, I named it Two Became One
," Luna said.

"............Two Became One," Roxas said under his breath. As he said this, energy began to swirl around Roxas. The sword began to shine as energy began to channel around Roxas. It began to build and build until it was released in one massive energy wave.

"Well, I wasn't expecting that," Luna said as she looked back towards Roxas incased in a full fledge suit of armor.

"It appears that I may have gone overboard again. I guess the dragon nail and blood was a bit too much." Luna walked up to Roxas and tapped the armor with a magical rune, causing it to revert back into its dormant form, the sword.

"What.....was that," Roxas said catching his breath.

"That was the dragon trying to connect its spirit with your body, ultimately causing you to fuse minds and becoming one person," Luna said. "It would be like having a dragon living inside of you, sharing your lifespan, physique. It would be apart of you. Or, it could take over your body and your life......we'll just have to see.

"That's what's going to happen if I use this sword?!," Roxas shouted. "Why did you have to give me something so deadly?"

"Only if you release its true form," Luna said. "And, my apologies for trying to be nice to my new familiar after I broke his favorite toy."

"So, what's the name of this thing," Roxas said to Luna.

"Well, I haven't thought of a name for it, but giving it's aggressive nature, and the fact that I had to slay a dragon to forge it, how about we name it after the dragon itself," Luna said with a smile.

"Ok, what was it's name," Roxas said.

"Incursio," Luna calmly said.

"You fought Incursio, the 1000 year old dragon that we said that we would never bother again!?," Celestia shouted at her little sister.

"Exactly, it was rather quite easy," Luna said.

"No wonder he wants to take everything out on me, HE'S ANGRY AT YOU!" Roxas said.

"Well get comfortable because it's up to you to form a bond with him before the month is over," Luna said. "I fought a dragon to get that blade, appreciate it."

"So, what's our next move," Sora asked.

"We have the timespan of one moon to get ready for Sombra's return," Celestia said. "As these days pass by, I want you all to prepare for it the best way you can. Training, sparring, studying, whatever you can, I would like for you to put your own intake on this situation."

"Yes Princess, you can count on us," Sora said as he pounded his chest.

"But, even though dark times are ahead, I do not want any of you to stress yourselves, so as you train, don't forget to relax as well," Celestia said to the group. "Well, I believe that is all for the day, but before you go, I just want to tell you that I've already set up guest rooms in a private corner of the Castle for you all to sleep in. Also, they all have great views of Canterlot."

"Oh, Princess, one more thing," Sora phrased. Celestia looked at Sora, giving him all of her attention. "So, since you two are princesses, and there's no king, do you think I can become king?"

Celestia, so flabbergasted over Sora's question, that she just had to laugh. "Well, I have to say that under normal conditions, a commoner can't simply become a king, there has to be some line of royalty."

"Oh, I see," Sora said as he slumped his head down. "Another world, same answer."

"But, I may have a change of heart if, and only if, you save the Crystal Empire from Sombra," Celestia said.

"You'd really do that?!" Sora said with exasperation." "You can count on me Princess!"

"Princess Celestia, are you serious," Twilight asked.

"Yes I am Twilight," Celestia replied. "If he can prove to me that he's capable of saving an entire Empire, then maybe he'll be able to be a ruler of one." "And with that in mind, I'd recommend that you focus for this next month on your task at hand. Now go, and enjoy the wonders that Canterlot and all of Equestria have for everyone to enjoy."

"Alright, I wonder what Canterlot has that the other places don't," Sora said as he ran towards the doors.

"Great, now he's all excited," Roxas said as he began to run after Sora. As they both went out of the throne room, the rest of the girls soon followed.

"Geez, I can tell my life isn't gonna get any quieter, but what's the fun in a quiet life," Ed said as he began to walk out of the room. "Riku, you coming?"

"I don't see why not," Riku said.

As Ed and Riku walked out of the throne room, it was just Celestia and Luna there. Celestia looked over to Luna and saw that she had a worried look on her face.

"You're worried about Riku aren't you?" Celestia.

"He's still afraid of overcoming to the darkness, and because of that he won't take off that blindfold," Luna said. "For him to be the familiar of the Princess of the Night, and to be afraid of the one thing I control...it's not comforting. I just hope he trusts me."

"Trust me little sister," Celestia said. "He would protect you with everything that he has. There's no reason to worry.......those are the people that will save the Empire."

Author's Note:

Well, I'm back in school again. Sophomore year of college. LET'S DO THIS BRUH!!! I'm ready to make everyday count. Straight grind on my dreams and nothing more. Thank yall for being here with me even if it does take me a little minute to make these chapters, but I'm telling you I've been waiting to write this chapter since I had the idea pop up in like fall of last year, and now we're finally at this point in the story! But we still got a long way to go. But, thank yall fr. Luv. P.S. did yall see the new episode today, it was good af. better see more of Thorax later on. I wish they would've him Thor just one mf time but they didn't......but you never know. Peace.