• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 1,024 Views, 36 Comments

A hard change - Techy

When a young changeling gets thrown out of his hive for not following orders, he finds a place called Ponyville and tries to have a new start

  • ...

This isn't good

The first thing Deceit feels when he wakes up is a sharp pain in his head. He slowly opened his eyes to find that he was back in the library's main room but quickly shut them again. He could just barely hear voices in a hushed tone in another room, but they sounded like Twilight and Ditzy. Suddenly the memory of getting hit in the head rushed back to him and he shot up.

'What was that?' He thought.

"Shh I think he's waking up."

"Huh, who's there?" He asked but upon trying to get up he noticed that his hooves were tied down, "What the..."

Twilight walked up to him with a cautiously, "Deceit, Ditzy says you were knocked out by Scootaloo. She's just a kid but her and her friends will always get into trouble"

"Why am I tried up?" He asked with some panic.

"Um, well..." She seemed kinda nervous, "Ditzy said that for a second after getting hit that you turned into a changeling."

Deceit just stared at her with terror but tried to hide it with a forced smile, "What? There's no way that happened. I'm not a changeling, I'm a pony just like you guys."

"That's what I was saying, but we need to make sure."

"H-How are you going to do that?"

"There's a revealing spell that reveals all changelings near the caster. It reveals them and some that it's been tested on say it hurts a lot," She said while charging it up, "But don't worry, it doesn't affect ponies."

As she charged the spell and the glow got brighter, Deceit could see sparks coming off of her horn and finally cracked under the pressure, "OK OK OK!!! I'M A CHANGELING ALRIGHT!!!!!"

"Huh?" Twilight said while letting the spell fizzle out, "D-Did you just say..."

Deceit could see Ditzy looking like she just saw a ghost. He dropped his disguise, "Yes... I'm a changeling. But before you freak out-" And then Ditzy's hoof connected with his face.

Around an hour later, Deceit woke up to see he was tied down in the basement. Above him he could hear some ponies talking that sounded like Twilight's friends, "What do ya mean Twilight?"

"I mean he's a changeling!"

"Wait, you guys didn't know that yet?"


"Well, duh. Oh, I should go say hi to him! You said he was in the basement right?"

"Yeah- but wait, Pinkie don't go down there!"

The next thing he heard was a bunch of running headed towards the stairs. A pink pony, Pinkie if he remembered correctly, had come through the doorway and gave him a huge smile.

'Why would she smile at me? I'm still in my changeling form and I barely know her.' He pondered.

"Hi there! My name's Pinkamena diane pie, but you can just call me pinkie pie. We met when you helped Twilight out, but we never got to talk or anything!!! You're name is Deceit right? That sure sounds like a changeling name. Did you come up with that or is that the name you were born with? Oh we're going to have so much fun pulling pranks on ponies and having parties together! OH MY GOSH, I FORGOT TO THROW YOU A WELCOME TO PONYVILLE PARTY!!!!!!!!!!" She said as she got closer and closer to Deceit's face.

"Uh... what..." Deceit looked over to the other five mares that had just been staring at them but they just shrugged and looked around awkwardly, "Ok, Pinkie?"


"What are you on and where can I get it?" He said with a joking smile.

Suddenly Pinkie got a deviant smile and whispered to him, "Not now, there are others here."

Deceit then went pale and asked, "Wait, what?!"

"Nothing!" She said while literally bouncing away.

"Um... ok," Deceit said confused, "What are you gonna do to me?"

Twilight now spoke up, "We're going to get you to tell us where the real Deceit is!"

"Geez, you ponies are blind! I am the real deceit!"

"W-What? But..."

"Don't you get it? There are plenty of clues. First, my name. What type of pony would be named Deceit? Second, my cutie mark. IT'S A FREAKING MASK, something you wear to hide your face. Third, you know nothing about me other than I lived in a cave at one point. You want to know why I lived in a cave? BECAUSE I WAS KICKED OUT OF MY HIVE!!! That's why I tried to live like a pony." He finished sadly.

"Whoa... hey, Twilight did you know about any of this?" Rainbow dash asked.

Twilight just stood there staring at Deceit. This was defiantly some news to her if the open mouth and glazed over eyes were any indication. As she stared at him everyone present started to get worried and tried to snap her out of it.

"Hey, Twi, you ok?" Deceit asked, "I broke her didn't I?"

"H-How, is that possible," Twilight asked while finally coming out of her trance, "There's never been a changeling trying to live it's own life before... Wait, why were you thrown out of your hive?"

"Uh, I refused to kill some ponies that got close to our base and instead scared them off... and I insulted our queen." He said sheepishly.

"Applejack?" Twilight asked.


"Do you know if he's been telling the truth?"

"How come everypony always thinks that just because I'm the element of honesty means that I can tell if somepony is lying?!"

"Well, can you?"

"...Sometimes..." She mumbled.

"Is he telling the truth then?"

"Hmm, Yeah, I think he is."

"Interesting, how about you girls go back up and I'll come back up in a moment."

The group mumbled ok before heading back up leaving Twilight alone with Deceit. After making sure they were gone, Twilight walked over to Deceit, "If you really are telling the truth, then why didn't you just replace somepony?"

"Because if I waited to figure everything about them out first then I would have starved, and I have no idea if there are any towns or cities nearby that I could walk to. Making my own pony seemed like the best shot."

"And you won't try to take over the town or anything?"

"I just got knocked out by a kid earlier, and you could just use that spell on me if you really needed to."

"I guess you're right... but it's going to be weird knowing that somepony that lives with me is a changeling."

"Look, how many ponies saw me change like that?"

"I think Ditzy was the only one. Why?"

"If you, Ditzy and those other five are all that know I'm a changeling then can we maybe keep it a secret from the rest of the town?"

"Only if you pinkie promise that you'll never hurt a pony without a very good reason."

"What's a pinkie promise?"

"Say 'cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye' while doing these same moves," She showed him the moves to do and then waited, "Aren't you gonna do it?"

"You do realize that I'm still tied down, right?"

"Oh, sorry." She said sheepishly.

She then freed him and watched as he did what she asked. After completing the task, Deceit changed back into his pony form and followed Twilight back upstairs... just to be tackled and hugged by an excited Pinkie Pie.

Author's Note:

I hope I pulled this off. If it isn't to your liking then let me know what to change or any mistakes that I made.