• Published 7th Oct 2014
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Celestia Trigger - Thadius0

Order a Gate Key for your Crono costume, attend a costume party with your friends. Normal enough. What isn't is the darn thing WORKING. Hello ponies, don't mind me. I'm just going to meddle with the time-stream...

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Chapter 1 - My story begins...

It's funny, really, the things you look back on. If you do something remarkably stupid, five years later, your brain will pick the most random time to recall it, and it'll make you wince in remembered embarrassment. I mention this because five years ago, I was a normal kid. School, home, games, friends, the whole shebang. Look at me now, ma. Saving a land of ponies.

Of course, it wouldn't have happened if Fred hadn't had the bright idea to attend a costume party and insisted our entire clique go as members of Chrono Trigger. He, naturally, chose Magus, because he thought he was the best fit. Christine became Marle, Wendy went as Lucca, Greg became Frog slash Glenn, Hector went as Robo, I got stuck as Crono, and Nadine...

Let's just say my main duty was making sure our Ayla lookalike didn't become too swarmed that night. And while everyone else had gone with just their costumes and mock-up equipment, I went a step further.

On Ebay, I found someone selling a replica Gate Key, and I only thought of one thing. That we needed that thing for the party. I bid on it, and my friends told me when I'd been outbid. It ended up costing me a pretty penny, but fortunately my uncle is a cool guy and told me I could pay him back later. He's...always been looking out for me.

So we attended the party, got several pictures taken, and even won first place in the contest the owner of the place was running...that Fred hadn't told us about. Still, a good portion of the prize money went to me once I told them about paying my uncle back for the Key, and the rest was split between them.

It was when Fred had dropped me off at home that weird shit started happening. I'd been halfway across the yard when there was a sudden stinging sensation in my left hand. The left hand that was holding the Gate Key. The Gate Key that was suddenly glowing.

The world around me turned black, then red, then shifted up the color spectrum until a sphere of white, blinding light surrounded me. By that point, I had passed right out due to the feeling of being pulled in so many different directions. The pain...the searing pain!

When I awoke, I noticed a few things right off. The first was that it was noon or thereabouts. I raised a hand to keep the sun out of my eyes, and noticed that something was wrong.

Something was dreadfully, dreadfully wrong.

Because I was pretty sure I didn't live in the middle of a forest. My first thought was that I'd simply gotten drunk and done something stupid while under the influence, but I quickly dismissed that. While there had been alcohol available at the party, I'd not partaken. I slowly picked myself up, wincing at the pain, and then I realized something.

The pain had been real. The last thing I remembered must therefor have also been real. Which meant that I didn't know what in the world had happened or was happening.

The fact that I was suddenly carrying extra weight on my person confirmed that for me. It felt like the costume...wasn't much of a costume anymore. More like it had been changed. I grabbed the hilt of my wooden sword only to realize that it, too, was different. It felt like someone or something had changed out my costume for the real thing.

Upon thinking that, I noticed that the Gate Key was nearby, shining in the sunlight. I picked it up and turned it over a few times before shoving it in my waistband. It was the last thing I recalled, so it was my key to getting home. As was this location. With that thought in mind, I turned around the glade and drew my apparently now real sword and made several crude markings on the nearby trees. Ones that, if you knew what you were looking for, would resemble the Gate Key. Or, perhaps, just seven lines drawn together to look vaguely like a star.

The reason I did this was simple: I wasn't going to just hang around here for any length of time. I mean, I'd waved my Key at the glade, and nothing happened. And there was no food, or water, or shelter here. So staying wasn't a option, but neither was leaving without making sure that I knew where this place was.

It was when I was looking for something, anything that would tell me where I was, that I realized I was not where I thought I'd been. Namely, Earth.

After all, Earth doesn't have great big serpents living in its rivers. Ones that could talk, apparently.

"Oh hello!" the purple mustached river serpent said, and I immediately placed its voice. "My word, you're rather different-looking! Might I ask not only who but also what you are?"

That was the second time I blacked out in a twenty-four hour period.

