• Published 7th Oct 2014
  • 7,509 Views, 532 Comments

Celestia Trigger - Thadius0

Order a Gate Key for your Crono costume, attend a costume party with your friends. Normal enough. What isn't is the darn thing WORKING. Hello ponies, don't mind me. I'm just going to meddle with the time-stream...

  • ...


The small house that existed on the border of Ponyville and the Everfree Forest hadn't just appeared one day. Though it did seem like it at times.

It had appeared over the course of a few days, two pony-like figures and a strange biped working to build a nice, serviceable house. The three of them were rarely seen in Ponyville after that, though Pinkie did make her usual token attempt to welcome them all with a party.

She was politely but firmly rebuffed with the inhabitants thanking her for her time, but informing her that they didn't need a party, thank you very much.

In fact, they didn't seem to come to town often at all. It took Ponyville being thrust into disarray before they did something other than work around their home.

"My oh my," the voice of the Chaos Spirit, Discord, said as he observed the simple little house. "But what do we have here? I think this place is in need of a little...redecorating."

That was when three forms came out of the house. A pony, a robot, and a human. And the spirit blanched.

He knew those forms from ages ago. He'd been a younger draconequues then, but they...they'd barely changed at all.

"Discord?" the biped of the three asked. "I'm going to ask you this once, nicely. Leave us alone during your little redecorating spree."

"You don't get to ask me things," the spirit said with false bravado. "I'm the master of chaos! I choose what-"

That was when he noticed the small, green spark hovering over the hands of the human. And he could feel the power thrumming there.

Something like that could very well hurt him seriously for quite a bit. And that was when he looked at the mare, who'd apparently donned some sort of metallic harness with a laser on it, glowing like Celly's horn did. The robot of the three merely opened his side panels and beeped once.

"Like I said," the human said softly. "Leave us alone, Discord. Or we'll make you regret it."

That was when the spirit decided to pick his battles a little more wisely and chose to flee. Those three had magic, true magic, and it wouldn't do to mess with them.

The trio of retired adventurers sighed and went back into their home, glad that they'd managed to eke out another peaceful day in the chaos that Ponyville regularly churned out.

"So, you going to go over to the town after this one?" Copper asked.

"Maybe, maybe not," Crono replied. "It all depends on how it's resolved. But perhaps Pinkie will be getting that party she's been looking for at long last."

Ah, but that...

Is a story for another day.

Author's Note:

Don't freakin' count on it. Not soon at any rate. I have a list of things to do.

A sequel to this story isn't anywhere near the top of my list.

Comments ( 25 )

I am still surprised Celestia did not summon the Trio to talk, still it was a great story and a great end :twilightsmile:

That was when the spirit decided to pick his battles a little more wisely and chose to flee.

Kinda of wanted to see them meeting Celestia, but still a good epilogue.

Very good story, it was a very enjoyable read, good work. :twilightsmile:

Good worked, this was a good story.

Great job at ending this story on a great note mate. And while the sequel might not ever come, I will stand behind you now as a loyal follower.


I've mentioned this a couple of times before, but two things that were never actually concluded in-story.

First, way back in Chapter 4, there's this


A plot thread you meant to use and forgot about, I imagine? Since it took you a year before you picked this story up again.

Also, it's interesting to note that the Fiendlord never had an on-screen death, just that she disappeared into a Gate, like the heroes did as well. I suppose that her death is implied simply by Gregory being able to fly again, though.

Not much resolution to the Copper/Chrono romance you were hinting at early on, but that seems like something that was forgotten after a year.
Either way, it's a good story and a good ending. I like it.

I don't feel like it needs a sequel, but if, in the fullness of, aheh, time, you decide to write one, then I will be sure to enjoy it.

Thank you for being an awesome author. :moustache:

6810433 The point is that he doesn't actually need to do one. This ended on a good point to end on. Sequels are often done if the story hasn't finished yet; this story is done and over with, and on a very solid note.

There are plenty of choices to work with if a sequel was wanted, or even needed, but The End going here is perfectly acceptable.


Eighty eight thousand words for me to read. I will admit some sheepishness to only reading the first chapter until now. I really just wanted to wait until you finished. Theres no greater anguish than starting to read a great story, and having to stop right in the middle just because thats as far as the authors written.

Thank you once again Thadius, if any of your previous stories are anything to go by then I'm in for a most pleasant read.

Loved this story, it was a great combination of comedy and adventure.

