• Published 11th Oct 2014
  • 1,024 Views, 36 Comments

A hard change - Techy

When a young changeling gets thrown out of his hive for not following orders, he finds a place called Ponyville and tries to have a new start

  • ...

Planing a party

Author's Note:

I'm really sorry about this chapter being late. I've been really sick this week and had a bit of writers block. Hopefully, this chapter is to everypony's liking and as always, let me know if there are any mistakes.

As Deceit awakens from his knock out, he starts thinking to himself, 'I need to stop doing that or I'm going to get brain damage. As if I'm not crazy enough.' He then opens his eyes to see everypony sitting around him talking while he lays on his guest room bed.

They soon noticed that he was awake and looked concerned, "Are you alright? That looked like a pretty bad hit." Rainbow said.

Deceit gained a small smile and replied, "Yeah, I'm fine now. I got a bit of a headache, but that should blow over soon."

"That's great to hear, but how did you slip like that anyway?" Rarity questioned.

"...I totally called it." Is the only thing Deceit replied with while slowly getting a big smile.

"No way!!! You slipped on the tea?!" Rainbow dash yelled before laughing like a maniac, along with pinkie.

"I told you that it would find a way," Deceit replied, "And I told you that Twilight jinxed me."

"I did not! Jinxes don't even exist." Twilight replied angrily.

"Whatever, is there still any tea left?"

"Actually yes, I saved some just for you," Twilight replied a bit happier than she was a moment ago, "I'll go get it."

"Thanks Twilight," Deceit said as Twilight walked out of the room, "So... What should we do now?"

The room became silent as everypony present looked at each other for an answer, before Pinkie awkwardly asked, "Party?"

As everypony thought about the idea, they started smiling and agreeing. Soon Twilight came back up with Deceit's tea only a moment later.

"I think that a party sounds good, as long as I don't hit my head again," Deceit jokingly said before noticing a confused Twilight in the doorway, "Hey Twilight, we're going to have a party!"

"Oh, well that sounds like it could be fun. I was wondering when you would have a 'Welcome to Ponyville' party."

"Wait..." Pinkie suddenly said while looking thoughtful, before looking mortified, "I DIDN'T THROW HIM A WELCOME PARTY?!?!?!"

"Um, no, but I think I remember you saying that when I was tied down too." Deceit replied.

After hearing Deceit say that, Pinkie fell to the ground and started rapidly listing off everything she would need to make a party as fast as possible. As everypony saw her going crazy about the party, they started to worrying about her. Deceit decided to try to get her to at least be comfy, by getting out of bed and putting her in his place. This seemed to be a good idea, because only a moment later it was too much for her and she fainted.

"Well then... that... that was a thing that just happened," Deceit awkwardly said while everypony stared at the now drooling pony infront of them, "Is she going to be ok?"

"I don't know... let's just let her rest for now. She must have been going crazy about forgetting your party," Twilight replied, "She doesn't usually forget things like that."

"Then... what now?" Deceit asked.

"Well, we could go get some food." Rainbow dash suggested.

"We can eat some apple pies back at the farm." Applejack also suggested.

"That sounds nice, darling. You lead the way." Rarity replied.

Soon they all left to head over to the farm. Meanwhile, in Pinkies thoughts, 'How could I have forgot about his party?! There is no possible way that I could have! Am I starting to lose my mind? Was there something distracting me? My Pinkie sense has been going off a lot lately too... something's going on here. Hey! Hey author! What's going on?'

As Pinkie slept- wait. D-Did she just talk to me?

'Well, duh. Of course I did, silly.'

But, how? You're knocked out and I'm the one writing all of this.

'Silly author, If I explained it to you, then your brain would melt and you would implode.'

Oh, that doesn't sound pleasant. Fine, I won't try to understand any of this, just don't do this again... it's creepy.

'Ok, can you tell me why I'm going crazy now?'

Sorry, but I can't tell you that. It would be a spoiler and everypony that's reading this probably already hates me for even making this scene. But, I will tell you that you aren't going crazy, it's something else.

'Alright, well that's good news. Hey, can you give me some cupcakes when I wake up?'

Fine, fine. Just let me get back to telling the story. Wait, why am I even writing this?

'Because it's 5:00am and you're starting to go bonkers.'

Yeah, that would do it...

Anyways, as pinkie slept, Spike came home from getting groceries all day and brought some cupcakes for the girls and him to share. When he didn't see anypony home, he put the cupcakes on the counter and went to his room to do whatever he does when alone. Pinkie then woke up and trotted down the stairs to find a box of perfectly baked cupcakes.

"Thanks mister writer guy!!!" She yells to the sky.

Save a few of those for the other girls, ok?

"Ok!" She replied merrily as she munched down on her first cupcake.

Now then, back to the others... As Deceit and the girls walk back to town after finishing their pies, they decided to check up on Pinkie to see if she had woken up yet. The group walked up to the library, but before they entered they heard Pinkie pie yell, "Thanks mister writer guy!!!" And then shortly afterwards, "Ok!" The ponies then walked inside to see that nopony was in there with her.

"Pinkie? Are you feeling alright?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, I feel fine. Why?" Pinkie asked.

"Pinkie, you just yelled to nopony," Deceit butted in, "Unless there's some invisible pony here, or somepony that is really good at hiding, then you yelled to nopony."

"I didn't say anything. Cupcake?" She replies while holding out a cupcake for Deceit.

"But, we heard you-"

"Sugarcube, just don't try to understand her. It's just Pinkie being Pinkie." Applejack interrupts.

"That's a terrible excuse... but, I won't dwell on the matter. I'm just glad that you're awake," Deceit replied, "Why did you faint like that anyway?"

"Oh, sorry about that. I felt like I was going crazy, so my mind shut down for a bit." She replied with her trademark smile.

"I guess that makes sense, but why did you feel like you were going crazy?"

"It's because my Pinkie sense keeps acting up with combos that I haven't had before. But, what's even worse is that I forgot your party!!! Please don't be mad at me." Pinkie replied with a small frown.

"Pinkie it's fine. We can have a party whenever we want to," Deceit replied back, "Wait, what's Pinkie sense?"

"Her body will twitch and shake in different 'combos' as she likes to call them," Twilight butted in, "And each combo will mean something different that's about to happen."

"That, is awesome. But how do you not know what the combos mean then?"

"Because these ones are completely new. I hope it isn't something bad."

"Well, I guess that we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. But for now, let's get a party together!" Deceit said with enthusiasm.

"Sounds good to me. Come to Sugarcube corner tomorrow at around five," Pinkie said while heading towards the door, "See you girls later, I have a party to plan!"

"Ok, Pinkie. it's getting dark out, we should all get some rest. Should we meet up at the party?" Rarity asked the group.

They all agreed and split up to head back to their own homes, while Twilight and Deceit headed to their rooms.

"Today was a crazy, huh?" Deceit asked.

"Yeah, but it was kinda fun too. Goodnight Deceit." She replied.

"Goodnight Twilight."

Then as Deceit flopped onto his bed and cuddled in the blankets, he thought to himself, 'What have I gotten myself into?'