So uh, yeah. My Little Pony. I recognized where I was. Go on, laugh it up. I was a geek, nerd, egghead, call me what you will. I was both vastly interested in the underlying mysteries of the cosmos, while at the same time, I watched a show about ponies. Mainly because I needed something to make me smile, and that show did a damn fine job.

I came to to see Stephen Magnet and his unmolested mustache looking down at me, which gave me an idea as to when I'd entered the timeline of the show. "Goodness gracious, are you all right?"

I slowly nodded a few times and cleared my throat. "I'm sorry, I...I'm not from around here, and the shock from realizing that threw me for a loop."

The serpent nodded and smiled. "Perfectly all right, good sir. I might faint too, were I suddenly confronted with unfamiliar scenery."

I picked myself up for the second time that day and looked to the sky, noticing it was now late afternoon. "Dang, I was out for a bit..."

Stephen nodded. "Quite. But once again, I don't blame you. Ah, but where are my manners?" He bowed a bit at that. "Stephen Magnet. And you?"

I bowed as well. "Crono." No sense giving out my actual name, and if I look like him, then why not borrow his name? "Might I ask what today's date is? I seem to have forgotten."

The serpent nodded. "Quite all right, good sir. Today marks year nine-hundred and ninety-nine since the defeat of Nightmare Moon. I hear word through the pony grapevine that the Princess is hosting the Summer Sun Celebration in Manehatten this year."

I hummed at that. I was a year early. Which meant contacting Twilight and, subsequently, Celestia about this mess would be that much harder for an entire year. Then I decided to wing it. "A few more questions, good sir."

Stephen nodded before pointing at me. "As long as I get to ask some in kind."

I laughed at that. "Fair enough, an information exchange game it is. What would you like to know?"

He hummed a bit. "Well, while I know who you are, the question of what remains unanswered..."

I nodded. "Human, scientifically categorized as Homo sapiens sapiens. Think of an ape, then take away most of its hair, and give a few million years in a harsh and unforgiving world. It'll evolve into something that looks vaguely like me."

Stephen nodded as I explained, quite vaguely, as to what a human was. I then proceeded to ask my question. "Any idea where the nearest settlement is? I'm quite lost and need to find my way back, or failing that, some help or shelter for the night."

The serpent brightened at that. "Well if it's just shelter you're after, there's a set of ruins in the forest, just across this river and down the pathway. But if you follow the stream, it should eventually lead you to this delightful little town of ponies. I occasionally visit them and share stories about the goings-on with those brave enough to approach me."

I nodded at that and looked across the river at the path he'd mentioned. Seemed easy enough to me. I made to jump across, and Stephen just put his hand at the edge of the riverbank while raising an eyebrow. I laughed a bit sheepishly and stepped on, and he obliged in ferrying me across.

"Many thanks, my good serpent," I told him. "And if you can think of a way for me to repay you, do let me know."

He merely waved me off. "Just take care to not get ambushed on your way to the ruins. The forest is home to far nastier things than me."

I nodded, recalling the various beasties that the show had featured. If I ran into any of them, I'd be glad for my sword...

By the time I arrived at the castle ruins, night was falling. I'd not run into anything other than a few berry bushes. I watched the bushes carefully, and when I saw a few rabbits run up and eat from the things, I determined that they weren't poisonous, and stuffed myself until I wasn't hungry anymore.

Yeah, apparently the last time I actually ate was a while ago, which I took the opportunity to rectify.

The rope bridge was still intact when I arrived, which was a blessing. Though it creaked a little under my weight, I took the chance to rush along and arrive at the castle proper. If Stephen's words weren't enough to cement the fact that I'd arrived early, the spheres sitting on top of the monument of slash to the Elements of Harmony was. I walked into the main hall, closed the door behind me, and leaned up against a wall while I ran through everything in my head.