This has been a great ride :D maybe some time in the future when you have finished what ever else you have planned a sequel could happen :3

Congrats on completion! ^_^

**** GAME OVER ****
**** Completion Rate: 100% ****

I feel like the protaognist skipped out on an intended arc to y'know, help the changelings and incorporate them into the world in a positive way but totally just blew past that for the sake of 'Fuck that I can blow things up in incredible new ways."

Here are how I would rate this story in accordance to my opinions:

Mechanics: 10/10
I was not able to spot any grammar or punctuation errors the entire time I was reading this, which may just speak volumes for how bad at grammar I am, but from my perspective, it was grammatically perfect.

Writing flow: 6/10
This story felt a bit rushed at times, and some of the chapters were a bit of a chore to read. The pacing wasn't terrible, but it did leave something to be desired.

Originality: 1/10
The only reason this isn't getting a zero is because you took some time to alter the events in the cannon storyline, such as Sombra's reformation. But apart from that, this story was pretty much written for you.

Characterization: 4/10
This is probably my most biased opinion, but it seemed that most of the the characters were just mimics from the original game, despite them being from alternate upbringings. Those that weren't, like Zehan, didn't feel all that fleshed out, and felt just sort of crammed in.

Overall: 5/10
Honestly, I would not recommend this story to someone who was getting started with reading FiMFiction content. I feel that doing so would ruin their expectation of this site, where there are some really wonderful gems out there. That being said, this story did have a few things going for it, such as the action scenes, and the adequate pacing of the events.

6811336 i know that feeling about incomplete storys... and 80k words will keep me for... 10 hours? thats if i get up and play a game on my pc too. lol. i read 700k- 800k words far too quickly. maybe a week for those. so incomplete ones i dont normaly read. there are a few i do tho...

Ah that ending with a storyteller quote. XD

Well, I'm going to be honest with you, I have to give this story a failing grade in the end.

When it started out, I was genuinely entertained by what I was reading. The protag took things a little bit too much 'in stride', but considering the kind of character the real Crono was, it was okay. I left comments back there because I liked what I was reading, I liked the choices you made, and I enjoyed some of the elements I was being taken through.

Then, at some point around recruiting Gregory, everything that I enjoyed about the story seemed to fade away. Things were moving too fast, there was less creativity and unique choices, and eventually it just felt like a story that was made to say "I finished it". The characters slowly went from having unique personalities to being defined by what kind of magic they could do. Scorpan was pretty much left in the dust, and not once did I find your Sombra to be a believable character. He sort of suddenly flipped a coin and became a completely different character.

I am usually able to look past a lot of things when I read, simply because I enjoy reading. I love being taken to fantastic worlds, even if the storyteller isn't doing a stellar job. The unfortunate fact is that it eventually started feeling like a chore to read a chapter every night, with no motivation except seeing how it ended...and did it really even end?

I applaud you for finishing, and I will still give you praise for the earlier chapters, but in the end I am sad to say that I did not enjoy this story.

Thought it might be kinda fun, given the time travel aspect. Adds a twist that most of these stories don't have.

Jump to the future, Scifi. Scifi Ponies are almost always fun.
Monster tearing itself out of the ground, and is on fire? My first thought was Behemoth. Not too surprising that it was something from the game this is a crossover with.
Doctor who references, kinda amusing sometimes, Kinda appropriate in this situation.

Pony Sparkling in the Daylight. Oh Crap, a Twilight Reference... Oh wait, no its just a Crystal Pony. Thank god this isn't one of those stories where the author adds in something they hate just to insult the concept/other story.

lovely story, can't wait for the sequel, but wait I shall

I loved it best story 10/10

I wonder if theres a story where someones displaced as final lavos that would be interesting to read

This looks interesting but I have never played chrono trigger, will that detract from my enjoyment of this fic?

You wont really get the references and you might get lost but u should still be able to enjoy it

As much as I loved reading this, it was basically a word for word retelling of Chrono Trigger with the names changed.

It was a good story, too bad there is no sequel, it could be good to see Chronos adventures in Ponyville.

oh fudge off, it was good i quite liked it. it did diverge from the story a little bit so i say he did well.

I've finished reading 29 chapters so far but I gotta say this is one of the absolute best and most well crafted stories I've ever had the pleasure of reading. I'm not even done reading it yet but I'm putting this on my Favorites bookshelf right now. Excellent job.

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