Went to costume party, check. Come home, nearly done. Got sucked into some sort of Gate thanks to the incredibly realistic Key, yup, that happened. Woke up in Equestria a year before the things on the show happened, yeah, that also was something that occurred. Shelter? Found in the ruins. Water? I could always hit up Stephen's river. Food? I'd probably have to start a garden. My stuff? Probably very real equipment that I should learn how to properly use.

I decided to poke around the castle a bit, which turned out to be a big, big, big mistake. Once I got a ways past the monument slash receptacle for the Elements, my Gate Key glowed, and the air in front of me rippled before changing color.

A huge sphere of purple-blue-black opened up in front of me, and the Gate sucked me in before closing.

The transition, this time, was painless, but not without noise. I could hear the sound of wind rushing all around me, even in the inky void that was a Gate. I reappeared in a similar set of ruins, with nothing appearing to have changed, save for one very, very important fact.

There was a unicorn in front of me, wearing traditional archeologist's equipment, even down to the pith helmet. We stared at each other for a moment before he screamed and fell unconscious.

Great, my one lead to determine when I was, and he'd gone and gotten freaked out over the human appearing in the middle of the ruins. At least, I think it was a he. That scream was awfully girly. Fortunately, he'd set up a sort of camp nearby, and that included a fire pit and a pony-sized sleeping bag. I ended up having to drag him over, but the prospect of warmth for the both of us wasn't something I was going to turn down.

It was morning when the stallion awoke. I knew because I'd dozed off at some point, and his renewed screaming woke me up. I was up in a flash, then I remembered where I was and what happened before groaning. "Ugh...can...can you not, please?"

"Who are you? What are you? How did you appear out of nowhere like that?!"

Nope, apparently, I'd gotten a panicky pony. I looked him over a bit more. His coat was turquoise while his mane and tail were yellow and his eyes were sapphire blue. His mark was of a pickaxe over a pith helmet, probably indicating his love of excavating ancient ruins. I stared at him while he continued to blather, and eventually got fed up with it. I reached out one hand and clasped his mouth shut, which not only shut him up, but made him stop when he saw that not only did I have a good hold on him, but I also had a sword.

"I'm going to go over some basic things," I said in a strained voice, "And when I'm done, I'm going to want you to answer one question for me. My name is Crono," No it isn't, "I'm what you can call a human, and I don't have any ill wishes to you at this time. However, your ceaseless accusations of 'monster' or 'creature' are slightly offensive to me, so if you would be so kind as to tone them down, that'd be great. I'm going to let you go now, and when I do, you're going to tell me when I am."

The pony was released from my grasp, and he gulped a few times. "Ah, terribly sorry, Sir Crono. My name is Ancient Lore, and I was looking into the ruins of the Castle of the Two Sisters. I always make an expedition here during the Summer Sun Celebration. Which, by the way, it is currently five hundred and ninety-nine years after Princess Celestia defeated Nightmare Moon. Why is that something you require to know?"

I groaned a bit. Apparently, I'd gone backwards. "Because for one like me, knowing when you are becomes slightly tedious."

Lore cocked his head to one side before causing his horn to glow. From one of his bags, what I would call a pocket-watch drifted out and floated towards me, coated in a blue aura similar to the one his horn had covering it. I snagged it out of the air and looked at both it, then him. The clock showed it was approximately seven AM, at least, if the emerging sun was anything to go by.

"Keep it," he said. "I have a spare back home. But...how, and why, are you here?"

I sighed and reclined a bit. "That...is a long story."

Lore shrugged and sat on his rump before gesturing at his supplies. "I brought enough for days, I think I can hear you out."

I smiled a bit at that and rubbed my chin. "Where to start...I suppose I should begin by saying I'm not quite of this world..."

Author's Note:

So I read this awesome story (Seriously, it's awesome, go read it NOW!) and I realized that yes, I enjoy writing my favorite games crossed over with MLP.

I'll TRY to avoid the LoHAV formula in writing this one out, but I make no promises.

I still fully intend to go back to my roots with Abel the albino changeling one day. But this...

I don't think I can fully express how much I love Chrono Trigger. So I will try to do this story justice when I'm not writing A new world, a new mind.

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